SATURDAY, JULY 1, ltfSJ. THIS UAriTAli JUUKJNAL., SALJUM, UKUUUN FLEETING FOLK GLIMPSED IN PASSING John H. Rudd, Y. M. C A. s : Tetary and formerly connected .with the county association, was In the city laet night and register- i ed at tha New Terminal. f Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Curtis of Sidney, Ore., are registered at the New Terminal. B. H. Brans of Silrertoa Is a guest of the Bllgh hotel. , B. C. Woods of Dallas is a guest i of the Marlon hotel. Slight damage resulted when a car driven by Gleh Morris, of route 8, backed Into a, car driven by John CaughlU and owned by the Steusloff market. Dr. John L. Lynch, osteopathic ; phyBtcian, 403 Oregon bldg, phone 1394 or 68F5. 156 Yesterday for once truck met i with automobile and truck came ' off second beet. According to a r : port made to the police, an auto-. " mobile driven by G. E. Miller, S51 south 19th, was struck by a , truck driven by a man whose name . was not learned. The automobile i escaped without a scar while ; minor damages came to the truck. Dr. L. R. Springer has returned to general practice of dentistry and is associated with Dr. C. L. : George, 314 Masonic Temple.' . 156 Hotel Bligh Arrivals Lillian DeVere, N. Y., City Harry Sykes, N. Y. City; Flo Sykes, N. Y. City; Frank Pierce, N.- JT. City; C. R. Griesen, Port land, Or; Carl Bilsted, Portland, Or; J. D. Bausher, Portland, Or W. E. Greene, Portland, Or; L. Parish and wife, Valsetzz, Or; Lee Rusk, Salem; C. II. White, Ttll- ard. Or; C. J. Schelling, Gardner, Or; B. H. Bvans, Silverton, Or; W. S. Bennett and wife, Boise, Ida; Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Fuller, Seattle, Wi; R. S. Lodge, Salem; Ed LaRue, Salem; Edith Mc- Cleary, Spokane, Wn; Jossie Heard, Albany, Or. Court House Circuit Court Divorce suit charging cruel and inhuman treatment filed by Jerome K. Parmenter vs. Alice Parmenter. Probate Court Inventory and ' appraisement filed of the estate of Arthur W. Gllles. Marriage Lioenses Manford Clarence Njuat, 23, Silverton and Mabel Constance Lima, 18, Silverton. WUHam Elma Nash, 29, Salem, and Anna Broner, 29, Mt. Angel. Paur Doney, son of president and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney, re turned Jiome this week, from Cam bridge, Mass., where he attended Harvard Untveriaty. He will spend the summer In Salem returning to Boston In the fall. ' A one-degree rise over the max- imum of Thursday was shown by 5 the thermometer in Salem yester- day. Eighty-seven degrees was re corded by the instrument at the warm-eat period in the afternoon The minimum temperature was . E3. We buy and sen uaea rurnlture Gelse & Co., phone 464. Damage was quite light yesrter- . day when automobiles driven by J. J. Tallman, 2110 State street, i and G. C. Miller, 351 south Nine- :f teenth street, collided on Commer- cial between Chemeketa and Oen ter streets. No one was Injured. I F. E. Shafer, trunne, crier cas- es, puttees, gloves, belts, harness, j 170 S. Commercial St. t George King, halfback on last year's University of Oregon foot 4 ball team, arrived in Sal-em yester ' day from Eugene for a short visit He expects to spend the summer in ' Eugene. Love, the Jeweler, Saiem. After spending a short time in Portland on business, C. H. Gram, i state labor commissioner,, return- Seat cushions rebuilt, em." Wood's Auto Top. "We fix 166 Judge John McOort a member of the Oregon supreme court will address a popular meeting on Sunday night at the Presbyterian church. "Law Enforcement" will be the general theme of the meet ing. The lecture by Judge Mc Cort will present matters fitting for the Fourth of July. Themusic both In voice and organ will be patriotic in character. The open ing organ number will be "The Stars and Stripes Forever," by the great Scmsa. Seats free, everybody may come . . Auto painting, see us about a coat Job, taking from 3 to 5 days. Wood's Auto Top. 156 Frank M. Erickson, Jr., son of Prof. Erickson of Willamette Uni versity, arrived at Brooks Avia tion Field, San Antonio, Texas, yesterday and will at once enter training in the army flying serv ice as a cadet flyer. Mr. Erickson has for the past year been doing graduate work at the University of California in the department of aeronautical engineering. ed to Salem last night. . $ FILMS DEVELOPED FREE 1 Leave your films today at Pal- ton's Book store. 1 Miss Averil Harris ,624 north X Capital street, left yesterday for Portland where she will spend a short time on business. The Ace. lor fireworks. 15T Kenneth Shipley, who was ar rested here recently on a charge I of spedlng, will be arranged be- fore Judge Earl Race in the po- Ilice court today. We wish to thank our neigh bors and friends for their kind j ness and sympathy shown in this I hour of our sorrow and loss, also for the beautiful floral offerings ! received. Mrs. E. E. Martin and family. , . ' 156 Complaint that his suitcase was stolen from the Terminal building yesterday, was made to ithe police by Melvin Vanderhoof, 1450 Fir treat. It contained working clothes, he said. - Thirty loganberry pickers want ed Wednesday, July 5, at the In dian Hill farm, 3 blocks from end of 12th St. car line. 158 Roy Bishop will come up from Portland this evening, and will remain until after the Fourth with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bishop. - Ford Beats cut to make bed in car. Wood's Auto Top. 156 I Building operations have com- menced at St. Paul's church. The rectory Is being moved from the J property and the church is being I raised ready to be moved to the I west side of the property. As soon as the two buildings are mov- ed the foundations tor the new I church and rectory will be iadi. The work of remodeling the nurses quarters at the Oregon state hospital here which was recently gutted by fire is now under way. The entire third floor of the building is being torn away, and the building will be converted being too badly damaged to repai: into a two-story structure. The repairs are expected to cost be tween ?5,000 and J6.000. Millionaire Red Must Go To Prison COMING EVENTS July 1-4 Ellison - White Chautauqua. July 1 Grand opening Riverside park. July 5-8 Willamette val- ley championship tennis tournament, Salem Tennis club courts. Wee Maiden Frocks in Gingham and Organdie The Illinois State Supreme Court has upheld the conviction of Wil liam Bross Lloyd and eighteen members of the defunct Commun ist Labor party, and they must serve prison sentences for advo cating overthrow of the govern ment. Lloyd is the millionaire son of the late Henry D. Lloyd, news paperman, who married a daugh ter of ex-governor Bross. Mr. Bross was part owner of the Chi cago Tribune. Lloyd was sentenc ed to from one to five years and to pay a fine of $2000. "Sunny Jim" McCandless Is Chief Shriner. f f l V-JJ n O WOMAN'S INSTITUTE Fashion Service Latest photograph of "Sunny Jim" McCandless, who was re cently elected imperial potentate of the Mystic Shrine in their San Francisco convention. Maybe She'll Change Her Mind Again Hearing of arguments in the proposed abandonment of the Me tolius-South Junction section of the Oregon Trunk railroad has been set by the Oregon public service commission for July 18 at Portland. Numerous protests were filed with the commission follow ing the announcement of the pro posed abandonment and the Inter state Commerce commission has requested the Oregon commission to take testimony in the case to be referred to the Interstate com mission with recommendations JAPANESE BEGIN TO REDUCE ARMY Toklo, July 1. In response to the cry for army reductions to keep pace with those to be made in the navy under the terms of the Washington conference and to bring about a reduction of taxa tion, the War Office soon will discharge 51,180 men from ser vice and beginning with next year the day of the. induction of con scripted men will be postponed a month, lessening the conscrip tion period from two years to twenty three months. This will effect a saving of (7,500,000 a year, but the War Department plans to sp.end most of this for new and modern fight ing equipment, at least for the first year or two. The army reduction from the present force of 298,000 men will leave the standing army of the country at 246,00 men. ThTe re duction will really total 65,600 men, but 4,420 are to be re-enlisted in other services. The branches are to be cut as follows: Infantry, 34,000; cav alry, 2,300; field artillery, 17,000 engineer corps, 1,700; and heavy artillery, 600. The following ad ditions will be made: Howitzer corps, 3,300; railway units, 300; aviation, 250; automobile corps, 280 and 'cavalry gunners corps, 2S0. - In the future a battalion will include three instead of four com- j panies, according to the reorgan- cannot attend the camp. It is re-iitation plans. Each company will quested that as many scouts and! have six ordinary machine guns scout officials as possible be out I with about ten haavy machine for the first meeting. guns. ' I Dr. W. A. Johnson announces I the opening of his new office, 306 j Masonic bldg, associated with Dr. Skiff, formerly in the Oregon bldg. 161 During the summer . months when so many of the Boy Scouts are busy or out of town the troops will meet together. The first meeting will be held this evening at 7 o'clock in Willson park. A very intensive program of scout ing willl be carried on throughout the summer for those bovs who By MARY BROOKS PICKEN A PERKY sash, an attractive color, and a jaunty blouse effect all seem necessary In the modish silhouette of the wee lady. In this model, blue-and-white checked gingham is combined with blue organdie in a somewhat unique fashion. Inset waist and skirt panels or very generous proportions permit an extensive use oi the checked fabric in the front of the dress, while the circles on the sleeve and the side skirt balance the design and blend the materials effectively. These circles may be in the form of applique motifs, cut as large as desired and the edges turned under and blanket-stitched with blue yarn or mercerized floss, or the edges may be secured with machine hemstitching and the or gandie cut away close to the hem stitched line underneath. Simplicity is ever advantageous in children s apparel and here we have evidence that smartness and simplicity make for a successful frock. ' WOUNDED WAR VET IS PROSPEROUS RANCHER Washington, July 1. The world war afforded an opportun ity to become financially inde pendent without having attached to his name the stigma of being a war grafter or profiteer. Judson C. Doke did his bit for Uncle Sam when the need was urgent. When hostilities ceased he became a veterans' bureau trainee and took the non-collegi ate course in animal husbandry at the Colorado Agricultural college. Today, according , to the bu reau, Doke is the herd manager of a dairy ranch neur Denver, receiv ing In addition to a monthly sal ary of 100, a completely furnish ed house, a garden, transporta talon facilities and the privilege Mary Landon Baker. Chicago 01 keeping his own dairy herd heiress, who four times postponed wltn tnat ot the company at no her wedding to Allisiter McCor- expense to himself. The milk of mick, declared in Paris she would th8 nerd. however, goes to the sail for the United States on Sep- company. But any increase in the tember 1 and that if she does not nera 13 biB- whjch permits him to marry him by that time she never build up his own stock, thus giv will marry him. He joined her InS him the opportunity to start when she went abroad, and the 'n Business lor himself; waridln? nlans were made, as t.hev had been made four times before. Having failed ito obtain from But no wedding. Jmance a reduction In reparations or a loan irom tne international Railroad Shopmen Answer Strike Call (Continued from Pag8 One.) ed for men to ship out on railroad work. The issues Involved In the walkout of the shopmen are: (1) The wage cut ot 160.000 000 recently ordered by the labor board, to become effective today, (Z) Working rules pertaining 10 overtime and various shOD on. dltions recently abrogated by the decision of the board. (3) The right of railroads to lease Out shop work to contractors not amenable to the .rules of the board. The shopmen seek the nullifica tion of the wage cut, the restor ation of the abolished rules end the revocation of all permission to the railroads to contract their shop work. Medford, Ore.. July 1. Accord ing to announcement of union of ficials in Ashland about 60 men walked out at ten o'clock this morning In the round house and car department of the Southern Pacific. Taklma, Wash., July 1. No formal strike action has been taken In the Yakima valley as yet, but railway workers said that 60 men will go out late today on both the Northern and Union Pa cific lines in the valley according to union statements today. Aberdeen, Wash., July 1. Aberdeen, Hoquiam and Cosmop- oils rail section crews , about 30 men, did not appear for work this morning. About 85 shop employes struck at 10 o'clock. Denver, Colo., July 1. Reports received by the Associated Press up to 11 o'clock this morning in dicate the strike of railroad shop men was nearly 100 per cent in the state of Colorado, Wyoming, Montana and New Mexico. Tacoma, Wash. July 1. Prac tically all of the 2800 shopmen employed by the Northern Pacific and the Milwaukee road here went on strike at 10 o'clock. Seattle, Wash.,. July 1. Ap proximately 400 shop crafts men in yards and roundhouses of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Grat Northern and Northern Pa cific railways and the Union Pa ific system here joined the na tion-wide strike at 10 o'clock this morning, according to local union leaders. Sacramento, Cal., July 1. Two thousand shop workers, virtually the entire force at the local plant f the Southern Pacific, left their work at 10 a. m. today. The report was made by a news paper man on the ground, who based "it on the figures given by the company yesterday which stat ed that 2062 members of the shop crafts were on the active payroll. Three hundred thirty shopmen In the Western Pacific shops here already were out, having taken their tools yesterday when the company announced an Inventory would be taken. Billings, Mont., July 1. Ap proximately 700 men, represent ing 100 per cent membership of the shop crafts in the Northern Pacific shops at Billings and Laurel, quit work at 10 o'clock this morning. FIREMEN STRIKE WHEN understand Germany bankers, Germany announces that t will nay the indemnltv fntoi. SALARIES ARE REDUCED l""??'- w uli u Gimi many tse'viaere, in., juiy i. several i htrf.. oi neiviaere s lire iignung iorce, including the assistant chief, are out on strike. The walkout occur red when their pay checks were handed them with a 10 per cent trimming. The vacancies were im mediately filled temporarily. Spokane, Wash., July 1. Six hundred men employed In the car shops of the Great Northern rail way at Hlllyard, a Buburb, went on Btrike at 10 a. m. today. Three hundred others employed In the mechanical department, who are a five-day week basis are not due to report for duty until next Wednesday, are expected to re main out, according to union of ficials. The strike was said to be 100 per cent effective. At the Union Pacific shops here 120 men went on strike, and at the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul shops 40 men walked out. A few men in each case failed to re spond to the strike call. It was stated. La Grande, Ore., July 1. The entire shop force of the second division of the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation company (Union Pacific) walked out at 10 o'clock, according to reports re ceived here. Butte, Mont., July 1. The strike of railroad shopmen here 81F14. was declared to be 100 per cent effective today. Every man of the unions affected, about 90, quit work this morning. Half the strikers were shopmen of the Northern Pacific while the other half wer employes of the Great Northern. Cherry Pickers Wanted Free transportation to and from orchard; truck leaves east end of Willamette bridge at 7 o'clock Mdaday morning. Pay iya cents a pound for picking; a V cent bonus given those who stay thru season, Men preferred. Phone Read The Journal Want tds NOMKING CAFE Home Made NOODLES and CHOP SUEY AMERICAN DISHES Open 11 a. m. to 1 a. m. Upstairs 182y2 XT. Com'l Casper, Wyo., July 1. One hundred members of the shop crafts in the employ of the Chi cago & Northwestern railroad here, laid down their tools at 10 o'clock this morning and walked out. No strikebreakers will be employed on this division accord ing to Guy Holmes although skilled men applying for work will be hired. Los Angeles, Cal., July 1.- Crafsmen in the shops of the Southern Pacific railway here be gan walking out at 10 a. jn. today in obedience to the strike order of their brotherhood. There were about 2,800 employed in the shops. Walla Walla, Wash., July 1.- The fifty or more employes of the Union Pacific railroad shops In this city walked out promptly at 10 o clock this morning. Everett, Wash., July 1. All machinists and helpers employed at the local shops of the Great Northern, 411, walked out at 10 o'clock today. A total of 486 men on the Cascade divison quit work. Oakland, Cal., July 1. Approx imately six hundred men employ ed in the machine shops and round houses of the Southern Pa cific railroad company went on strike here at 10 o'clock this morning. Union officials said 650 car yard workers were undeter mined whether to remain at their duties or walk out. San Francisco, Cal.. July 1. Comparatively tew railroad em ployes In San Francisco were af fected by the strike order, but those who were left their work at 10 o'clock. Portland, Or., July 1. About 500 men walked out at the shops of the Union Pacific system here about 300 struck at the Southern Pacific shops here and an equal number in the Southern Pacific shops throughout the state, and between 400 and 450 of the shop employes of the Spokane, Portland & Seattle railway here and at Vancouver, Wash., went out, ac cording to reports from company sources and neutral observers.' San Francisco, July 1. AH but five of the 1,800 men in the Southern Pacific bay shore shops went on strike today, it was an nounced by H. A. Jones, president of the federation of railway em ployes of the Southern Pacific railway system. Although the car yard men only voted about 62 per cent in favor of striking, he said, about 05 per cent of them actually left their jobs today. GRAND OPENING OUR ENTIRE LINE OF 3 h.X. JJl &1 .A 1 'aWUT Including our wonderful selection of Baskets, Pictures, Frames, Stationery and Fancy Electric Stand Lamps. IS 518 State Street Save our cash register receipts, they. are worth 10 in Trade FILMS In at 8 Out at 12 Inat 1 Out at 6 Free Delivery Daily Bernardino, July 1. Men em ployed in the shops of .the Sante Fee system here began to walk out at 10 o'clock. About 1,500 were in the shops at the time and the walkout was progressing slowly half an hour later. Shops were practically emptied at 10:40 and the strikers started to parade through the city streets. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the many I kind friends for their sympathy I and acts of kindness during the I sickness and death of our dear I husband and brother. Mrs. M. E. Pogue and family. 156 5J G. R, L EONARD Webb & Clough LEADIKG FTJNEEAI DIRECTORS EXPEET EJiBALMEBS Rigdon & Son's MORTUARY Unequaled Service ' u SundayMonday WHITE and BUTTON In SILLIES OF 19g2 DAWN, and FRANCIS CHARACTER DANCING HOOT GIBSON In ' "THE BEARCAT" Matinee 25c QOBa0 1 Evening 3oc i mmrxm Representing Dr. Scholl of Chicago, Will Hold Free FOOT COMFORT DEMONSTRATION uly 5th, 6th9 7t At Miller's Shoe Department Do your feet feel all tired out after' walking or standing? Do they ache and pain? Have you hot, burning callouses and tender corns? Do your feet per spire and have an offensive odor ? Do your shoes feel short and cramp your toes? Do you run your heels over and bulge your shoes at the great toe joint? Then there is relief and correction for all your foot troubles. Mr. Leonard will demonstrate the merits of these remarkable Foot Comfort Appliances during the three days and we cordially invite the public to attend. h MILLEKfi "Salem's Leading Department Store"