PAGE FOUR CapitatirJournal Salem, Oreff An Independent Newspaper, Fublishec every areata sxeept Sonde Telepaeae 11: aewi It OEOROH PUTNAM, BdlUr and PuHIaaer Our Absentee Statesman ',. Some statesmen win fame by attention to duty, discus sion of public measures, and being always on the job. In sharp contrast to this old fashioned type is Senator Stanfield who is winning fame by in attention to duty, by silence upon measures and by never being on the job. Absent from Washington two thirds of the time congress has been in session since he took his seat, Mr. Stanfield has been continuously absent since April 1. All of this time, for which he draws pay for re presenting the people, he has devoted to his private affairs. Nearly all of it has been spent at Weiser, Idaho, his new headquarters, which he has moved from Oregon as an ap preciation of his election. That hicllv imDortant party measure, the Fordney- McCumber tariff bill has been under discussion in the senate since April 20 and frantic efforts have been made by republican party leaders, the republican whip, and re publican senators in caucus, to force the return of all ab sentees in order to keep a quorum, speed-up the considera tion of the bill, and hold a majority favorable to its pas tge present. Senator Stanfield, alone among the senators has ignored the pleas, defied the commands of party cap tains, and let the business of the nation go hang while he looked after his flocks. Between the people and the sheep, Stanfield prefers the sheep. However, Senator Stanfield is anxious to close the tariff debate of which he has not yet heard a word and wants to enforce the gag rule as he himself has been silent since his only speech in behalf of the packers trust, so he has wired Senator McNary, authorizing him to sign Stanfield s name .to the cloture petition. It is extremely fortunate that Mc Nary has no sheep to look after, only goats, or Oregon wouldn't have any representation in the senate. Probably when the wool schedule is reached, Mr. Stanfield may show up, for it fills his own pocket-book, but it is evident that nothing else will bring him to Washington. The moral of course, is what a wise move the people of Oregon made when they voted for a change, voted to re place George E. Chamberlain, tried and not found wanting, always on duty and going, down the line for his constituents. who was what his successor never will be, a commanding figure in the senate, with Robert E. Stanfield, as a result of partisan pleadings of political hacks. . MM'Mlag!Sw t J- T THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON Church SATURDAY, JULY 1 igTC Bad boys generally make the ' berft f swimmers. Good news is twice as good if you have some one to tell it to. It is easier to understand a crowd of women than any single one. A woman will overlook almost anything ex cept your failure to close the screen door. Faith in human righteousness falls to a low ebb when you go to a dance hall and look things over. The word "perhaps" generally means "No" when a man says it, but a woman's "perhaps" nearly always means "Yes." Ilez Heck Says: "Rich young 'uns wipe their noses on their sleeves just the same as the poor." Copyright 1922. 41 Inc. Premier Syndicate, What's the Matr William Allen White has an article in Colliers entitled "What's the matter with America" in which he declares that the trouble lies with the "moron majorities" in the electorate, due principally to the influx of foreigners from southern and eastern Europe, possessing the mentality of children, a different standard of public morality, and a different civilization. He concludes: The moron majority which piles up in every great American city, create the spawning ground of the thug, of the asHaBHln, of tn boodler, of the greedy corporation manager who exploits the people bv buying privilege from the pliant bosses. We have written ou Constitution, created our laws, esiablluhd our government for one kind of people and tho ships from across the sea have brought us another kind of people. And the government that we have bullded here Is nuts for them. All our grand national policies, ail our pompous parties, all ou crucial Issues all the fiubdubbery ot politics, are subsidiary to this fundamental clash ot Ideals: the Puritan Ideal and Its festive too, that shrugs a gay ahouder, denies our brotherhood, rejects ou cold Justice, and giggles out of our homely duties. There is a good deal of truth in these statements, but the morons are not confined to the foreign born. There is just as large a percentage among the native American popu lation. It seems to us that these rapidly breeding bone heads are fast submerging the normal minded. If they are, in a few generations the great republic will be as decadent as the lands from which it is recruiting its popu lation and suffer the common fate of republics, whose citi zens haven't intelligence sufficient to guide their destinies We are rapidly evolving all the paternalism of empire, it- Belf a symptom of the decay of democracy. But there is no use to blame the imported moron for America's troubles. As yet he is not numerous outside the large cities. The nation is merely reaping what it has sown. The normal native born are not living up to the ideals of the founders. The moron was imported to exploit. In him are inculcated the ideals of greed and grab because such ideals permeate the nation. He sees the great finan ciers, the captains of industry, the heads of great trusts perverting government for enrichment of the few, and naturally the child-mindud follow the lead to "get theirs." We preach service, but we practise graft in the form of special privilege and that is one thing that is the matter with America, and in itself, evidence of decadence. These moron majorities furnish the reason for the fail ure of the direct primary and popular legislation, and ac count for the class of men elected to public office. The child minded vote on impulses or prejudice and government cannot rise higher than its source. Seven Accident Fatal. Seven fatalities are Included tn the list of 473 accidents reported to the state Industrial accident commission for the week euding June 2S. Workmen who are list ed as having lost their live in In dustrial accidents are James V. Anderson, powderman. Elk City; l'red Uutterfield, blacksmith. Marshtield; Sam Stanoff, choker setter, Astoria; John J. Phillips, glaiier's helper, Portland; tlrover Darneille, lineman, Medford; John Lalne, fuller, Astoria; John Beck man fireman, Astoria. Trenton. Harry Wills, reavyweijtht, won a technical 1-norkout over Jeff Clark of Jop Ho, Mo.. Requisition Honored. Governor Olcott Friday honored a requisition irora the governor of California for the return ot Paul Kolbern to San Jose, Cal., where be Is wanted on a forgery charge. Folbern. who is under ar rest In Portland, Is charged with having forsed a check for $140 on the student body of the San Jose high school. H. M. Bartley. deputy sheriff of Santa Clara county is here to take the prison er back. Haying is actively under way now In almost all sectlous of Linn county, lltg yields are bein re- nero porrted in most localities. Mr. and Mrs. John Frederick A DRAMATIC STORY OF LOVE AND ROMANCE T JOVE-'S Masquerade By Idah McGlone Gibson A Strange .Funeral "Yes, you will," jeered Davis, when Claverlng said he was go ing to pick out a wife deliberately and without sentiment. "No man Is going to pick out hifl wife In cold blood. Every man is afraid of marrlag'e almost as much af raid of it as he is of death, and his blood has to get up to such a feverish heat that he will for get his fear before he asks any yirl to marry him. "Jim, you will probably fall for a slim, bobbed-haired, lip-sticlted flapper and marry her within a week after you first meet her. Then you will spend the rest of your life wondering why you did it. But one thing you will un derstand you didn't do it in cold blood. "Joking aside, Jim, I certainly think that Milt will really be very fortunate If he can persuade Margaret Earle to marry him. I am sure you will agree with me that she la an exceptional woman. If it was not that Milt is a friend of mine I think I should allow my self to become quite Interested in her." "I wonder what the outcome of it all will be," asked Claverlng meditatively. Davis lid not answer. Instead he asked: "Do they think Harry will get well, Jim?" and before he could answer, Davis conclud ed: 'Personally, I think this is the time for Harry to shuffle off. It would simplify matters exceeding ly, and I really think if Harry knew what was before him, he would be glad to go. 'Of course, Doria is keyed up to all sorts of unselfish devtion now, but she will never be able to keep it up. She will go back to her nag ging and lazy ways. Harry will have to suffer from the scandal In his pocketbook aa well as his mind. I don't believe It will be possible for him to keep his po sition and It will be hard for him to get another job as editor. "No magaine wants a man on its staff who has had an open scandal attached to his name and who will have to live down the reputation for breaking hearts and smashing homes. It might be that poetic justice will send him to Quito after all with his own wife. That certainly would be making the punishment fit the crime." Both men smiled at that as they parted at the door of the club. Davis motored away to take Doris for another ride and Claver lng walked over to the hospital to visit Olendening and Dr. Mil- on. Take me to the cemetery gain, John," said Doria as they rove away from her door. "There la something about its holy still- nesa that quiets me. I think there get the rlghperspective. I seem cruel not one of ail the men and women who have nattered ani pretended to be her friend are ac companylng her to her last re pose. The American Beauty1 th toast of many men and fair wo men is deserted, friendless In her last journey. "Let us follow them, John." Davis looked at Doris Glenden ing In astonishment. He did not know how to take her. Was sh really moved by pity? Or did the spirit of revenge goad her on to the point where she wished to see her rival laid away to rest for ever? He decided that Doris had for given Claire Adams when she found that ehe was dead. He swung his car In behind the short procession. ! Life Is one of the most Incon grous things that we know any thing about. We think we know it in all Its stages; we say we have lived, and then something happens that makes us think that after all we are as Ignorant as little children. "Ashes to ashes and dust to dust," intoned the preacher as he picked up a handful of earth and let it seep through his fingers in to the grave. At one side near the head, of the grave, stood the man who had killed Claire Adams. On each side of him stood a uniformed attend ant. Avid reporters, eager for a story, watched every move. And a little way from the grave, sitting in a motor, was Doris Olendening Fate Kismet Destiny call It what you will, it is only the ever lasting turning of the wheel the unexporable law of compensation It you sin, you must pay. Even if you make mistakes, you must pay. Adhes to ashes and dust to. dust! Claire Adams' beautiful body was returning to the dust from which we are told all humanity is made, and of all those who had flattered her and made her think they loved her, only the one she had irretrievably wronged, was there at the grave weeping sin ceroly because of her untimely end. ervices FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Liberty and Center streets. W. C. Kantner, minister. 10 a. m. Sun day school, H.. M. Mead, superin tendent. Classes for all ages under good teachers. Room for you. 11 a. m. holy communion with ser mon by pastor, subject, "What is Man?" 7 p. m. Christian Endeav or, Miss Constance Kantner, lead er. Important that there be a good attendance to arrange for ob servance of church anniversary. (There will be no evening, service until runner notice. A cordial wel come to all to the services an nounced. Pretty Blondes Predominate In U. of G. Class to be such a little thing and my ut-u uum seooncls i rotk'e have nrr ,r, t ni.. tosaed a towel into the ring at the 'from far-away Java to take a "'"'s ul ,nB eoond round of ( course in poult rr husbandrv H:e,r scheduled 12-rouud bout. OreBm Agricultural collrga. troubles so Btnall when placed be side all those who are lying there so till." As Davis turned in at the gate e had to draw aside In the road to let a funeral cortage pass. It was only a hearse and a couple t motors, but when he gaw that one was filled with reporters and n the other sat a man looking dis hevelled and almost mad with stalwart policeman on either side of him. he knew that the American Beauty was being car ried to her rest. He tried to appear uninterested but la a moment Doris had notic ed the queer cavalcade and whis- ered as she clutched his arm: "John, I reallv believe tliev are about to bury Claire Adams. Look. at there isn't a woinua following her to the siave. OhI-iiuw cruel: lion han Francisco, July 1. Has the flapperitis phenomenon which Just now is agitating the nation anything to do with complexions? Or is the far-famed climate of the San Francisco region; Chang ing? These questions are being ask ed by those who love to study statistics and who have discover ed that 65 per cent of the women students graduated this year from the University of Califofnia are blondes. ine wise ones shake their heads and opine " 'twas not al ways thus brunettes used to pre dominate. There must be a rea son." Those who are interested in the subject say inquiry showed that the blondes were honest to good ness, un-peroxided blondes. So they have turned to the two theories enunciated in the ques tions above to supply the answer. N. E. Glass has been elected school director at Cottage Grove over W. O. Wilson by a vote of 139 to 21. Road work between Cascadia an Fot.'r. Including the .Miea hill orade, has been computed. nrMTRil, CONGBBUATlun AL Corner 19th and Ferry, Clay ton Judy, minister. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Mrs. B. E. Edwards, r.: i,.n, Following the n.rinl at 11 o'clock there is a half hour special program, full of Interest to the whole school, ci i h iniarmediate Christian Endeavor will study the subject of "Better Praying- at meir i o t.v.i- meeting. Evening service of song and worship with sermon at 8. This will be a patriotic service, the subject being, "Are We True to the Spirit of '76 7" CHRISTIAN AND MISSION ARY ALLIANCE! Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Caswell, 425 North Winter street, leaders. Usual services to morrow afternoon at 683 South Commercial street; Sunday school at 2 o'clock, followed by gospel meeting at 3. Also at the same place on next Thursday afternoon, July 6, regular meeUng at 2:30 o'clock. The Tuesday evening Bi ble study conducted by Mrs. Cas well will be held as usual at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Sco bee, 425 North Winter street, at 7:30. A very cordial welcome Is extended to all. UNITED BRETHREN Nebras ka and Seventeenth street, take the 17th street car for Englewood. Sunday school 10. C. P. Wells, su perintendent. Sunday school les son for July 2 Ezekiel, Watchman of Israel. Ezekiel 2:1 to 8:27. At the age of thirty, Instructions and visions came to Ezeklal as he was among the captives by the river Chebar, and the reoord is the hand of Jehovah was there upon him, as when the prophet was lifted up by a lock of his hair and brought In the visions of God to .erufealem. It is Interesting to Hnote that the expression "lilted up" is found at least 32 times In Ezektal. 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Rev. W. W. Rosebraugh will bring the message of the hour. We look for a full house. Bro. Rosebraugh at one time was pastor of the Engle wood church, and has always tak en a great interest in building up the Sunday school and instructing the old and young in the ways ot Ood. Don't miss being one in his Bible class. Junior C. E. 5 p. m., nna Koerner, leader. Christian Endeavor 7 p. m. Young people's tonic. "Better Praying." (Conse cration meeting.) Sincerity is the best eloquence. Come to the Thurs day evening prayer meeting 7:45. ST. PAUL'S (Episcopal) "The Little Church on the Corner." Rev. H. Duncan Chambers, rec tor. Corner Church and Chemek eta streets. Third Sunday after Trinity. The usual services will be held. Holy eucharist at 7:30 a. m. Church school at 9:45. A second celebration of the holy eucharist with music and sermon at 11 a. m. The subject of the sermon will be "Called to be Saints." All will be most cordially welcomed to these services. vmsrr UNITED BRETHREN 12th and Mission, C. S. Johnson, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching services at 11. Subject, The Christian's Assurance.' Jun ior C. E. at 6 p. m. Senior C. E. at 7 pm. Preaching at 8. Subject, "A ' Prophet's Rrayer." Prayer meeting at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening. Everybody Invited. JASON LEE MEMORIAL M. E. Corner North Winter and Jef ferson streets. Thomas Acheson, pastor. R. A. Forkner in charge of the junior church. Decorations and services in keeping with the spirit of Independence day will be In evi dence at this church on the com ing Lord's day. Bible school con venes at 9:45 a. m. Enthusiasm Is high and the work is prospering. Come and bring a friend with you. PUbllo worship at 11 a. m. Subject: The Kind of Patriotism America Needs. The Rev. R. A. Forknerr will speak to the Junior churoh at the same hour. Always something interesting for the young people. Epworth league meeting at 7 p. m. A two months' contest will be launched in the meeting Sunday evening. Members In full force re quested present to be placed in the contest. Our meetings are full of interest, strangers. Invited. Public service at 8 p. m. with sermon by the pastor. The evening service is designed to make the stranger feel at home. Good singing and the very best of fellowship. We beat the weather man and the warmth; out building is large, well ventilated and cool. A new depar ture for the summer months: Wednesday evening 7 o'clock Jun ior devotional meeting. At 7:46 p. m. membership and friends will gather at the church for church visiting night. Full particulars Sunday. The public is cordially in vited' to any or all of our services. P. S. Subject July 2nd at 8 p. m.. The Menace of Protestantism. riAnre" TENT SEKVicni'a nn Siindav afternoon at 2:80 Dr. Mllliken ot the First Baptist nh,.rn.h ix-ill viva an address on "The Word and World Condi tions." At 7:46 Dr. Edwards will speak on "The Moat Popular Sub lent In Salem." Services each week nieht. except Monday, at 8. Song leader, Mr. Coultes. LESLIE METHODIST EPISCO PAL South Commercial and My ers streets. H. F. Pemberton, pas tor. Sunday school at 9:46. E. A. Rhnt.n. SuDt. The day will mean mora if vou begin It with Bible study. Be on hand for this session. Epworth league meeting at 7. All the young people of the church and community are Invited this is a worth while hour. Not a dull minute In it. .Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sermon subject: Chris tian Citizenship in the Present Day. Evening meeting at 8. Sub ject: What the World Wants. You are cordially Invited to attend all of these meetings. You will be welcomed and will feel at home. Come with us in our efforts to make Christianity real in this part ot Salem. HIGHLAND FRIENDS High land avenue and North Church street. I. G. and Ida J. Lee, minis ters. Bible school at 10 a. m. Morning worship and preaching at 11. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m., preaching at 8 p. m. Young peo ple's prayer meeting and Bible study on Monday at 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting and monthly bus iness meeting on Thursday at 8 p. m. 3fou are cordially Invited to all our services. Clifton Ross, Supt. Bible school, Walter Lee presi dent of Christian Endeavor. SCANDINAVIAN M. E. Corner 15th and Mill streets, David C Etassel, pastor. Sunday July 2nd, morning service 11 a. m. and Sun day school at 12. Evening service at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting and Bl ble study Wednesday evening 8 o'clock. Friday July 7, the monthly Sunday school meeting to be held at Mrs. Stenstrom's, 2095 Trade street at 8 p. m. You will find a hearty welcome to all these meet ings. NAZARENE Nineteenth and Marion, one block south of Center on Nineteenth. Chemeketa car. IT'reachlng Sunday at 11 and 8. Sunday school at 9:45, W. B. Har dy, superintendent. Subject for morning message, "Sons of God." Young people's meeting at 7 and the regular evening prayer meet ings at 7:30. Wednesday evening prayer meeting at 8 o'clock. Miss Louise PInnel will sins: at the Sunday morning service also there will he some members received into the church. Women's mission ary society will meet at the par sonage 506 North 21st, Thursday afternoon at 2:30. This church will take up the Sunday meetings to attend the annual camp meet ing of the Marlon County Holiness association to be held at the fair grounds beginning July 27 and closing August 7. A. Wells, pas tor; Florence Wells, deaconess. THE REGULAR MONTHLY meeting of the Marion County Holinss association will be held at the Highland Friends church Fri day evening of next week, July 7. this will be the last meeting be fore the camp and it is important that as many as can possibly be mere ao so. A. Wells, president, Hazel Keeler, secretary. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN An nouncements July 2: A live Sun day school at 9:45 a. m. Orches tra music, classes for all. H. E. Barrett, Supt. Preparatory worship 11a. m. Communion will be ad ministered Sunday Julv 9. .TiinW C. E. will be discontinued for the summer. Young people of the church meet at 7 p. m. to discuss timely topics and for nrnvni- Judge John McCourt of the su preme bench will speak at 8 p. m. on "Law Enforcement." AH r. nvited to hear this natriotio mm. sage. Special music in both organ and voice will feature the services of the day. Members of the church session will picnic on Mon day 6:30 p. m. at the home of El der G. L. Adams in Polk county Wives of the elders are invited. A business session will follow the dinner. CHURCH OF GOD 1346 North Church street, J. J. Gillespie, pas tor. Sunday school 10 a. m. Preach ing service 11 a. m. Song service by the young people at the Salem Deaconess hospital at 2:30 p. m. Open air meetings will be held In the Willson park for the months of July and August. The first meet ing will be held July 2nd, 4 p. m. Doctor Doney, president of the Willamette university, will be the first speaker. Young people's serv ices 6:30 and preaching service 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wed nesday evening 7 :45. Keep in mind the annual state camp meeting at Woodburn, Or., July 20-30. We expect ministers from Idaho, Washington and California and are believing for the best camp meeting we have ever had in the state. LIBERTY STREET EVANGEL ICAL Corner Center and Liberty streets. G. F. Llening, Sr., pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Sermon at 11 a. m. by the pastor. The evening services will be union meetings with the Cottage street Evangelical church Y. P. A. will meet at 7 p. m. Sermon at 8 p. m. by Rev. Wlllard of the Cottage street church. The services will be held in the Liberty street church. The public Is cordially Invited. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First phurch, 440 Chemeketa street. Sun day morning services at 11 a. m. Subject of lesson sermon "God." Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Wed nesday evening testimonial meet ings at 8 o'clock. . Reading room 209 Masonic Temple, open every day except Sundays and holidays trom iiut to 6:30 p. m. All are cordially invited to our services and to our reading room. THE FULL PENTECOSTAL goepel devoted to the material welfare, bodily healing, fhoral up lift and spiritual life of the strick en body, outcast cripple, hungry, trlendless and whosoever is in need of the water of life. The Bethel Home, 1500 Ferry street. phone 698, Mary E. Buckbee, pas tor. Services, Sunday school Sun day morning at 9:45. Preaching at 11 o'clock. Prayer meeting Tuesday and Friday evenings 8 o'clock. Open at all times for prayer. We pray for the sick God heals. Welcome. COTTAGE STREET EVANGEL ICAL 460 North Cottage street. L. H. Wlllard, pastor. Our order of service for this Lord's day Is as follows: Sunday school opens at 10 o'clock with Miss Pauline Rem ington, assistant superintendent, presiding. Let us all be there on time for the opening song service and devotions. Mo.rnlng worship at 11 o'clock. The pastor's subject is, "Jesus the Lord of the Sab bath." The evening services Will be union meetings with the Liberty street Evangelical church in the Liberty street church. Young peo ple's meeting at 7 o'clock and preaching at 8 o'clock. Mr. Wll lard will preaoh the sermon, his subject being, "He Goes Before." We will hold our usual services at Auburn school house this Sun day afternoon. The official board of the church will hold Its regu lar business meeting on Monday evening at 7:30. Prayer and praise service on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. This service is increasing in interest. You are cordially In vited to worship with us in any or all of these services. LUTHERAN East State and Eighteenth streets, Geo. Koehler, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Divine service in English at 10:30 a. m. The congregation ob serves Children's day. The theme of the program is: "Christ, the Good Shepherd and His Other Sheep." Everybody is welcome. No evening service. FIRST METHODIST EPISCO PAL Corner State and Church. Rev. Blaine E. Kirkpatrick, minis ter. 9:15 old time class meeting in the northwest room down stairs. 8:45 Sunday school, J. B. Littler, Supt. We meet every Sunday in the A FRIEND IN NEED A FRIEND INDEED Writes Mrs.Hardee Regard ing Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound F'al Flsi 11 Ir, lh aKr,o. . "'"ft, Rev. Paul Green, former LE? charge at Pullman, Wash preach for us. 7 p. tn. the",, Epworth league meets, wlth r Pollock leador. Mrs. Eva (ft Myers will sing. The lntermijj Will nulla a nisi viue camp grounds. Faith Prida,'' ln nn charge. No evening service 1 ,'pubU ohurch because of the union . vice in Willson park during , Su 11 and August. " pany SOUTH SALEM FRIENDS-, dsci" Commercial and Waahinr tns 1 streets. Nathan Swabb, pastor ble school 9:45 a. m. Junior ch'i 1 10:40. Morning worship at el., Pact C. E. at 7 p. m. and reguiM J . . nlng service, for worehln m .1 c"'01 o'clock. The monthly meeting, Fra11 be held Thursday evening at )' "! Instead of 8 o'clock as we rei the operating with the daily vacaii Bible school in their exhibit S SOUg evening. Marion County Hollr of a' association camp meeting at u e ' state fair grounds July 27 to An, ntho Washington, who condimtn :van v4val services last winter win f foul the evangelist. The summer co, to c ference of the Oregon Frlendip unit r,. win noiu ni Dr view A., wn nst 22 to 28. For infnrmn. .T own dress Rev. Nathan Swabb, !(j tae riazei avenue. aaiem, phoi puoi 1626J. Hazel Keeler, president ( rati E. Walter S. Wright, sunerlniimi . ent of Bible school. " ' t. A meeting has been called ,v'yp Weston to promote the develit ment of the road over th Bli bes' .nn,,nl.lnH Vnntvn no Vah lllVUUbn.UD, MO O JUUgll road, Into the Grande Ronde u- ley. Efforts are being made to k cure the establishment ot a SwU colony in Klamath county to et gage in dairying. Hamman Auto Stage Effective May 22 nd Three Stages Daily 5 Leaves Salem Stage Terminal: t No. 1, 7:30 a. m. No. 3, 10:30 1 m. No. 6, 4:30 p. m. Leave Mill City: No. 0, 7 a. m. No. z, 12:30 p.n No. 4, 4 p. m. No. 1 connecu with east bound train at M:" City, No. 2 waits for west boiui train at Mill City. JOS. HAMMAN. Prop. ten 1 givi rail 5 Pac reg ior wit ma pot fr L M ii Los Angeles. Calif. "I must tell you that I am a true friend to Lydia hi. rinkham s Vegetable Com pound. I have taken it off and on for twenty years and it has helped me change from a delicate girl to a stout, healthy woman. When I was mar ried I was sick all the time until I took Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 1 was in bed much of m v time with nains and had to have the doctor every month. One day I found a little book in my yard in Guthrie, Oklaho ma, and I read it through and got the medicine Lydia E. Pinkham s Veg etable Compound and took eight uoiues ana usee, tne sanative wash. I at once began to get stronger. I have got many women to take it just by telling them what it has done for me. I have a vounar sister whom it han helped in the same way it helped me. 1 want you to Know that I am a friend indeed,' for vou were a 'friend inneed.'" Mrs. George; Hardee. 1043 Bvram St.. Los Anmlfia. Cali. fornia. Salcm-SUveirton Division Leaves Salem Central Stage Ttt minal, 7:00 a. in.; 11:00 a. m. 6;lt d. m. Leaves Silverton News Stand, l:M a. m., 1:00 p. m., 6:00 p. m. Salcm-lndcpendeiice-Munmoiith Division Leaves Salem Central Stage Tt minal, 7:00 a. m 9:00 a. a.,' 11:00 a. m.; 8:00 p. m., 6:00 p m Leaves Monmouth, Monmouth ho . tel, 8:15 a. in., 1:00 p. m., S:1S p. m. j Leavef Independence, Beaver bo- . tel, 8:30 a. m., 10:00 a. m., 1 li p. m.. 4:00 p. m., 6:30 p. m. We make connections at Salem to all parts of the-valley. Extra trips by appointment J. W. PAltKEB General Manager, ln pul cul th! Of mi' P " pu l.n sit n pc J.i til ar SILVKltTON MOUNT ANGEb POHTLAND C. & M. Stages Schedule South Bound Head down Dly. Dly. Dly. No 6 No 3 No 1 PM PM AM 6:00 1:30 8:00 Portland 8:05 8:35 10:05 Mt Angel 8:30 4:00 10:30 Silverton Ar Ar Ar North Bound Read Up Dly. Dly. Dly. No 2 No 4 No 6 AM PM PM 10:30 4:00 8:80 Portland 8:25 1:55 6:25 Alt. Angel 8:00 1:30 6:00 Silverton T.v T.v T.v Sunday only 8:00 pm fm Portlani Stages leave Stage Terminal Port land and Steelhammer's urug Silverton Salem-Dallas Stage Leave Salem Btae Terminal 7:00 am. ll:o am. 8:10 pro Leave Dallas, Gall Hotel 8:80 a. m. 12:80 m. (:I0 p m- FARE! 80 CENTS Dally and Sunday Evry day except morning trip does not run Sunday Round Trip 80 cents REFORMED Corner of ol and Marlon streets. Si.nv school 10 a. m. Preachinir ani ""rani n a. m. Nn service. M. Denny, pastor. evening INTERNATIONAL RTRT.F! ktt7 DENTS ASSOCIATION Meet ev ery Sunday in Derlsv hull o.irn. Court ana High streets unstaln. for Bible study. Hours from 10 t. 3 a. m. Public alwavs mlrnm. D, hese services. COCRT STREET CHRISTIAN Corner North 17th and Court streets. The state Christian con- eniion will be ln session July 1-3 t Turner. Or. Duxinar th! n.ij here will b no service. Tnn - welcome to attend any session of his convention. i--r n, the Two Sides of Turnover The alert business man dealing with present day conditions knows that the big word today is "Turnover." Whether he be a merchant, manufac turer, jobber, or banker, he sees that one thing with a clear vision unbiased by the limits of his own business. It is in the air, and on the tip of every tongue. And yet many of them entirely too many are thinking on only one side of Turnover. They think of it as meaning rapid selling putting money in and getting it out quickly and at a profit. They realize that they must put greatly increased efforts back of all their plans for selling and distribu tion. The other half of Turnover is the consumer. All selling plans and efforts fail if the consumer doesn't want to buy. His desire for the product must be created. He must meet the seller half way. He must be in a mood to buy before the salesman meets him across the counter. That is the function of Advertising to create consumer demands and con sumer preference. With this demand as a fact all selling plans have a chance to succeed. Without it they fail. The only chance for salesmanship to suc ceed without an existing demand is for salesmanship to assume the task that belongs to' advertising the task of creating demand. If the present efforts that are being put into selling were amply supported by a corresponding effort to create consumer demand through Advertising, the business conditions of this country would be rapidly changed into an era of great prosperity in spite of Old World conditions and everything else. The proof of this is in the fact that right now, under these very conditions, the manufacturers who are putting proper emphasis on creating a demand for their product ,as well as selling it, are doing a big business and are actually getting the high turnover that others are trying so strenuously to get through intensive selling. (Published by 'the Capital Journal, in co-operation with. The American Association of Advertising Agencies-) ily. U. L. Putnani, pastor. -1