MONDAY, JULY 3, 1922. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE FIVE FLEETING FOLK GLIMPSED IN PASSING Joe McPherson, the genial ' Scotch greater who doe the day trick at the Bllgh hotel, left Saitur day night for his annual vacation . which he will spend In Vancouver, B. C, and returning spend a few days at Oregon coast beaches. He expects to be gone about 10 days. Myrtle Etetom, eastern buyer for Lipman ft Wolfe of Portland, mot ored down from Portland yester day with parity of friends smd lunoheaned cut the Marlon hotel. Opie Read, noted lecturer and writer lefit this morning for Port land alter de-livening hto lecture In connection with Chautauqua week. This is the aeoand time ; Mr. Read has talked toa Salom audlenoe, having appeared here once before on a lyoeum circuit. He la accompanied by Ms wife. He was registered at the Marlon. A. C. Jahnsom of Sllverton is registered (at the New Terminal. J. S. Parrfa of Turner was a ' guest of the Bllgih hotel last night. All drug stores closed at 1 p. m. July 4th. 157 The windshield an an automtible piloted by M. L. Wearing, 740 Hood street, was broken Saturday : evening When the car collided wiith one driven by E. B. Grif fith ,a tourist from Nebraska, The accident was on the river roiad north of Salem. Hotel Bligh Arrivals What Is summer without music all your musical needs may be supplied at Moore's Music house, 415 Court and Masonic Temple. 157 An tirtomobile driven by John H. Scott received minor damages here Saturday evening when it met up with a machine driven by Roy Rice. The accident oc curred on north Twelfth street. We always 'say it with 'Hits' " in sheet music. Moore's Music house, 415 Court and Masonic Temple. 157 An automobile which they found at the comer of Chemekerta ond Cemter streets yesterday was ( rlaeed in a local garage by Po- lico Sergeant Birtchet and Patrol man Parrent. Dr. W. A. Johnson announces the opening of his new office, 306 Masonic bldg, associated with Dr. Skiff, formerly in the Oregon bldg. 161 : C. H. Shutt, of this city, was I arretted yesterday on a charge k of speeding by Motorcycle Patrol s' man Parremt, He was required to j furnish $10 bail and was olited to .'; appear before Judge Earl Race in the police court this afternoon. 'Thirty loganberry pickers want ed Wednesday, July 5, at the In tlian Hill farm, S blocks from : end of 12th St. car line. 158 Hugh La-bhiam, of Sllverton, i epent the week-end vlfliitiing friends In Salem. He returned home last ."' evening . Love, the Jeweler, Saiem. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Iwin spent the week end in Portland. Attention. New Maxwell cars have arrived and those wiBhing to buy one of these wonderful cars ran do so by calling at Gingrich Motor Car Co. for the next few days. 157 Mr. and Mrs. Hewett, Portland, Or; C. G. Day, Portland, Or; Mrs. Lola Coulter, Portland, Or; Osca Smith, Dallas, Or; O. C. Gardner, Dallas, Or; Mr. and Mrs. Teter, Valsets, Or; A. Teter, Valsetz, Or; J. W. Derby, Grand Ronde, Or; M. H. Hutchinson, S. P. Co., Of; Jas. S. Rogers, Gaston, -Or; C, P. Smith, San Jose, Cal; Mary G. Bellamy, Laramie, Wyo; J. W. Cochran, Rover, Or; Ed -Soder strom and wife, Valsets, Or; C. Tule and wife, Australia; Mrs. R. E. Johnson, Tacoma, Wn; Jac- quelyn Budle, Tacoma, Wn; K. Young, Seattle, Wn; W. A. Wal ther, Seattle, Wn; Bessie Spauld ing, Everett, Wn; Walter Nelson, Seattle, Wn; J. S. Farris, Turner, Or; Earl Corey, Jefferson, Or; Wayne Hammett. Sllverton, Or; Mr. and Mrs. Walker, Seattle, Win; S. S. Soule, Portland, Or; Miss R. Endicott. Portland, Or; Mr. and Mrs. J. Holm, Astoria, Or; Arthnr Hartley, Jefferson, Or; W. Murphy, Tacoma, Wn; Mrs. Button, Chicago, 111; Joe White, Chicago, III; . Meta Hay, Chicago, III; Marie Frances, Chi cago, 111; Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, Portland, Or; A. M. Zipson, Port land, Or; D. Teter, Valsetz, Or; L. H. Larwood, Eugene, Or; J. W. Denby, Grand Ronde, Or; A. M. Zipson, Portland, Or; Mrs. "Hlldee and son, Cherry Grove, Or; E. R. Derflinger, Eugene, Or; Geo. A. Armltage, S. F., Cat; Bernlce Gar ner, Portland, Or; Henry Roy, Munroe, Or; Lee and Jrry Rusk, Portland. Or; Mike Hacker, Mill City, Or; Mr. and Mrs. Schroder, Stayton, Or; C. W. La Grange, Stay ton. Or; Mrs. Geo. Cummings, Hood River, Or; B. McDonald, city; H. R. Dimick, city; Loren Sparks, Hood River, Or; J. H. Mills and wife, Munroe, Or. Henry Lee and George Weigel spent the week-end in Pacific City returning home this morning. Wanted, loganberry pickers, close to Salem, good camp ground Call at White House restaurant, 362 State St. 159 Mrs. W. L. Hutchins, "accom panied by Mrs. Fry and her two sons of the Oak Grove Road, spent Sunday with friends in Gooch. Dr. L. R: Springer has returned to general practice of dentistry and is associated with Dr. C. L. George, 314 Masonic Temple. 157 ' . H. H. Corey, public service-com missioner, has gone to La Grande where on Wednesday he will sit as arbitrator in a dispute between the George Palmer Lumber company and the' Oregon-Washington rail road over demurrage charges. , FILMS DEVELOPED FREE Leave your films today at Pal ton's Book store. R.' D. Barton, accompanied by Professor E. W. Hobson, and his sons,- left for Tacoma Sunday where they will see the automobile races on the Fourth. All drug stores closed at 1 p. m. July 4th. , 157 Kenneth Waters, son of Mr. and MrB. F. L. Waters, is home from the University of Oregon, and will go from here to San Francisco, where he will be employed during the summer. Headquarters The Ace. for fireworks. 157 LABOR E FELT HERE; 200 A labor shortage brought on by the loganberry season, Is In evl dence In Salem, according to Po lice Judge Earl Race, who con ducts a free employment bureau in the city ball. There is a great demand for pickers and at least 200 more men, women, boys and girls could be used at the present time. Judge Race said this morning. It is the first time in several months that Judge Race has been unable to fill the requests made by growers of the vicinity. Salem motorists, returning last night from Portland, said there are signs all along the highway on which growers announce their need for help. The recent hot weather. It was said, will damage the berry crop considerably. Growers will continue to pay one and a half cents a' pound for berry picking. . At that figure but few growers are offering bonuses for pickers who remain through the season, officials explained. SENATORS PLAY I SHERIDAN HERE r With th same line-up which proved dteaaterous to the. Portland Woodmen of the World yesterday Manager Harry Wendroth hopes to win from Sheridan when the ball teams of Salem and that cdty meet tomorrow at 3 o'clock for a contest at Oxford Park. No announcement was made this morniing as to" who will oc cupy the mound for the Senators, Wendroth having used Lauterback yesterdoy. Jack Hayes will per haps oatch, however, while am Im ported twiirler is expected from Portlaind. Sheridan has the reputation of having a fast team. Salem's new line-up 1b improving with every game and as a consequence a good game la expected. - COMING EVENTS . July 8-4 Elllson-"White Chautauqua. July 5 American Legion meeting, armory. July 6-8 Willamette val- ley championship tenniB tournament, Salem Tennis club courts. STREAMS AND BEACHES (Continued from Page One.) ebration extensively, will obtain a large number of visitors from Sa lem, while other beach resorts al so will profit through the staging of celebrations. A number of Sa lem people, whose duties did not require their attention here today, left for the beach resorts Satur day night. In most instances these people will return to the city Tuesday night. Governor Oleott, who returned here Sunday from Seaside,., will leave tonight for Baker, where be will attend the eerenfonies at tendant to the completion of the old Oregon Trail. He will deliver an address at the ceremonies, and will be the guest at- a banquet to be served by his admirers In that section of the state. Many other officials also left here tonight for various parts of the state where they will join with the home folk in observance of the national hol iday. - ' ,": PRIVATE SHOP OPENED FOR ENGINE REPAIRS Cleveland, Ohio, July 3 Ten New York Central locomotives seven from Cleveland and three from Elkhart, shops were eent to the American Locomotive Works at Dunkirk, N. Y., today to be re- paired, D. R. MacBaln, lassistont general manager of the New York Central limes here announced. This was because fo tihe strike of shop craft employes in com pa-ny shops, Mac Bain said. More engines will be shipped out of Cleveland for repairs later on. he saiid. Returning from Long Beach recently Miss Fannie S. White will be the house guest of Mrs. Walter C. Mand. Route No. 2, Polk ciunty, for the rest of the summer Miss White is a teacher In the Lone Beach schools. - She Is a sister of Mrs. Mand. All drug stores closed at 1 P m. July 4tn. iov- Fred W. Smith, Salem's young cartoonist, and Emll Aufrance, junior, and Reg Busick left Satur day for Pacific City, where they will spend the Fourth. No matter where you go, moun taiiiri, seashore, camping, It's easy to take a portable Sonora or Vie- trola with you. Moore's Music house, 415 Court and Masonic Temple. 157 Court House Circuit Court Complaint for forciosure of mortgage filed by John F. Daws vs Clyde G. Thomas and Silver Fails Timber company. Divorce decree granted Alice Morrison in her suit against James Morrison. Complain for the collection of 11500 filed by Elmer Bnes vs Ea- telka Pomeroy. Probate Court Order admitting will of E. E. Mart in to probate filed and giv ing value of personal property of the estate as $6000 and real prop erty as $3000. Marriage Licenses Frederick Bert Mack. 23, A urns -ville, and Bessie Evelyn Lee, 18, Aumsville. Thomas B. Sears, 39, McCoy and Blanche Webber, 21, Salem. Fred Neale Bock, 22, Portland and Helen Gertrude King, 22, Salem. Linden H. McCausla-nd, 21, Ore gon City and Alice E. Funk, IS, Salem. Alfred R. Erickson, 28, Salem and Mabel Johnson, 19. Silverton. Jennings B. Loremce, 25, Monmouth and Ruth Mae Brown, 25, Salem. George T. Slyter, 21. Portland atd Charlotte E. Schmidt, 18, Marion. Governor Oleott returned Sat urday night from Canon Beach where he ha spent the past two weeks with Mrs. Oleott and chil f ren wio are spending the summer at the beach. The governor will leave tonight for Baker to partici Date In the Old Oregon Trail pageant, a feature of the Fourth of July celebration. Wa buy and sen used furniture Geise & Co., phone 464. H. R. Worth, Mrs. Worth and their daughter, Helen, left Sunday for the east. They will visit at Chicago, Cleveland, Philadelphia and New York. Before returning ther also intend to visit Mr. Worth's old home at Charlotte- town, Prince Edward Island, Can. ada, returning via Montref1, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver and Seattle. They ex pect to be gone eight or ten weeks. F. E. Shafer. trunns, nrler cas es, puttees, gloves, belts, harness. 170 S. Commercial St. Slight damage came out of an accident in which cars of F. J. HuddJestom, 255 Division street, and W. H. Griffith, Raymond, Wash., figured Saturday might. Neither of the cars occupants were Injured. Scores of small Salem boys were seen on the streets this morning, loaded down with fireworks of vax ious types. Although Salem will not formally celebrate the Fourth, large quantities of firecrackers have been sold here, dealers said today. SOLDIERS RUSHED TO BATTLE FRESH FIRES Tacoma, Wash., July 8 A hun dned soldiers at Camp Lewis were called out today to fight a fire that is raging over 4000 acres of prairie and timber lands on the government reservation. Fires are ewepieng over 6000 acres of land In Pierce county, W. C. Weat, district fire warder, said today. SENATE TAKES RECESS . UNTIL AFTER FOURTH Washington, July 3. The sen ate was unable to hold a quorum today and was forced to recess un til Wednesday after it had ap proved a tariff rate of 5 cents a pound on unshelled almonds. A vote of the committee rate of 15 cents a pound on shelled almonds went over. SAILORS DESERT CRAFT TO CELEBRATE FOURTH Seattle, Wash., July 3. Offi cers and men of the Pacific fleet visiting Seattle harbor over the Fourth of July cash ashore with wide smiles and Inflated chests today. Commander W. R. Furlong, fleet gunnery officer, had just sent a report to Washington, D. C, that at long range gun and torpedo practice the fleet has set up a new standed for the United States navy. GERMAN MARK FALLS HARD New York, July S. The Ger man, mark fell to yet another new low level here today, being quot ed before the opening of business at .023, or the equivalent of 100 for 23 cents. Before the war the value of the mark in this country was 23 8-10 cents. Tntil the north end of Summer street 1s paved, residents of that street find 4t necessary to walk to their homes. The street car now runs but a few blocks on north Summer. W. A. Reeves, of this city, will spend $2750 in erecting a new dwelling at 1265 north Sixteenth street, according to a building permit issued to him by Mark Poulaen, deputy city recorder. A bicycle which had been found abandoned on the streets Saturday was claimed by Gordon Simpsin, 760 north Twenty-First street. , . FIRE PERMITS ARE CANCELLED . BY OFFICIALS Tacoma, Wash., July 3. All fire permits In western Washing ton stand immediately cancelled and no new permits to build fire in the woods will be Issued for any purpose for the. time being it was announced today by W. C. Vest, district fire warden. Mr, Vest announced that the state for estry department has taken this action on account of the forest fire hazard which is growing dally worse. Reports from Kelso today said the situation in Cowlitz county is ihe worst In 20 years. Numerous tires are burning there and the extremely dry condition of the woods has caused the gravest ap prehension on the part of the Os trander Railway & Timber com tany, the Inman-Poulsen com pany, the Long-Bell Lumber com iany( the Eufala Lumber company nd the Hammond Lumber coni- yany. The Long-Bell Lumber company yesterday sent an additional crew of sixty men into the woods to fight the fire and three large pumping plants have been set up Most of the loggers are out of the woods for the Fourth of July vacation and the danger is aug mented by absence of experienced woodsmen to battle the flames. Diners, Attacked In Cafe, are Beaten and Robbed By Bandits San Francisco, Cal., July 3. While between 75 and 100 persons were dining in the Bimbo restau rant. In the foreign quarter of Ban Francisco last night two men wielding blackjacks, beat three men Into unconsciousness, beat and battered two other men and knocked down two women. The bandits escaped In an auto mobile with three gold watches and $64 in cash, taken from their victims. One of the victims, J. Barrett, Is so badly injured that physicians at the county hospital hold out little hope for his recovery. The others injured are Mr. and Mrs. Jesse 'I. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hunt, all of Oak land, and Peter Fazere and Joseph Cronin, both of San Francisco. The Thompsons and Hunts were dining at one table. Hunt arose and cross the floor on some er rand. As he passed a table at which two men were sitting, one of the strangers attempted to seize a diamond stickpin Hunt was wearing in his tie. The other bandit mads a grab for Hunt's watch. Hunt resisted and Thomp son with the other two men rush ed to his assistance. Then the two bandits drew blackjacks. With three of the men unconscious, the two holdups seized the watches and went through one of the vic tim's clothes, . stealing a wallet containing $64. MINERS FIRM IN STAND (Continued from Page One.) out the jurisdiction of the board or subject to the application of the transportation aot. Although applying directly to the shopmen at this time, the board also said if the maintenance of way men, sig nal men, stationary firemen and oilers and clerks joined the walk out, they would be releeated to the same position as the shopmen Letters will be addressed by the board to both the carriers having men on strike and to the shopmen remaining at work, advising them to form new "associations or or ganizations, which would function in behalf of the employes before the board" and which would "be accorded the application and bene fit of the oustandlng wage and rule decisions" of the board. Federal Officials Busy. The board's pronunciamento formally seconded the statement of Chairman Ben W. Hooper Sat urday that men remaining on the job should not be called "scabs" or be considered as "strikebreak ers." The resolution said such men "were within their riehts" and "have the moral as well as the legal right to engage in such serv ice of the American public to avoid interruption of indispensa Died LARWOOD Rosalie Larwood. age 69 years, survived by a son. D. Larwood, Eugene, a daugh ter, Mrs. Win. Hollis, Hood Riv er. Funeral services held from Terwilliger parlors today at 2 o'clock p. m. Rev. Thomas Ache son officiating. Interment in Odd Fellows cemetery. ' GEIER At the residence. 1487 N. Fifth street, Sunday July 2, Mrs. Sarah Geier, wife of L. A. Geier, mother of Mrs. Josle M. Anderson. Funeral services will be held Tuesday July 4th at 10:30 a. m. from the Rigdon mortuary, Mr. Gordon officiat ing, concluding service City View cemetery. SAULSBUDY At a local hospital, juiy a. vi. sauisbury age 87 years. The body was forwarded by the Rigdon mortuary to Ore gon City for funeral services and interment. GEN'ETT At a local hospital. June 30, Miss Lucy Genett, age 60 years. Funeral srvlces and interment took place today, Monday, July 3, at 10:30 a. m. from the La Flemme cemetery, east of Brooks, Rev. G. L. Lov ell officiating, Rigdon & Son dii recting. ble railway transportation." Such men are entitled, the resolution added, to 't'he pain of every de partment and bvnca of the gov ernment, state and nation." New Men Are Sought. The New 'York Central today advertised in newspaper for men to replace shopmen who went out on the Btrike Saturday. In its ad vertisements the New York Uen tral said: "Mechanics and helpers wanted on account of the action of a number of our shop and en .Sine house employes who left the service in defiance of the United States labor board. "Wages: Standard as directed by the United States labor board At the Jackson, Mich., shops ot the Michigan Central 1000 shop men who walkeod out Saturday were given until July 15 to re turn to work under the road's tthreat to close the shops perma nently and have all work done In the east. ..'Officials of the mechanical de partment of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railway at Parsons, Kan sas, went Into the round house and took the places of striking shopmen. Officials announced that necessary repair work woula be done in the local round house and that no attempt would be made Immediately to reopen the big shops. Union and railroad of ficials agreed to settle their wage controversy by a system agree ment which was expected to result from a conference in St. Louis to day. . , Little change was reported in the strike situation in the St. Louis district, where officials and clerks took the places of strikers to do repair work. Motive Power Lacking. Among the first reports of Im pairment of train service came one from corhln, Ky., where It was said the lack of motive equip ment forstalled the movement of 2400 cars of coal in the yards. Salem Wins 4-3 BERRY PICK ARE SOUGHT AT - STATE HOSPITAL Appeals were received at the state hospital here today tor pa tients to enter the berry fields during the next two weeks in an effort to save the crops. The re cent warm weather has ripened the berries rapidly and unless more pickers are obtained a large part of the yield will be lost. Dr. R. E. Lee Stlner, superin tendent of the hospital, said today that the great majority of the pa tients were now employed In har vesting the state crops, but that he probably would be able to as semble a crew of 50 men to assist the berry growers. Many of the berry growers yes terday anonunced a substantial bonus for pickers who would re main through the season. GASOLINE SALES TAXES NOW EXCEED $5,000 000 State revenues rrom the tax on motor fuel oil sales have now passed the $2,000,000 mark. A statement compiled by Secre tary of State Kozer covering the period from February, 1919, the time the tax became effective, un til May 31, last, shows the receipt of a total of $2,175,320.14 cov ering the Btate tax on 145,388,- 727.3 gallons of gasoline and 10, 887,841.25 gallons of distillate. SWIMMING RACES n Tl Riverside Park Cool Shady Clean 10c West Salem North of Bridge Come tand Spend the Day Children 5c Zane Grey's "Golden Dreams" Tomorrow Priscilla Dean in "Wold Honey" Remember It's Cooler Here Ladies' Fancy Diving Contest 1st Pxize Bottle Ben Hur Perfume given by Cen tral Pharmacy. 2nd Prize Brick Ice Cream given by TheJ3pa. Best Appearing Lady in Bathing Suit 1st Prize Bradley fancy all wool bathing suit given by Miller's. 2nd Prize $5 silver bud vase given by Hartman Bros. Men's 100-Yard Swimming Race 1st Prize Bathing Suit (Gantner Mattern) given by Anderson & Brown. 2nd Prize Order for Chicken Dinner given by Gray-Belle. Women's 50-Yard Swimming Race 1st Prize Ladies' all silk Phoenix Hose, given by U.-G. Shipley & Co. 2nd Prize $2.00 Box Candy given by The Spa. 50-Yard Swimming Race for Boys Under 16 1st Prize Quart Brick, of Ice Cream given by The Gray-Belle. . 2nd Prize Season Ticket for Riverside Park. lverside rark Mm Waimteri Baker, ss 4 0 Humphreys "2b-4 1 Adolph, lb 4 2 Hayes, c 4 Teko rf ....4 Proctor cf 4 Gill, If 4 Girod, 3b 3 Lauterback p. .3 Salem. A.B. R. H. O. A. E. 12 4 12 4 18 0 19 2 13 0 2 10 110 111 0 0 2 34 9 27 13 W. 0. 0. 77. A.B. R. H. O. A. E. Haight, ss 4 0 0 1 2 0 Wagner, c 4 0 1 3 2 0 Boytano, rf ....4 0 0 1 0 0 Robbins If 4 0 0 2 0 1 Klein, lb 4 1 0 12 0 0 Smith, 2b 4 1114 0 Shelton, 3b ....3 114 3 1 Barker, cf 2 0 110 0 Livingston, p -.3 0 2 0 2 0 ..i; '.' 82 3 6 24 13 2 Summary Home runs, Adolph; two base hits. Baker, Humphreys, Proctor, LIvlngton; sacrifice fly, Barker; stolen bases, Humphreys, Gill, Girod; . balk, Lauterback; pass ball, Wagnor; struck out, Lauterback 9, Livington 2. Umpire Hauser. Webb & Clough LEADING rrjKEEAl . DIRECTORS EXPEET EMBAT.MT.R3 UK9 Rigdon & Son's MORTUARY Unequaled Service 1 for service as railroad machinists, boilermakers, blacksmiths, electricians, sheetmetal workers, pipe fitters, copper smiths, tinners, car inspectors, car repairers, helpers all classes UNDER STRIKE CONDITIONS BEST EXPLAINED BY CHAIRMAN BEN W. HOOPER OF THE UNITED STATES RAILROAD LABOR BOARD IN HIS STATEMENT OF JULY 1ST READING AS FOLLOWS "In the past a man who took up the work of another man who was on strike against wages and working conditions was termed a "scab" or a "strikebreaker" terms to which much opprobium was attached. In the present situation cre ated by the strike of shopcraft workers, men who assume the work of the strikers cannot justly be reproached with such epithets. "This is not a customary strike in which the employer tries to impose upon the employe unjust wages and unrea sonable working rules. In this case the conflict is not be tween the employer and the oppressed employes. The peo ple of this country, through an act of congress, signed by President Wilson, established a tribunal to decide such dis putes over wages and working conditions, which are sub mitted to it in a proper manner. It is the decision of this tribunal against which the shop crafts are striking. "Regardless of any question of the right of the men to strike, the menwho take the strikers' place are merely ac cepting the wages and working conditions prescribed by a government tribunal and are performing a public service. They are not accepting the wages and working conditions which an employer is trying to impose. For this reason, public sentiment and full government power will protect the men who remain in their positions and new men who may come in." Adequate provisions have been made for the full pro tection of all new employes, the same as old employes who have remained loyally at work. Applicants should apply to the office of the superintendent at Portland (Union station), or to the assistant superintetndent at Roseburg. H J. H. DYEE, General Manager Southern Pacific Company a. Xi. xvcl.x, -n.epreseniai.ive xjcecuuve Aepartmeni v. Southern Pacific Company 1