. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1922 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE THREE H E BRINGING UP FATHER -7 110 FIX COAL PRICES Washington, Aug. 8. Federal Investigators are to be sent Into western Kentucicy to. nx a linal . m 1 O t n.. fftir price iur uuai, wcti ciai j nuu- ,er announced Jiaday. Peniiiit the Investigation sne western Ken tucky operators, Mr. Hoover said, have agreed to a maximum of 3.70 at the mine, but the inves tigators whi ueiernune wnat would be a fair profit on the basis of the Garfield levels. The same basis, would apply to other districts which have not al ready accepted Toluntary fair nrice agreements. Oil interests, Mr. Hoover stat ed have asked that gasoline, ker osene and oil products generally be placed on a priority with fuel under the emergency transporta tion orders. BAYES, ACTRESS, i DIVORCED BY GORDON New York, Aug. 9 A referee's tcjoit, recommending that a de cree of divorce be granted Arthur i. Cordon against Nora Bayes, actress, who is known in private lfe as Elenenor Gordon, was filed in court here today.' Mrs. Gordon Is accused of mis conduct with Arthur Welton. The report recommended that Gordon's adopted son John Katuz aged 3, be left to the care of his tester father. Sensational testimony was pre sented against Miss Bayes, popu lar in vaudeville and musical com edy, who has been married and divorced several times. Miss Bayes, after whom a New York theater -was named, once was the wife of Jack Norworth actor. She married Gordon in 1920. f AKI 'V7-M l r, . BROTHER-CAUUii ME- OP AHO WANTS ME TQ .-it-c, v-iirv) T OlNTV5 AN" " ."'n TEN DOLLAvft-b- 'I- j i "WHY GIRLS LEAVE HOME" Successful Opening of ' this At- ... traction at the Oregon - Theatre I ' ' '' iT1 " ' HUB VKO I I'.LIVE ACRb5b-TH& ARE COURT r-ft6M"Nfo'., ro(J? V r ' I wFES,EbftbTHfeR. Threw a CRCK THROUGH M WINDOW THERETO tVMO HE'O IV IT A A.vtJ it- .. II I ii ft. FILM STAR PROVES . SHE EARNED HOLIDAY Lawyers and school teachert who enjoy long summer vacations will lose some of their complac ency toward the rest of the hard working world when they learn that Anita Stewart, star of "A Question of Honor," now playing at the Liberty theatre, also be lieves in lengthy summer holi days. Miss Stewart well earned the vacation she took, during the past summer tor In recent months she finished ' the following feature pictures for Associated First Na tional release: "A Question ol Honor," "The Price of Happi ness," "The Invisible Fear," "Sowing the Wind," "Virtuous Wives," "Playthings of Destiny," "Harriet and the Piper," "The Yellow Typhoon," "The Fighting Shepherdess," "In Old Kentucky," "Mind the ' Paint Girl," "Her Kingdom of Dreams," "Human Desire," "Whom the Gods Would Destroy," and "A Midnight Romance." Why Girls Leave Home" open ed to a splendid series of audi ences at the Oregon theatre yes terday and the opinion was uni versally expressed by the people of Salem that advance notices had not exaggerated the timeliness and artistic value of ttfls great drama of human life and expert ence. It tells In graphic manner the story of a ,glrl lured from loyalty to home Ideals by the temptation (of modern society, her troublous experiences, the penalty she pays and how In the end her natural instincts for right won the great battle. The story is not only of the strongest kind, but it Is presented by actors of real ability among whom are Anna Q- Neilsen and Dan Mason, she with her romance and he with a comedy that made pepple roar. It Is a big human, pulsing thing and Salem rose to it with unanimous approval. It will remain at the. Oregon, mat inee and evening until Friday night, . v Chicago. The United States railroad labor board expressed Its willingness to act on -the seniority Question now at issue between the railroads and their striking Bhopmen. NORMAL MOVEMENT OF CROPS PROMISED Spokane, Wash., Aug. 9. Nor mal movement of grain crops in the northwest will not be hamp ered by the railway strike, divi sional officers of transcontinen tal lines here announced today. They assert that shop crews in this regron are turning out prac- ically the normal amount of work, and . keeping the rolling Hock In condition. QUARANTINE ON DOGS Olympia, Wash., Aug. 9. The quarantine on dogs In Kittitas and Yakima counties,, made neces sary because of the . prevalence of rabies in those counties, -drill be lifted so soon as legal require ments can be complied with, 3. L. French, state directoir of agricul ture, announced today.. The rais ing of the quarantine will enable dog fanciers to exhibit their animals at the dog show to be held in connection with the state fair in Yakima, September 18 to 23. '"22 BY IMT L FiATURCSERVICE. InC I ii i J In England caravan trailers enable motorists who tour the country, to avoid hotel or other boarding accommodation. The de luxe model measures 17 feet by 6 feet 9 Inches, and is divided into two compartments providing three berths, cushions, cupboards, table, stove, oven, cooking uten sils, crockery, writing bureau, wardrobes, dresser and lavatory. FOREIGN WAR VETERANS GATHERING AT SEATTLE Seattle, Wash., Aug. 9 Thous ands of former service men, mem bers of Veterans of Foreign Wars, from every state in the union and a number 'Of foreign lands, plan to invade Seattle for the 23rd an nual encampment of the organi zation August 14 to 19. The third annual reunion of the Ninety First (Wild West) division will be held the last two days of the encampment. Special tratns leaving New York and Pittsburg yesterday will bring the vanguard of encamp ment delegates) and visitors, due to arrive Saturday. Cincinnati Telegraphers num bering approximately 1100 on the Big Four railroad are taking a strike vote following a breakdown in negotiations over the interpre tation of working rules, the rail road announced. NEW LOW PRICES Cigarettt It's toasted. This one extra process Gives a rare and delightful quality impossible to duplicate. m Guaranteed bv NOMKING CAFE Home Made NOODLES and CHOPSUEY AMERICAN DISHES Open 11 a. m. to 1 a. in. tfptairs 162Vi K. Com'l Nomking Cafe FOR SALE For full particular .oil . I 83x5 i "saafir' : 1:11 lAdl m i & - II J A Real Treat I Standard Non-Skid Tires . . 80 x 8K Premier CI. Fabric - - $10.65 80x 8.Fisk Non-Skid CI. Fabric (Oversize) - - - - - - - - 12.85 80 nSyi Red-Top, Extra Ply CI. Fabric (Oversize) - - - - - - 15.85 80 x 8H Non-Skid CI. Cord (Six-Ply Oversize) - - - - - - - " 1585 81 x 4 S, S. Non-Skid Cord - - - 26.45 82x4 S. S. Non-Skid. Cord - - - 29.15 82 x 4 S. S; Non-Skid Cord - - 37.70 84 x 4yi S. S. Non-Skid Cord - - - 39.50 S. S. Non-Skid Cord - - - 46.95 S. S. Non-Skid Cord - - - 49.30 (Other Size Proportionate) These Prices Include Excise Tax, and Are Effective July 31 Built to Sustain a Reputation Sold to Meet Competition BUY NOW FROM YOUR DEALER Crl The proved way to prevent many lubricating troubles Es. r !- A Real Treat Tremendous Showing New Woolens The FALL and WIN TER line is now com plete, featuring all the' wanted materials. Serges in all shades, Fancy Worsteds, Tweeds, Chev iots, Cassimeres and a complete line of Overcoat materials. Prices from $25 to $48 We'll be pleased to have you come in and look them over. SCOTCH VVUUllUM MILLS 426 State Street Financial Recognition Corresponding with the growth of farm mort gage banking, the great life insurance companies of the country have increased their investments in farm mortgages, which they rightfully regard as the premier security. Life insurance companies, whose affairs are administered by the ablest of financiers, have found by experence that the safest and most economical way to acquire reliable farm mortgages is to purchase them from estab lished farm mortgage bankers. Of farm mortgages amounting to a billion and a quarter of dollars by life incurance companies, over eighty per cent have been purchased from members of the Farm Mortgage Bankers Association of America, Hawkins & Roberts Farm Mortgage Bankers 205 Oregon Building, Salem, Oregon Oil experts tell you that the destructive "sulpho" compounds in motor oil reduce its lubricating value. These impurities cause the oil to break down and thin out almost imme diately under engine heat. Cycol is the motor oil from which destructive "sulpho" compounds have been removed. The new Hexeon Process, used only by us, does it. Cycol does not break down nor thin out rapidly under engine heat Cycol maintains an unbroken lubricating film Cycol prevents many motor troubles. Prove it yourself ! Flush your engine with' fresh lubricating oil, not so-called flushing oils or kerosene, and refill with Cycol. ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY 5k yTy Executive Office 79 New Montgomery St. ,'ilI f1jr San' Francisco, California Zf0f"10i'0'' S3 S33 Different brands-of motor oils have different bodies. The safest, surest way to get the best performance from your motor and avoid expensive engine troubles due to incorrect lubrication is to use the grade of motor oil speci fied on the Cycol Lubri cation Chart MOTOR. Oil SSJRHftSJS j! JACK'S CAFE I H's V"? . ' Cancers Treated I w111 Berve regular dinner VJIcloovO Inspect our Dairy. Tne state dmc. T,-ier-. DruK Stor. ? Easier aad Better. 'ZVTZZZ Ul S. Commercial Street Glve u, a trl(lI Wear them and see. jthe ource of your milk. I - 'I j I Phone 1283. Salem, Oregon s. !l.mjhum ladd & BUSH 4r i yick BANKERS T j JJJzZk.jLj ! Chlneae Medicine and Tea EARBWaKB j w e" w 'iTnow-ESTABLISHED 1863 AwrUBNITUEIl (& j ea"eNot open Sunday. ; GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS 220 S.Coi Etxi j "rM Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. 153 S. High St. Salem. Ore.