Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 09, 1922, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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San Francisco, Aug:. 9. Dele
gates to the annual convention of
the American Bar association
gathered here from all parts of the
United States for a three day con
The delegates went Into session
with the idea of betterment, not
only of the laws which govern the
nation and its component states
but all of the bench and bar as
Many distinguished visitors ar-
rived to take part in the dellber
ations of the association. William
H. Taft, chief Justice of the United
States, Calvin Coolldge, vice presi
dent of the United States, th
Right Honorable Lord Shaw
Dundermllne, representing the bar
of Great Britain, Maltre Henri
Aubepln of Paris, distinguished
member of the French bar and
hundreds of other noted judges
and attorneys were present for the
opening session.
Opening the convention thl
morning, Governor W. M. Bteph
ens, a member of the California
bar, was on the program for the
address of welcome.
" The address he had prepared
discussed what he termed the pe
culiar need for stringent immigra
tlon laws to bar orientals.
Vernon R. Churchill, of the Hon-
lg-Cooper advertising agency of
San Francisco, was a visitor at the
offices of the Oregon Growers
association yesterday afternoon.
He is looking over the Oregon
fruit prospects and gave some in
teresting information regarding
the disposad of the fruit crop.
"Oregon will have to keep going
if the growers are to continue to
market their prunes collectively,"
he said In the course of his con
versation, ''for California, by ex
tensive advertising, Is fast gaining
the control ' of the eastern
Oregon growers are not regard
ed in California as competitors for
the fruit market, and there Is a
desire current in the southern
state that the producers of Oregon
be organized to a greater extent,
thus resulting In better business
methods and assurance that prices
once decided upon, will not be cut
The association In California are
strong, the California Prune and
Apricot association alone control-
lng 160 million pounds of the to
tnl crop of 250 million pounds of
the two fruits.
Advertising he declared Is need
ed in local newspapers rather
than In national publications.
The raisin growers, owning the
Sun Maid brand, have Just made
an appropriation of $1,750,000 to
be expended in sales and advertis
ing, of which 1,250,000 will be
used for advertising in various
districts of the country.
Mr. Churchill is of the opinion
that with the market stable for
the coming crop, the Oregon as
sociation should enlarge the mem
bership and be sure of enough
produce to fill all orders. Two
years ago an eastern advertising
campaign was carried out by the
Oregon growers, but in the middle
of the season the campaign was
closed because of a shortage of
Y'Y a
Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 9. Chfef
executives of the "big four"
transportation brotherhoods have
taken action regarding the en
dangering of the lives of brother
hood members through the alleged
action of armed guards in connec
tion with the shop men's strike,
and have telegraphed their mem
bers to remain away from com
pany property If
Warren G.
the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Last Night
Well Known
Folk Wed
A charming effect was obtain
ed last night at the home wed
ding of Miss Dorothy Chambers to
Carl T. Pope with the use of the
impressive Episcopal ring service
and the perfectly arranged back
their lives are ground. The fireplace In the liv
ing room of the J. W. Chamber's
Gfnni, . ( .1 ., . .
ycniucui i nome, before which Rev. H. D,
Chambers, of St. Paul's church,
Engineers, when told that 1300
brotherhood men had quit at Performed the ceremony at 7
Toilet last night, told the Asso-1 o'clock, was converted into a love-
ciated Press representative that ly bank of ferns and salmon, pink
there would be one hundred more gladioli. The dim lights frnm
similar cases if working Condi- ahaded lnmns whanA ihn..
tlons at railroad yards and shops tic effect of the flower hant
are not changed. The bride entered the rm
Miss Rose Albright and Will-
lam Relnhart were married at the
E. B. Albright home In Markam
last Saturday afternoon at four
o'clock. The service was read by
Rev. Hocking of the Methodist
church. Only the family were
present and the couple were un
attended. .
The bride wore a dark blue
trlcotlne dress et
black with a mink fur and a hat
of sand colored duvetyne and vel
vet. She carried a corsage bou
quet of sweet peas and Cecil
Brunner roses.
Mrs. Relnhart attended Wil
lamette university for two years
and is well known among the
younger set In Salem. William
Bill" Relnhart graduated from
Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Connor of
LaVevlew, Oregon, have been vis
itlnc Mrs. Minnie Patterson for
few days. They left today to at
tend the Buyer's convention now
helnar held in Portland. Mrs.
O'Connor la a former Salem girl
a graduate of Salem high school
where she was known as Miss
Lily Vernon.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Moore
are leaving the latter part of th
week for a motor trip to Rainier
National park. Their daughters,
Helen and Ruth, and Miss Mar
garet Turner of Kelso, Washin
ton. will accompany them. The
Moores will Join other friends in
Portland, who will make up
partVj for the trip.
w m 9
Covers were laid for twelve
guests at a very prettily appoint
ed dinner table when Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Moore entertained
Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Roth, Jr., who have Just re
cently been married. A pink and
white color scheme was carried
out with pink sweet peas and Jas-
Mrs. Wlntermute or ueattie ana
Miss Dorothy Buchner has Just
returned from a trip to Cascadia
The men have got to the limit with her father. J. w rh.mhr :".". . . " . . . " where she met several other Sa-
or endurance through abusive and he gave her in mindan Th . . lem neoDle on their vacations.
treatment from guards, and Condi- cminla were nthArl 1 . . ' " b Miss RiK-hner attended th sum
, . . I r .uv uui,;uu i AmhPf anil oinrA than n a hoon I
lions nave reached the breaking ed. Preceding the entrance of the emnloved with the Standard Oil mer sesBlon at - c- and re'
point," Mr. Stone said. "There bride. Miss Nellie Schwab -an empl0yed " , Standard " mained for the Home Economics
will be one hundred more similar! "Oh Perfect Love," and "Beloved ir Relnhart was well known
cases soon if rnmlltlnna r. i1 'ti. m m .. . I Mr- "einnan was wen Known
" v , . i a iuuim, miaB 1,1 v i 1 1 ,. nn nn i . n . i , . . ... . .
l,(j i . I, . ... . ai uregon mrougn nis ainieiic
i yiajBu me weuainr martin. i - tt- .
AnkoH If iha ofitinn t Tniiat . . ... Iiame. na piayeu on me Dassei
" " " i-" i-' i mo weuuiux Kown or Deantirni i v.i, . . i . i , , , .
. . ., , . i usu, luuiuau uuu uaseoaii leamu,
Lily Leltzel Coming with Singling
Bros, and Barmim & Bailey
. Petite Lily Leitzel world-famous
aerial gymnast, will make no aero
plane flights this season. Ilor con
tract with the Ringling Brothers
specifically states that she is to go
no higher off the ground than the
dome of the circus main-txnt,
To most girls the experience of
flying about at the end of a' rope
fixed in the very top of a circus
tent, where the slightest miscalcu
lation might result in serious injury
would furnish thrills enough to Inst
mom toi an ordinary lifetime. No
so with-the daring Lillian. She re
gnrds her occupation as a rather
ame one. Last summer she varied
the monotony" by makincr a dozen
iguts in half as many different
yie planes. On more than one oc
casion she all but drove the circm
managers to despair with her mad
n unuertaKings, a special 'no
flight" clause was inserted.
Ivlly Leitzel has the reputation of
being the most widely known and
best remembered of all circus stars
and the Ringlings do not propose
having her risk her neck iu the
I suppose that if I did all my
flying over a not it would be quite
an riglit, pouts the dainty aerial
1st, "but just wait until the circus
tour ends; then I'll show them."
This season's mammoth douhl
circus offers more stars than ever
before, and these have licen "var
ied" by the introduction of Europe's
most sensational wild animal acts
displayed in a trio of steel arenas.
AH will bo seen here Saturday,
August E6
mou moi wnu me approval or me I Brocaded satin belonged to the
oromernooa cniers, Mr. Stone bride's mother and th vn nf
said: , I Venetian Irpa wa nna .w. v...
"The action does" not require her grandmother. The richness f
any approval." the bride's attire added a treat
"Our men are not expected to deaf to the dignity and elegance
work under such conditions as now of the affair. She carried a show
prevail at many railroad term- er bouquet of CecH Brunner
lnals," Mr. Stone said. "I am roses.
telling them that wherever their A wedding supper was served
J 8 T y euaros arter tfte ceremony on small ta- At a very quiet wedding Tues-
they should go home and stay bles, decorated with pink and day, Miss Doris Welch became
men, .me; are jusunea in re-i wmtii wipt nm ik. nir ..I. I ,k. i.,i.i , T
i , ui-uciut tuo .iiiuo ui iueiiiu u. curuer.
malning away from railroad com
pany property under existing con
dltlons." .
carried out in all of the decora
tions. The bride's table in the
dining room had a huge basket of
pink rosea and ferns in the cen
ter of the table and white candles
on the table for the lighting ef
fect. Seated at the bride's table
were J. W. Chambers, Jr., Miss
Hazel Magnusen, Everett, Wash'
contention before taking the trip
to Cascadia
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barney
hpslde slarrlntr fn (ho frotomit., and daughter, Merle and son,
events. He is a memher nf Sis-ma r'"""' werB lae recent guests
Chi fraternity. cf Mr- and Mrs- F- G- De'ano.
Tho vnnnir n..nlo wn UUUJ' me ueianos iook meir
to Portland where they will make suealB lo o'er -creen rans. Mr.
tbelr home in the Broadway apart and Mrs- Lewls Mishler also Join-
ments. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Car- ou lue P""'-
.son of Salem attended tha wprl-
Ung. Mr- and Mrs. George Jf. King
ana cnuaren, Stanley and Robert,
have returned from a months
trip in which they visited Sea
side, Belllngham and points In
British Columbia.
Mrs. Mendenhall of Everett,
Washington, are in Salem for a
few days, stopping at the Y. W.
C. A.
Mrs. M. J. Morris returned last
night from a two weeks visit at
Cottage Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Steusloff
motored to Neskbwin for the
week end.
Lauretta Kramer of Woodburn
Is a Salem visitor for part of the
week. '
Mrs. WllllamaTair
a. Nevada. i . u
lng her parents, Mr. and u
G. Delano during the 1
July ha. leftfoher h0menth 01
The Rotary club is eni0vi
picnic at Wheatland thl. !?f 1
noon. The party left !L ter"
o'clock to spend the rest of J
day In the usual picnic faL-
Mrs. A.
Westacott, will leave
home tomorrow.
C. Stoli and
of Dayton, Ohio, who h
the guests of Mrs i.!'
ff their
How much real tea
Flavor do you Buy?
Do you buy tea flavor or just tea?
With the old-fashioned square tins
or cartons, a good deal of the flavor
is apt to be lost.
In the new round vacuum-packed
tin, Folger'S Golden Gate Tea
(Black or Green) comes with all its
finc'flavor and delightful fragrance
kept for you.
Ask your grocer.
The service was read at 10 o'clock
at the home of the bride's sister,
Mrs. C. C. Caldwell, by Rev.
Blaine E. Kirkpatrlck. Mr. and
Mrs. Caldwell were the only wit
nesses. Mr. and Mrs. Barber will
make their home in Woodburn
where Mr. Barber is connected
with Busick's store. Mrs. Barber,
ington, and Mr. and Mrs.. Bolton "whose home is in Dallns h Wn
Hamble. lamployed in the J. C. Penny store
Between the hours of 8 and Tor the past year.
:au over j guests called to con
gratulate the young couple, and
Moscow, Aug. 9. By the As
sociated TreBs.) Thirty one of attend the reception which was
the 34 revolutionists accused of held in the living rooms of the
high treason against the soviet house.
government were held under close The young couple went south
guard today following their con-Ma"t night for a two weeks wed-
viction and sentence of death and ding trip, after which they will
the remainder face prison terms make their home in Portland
of from two to 10 years. where Mr. Pope Is associated with
The central executive commit- a wana law firm.
tee upheld the sentence of 12 of Mra- 1 Pe 18 one ot the popular
those whose nunishment was. members of the younger set in Sa-
ed at death, but an indefinite Bta lera anJ is the daughter of Mr. I lhe new members. The Salem
of execution has been ordered on ana Mra- J- w- Chambers. She is team put on a model initiation at
condition the social revolutionary a graduate of Oregon Agrlcultur- the Daughters of Veterans con
party cease its counter-revolution- " luue6 " a memDer ot
ary activities. aipna um umega sorority. Mr.
The committee also agreed to JB lue Bon ot mT- anu Mrs-
reouest the tribunal t.n rrrant n.,. Pe- ana a graduate or the
dons to Semenoff, Lydia Kono
plova nnd others among those
Initiation for ten or twelve
women will be held to
night at the armory by the Bar
bara Freitchie tent of the Daugh
ters of Veterans. A delegation
of Portland women Is expected
and If they come there will be a
iocial hour after the business
meeting. The Barbara Frietchie
tent is the banner tent of the
state, and the Portland women
are coming to watch them initiate
Mr. and Mrs. Elmo White and
Mrs. White's sister and husband,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCready
from Idaho, motored to Pacific
City over the week end, returning
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clarke and
(laughter, Maxine, Mrs. Nellie
Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crimp
have returned from a weeks mo
tor trip to Crater Lake and points
up the McKenzie.
inn Timmm0
up the McKenzie. 1 - CaaMS.iMrgg--- , ;
jy""""' ' -'. ...- .w , up,,,,,-, ,, jm
i tS " A glance at these r
Bargain m
News II mStop!
4 Qj ' iWf and wonder ':. v
I BARGAIN fh fli ml TEN I
s: o m m m m cfnt
S Coupons - StSkSSS J
I : i I "iilHilm WiniYii-nfiu' iM'iMB)n'hMiii in ni-mnrr
ventlon in Newport in June, and
were considered the best in the
Willamette law school.
Out of town people who attend-
sentenced who turned Informant
uring the trial.
ed the wedding were: Mrs. Agnes
Auto Camp News
Gibson, Junction" City; Miss Ruth
Kennedy, Corvallls; . Miss Hazel
Magnusen and Miss Marie Men
denhall, Everett, Wash; Mr. and
Mrs. Edmund Anderson, Albany;
Miss Ella Stevpna Mpa v n p.t.
... uu ana. xi. m. ACKer, oi oacK in time. To do so thev have eng 11. Elmer Petanirm rionr.
ju.i.uuu, uui. u.i.ueriy irom uecioea to sell ttoe automohila anrt l'etengill. a 1 of Portland
aner inorougmy in- go Dack on the train. Mra. Watt
vestlgating the opportunities of- says that she wants to come bark The - A- C. club will have a
fered by numerous cittos of Ore- here to live and Is eoine- tn picnic Thursday afternoon and all
gon In the millinery line, finally after her husband until he picks membera are urged to come.
uu.uvu iu iuubio in outeiu anu up anu comes. iiuo cuinuiiiiee in cnarge nas ar-
last night registered at the Salem ranged to have the party meet at
auto park. Mr. and Mrs. Acker O. M. Hague, of Eagle Butte, the north side of Willson square
were in Salem about a month ngi)s- D-, passed through Salem on the at B o'clock, tomorrow afternoon
and while here made arrange- train ten years ago and was so where they will be met by care
ments with the Worth and Oray we'l Impressed with the country to take them to the picnic
department store to establish t.hat he decidod to come back ua Sroumla.
themselves on the store's second soon as he could Bee his way clear.
floor. iast night he and his wife reils-
Slnce the final arrangements lrcd at the auto park. Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Barfield,
Mrs. F. M. Harding and Mrs. H.
Los Angeles, Aug. 9. An out
line ot the states case was the
first thing on today's program In
the trial of 37 alleged members
Of the Ku Klux Klan on charges
growing out of the Inglewood raid
of April 22 last. The jury of
8 men and 4 women was finally
Relucted yesterday with unexpect
ed speed.
The first witnesses were to be
Fidel and Mathlas Elduayen, bro
thers, who with their families.
were victims of the Inglewood
raid, alleged to have been con
ducted by a band of perhaps 250
masked and armed men.
The charges agajnst the defen
dants are kidnaping, false impri
sonment and assault with Intent
to murder.
tr i ... I T u.i.(nl .1 . .
were completed, Mr. and Mrs. .. B"a 18 Tcr' m,Icn ' love with """ ry.esi. orwe
Acker have been selecting stock "'' Valley and they"" over "unoajr
for their new branch. They sail , Prouau'y "te around Port
this morning thut they found . " . DT t,alem- 1 his morning they
salesman In Portland representing iUKene 10 be gone for
a firm with whom thev nsPd to seeral ""y8-
deal while in the same business.
and that besides offering them
special prices on the season 's lat
est styles, they are to have the ex
elusive agency of tlio company for
Fifty-three camps were reirU
tered at the Salem auto nark last
night. Thirty-one of the number
were lay-overs from previous reg
istrations wnue the remaining 22
camps were registered for the first
time. They were made un of the
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Stoll, Tort-
It la planned that the Ackers
will be ready for business about
August 21. In the meantime the
ci.i:ii..u mini- ui n "nil OE urays wnn Air nn.l Mro 1? n-
store will be completely remodeled, and family. Wenatchee' Mr n,i
mr. Aciier is using ine lime to aa- Mrs. A. Eister. Dunsmiitr ri
. ....1...,, iiiiuuis iu lutnm. mr, ana Mrs. K. C. Roerera anH
Ho expects to rent this winter and family. Portland; Mr. and Mrs. W.
men ounu a iour laniny apart-1 F. Ullck. Anamosa. Iowa- V n
ment in the spring. Parvin, Cedar Raoids. Iowa- utr
and Mrs. E. Thomas nn.l fo,ii..
uuhmh iuo uiunias lOT I VaKIHla: Mr. and Mra r R
ir.e pasi iour years. Mr. and Mrs. son and nartv. Portland- Mr ,i
j. i. immieii ana lamuy. origin- Mrs. B.-L. Anderson and famtlv
ally from Stnrgis, Mich., travel Ames. Iowa: Mr. and Mra .Q vr
Mrs. Henry Klender returned
home yesterday from a six weeks
visit ith her mother in Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ludwig of
Albany were week end visitors of I
Mr. and Mrs. George Hurley.
Miss Rose Ryan of Portland Is
registered at the Y. W. C. A
while staying in Salem.
Little Rock, Ark., Aug. 9.
The combined endorsement of la
bor, the Ku Klux Klan and at
least a fair percentage of the wo
men's vote apparently has swept
the state In victory for Governor
Thomas C. McRae, candidate for
renom (nation In the democratic
primary, ,held throughout Arkan
sas . yesterday. Inofficial re. youte, Auona, New Mexico,
turns compiled today from ap
proximately a fourth of the state
cave Governor Wcltae a lead of
more than two to one over his
opponent, E. P. Toney, of Leke
villasre. Tne vote ' McRae
JS.2S4,' Toney 17.2SS. '
about the country. When it comes pesparin, San Francisco; Mr. and
nine mr me cniuiren lo go to Mrs. n. V rseritn r, ,n..
school they locate where ever they Brooklnes. S. D- Mr n.i Mr".
l.nnnj.M , 1. M.) . 1 ! . . .
""i'i,ru l" '""J oeen h. m. Acker. Port and- Mr ...
regisierea at tne auto park for a Mrs. L. D. Bavlev. Paaart.,n.
snori ume anu Mr. Twafloell has Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Duriran and
n.u.m wum wnicn rie minus wri family. Vancouver. Waah Mr
sieaoy ror tne winter and It Is and Mrs. N. Neals and family,
useiy mai mey win spend the Montrose. Colo.: Mr. and Mra n
coming nine months of the school M. Hague. Eagle Butte, S. D.; Mr
year In Salem. They are expecting and Mrs. D. B. Lewis and partv
to rent for the winter. Seattle: Mr. and Mrs. E. R w.itV
Kevada. Mn Mra ft Pnhl.l mnA
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Watts, of nartv. Contrail.- Mr .n,l Mr. i
Nevada, Mo., arrived at the Salem R. Chanman and famtlv. Olm
v...v K.uuim HH nigni niter 'mm - Mr mnA Mr. Prink U.K..
five weeks trip via the southern Namlno, B. C; Mr. and Mrs. Noel
and Farrow and nartv. Calirarv. Al
CTalirornia. Mr. Watts is a wire herta, B,
cniei in ine employ of the tele
phone company and was granted a
two months vacation. They liked
it o well In Oregon that they de
cided to travel around here lust as
Ion as they could and still get
In the 4S states in the union
there are "4S" varllies" of motor
vehicle laws under which regula
tions motor transportation must
be operated.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Steusloff
are home after spending the
week end at Neskowin.
Mr. and Mrs. William Tickle
are spending a short time at the
Tillamook beaches.
Mr. and Mrs. George White left
yesterday with their two daugh
ters, uorotny and Henrietta, to
spend the month at Newport.
Mrs. j. c. Aiken, and Dr. and
Mrs. L. A. Banks were guests dur
ing the week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank W. Spencer.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Crawford
and children. Lee and Harriet.
motored to Neskowin Sunday to
oe gone for about ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bernard!
motored to Sublimity for the
week end to visit with Mr. and
Mrs. E. T. Schott.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Shaver mo
tored to Oregon City yesterday
on a business trip.
Girls! Girls!!
Save Your Hair
With Cuticura
Mch. Boawpt f r-of 0w . lp X Maitoa Man. i
are now for sale here at
this store and are carried
in 8 different colors, in
black, white, cordovan,
medium grey, suede, sil
ver, beige and beaver,
medium weight spuntax,
all sizes and colors,
Per Pair
Heavy weight Spuntex,
all sizes and colors, per
pair $1.50
Watch windows for
Successor to
Men's, Ladies' and Children's
Big Assortment, all sizes for everyone
t?1"? f ofn'S BiS Assort- Heavy - 25c
TnwL tt F ieca" ment Enamel Children's
lowels Underwear Crockery Dust Pans Half. Sox
10c 10c 10c 10c 10c
Each Gamient Each Each Pair
Shop at Salem's Original Bargain Basement "
BieLot of Brown Market I 36 inch 7
Granite Crash. Baskets Dotted Flannel-
YVare Toweling Special Swiss oeryard
1Qc I 1Qc 10c 10c 10c
Water Glasses,
3. for
T III" jyiii.j,,.. i . Tml i ji