Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 29, 1922, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Event Of
At a large and beautiful wed
ding Tuesday morning. Miss Ma
bel Brassfield became the bride
of Earl Kenneth McCoy, Rev.
Father J. R. Buck performing the
ceremony at ten o'clock at St,
Joseph's church.
Six attendants made the serv
ice distinctive, this group of
bridesmaids being attractively
costumed in white organdy
frocks, with large hats to corre
spond. They led the bridal pro
cession, Aid were followed by the
maid of honor. Miss Helen Brass-
field, niece of the bride. Mrs.
Harry Brassfield was matron of
honor. Small Claudlne Gueffroy,
frocked In organdy, assisted as
flower girl. The bride entered on
the arm of her father, George
Brassfield, and was met at the
foot of the altar by the bride
groom and his best man, Harry
All the bridesmaids were mem
bers of the Artisan drill team, of
which the bride has been a mem
ber for several years. They were:
Mrs. Anna Gueffroy, Mrs. Leah
Clinton, Mrs. Thelma Andreson,
Miss Stanls Andreson, Miss Ber
tha Waldorf and Mrs. Viola Tay
The nuptial mass followed the
service, during the former Mrs.
Paul Riody rendering the "Ave
The bride made an attractive
picture In her gown of white sat
in embellished with handsome
lace. She wore a long veil and
carried bride's roses.
A reception was held after the
church service, at the residence
of the bride's sister, Mrs. E. A.
Thompson, 1B4S North Capitol
street. A large number of friends
and relatives called to offer con
gratulations, Mrs. Thompson be
ing assisted on the occasion by
Mrs. L. Beatty of Portland, Mrs.
Fred Brassfield and Mrs. A. W.
Among the Jut-of-town folk
present at the wedding-and re
ception were: Mr. and Mrs.
George Brassfield of Gervals; Mr.
and Mrs. F. E. Brassfield, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Brassfield and
"William Winch of Homer, Ne
braska; Mr. and Mrs. George
Clinton and Mrs. L. Beatty of
Portland. '
Mrs. McCoy Is well known here,
but for the past year has resided
In Portland, where she has been
with the Meier & Frank com
pany. Mr. McCoy Is also an Em
ploye of Meier & Frank. Follow
ing a short wed ling trip the new
ly weds will be at home to their
friends In Portland.
Miss Stolz Hostess
For Miss Powell of Vancouver
Miss Margaret Stoli was a host
ess for the pleasure of Miss Evan
beline Powell, of Vancouver, Wn.,
who has been visiting here, en
tertaining with a line party at
the Oregon theater, Tuesday.
Luncheon at the Spa followed.
Besides Miss Powell and her host
ess, those participating were Miss
Eugenia Zleber, Miss Charlotte
Zleber, MIsb Hollis VIck and Miss
Helena Gregg.
Joint Birthdays Are
To be Commemorated with Sinner
Mrs. Josephine Btobs will be a
dinner hostess this evening, en
tertaining for the pleasure of her
son, H. W. Bross, and Miss Ruth
Van Patton, who are celebrating
their birthdays on the same date.
Covers will be laid for ten, the
guest list to include Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Van Patton, Miss Mabel
Van Patton and Edwin Van Patton.
Iowa Matron Visits
In Salem for Several Weeks
Mrs. Laura Sayre of Des
Moines, Iowa, arrived In Salem
from California the latter part of
the week, and is the house guest
of Mrs. F. W. Selee and Miss Ella
Moody. Mrs. Sayre expects to be
in Salem several weeks.'
Former Salem
Hesidents Return to City
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schelbner
(Miss Keeton) have returned to
Salem, after a prolonged resi
dence in Portland, and have tak
en up their residence at 1690
South High street.
Many Salemites to
Go to Portland for Picnic
A large representation of Sa
lem folk will motor to Portland
Sunday, where they will partici
pate In the annual Salem-Port-land
Otig Patterson has resigned as
one of the board of bonus ap
praisers for Grant county.
Eev. Laurence Joseph Koche
Celebrates His 20th Anniversary
The Rev. Laurence Joseph
Roche, assistant priest of St. Jos
eph! Catholic church, is celebrat
ing the twentieth anniversary of
his ordination to the priesthood
today. Father Roche is a native
of Mitchelstown county Cork, Ire
land, was educated at All Hallows
college, Dublin city, and complet
ed his theological studies at St
Mary's university, Oscott, Birm
ingham, England. He was ordain
ed at St. Bamaba's cathedral, Not
tingham city,' England, by Rt
Rev. Colonel Robert Brindle, D.
S. O. The famous . British army
chaplain. Father Roche was an
army chaplain with the rank of
captain, to the Sherwood foresters
during the Boer war and was
army chaplain with the Royal
Flying corps during the recent
war. At present he is on the army
officer's reserve corps, holding
the rank of captain, and serving
as assistant priest to the very
Rev. Jacob H. Buck, paBtor at Salem.
Visitors Honored at
Farewell Dinner Tuesday
Mrs. Gertrude Haughton and
Mrs. Charles Stewart who have
been spending several months in
Salem with relatives, were honor
ed at a farewell dinner Tuesday,
the affair being given at the res
idence of Mr. and Mrs. J. Camp
bell. Covers were laid for the
guests of honor, Mr. and Mrs. F.
G. -Delano. Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Mlshler, Mr. and Mrs. J. Teed,
Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Bowen, Mr
and Mrs. Ralph White, Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Galloway, Mr. and Mrs.
E. A. McElvain, Mrs. Teed, Cyn
thia Delano, James Teed, James
Campbell and the hosts.
Mrs. Stewart and her little
daughter Betty, left Tuesday for
her home in Hutchinson, Kansas,
and Mrs. Haughton departed at
the same time for Los Angeles.
During their stay here they have
divided their time between the
families of Mrs. J. Chamberlain,
Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Tom Gal
Mrs. Hinges to Be
Official Soloist at Concerts
The most recent announcement
In connection with the band con
farts was aiven out today, and
affords music lovers much pleas
ure Mrs. Hallie Parrlsh Hinges
will fill the position as official
soloist during the remainder of
the summer concert season.
This marks the fifth season
that this well known vocalist has
served in a similar position. Her
initial appearance will be on rt
day night, when she will sing, by
reauest. "Bonnie Sweet Bessie.
nv onor-ln! reauest. also, she
will aive throughout the season
mmiv of the old time songs that
have been favorites during her
previous years aB soloist.
Activities of Former
Eesidents of Interest
Salem friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Schmidt, former well known
Salem residents, will be interest
ed to learn of their removal from
BriKhton. Ontario, where they
from here, to Atascadero
southern California. Mr. Schmidt
who was Identified with the local
Phei company, is now a director
of the Caladero Products com
On their way south Mr. and
Mrs. Schmidt and their children
were entertained by Mr. and Mrs.
R. B. Houston in Santa Rosa and
by Mr. and Mrs. Lilburn M. Boggs
In Sacramento, the two latter
families being also former Salem
Washington Folk
Spend Week with Relatives
Mr. and Mrs. William Jerome
and son and daughter of Cash
mere. Wash.; returned to their
home yesterday, after spending a
week as the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. U. S. Miller. The latter and
Mrs. Jerome are sisters. Mr. Je
rome is superintendent of schools
in his home city.
Cafeteria Supper
To be Held Tomorrow Night
The members of the East Cen
:ral circle of the Ladles' Aid soci
ety of the First Methodist church
will serve a cafeteria supper Fri
day night on the lawn of the
home of Mrs. B. E. Carrier, 1065
Court Btreet. The hours will be
from six to half paBt seven
From Trip to Coast
Mr, and Mrs. William Gasklll
id daughter Laura, and Mr. and
ra. Alvin Van Cleave have re
turned home from a short stay at
Beauty Unsurpassed
Th wondtrfauV rtflntd.
pearly - whit complexion
nitdcred, brings hick the
appearaDcs of youth. R
suits are buUat Highly
aotiteptlc. Enrts toft and
ootlitea action. Ova 73
Stml IS ckr Trial Star
riift. t. HorriKS sow
n.w rerauty
Appetite Keen
and Bowels
You can relish your meals without feat
ot upsetting your liver jms
or stomach if you will
lssf -sjc ' i:i-;f!
Foul accumur S
. . , . . r a
rations mil ft !-.
DOison the 4 f J- I LI
blood are ex- li!2,mssfsici..Ii a
ipelled from the bowels atxl hMdacne,
dizanesa and sallow skin are reuereo.
Small fill SmH Dm-3ul Prise.
Divorced Russian Dancer
Studies Music Now.
1 If !
Alia Moskova, famed as an in
terpretative dancer, has secured a
divorce. In San Francisco, from
her equally famous dancing hus
band,' Boris Petroff, and will sail
for Milan, Italy, to study muelc
Petroff allowed her to secure the
decree, with $100 a month ali
mony, at the same time dropping
his $60,000 alienation of affec
tions suit v against Gregory Choo-
luck, wealthy New York Importer.
Californians Make
Eecord Trip to Salem
Dr. and Mrs. C. H. West, ac
companied by the tatter's sister,
Mrs. Poonas, arrived In the city
Tuesday from Lob Angeles, and
will visit at the home of Dr.
West's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
E. West of 2265 Hazel avenue.
The party motored through in a
new Lincoln sedan, starting from
Los Angeles on Sunday morning
and arriving in Salem at three
o'clock Tuesday afternoon. They
spent Sunday night in San Fran
cisco, and Monday night In
Grants 'Pass, which is considered
as establishing something of a
record for motorists. The visitors
expect to make a trip to Hood
River while here.
Mrs. Bross Visits
Relatives in the East
Mrs. H. W. Bross left several
days ago for a three months' visit
to relatives In the east. MoBt of
her time will be spent In St.
Johns, Michigan, her former
home. Other points of interest
will be Detroit and Wolsenberg,
Colorado. In the latter place she
will be entertained by her sis
ter, Mrs. Walter Chapman.
Mrs. Bross was accompanied aB
far as St. Cloud, Minn., by Mrs.
Jessie Robertson and her daugh
ter, Miss Kate Robertson.
Mrs. Fugate to
Spend Summer in Middle West
Mrs. William Fugate left sev
eral days ago for Aberdeen, Idaho,
where stie went to visit her daugh
ter, Mrs. William Fugate ( Ruth
Fugate.) Shortly after her arriv
al there she was called to Edgar,
Nebraska, owing to the serious
illness of a son in law Frank
Volgt. Mrs. Fugate plans to be
away the greater part of the
Young Salem Matrons
Go to Portland for Visit
Mrs. J. H. West and Mrs. Edgar
M. Rowland went to Portland
yesterday, where they will re
main until Sunday as the guests
of friends.
Party Back from
Outing at Neskowin
Mrs. F. W. Durbin, Mrs. E. C.
Cross, small Virginia Cross and
Frank Cross returned today from
Neskowin, where they enjoyed a
week's outing at the Durbin sum
mer cottage.
'I 1
How a Baltimore Girl Re
covered Her Health
Baltimore, Maryland. "For Sev
eral months I suffered with severe
bar k ache and gen
eral weakness. I
could not sleep '
comfortably at i
nignt ior pains in
mv hnrk- I fnunfi
vntir honk at home
one day and af
ter reading it bo-
fan at once to '
ake Lydia E. :
Finkham'a Veg-:
etabla Com-
nnnnrl. T rinve had :
.. A o nH amA nf mv cirl
friends are taking it now. You may
use this letter to help otner giris, as
the letters in your book helped me."
WiinNKR 8018 Rose land
Place, Baltimore, Md.
That is the thought bo oiten ex
pressed in letters recommending
t v THntrkam'a VWatable Com
pound. These women know what they
have suffered, they describe their
symptoms and state how they were
finally made well.
LydU E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound Is a. medicine made from
medicinal roots and herbs, and without
drugs, to relievo the sickness women
so often have, wmcn is lnaicausa uy
backache, weak feelings, nervousness,
and no ambition to get anything done
..rabrn It has celpec
many women. Why not try it!
Musical Tomorrow
Night is of Interest
Tomorrow night In the First
Christian church, violin and pi
ano pupllB of Miss Joy Turner
will appear in her second recital
this week. Assistants will be MIsb
Gladys Ditmore, soprano of Ger
vals; a violin and 'cello obllgato
by Miss Mildred Scott and Avery
Hicks, and baritone solos by Ed
ward Warren of the Willamette
university quartet. Miss Turner's
violin ensemble will also be heard
in numbers. The public Is cordial
ly invited to attend.
Salem Folk Will Spend
Brief Outing in Mountains
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McKinnon
and their children are leaving to
morrow for their homestead near
Blue River, in the Cascades, Mrs.
McKinnon and the children to
spend two months there, Mr. Mc
Kinnon to return to Salem after
the fourth.
Saturday Mr. and Mrs. William
McGilchrlst, Jr., will motor up to
remain until after the Fourth as
the McKlnnon's guests.
Washington Folk
To Visit Relatives Here
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Eichelber
ger and daughters Ruth and Ed
na, of Waitsburg, Washington, ar
rived in the city today, and will
remain for a short visit at the
home of Mrs. Eichelberg's sister,
Mrs. G. W. Laflar. The visitors
motored .to Salem following the
Northwest Jewelers' convention
just closed! n Olympia.
Couple Married Quietly on
Tuesday Evening in this City
Miss Elizabeth Mlnty of Salem
d Maurice O. Hayes of Dallas,
were married at a quiet cere
mony, Tuesday evening, at the
residence of Mrs. L. J. Elder,
171 State street. Rev. C. H. Bry-
n officiating. After a short wed
ding trip Mr. and Mrs. Hayes
will be at home at 500 North
Capitol street.
Salem Folk Leave
For Alaska and Northwest Trip
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cross are
leaving Saturday for a northern
trip that will cover the month of
July. Their itinary includes Alas-
British Columbia and Rainier
National park.
Mrs. Robertson and Son
In Portland During Mid-week
Mrs. Charles H. Robertson and
son Charles will return this af
ternoon from Portland, where
they went to spend the mid-week.
Portland Woman
Spends Fortnight Here
Mrs. Horace u. itanaeu oi
Portland, arrived Monday, and
1 spend a fortnight in the city.
being entertained while here as
house guest of Mrs. Carrie
Now Is the Time to Get Bid of
These Ugly Spots
There's no longer the slightest
of feeling ashamed of your
freckles, as Qthlne double
strength Is guaranteed to re
move these homely spots.
Simply get an ounce of Othine
double strength from any
druggist and apply a little of it
ight and morning and you
should soon Bee that even the
worst freckles have begun to dis
appear, while the lighter ones
vanished entirely. It is sel-
m that more than an ounce is
ded to completely clear the
and gain a beautiful clear
Be sure to ask for the double
gth Othine as this Is sold
der guarantee of money back if
fails to remove freckles, (adv)
Easier and Better,
Wear them and see.
Phone 1253. Salem, Oregon
Phone 90F12
Inspect our dairy. The state
inspector says ''It's one of the
best In the state. Investigate
the source of your milk.
Lawn Fete
Weather continuing pleasant,
the lawn fete at the Homer Smith
residence, 675 North Summer
street, tomorrow afternoon, is ex
pected to attract a large attend
ance, the affair being planned by
Mrs. George G. Brown's commit
tee of the Salem Woman's club, as
a building fund benefit.
The hours will be from three
to five o'clock in the afternoon
and from eight to ten in the eve
ning, the evening period being
planned for the benefit of the
downtown business men, who
wish to attend.
A most attractive program has
been -rranged, and will include
piano solos by Miss Dorothy
Pearce, Miss Gretchen Brown; vo
cal solos by Mrs. A'. J. Rahn,
Leon Jennison; violin solo by Iva
Claire Love.
Mrs. W. T. Stolz has been asked
to take charge of the punch bowl
service, and she has asked to as
sist her in serving her daughter,
Miss Margaret Stolz, Miss Eu
genia Zleber, Miss Charlotte Zle
ber and Miss Hollis Vick.
Supervising the arrangements
for the card tables will be Mrs.
Earl Anderson, Mrs. U. G. Ship
ley and Mrs. W. I. Staley. And
the following will make up the
committee in charge of the sher
bert: Mrs. L. H .McMahon, Mrs.
C. M. Eppley, Mrs. Fannie A.
Brown and Dean Frances Rich
The public is invited to the fete
which is in the nature of a sil
ver tea.
Visitors Are
Honor Guests at luncheon
Two Interesting visitors Miss
Sara Blanche Wrenn, who has
Just arrived in the city from three
years In the Orient, and Miss Ef
fla Kroll of Piedmont, Calif.
were honor gueBts at tie attract
ively appointed lunr eon which
Miss Mabel Robertson gave Wed
nesday afternoon. The luncheon
table was centered with delphih
ium and sweet William in tones
of blue and pink. Covers were ar
ranged for Miss Wrenn, Miss
Kroll, MIbs Elizabeth Lord, Miss
Marguerite Looney of Jefferson,
Miss Elizabeth Putnam, Mrs,
Geora-e Griffith. Mrs. William H.
Burghardt, and the hostess.
Tea was served later to the
same group in tne garaeu bui
roundlng the residence of Mrs.
William H. Burghardt, Mrs. Clif
ford Brown dropping in as an ad
ditional guest. Mrs. Burghardt
was also a dinner hostess for
Miss Wrenn on Wednesday eve
The Linn county bar association
has adopted a memorial to Sheriff
Kendall. '
Cuticura Heals
Intense Burning
Eczema On Hands
" Eczema broke out in rash In
the palm of my hands and later
spread to my nngers ana
wrists. The burning wss
so Intense that I scratched
and my hands were red
and inflamed. I bad to
wear rubber gloves while
doing my housework, and
cotton ones at ntrht. I
lost several hours' sleep each night
on account of the irritation.
" I was treated snd tried different
remedies but to no avail. I started
using Cuticura Soap and Ointment
and in one month I was completely
healed." (Signed) Miss Elizsbeth
V. Rodger, Leebrick Apte., 529 W.
1st St., Long Beach, Calif.
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal
cum promote and maintain skin pu
rity, skin comfort snd skin health
often when all else fails. beh Itn kT Kill AddreM! "Cation Ltk
r.t.rtoi.Itept.a. Haldm, mmi." Sold vr7
whers. 3cwp26e. OlntOMnt X ml 60c TllmSl.
fifHJ" Cuticur Soap witaout mas.
10 a. m. 1 :30 p. m. 10 a. m. 1 :30 p. m. 6 p. m.
Sale of High Grade Hardware and
Open Until 9 p. m. or Later Saturday
285 North Commercial Street
Owner , Auctioneer
Because of Hio delicate subject
and scenes, men and women will
not be admitted together
Special Shows SH Reel for
Special Shows Reel Fori
S3 0
7:30 P.M..
2 P.M.
Admission 50c Matinee or Evening
3 Days
3 Days
PHONE C. O. D. ORDERS 198186
L. IV1. Hum
Care of
Yick So Tong
Chines Medicine and Tea
Co. has medicine which
will cure any known dls
eass. Opsn Sunday from 10 a. m.
until I p. m.
153 South High Street
Salem, Oregon. Phone 18 1
aotfurntture da
220 H. CosuMroir' Strwrt
Phone 1850
Crystal White Soap, 6 for 27c
Fels Naptha Soap, 6 for ..... 42c
Wool Soap, 6 for . .... 42c
Ivory Soap, 6 for ... 42c
Citrus Washing Powder, 2 for ... . 46c
Peets Washing Machine Soap, 2 for.. . 67c
Two large cans Lode Peaches 49c
Two large cans Robles Peaches .. 39c
Large can Del Monte Pork and Beans, 4 f
5 for - - HtUC
12 lb. Folger's Golden Gate Tea ... ....... 27c
12 lb. Folger's Shasta Tea ... 25c
12 lb. Tree Tea .'. 27c
1 lb. Tree Tea 50c
Fancy Bulk Cocoa, 3 lbs . 25c
Large Instant Postum 39c
Small Instant Postum 26c
Jello, all flavors 10c
Campbell's Soups 10c
Crisp Soda Crackers, lb.
2 packages Grape Nuts ......
Post Toasties ; 9c
Kellogg's Corn Flakes ................ .. 9c
Shredded Wheat lie
Large package Albers Oats 26c
Large package Wheat Flakes ... ............ 27c
Large package Flap Jack .. .......... 27c
Large package Pearls of Wheat. 27c
No. 10 sack Olympic Graham .... , 39c
Kellogg's Krumble Bran 29c
Ralston's Bran .... . ... 18c
Alber's Health Bran 14c
L. & D. Shrimp 15c
Cove Oysters ... ... 15c
2 large cans Alaska Salmon 25c
5 cans Sardines 25c
2 cans Norwegian Sardines in olive oil.... 25c
2 loaves Bread . ..... 15c
High Test Lye For Fruit Drying at Wholesale
1 case, 48 cans . . . $4.85 per case 5 case lots, per case $4.72
This Is the Highest Test Lye. Leave Orders Now