, ...... , .i.P.wrf'.r'"-L PAGE EIGHT Win CONNECTS Chicago, July 1. (By Associat ed ITesa.) Lawton Witt, the Yankee'! outfielder, today la on tin heel ot tos uniting leaders in the American league, with pros pects ot becoming a dangerous contender tor the first place hon ors. In serenth place a week ago, Witt connected with ten hits In his last ix games and batted his way into (ourth position with au average ot .371, compared with .266 for the previous week. George glsler, the SU Louis Browns' star, continues to lead the race with an .391. Harry llellman of Detroit displaced Trie Speaker of Cleveland for the run ner up honors with an average of Kill. Spttaner Is three points ahead of Witt, his average being .871. These figures include anieu of Wednesday. Sisler continues to add to hi records of total runs scored, hit. and total banes, having scored 6a times and made 121 hits for a to tal of 182 bases, ills base steal lnsr performance of 26 remains unchanged. Ken Williams, a team mate, who Is leading both league foi the home run honors, smashed out another circuit drive, bringing bib total for the season to 19. He also has Improved In his batting, bis mark being .205 as compared with ,295 a week ago. Other leading batters for 15 or more games: O'Neill, Cleveland .808: Cobb, Detroit, .867; Blue, Detroit. 353; Ed Miller, Phlladel phia. .362: Bchang, New York, .350; Bassler, Detroit, .319; Hoop er, Chicago, .326; McManus, St, Louis, .325. . Lawrence "Hack" Miller, the strong man of the Chicago N tlonals and former slugger ot the l'acidc Coast luague, Blammed out 22 hits In bis last 18 games. This boosted his average from .330 to .358, and landed him In tnlrd place among the players who have participated In 15 or more games according to figures which Include games ot Wednesday, ilogers Hornby of St. Louis con tinues to top the batters with an average of .893. He has run hit string of home runs to 16, which Is tar tn front of his rivals. Hank (Jowdy ot Boston is the runner up with a mark ot .383. Max Carey, the fleet outfleldei ot the Pittsburgh Pirates, stoU three bases during the past weeK giving him a string of 17 for the season. His spoed was In a great way responsible tor catching up ti J. Johnston ot Brooklyn for tin honors In runs scored. Each hat registered 58 times. Other leading batters for 15 games or more: Bigbee, Pittsburgh, .356; Dau bert, Cincinnati, .361; Kelly, New York, .351; J. Smith, St. Louis, .850; Bancroft, New York, .313 Grimes, Chicago, .312; Duncan, Cincinnati, .310. DISCIPLES OF CHRIST CONVENE AT TURNER The annual convention ot the Disciples ot Christ In Oregon open ed at Turner last evening. The program this year Is an attractive one built around religious educa tion and evangelistic themes. Many speakers ot ability and na tional reputation will have part In the services during the ten days of the convention. On Sundays the crowds generally run abuve tOOO. Many campers and visitors are In attendance during the week day sessions. The First Christian and Court street Chrtsttun churches dlamlss their services during the two Sun days of the convention, affording all the members the opportunity to attend the Inspirational con ferences. A restaurant on the grounds adds to the convenience et those attending. While the Klamath county lum ber strike has not been declared off officially, the timber workers' union Is slowing men to return to work In 9-hour ana 10-hour plants without forfeiting union privi leges. Journal Want Ads Pay CLIMBS LADDER For The ' Kiddies VELOCIPEDES The very think they've been wanting for so long. All sizes, all styles and all prices. $3.75 up LLOYD E. RAMSDEN 387 Court Street COOS PICNIC AT HUBBARD JULY 4 Former Coos county people now making their homes in the Wil lamette valley are to gather at Braden's Grove, near Hubbard for an all-day picnic July 4, ac cording to Invitation cards which are now being mailed to all form al- residents of Coos county that can be located by the committee staging the event. The program Is to open at 11 o'clock In the morning. The plc nlcers will all take their own lunches, but coffee 'will be pro vided by the committee. All former Coos county people are invited to attend by the com mittee which consists of C. L. Bender, Dick Buell, L. A. Braden and Mrs Herman Carl. Never before have so many tour ists in California been headed for Oregon, reports J. A. Ormandy, as sistant general agent of the South ern Pacific. Crater Lake and the caves in Josephine county, are the drawing cards, he says. Profiteering In hay last winter was responsible' for the death of 3000 cattle, 10 times that many horses and possibly 30,000 sheep, according to a report by Roes M. Churchill, special officer of the Oregon Humane society. Pittsburgh. George. Gibson, manager of the Pittsburgh Pirates since 1920, resigned and the man agement announced William Mc Kechnie, assistant manager, would succeed Gibson. is m i ii ii mi jut v t n I jj s a mini Your Kind of Battery Needs Our Kind of Service To get all the miles and months out of your battery it must have proper care from the very first day you put it in service. That means having water put in at least twice a month, and seeing to it that the charge is kept up to the proper point. Also to come straight to Battery Headquarters the minute you suspect your battery isn't up to the mark. E. H. BURRELL, 238 N. High Street, Phone 203 . Representing VVillard Storage Batteries ti. SHOE SOLING LEATHER BEING MADE IN DALLAS Dallas, Or., Julr 1- There if now being manufactured In Dal las leather that Is suitable In ev ery way1 for the halt soling of shoes. This product Is being turned out from the large tannery ol Mulr & McDonald, a concern which was organized in the fall ot 1888. The new product is now being used to some extent locally. most of the output to date having been secured by C. E. Short, pro prietor ot the Service Shoe shop. The tannery has a method of treating the leather is manufac tures which makes it suitable for half-soHna- Durnosea In fact Mr. Short states that It Is superior In many ways to the product that ht has been purchasing elsewhere. It seems to be of a stronger texture and considerably more pliable. For the half-eoling purposes this ueems to be the attribute that is espe cially desirable. The coat runs somewhat cheaper than that put on the market by the wholesalers and at tbe same time a better quality of leather is produced. Mr. Short has been In the business long enough to know good leather when he sees It and he'unhestl tantlngly says that It is of the best quality that he has ever handled. POLICE SIREN CALLS CHIEF TO REUNION Sllverton, July 1. Friendships can be renewed in many ways as shown by the siren-police call this iweek for L. W. A. Sherbino, who at the present time, is chief ot police. Geo. Haval, who lives in Molalla learning that his old friend and schoolmate L. W. A. Sherbino of California days, was living In Sllverton put in a call for him. Central believing that someone was causing a disturbance prompt ly sounded the alarm. When the cblef answered he received a plas ant surprise. $1060 FORDti WSm THE UNIVERSAL CAR PRICE I At Your Front Door. M hHtv f f S WSM, Jj Ji '111 llS&rZZZZZ' 525.38 i t j p41f A 3CJ zXHI Sedan $765.56 , ; ! Vl 1 lJ hX : n$ O 1 S '-X Hhki Coup 6.g TMlfl fj A 1 ft fj All Equipped with Starter and Demountable Rims Jf jS&t s. VM ' U . i 3 Valley motor Co. . l feMf , j it E-mWi -o OT&lr ) M AX W E THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON 'THE MIRACLE MAN" ' ADAPTED FROM BIG , COHAN STAGE PLAY A superb dramatlo Paramount iTtrrutt feature. "The Miracle Man," which was produced by George Loans Tucker ana win oe on view at the Liberty Theatre to morrow is declared to be one. of the really great screen dramas of recent years. It was written by Frank L. Packard and produced as a stage play by George M. Cohan and packed the Broadway theatre In tho Benson of 1916-17. there It played for many months. The screen version Is said to be even more absorbing and thrilling In Its development of the striking story, which shows the marvelous trans formation under the beneficent AlitO i OPS I : .TTTWf ff 1 I Altprtc.e.b.fcl.r I ff. I r j tffiS' Cushion Covers made fTS Uril3ffi to Order This is not a hap-hazard piece of work but a guaran- j k ' tl ' is?. I ' ; J teed job, done by expert top-men using excellent 1 j ''" f Al) Walter E. Grunert I M 256 State Street Phone 793 ' T"H I S IS A STUDEBAKER YEAR You will be astonished to find that a car of the size and weight of the good Maxwell can be so roomy and so remarkably comfortable to ride in. Cord tirsa. ooD-akid boor and rsvi disc etc! wheels, demount able at rim and at hubi drum ryps lamps; AJemne lubrt catioo i bkxoi dnven eicctnc bomi onusual) kmg cpnngs. Prv f fl & Deoon. r nu cu k ba added: Tout Id. C, $385; Roarer, SSSSiOjupa, $1185: Sedan, $1485 0. B. Gingrich Motor Co. 371 Court St. Salem, Ore. y " ' Good Influence of an ennobling en vironment of four of the most notorious crooks of New York's underworld. Hearing of the healing powers hi. m man nf the hills. Tom Burke and his band determine to1 capitalize tbem to enrich them-j selves. Little did they reckon inai. in their new field of operations i maflcal transformation, and this; forms the basis or one oi m thrilling stories ever screened. A cast of unusual strength por trays the exacting roles in the pic- . rrm Molirhan. well known lure. xwu, --o . - tiha forATnnst ieadlne men i on the screen, has the chief part. Others are Elinor fair, oeiur Compson, Lon Chaney, J. M. Du mont, W. Lawson Butt, F. A. Turner, Lucille Hutton and Joseph J. Dowling. For 5 Passenger Cars 122.50 L ii H'lrvTn'iflnWiTHMyii'A Berts vlt b emphesiied by tk complete equipment of trie car. It Includes cowl ventilator operated from tho instrument board: cowl parking lights at bass of the wind shield; inside and outside door han dles! large, rectangular plate glass window in rear curtain: a thief-proof transmission lock, reducing the rat of theft insurance to Light-Sis own ers I to 20 per cent; end cord tires. LIGHT-SIX PRICES Chassis $ 875 Touring.Car .... 1045 Roadster (3-Paa.) . 1045 Coupe-Roadster (Z-Paas.) 1375 Sedan 1750 All prlcMM J. e. I. factory i sedan :::::: i750 r.f. r.. r, . - . i. - - i CHERRY CITY GARAGE 170 South 12th Street, Salem, Oregon Has been appointed Distributor for The EARL Motor Car GIVEN a wide choice of dealers by the notable value and road performance of our 1922 cars, it is a pleasure for Earl Motors, Inc. to make this announcement of its local representative and with an estab lished organization and intelligent service at command, Earl owners are assured of every consideration and facility any owner could wish behind the car he buys. At $1295, the Earl Touring exhibition sets a new standard of motor car values. All the latest eneineerintr and srvl developments have gone into the savings made possible through cash pur chases in low material markets and large scale production by experienced factory workers have helped to hold down the price and create its unapproachable values. Ease ol control, unfailing comfort, flexible power and a broad margin of safety are EARL MOTORS, Inc., Jackson, Michigan TOTAL up the items of mechanical superiority, refinements and complete equipment of the Light-Six that are not found inothercarsof its price. Estimate each of these exclusive improvements at only a nominal value. Then you realize why the Light-Six ranks with cars listed at several hundred dollars more. In addition, you have the advantages of better design and better performance. Studebaker is the largest builder of six-cylinder cars because of these facts. Get acquainted with the Light-Six. Test its riding and driving qualities. Then you will appreciate that the enthusiasm of these owners is based on a performance that is not equaled by any other car of like price or by many cars of much higher price. MARION AUTO CO. Open all Night Phone 362 Car now on its design. All SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1922. assured by Earl design and construction. A dynamic long-stroke motor, exclusive new steering gear, rigid 7-inch channel frame, rugged front and rear axles, quiet transmis sion, 56-inch rear springs, Alemite lubri cation and a special Borg Beck disc clutch are features of the Earl chassis, tested and proved equal to any driving or hill-climbing emergency. Built in five graceful body types, no other cars of the Earl's size swing so near the road. Low sweeping lines, refinement of detail and complete appointments make each Earl a car of distinction and individuality. The beauty, comfort and spirited performance of the Earl will convince you that it is the motor car you want to own and drive. Come in, then, and see the car today. Make an appointment for a demonstration. Or, better still, do your own driving.