Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 05, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1922.
Giant Ostrich Lays
Eggs For Big Circus
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Student of , zoology are again
sked to consider the question,
'Which came first, the ostrich or
the eggj"
;Ji In the case of Merz.a, gaint female
Istrich and one of the latest ac
uisitionis of the Singling Brothers
nd Barnum & Bailey Combined
hows, she and a fivedp-und egg
awe to the eircus at one and the
same time. Merza, who was born
on the great Arabian desert, ar
rived from an Atlantic seaport last
week in a crate partly filled with
hay. When the box wag opened the
egg was found in the straw.
On the day Merza joined, the
white tops, Gladys, a clown goose,
presented her master( Bid LaRue,
with a very respectable offering.
This she laid on top of a trunk
First Time Hereof the
Giant Combination
" - -Biia. Aitnni a - -
on sale Show Day at Patlon Book Store, same price as
charged on show grounds
belonging to one of the equestrien
nes. Tho , accompntylni picture
hows the trio comparing the rela
tive gize of the trophies.
Gladys, the goose, i 6ne of a
hundred and- more trained acton
that range ia size from white moc
to ponderous elephants, tigers and
lions. Mersa is of a band of six
teen ostriches that will, on eircus
day, be seen in a corral in the cen
ter of the mammoth menagerie tent.
Not counting the - giraffes os
triches possess the most unique
necks in the zoo. Aingling Brothers
and Barnum ft Bailey Combined
exhibit in this city Saturday,
August 29. ,
Rome, Aug. 6. (By Associated
Press.) Guerrilla fighting of a
bitter character between the com
munists and fasciBtl continues
throughout . the labyrinth of Ge
noa's narrow, winding' streets.
The capture of .two machine guns.
several red flags and other tro
phies by the fasciBtl is reported.
A tierce engagement between
the fasclstl and communists oc
curred in the Via Canonla, Milan,
when the fascist! invaded and
wrecked a communist club. Two
were killed and many on both
sides were wounded.
The fasclstl attacked the build
ing of the socialist newspaper
Avanti In Milan, partly wrecking
the plant before they, were finally
ejected by r,oyal. guards. The
number of casualties Is not yet
Edward F. (Pop) Geers, age 70
years, veteran driver of trotting
and pacing horses. Is an ardent
motorist. During the racing sea
son he tours overland from 'one
city to another.
I. J. Gaanlor has produced several
notable screen productions since he
created "Kismet," with Otis Skin
ner in the leading role. His produc
tions, have always been noted for
their distinction, their high dramat
ic interest their unrivalled costs
and" the finish of setting costum
ing, eto. -
Now Gasnier makes another bid
for prestige in "The Call of Home,"
which is to be shown for the first
time at the Liberty theatre on Sun
day. It Is the picturized version
of " George Chamberlain's novel,
''Home," which was published In
the Century Magazine end won
thousands of new admirers for the
Although a brilliant caBt and fine
siory are among . the important
features of "The Cajl of Home,"
the spectacular floffd scenes that
pile thrill upon thrill lift this pro
duction among the really big ones
of the year. Eamsey Wallace, as
the wandering husband, ia flung
from the top of a sluice dam as the
big wooden structure goes to pieces
and the swollen stream goes on a
rampage through hte countryside,
spreading death and destruction in
its wake.
: Perhaps -the reason so many fish
ermen "go wrong" Sn describing
their catches is becaus they per
mit the fish they catch' to weigh
themselves on their own scales.
Jacksonville Pst ' .
That immortal remark of the
governor of North Carolina to the
governor of South ' Carolina anent
the "long time between drinks"
seems to have "become nearly obso
lete these days. Condon Globe-Times.
Dallas, Or., Aug. 6. The vari
ous JCoUnty committeemen of thf
republican party of Polk county
mat in the county court room Fri
day morning at. the call ot B. E.
Paddock, county chairman, ot In
dependence. Considerable enthusiasm was
displayed by those In attendance
and each seemed imbued with the
spirit of working together for the
county's Interests.
Walter L. Tooze, chairman of
the state republican committee,
was present and outlined the or
ganization plan tor the ' coming
election and others following It.
He laid special stress on unified
working by the county committee
men and outlined plans that will
work greatly tor the party's good.
These plans are quite comprehen
sive in their scope and are being
generally adopted and acted upon
wherever meetings have been held.
The plans include a complete re
organization along party lines and
will ultimately work for strong
party organization over the entire
For the purpose of stimulating
the work among the women, Mrs.
Ora B. Cosper was appointed vice-
chairman of the county organlza
The meeting was called to order
by Mr. Paddock and after listen
Ing to the plans as outlined by Mr.
Tooze, a number of those present
were called upon for short talks.
ivl 1 SiJttrn' Phone. '
ill - Sm- .
in : ; ;
Paving of Bummer street was
completed the first ot the week
and the plant has been moved to
Sixteenth street, between D and
Market streets. It Is estimated by
the city engineer that there were
12,000 square yards of paving laid
on Summer street. While no fig
ures are available as yet it is esti
mated that the work will cost
about $2 per square yard with the
curbing costing betwen 40 and 42
cents per lineal foot.
Now that all of the main travel
of the highway will be via Sum
mer street many will be asking
why the Redwood tree standing In
tho street Just off Union street
was not "cut down when the pav
ing was laid. The tree stands as
a monument to William Waldo,
pioneer ot Salem and county clerk
many years ago. He had planted
the tree before there were any
streets in Salem and the people
thought so much of "Uncle Bill"
that they asked that It be spared.
The paving as far as Market street
was done In 1912 and Mr. Waldo
died the following year.
Before 1880, when gasoline was
discovered to have power possi
bilities, gas engines were operated
by gunpowder and turpentine.
i. ' ...... "I K. in i - -"3
We Use and Sell
229 State Street
Personal Service
The Best Is None Too Good for Your Car
Your car should have the very best attention when it is in working
order as well as when it needs repairing.
We make a specialty of keeping cars from breaking down. It is far
cheaper for you to spend a little now- than allow things p get into serious
shape. -
If .you, like to work on your own car you will find a stock of genuine
FORD Part's here.
Have.your car inspected regularly. . .
Widely Known and Well Liked
VVi-...- V'-':
There has been solidly established
throughout the country an active and
intense allegiance to the Nash name and
the Nash car. -
Underlying it arid stimulating it is the
spirited character of the car's perform
ance ; the restful quality of its travel ;
the sure ease with which it handles; and
lastly, the superb reliability and econ
omy with which it serves.
Six Cylinder
6 Pass, Touring $1475.00
7 Pass. Touring 1645.00
Sedan :. 2495.00
.Coupe $175.00
. Roadster 1435.00
Sport .1 1645.00
Four Cylinder
Touring 1125.00
Roadster.... 1115.00
Coupe . 1615.00
, Sedan 1786.00
Cab 1415.00
Carrole - - 1516.00
All prices f. o. b. Salem
185 South Commercial Phone 471
Nnh Lcadi the World la Motor Car Vlu
It Is Not a Light Six OLDFIEL
Six Cylinders 50 Horsepower $1065
The Jewett is a sturdy, powerful, six-cylinder motor car. Ready for the road
the touring model weigns over zeuu pounai. ?
This means that to measure the new standard of value it has et in American
motordom you must compare it with cars costing from $200 to $500 more.
It has the strength essential to sturdiness in its frame, motor, clutch, trans-
mission, drive shaft and in its special Timken axles. -
The great power plant is built complete in the Paige shops. It has been
proved by years of use in Paige 6-44 models.
Now with the addition of high pressure oiling giving 20 pounds pressure at
20 miles per hour, it is finer and better than ever.
Such is the Six that is now yours at $1065 f. o. b., factory. ' -
It is sold and uerviced by PaJga dealers everywhere
Trade Street at High SALEM'
crfcjhriftySix'Built byTai&t
Barney Oldfield
He won fame on the track as a racer, because he was scientific.
His scientific ideas have now won fame for him as a tire
You Will Agree That the
is the best you ever had.on your car.
30x3 . . . . $7.99
30x3 . ... $8.99
i ' '
' Vick Brothers
High Street at Trade
s: j