THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE NINE The Best Way to Be Contented With Your Lot Is To Build a House Upon It FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, .1922 ournsd rPTION KATES , ' .,,-rier 10 cents a wek'' tr.onft, $5 a year lu ad- va2,c0',M! In Marion and Polk By,i one month BO cents, 8 coun,iw $125, 6 months J2.2S, 1 m" 4 00. Elsewhere 60 cents, a th, $5 a year. "ZZeA o s second claBs man )rfJlLsa,etn, Oregon. " " Member ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclus , .iv entitled to the use for pub all news dispatches " rt led o it or not -otherwise t d ed in this paper and also lo cal news published herein. Member Audit Bureau ot Circulations ""Tdvei'tising representatives: W. D. Ward, Tribune bldg.. New T W1 s' ystockwell. Peoples Gas bldg', Chicago, Ills. "CLASSIFIED RATES jjjti' per word each Insertion 8 cents three insertions, 5 cents, Je week 8 cents, one month 20 rents, one year, per month, 12 tents; minimum per ad, 25 cents. First insertion only In New To riiv ads cash In advance. not taken over phone, unless advertiser has mommy account. No allowance lor phone error NEW TODAY APT, for rent. Phone 2056J. J192 FOB HUNT Furnished apt. 690 union. J192 frotil) SAWING, phone 1131, city or country. Ed Sproed. ee!98 pOKi? iLK Boy's bicycle, good a new. Phone 8F31. 190 FoTTpaper hanging call (or Clark, 14B4 Kerry, phone 2035J. 190 pOK SALli Horse and harnesa; power sprayer, all yery cheap. Phone 1390W. e!91 1920 Chevrolet, if you want a good buy and a good car, call Mr. Turner at 220. 190 l-'OK SALE Concert grand pi ano, also fine lot. Inquire 561 N. 15th street; c!92 200 A CHIOS for rent, hay and grain farm. Hawkins & Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg. i HOP pickers wanted, Brown island yard, early and late nops. j. a. Krelw, phone 982M. g!92 i ROOM modern ho.use, close In. pru-e $2700; will take ngnt car as part payment. Socolofsky. a U'A.YI'IOD Hop pickers, mil' from Commercial street car line. Call phone' 1711W, 643, 1516W. R192 FOB SALE Chevrolet car $ 100, terms 60 cash, balance $40. 2 monthly payments. Phone 1624.1 q 1 92 FOR SALE Dandy outfit for fair week, urn, stove, counters. Ice box, cheap. 185 S. CommerciaJ uostairs. ' cl92 5?0R SAL.K Latest model Rem ington typewriter, can't tel! from new. half price. See Gold- Unraile, Dllgh hotel. 190 VA.TEU Place for boy 13 yeart of age to work for board and room, outside of school .hours Cottel Apts. room 12. h!91 SEATTLE resident, heir Burr es tate, oirVrs for quick sale 3 lots on paved street, at $800. Cal. 1110 ,. 19th or. phone 690. 190 WANTED To exchange rent of 5 acres and house, 1 mile east of asylum for In town fo. year, value $3000. Phone 100F12 119- P OK RBNT New upstairs hall at 433 Ferry St;, 20x66, could bt made Into rooms. Apply Geo. C. Will, music and sewing machine dealer. 1192 FOR SALE 6 room strictly mod ern uungaiow ana garage, cor ner lot. Price $7300 with furni tnre. See Krueger, Oregon bldg . Phone 217. al91 A SNA I' 5 room houe and base ment, bath, city water, largr lot, $250 down. Price $1260, bal anee like- rent. Chas. Emmett. 341 State. 190 13250 BUYS this 5 room bunga low, full basement, garage, lot 50x100, 1 V4 blocks to street car. located in south Salem. See L. a Hnyford, 305 State St, OLESON-ROOKSTOOL, Auto Ex change. Headquarters for used ears. We buy, sell, exchangt and sell on commission. Briny us your car to sell. 173 S. Liberty 190 TOMORROW'S chicken prices, hens 30c per lb., frys 40c; w dress them complete ' ready tc cook. Our chickens are fed on good solid grains, no milk 01 slop. Fitts Market, phone 211. r 190' LATE model Ford touring car new tires, has over $70 extras; W1I have to sell before Sunday J" im living town; will give terms to right parties. A' bar Bum for someone. 674 N. Church JPhon e18 82J. 190 a REAL OPPORTUNITY 8 room house. modern, except heat, north and east front, good street, street car at door, 12 blocks from center of town. Price S0'in, with only $150 cash, bal ance $40 monthly Including in rnst..w. A. Liston, 4S4 Court st re et , agent. - 190 ROOM bungalow, $420 $500 down, and $85 per month. 8 room house, $500 down, $40 P'r month. room house on paved street, ISllOO. r.iom house complete In every , det'iil $5000. ""'trude J. M. Page, 492 North TuHage. a Lasted Farms to rent, we ha.- p several parties wanting 'mall tracts, also large farms. " ? have a 6 room house priced very low at J1200; will trade for small tract not over $3000. " e have a good Salem property to exchange for Portland house. new Ford ear and some cash J? trade for email house north. -JJimason, ssi. State St. n HO? PICKERS ATTENTION " 9 !" now registering pickers for ur several yeards, good camp ffninds, tents, tables, bencher 1 Plenty of sawed wood furn Jjhed. Register with Durbln oTnoyer over J. C. Penny store r Adolph Cigar store on Stat street. g rfioitals) V NEW TODAY FOR RENT Furnished apts. "444 B. mgn street. 3192 WANTED Prune pickers. Phone 3til'13. J1S2 RESTAURANT (or sale. See L. A. Hayford, 305 atate St. c WANTED Young rat .dog or (ox terrier. Call 87F24 evenings. 190 FOR RENT Clean 2 room apart- nient, close in, $15. Phone 1123J or 492 S. High. jl91 ONE three room furnished apart . nient, gas, running water, lights and phone. Call 630. 1 90 FOR RBNTV-4 -room cottage, In cluding range, $20 month. S. R. Pearson, 210 U. S. bank bldg. j FOR SALE Clood standard piano will take some wood as part payment. Box 37 care Journal. cl92 BEAUTIFUL modern 6 room bun galow, 740 S. Commercial, terms Price $6300. Chas. Emmett, 341 State. 190 FOR SALE Ford truck in good condition, good hauling body and wood contract, cheap. 1720 Chemeketa street. q!92 FOR SALE KOIjSES FOR SALE 6 room house, 2 lots, 865 N. 20th. al98 FOR SALE By-owner bungalow. Phone 896W. al94 5 ROOM modern bungalow, south, fine location, $3500. Brown over Buslck's, State and Commercial. FIVE room plastered house cor ner lot 7 2x1 1 0, one diock rrom car line, easy terms. Bates, 1138 S. 13th street. al91 $300 DOWN, 7 room plastered house, modern except basement, 17th street, 2 lots. Bargain for $1700. S. R. Pearson; 210 U. 8. bank bldg. a 6 ROOM bungalow, north, (or $2500, on $500 down. 6 room house (or $1000, $200 will han- . die. Brown, over Buslck's, State and Commercial. a S ROOM bungalow and 2 lots, basement, ((replace, garage, near carllne, north Salem. A good buy. Price $4000, terms. Krue ger, Oregon bldg. phone 217. a FOR SALE 7 room house, owner leaving Salem. Has changed (rom $4200 to $3050 (or quick sale. If you are looking for a bargain see this. Krueger, Ore- gon bldg. phone 217. a!90 ROOM bungalow, modern ex cept basement, a dandy place on car line, hard street, fruit and walnuts, garage. Price $1700, including new range, $500 down. S. R. Pearson, 210 U. S. .bank bldg. a NEW and attractive 5 room bun galow, dutch kitchen; (ull ce ment basement, strictly modern except (urnace. Paved street and ideal location. possession at once. Yes you will like this one and the price Is right. $3300, $1200 cash and $30 per month. A. W. Estes Realty Co., inside property dealers, Patton bldg. p hone 768. a!90 FOR SALE FARMS ACRES for sale, 2 acres logans and strawberries, small house, garage,- 300 chickens and nice chicken house. Call at 1519 Sixth street, King-wood park. b!90 FOR SALE 80 acre (arm, 35 in cultivation, 6 acres filberts, 34 loganberries, 7 room house, barn, 6 acres beaverdam. $100 per acre,- Address owner 96 B Capital Journal. blsl river bottom land, running wa ter, most all fenced woven wire, new . house, near school and cheese factory, 4 miles (rom good town and high school, 4 daily stages and mall, $9000, $2000 down. Write J. R. Barnes, nt 9 Rtrtvton Or. hill FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE Gas fireplace. 633 Ferry. c!90 HIMALAYA berries $1.26 per crate delivered. Fhone 7o5W. cl91 FOR SALE Universal cook stove and heater, almost new. liau Norway: c!91 JUILTERr-Quilts any kind quilt or comforter. Phone 1241J, 843 8. Liberty. ' ' 1191 fOK SALE Lloyd reed ivory ba bv buggy. 245 Union, hone 1397W. cl90 'UT your orders In now (or peach es. One mile out Eric Bartruff, Rt. 8. box 47. cl91 fOH SALE S. C. White Leghorn pullets, O. A. C. and Tancred strains. Phone 10SF2 evenings. (191 i'OR SALE Confectionery busi ness, close In; bargain to quick buyer. Phone 2044M or 46b. cl91 ?OH SALE White Leghorn pul lets 4i months old, Hansen O A. C. strain, $1 each. Phone K7F12. tl0 ?OH SALE Hot air furnace, good condition; also second hand sewing machine. Call at 352 N. 12th street. c!91 ?OR SALE Opal Jr. range with two burner electric stove attach ed, good condition. Call 651 N. Canl'ol after 6 p. m. phone 1942W. C190 Read The Journal Want Ads MUTT AND JEFF By Bu Fisher. . I'm y lii JOB AlW'T TH CLASSieVT M TH iaOCLC) BUT rJetTS OrAG CKAMGe FOR fV ROOM 11 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK OR SALE -Fresh Jersey cow and calf. Inquire at 1692 S. Liberty. el90 NEW CLOVER HONEY 13c lb. 0 gallon lots, Glaser Apiaries, Lebanon, Or. ' , c!9-2 B'OR SALE Horse, waeon and narness. Mrs. uordon, Kt. 3, box 114, Salem, Or. el90 EXTRAORDINARY Airedale pups jno. 1 in every .respect. Ross Cutsforth, Gervais, Rt. 3. el95 FOR SALE WOOD WOOD sawing. Wheeler, phone jauqj. ee201 WOOD sawing, city and country. ! isner Bros,, ph one 2046. ee2 0 9 FOR SALE 16 inch old fir. and 4 foot second growth, reasonable. Phone 1727. eel98 200 CORDS of wood for sale in timber, ..on Silverton road. In quire 540 State St. ' . eel92 PLACE your order with the Salem fuel yards, 752- Trade St. for yiur winter's wood and coal. Phone. 629, res. 2058, Chas, Soos and Son. ee BEST , grade mill wood 16-lnch, 2 feet and 4 feet. Prompt deliv ery, special price on car lots. We can make delivery on ash, seo ond growth and old growth fir about July 16th. Fred E. Wells, 305 S. Church street, phone 1542. - oe FOR SALE Automobiles FOR SALE Ford touring car In A-l mechanical shape, '22 li cense, good tires. 2286 Mill. . " - qi9 5 FOR SALE 1919 Harley David son and side car, new tires, terms if wanted. Phone 1583W. ' ql0 YOU can buy Oldfleld tires for less at Vlck Brothers. Why pay high prices for tires when you can get . good ones of standard make for less? q202 BARGAIN Ideal truck for farm er, license and body ready to go W. E. Burns Dan'Burns (Not Brothes the Same Man) High street at Ferry. q FOR RENT TWO room furnished apartment, 1040 Leslie St. 3191 FOR RENT Housekeeping roonls 157 S. Winter St. . J191 FURNISHED apts. at 1132 Center street. 3193 GARAGE for. rent, 337 N. Cottage street. " 3192 HOUSEKEEPING rooms cheap. 156 N. Front. 3191 FOR RENT Furnished front room, 854 N. Commercial St. 3 FOR RENT 3 unfurnished down stairs rooms. 649 N. Cottage St. 3191 NICELY furnished sleeping rooms for rent, very cozy. 330 N. High phone 4. 194: FOR RENT 2 housekeeping rooms, 271 D street and North Commercial. 3190 FOR RENT Fine dairy farm, terms, immediate possession. Box 40 care Journal 3191 FURNISHED sleeping room for gentleman, 205 Oregon- bldg., phone 1427. 3 FOR RENT Store room, No. 219 N. Commercial street. See M. S. Lamport, 201 U. S. bank bldg. 3 WANTED HELP WANTED First class cook. Call 646. g WANTED 30 prune pickers and some drier help. Phone 12F6 evenings. gl 90 vVANTED Hop pickers at the Si mon yards. Phone 59F14 or write Rt. 8, Salem. gi94 WANTED Man to take contract logging. 33154 State street ask for Mr. Thomason. g!93 WANTED Men to cut 60 cords of wood, $1.60 cord, I haul and rick It. Phone 11F11. gl91 HOP pickers wanted for Wm. Bell hop yard, register at 412 Oregon bldg, families only. S HOP pickers wanted. E. M. Young 755 Ferry street, 1445J: Inde nendence. Or.. 60F4. b206 WANTED For prune harvest, shakers, trayers and pickers, campers preferred. Call 47F12. HOP pickers wanted, register at Otto Klett billiard hall, 47 5 State, for Williams hop yard at Eola. gl93 CAN use few more families, bonus paid campers; picking about August 21st. Write Chas. Lives ley. 844 Marion St. g WANTED Help. The Oregon Growers Cooperative Ass'n need several cxprlenced apple pack ers for the Willamette valley. Bhone or write, and ask for Mr. Btehn, 5th floor of Masonic Temple. ' glii WANTED 10 To 16 acres with some fruit and berries, must be good land and priced right, not over 8 miles from Salem. List your house with me, I have sev eral prospects. Arthur E. Peter sen, 229 Oregon bldg. 1191 THE Whitney company has start ed logging and sawmill opera tions in Tillamook county and Is hiring men at Idaville and Gar ibaldi at going wages. No strikes. Good clean camps and good, wholesome grub. Write or cell The Whitney company. Bay City, Oarlbaldi ,or Lewis building. Portland. KNT. fWJ I -me Re A fMtMure TtW -. I ojrtice r. call oW i JP raCV -W I MIS SCKOLT2 OM TTTTlTOjS WANTED Miscellaneous WAM'Eii Furniture, tools, eto. Phone 811. 1 FOR paper hanging or tinting; phone 131. After 0 p. m. 1268W. 1197 WANTED Old mattreea to rnaka over. Phone 19, Capital City Bed dlng Co. m WANTED To buy from owner 5 or 6 room modern house, on pavement. Phone 1156W. 1191 WANTED Position as housekeep er by a widow 32 years old. Phone 1758 or call room 15, Cherry City hoteK h!90 WANTED At once small furnish ed house, can give good busl . ness reference. Phone 829, be tween 8:30 and 5:30. 1191 WANTED To rent 4 or 5 room bungalow, will take lease "for . 1 year with option. Box A R Cap ital Journal. 1191 WANTED Furnished house by September, close in preferred. Best of references.. Box 8 J Cap ital Journal. - 1190 WANTED A place in Salem for one in MdMinnvllle worth $3500. See Mills and Copley, 331 H State St.' ' ' al0 WANTED To hear from prune grower who wants experienced drier and family to pick. R. W. Rooney, Salemi Rt. 6. 1191 WANTED To buy your furniture mr sell on commission... See feat terlee, the auctioneer, at 404 Ferry St. Phoe 1177 or 1211J. 1 WANTED Fttrnlturs, tools, ma chinery, stock, etc. Will buy foi cash, or sell on commission. Phone 511, Woodry, the auction eer, m WANTED Second hand furniture and stoves. We also carry a full line of new furniture, stoves, tools. etc. Once then always: People's' Furniture .store, 271 N. Commercial St. phone 734 1 WANTED Used furniture, rang es, heaters, cook stoves, tools, eto. We pay cash, get our prices- before you sell. Liberty Ex change, 241 N. Com: St. phone 841. 1" MISCELLANEOUS BOARD and room in private fam ily. 666 N. Commercial, phone 1363M. ml91 CARPENTER Contracting, re modeling, estimates, plans. Way, 1734R. ml96 DEWEY A. JONES, finger print expert and detective. Gen. Del. Salem, Or. 19.1 RESHINGLING In city or country, free estimate, phone 13F32, or write E. L, Ostergard, Rt. 4. m208 LOANS Let me see you about a loan if you want to build we can help you. Plenty, of money, no delays, call t34, let us ten you. DRESSMAKING, first class, ex pert alterations and rush orders a specialty. Mrs. Lee A. Bwoape, " 1786 State St. phone 984. ml90 MME.. LILLIAN BISHOP, clair voyant, crystal gazer, if in sor row or trouble I can help you. I tell names, facts, dates. 655 N. Commercial, Salem, Or. ml93 PET SUPPLIES Dog, harness, collars, etc. Agent for Spratts Dog food and Remedies. Bird cages and bird seed. The Bird and Pet store, E. B. Flake, prop. 273 State. m HIGHEST price paid for second hand clothing and shoes. Also cleaning, pressing and repairing. Call and deliver. Capital Ex change, 342 N. Commercial, phone 1368W. m NOTICE to the public, we now weave fluff rugs, made out of old carpets, any length or width you desire; also clean, refit, resew & size carpets; feathers renovated, mattresses, steaming, remaking. Salem Carpet Cleaning & Fluff Rug Works, phone 1154. m REAL ESTATE SELECT YOUR HOME NOW 6 room bungalow, plastered, elec tricity, large front porch, small barn and garage. $2200, $200 cash and $20 per month. 6 room cottage nearly-new, large front and back porches, wood shed. chicken house, fruit ana garden. $1600, $400 cash, or auto as first payment. 6 room cottage near paved street, large porch, lots of fruit, berries ana walnuts. 2oii, nuuu cash or trade equity of $1000 on small cherry orchard. 7 room cottage, also s rooms up stairs not finished, celled and pa pered, city water and well In yard, large front perch, barn and chicken house, berries and gar den. $1800, $300 cash. A good buy. An attractive lit tle 2 room house, well built, garage and chicken house. Garden, ber ries and bearing walnuts. $860, half cash. Nice 6 room house on paved street,- plastered and very con veniently arranged. Berries and fruit. Large lot ana a spienaia tniy. $2650, $1000 cash. Close in 5 room Dungaiow on paved street. Large sleeping porch wood shed, chicken house, fruit and flowers. The heuse is neat and olean. Grounds very attractive and a siilendid location. $2650, $500 ?ash. , A. W. ESTES REALTY CO. INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS Patton bldg. phone 768. I'm The Street Is No Place for REAL ESTATE LIST your houses with S. R. Pear son for quick sale. I have cli ents waiting. S. R, Pearson. 210 IT. S. bank bldg.-. a LOT below value between Capitol ana Summer, north, for $350, ' terms; also 35 more lots north to sell. Brown, over Buslck's, State and Commercial. a IF you want to sell your city prop erty list it with me, I have sev eral buyers wanting to buy. Some have cash, some want terms. See me now. M. J. Hunt, Ladd & Bush bldg. 1 FOR EXCHANGE 5 acres close in with good lnf provements for. Salem residence. Price $3500. 10 acres, good new bungalow, close to car line, fo residence In Salem. Price $5200. 7 acres well Improved, good lo cation and close in for Salem resi dence. Price $8600. FOR SALE 6 room house with furniture, close in, $2260, easy terms. 10 acres, 5 loganberries, good 8 room house, barn and other build ings, close to car line. Price $3600 I). S. HILDEBRAND Room 8 Bayne bldg. 192 $1000 handles $2300 house, bal ance on terms. 5 rooms, garage, good lot. We have a good proposition for any one wanting a house near the university. Seven rooms, house so arranged that the upper rooms could be rented and make an In come bearing property. This can be handled on satisfactory terms. 10 acres larffl in Hopewell dis trict all level, $2200, terms. 5 room house and furnishings, lot 66x185, $1700, terms. Farm for rent. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 331 H State St. phone 584. GOOD BUYS Good 6 room bungalow, bath, toilet, lights Price $3000, $500 down, balance terms 5 room bungalow, bath, toilet, lights, four blocks from State atreet. Price $1400, $300 down, balance terms 6 room house all on one floor, basement, paved street, sightly lo cation, bath, toilet, lights. Price $4200, $1200 down. New five room modern bunga low located close in. Price $5500. 6 room bungalow located in south Salem on paved street. Price $3160. Nearly new five room bungalow located close In on north Church street. Price $4760. 5 room cottage located close in pn paved street. Price $3000 cash. 1 6 room bungalow located in Richmond addition, basement and fireplace. Price $3600. 4 room house located in south Salem. Price $1400, $400 down. 10 room modern home located in east Salem, two lots. Price $8000 6 room home, located on Che meketa street. Price $4200. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 275 State street. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS . sealed bids for the construction of a one story frame school build ing to be erected on the grounds of the Washington Junior high scnooi. corner 13th and Marion streets, Salem, Ore., will be received up to 8 p. m. Aug. 22, 1D22, by W. H. Burghardt, Jr., secretary Salem school board. For plans apply to W. H. Burghardt, Jr., 371 State St Salem, Ore. 192 SALEM MARKETS Complied from reports of Sa lem dealers for the guidance of. Capital Journal readers, (Revised dally.) Grain: No. 1 white wheat $1; No. 2 mixed wheat 98c; No. 3 red wheat 97c (sacked.) Hay: Cheat hay $15.00; oat bay $1718; clover hay (baled) $1516. Wholesale Prices , Meat: hogs $11.75; dressed hogs 14c; top steers 6c; cows 3 V4 4c; bulls 38Hc; lambs 8Hc dressed veal 13c. Poultry: Light hen 13c; heavy hens 18c; old roosters 810c; broilers 1820o. Butterfat: Butterfat 47c; cream ery butter 47 48c; country butter 3032c; -eggs 20c; milk $2.86 cwt. Vegetables: Wax onions $2.25 crate; beets $3.26 cwt; Oregon cabbage 3c lb; green peppers 20c lb; potatoes $1.76 . cwt; Oregon lettuce $2.25 per crate; parsley 40c doz; tomatoes 90c crate; cucum--bers 40c per doz; new potatoes 2c lb. Fruits: Oranges $9.75; lemons $9.00; bananas 10c; Calif, grape fruit $7.60; cantaloupe $2 on stand ard; watrmelons lfc'c lb; ap ricots $2.40 per lug; Oregon peach es 7 5c($l per box. Retail Price Poultry and eggs; eggs 25c; creamery butter 49 & 53c; country butter 35 0 30c Portland Market Portland, Or., Aug. 11. Cattle steady; receipts 61; choice steers $ 7.7 0 41- 8. 20 ; medium to noA $6.75 7.60; fair to medium $5.75i6.75; common to fair $4.00 5.7 5; choice cows and heifert $5.255.75; medium to good $4.26 5.00; fair to medium $3.50 a Sardine Can. ACKTYLKNK WKLU1NU IRON, steel, brass, aluminum, cop per. Bring the pieces. Oxo-Gas Heating Co., 837 Court. AUTO TOPS TOPS MADE TO ORDER 171 S. High. ' - AUCTIONfiKR F. N. WOODRY the live stock, furniture, j-eal estate auctioneer. , Phone 511 for sale date. Res. 1610 N. Summer. COL. W. F- WRIGHT, the Turner , auctioneer. The war prices are over, 2 per cent for first $1000 ', and 1 par cent thereafter. . See ; him for your sales. Wv F, Wright m BATTERY SUl'fUES PREST-O-LITE BATTERY SER VICE. Expert auto electricians. Fhone 1808. 418 Court St. 328 N High Phone 208. Batt e r 1 e recaargeu mm repalr6d. Degge- tsurreu R. D. BARTON, Exide batteries, starter and senertor work. 171 S. Commercial. e AUTO Electrician, expert trouble hooting. 238 N. High St, phone 808. JM1 KOPU AOT'Ott- DR. SCOTT, Chiropractor, 416 U. S. bank bldg. CHAS. H. MAXWELL Foot spe cialist. Phone 57, 322 State, room 8. 1KUGGISTS WM. NEIMEYER, 'JUST DRUGS' . 175 N. Commercial, phone 167. J. C. PERRY, Rexail druggist, 116 is. commercial St. liXKCTKIC SUPPLIKS HALIK ELECTRIC SHOP 22 7 Court. We do house wiring and carry a complete stock of fix tures. Instrument repairing, ex perimental Work. Electrlo appll- ancea repaired, fnone 4 8 8 HOUSE wiring and supplies. weiuji jiaectria uo., I'nn ijrown- eu, manager, a v atata St, ARCHIE FLEENER, ELEOTRI- clan. House wiring by hour or contract. Estimates furnished. Phone 980, 414 Court St. WE do house wiring and carry a complete stoca ot fixtures. Instrument repairing, experi mental work. Electrio applianc es repaired. Hallk Electrlo shop; 337 Court, phone 488. m FARM LOANS HAWKINS AND ROBERTS 205 Oregon building. 5, 7, 10 and 20 year, loans, 6 and 6 percent Interest. Privilege to pay $100 or multiple on any Internal date. 20 YEAR FARM LOANS on rural credit plan. Prepayment privi leges with discount allowed. I will finance you for a less rate ot interest than any firm on the coast. R. W. MARSTERS, 411 Oregon bldg. BUILDING LOANS MADE May bo repaid like rent. Life, Fire, Health, Accident, 2a demnity. Liability and Auto In surance written. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonlo Temple, Salem, Or. FLORIST CUT flowers and floral pieces. De livery. C. F. Broithaupt, florist, 123 N. Liberty, phone 880. OARAGES A-l AUTO REPAIRING. Gram and Deacon garage, 803 N. Llb- erty. Phone 802. 202 GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING Save your oil use SAVOIL pis ton rings. H. H. Schocker, 268 Chemeketa street. RADIATORS Fenders and bodies made or repaired. J. C. Balr, 444 Ferry St. OLBSON USED CAR EX CHANGE. Cars bought and sold. Guaranteed repairing. Washing, polishing. GUARANTEED REPAIRING of all kinds: on autos and tractors. Cars stored by day, week or month. E. Kroeplln and Sons, 1610 N. Commercial and Nor way. . SHOE REPAIRING QUALITY SHOE SHOP We call and deliver. 178 S. Commercial. $4.25; common $3.00 0 3.50; ear ners $1.503.00; bulls J 3.00 4.00; choice feeders $3.006.60; fair to good $4.00'5.00; choice dairy calves $8.0088.60; prime light $7.60 8.00; medium light $6.50 7.50; heavy $46.60. Hogs steady; receipts none; prime light $ 12.00 12.50; smooth heavy 230 to 300 pounds $10.60 11.60; 800 pounds and up $10 feeder pigs $11.60 12.00; fat pigs $11.5012; stags $69. Sheep steady; receipts none; choice valley lambs $9 9.60;medl 11.50; rough heavy $7.009.00; urn $89; common $6.008.00; culls $; light yearlings $7.008.00; heavy $6.007.00; light wethers $6.00 7.00; heavy $56; ewes $25. Butter steady; ex cubes 39 40c undergrades 35 36c; cartons 47c; prints 46c. ' Butterfat No. 1 churning cream 4647c fob Portland; 44c at sta tions; under grades 43 44c. Copyright 1920 by Int'l. SHe'fr Be teLi6UTec m with mg- right xv'v zzzm rK- 3' HKMSTITCMNU MRS. C. E. MILLER, hemstitching stamping, buttons, band embroi dery. Room 10 ever Miller's store, phone 117. SALEM Elite, hemstitching, chain stltohing, pleating, buttons, stamping and needlework. Phone 879, 329 Oregon blidg. INSURANCE W. A. LISTON, GENERAL IN SURANCE r Fire, automobile and liability. Bonds and loans. 484 Court; ' ANDERSON AND RUPERT, IN-SURANCE- Liability, I automo bile, fire, automobile, surety, bonds, loans and Investments. 406-7 Oregon bldg. MACHINK SHOP WECUTER AND SMITH Machln Ists, engineers, welders. flEALD cylinder grinding service. Phone 662, 845 Ferry S t. ; . H. AND M. CO. Specialty grind ers and welders. Automotive ser- vlce. 490 Ferry St. IOWA MACHINE SHOP 252 Chemeketa street. Auto repalr lng, welding, -cylinder grinding MERCHANT l'AILOH THiii- AwSliS ladles tailoring. 852 N. 12th, phone 2086R. D. H. MOSHER Tailor for men and women. 474 Court-St. M. A. KSTES, fine tailoring. 884 State street. MOTUIWI'CLKS LLOYD E. RAMSDEN, Indian motorcycles and Dayton bicycles 887 Court street. HARRY W. SCOTT. "The Cycle Man," 147 S, Com. Phone 88. MUSIO PIANO playing, 12 weeks, guaran teed. Beginners, advanoed. Room 8 over Miller's. NURSERY STOCK SALEM Nursery company, trull and ornamental trees, small fruit and rosea. Phone 1763, 428 ' Oregon bl d g. OPTICIANS GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur dette, optometrist. Bon Optical Co., 826 State street. MOKR13 OPTICAL C O, suite 801 Oregon (Electric) OSTEOPATHY DR. W. L. MERCER, ostuopath.i nhvsiclan and surgeon. Kirks- vllle graduate, 404-405 U. B. Na tional bank oiug. rnones, oiiici 819, residence Mi. DRC. WHITE AND MARSHALL osteopathic physicians and sur geons, 606 U. S. bank building Jfhone S5. Dr. wnite, real deuce phone 469; Dr. Marshal, residence phone 834. ' PAI.VITNU RELIANCE AUTO PAINTING 310 S. Wlntur St. phone 961. . PAPER HANGING PAPER HANGING, painting and kalsomlnlng. Call Aubrey l Clark. 1464 Ferry, phone 2035J ml93 PLNOS GEO. C. WILL, pianos phono graphs, sewing machines, shee music and piano studies. Re pairing pjionographs and sew ing machines, 432 State, Salem, 'EVERYTHING IN MUSIC,'.' Moore's Music houses, 419 Court street and M a sonic bldg. PLUMBING THEO. M. BARK Plumbing, heating, sheet metal works, 164 8. Commercial. PLUMBING, repairing and coil work, reasonable charges. A, JU Godfrey, shop foot of Union St. Phone 1397J. PRINTING A SATISFIED customer returns Rowland Printing Co., Phone 1612, over Patto n book store. REPAIRING STOVES rebuilt and repaired, 6u years experience; Depot Na tional and Ameriecan fence, sizet 26 to (8 Inches high. Paints, oil and varnishes, etc, logan berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street. Phone 124. SCAVENGER NEAL SCAVENGER WAGON, Phone 1867R. SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse ot till kinds removed by the month at reasonable rates Cesspools cleaned and dead ani mals removed. Day phone 167, night phone 1247M. R. O. Cum mlngs, Mgr. TRANSFER OREGON Transfer & Storage Co. Cars washed and polished. Ex cavating, plowing and fertliizer: . 4 foot slab wood for sale, phone 77. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Of fice, corner Commercial ant! Trade Sta. Bills payable nionthlr In advance. Phone 57. ' WOOD WORKING WOOD WORKING All kinds of wood work made to order. Nov elty Shop 239 Court, telephone 1742. Feature Service Inc. Trade make iMwiit mim' OLDEST BOTTLE MADEIN 1283 Santa Fe, N. M. Santa Fe. , which for years has boasted of the oldest .church and the oldest bell In America, and has the tttla of being; the oldest city, now brings to light another relic a ' bottle which Is claimed to ba . ,the oldest In tlie world. The bottle, which is owned by a .. Socorro man, was made In Spain- In March, 1289, just 633 years ago 1 according to Its purported history 1 which Is posted on the bottle. It has a capacity midway between a 1 pint and a quart and is black as coal In color. The neck Is silver colored and the trop screws on,i . similar to some modern flasks. " Something of the bottle's career 1 as given out by the owner may ba gleaned from the following: Sailed from Spain for America., in 1680, arriving eventually lu'. what 1a now Rocnrro. N. M. Left Socorro tn 1726 for Vera , Cruz with a oravan of mules laden with bullion. It la bolteTed to have held water on these trips. . . Returned to Spain, taken by a , fnlila Hilar tn Old Rnma And there. filled with holy water. Returned to America and camo . back to New Mexico, the holy wat. er In the bottle being used to bap tize members of the original Baca family. ' Left In a Socorro church until 1780 when the church was de stroyed by Indians. bottle from Wte church ruins, and gave It to the parish priest. It was the property in succession ot Fathers Ouerrera, Chaves, Ber nard and Braun, all remembered in New Mexico history, according to the owner. The bottle, state officials have pointed out, may be, the oldest In the world but could not have been the first, as It appears that the first bottles were of goat skin. The Phoenicians and Romans, It is also pointed out, had glass bot tles In their time, but none are known to exist. EXPERTS TELL HOW TO JUDGE EGG QUALITIES Washington. Do you know how to tell the quality of an egg with out breaking the shell? It's as simple as blinking your eyes, say Department of Agriculture ex perts. All you eed, they say. Is a pasteboard box, with a hole and, one-fourth Inches In diameter, a strong light such as la given by a lamp or an electric-light bulb, a dark room and, of course, the egg. Hold the egg close against the hole. The strong light will render Its contents visible, and you can. ascertain the egg's quality by the appearance of the yolk, the while and the atr space at the blunt end. Then compare the egg with charts furnished by the Department of Agriculture and you will know,, without breaking the egg, whother or not it Is fresh. This process ts known as testing eggs by candling. , ST. LOUIS STREET GARS TAKE OUTSIDE TOKENS St. Louis, Mo. Travelers jump ing from one city to another often find street car tokens from far-off towns in their potkets. The general idoa seeins to be that such coins are worthless except in the towns where they are sold. i The trekker meditates on throw ing the checks away as useless im pedimenta, or saving then on the chanee of returning to their home town. What to do, what to dot The answer is come to 8t. Ixmis. The United Railways company here aerepts coins from all cities that use tokens for fare. Keg. In the U. S. A vurv people Leave