THE CAPITAL JOURNAL; SALEM, OREGON PAGE NINE An Actress Who Divorced Three Husbands Is Looking For a Sane and Safe Fourth SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1922. CapitasJourna ; i; SUBSCRIPTION RATES By carrier 10 eonU a week, 45 cents a month, )3 a year in ad vance. ,, jiy mail, in Marlon and Polk counties, one month BO cents, 8 months $1.25, 6 months $2.25, 1 : 'yeat $4.00. Elsewhere 50 cents a month, $5 a year. i Kntered as second class mall matter at Salem, Oregon. i Member :i ASSOCIATED PRESS - The Associated Press is exclua ! lvely entitled to the use for pub : llcation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise ; credited in this paper and also lo cal news published herein. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Advertising representatives: W. D. Ward, Tribune bldg.. New York City. W. S. Stockwell, Peoples Gas bldgr.. Chicago, Ills. CLASSIFIED RATES Rate per word each insertion 2 cents, three insertions, 5 cents, on week 8 cents, one month 20 cents, one year, per month, 12 cents; minimum per ad, 2 5 cents. First insertion only in New To day, Citv ads cash in advance. and not taken over phone, unless advertiser has monthly account. No allowance for phone errors NEW TODAY Foil SALE Weaned pigs. Phone ? F3. 156 "WANTED Children to caje for at 441 N Church. . 1159 FOR SALE Wood, saw and 10- horse eras engine. PJione 1694J. , . cl58 I'OR SALE Three work horses. 'harness, wagon. Phone 1694J WANTED Monday and Tuesday I or 6 cherry pickers. Call S097M. gl57 WANTED Loganberry pickers, pay 1 3-4c; campers preferred, fit. 9, box 23, Portland road. ' 15C FOR SALE Small Acorn gas stove. Call before 4 p. m. G. N. Howell, 740 University street. ' - , 158 WHEAT, oats and vetch hay for ale $10 in the cock, first field south of Catholic cemetery. N. C Peterson. cl57 FA1RMOUNT HILL Several . choire buiMlnff lots. See us for bargains, w. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St. 156 6 ACRES With new bungalow f ist of Salem. Price $3000 cash. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 Btate street. 15 6 REFINED, unincumbered widow 83 years old, wants position as 'housekeeper, capable of taking full charge. Phone 507J. 156 WE will pay cah for used car bon (diamonds) also used dia mond core drill. Address P O : box 232, Edna, naKsns. 158 FOR SALE -Fuller and Johnson . gas engine, fifteen (15) h. p. -Will trade for good Ford tour ing car. M. G. Godwin, Scotta ' Mills, Or. clSO SNAP FOR CASH New five room I bungalow, corner lot, north Sa- -','- lem. Price $2450. W. H. Gra- ibenhorst & Co., 275 State St. ' 156 MODERN 5 room new bungalow with furniture, close in on pav I ed street and worth the money lifor $6000. Ben.F. West, 370 H State street. 166 WANTED 20 loganberry pickers ; oy juiy a. a miles north or sa- . lem, camp grounds furnished. 'J-Oall Charles , Weathers, phone Wib 13. g!5 8 WANTED To rent furnished housekeeping rooms by business kman and wife, close in and treasonable; state price. Address IF Capital Journal. 156 WIDOW and maiden worth over I $80,000, want kind helping hus- bands. Write quick for pictures I and descriptions. Box 223,. Los Angeles, Cal. FOR SALE By owner, 8 room ji bungalow, east Salem, near J school. Large lot, fruit and gar- den. Electricity and gas. In- quire 2286 Mill fit. 156 $600 DOWN, balance terms for )one of the finest little bungs, lows in the city, new and mod em in every detail. iHEY-SER-FOLLRICBC SYSTEM Vftnfl nn thnti-utid n FOR SALE $100 down and $10 per month buys 10 acres of I first class berry and tree soli. Price $1250. Interest 6 per cent. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 1 State street. bl57 WANTED Ladies experienced in fancy work, anxious to earn ex I tra money at home, spare hours, I w.-ite immediately to Underwood I Art Goods Co., Portsmouth, Ohio. 15S tOR SALE OR RENT 2 room house and three lots in King 1 wood park. Rent $10 per month. I Price $1000, easy terms. W. H. j Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. " 15 6 Easy" PAYMENTS, 4 houses and lots on $200 down, easy monthly. .$ balance. Several buys on $500 I down. Fire insurance. H. E. I Brown, realtor, over Busick's, ftate and ,oniYYir-ri.',l. n roH SALE Lease on 380 acie farm, 90 acres in crop of which two thirds guca. all necessary machinery and tools and all stock. Price $2000 cash. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St. 156 SPECIAL for quick 6ale, two wheel j trailer for Ford $20; Stude- baker 6 less than 7000 miles, j $300; Ford touring $135, Chand i ler coupe, perfect, $1200; Ford t sedan $425. Oleson-Kookstool. 173 S. Liberty, phone 666. 156 HERE is your chance to get the i Dome you want, owner leaving city ana will sacrifice 7 room modern home. Hj blocks from Willson park. Look this over by all means. I HBYSER-FOLLRICH SYSTEM, Fone one thousand. a JtfARRY IF LONELY; for results. try me; best and most success ful "Home Maker;" hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strict ly confidential; most reliable; years experience; descriptions free. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Nash, box 650. Oakland, California, MIXED AD 66 acres good soil. u cultivated, for $65 per acre, south of Salem. Good general store doing big business, good location, below Vancouver, to trade for Salem or acreage 10 acres good soil, improved. ZSe; trade for city. Good lot in Spokane, Wash., to trade for Salem. Fire insurance. Brown over Bu sick's, Stats and Commercial. NEW TODAY CUTE little fo terrier for sale. 1263J. 166 BOARD and room close in, 495 N. Commercial. J168 FOR SALE 'Girl's wheel. 212 S. Cottage, $10. c!68 WANTED Loganberry pickers. Phone 37F12. g!58 FOUR men wanted at Indian Hill farm Monday. 156 PAINTING by day or Call 928, Copland. contract. 1161 2 or 3 ROOM apt. ,4 block from State, 160 S. loth. 166 FOR SALE Turkeys and young roosters. Phone 14F13. 156 WANTED Loganberry pickers. H. Stevenson, phone 108F2. gl58 FURNISHED flat for rent at 446 Union, adults. Phone 680M. Jl-58 CABBAGE plants for sale, Danish Ball Head, $4 M. Phone 48F11. cl58 SHOATS and stock hogs wanted. Phone 254 or after office hours 622. 156 FOR RENT Desirable light housekeeping room. 340 Divis ion. ' 3168 LOST Large white and brown female pointer. Reward. Phone 1508W.- 166 CHERRY and loganberry pickers, good patch: begin July 6. phone 1620M. gl68 WANTED 3 loganberry pickers, . .house to camp in. Rt. S, box 184 phone 36F33. 156 APARTMENT wanted, 3 or 4 rooms furnished on first floor. Phone 1162J. 156 FOR RENT Strictly v modern furnished apartments, c Phone 1123W, -call 492 S. High. J157 GOOD Ford truck for sale, first class condition.-H. E. Stewart, Salem Rt. 4. box 118, v q!61 6 ROOM house for rent, no small a) children. Call between. 6 and 8 evenings. 1188 N. Com'l. 156 WANTED 20 loganberry pickers, water, wood, stove and shacks to live In. Phone 88F11. g!69 FOR RENT Nice 5 room turn ished cottage, twenty five dol lars a month. 1168 Leslie St. 156' FOR RENT Sleeping porch with or without board, close in. Phone 1882J. 674 N. Churoh. J158 LOGANBERRY pickers wanted, good patch, steady employment, price 14, cent bonus. Phone 48F11. gl58 FOR TRADE One or two good work horses, for fruit trees for next fall's delivery. John H Scott, 228 Oregon bldg. 156 57 MILES per gallon made with new patented gasoline vaporizer, Write for particulars. Stransky vaporizer Co., Pukwana, S. 1). 156 FOR RENT 2 room furnished, modern apartment on first floor newly kalsomined and painted Florence - hotel, phone ;928, on car line. r J161 $1800 BUYS a nice 5 room house, corner lot, on good street, close to school. This Is a real nice place and will not last long. Ben F. West, 370 State St. 156 10 ACRES of prunes, full of prunes, for $4000. Some down with good terms. Can pay for this in two years with crop. Ben F. West, 370 54 State St. 166 WE 'want apartment house leases and business opportunities, we have clients on our prospective list waiting for buys of merit. HEYSER-FOLLRI-CH SYSTEM Terminal bldg. ' i' ON July 8th, 1922, at 10 a. m. will be sold at sheriff's sale at the Marion county court house, 67 acres of land that will In all probability be sold cheap. See -John H. Scott, 228 Oregon bldg.. Salem, Or., for particu lars. bl67 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE House and 2 lots, ga rage, chicken house, some small fruit. 1770 S. Liberty. al67 FOR SALE By owner, 6 room house, acre of land,- lot of fruit and berries. 2660 Oak. al57 FOR SALE By owner, east front bungalow, basement. Phone 896W. al66 $200 DOWN, price $1000, for good 7 room plastered house, north Salem. S. R. Pearson, 210 U. S. bank bldg. a $600 DOWN, balance like paying rent buys new modern five room dwelling. F. S. Lamport, phone Z0Z3. FOR SALE Good 6 room house Jn N. 6 th street, garage, cement walk, corner lot. Price $3100, terms. W. G. Krueger, Oregon bldg. Phone 217. al56 $400 WILL handle 6 room plas tered house, bath, toilet, electric basement, close in on Division street. Price $2300. See owner, 845 Division street. al56 $500 DOWN will buy new 5 room modern bungalow on paved street, cozy and about ready to move into. Price $300. S. R. Pearson, 210 U. S. bank bldg. a SOLDIERS I have an unusually good deal for soldier who has the right of bonus loan. Come in and let me tell you about it. The property will take care of Itself besides furnishing you a home of your own. Wm. Fleming, '341 State street. - a SEE THIS If you want some thing good, modern double house of 10 rooms, basement, furnace, laundry trays, gas, etc. garage. Yes, it is all here, and on paved street and street car at door. Price $4250, terms. See L. A. Hayford, 305 State St. a SUMMER cottage at Nye beach, 2 blocks from ocean, completely furnished, built in bed In living room; a bargain at $650. 9 room house, suitable for three apartments, well built in, large lot. variety fruit. $3500. Winnie Pettyjohn, 331 tj State St. n FOR SALE A nearly new small home at 646 Market street. This house is modern in every way, with basement. French doors, dutch kitchen, wood work in ivory finish, back porch screen ed, lawn, some fruit trees on place. Is only two blocks from street car line, and is in easy walking distance from the cen ter of town. Call after 6 p. m. at the house, 646 Market street, or phone 1076J. al6S FOR SALE Miscellaneous PURE honey at right price, phone lKOHK.. C158 ELECTRIC fan for sals. 806 8. Liberty. . cl5 FOR SALE Fine tons violin. Phone 1128J. cl5 FOR SALE 6 months Honeymaa pointer dog, $1S. Phone 4F1. lit FOR SALE Electrio washing ma chine, good as new, at S4i 8. Church. clil FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE Broccoli plants 30, 000, $5 In M lots. E. B. Smith, Gervais, Or., Rt. 3.' cl68 FOR SALE WOOD WOOD SAWING PHONE 1131 for quick 'service. Ed Sproed. 197 GOOD grub oak and 16 Inch old fir.-Phone 981M. eel72 JDRY, heavy barked 16 Inch old fir and 4 foot second growth, phone 1727, 640 State. - 157 PLACE your order with the Salem j, fuel yards, 762 Trade St. for your winter's wood and coal. ' Phone 629, res. 2058, Chas. Soos and Son. ee BEST grade mill wood 16-lnch, , 2 feet and 4 feet. Prompt deliv ery, special price on car lots. We can make delivery on ash, sec ond growth and old growth fir about July 15th. Fred B. Wells, 805 8. Church street, phone 1542. ee FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Day old calf. 1680W el56 FOR SALE Span black mares, 4 years old, well matched, weight 8000. Call S5F22. - el57 GOOD work team and harness for $100. Victor Schneider, Turner, Or., near reform school. el57 FOR SALE 4 fine high grade Jersey cows, giving 4 to 6 gal lons per day, at 249 S. Church. elSS FOR SALE Bull dog puppies, also good talking parrot. The Bird and Flower shop, 273 Btate. e FOR SALE Automobiles 1917 FORD, good shape, 170 S. 12t.h. ql56 GOING away, must sell Dodge touring, 1920 model, good shape $650. Phone 248. q!56 FOR SALE 1919 model Harley . Davidson sidecar, good condi tion, $50. Write or call S. B. Parker, Gervais, Or., Rt. 8. qT66 PAIGE car, new tires, license, FOR SALE Ford truck, almost new, fine condition, pneumatic tires. Call 853 South 16th St. ql56 FOR SALE Almost new five passenger Dort car. Run about 2200 miles. Cost $1210. . Sale price $560. Phone 921M eve nings. ql68 ANNOUNCEMENT We have opened -our modern and up to date garage at N. Commercial and Norway and are now pre pared to do all kinds of auto and tractor repairing. Cars stored by day, week or month. E. Kroeplln & Sons. q!56 IMPROVE YOUR FORD With a spiral ring gear, pinion and CHATTERLESS transmis sion lining. Get our prices. W. E. Burns Dan Burns ' (Not Brothers the Same Man) High street at Ferry. PARTS FOR ALL CARS. q FOR RENT 2 ROOM furnished apt. 1040 Les lie. jl56 FOR RENT Furnished apart ments. 631 N. High. jl58 WANTED 3 loganberry pickers. Call 53F41 evenings. gl68 ROOM for rent with or without board. 624 N. Capitol. 3197 HOUSEKEEPING rooms cheap 156 N. Front. j!59 FOR RENT Small store room also rooms. Call 686J. j SLEEPING room suitable for 2 men, 617 Capitol, phone 468J. ' . 3157 FOR RENT Furnished house keeping and sleeping rooms. 646 Ferry street. J156 APARTMENT for rent, 3 rooms with bath. Phone 192, 164 S. Commercial. J158 FOR RENT Strictly modern furnished 'apartment. Call at 7 55 Ferry St. J167 FURNISHED sleeping room for gentleman, 205 Oregon bldg.. pnone nzi, j IFOR RENT r5 room modern house with sleeping porch; cook stove furnished, garage also. Call at 2030 N. Commercial. 3157 WHILE AWAY cottages and tents for rent at reasonable rates, lights, water, wood furnished; good meals served on the grounds, sea foods a .specialty, Address Whileaway, box 674, Newport, Or. J167 LOST AND FOUND FOUND Watch, owner can get same at Capital Journal office by identifying watch and pay ing for this ad. kl56 WANTED HELP LOGANBERRY pickers wanted.. Call phonel07F12. gl58 WANTED Loganberry pickers, 6 acres. Phone 88F31. gl57 LOGANBERRY pickers wanted, good yard, phone 29F11. glo6 WANTED Cherry pickers, 80 acres, zc 10. Webb Orchards, phone 68F31. gl68 WANTED Loganberry pickers ad Joining lair grounds on the east telephone 72F13. g!58 WANTED Loganberry pickers, 70 acres. L. L. Vincent, Salem, Rt. 7, phone 41F24. gl56 WANTED 12 loganberry pickers. good yard ana good camping ac commodations. Phone 107F13. , gl56 CHERRY and loganberry pick ers wanted, partly furnished cabins. J. E. - Crothers, Rt. 4, box 25, Tel. 9F4. gl56 WANTED Family of 4 to 6 lo ganberry pickers, must be steady workers, good patch. Mrs. K. Schmidt, Rt. 8, box 116. gl59 WANTED Loganberry pickers, family of 5, wood, tent, etc. furnished. C. L. Carson, phone 103F2. gl68 WANTED Loganberry pickers. Wood, water and potatoes furn ished. R. H. Wolter, Rt. 6, box 63, phone 32F4. gl5 WANTED Four or five logan berry and cherry pickers, close in, family preferred, house fur nished. Call 46F14. gl56 WANTED Four young ladies with pleasing personality, who have had some selling experi ence. Apply between 4 and 6, 209 Oregon building city. g!56 WANTED A few loganberry pick era. Yard close ln. Transporta tion to and from yard. W. C. Dibble. 729 N. Liberty street. Phone 753W. g MEN wanted for construction work on irrigation project near Medfsrd. Wages $1.60 per day for eight hours. Rogue River Valley Canal company, Medford Or. rl61 WANTED Cherry pickers, to acres, camping ground; also truck meets pickers at 60 a. m. at bridge. Twin Oaks' farm. Phone 17F2, Polk county., 2 Vi miles northwest of Salem, Oak Grove road. i. R. Chapman. 157 WANTED HELP- WANTED Loganberry pickers. Two acres choice berries, six blocks west of end of south Commercial street car line. Phone 99F14. Can start Mon day. v g!56 WANTED Two good boys to car ry Capital Journal routes, only boys who need the money and are real workers wanted. Ap ply circulation dept. Capital Journal. g WANTED Loganberry pickers for 45 acres of berries; fine camp grounds yg mile from street car at Salem Heights. Picking starts about July 6th. B. Cunningham, phone 21F2. g!58 THE Whitney company has start ed logging and sawmill opera-, tions lu Tillamook county and Is hiring men at Idavllle and Gar ibaldi at going wages. No strikes. Good clean camps and good, wholesome grub. Write or call The Whitney company, Bay City, Garibaldi or Lewis building, Portland. g WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED Millinery and dress maklng. Phone 1694J. 1167 WANTED Painting and carpen ter work. Call 1694J. ml68 WANTED Furniture, tool, etc Phone 611. ! WANTED Maternity nursing In private houses. Phone 1694J. i WANTED 10 cords of dry wood. Phone 9F3, Rt. 8, box 44, Sa lem, E. W. Wickert. 1166 WANTED Old mattresses to malt over. Phone 1, Capital City Bsd ding Co. m WANTED Owner of home to $3600 that, will- accept 1922 Ford sedan as first payment. TERMINAL BLDG. 1 SEE Y. Wl Manley, good sandy loam, cellar digging, heavy team work. Phone 199, Cherry City barns. 1172 WANTED Etterburg No. 121 strawberries, currants, black caps and cherries. Top prices. Ward-K. Richardson. 0 1167 WANTED To buy 6 or 6 room new house, not over $3000 with , small payment, not over 14 blocks from post office. Box 50 care Journal. 1156 WANTED Furniture, tools, ma chinery, stock, etc. Will buy for cash, or sell on commission. Phone 611, Woodry, the auction eer, m" WANTED Used furniture, rang es, heaters, cook stoves, tools, etc. We pay cash, get our pric es before you sell. Liberty Ex change, 241 N. Com; St. phone 841. i CHERRIES We are receiving Roy al Anne " and Waterhouse cher ries, Mason Ehrman warehouse corner High and Mill streets and will continue from 7 o'clock in the morning until 7 at night, Sundays and holidays Included, until the crop Is all in. We want them now. Don't wait , until they get overripe and let the rain spoil them. We are paying the highest price in Sa lem and can use any amount you may have. Lyons Cal. Glace Fruit Co., phone 396 or call in person at warehouse, or call Mangis Bros. 717. 1 MISCELLANEOUS HOME laundry work done. Mrs. Joy, phone 1766. ml57 WINDOW washing, prompt serv ice. Phone 1802, Windowman. ml56 FOR paper hanging or tinting call 131, after 6 o'clock call 1258W ml60 DIAMONDS, gold bought, reliable estimates. G. Ctamer, 713 Sell- lng bldg. Portland, Or. ml78 LOANS Let me see you about a loan if you want to build we can help you. Plenty of money, no . a.eiays. can bit, let us tell you, LANGS hot blast fuel saving rang es, $48 up. Let us explain why we cut your fuel bill H. Peo pies Furniture store, 171 North Commercial street, phone 734. HIGHEST price paid for second hand clothing and shoes. Also cleaning, pressing and repairing, Call and deliver. Capital Ex change, 842 N. - Commercial, phone 1368W. m RESHINGLING, ROOF PAINT ING, in oity or country. First class workmanship, lots of satls- - fled customers. Free estimate. Phone 13F82 or write E. L. Os tergard, Rt. 4. ml70 SEE the AUTO RACES Tacoma, wasnington, July 4tn. Stage leaves Central Stage Terminal Sunday or Monday, returning Wednesday, July Sth. Inquire Chas. W. Lanham, Central Stage Terminal. Phone 696. 157 OUR BUSINESS Fire insurance. automobile and truck insur ance, including cargo ooverage; bonds of all kinds. We write in the best of old line companies no assessments nor personal li ability. The W. A. Llston Agen cy, 484 Court street. m NOTICE to the public, we now weave null rugs, made out of old carpets, any length or width you desire; also clean, refit, resew & size carpels; feathers renovated, mattresses, steaming, remaking. Salem Carpet Cleaning & Fluff Rug Works, phone 1164. m REAL ESTATE REAL. BUYS AND TRADES 8 1-3 acres, 2 acres yearling prunes, 3-4 acre strawberries, fair buildings, for $2800. Trade for Salem home to $2400. 7 room plastered house, comer lot, good location. A good buy at $2500. 5 room plastered house, paved street, garage. modern except neat, tor 2duu, witn good terms. ft room cottage, H block from car and paved street, for $2500. Will trade for 6 or 7 room house to 3oOO and pay cash difference. W. A. LISTON. Agent 484 Court street. 157 GOOD BUYS 10 acre tract located clone tn highway, 3 Vt acres of loganber ries, 2 H acres strawberries, some cherries, well, barn, small shack. Price $3000 cash. 6 acres 3 year old Italian prunes in -fine condition. 4 miles south. Price $1650, easy terms. li acre tract, 6 acres bearing Italian prunes, 4 acres two year old. 2 acres logans. Price $6300, $2300 down. Vt acre lots on car line and tiiv. ed road all In bearing fruit. Price $600 per H acre, $50 down, bal ance $10 per month. 6 oer cent interest.. Good S room house located on paved street at 1355 Ferry street. Price $2500. 103 acre farm with buildlnea. good road, 6 miles from Salem. f nee. J6650. 80 acre farm. located S miles from Salem, 6 acres cultivated. ( acres strawberries, some Umber, rock road. Price $8690. H cash, balance fedeal loan. If you are looking to buy. trade or. sell, see W. H. GRABENHORST it CO. 27S State street. 1S7 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Or trade for car, large lot, beautiful view, $400. 'Phone 688R. al67 SOCOLOFSKY, 841 State, has sev eral hundred ranches and 200 chouses .to choose from, call and ..see him. r IilUST sacrifice two beautiful lots, "east frontage, 1 corner and 1 Inside lot, at Summer and D " street. For .further particulars call at 444 N. Summer. al57 84 ACRE farm, splendid soil, good buildings, $150 an acre, includ ing crop; , will trade for Salem - property. 5 room house splendidly locat ed on Center street, large lot, . $6000. Large attractive corner close In, $9000. Gertrude J. M. Page n YOUR fossil display is not large, but I have not seen a more per fect one in any museum I have 'ever visited, said Prof. Parker, geologist and " Inventor. You don't have to buy oil stock to see this display. We have the re port of two well known geolog ists on the Blue Mountain Oil fields. We represent the Blue Mountain Oil Co. in Balem. 170,000 acres leased. The best oil fields in the world could not be predicted with mora certain ly say geologists, the world's supply comes from similar fields. Oregon Realty Co., room 1 Patton bldg. n ( GOOD BUYS acre tracts on paved road and car line with bearing fruit. Price $600, $50 down balance $10 per month. 10 acre tracts in crop, fine fruit soil. $100 down balance $10 per month. Price $1260. One acre with 6 room bungalow, cherries, strawberries, located in Morningslde. Price $2750, $1250 cash, mortgage to be assumed. 7 acres, 4 acres In prunes, 1 H acres in logans, family fruit, chick ens, cow horse and some machin ery go. 6 room bungalow with full cement basement, furnace, fine water system, hard wood floors throughout, located close to tomn. Price $8600; will consider house in Salem as part payment. 20 acres in bearing prune orch ard. Price $350 per acre, will let crop go If sold soon. Real estate and fire Insurance. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 27 5 State street. SALEM MARKETS Compiled from repbrts of Sa lem dealers for the guidance of Capital Journal readers. (Revised daily.) Grain: Average valley (bulk) 90c. Hay: Cheat hay $11 1 hay $174i'lK; clover hay wheat 2; oat (bulk) $15. ' Wholesale Prices Meat: hogs $1111.25; dressed hogs 14c; top steers 6c; cows 5 He; bulls 8 He; lambs 7 tic; dressed veal 1212c. Poultry: Light hens 14c; heavy hens 18c; old roosters 8c; broilers 20c. Butterfat: Butterfat 39c; cream ery butter 4142c; country butter 3032c; eggs 18 19c; milk $2.00 Vegetables: Wax onions $2.25 crate; beets $2.50 cwt; Oregon cabbage 4c lb; green peppers 40c lb; potatoes $1.00 cwt; Oregon lettuce $2.60 per crate; Arkansas sweet potatoes $1.00 bushel; rad ishes 60 c dozen; parsley 90c doz; tomatoes $2.76 crate; art ichoke $1.75 dozen; asparagus 15c; cucumbers $2 per doz; new pota toes 3o lb. FrultB: Oranges $8.60; lemons $9.00: bananas 10c; Calif, grape fruit $4.00; Florida grape fruit $88.60; strawberries $1.251.60 per crate: cantaloupe $3.7 5 on standard; watermelons 4o lb. Retail Prices Butter and eggs: Eggs 20 22c; creamery butter 47c; country butter 85(3) 36a, Portland Markets Portland, Or., July 1. Cattle steady; receipts 21; . top steers $8.258.75; medium to good $7.76 8.26; fair t omedlum $6.26 7.76; common to fair $5.00(816.25; choice feeds $5.266.25; fair to good $4.005.00; choice cows and heifers $6.25 6.76; medium to good $5.256.26; fair to medium $4.2505.25; common cows $3.50 04.60; canners $2.003.60; bulls $3.76 6.60; choice dairy calves $8.OO8.50; prime light $7.60 8.00; medium to light $7.00 7.60; heavy $4.5007. Hogs steady; receipts none; prime light $11.6011.85; smooth heavy 220 to 800 pounds $11,000 11.25; 800 pounds and up $10,000 11.00; rough heavy $8.009.60; fat pigs $11.60ll-75; stags $5 8.00. Sheep steady; receipts 242; spring lambs $8.50 9.25; culls 1 5.00 a 6.1)0: feeders .uu w tu.uu; light yearlings $7.00 8.00; heavy 16. 0007.00; llent wetners lo.uuop 6.00; heavy $46j ewes $26. Butter steady ;ex cuoea so so cartons 41c; prints 40c; butterfat No. 1 41c fob Portland; under grades 86 380. iggs: selling case count itvtacic buvine price 2023c; selling price candled 26 & 29c; selected candled In cartons 26 if 26c. Poultry; light hens 16817c; heavy 2223c; broilers 16W26c; old roosters 10c; geese nom; ducks 20 25c; turkeys nom. dressed. Mill run 3D.uo; oats , ji.uu'(p 35.50; corn No 3 yellow $29.00; hay, timothy, valley $18.00; al falfa I16&16.50; grain mixed $15; clover $14. straw 38. AT THE BLIGH TODAY - Harrv Mvera i w " r?l ft AOKTYLKNK WELDING IRON, steel, brass, aluminum, cap per. Bring the pieces. Oxo-uas Heating Co., 337 Court: AUTO TOPS TOPS MADE TO ORDER 171 S. High. AUCTIONEER F. N. WOODRY the live stock, furniture,- real estate auctioneer. Phone 611 for sale dates. Res. 1610 N. Summer. G. SATTKRLEE, auctioneer. Real state and stock sales. Cash for your sale notes. Phone 1211J or 1177. Office 414 Ferry St. - BATTERY SUPPLIES PREST-O-UTE BATTERY SER- v 1UB, Expert auto electricians. jrnone mug, 4i (jourt St, 328 N High Phone 203. Batteries recuargeu auu repaired. Degge Burrell. R. D. BARTON. Exlde batteries, starter and generator work, 171 S. Commercial. . AUTO Electrician, expert trcuble shooting. 288 N. High St. phone 208. CHIROPRACTOR DR. SCOTT, Chiropractor, 416 U. 8. bang bldg. CITY SCAVENGER BALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed by the month at reasonable rates Cesspools cleaned and dead ani mals removed. Day phone 167. night phone 1237M. R. O. Cum mings, Mgr. DRUGGISTS J. C. PERRY, Rexall druggist, 116 S. Commercial St. ELECTRIC SUPPLIES HOUSJS wiring and supplies. Welch Electrio Co., Phil Brown- eii. manager, 879 State St, ARCHIE FLEENER, ELECTRI cian. House wiring by hour or contract. Estimates furnished. Phone 980, 414 Court St. WE do house wiring and carry a complete stook of fixtures. Instrument repairing, experi mental work. Electric applianc es repaired. Halik Electric shop, 837 Court, phone 488. m FARM LOANS BUILDING LOANS MADE May bo repaid like rent. Life, Fire, Health, Accident, in demnity, Liability and Auto In surance written. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Maaonlo Temple, Salem. Or. FLORIST CUT flowers and floral pieces. De livery. C. T. Breithauft, florist, 123 N. Liberty, phone 880. GARAGES GUARANTIED AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Phone 776, 219 N. Commercial street. 176 GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING Save your oil use SAVOIL pis ton rings. H. H. Schocker, 268 Chemeketa street. RADIATORS Fenders and bodies made or repaired. J, C, Balr, 444 Ferry St. OLESON-ROOKSTOOL Used car exchange. Cars bought and sold. Guaranteed repairing. Washing, pollBhlng. GUARANTEED REPAIRING of . all kinds on autos and tractors. Cars stored by day, week or montn. e. Kroeplln and Sons, 1610 N. Commercial and Nor way. HAT BLOCKING MEN'S and women's hats reno vated, blocked and trimmed, 495 Court, C. B. Ellsworth. HEMSTITCHING "NEEDLEWORK SHOP," all kinds of fancy work and hem stitching done. 121 S. Commer cial St. MRS. C. E. MILLER, hemstitching stamping, buttons, hand embroi dery. Room 10 over Miller's store, phone 117. SALEM Elite, hemstitching, chaln stltchlng, pleating, buttons, stamping and needlework. Phone 879, 829 Oregon blidg. r ARE FROWNED ON - Limo, O., July 1. Charles W. Baxter, sheriff, has Joined the crusade against flappers and has issued Instructions to his deputies ordering them to call a halt on petting parties" on county high ways. Complaints were beginning to pour In to the sheriff's office from irate farmers, who have been aroused from their slumbers at night by the appearance of auto mobiles, some times only a little ways from their door. The carb stopped, turned out the lights and remained for. some time. "Petting parties aYe pests and must be stamped out," Uaxtei ays, referring to motor spooning sprees. He, Bhe and the automobile nave been forming threesoms on the lean frequeuted country roads. He and she do not need much room, and even with the car it's hardly a crowd. A twist of the wrist and the lights are out. Mother's home or at the movies. Daughter has only moonshine (both varieties some times) to guide her. Turning out motor llrhts on the highway is as offense against the law and deputies are out with strict orders to take license num bers in all cases where such con ditions are found. Arrest, the sher iff says, will follow. So "Pinch the Petters" follows "Swat the Fly." Last season hundreds of com plaints were made to Baxter by Allen county farmers. By the time officers arrived on the scene the party had moved. But this season It's going to be different. Three deputies, each with a touring car, are going to patrol all roads. PARIS INSURANCE W. A. LISTON, GENERAL IN SURANCE Fire, automobile and liability. Bonds and loans. 484 Court. ANDERSON AND RUPERT, IN SURANCE Liability, automo bile, fire, automobile, surety, bonds, loans and investments. 406-7 Oregon bldg. MACHINE SHOP WECHTKB AND SMITH Maehin lsts, engineers, welders. AEALD cylinder grinding service. Phone 662, 845 Ferry St H. AND M. CO. Specialty grind ers and welders. Automotive ser vice. 490 Ferry St. IOWA MACHINE SHOP 252 Chemeketa street. Auto repair ing, welding, cylinder grinding MERCHANT TAILOR M. A. ESTES, fine tailoring, 884 estate street. - MOTORCYCLES LLOYD E. RAMSDEN, Indian motorcycles and Dayton bicycles 387 Court street. HARRY W. SCOTT, The Cycle Man," it: 47 S. Com. Phone MUSIC PIANO playing, 12 weeks, guaran teed. Beginners, advanced. Room t over Miller's. "NURSERY STOCK SALEM Nursery , company, fruit and ornamental trees, smau fruit and roses. Phone 1763, 42 Oregon bldg. OPTICIANS GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur. dette, optometrist,,. Bow optica, Co., 826 State street. OSTEOPATHY DR. W. L. MERCER, osteopathic physician and surgeon. Klrks ville graduate, 404-405 U. S. Na tional bank bldg. Phones, off let 919, residence 614. DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL osteopathia physicians and sur geons, 606 U. S. bank building. Phone 869. Dr. White, resl dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall residence phone 884. - PIANOS GEO. C. WILL, pianos phono graphs, sewing machines, etieet music and piano studies. Re pairing phonographs and sew ing machines, 432 State, Salem 'EVERYTHING IN MUSIC," Moore's Music houses, 419 Court . street and Masonic bldg. PAINTING RELIANCE AUTO PAINTING 310 B. Winter St. phono 851. ' PLUMBING THEO. M. BARR Plumbing, heating, sheet metal works, 164 . Commercial. PLUMBING, repairing and coll work, reasonable charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop foot of Union St. Phone 1397J. PRINTING FOR wedding invitations and an nouncements see Bertelson, printer, Y bldg, Salem. m!56 A SATISFIED customer returns Rowland Printing Co., Phone xoiz, over fatton book store. REPAHtING STOVES rebuilt and repaired, 60 years experience; Depot Na tional and Ameriecan fence, sizet 26 to 68 Inches high. Paints, oil and varntahes, etc logan berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 260 Court street, i'hone 1Z4. TRANSFER OREGON Transfer & Storage Co, Cars washed and polished. Ex cavating, plowing and fertilizer; 4 foot slab wood tor sale. IVion 77. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Of fice, corner Commercial a nr. Trade Sts. Bills payable nionthl) in advance. Phone 67. JUNK WANTED Rags and secondhand goods of all kinds. Capital Junk company, phone 898, 216 Cen ter street, DRY MOVEMENT IS ON IN JAPAN NOW, REPORT Toklo, July 1. Japan may be the first country to follow the United States Into the aga of corn whiskey and home brew. It won't be very soon, but the movement to deprive the richlsha man and the geisha ot their "sake" and those who have acquired western cul ture of their beer and Scotch whiskey has started. The W. C. T. U. ana other or ganizations, similar to those which consider a cocktail a crime in America, are interested. They have been doing prohibition work for years, but It was not until re cently that the campaign started with force. Encouragement by the passage of the minor prohibi tion law by the diet la responsi ble for the activity, and now one sees groups of girls and women with an occasional man on prom inent street corners handing to passers-by circulars tellings of the evils of drink. 17,205 WANT ADS Totaling 80,892 lines, ap peared In the Capital Journlal during the five months ending May 81, 1922. not including real estate aad classified direc tory ads. A GAIN of 251 juls In the same period a year ago. The Capital Journal carries double the numbers of Want, Ads of kny paper la the field because Capital Journal Want Ads Pay E COUNT CAPTURES SISTER; DELAYS WEDDING Tokio. July 1. Akl-ko Yanagt- wara, Japan's beautiful poetess ' ' and former "Queen of Chikushi," has been kidnapped and imprison ed In the Toklo home ot her bro- ther. Count Yanaglwara, -who de- niea her the right to marry her -. youthful lover, Ryusuke Mlyazakl whose entrance into the life of : the woman kept her from commit- ting suicide and caused her to leave her husband, Denemon Ito, - Kyushu, coal king and one of -. Japan's wealthiest men, j That la the latest episode in -the thrilling love drama which has held the people ot Japan en- ' raptured since last October. Akl-ko, which means Miss White Lotus, Is thirty-four years old. She was born ot a noble Jap anese family and educated in a . mission school here. As a girl she developed an art in writing Jap- . anese poetry,' and today she is considered the country's leading poetess. ,i When she was only sixteen years old the Yanaglwara family In accordance with the customs of Japan decided that Akl-ko was . old enough to be married. Much against her wishes she was taken out of school after a union had been arranged through the cus tomary go-between with Viscount Klta-kojl, and soon a son was born to therri. The marriage was a failure, however, and after two years Akl-ko secured the consent ot her family, and, left him. Heturng to School She returned- to school and de- 11 voted all of her time to her poetry publishing books which rapidly became very popular and made her ' known throughout the empire. Then she decided to become a Blnger, but the family had other plans-. A marriage had at last been : arranged with Ito, whose exten- slve coal holdings in the souther Island made him one of the coun- ' try'B most wealthy men. They were married seven years ago, Ito being then sixty-two years old. He gave his wife $10,000 as. -a-7 betrothal present and erected a home In his province ot Chikushi Palace. Akl-ko, whose beauty made her even more popular with the people of her husband's country than HA her poetry, became known as t the "Queen of Chlkuehl." Although surrounded with i wealth and luxury, Akl-ko was as unhappy with her second mar riage as with the first. Soon after the wedding Ito Is said to have begun a life of dissipation, the , climax being reached a little over a year ago when he la alleged to have bought from a house ot ques tionable reputation a geisha for $2,000 and carried her into his own home to live. Then the "fairy prince" of whom she had dreamed came into the life of Akl-ko. He was Mlyaz akl, twenty-four years old, then a' student at Toklo Imperial Univer sity. His trip to Kyushu waj to confer with Mrs. Ito about plans for dramatizing one ot her poems for production at bis school. It : was love at first sight, and the next few months saw the affair develop rapidly. Flees From Husband ';' Then last October the coal king brought his wife with him on a '"" business trip to the capital. He" was suddenly called home, but Mrs. Ito remained here to read - some of her poems before the To klo Women'! club. She bid her husband good-by at the station ' and then promptly disappeared. Several days later she was found at the home of a friend of her youthful lover. Meanwhile Ito iS had arrived home to find a mes- ' sage from his wife, declaring that ' at last she had found the love she thought did not exist and that she would never return to him. ' It was accompanied by all the Jewels and choice possessions he had ever given her. Following Ito's consent the families arrang ed a divorce. Mrs. Amanda A. Bones ras re ceived notice of her appointment as postmistress of Carlton and will assume her duties In the near future. MAY 1922 The Capital Jour nal Carried 3836 WANT ADS Not Including real estate and classified directory ads A GAIN at 288 Want-Ads and 3117 lines over April 19X2. Of 868 Want-Ads and S237 lines over May 1921. The Capital Journal prints Twice as Many Want Ads as any other paper because Capital Journal Want Ads Pay