ah CIRCULATION Average for May 8996. Member Audit Bureau of Circulation. Member Associated Press Full leased THE WEATHER OREGON: Tonight and Saturday fair; moderate westerly winds. Local: No rainfall; northerly winds; clear; maximum 8; minimum 6?; river .6 feet and falling. jfire service. - .. jjrQOTY-FOURTH YEAR NO. 155. ON TRAINS AND NEWS STANDS FIVBJ CENTS SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1922. PRICE TWO CENTS i i HA. . i j i . OiVS REFJSE L i r spaa m llfJtlJ AT 'Union Leaders D i - , BROTHERHOOD m flout lefusal To Attend Con ference As Ordered Re cults In Issuance of Subpoenaes." Washington, June 30. De lation was made in force- ible language at the White house today that the railroad labor board has the full and omplete backing of the gov mment. The White House statement as phrased in the words that the board is the govern uent when it peaks." Chicago, June 24. B. M. Jew ell, head of the six snop cratts inion was today subpoenaed. Dy the United States ' railway labor loard to appear before the board lor official investigation into tne threatened railroad strike of 400 300 shopmen. Chicago, June 0. Leaders of the railroad shopmen, whose mem nnra are on the verge of a nation- ride strike, today flouted the au Shortly of the United States rail- h-nad labor board In a refusal to ,-ith railroad executives. The board exercised its legal right and ordered two of the lead- ;rs subpoenaed: B. M. Jewell, head )f the six shop eraft unions, and ITlmothy Tealey, head of the sta- Itionary firemen and oilers. (The order to produce the two leaders was issued after the board Iliad convened its hearings and had ireceived a long statement from jJewell denying the" board'! right fto compel him to be present. Only ; three of the ten union leaders fs-umomned had responded, but all the railroad were represented. PUBLICITY STUNT E With the odds a thousand to one. Frank Bligh, manager of tne Bligh theater, has won a $50 prize from the Universal Film Manufac turing company of New York, for one ol the most unique and effec tive publicity moves for the ex ploitation 'of "The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe," a serial in 18 episodes which, through an ar rangement made with Mr. Bligh, The Capital Journal has presented to Sal 9m youngsters at weekly matinees. Publicity offered the picture by The Journal, in its announcement of matinees, was held to be ot treat benefit by Carl Laemmle president of the Universal com pany, from whom Mr. Bligh today received a personal letter of con- sratulation. Mr. Bligh, according to Mr. Laemmle, now has an excellent chance of winning a capital prize " 1450 also offered by the com Pany. $25 REWARD UP FOR FLOWER THSEF HERE Twenty-tive dollars reward for Information leading to the arrest and conviction of the thief or thieves who last night stripped a geranium bed at the Btate fair grounds was today offered by J W. Maruny, florist, who is improv ing the fair grounds under con tract. Flowers valued at $8.50 were stolen last evening he said. After the fair, Mr. Maruny said, the public will be welcome to the flowers but at the present time damage caused by flower thefts la virtually Irreparable. OARD POWER ON CRUSO HUH WINS BLIGH $50 Matinee Tomorrow, Seventh Episode of Journal Film Good THIS COUPON AND FIVE CENTS will admit any child of 12 years or under to the Special CAPITAL JOURNAL MATINEE Showing Harry J j i in his greatest production "The Advei of THE Bf iH THEATRE SATUJ 7, JULY 1, 10 A. M. That the seventh v de of binson wn for the Bligh The Adventures o Crusoe," which will 1 Salem youngsters at theater tomorrow morning under the auspices of the Capital Jour nal, Is a real thriller and that It has kept audiences in various cities of the country in suspense throughout its entire showing, was the word received today by Frank Bligh, manager of the theater. The Journal coupon, hereon at tached, together with live cents, will admit any youngster under CAR FARES TOO HIGH; ASK CUT Declaring that "eight cents is too much for a five cent ride," the Housewives council of Port land today filed with the public service commission a demand for a downward revision in street, car fares charged by the Portland Railway, Light and Power com pany. Te demand is presented in the shape of a formal complaint against existing rates in the city of Portland nd Is signed by Jose phine Othus as president and Rose S Young, secretary, of the coun cil with Edward M. Cousin ap- noarin? a attorney. The complaint charges that the e.le-ht cent fare now exacted irom t,, nf the Portland street lines is "unreasonable, excessive and unjust and there fore unlawful and that reasonable and just fares and charges for the transportation of pas sengers would not exceed fivi cents per passenger." 'Th exaction of a street rail far of eight cents by the defendant is a discredit to the city T,., onii tn the state ot 01 roi niiiiu -- - no, tfnds to beuuie me ciency and spirit of its citizens and prevents the use ana ment of pupuc iraiwv unities bv many people as wc ly as WOUltt DB posaiuio sonable rate of fare, ' me plaint sets out ml. nam n I fl 1 II L uiiai&v3 luo , , iht, . n,,nla nil lrJUUH-a defendant corporation are kept in a misleading manner and show tic ,M,,iti. nd undue financial l.Z .r. nlaced upon the street railway lines by reason of the ar bitrary and unjustuieu VP""-" 9 nvnonRP9 as UeiW ecu ,7us activnies and operations of the company. Fll M PflRTrUYALOF LINCOLN LIFE NEXT ,.ti in. June 30. . r t ho life of Abraham ing of an en .,-- . - cHnirfield. at C,UDS "'TV",. BUDDort. and ar they pieuscu - . hiafnrv of the rangea be coin relics preserved here may utilized for the picture. SENATE MSSKEnmp. TO SAYEJ.AS0 OFFICE Washington June m--elioSaB to the president. , WIN efy S Robinson Crusoe." the age of 13 years to the show. Another large crowd Is expected to be at the box office before the box office opens tomorrow morn ing at 10 o'clock. There are 18 episodes of the pic ture which will be shown for Sa lem boys and girls by the Jour nal. The picture, which has received highly laudatory comment from' many critics, was filmed on the northwest coast of South Africa, just off the mouth of the Orinoc- co river; in Algiers, Morrocco and In the Madagascar islands. E E John McNary, president of the Salem Rotary club, Koy bniems, nresident of the Kiwanis, C. W Brandt, president of the Salem la bor council, and J. C. Perry, pres ident of the Salem Commercial club, today agreed to serve on committee which will dispose of the reward offered by Salem or- izations and Individuals for information leading to tne arresi and conviction of the pervert who assaulted two little Salem girls last March 5. Mrs. LaMoine Clark, president thA Salem Woman's club, who also will be requested to serve on the committee, at present is out of the city and could not be reached today. It is believed sbe wui agree to serve Tn order to dispose ot the re ward it is now only necessary for claimants formally to agree to the decision of the disinterested com ml (ton The heads of the leading civic bodies in Salem who agreed today n hnnrtlA the reward declared l.f tWi- dnrlslnns WOU1Q oe mart on the face of cold facts pre ntfl In writing by those who feel they are entitled to au or T,nrtlin of the reward. At a preliminary meeting yes-t.-rtov nil nersons or organiza. Hons offering portions of the Si 200 reward were represented with the exception oi m "U Klan. Shortly after the outrage had been committed the local klan announced it would pay $200 for information leading to the ar rest and convlcfion of the per. C A Sloat, former Oakvllle school teacher, was recently sen tenced to "fe 1" the Oregon Pen! orv after ne k"-- guilty to the assault COLORADO MINE AREA QUIET DURING NIGHT o, rnlc, June 30. Quiet . '.j'in the Colorado coal "during last night according tn renorts received uj ? t.H i Press this morning from c atef, ! Weld. Boulder, Fre- ln6r ";f..o and Las Animas comprising the pr.nCpa, coal mining areas in the state. PIGKFOBOlHEAffl ' APPEAL IS DENIED r.tt vv. une SO. Carson " ' ....j. .i.x sunreme cour. notltion oi nere today oeu.u - -t.l at Minaen to aiu Sra.nt.ed L ' o.,n Moore, both mo- ford iro " - - - The 8UPreme rrtrecenW upheld the divorce. GROUP AGREES TO COMMITTEE HER Labor INSURGENTS TO FREE STATERS O'Conner, Mellows And Entire Garrison Are Made Prisoners When Stronghold Falls. Durblin, June 30. The Four Courts building in Dublin, strong hold of the insurgents faction of the Irish republican army, was surrendered unconditionally to the Free State forces at 4 o'clock this afternoon, it was officially an nounced by the Free State author ities. Commandant Rory O'Connor and Liam Mellows and the entire garrison, Including all the prlnci. pal executive officers were made prisoners. The surrender was preceded by hoisting the white flag over the building. Building Is Bombed An explosion which blew up section ot the building preceded the surrender by a few hours. It Is believed a considerable number of the Insurgents were wounded by the explosion, ' although they were not occupying that part of the structure which was blown up. When the surrender took place the Four Courts were still In flames. There were 130 of the Irregulars in the party. They marched out with a priest at the head of the column. The Free State commandant had Issued orders to cease firing. An official bulletin issued from the headquarters of the Free State troops describing the capture of the greater part of the Four Courts, says that In the desire to save the lives of those In the building, special precautions were taken and that the casualties to the irregulars were not heavy was due to the skill with which the attacking party conducted the operations. When the Four Courts was.occu- pled, 33 Irregulars were made prisoners. The Free Slate torces occupied the greater part of the building, including the central hall and liberty, and the irregulars were forced to retire to the rear of the eastern section, a consider able portion of which was blown away by artillery fire. Thomas Darcy, one of the signa tories to the irregulars' proclama tion and chief of staff of the ir regulars, was made prisoner. War Area Widened London. June 30. (By Assoc!. ated Press.) Irish Free State troops have attacked strongholds nf the irreeulars in LetterKenny Bencrana, and othr centers In Donegal, says a Central k.wi dlRnatch from Belfast. A disnatch to The PreHS Associa tion received here shortly Deiore 1 p. m. said that the Four courts wa nn fire and that a great ex plosion had shaken a large part of the city a few moments before the ifanntrh was filed. Details are lacking, but It is be n,H th irreeulars left a mine hehind them and that the build (rnitd and the mine ex- 1 11 F, " ploded. Dublin. June 30. (By Assocl (Continued on Page Seven.) FORMER SALEM BOY TO WIN 0XF0RO HONORS An Item in the London Times, date of June 7, may be of Interest fiaRRmates of Frank r-,inrth Flint class of 113. Sa lem high school, and Reed college, class of 1919. irr Flint Is a Rhodes scholar for Oregon and U now at Balloll ii Oxford university, which 'a .i.kui intellectually, of ib rai-eu fb-"-' the twenty-one colleges compris-i- university. According to the article in the . runt has won the "Chancellor's prize" for an Eng lish essay. .,H.ni. In all the twenty , coleres may compete for thU ... it. winning Is, from an Eng -v'--'. nr.int of view, an honor than which there Is no higher. n loQurd HECKER SAYS HE FIRED TO DEFEND SELF Accused Slayer of Bow ker Admits Killing But Says Victim Menaced Him In Quarrel. Oregon City, Or., June 30 Rus sell Hecker, on the stand as a wit ness in his own defense, today ad mitted that he killed Frank Bow- ker( Portland musician, declaring he fired the shot when Bowker menaced him in a quarrel while they were on a trip to obtain liquor. Hecker declared the quarrel started when he refused to fall In with Bowker's scheme to holdup the man from whom they were to buy fifteen cases of whiskey. The youthful defendant asserted Bow ker declared Hecker was double crossing him. Luntred at Him. "Then he lunged at me,," said Hecker. "He was a bigger man than I am and I grabbed my gun aftad shot." . Hecker had told of negotiations tor the liquor deal, saying he and Bowker had left jrtland to meet a man named "Bob." On the way he said, Bowker proposed that they hold up the man, and when Hecker refused to have anything to do with the holdup Bowker re proached him, saying: "You are a fool. It means $1300 apiece for us." Alter HecKr swung nls car back toward Portland and changed his spotlight from a position In Which It was to have been a Big nal, according to the testimony Bowker charged Hecker with dou ble crossing him and lunged at him. Bowker Shot Twice. Bowker shot once, too," added Hecker, after telling of shooting his companion. Hecker explained the disposal ot the body by saying he first had some idea of returning to Port land, but .remembered that Albert Bowker, brother of the dead man would be waiting for them, turned again and drove to Oregon City Finally be put the body in a hop sack which be said he bad pur chased to put the liquor in. The body was dumped into the Calapoola near Albany. Traffickers In Stolen Liberty Bonds Caught New York, June 30. The fed eral dfagnet spread over the coun try for traffickers in stolen Lib erty bondst oday had gathered in five more men as alleged partlcl pants In the proceeds of the mail truck robbery in Los Angeles March 30 and the First National bank at Claysburg, Pa. All were charged with possessing liberty bonds, knowing them to have been altered, forged or Btolen. Arraigned before United Mates rinmmiuioner Hitchcock, one ol the nrisener. Thomas F. Lamon who said he was president ot the Trans-Coast Finance company, waived examination and was held In 110,000 ball for the grand jury. Bail for W. r. i-ierce, wnu it developed, had been arresiea previously in a similar connection and was out on $5000 bond, also was fixed at S10.000. The others were Albert Fltiroy, Abraham Rosenthal and Robert Burns. They were held in smaller ball. gqverxMToTllow demy-wills bout Albany, N. Y., June 30. Gov ernor Miller will maintain a "hands off policy in regard to the proposed woTld's heavyweight ti tle battle between Jack Dempsey nd Harry Wills. The governor said he had no ob jection to a negro fighting a whit, man. Strike Delayed Chicago, June 24. (By Associated Press.) A threatened strike of the nation's 400,000 workers was temporarily forestalled today when E. F. Grable, hmd of the maintenance brotherhood announced after an official investigation of the United States Labor Board that he would hold the impending strike call in abeyance for the present. Mr. Grable announced that council of the maintenance of called in Chicago July 3. He made this concession, he aaid, on the assurance of the board that present wages would be increased at any time that in creased living costs Warranted. The . announcement comes as the first definite accomplishment of the board, which yesterday stepped Into the threatened rail way crisis following a strike call of the 400,000 shop men ot the country for tomorrow. By tonight 800,000 pounds ot Royal Anne cherries, all put Into barrels, will have been bought here by the Lyons, Cal., Glazed Fruit company, and shipped south to San Francisco, under the direc tion of A. C. Raas, local manager. This afternoon 700,000 pounds had been handled since Monday and 500,000 pounds of these had been loaded Into cars since last night. A crew of 15 men is kept at work att he company's shipping room in the Mason-Ehrman build lng here. Six hundred tons of cherries are sought by the company here. The price Is ranging around nine cents. Appreciation of the cooperation shown by local growers was ex- nressed by Mr. Raas this after. noon. AS CITY'S GUESTS Two hundred Masons of Phila delphla, members of a railroad men's Masonic club, arrived here today In a special train and were for several hours the guests of the city. About 30 or 40 automobiles were furnished by Salem citizens and scores of the visitors were shown various points ot interest in Marlon and Polk counties. Many of the Masons were visitors at the state Institutions. Late this afternoon the tourists will leave for Portland, where they will be received by Portland officials. Youngstown, Ohio, June SO. George L. Oles, elected mayor of Youngstown on an Independent ticket last fall, after a sensational campaign, today resigned from of fice after six stormy months of 800.000 POUNDS OF CHERRIES GO SOUTH ALREADY 200 MASONS HERE Federal Finances In Poor Shape For 1923 Big Deficit Is Likely Washington, June 30. The government balanced Its budget for the fiscal year ending today, . i . a .1 ..... -1 V.tt.t hv an accompiiBumrni utr,. Under Secretary of the Treasury Gilbert as "no mean tank.' Pro jects for the fiscal year 1923 "are not good," with a budget de ficit estimated as high as $485, 000.000, he said. Final treasury reports for the closing fiscal year will not be available for a day or two, but Mr Gilbert, who has charge of the government finances declared that exoendltures for the year would v- i h.n s 900.000.000. or $500,000,000 lees than was est! necessary by the spend ritmrtmentl at the outset of h. vr and that there vould be a small surplus of ailyti As to the coming year, the un railway maintenance of way a meeting of the executive way brotherhood would be SENATORS MEET IE H Salem baseball tans are prom lsed a game worth seeing here Sunday afternoon when the Sena tors are to meet up with the W O. W. aggregation ot Portland The lineup tor Salem was an nounced this afternoon by Man ager Harry Wenueroth. Word received from Portland says that the W. O. W. team has won for itself a reputation which should make any semi-pro. team approach It with caution-. Salem fans, however, predicted today that the locals would stand up well with the visitors. Salem's Uareup will be as fol lows: Adolph, first base; Humphreys second base; Glrod, third base Baker, shortstop; Gill, left Held Teko, center field; Proctor, right field; Hayes catcher, and Lauter back, pitcher. - , Building Work Doubled Here, Figures Show Mare than 100 per cent more building construction was put un der way during the present month than waB started during June of last year. More than twice as many rest deuces were built. Thirty permits were Issued this month as agains 21 for the same period last year Seventy-six thousand eight hundred twenty dollars was ex pended for new. structures this month while but $37,550 was spent last year. These figures are found in tho monthly statement Issued by Mark Poulsen, deputy city recorder. Twenty-two residences were built this month at a cost of $71 020. The most expensive one call ed for an expenditure ot $6,270 During June of last year there were but nine houaea put under way at a total cost of $22,800 the most expensive being $3,000 Last year there were 11 repal Jobs while this month there were but seven. Joseph Koch, who was arrest ed yesterday on a speeding charge by Motorcycle Patrolman Tarrent Dleaded guilty when he was ar ralgned before- Police Judge Earl Race and was sentenced to pay a fine of $10. der-secretary pointed to the pos nihility of a deficit greater than already estimated as, he contend ed, appropriations for next year have not yet been passed by i:oncress. Th. total gross debt of th United States was about $22,950, 000,000, a total reduction of over $3,600,000,000 since Its peak on August 81, 1919. he explained. For the future, he asserted, liquidation of the public debt will have to be accomplished chiefly from surplus revenue receipts. Enough has been accomplished, Mr. Gilbert stated to assure the surcens of the treasury's plans for refunding the $7,500,000,000 short dated debt, consisting of victory notes maturing in May, 1923, treasury certificates of in- I u eumu " 11 - tlficates. ERE ON SUNDAY LABOR BOARD ADVISED THAT ORDER STANDS Shop Craft Officials De clare Walkout Will Not Be Delayed by Propos ed Conference. Chicago, June 80. (By Asso- iated Press.) Leaders ot the allroad shop crafts whose nation wide walkout la set for 10 a. m. tomorrow, today notified the Uni ted States railroad labor board that the shopmen refused to delay their strike pending negotiations oegun by the board which were to have started at a conference at the hoard's headquarters at 2 o'clock this afternoon. If the telegram ot the railroad labor board ot June 29 (summon- ng the shop men's leaders to the conference) means that the board Issuing an order to the shop men that the situation remains In status quo until a settlement Is cached," said the letter of B. M. Jewell, shop men's leader, to the labor board, "then the shopmen regard It as void, because it forces them into non-acceptable employ ment." "Decisions Not Binding. The letter referred to the Uni ted States circuit court ruling In the Pennsylvania railroad case holding that the decisions ot the allroad board are only advisory. "Being an administrative arm jf the government," the letter jald, "the board cannot coerce railroad employes luto unaccept able employment. The transporta tion act did not and cannot grant the labor board authority to coerce railroad employes Into un acceptable terms." Five minutes before the hear ing was to convene, only one un ion head had appeared, although here was a strong representation ot railway men. The lone union man to show up was K. H. f uzgeraia, presiaeni oi the clerks, freight handlers and station employes. Hope of recalling the shopmen's strike sanction waned rapidly as time passed and the chairs of the union leaders remained vacant, only two members of the board, A. O. Wharton and Albert Phil lips, both of the labor group, mere on the bench at 2:20 o'clock. Chairman Hooper was In con ference with other members of the board and B. F. Grable, head of the maintenance of way brother hood. BROWN TO FACE E Omaha, Neb., June 30. A charge ot assault with intent to commit murder has been filed against Fred Brown, Benson "chain man," according to coun ty Attorney Sbotwell here today. Brown Is charged with having assaulted H. E. Boyd, whom he is alleged to have held up at the point of a reovlver and made a chained prisoner at his shack la Benson, a suburb. May 27, when Boyd attempted to rescue two women who were being held cap tive there. Brown is to be brought here from Lincoln next week. He Is re ported nearly recovered from the effects of a bullet wound that re sulted In his capture by a Wyom ing posse north of Medicine Bow two weeks ago. MRS. WINTER ELECTED HEAD OF WOMEN'S CLUBS Chautauqua. N. Y., June SO. Announcement of the re-election of Mrs. Thomas O. Winter of Min neapolis as president of the Gen eral Federation of Women's clubs was made today. Others elected included: First vice-president, Mrs. W. 8. Jennings, Jacksonville, Fla.; sec ond vice-president. Mrs. Wallace T. Perbam, Olendlve, Mont.; re cording secretary, Mrs. James E. Hays, Montesuma, Oi.; treasurer, Mrs. Florence Moore, Cleburne, Texas. MURDER CHARG