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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1922)
CIRCULATION Dally average for June, 6,169. Member Audit Bureau of Circulation. Member Associated Press Full leased wire service. i THE .WEATHER OREGON: Tonight and Sunday fair, moderate northwesterly winds. Local: No rainfall; . northerly winds; clear; max 87, mln. 63; river A feet and falling. XL JJLJJL ."S-i.. j It...!)..... FORTY-FOURTH YEAR NO. 156. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1922. PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND NKW8 STAN1S FIVE CHNT8 (3) fD) f iniu I .id on - S1, asm SlnlUiu Slillov COAL STRIKE PRINCIPALS ARE WINED Harding Urges Operators And Miners To Settle Differences or Govern' ment Will Act. Washington, July 1. Miners and operators numbering about fifty and representing both the bituminous and anthracite coal fields in which work has been suspended since April 1 met at the White House today with Pres ident Harding in an endeavor In stttuted by the government to find a basis or negotiating a set tlement of differences. President Harding opened' the conference in executive session with an address to the two parties speaking only about ten minutes The conference then was ad journed to a meeting room in the interior department and there con tinued in executive Bession. Conference Organizes A. M. Ogle, president of the Na tional Coal association who representative of the bituminous operators was elected chairman and William Green, general secre tary-treasurer of the United Mine Workers was elected secretary. President Harding In convening the conference advised both pari ties to arrive with' measureable promptness at an understanding "for your mutual good and the country's common good." The president declared the present was no time for the "militant note of the radical" and reminded the conference that "toleration, fairness, the spirit to give and take and finally a sense of the larger obligations to the public are essential to success ful conference. Coupled with his appeal and admonition, the president uttered what was regarded as a warning when he said that if the operators and miners could not "Bettle this matter in a frankk recognition mutually of your Interests then the larger public Interest must be asserted In the name of the people where the common good Is the first and highest concern." "We wish you who best know the way to solution to reach It among yourselves in a manner to command the sanction of Ameri can public opinion," the president said. "Failing in that, the servants of the American people will be called to the task in the name of Amer ican safety and for the greatest good of all the people." Another pointed statement In the president's address was: "Labor has the right, capital has the right and above all ihese, the American people have the right to be freed from the recur ring anxxleties (strikes) no mat ter what the causes are. That free dom must be established." Since President Harding's call for the conference , to consider possible methods for settlement of the controversy, it has been In dlcated by administration officials that it was the desire of the gov ernment that the meeting should be held above the controversial issues involved and rather lay ths basis and safeguard the way for another conference fully author ized to deal with these It was reiterated as the administration's purpose today to give the partici pants free opportunity at the start to attempt to work out their own plans for a settlement. 50 Attend Conference Of the BO men participating in the conference, half are miners union officials, three speak for the general committee of anthra. cite operators and the remainders are the operators selected to rep resent the various districts of the bituminous field. President Harding, after wel coming those attending the con ference was leaving the city todnfc' for an absence of a week," but Secretaries Hoover and Davis were expected to remain In the conference. Pasco Shopmen Quit. Pasco, Wash., July 1. Approx imately 300 shop craftsmen em ployed by the Northern Pacific railroa-1 here walked out today. It was stated that the strike was 100 Per cent effective. SHE VALUED HER -, - v ' t rs f i r ' ; " vjf " Ay '&rfit- - jl li t ;v M;; Miss Mathilda Benkhar.dt, a man Deaconess Hospital, in Chicago, la suing Dr. Justine L.. Mitchell staff physician, for $25,000. She kisses being timed three years apart. He denies the charge. City Has Semaphore; Congestion Fails to Kill Off Traffic Cop Salem has a semaphone. It is on display between the hours of 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., and from 4 p m. to 6 p.' m. at State and Com mercial streets. It is a regular semaphone and has the word "stop" on one side, and "go" on the other. When there is a reasonable doubt in the drivers mind he uses his own judgment. Those drivers who can't read got along fairly well today. The new semaphone, recently purchased by the police commit tee for the police department, is portable and. may be used to fol low the traffic, in case some de velops. Uncertain autoists, mo torcyclists, bicyclists and pedes trians cocked critical eyes toward the traffic wig-waggers this morn ing. Of course there were difficul ties. There was ihe old gentleman driving the popular priced car. He must nave oeen short of sight for he drove right past the "stop" announcement and then waved back pleasantly when the officer n charge motioned lmpartiently for him to- halt. Too, there was the small boy on the bicycle. Un fortunately he picked a moment when all traffic was in some oth er part of the ctiy. When he ar rived the semaphone had Just in fromed the universe that all move ment on the eastern and western ront was temporarily arrested. After waiting impatiently for a few minutes the lad elected to turn back and go round the block. No officer had been run over at late hour this afternoon. OFFER BONUSES TO GET PICKERS Berry growers in tho Salem territory are already sending out distress calls for pickers to help them save their crops and offers to advance the prevailing picking prices from a quarter to a half a cent to pickers who would stay through the season are being made by many today. With the continuance of' the hot weather the berries are rip ening fast and the growers fear that they will lose a big jpart of the crop if pickers are not secur ed at once. Some growers are of fering to come into the city and get the pickers each morning and bring them back home night BERRY GROWERS KISSES AT $12,500. former student nurse in the Ger alleges he kissed her twice, the THRILLING CRUSOE FILM BRINGS OUT One of the bieeest crowds which lege ol witnessing a Capital Jour-! nal children's matinee at thef uiign tneacer tnis morning rued into the theater to witness the seventh episode of the serial pic- ture, "The Adventures of Robin- son Crusoe." Today's episode was held to be unusually thrilling and hundreds of youngsters shouted their unqualified approval of the film. With Journal coupons in one hand and a nickel In the other. the scores of boys and girls, all I under the age ot 13, began to line ud in front of the theater about 9:30 o'clock. When the doors intra thrnwn mwn it in nVwii the strine was extended manv doors beyond the movie house. Undoubtedlv. the crowds have held up better on 'The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe' than on any other serial which we have ever shown," Manager Frank Bligh de clared this morning. "This is probably due to the fact that the picture is generally declared to Dei tne most interesting serial ever filmed.' . The picture, which Is offered in 18 installments, will be shown for Salem youngsters in Its entirely by The Capital Journal. One matinee will be given each Satur day morniifg. 70 MARRIAGE LICENSES SOLD Seventy marriage licenses were issued by the office of the county I clerk during the month of June, bringing in a total revenue ofl $22.7.50. The number issued this month was nine more than issued during the corresponding month of last vAar Diirlnar th first six months. however, of 1921 there . was two sponding period of this year. JOHNSON-JACKSON CIPUT I? P AllCn flrCl Mull I lO UALLEU UlT Hamilton, Ohio, July 1. The fight, between Jack Johnson and "Tut" Jackson, scheduled for July! 4, was declared off today because! of Johnson's failure to post for-1 feit money. "sr. HUNDREDS OF KIDS m STATERS CL REVOLJ Morale of Anti - Treaty Forces Believed Broken With the Capture of Two Leaders Friday. Cork, July 1. (By Associated Press.)- There seems good reason to believe that the republican forces are mobilizing this evening preparatory to a move to take possession of the ctiy and occupy strategic points. Several buildings. including the general postoffice, are indicated as likely to be taken over by the insurgents. Dublin, July 1. (By Associat ed Press) The provisional , free state government turned today to the task of clearing out the re malning nests of insurgents, fol lowing the fall of the four courts, the chief stronghold of the anti treaty forces The surrender this morning of more than 60 rebels who had been holding out in the Capel street area was hailed as evidence that the morale of the republi cans had been weakened by the yielding of Rory O'Connor and Llam Mellowes, two of their strongest fighting leaders. Surroond Insurgents The plan of action against the irregulars, who have established themselves in hotels and other premises, will probably assume the form of an encircling move ment with intense fields of act ion in certain areas. The total casualties in the three days fighting have not yet been ascertained, but it is esti mated they will not greatly ex ceed 100, the fatalities being placed at about 40 The next area to receive atten tion will be the Sackvllle district probably, several blocks east of the Four Courts, where the re- Publicans last night took over a post office and the Gresham Granville nd Hammans hotels. De Valera Leads Hebela It is reported on good authority that Eamonn De Valera Is in per- a0nal charge of the Sackville area for the republicans, who are re- norted to be makine elaborate preparations to repulse any at- tack, even breaking through the side walls In order to connect all the buildings. This morning the windows bristled with rifles. The ruins of the Four Courts were still blazing furiously this morning. Belfast, July 1. (By Associat 60 -ress) ine Dig mam line bridge two miles south of Drog- neaa nas Deen oiow" "P. severing railway communicauon Deiween aeuasi ana imDiin Today's Scores National r, jj gf LoUig 9 16 1 Pittsburgh ,. 5 12 3 rc-ak. North and demons. Ain- smith; Cole, Glazner, Yellowhorse and Gooch, Mattox. R. H. b: 8 0 6 0 Watson Brooklyn 1 Boston 0 Ruether and Deberry; and O'Neill. New York Philadelphia game postponed, rain. - American First game R. H. E. 5 1 6 1 Rommel jNew York 4 Philadelphia 1 Bush and Hoffman; and Perkins. RUTH SLAMS OUT HOMERS IN TWO GAMES Philadelphia, July 1. Babe e second borne run of the afternoon and his tenth of the season In the fourth inning of the second game between the Yanks and Philadelphia. Heimach was the opposing pitcher. Ruth's first circuit drive was made in the opening game of the double head- FAN NG 0!IT NESTS Loyal Railroad Employes Will Be Protected - Chicago, July 1. (By Associ ated Prcru.) The power of... the United States government, coupled with public sentiment will give every protection to every railway employe who remains on the job and to all men who take the place ot strikers in the present railroad walk out, Ben W. Hooper, chair man ot the United States railroad labor board, declared In a state ment today. Topeka, Kan., July 1. Govern or Allen ia understood to be hold ing - Informal conferences with members of the state industrial court with the view of assuring protection to workers who might be called to replace the striking shopmen- in Kansas. NEARLY 1 0,000 STRIKERS OUT N COAST AREA San Francisco, July 1. The strike of railroad shop men was more than 90 per cent effective In California, Oregon and Washing tonaccording to statements of union leaders an hour after it was called. Early figures showed that 9,756 men had ceased work, with several points yet to report. Railrbad officials -were not yet ready with their figures. In- California, 6,850 were re ported to have walked out, 6,350 of. them from Southern Pacific employ and 1,500 from the Santa Fee railroad. Oregon reported 1,130 Southern Pacific shopmen Idle and that 500 Union Pacific men had walked out. lniWashlngton state 4,196 shop men quit, of whom 1,276 were em ployed by the Union Pacific, 1,500 by the Northern Pacific and 1,420 by the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul. Huntington, Ore., July 1. The strike of the Union Pacific shop men, here was reported 100 per cent by union leaders. Umatilla, Ore., July 1. The entire day shift of the shop of the Union Pacific system here went on strike, the night shift was not ex peoted to report. The strike af fects approximately 75 men here, here. Wenatchee, Wash., July 1. Ap proximately 100 men laid down their tools at the Great Northern shop3 at Leavenworth at 10 a. m. today according to the editor of the Record. The four men in Wenatchee af- feetd by the order quit work also. Ellensburg, Wash., July 1. The entire shop force of the Northern Pacific railroad here, numbering 132 - men, quit work today in answer to the general strike call of shop crafts employes. Port Angeles, Wash., July 1. The eleven shop crafts employes of the Port Townsend-Port An geles branch of the Milwaukee railroad here, today notified of ficials of the line they did not recognize the general strike order and would remain at work. The Dallas, Ore., July 1. Shop men employed here by the Union Pacific system, numbering ap proximately 100, walked out to day. -; Marshfield, Or., July 1. Twenty-five shopmen, comprising the entire force, excepting hostlers, quit Work at the Marshfield shops of the Southern Pacific railroad today. Roseburg, Or., July 1. One hundred and fifty shop craftsmen walked out here today promptly at 10 o'clock. They have establish ed headquarters here. The local Southern Pacific shops are very quiet and only maintenance ol way can be seen around the yards. Bigamist Freed -Log Angeles, Cat., July 1. Don ald A. Stewart held here on charges of bigamy involving four marriages, was freed from custody today on a writ of habeas corpus. A showing that no formal charges had been filed against him was the cause for his release. He had been In custody ten days. LOAN SOUGHT BY Soviet Envoys Ask Credits Totaling One Billion Six Hundred and Twelve Millio nGold Dollars, The Hague, June SO. (By As sociated Press) The sum of 1, 612,000,000 gold dollars Is the total amount of credits the cen tral soviet government would like from the powers to inaugur ate the Immense task- of recon structing Russia. Expressions of astonishment by the European experts were voiced when Maxim Litvinoff, Russian spokesman, announced the figure today. Further details were asked by the experts and these will be presented later in writing. Purposes Outlined M. Litvinoff divided the credit requirements into four headings first, transport, including rail way, water and motor transport and the repair of ports and roads $525,000,000; second, agricul ture, Including irrigation, re placement of seeds and model stock farms, fertilizers, machin ery and motor tractors, $462,- 000,000; third, industrial recon struction, including textile, metal lurglcal and timber Industries, $375,000,000; fourth, commer cial and bank credits $250,000,- 000. The oil Industry was not pro vided for in the estimate because it would be possible to lease oil areas to concessionaries who would furnish their own capital M. Litvinoff said. Original Sum Cut After declaring that Russia's pre-war wealth of 75 billion gold dollars had been reduced through war and foreign intervention by five twelfths, M. Litvinoff point ed out that the estimates submit ted today had been cut two thirds from the original figures. They represented Russia's ur gent needs and would permit res toration of her economic life to a point where imports and exports could be balanced and interest could be paid on loans. . KLAN ANSWERS N E Medford, Or., July 1. Answers to the action of Benjamin F. Lin das,- attorney of Medford, who brought suit recently in circuit court for $25,000 for alleged dam ages as the result of an affidavit alleging that Mr. Lindas sought but was denied admission into the Ku Klux Klan here, were filed Friday in circuit court by John Jeffrys, attorney of Portland, act ing for the organization, and H E. Griffiths, one of Its kleagles stationed in this city. Interest In this case is further enhanced by the fact that late yesterday Mr. Lindas, who has been a bitter foe of the local klan for months past, announced his formal candidacy for mayor. Mr. Griffiths In his answer as serts that the "affidavit was and is true," and further alleges that Mr. Lindas "seeks public notori ety" In filing the suit and also "political power and prestige among the opponents of the Ku Klux Klan." , -The Ku Klux Klan, as an or ganization filed a short answer, stating that the seat of the order is at Atlanta, Ga., and that there Is no branch in this county, hence no legal action Is possible except in Georgia. It has long been common taie here that Mr. Lindas intended to run for mayor at the fall election, hence when his nominating peti tion, signed by 30 citizens, and platform were filed the action created no surprise. He is the first candidate to aspire for the mayoralty to succeed Mayor Gates, who many months ago announced that he would not seek nor accept a re-election. j RUSSIANS STAGGERING ALLEGATION Rear Admiral Asked to Aid in China. W Kit, " v J Jca.vA&Gkeali Straus Rear Admiral Straus was asked by Jacob Gould Schurman, Amer loan Minister to China, to rush gunboats to Chinese waters when shells, fired by the warring Chin 3 factions, struck American buildings in Canton. 9 DEBATE DATES Ten replies, nine of them fav orable, have been received by the Willamette universtiy forensic council in reply to letters sent out some time ago asking for debate dates. It was the intention of the council to send a 'team east next spring and to secure at least eight or ten debates as so to make th expenses lighter. The colleges that have agreed to meet the Bearca debaters if terms are agreeabl are Spokane university, Montana university, University of North Dakota, North Dakota Agricultur al collge, Wheaton college. Morn Ingside college, Upper Iowa uni versity, Redlands college and Simpson college, Indianalo, Ind The route to be taken In meeting all the schools In the one trip will be to go north to Seattle, east to Chicago, southwest through Iowa, Colorado and New Mexico to southern California, and then to Salem. While the squad system is to be used next year the same as during the past year, it is safe to say that the veteran Bearcat debaters. Not son. Alder and Littler, will- again win places on the team. Ward Southworth. a member of the Sa lem high school state champion ship team last year and runner up in the honors this year, will also likely appear in one or two home debates. It is also possible that there may be a duel meet with the Simpson college debaters. Their first team will be traveling west at the same time the Willamette men will be going east. It it can be arranged, their traveling team will meet the home team here the same evening that the Bearcats meet their home team at In dianolo. There is also some hope that the local team will be able to meet the University of Pittsburgh team at some eastern point. They will be making their western tour at the same time that the locals will be eastern bound. As far as the finances are con cerned, the trip Is assured, accord ing to Jtobert Littler, chairman of the forensic council. Besides this Hon. R. A. Booth and E. S. Collins have each voluntarily given $100 towards the expenses of the trip. Professor Erickson will again have charge of the coaching of the teams. DR. SUN DEMANDS E Canton. July 1. (By Associat ed Press.) Unconditional surren der of Chen Chiung-Ming and his troops, whom he branded "rebels" is the only arrangement Sun Yat Sen will make with tne man who overthrew his Sout, China gov ernment. Sun mad this defiant declaration to the Associated Press correspondent today aboard the unboat Yungfung, on which he has established headquarters near Whampoa. HERS m DOWN TOOLS AT ZERO HOUR Walkout Paralyzes Repair Work on Railroad Equipment. COAST ROADS HIT Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Metal Workers, Electricians And Carmen Quit Posts Chicago, July 1. Railroad shop men in all sections of the country dropped their tools and quit work today in a nation-wide strike. Reports from the east and south up to noon indicated that the 60, 000 men already had Joined the suspension. At the Houston shops ot the Southern Pacific, 2500 men were reported to have left their work. Quit Promptly on Hour. Promptly at 10 o'clock the hour Bet for the strike, workers in eastern shops and yards quit their posts and the first effect of the strike was felt. Between 200 and 300 men left the Cedar Hill shops of the New Haven road in Con necticut. More than 100 walked out of the Boston & Albany shops at Springfield, Mass.; and reports from Worcester and Boston were that local shops had been evacu ated by the workers. In Pitts burgh 2500 men left the plant of the Baltimore & Ohio. One hun dred men were expected to be call ed from their labor In the Chi cago district. The crafts involved are the ma chinists, boilermakers, black smiths, metal workers, electri cians, railway carmen (for repair ing coaches), and all the helpers and apprentices of the crafts. The walkout means vie suspension of equipment repairs. The effect on transportation will be practically nil until bad order cars and loco motives withdraw a sufficient amount of equipment from service to make a shortage felt. Whether the roads will endea vor to keep abreast their repair work with non-union employes has not been established though labor agencies in various parts of the country already have advertis- (Continued on Page Seven.) SENATORS PLAY Baseball fans will have a chance to see 2 games during the coming week, for besides the game tomorrow with the Portland Woodmen of the World, Harry Wenderoth has signed up for a game wtih Sheridan, one of the fast semi-pro teams ot the valley, for the Fourth of July contest. The lineup for the game Tues day will be thevsame as tomorrow, though there Is some doubt as to who will pitch. Lauterback will be used against the Woodr-en to morrow and it will be necessary to go out of Salem and environs for a battery for the game Tues day. ilAN'S SPIRIT CRUSHED SEEKS DIVORCE COURT His spirit crushed by continu ous burdensome treatment, Jerome K. Parmenter filed suit in the cir cuit court this morning charging cruel and inhuman treatment against his wife, Alice Parmenter. In his complaint Parmenter al leges that his wife has told him that the did not love him, and that when he remonstrated with she for keeping company with oth er men, she told him to "go to hell." The couple were married In 1915 and in April, 1922, Mrs. Par- enter left her home for Rose burg. SHERIDAN ON 4TH