Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 01, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Wedding Is
One or the prettteBt June wed-
tnok nlaoe this aiternoon
when Miss Helen G. King became
the bride ol Fred Bock, the cere
mony taking place at the resl
nf the bride's uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Lainson,
1626 Court street. Rev. W. C
Kantner officiating. The wed-Atne-
waa distinctive in many ways
i and was attended by a large rep
resentation of out-of-town folk.
I The rooms were converted into
ia floral bower for the occasion,
Seasonal blossoms in pink anu
I- white combining in pleasing ef
I foot. An archway of larkBpur and
5 greenery was arranged for an al
: tar.
rvv,a hrtria who Is a very pretty
girl, wore a lovely gown ot white
satin, embellished witn nanuoum
. lace. She wore a long veil which
fell from a crown. Her bouquet
was a lovely cluster of valley lillec
and bride's roses. Preceding
her came her bride's maids, Mist
Tia nnirara of Portland and
Miss Margaret Warren ot Minne
- apolis, Minn. Both were cos
tumed in smart trocks of lavendai
organdie, and carried arm bou
quets of lavendar and pink peas.
Silver wreaths in their hair com
pleted the color effect. They were
met at the improvised altar by
the bridegroom and his Dew,
George King, a brother ot tht
Just previous to the service,
ui.a Unria Churchill sane. "Oh,
Promise Me," and "At Dawning."
ah wu accomDanied by Misb
Katherine Slade, . who also played
Mendelssohn's wedding march.
Following the ceremony a re
ception and buffet luncheon was
Berved, the f olowing group 01 so
rority sisters assisting in serving:
Miss Annabelle Golden, Miss Mary
Elizabeth Bayne; Miss Ina May
Proctor, Miss Hattie Reeder, Mist
Nell Richmond ana miss Alice mu
Clellan. Mrs. George Croisan and
Miss Ralph Coleman assisted
about the rooms.
, I The bride is a charming and
' popular girl, the daughter of Mr.
, and Mrs. G. L. King 01 zo luim
1 Cottage street. She has resided
here four years, coming to Salem
with her parents from Ida Grove.
Iowa. She is a graduate of tht
' high school in that place and also
attended the Oregon Agricultural
iii!r two vears. She is a Delta
Delta Delta. For some time she
has been employed in the office ot
the secretary of state. Previous
. i hoi won fline rj has been ex
tensively entertained by friends
both in Salem and Portland.
s Mr. Rock Is the una Of Mr.
Mrs. F. M. Bock of Salem. He is
a graduate of an eastern 'Oregon
Jilgh school, and took a thre
year's engineering course at O. A.
r Ho fa a. Sitrmu Nu man. He U
fct the head of an automobile con
fern in Portland.
fnlks will leave foi
ihe Tillamook beaches this even
ing where they will spend their
honeymoon. 'After July fifth they
.'will be at home to their friends at
Vthe Salisbury apartments in Port
Tland. I Guests at the wedding were.
I Mr. and Mrs. George Croisan, Mr.
land Mrs. Ralph Coleman, Mr. ana
IMrs. Leighton Steele, Mr. and Mrs.
John Eakln, Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Blaesing, Mr. and Mrs. H. R
Woodburn, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton
.Heistand, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Supple, Miss Nell Richmond, Miss
TTfh.i Wheeler. Miss Catherine
Peterson, Mrs. Sadie Peterson,
m Mnala Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Neale, Mrs. Otis Walsh, Clement
on i. TJohnrt Stewart. Earl
ouaiacj, w -
Hayslip and Allen Brandeis, all oi
T-nr,A- Miaa Isabelle Stout ot
Alaska: Miss Alice
Young of Eugene, and the follow
ing from Salem: Mr. ana Mrs. m-
vln Lantis, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Becke, Mr. and-Mrs. Breyman
Boise, Miss Ruth SchulU, Mist
Edna Howd, Misa Margaret Grif
fith Miss Hazel McGilchrist, Mist
Ethel McGilchrist, Mr. and Mrs.
George Weller, Mr. and Mrs. Low
ell Tweedale, Miss Dorothy Twee
dale, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Lainson,
Stanley Lainson, Mrs. S. L. Spur
rier, Mrs. F. W. Shearer, Mrs.
Alice Coolidge, Mrs. Flora Holley
and Virgil Holley.
Prof, and Mrs. Miller
r Hike Ertcnsive Trip
Professor and Mrs. E. A. Miller
,:lan to leave about the middle of
the coming week for an extensive
jaoteru trip that will take them
as tar east as Kansas City, Mr,.,
aid will cover about two months,
crnfoaanr and Mrs. Miller will go
first to Atlantic, Iowa, where they
uriil visit relatives Of Mrs. Miner
it Vnrt. Scott. Kansas, they will
be the guests of Professor Miller's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. luuier,
nn tho nlH farm home. Returning
west, Professor and Mrs. Miller
will visit in Chicago, uenver auu
Salt Lake City.
Opening of Song and Gift
Shop Attracts Large Crowds
The formal opening of the
Song and Gift Shop on State
tot tnnv. attracted large and
Interested crowds this afternoon.
The hours are from three to six
o'clock, and again this evening a
program will be given." This
place, which is unique in eveijr
way, is presenting a varied pro
gram of musical numbers, inas
much as folk who call are asked
to name the selections that the
orchestra gives. Kan jsusseiie,
son of E. T. Busselle, manager of
the shop, sings popular songs.
Mrs. W. H. Prunk being heard in
jeml-classical numbers.
Seadrick Family
ttin frrnn Idaho Trip -
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Headrick and
their children are home from two
weeks Bpent in Idaho, the family
r-fiturnine to Salem Thursday
nie-ht. The trio was made by mo
Lor. In Elk City they were the
of an uncle, G. u. 1j-
Baskett, a former Salem resident,
in Moscow they visited with Mrs.
Woadrick'n sister. Mrs. M. M. rres
con, who has frequently been en
tertained in Salem.
Sffiss Walton to Enjoy
PaAnt.lATl n.t. Breitenbush
Misa lulu Rosamonde Walton
oft Rrnitenbush hot springs
the first of the week, where she
will remain for the entire summer,
jho waa intnad by Miss Lorena
Walton of Corvallis, the latter to
ipend a fortnight in the moun
An. Knowland
Entertains Sister
Mrs. Charles E. Knowland is
antertaining as her house guest,
iier sister, Mrs. Roscoe Neal, wm,
Arrived Wednesday, and will r-
nain until about the first of ,Att-
In Program
Small music pupils of Miss
Laura Grant, well known piano
instructor, presented an attract
ive and interesting program in
th tinrlnra r.t the First Presby
terian church last night, relatives
and close friends of the youthful
performers making up tne auai
ence. The. large room was beautifie'd
with a graceful' decorative ar
rangement of pink roses and
ocean spray. Assisting as ushers
were, Dorothy McCracken, Ma
rion Shaw and Mareuerite Bloom-
euberg. Another group composed
of Josephine McGilchrist, Jose
phine Cornoyer and Lois Leedy
acted as flower girls.
The program throughout was
excellently given, and when one
considered the ages of the partic
ipants and, in many instances,
the brief time they had studied
the work seemed quite remark
able. It was the first season's
study for several, and others were
makine their first public appear
ance. Among these was little five
Josephine McGilchrist
Woman's Club Benefit
Attracts Large Number Yesterday
The benefit tea and- lawn xete
given at the Honier Smith resi
dence yesterday afternoon and
evening, for the benefit of the
building fund of the Salem Wo
man's club, was a pleasant suc
cess, attracting about one nuu-
dred callers. The grounds, beauti
ful in themselves, naa an aaaeu
artistic detail In the evening
when numerous Japanese lan-
torna were utilized to light the
Mrs. George G. Brown, and
the members of her committee ex
tViamafilvea aa oarticularly
f - -
grateful for the loan of the Smith
garden for the affair.
An interesting musical pro
gram was presented, with well
known vocalists and instrumental
ists appearing. Easy seats were
arranged about the grounds, and
tea and refreshments served to
fhA rallfira hv a trraun of attract
ively frocked maids. They were,:
Miss Margaret McMahon, miss
Macyl Hunter, Miss Genevieve
Endicott, Miss Thelma Young,
Miaa Charlotte Zieber. Misa Eu-
zenia Zieber, Miss Margaret
Griffith. Miss Pauline . Remlng
ton, Miss Helen Rose, Miss
Brown. Miss Lenta
Baumgartneri Miss Josephine
Saumgartner, Miss Florence
Tnnoa. Mlaa Miriam Lovell, Miss
Hollis Vick, Miss Margaret fatou
Daughters ,
Will Hold
M Reunion
The Catholic Daughters of Am
erica (formerly Daughters of
Taahellal will celebrate Monday.
Ti,lv mth with a "WnmA pnmtnir "
rnm mfrrpoH hnv hAAn Hnnomtecl
with Mrs. James Heenan as gen
eral chairman. As all former
aiirhfftrfl Tjrh n hnvA AVAr been &f
filiated with the order are Invit
ed, a very lively time is expected.
Manv out of town guests will at
tend to assist in celebrating tnis
eighth birthday ot Capital City
court which was Instituted in
July, 1914. The organization has
been very active in the pasi eigm
years, with many social affairs
and this one is being elaborately
planned for by the ailierem com
vanr nlri
Vn ...... anil tltflveH A PmilTl Of
WUU ouu .... m - r- i uuilia , 1 , . . . . .
numbers. Josephine Cornoyer and an(j Miss Ruth Page.
LjOIB ijeeuy gavs ueuiuuouauuu
of kindergarten work, which in
cluded ear training, staff work,
rhvthm. stories and songs, uotn
had had but three weeks in
struction in this department,
This is the last recital 10 De
given by Miss Grant this year, the
Tennis. Tournament
Tn Attraot uracK riayers
Local folk are looking lorwara
terest to the forth
coming tennis tournament, which
begins in Salem next Weanesaay,
. t i -. fhA ninth nf
given uy iviiba uiaut. umo "iaiiu BALeuua -
boys and girls' who took part Fri- juiy. This will be the seventh an
aay mgni., uems oi bucolo v jnuai vaney -
Miss Saunders Arrives
T11 Wew York Prom Arsrentina '
News Is recelvea that miss Lu
cille Saunders, for a year or more
engaged in newspaper work in Sa
lem has reached wew rorK city
from Argentina, and will shortly
huffln nor HntlAa aa TTnited Preaa
correspondent of the United Press
in Washington, D. U. Miss tsaun
ders, who has been away a year
reached American Thursday even
ing. as
plenia in Marion square this at
They are: Dorothy Godfrey,
rmrothv McCracken. Josephine
McGilchrist, Joseph Cornoyer,
i.nia I.nedv. Llovd Claggett, Rich
ard Cooley, Marion Shaw, Mildred
Hi,nmiiiar Knhne Wain,
Charles Claggett and Marguerite
Lamports Hosts at
Delightful Alfresco Affair
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S
LamDort were dinner hosts Fri
ament. and will bring to Salem
monv feminine players from
Portland and other points. Among
these will be Miss Irene uamp-
Koii nt Portland, who is well
lrnnwn here, formerly residing
here when her parents were at
the-head of the Chemawa inaian
(nlnlnor onhfinl.
Other Portland players oi noie
whn ar nxnected to be here are
Miss Agnes McBride, Miss Doro
thy Ettinger and Miss Mary Anue
Mxt. Byrd Entertains
Tith Family Gathering
Mrs. Martha IVrd entertained
vith a family dinner Thursday
vening, the affair being planned
for the pleasure of Dr. Roy Byrd,
vho is leaving shortly for Atlan-
ic City, to attend the national
onvention of the Elks.
I Miss Godfrey Entertains
t Mnt Tnterestine Guests
' Miss Emma Godfrey had as her
guesU yesterday, Mr. and Mrs
! ti rhoAher of gan Francisco
who stopped off on their way
south, following a weddmg jour
ney in the normvrai m iuiu v
vate car. Mr. Cheeber is private
secretary to the president of the
Southern Pacific company.
Mrs. Cheeber is an oia-iime
friend of Miss Godfrey's, being be
fore her marriage Miss Caroline
oi nf Ijm Angeles.
Mr. and Mrs. Cheeber leu iur
California last night, their car be
ing picked up by the Shasta Lim
ited. ' Spauldinjrs to
Pa Vnnrth at Grand Sonde
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Spauld
Ing and Miss Ha Spaulding will
pend the Fourth in the new town
of Grand Ronde. which U putting
on its Initial Independence day
.'arty to Spend
;vmrfh nt Cascadia
A crrnnn nf Salemites will form
t party motoring to Cascadia for
the week-end and over the Fourth.
They will be Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
:mig, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Down
ing, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Whitig,
Wisa Bernice Craig and Orris Fry.
Colonel and Mrs. Abrams
for Southern Oreeon
Col. and Mrs. Carle Abrams ana
tv,ir hilrtrAn left today for Rose
Thow will be out of town
an til after the Fourth, spending
the time with relatives.
Miss Roberts Is
luests of Slades in Portland.
Miss Mildred Roberts came
home from Portland today. She
has been away a week, spending
the time with her uncle and aunt,
.dr. and Mrs. E. Fritz Slade..
lalemites Spend
Mrs. Roy H. Mills and Miss Ha
a.Minr rntnrned home Thurs
day night from Portland, where
.hey spent several aays.
3alem Folk to -
Ontinz at Beach
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Roberts
a Mra William H. Boot will ac
company Mrs. Asahel Bush over to
Newport this week-ena, ine group
to remain at the iiusn s Agaie
Beach cottage until after the
Fourth. ,
Robert Bishop
Arrives for the Summer
Robert Bishop, who has been at
nnl in Pendleton dur-
ine the winter, arrived in Salem
,),; waoV Ann" will snend the sum
mer with his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. D. Gabrielson.
Burnetts to Spend
The Fourth in Pacific City
Judge and Mrs. George Burnen,
apAnmnanied bv Mrs. Lorena Wise,
left today for Pacific City where
they will remain over the ourm.
Miss Slade Returns from
t 'Rrr.jiitenbnsh
1 . . w. .
ui irnthArinA Slade returned
home today from Breitenbush hot
.nrinr She has been enjoying a
two weeks' outing at this popular
Miss Howd Home
rvm TWtnitrht'l OutinZ
I Miss Edna Howd returned to Sa
im iAd fmm Breitenbush, afte
spending two weeks at that place
Lamport were ainner uui -1 , ,
p . ,n m ramnhell Honored
day evening, eowtiaiuiue e
... a t o oiio-htfui alfresco UiTiHn VnTATn Partv Tomorrow
UJ. 11 icuuo n.c , -
n. n..nT,cra.-l I . TVirthAll W h H
1V11SS UeUBVlCC vauiF"""! "
has made her home in Salem for
several years, and who Is leaving
for her home in Portland the
first of the week, will be honoreo.
with a farewell picnic party to
morrow, a eroup ot ner youus
prior. ,1a tn form a motor party go
ing out to Turner's Grove lor tne
Besides Miss Campbell, those
nir.Hno- will be Genevieve
TCmmett; Jane Hilpot, Hester Hil
t fleer. Audra Win
ship, Bessie ' Alexander, Robert
Johnson, David Adolph, Thomas
Robinson, Cecil Thompson, uiaire
Tucker and Lowell White.
dinner. The table was arranges
in a charmine spot, with the gar
background. "Flowers
In varied colors made up the ta-
Mai cntprntere. arouna nvnicn
were seated: Mr. and Mrs. David
w TT.vrA. Mr. and Mrs. Henry w
MAvAra Mr. and Mrs. John J
tji,.rta nr and Mrs. J. Shelley
3auerman, Mrs. L. M. Sauerman, day
- , nyr n n .1 I
of lJhliaaeipnia, rn., "
Mrs. O. Ct Locke, Dr. W. a. Morse
iwr. w H. Lvtle. Dr. ana Mrs.
T n Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John
u McNarv and Mr. and Mrs.
J-W w Mf Tj
ill c r ;
U 1 iA.''-:?v':;
11 :tI ::-)m
1 t-.'Xi
Mrs. Bishop Home
From Month in California
Mrs. C. P.' Bishop returned
Kalom Vrlrlav nlsrht from
month's visit with friends in Call
fornia. Mrs. Bishop enjoyed visit
ne with a larea number of form
er Salem folk during her atay,
among them being the Dr. Harry
E. Clays of San Francisco, ana tne
Edward Thielsens in Los Angeles.
Mr. Bishop Joined Mrs. Bishop
in Los Angeles, on the return from
his Eastern business trip, but re
turned i: to Salem a fortnight
' 1
ft v
1 r
1 r-A
m. t Ain Stanford Wood, wifo of a New York sportsman
and sister of Walter S. Ward, millionaire baker, who killed Clarence
. nTo.i,.Atta mnn in an alleged blackmail battle,
.reiero, ami(n.uuoovv ,
waa taken before the grand jury at White riains, . i.,
she knew nothing of tho details of tho blackmail plot. She waB ex
hibiting her blue ribbon horses at a horsesnow on tne aay uei
was indicted and jailed. -
Washington, July 1. Tho
Denver and Salt Lake railroad was
excused by the interstate com.
merca commission Joday from the
necessity of putting Into effect on
its lines the ten per cent general
out in freight rates which all other
railroads In the United States
made effective today.
Receivers ot the line, the torn-
mlsssion ruling indicated, found It
impossible to reduce the revenues
to the extent which the ten per
cent cut demanded and In addition
its line is now temporarily out of
operation by reason of a tunnel
fire and may not be put Into use
before August 1.
Preliminary to a final aetermin
atlon of the road 's petition to
maintain the higher rates, Com
missioner Hall will hold a hearing
in Denver July 81. '
cn for a Amild be ascertained.
the Denver and Salt Lake was the
only common carrier which did not
have the ten per cent reduction in
effect today as ordered by the
commission in the general rate
case last month. :
xr.a unri TMrhards has been
made chairman of the Bend school
board. She is the first woman to
occupy the position in Bend and
the second woman elected director.
Miss Margaret Woodson oi
Heppner has made the hignesi
score In the state in me dim.
study course for which credits are
-i , .. Vtlcn artinoi. '
glVCU 1U V U
Writers Section
Tn Meet Wednesrlav
Members of the Modern Writers
Section of the Salem Arts League
will meet at the residence of Mrs.
Blanche Jones 606 South Church
stret, Wednesday evening.
Gasoline Price Cut
Spokane, July 1 Gasoline drop
ped half a cent in price at Stana
ard Oil stations here today, to
28 cents including state tax.
Tho rprliintlon waa made possible
by de6reased freight rates effect
ive today, company officials said,
How much territory the reduc
tion will cover was not stated
Tokio. July 1 -(By the Asso
ciated Press) The privy council
today recommended to the prince
regent ratification of the treaties
relating to China adoptea at me
Washington arms conference.
Viscount Ito, reporting tor me
committee to which the privy coun
cil had referred the matter, said
the resolution proposing discon
tinuance of foreign postofflces in
China within a year had caught
a heated discussion among mem
bers of the committee. Some oom-mit-tAAmftn.
holding that this pro-
.invnived considerable dlfl-
fnrA tn janan. desired to
however, that th ecommittee wish
ed to respect the spirit of the
Washington conference and rec
ommended unreserved ratification.
Car Lines Merged
Spokane, Wash., July 1 Spo
kane troll car riders today exer
cised universal transfer privilege
over all car lines in the city, the
ovanA TTnited Railways," the
new merger company, having be
come active at midnight.
The Clackamaa county fair will
be held at Canby during the week
previous to the state fair. Exten
sive plans are being made.
By vote of 92 to 89 the Dallas
uatrit has voted an extra
levy of $4500 for the first unit of
in your hair
IN every woman's hair
hidden beauty ! wait
ing to be brought out by
the Wildroot treatment.
You will be urprised to
ee how quickly thee two
preparation! will change
your whole appearance.
Hair Tonic Liquid Shampoo
For salt by
Dan'l J. Fry, Druggist
Wedding is Very Celebrated
Miss Anna Bronkey Became
tv,A hriHA of Elma Nash, ai w
miiet ceremony at St. Joseph's
hr.h thia mornine. Father J.
r pi,.lr nfficiatine. using me
seven o'clock nuptial mass. At
innfa warn Mr. and Mrs. El
roy Nash. Immediately following
Out-of-town People
Here for King-Bock Nuptials
A representation oi uui.-ui.-iur...
folk was noted at the King-Bock
wedding, which took place this
afternoon. Mrs. F. W. Shearer ot
Kansas City, Mo., granamotner oi
the bride came west especially to
y rtasn. umucumvoij u.w the bride came west bbiuv;iaj
e service the young folk left for attend th'e event, ana a childhooa
i , i . ! tn JPnrtland and! . . . , ,rl 1 . . namA tn
wedding trip to Portland and
northwest points, after which
th.- tn hH at home to their
buvj " .
friends in Salem.
Families leave for
flnrinfT at Rockawav Beach
Mr. and Mrs. Damon r leeuc.
,1 Mr and Mrs. W. Allison
AUU " . . . .
Humming and their famines,
will leave Salem tomorrow iur
Rockaway beach. Mr. Fleener and
win return to Sa-
iVJ.1 . lUlllOu .
, v.A pvinrth. the remain"
mm " - - '
er of the party to enjoy an out
ing of several weeks.
friend of Miss King also came to
sa l Am. at this time to be present.
She is Miss Margaret Warren of
Minneapolis, Minn.
Members of Club
To Participate in Picnio
MAmhara of the Amicus club
jMnmmnled by taelr husbands
and families will motor to a point
on the Lucklamute on eunaay,
where they will participate in an
all-day's picnic. Additonal guests
will be Mrs. William Kinenart oi
Wasco, Texas, and Mrs. Roscoe
Neal of La Grande. .
Columbia Highway
ivin tn, Cover Week-end
A motor party composed of Mrs.
nrnii.m P Lord. Mrs. Alice n.
Manv Salem Folk Go Down
To Portland-Salem Annual Pionio
A large group of Salem folk
William r. im, motorea to rornanu iuuj w o-i--
Dodd, Miss Elizabeth Lord and the tend the annuai Portland-Salem
1 cr.ioct MlaR Effle . i ,1 A mnn tr ,a
latter's house guest, Miss liuie
Kroll of Oakland, Cal., lett mis
mornina- for Portland. Jrora
thov will leave lor a ween
picnic at Laureihurst. Among the
rroun will be Mrs. u. v. uiBnop,
Mrs. George J. Pearce, Mrs. E. C.
email Mlaa Dorothy fearce ana
end trip that will take them over Mls8 Helen Pearce, Mrs. W. P.
the entire uoiumuia Ixira, Miss Eiiizauem imiu, u. uc.
guest Miss Ellle Krou, oi
Findleys to Motor
To Foley Springs for Outing
Dr. M. C. Findley, accompanied
by his daughters, Louise, Pauline
and Edith, left today for a motor
trip to Foley Springs, in the Cas
cades. They will be away
after the Fourth.
Girls to Enjoy
Outing at The uaiies
Miss rruaence .
Mioa inta Baumgartner are
i,ho. thA first of the week for
The Dalles, where they will spend
Beveral weeks with the iormere
r w
Nnt A Bifoniih
Kim the perfect appearance ef her
cmnp&exton. Permanent and temporary
aktn troubles are effectively concealed.
Reduce unilateral color and corrects
grew fckiftft- Highly antlceptic.
Rpmnve Pimcles and
Blackheads With Cuticura
Bathe with Cuticura soap ana nor
..r tn frM the TciTm of inipiiritlea
nd follow with gentle application
of Cuticura Ointment to soothe and
heal. Cuticura Talcum is Ideal for
cowdcrinz and perfuming.
Wri'',. BMP K, vwm - T. . .
J 1 wh'. So
i tan r
i j . i Mt.nnl o-vmnnnillTTi. -
add reservations. He expiainea, a msu ..uu. PJ ...
... -a r-.., ' 1
Kafonry's July Clearance Sale
Is a Grand Success
Monday Will Be the
Big Day
Every Department Has Some
Splendid Values to Offer
Now That Prices Are So Attractive Don't Try
Doing Without the Things You Need.
Our Downstairs Store
Shares in This Great Clearance
We Will Remain Closed
All Day Tuesday, July 4th
Salem Store
466 State Street
Portland Silk Shop
333 Alder Street