Capitayournal Salem, Oraffoa An independent Newspaper, mbliaked rrerr Tii!ne weept fltrnday, Telephone II; w II OEOROB PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher Letting In the Sunlight Believing that in morals as in medicine there is no anti ceptic like the sunlight, The Capital Journal will begin publication July 15 of "The Modern Ku Klux Klan" by H. P, Fry (Copyright 1922 by Small, Maynard & Co.) an luthoritatve and historical expose of this attempt to capitalize religious bigotry and racial annimosity for the financial profit of a little coterie of grafters at Atlanta, Georgia, and another little coterie of politicians in Oregon. It is now apparent to any observer that the Ku Klux Klan movement is unquestionably the most sinister and baneful proposition that has ever been started in this country. Wherever it obtains a foothold, conditions become intolerable. There have been many secret societies founded upon religious prejudice, and many political movements, but the combina tion of the two, with its ultra secrecy, lies about member ' ship, masked violence, secret espionage of citizens and the private attempt to regulate the morals of the community by sewing-up the law enforcing branches of the government, and its effort to seize political power by appeal to racial and religious intolerance, make it the most dangerous and anarchistic scheme ever launched. , Mr. Fry is the author of the New York World expose of the Ku Klux Klan that caused the congressional investigation and that won for the World the Pulitzer award and gold medal for the "most disinterested and meritorious public service rendered by any newspaper during the year." To the facts gathered by the World have been added many later developments and the history of the Ku Klux Klan of civil war times. The publication is understaken so that the people of this vicinity may know the truth about this secret organization which is powerful enough to coerce the press of Portland into a shameful silence, as welll as run the pojitics and school system of the metropolis. Once again the people must turn from the big city papers to the small country papers to learn the truth. Concerning the Ku Klux Klan and its propagandst lecturer, who peddles his poison for 55 cents per head and printed copies of his spiel for a dollar extra. typical of the cash in advance klan system the Eugene Guard says : R. H. Sawyer Is back again, telling the more gullible people a lot of pernicious falsehoods which tend to stir up Btrlfe, racial and religious. In a community. He la a professional talker and fakir, having Jumped from one religious denomination to another, until he Iuih finally landed where such men always end their careers, as a religious agitator, and the tool of cheap politicians. If there was any truth In the statemnt made by Mr. Sawyer, then his organization would be no less dangerous than It Is, because It U a secret political order, and such tjrders, which nominate nd endorse candidates for public offices behind locked doors are a menace to the very govern ment Itself. There Is no objection, legal or otherwise, to any citizen who dislikee the Catholic expressing his opinion and governing his vot accordingly, provided he does It openly and above-board. Neither is the man or woman who harbors a resentment against the Jews colored people, or any foreign element or religious creed prohibited from expressing It and refusing aa an Individual to vote tor member of such race or subscribe to such a creed. But when me baud themselves together In secret societies to control elections, t boycott and restrict the rights of citizenship guaranteed by th federal constitution they are anyythlng but real Americans. In truth most of the Becrot orders of this character have as their active mem bershlp naturalized citizens whho do not yet know the real meaning of Americanism, In its broader Bence. It is a safe prediction that this man Sawyer, If he Is really iucere crusader for religious and racial Intolerance Is not a native born American. It he were he would have learned that the most effective way to protect one's own right to think ind act with entire Independence, within the law, Is to fight the battle of the othe fellow when his constitutional rights are attacked. That Is why the most strenuous opponent of Ku Kluxlmn are neither Catholics, Jews, nor Negroes, but plain Americans who are Jeulously guarding thel own liberties against possible assault by Intolerance and bigotry because the lite of the republic la dependent upon these guarantees As to the masked night riders of the Klau being a necessary adjunct to law enforcement, that would be a Joke If It did not occasionally end in tragedy. In this connection and in reply to misstatements of Mr Sawyer while in Salem, The Capital Journal is not pro Catholic, pro-Jew nor pro any other religious sect, nor is it pro-negro, nor pro-Jap nor pro-other foreigner, nor is it pro-secret society of any kind. It believes in the racial and religious tolerance made the law of the land by the federal constitution and is merely seeking to safe-guard the liberty therein vouchsafed. mmiii umim 1 1 n 1 1 uumiuuium fii 1 Iove's cccd j Masquerade By IdaJi JIoGlone Gibson Why Gates Was Dismissed ( From the Portland Spectator.) From Medford comes a letter which says The Spectator did it self a great Injustice last week in printing the story headed "The C.overnor, Dad Gates, and the Klau." Well, there were four par ties to the article-Governor 01 colt. Mayor Gates of Medford, the KKK, and The Spectator and If Injustice was done any of them, I am glad it was the Spectator. "In your story," the letter states, "It Is said that Gates Is not a member of the KKK You are mis informed. Gate does belong to what you call "the pillow slipped and bed sheeted gang,' and In joining that crowd of lawless tlgota he violated the official oath which ha took to give us all a square deal, and is now pledg ed to the klan to persecute Catho lics and Jews and other citizens, who. even If they were not born In thia country, art as good Am ericans as la be or any others of his masked gang. I was not born In America, but I am a natural ized eitizeu. and I volunteered to tight for my adopted country, and in the Argonne I was baptized American In my own blood. Now this bigot. Gates, who you say Is J a gooa citizen, ana nis pillow cas ed and bed sheeted gang say I am not enough American to enjoy the right of citizenship. Gates Is a ku lux, and for confirmation of this from the ritual afterward to be sure that I was getting It as It really was. I believe that with the class of ten that went In at the time, we received It In Its entire ty." I said I did not believe C. E Gates was a member of the ku klux, and based my belief on Gates' own statement, and on pos itive dentals of his klan affilia tious made to me by some of hit friends. From the quotation made by my correspondent. It arpears mat i.ates original statement was untrue, and that his friends, who had been deliberately de ceived, unwittingly, misled others to his klan connections. All that need be added to that Is that Governor Olcott had posi tive Information that Gates was a member of the klan, and In dis missing him acted for the good of the service, and in doing so has the hearty approval of a great majority of our citizens. Talking it Over "Jim," remarked lavl, reflect ively, to Clavering that evening at the club, "that little tragic drama enacted at Claire Adams' grave thia afternoon has given me a decidedly creepy feeling. 'There, at the head of the grave, stood the man who had kill ed her, tears streaming down his face while he muttered:-'I didn't mean to do It. Claire, I didn't mean to do It,' Meanwhile, just a few feet away, Bitting far back in my coupe, sobbing with tears also streaming down her face, was the wife of the man who was per haps more to blame than the slay er. "I was afraid some of the re porter would learn that Doris was there, but she insisted upon staying. As good luck would have it they didn't recognize either of us. I think they were too occu pied by the services at the gTave. "Jim," continued Davis, "I will never again say that I know any thing about women or that I have the least idea how any one of them will act under given cir cumstances. 'I have seen Doris Glendening treat some old friend of Harry's with snobbish contempt. Yet here she was, not only pitying her ri val but seemingly to actually grieve for her. " 'Poor thing,' she exclaimed. 'Poor, poor woman! I wonder If. where she Is now, she Is conscious of all this. I wonder if she thinks it is worth while. ' 'I do not think nature is fair to her. I' 'I do not think nature is fair to us poor women, John. She gives us some sort of reasoning power that is much too Inadequate to fight against our physical Inclina tions; much too slow in battling with magnetic attraction, and much too stolid to really under Htand that the tingle and thrill of nervous tension usually pres ages danger.' " "Great Scott. John," exclaimed Clavering. "I had no Idea that Doris Glendening ever stopped to analyze anything. If I thought about her mind at all, I thought she was too brain-lazy to exercise it. If she had talked like that to Harry, she probably would have held him. You know he is a shark for the women who analyzes and ihowa -mind as well as good looks and Doris is good broking fahe also has a brain, Jim, al though she has almost let It atro phy by her calm satisfaction in her own way of living her life I hope this tragedy has knocked lome of the pins out from under her ego and that there will be lome sort of compromise patched up between Harry and herself. iou Know habit Is one of the strongest forces In the world Harry has the 'habit' of Doris' If nothing else, although I don't think he could ever be true to one woman." I have been wondering if Harry is going to pull out," in terrupted Clavering. "I still think that here is the logical place from which Harry Glendening ought to nart on the 'great adventure Life can give him no more thrills aud from now on they will be few er and milder. "But Fate evidently has some thing yet in store for him on this earth, for he was decidedly better this afternoon. He was not delir ious and seemed to realize everv- tning that had happened, al though he did not know that .Mrs. Adams had been murdered. When told that she was dead he whis pered to himself: 'It should have been I.' When I got to the hosnltnl. the first question he asked was: IJo the doctors think I am going W pull through' There was no particular eagerness In his voice as ho asked It, only a kind of cur ious epeculation about the future. It was the first time in all the years that I had known him that I had the faintest inklimr that Harry Glendening had eveT meu to iook one nour ahead of the present." Not even when he was des cribing the Joys of Quito, Jim?" asked Davis cynically. 'Oh that was merelv a nart of the technic of his campaign of love making. You can see that from the way he told the Quito story to both Margaret and Claire Adams. Whether he meant it to one or both of them, I cannot tell but H seems to me as though he were making a kind of story that would interest the girl at the ime of his speaking. As long as the girl who interested him at he time would leu him make love to her, I do not think he cared whether they were in Quito or Kamchatski or here. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON itiilliH tMMMM MONDAY, JULY 3, 1922. PAGE FUUK 7T7TTTrZ-?7ZZTTTT i - nrniiiniiuiiiumx! TT T : T 1 Skinny folks should do their bathing at home in a tub. No pest is greater than a man who has wit, but uses no judgment in applying it. Silliness is overlooked in a pretty woman, but homely ladies have got to have sense to get by. When you once stop loving anything or anybody, you Can't revive that love again; It is a sad error to think that in order to be "natural," you have to be coarse. An ignorant man in dead earnest can make a more eloquent appeal than a great orator who isn't. Hez Heck Says: "A feller never gits wonderin' what wimmin will do next." over folks Copyright 1922, Premier Syndicate. Inc. "When I told him he had a chance of living it didn't seem to interest him. He lay silent and made no comment for a long time." Dr. Milton Clavering continued: 'DM the doctors say that I would really get well, or will they send me some where to Just hibernate tha rest of my life?' ASKS ALIEN PROPERTY TRANSFER BE PROBED Washington. July s. investi gation of the transfer f-nm the ilmt I - !,... . -- ' " ... .vn-i in wtmn ; v nemloal i ues ne wrote in a local paper. which he ti Mail-Tribune, in "I not only heard every word f the obligation, but read It over Foundation. Inc.. of tain enemy property seized during the war has been recommended . 'vaiurm uarcmg in a " 'They said, Harry, that you would probably have to fight tu berculosis the rest of your days for that shot to your already weak ened lungs would put you in line for the dread disease at any time.' " 'I'd rather die, Jim,' he re marked earnestly. Then after an other short silence he asked: 'Has anyone seen Doris? What does she think about it? She probably thinks I am getting the punish ment I deserve.' " 'On the contrary, Harry, she said nothing of the kind and she has already withdrawn her peti tion for divorce. As soon as she read the account of the shooting she wanted to come to you im mediately. We had ell we could do to keep her away from here.' " 'Why did you try to keep her away, Jim? Why didn't you let her come?' " 'Because, in your delerium, you kept calling on Margaret Earle to come. "A faint smile curled Harry's lips. 'A man usually tells what is In hl3 heart when he Is drunk or delirious,' he remarked. 'I wish Margaret could have heard me.' " 'You probably thought, Jtm," he contiued, 'that another woman stand. Perhaps it would have been. Old man, I can't tell you would be more than Doris could how I feel about your kindness to me. You have been better to me than I deserve, Jim, but, honestly, I shall think I have been a bigger fool than a sinner. I would gladly have taken the shot that killed Claire Adams rather than the one I got. 'All my life I have been like the drunkard who knows that drink is taking from him all that makes life worth living, and yet cannot resist tasting the cup that is held to his lips. I expect that the newspapers have had a fine time with me, Jim. Did they show me up beautifully?' Well, I must admit, Harry. that you have been making splen did copy and headlines during the last few days." "Harry turned his face to the wall with a groan, and I went over to Milt's room. "'I think, Jim," Milt exclaimed as he put a number of clippings which the nurse had evidently cut from the papers, 'that I will cable Margaret. It is more than prob able that some of the London papers will get some of this, and I would hate to have her worry. "I told Milt I had cabled Mar garet and showed him a copy of the message. He seemed pleased and made almost the same remarks to me that Harry had about being In my debt. He also said he was glad that Harry had come out of his delirium. Consequently there would be no danger for his speak lng Margaret's name . when he should not. "I also explained to Milt that I had arranged for the burial of his wife tomorrow." " 'Thank you so much, Jim. May I ask you one more favor? See that I have the proper people and ve hicle to take me to the services and to the grave.' " 'Are you sure you have the strength to go, - Milt? We brought you here in an ambu lance and wheled you into Glen dening's room on a hospital roll ing bed." "Oh, I'll be able to go all right. You know I'll go If I have to be taken to the cemetery in the same way I was brought here." "I did not remonstrate with him fop I knew that I would probably do the same thing under the same circumstances. "Milt obeys his code of Ihics to the letter. I knew exactly what was in his mind. He was saying to himself that if he could stand the excruciating pain necessary to go to Harry Glendening a per feet stranger and a man he did not like In order to keep Mrgaret Earle's name from being connect ed with the Glendening jrandal, he certainly would try to save himself with any excuse of phy sical inability from attending his wife to the end of her last jour ney." "Milt is a character of strange contradictions, isn't he, Urn?" said Davis. "He always seems to be afraid of the 6peech of people: he has always given his wife the very best care, and he always seems to take himself to task for falling in love with Margaret Earle. Indeed, I think he has al ways denied that he was in love with her until the night of the fire. And now he seems to think that what has come to hjim is in some way a punishment for what he said to us on that night." "I do not think that Milt fell in love with Margaret, John," return ed Clavernig seriously. :"I think what he feels for Margaret has been of slow growth." , (Continued Wednesday) West Salem West Salem. Or., July.,3. Mrs. Fred O. Smith gave a rery pleas ant surprise party on Wednesday evening, June 28, at their home on 1055 Edgewater street. In hon or of their son, Leslie's fourteenth birthday. The entertainment was devoted to music and games. . At a late hour a two-course luncheon was served of ice cream and cake. Those who enjoyed the evening were: Fern Miller, Waneta and Bernice Wood, Helen Phillips, Helen and Harry Needham, Homer Phllllns. Philip Hathaway, Lois, Charlotte, Jean, Fred and Leslie Smith. Delbert Moore Is spending his vacation at Newport, where he will entertain the summer visitors with his violin. Captain Morrlson.has moved his family trom Salem to the Wood's property on Third street. J. A. Roberts motored to Eu irene Wednesday on a business trip. Ira Trlppe of Eugene was a week-end visitor at the Raymond home on Second street. Mrs. Frank Creel (nee Myrtle Stanton) of Bakersfleid, Cal., who has been spending several weeks visiting her old home relatives and friends has returned home accompanied by her mother and brother. Mr. Richardson of Railroad street is adding to the appearance of his property by painting his dwelling. , Little Pheme Hawthorne, who underwent an operation- for the removing of tonsils and adenoids, is much improved in health. Mrs. Arnold and two children are spending some time at Nes- quowln. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Means are receiving congratulations on the birth of a fine young son on June 26, 1922. A miscellaneous showei was given at the home of Douglas Stanton of Railroad street on Sat urday evening In honor of his daughters, Mrs. Frank Creel and Mrs. Charles Wurm. The evening was spent in a social time and the honored guests were showered with many useful as well as beau tiful gifts. A two-course lunch was served by the aides. Ida Anderson of Dayton, Ore gon, is visiting at the home of her cousin, Claudlne Gerth. Mrs. Ella Duchien, who under went a tonsil operation, is getting along nicely. Mrs. Von Lehe and two small children, who have been spending several days at the B. R. Woods residence, have returned to their home at Corvallls. rharr nicking hag begun in this locality and promises to be a fine crop. Claude Moore and Arthur Dur ham of Hood River were week end visitors here. Mrs. GoodBpeed and Laura Shepard spent Wednesday with relatives at Eugene. "Mrs. George Dayton of Seattle, Wash, visited at the Brannon home last week. Luella Russell visited Mrs. Clara Smith on Friday. The little child of Mr. Thur man's, who has been serious ill, Is much better. Mr. and Mrs. Wllford Thomas toured to Portland Wednesday. Quits a number attended the ice cream and cake festival at Halls Ferry on Friday evening and enjoyed the hospitality of the Methodist Epworth league. The Epworth League of the M. E. church held a business meeting at the Charles Raymond home on Tuesday evening. Miss Lottie McAdams left Thursday for Portland, where she will join some friends and go to Gearhart to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. George Frazier of Portland were town visitors re cently. Mr. and Mrs. William Phillips of Railroad street gave a farewell dinner party for Mrs. Douglas Stanton and Mrs. Myrtle Creel on Sunday. Rev. Bagnall of the boys indus trial school spent several days at the Alexander Hawthorne home last wek. Mrs. Allor of Dundee was a so jouuer at the Thomas residence lately. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hannon of Salem visited the former's sister, Mrs. Culter, Sunday. Latonla Leach spent Sunday afternoon with Hazel Keeler ot South Salem. Mrs. Ernest Woods has re turned home after visiting several days at Corvallls. It is reported that the West Sa lem dryer will open for work soon. Charles Raymond and family motored to Newport, Oregon, the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Lamb and Mrs. Arthur Moore are spending some time at their homestead at Belle- fountaln, Oregon. Mrs. Flora Durham, who got urt while working In a cannery. is able to be at work again. Boyd Madlll was a week visitor it the Russell home on Kingwood avenue. SENATORS m If FROM WOODIfl SCORE 4 TO 3 By a score of tour to three the Salem Senators won the gamt played with the aggregation rep. resenting the Woodmen of thi World, Portland, yesterday at Ox ford park. The game was one ot the fastest every witnessed on a local field, each side retiring In one, two three order. " Scoring started li the first Inning, however, with the Senators making two whet Baker got a two-bagger, Hum. phreys landed with a single, both scoring on an error of Ragtano, right fielder for Portland. Rex Adolph lambed out a homt run in the third inning. His over-the-feuse swing is becoming quiti regular, though he still is unablt to handle grounders that roll to the left ot him. The first half of the eighth In ning proved almost disastrous for the Senators when the first Wood man up reached first through er ror of Girod, Smith singled, Shel ton followed on an error of Lau terback, the first two runnen scoring on a fly to left. Sheltoo of Portland scored on a hit ot Liv ingston. This was the only time during the game that Salem gave evi- -dence ot losing up. Lauterback was in fair form. Hayes played a good game with the big mit. MRS. THOMAS CHENEY KILLED BY BANDITS Washington, July 3. Mrs. Thomas Cheney, the Mexican-born wife of an American employed by an American company operating in the Tamplco oil region, was killed by Mexican bandits June 29 when she recognized their leader, -according to a report today to th state department trom Consul ' Shaw at Tampico. As Mrs. Che-, ney is an American citizen by marriage the department made immediate representations to the Mexican, government recommend ing that the murderer be appre hended and punished. With China unified Japan will have to mail out but one set of demands. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY RHEUMATISM Leaves You Forever lVcp Sratotl Vrlc Acid Dcpreats -vrt uisMiiml and tlie lttieu- naile loL-m starts to l-re tlu ty-n-m llliin Twenty-four Hours. STOP ITCHING SKIN Zemo the Clean, Antiseptic Liquid, Uives tTompt Relief There is one safe, dependable treat ment that relieves itching torture and that cleanses and soothes the skin. Ak any druceist for a 35c or SI bottW of Zcroo and apply it as cfireeted. Soon you m ill find that irritations. Pimples. Blackheads. Eczema. Blotches. Rir.c- worm and siniiku- skin troubles ill dis- appe.Tr. Zemo. the nenetntincr Ratisfvinp letter Jiquid. is all that is rrerded, for it to Aiiun . .. uquiu. is u is iwraea. lor u to Anen l mperty Custodian Mil- Kmshes most skin eruruions. makes the skra tift. smooth and healthy. Kvery drugirist In this countv authorised to say to every rheu matic sufferer that if a full pim bottie of Allenrhu, the sure con querer of rheumatism, does .not show the way to stop the agony, reduce swollen Joints and do away with even the slightest twinge of rheumatic pain, he will glad; .re turn your money without com ment, f " Allenrhu has been tried and tested for years, and really mar velous results hav been accom plished in the most severe cases where the suffering and agony was Intense and piteous and where :he patient was helpless. Mr. James H Allen, of Roches ter, N. Y.. the discoverer of Allen rhu, who for many years suffered the torments of acute rheuma tism, desires a'i sufferers to know th:U he does not want a cent of -myone's money unless Ailenrhu decisively conquers this worst of diseases, and he has ins:ruct ed drucists to guarantee it shove in every inanee. All druir lsts can supply you. dyj 1 A SWEET LITTLE BABY BOY Makes a Bright Spot in Every Home. A Comfort in Years to Come Parle Rapids, Minnesota. "I have taken your medicine Lydia E. Pink- ham s Vegetable Co m p oun d when I was a girl for pains and be fore and after my marriage. I now hare a sweet lit tle baby boy and will send you his pictureif you wish to publish it. My sisters also take your medicine and nnd it a cmi l.t 1 , . . ueij, kjiu a recommend it to tnose who suffer before their babies are born." Mrs. Wst. Johnson, Box 155, Park Rapids, Minn. To marry and arrive at middle aire without children is a great disap pointment to many women. Think of the joy and comfort other women have in their children as they grow older. Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound has helped to bring great happiness to many families by re storing women to health. Often the childless home is due to a run down condition of the wife, which may be helped by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. It broupht health and happiness into the home of Mrs. Johnson. Why not to touts ? l!iJU'i( of Beauties tsT TIT TJO cigar box is frr' if'iin, ,7J 11 better known on - .1 Wi the Coast, than the El f . J I , I W f Sidelo box. No box jl - s)lf!lllWmhW f hoIds ch invitation f Mmim ' I to smokers. No box I JWW FT otters you greater f A)mtP f promise of Havana Mi ' 1 til.', i IllUa I'fl El Sidelo Cigar is made bT Consolidated Cigar Corporation, New York Distributed by ALLEN & LEWIS, Portland. Ore. hi NO cigar box is better known on the Coast, than the El Sidelo box. No box holds such invitation to smokers. No box offers you greater promise of Havana fragrance and Connec ticut shade-wrapper mildness. No box ful fils its promise more acceptably. 'J