Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 29, 1922, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Salem, Oregon
An Independent Newspaper, Published every evening exeept Sunday,
Telephone tl;
nava 81
Editor and Publisher
By Idah MoOlone Gibson
The Difference
Some 40 Americans have been kidnapped and held for
ramson by bandits in Mexico, so the United States govern
ment threatens to send a fleet of warships and an army to
secure their speedy release. Serious complications may re
sult as the attitude of the administration is unfriendly to
President Obregon, refuses recognition and the president is
apparently looking for a excuse for armed intervention in
Mexican affairs.
Last week some 40 Americans were ruthlessly massacred
in an Illinois coal district, merely for the crime of exercising
their constitutional right of earning a living. The dead were
frightfully mangled and the wounded atrociously tortured.
A coroner's jury places the blame upon the mine-owners for
having the temerity to operaJ- without the union's permis
sion, although it was their own property. However there
Is no outcry from Washington and no move to protect to klu Claire, i loved her. But now
American citizens from barbaric outrage by Americans in "J evf let ma !" her
. . before, they put her away forever.
America. 9he wag good good unt), he
Of course it is the province of the local authorities and arouni with hu cursed flattery
nf tofo o4l,f; (. j " j l and blandishment."
.v. w u n.m oaicuuttiu piupeity, Adama Droke down gobbed
but the state of Illinois has done neither. The state has fail- like a child and Doris wept, with
ed to function. With local authority coerced, or factionally hlm-
controlled, and a governor elected by the worst elements of ISi np.'hi
society, who is himself tainted, what could be expected ? dressed himself directly to her.
The Wronged Husband
During the reading of the love
letter that Claire Adams had writ
ten to Harry Glendenlng at the
coroner's inquest Henry Adams,
husband of U American Beauty.
became so excited that the police
man In charge of him could hard
ly keep him In his seat. -
At Its close he shouted: "I'll
leave It to any decent husband
here whether If he had read a let
ter like that he would not have
started out Immediately to kill
the man to whom it was written.
"I did start out to find and kill
him. I wish I had killed him."
Then, in spite of the efforts of ago."
since withdrawn the application.
Claverlng turned to Davis In
surprise, ana Davis wiujpered
back: .
"Yes, I withdrew the petition
this morning."
"Did you see your husband on
the night of the tragedy?"
"No, sir." - ' j ;
"Then yon do not know whether
he carried thia revolver or not."
"No, sir. I cannot' be sure, but
I am positive that that Is his re
volver. I think be probably- car
ried it, as he seldom went out in
the evening without it. He had a
police permit to carry It since he j
was held up once or twice a year
Italian Nobleman at
Labor Meeting.
the policeman to restrain him, he I
rose dramatically from his chair.
"But, O Judge; I did not intend
"Mrs. Glendenlng, did you name
Mrs. Adams in your petition for
"Yea, sir."
"Any other women?"
No, sir.
A i
v: - .
Krrn ' i I
t, -. - s' i -ifwia-il
The only titled union man to
'Do you intend living with yourLf iw ,nnv.Hi. rn-M.
nusoana again, lr be recovers?
Tomorrow As a Man Thlnketh
What better excuse that the breakdown of local government Ao not kno,r you' lad but
4 V, 1. e eA i :i e ... 1' " - - " mum
wum mcic kk iui icuerai mieriereiice i know women better than
natl, O., was Chevalier Dominic
d'Allesandro. He is president of
the National Hod Carriers' and
Building Laborers' Union and was
knighted by the King of Italy for
breaking up the Iniquitous "pad
rone system" under which Italian
laborers were held practically in
peonage in America.
anv of I
We are very anxious to make Mexico, where we have no the men here- You know, don't you
business, safe for Americans trying to exploit a f oreign " fn M ?emptd b?ond
, , , strength. You know, don t you
land, and we are very much concerned over civilizing the how hard it must have been and
When you see famous stars on
the screen or the stage don't get
me impression that life for them
is all peaches and cream. It is all
very fine to hear the plaudits of
the audience or to receive compli
?f.Vo v . . . a .- xi- . Urhat h mt , t,. ... ru""' Kiiers irom admirers
i.n.An,oiii. ici iucijcu is oaier Americans man Darus i "- -am iiii , ..
- .... . ...... . ' . With hlH lvlnir .mKnr II,. " D"V " ma
or Illinois or West Virginia and many other states, inhabit- know how . woman that . man
ed by Americans, and the the Mexicans certainly as much has made love him, win go to any
civilized as the Americans guilty of the Illinois outrages. IenJFtn to prove tnat iov "
nuiufl mm ruaueu out jn
a torrent. No one could stop the
I man who held out his hands to
I Doris Glendenlng as If In suppli
cation and spoke with tears run-
Ining down his cheek.
"Stop! Stop!" commanded the
I officer, but Claire Adams' husband
paid not the slightest attention to
htm Vf ..!.. ji .1
.,;f..n.. u- i u. ai ... lr: " """"""'"s
niLuaiij. live iu men taia ur aiuajf-Hiue wiem, ana go irom his wife to one of her sex noth-
place to place as desire or work beckons them. You will ,DS eIaa mattered to him.
Auto Gypsies
The auto is responsible for a new class of wanderers,
which each year seems to increase in numbers. These, are
people who have exchanged a home for an auto and the
wandering life of a gypsy for that of the fixed abode. They
as It
Take, for example, the case of
Raymond Hitchcock, featured in
The Beauty Shop,' a Cosmopoli
tan - Paramount picture . which
comes to the Liberty theater today
for three days. While this divert
ing screen version of the musical
comedy by Chanmng Pollock ana
Rennold Wolf was being., made,
Beilingham, Wash., June 29.
John Meyers, engineer, and Mag
nus Anderson, brakeman, on a log
ging train of the Samish Bay
Logging company, are in a hospit
al here suffering from severe
burns caused when they drove
train of logs through a forest ure
near Alger, about 15 miles south
Mr. Hitchcock arrived at the stu-f here, late yesterday afternoon.
V. L. Hamilton, mayor of Co
quille, Or., has filed with State
Engineer Cupper an applicatio
for permission to construct a stor
age reservoir on Rink creek and
for the appropriation of the stored
water together with water from
Rink crew for a municipal sup
ply for the ctly of Coqullle. The
cost of the municipal project Is es
timated at $40,000.
Other applications covering
water rights have been filed with
the state engineer as follows:
By Wilson R. Winans of Dee,
Or., covering the appropriation of
water from Lost lake for domes
tic use, irrigation and power pur
poses in Hood River county. The
cost of the project is given
By Daniel Zehner of Bonita
Or., covering the appropriation of
water from Cow creek for Irriga
tion of 43 acres in Malheur coun
ty. -
By Dan Bword of Baker cover
ing the appropriation of water
from Powder river for irrigation
of a small tract tn Baker county
By J. J. Hall of Trail covering
the appropriation of water from
Rogue river for Irrigation of 12
acres In Jackson county.
By Mrs. George Phelps of Ne
tarts covering the appropriation
of water from an unnamed stream
for domestic water supply in Til
lamooK county at a cost of ap
proximately $900.
By Lester R. Campbell of Hills
boro covering the appropriation
of water from McFee creek, a tri
butary of Tualatm river for Jrrl
gatlon of 12 acres in Washington
By A. H. Peabody of Crow cov
ering the appropriation of water
from Panther creek for irrigation
of 30 acres In Lane county coun
Just you try
dio uptown in New York city ev
ery morning at 9 oclock. 'Jtle don
ned an ornate uniform that
weighed about 20 pounds (It was
hot weather, too) and then went
to the set where the temperature
hovered around the 100 mark.
At 6 o clock, after a gruelling
day under intense lights, Mr.
Hitchcock removed his make-up
meet them each vpar in th herrv fiolris nrpWHa QnH W. . .Al 1381 tne otcer made Henry
., VAW..Mv.w " I Adams unriarfltnnri Ih.t
yards of Oregon and the northwest in the summer and fall thing was wrong. Adams turned to
and in California or the southern states in winter, remain- nim '"quiringiy.
ing where they get work and traveling -when they cannot. bIaAd,ah 1
The auto gypsies are not real gypsies," who by the way ed for a moment to shrivel m his and ru8hf downtown to play his
i a: j.j .u. a .. .... chair then h ,.! . mJ""' ln Zlegfeld's "Follies." Al-
llavc mau uiauMueu ui picturesque wagon caravan lor tne , - nT; though he performed a mans size
more practical auto, but simply those, with the pioneer love to this strange scene,
of adventure or those in whom survives the spirit of the no- "Bt Jve, he's really a man,"
mad, implanted by countless generations of wandering. Un- "e tatswhlrs cominffo
able financially to gratify the desire for travel in the ordin- him standing."
ary way, they have solved the problem with a Ford and the 1 am sorry- lady," began Ad
n;l0 oir.,A ., ; :a ams apologetically, "that I did
-1 1" " v-11 IttVCilOOl J lUi 0, A Will ii i UK
job all day, he had to appear on
the stage again. At midnight he
left his. dressing room and went to
his home in Great Neck, L. I.,
45-minutes trip by automobile
At 9 o'clock tne following morning
he was back at the Cosmopolitan
studio. On Wednesday and Sat
Several other members of the log
ging camp crew were slightly I
The train was cut off from the
camp by a fire which sprang up I
suddenly along tie railroad track.
Fearing that they would b sur-1
rounded, the train crew decided tol
make a run for the camp. Three
bridges were burning as the train
passed over them and one col
lapsed immediately after the last
ear had gone by. The train was
ablaze when it reached the camp.
The fire which for a time
threatened the town of Alger, had
died down somewhat today.
Another forest fire was report
ed today to be raging near Ham
I not knnwinsr vmi ninii.n
Life is a perennial picnic and those who are content to put now knowing you rae Gienden- ay ne bax matIne8S ot nt
,.-fV. v, j;i ia r j..j ling's wife. I rannnt. taba hniir Follies." Really a stars lot Is
uu vviLii i. j it: uiauumui Lfi. f.i:;i I it' h. nil. 111 ill 1 1 1 1 u i-r v I
hi . ., ' , . . .. word I have said
Auany ot uiese auios are xne products oi war-time pros
perity and their owners are mechanics enough to keep them ln-
In repair. Most every auto park has sojourners of this
type, the free service given by communities stimulating against you?
this class of travel
The coroner intervened, ask-
not a
happy one.
"The Beauty
Further Reductions
In Daily and Week
Mr. End Round Trip Fares
Hitchcock re-creates the role of Tn PrTlaTiH rvtr trio
nn von i,, "r. atuuius uuaa which he as- . .
sojourners of this vou ' - " "? V' .....5 m the original musical uregon Electric Ry.
- i aajl uo uaril l I mr
Freauentlv the familv is a larce one.
J n n k f a k.. , iu. i :.u. ow " a wen as I,
cm nim auuiiu uuny in me uciij Jiciua, inatibiii earn- e(j
ings sufficient to carry them over many miles of highway
in search of other employment. When the auto wears out,
presumably the family settles down to earn another and per
haps gets weaned away from the gypsy life.
comeoy. Several notables of the From May 26 to Sentemher an
'I have only told the truth and 8 appear with him, including fares on the Oregon Electric Rail-j
oiuy a. van, james J. U'orbett, way irom aalem to Portland and
Louisa Fazenda. the Fairbanks return will be in effect as shown
twins. Diana Allen. Montagu Love below:
. . I . r- in... . ...
ana Laurence Wheat. . I ucaew on saie daily, re-i
turn umit uctober 31, with stop-
New Cornorations. P" ""owed at any point In
Tk. J,1 T I ... .! "luci UilWUUU.
i iiuctuiq iiijiei vuuiunuy n e i .... I
ams belligerently.
"Perhaps you have only told
the truth, but you have sent your
self to the chair If Olendening
dies," admonished his attorney,
wno naa been trying vainlv to
The supreme court has set the
disbarment proceeding instituted
against George Estes, Portland at
torney, for hearing on Monday,
July 10, at 9:30 a. m. Breaking
all precedent the court will take
direct evidence in this case tn
stop Adams all
"I don't wan
through his speech. ffltPrJl,TUi"'a??k county' caP'- Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
t to live. I hope he l. d 100000' fllei articles turn limit Tuesday following.
of incorporation with the state stop-overs
stead ot referring it to a referee
Estes is charged with defrauding will die," answered Adams calmly.
-iiDiua iu duius iMugius irom tAuv ou un ciusea ms lips and an-
upward. swered the questions put to him ln
The case brought by Estes for monosyllables,
the disbarment of Albert Ridge- Doris regained her composure
way, secretary of the Multnomah I OHlura lna coroner has finished
Bar association, is set for argu- nla examination of Adams and he
muni it ihi nma iimii nM... I had been led awav to the, nth or
Is charged by Estes with suborna- 8ide of the rooIn- When she was I velopment corporation and
corporation department here Tues
day. The incorporators are C. E.
McDowell, W. 0. Hall and Palmer
L. Fales.
nesoiuuons ot dissolution were
filed by the Hopxlns & East Leas
tion of perjury.
called she answered with surprls-tne Soutnern Petroleum company
t tfsM-X? mce in a woman is more beautiful
Ing calmness
'Your name?"
'Doris Glendenlng."
'Wife of Harry Glendenlng?"
'Are you not divorced from
"No sir."
"Have you applied for one-"
'I did some time ago, but I have
$2.05, week-end. tickets on unla
iriaay and Saturday, return limit
it days from date of sale. No I
Round trip tickets at reduced
tares to all other points on O.
ing comDanv. the Estate Leasing "a. oauy, return limit
. . eigntn day.
Details supplied on application.
Agent. O. E. Ry.
for real summer comfort
The small shield and nar
row, long-stretch, peppy,
silk elastic make "Little
Paris" extremely light,
cool and comfortable. Get
your first pair today on our
say so after that you' 11 buy
them on your own say so.
3000 Houts
in every pair at 50P
Chicago New York
'Chit trademark ldcnl(fia iht gtnutnt
29 in.
r HE old saying about
JL "eternal vigilance'
applies to the cigar busi
ness. Rest assured that
the makers of El Sidelo
Cigar exercise eternal
vigilance in all processes
of El Sidelo manufacture.
High grade Havana filler
tobaccos and choice shade
wrappers deserve A-l
workmanship -and get it
in EI Sidelo.
--"-y ---,.,7, "
.I J-
toe aora5c - c - 350cfe
B SllUlo nmm. I. -...4.
CoiuoUdAt.d diu Csrpondea
Nfo York
Portland, Oregon.
L"T'- aggSgAT-'i. -jg.taf'A J Lily
I "y
all of Portland.
A certificate filed by the Na
tional Timber & Lumber Co., of
Portland shows a decerase in cap
ital from $500,000 to 100,000.
SjapS No netal y
fjl fccan touch you
Service on rural route No. 3
from Tumalo has been ordered in
creased irom three times to six
times a week.
We all try to be somebody; not many
of us succeed.
Form of Iron Feels
Years Younger
Itching diseases can be con
trolled and cause removed by ap-
plying Ballard's Snow Liniment.
The relief Is prompt and perma
nent. Three sizes, S0c, 60c and
$1.20 per bottle. Sold by Dan'l J.
10 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 10 a. m. 1:30 p. m. 6 n. m.
Sale of High Grade Hardware and
Open Until 9 p. m. or Later Saturday
285 North Commercial Street
CAPITAL HARDWARE AND itttk'vitttoi nn
The jingle of silver is a pleasant sound that
drowns the voice of truth.
Permitting a small evil to exist often prevents
a greater evil.
It will take a much worse word than "strep
tococcus" to stop folks from kissing.
All witnesses lie more or less through vanity,
for they always want their testimony to appear
Hez Heck Says:
"Fashion seems to fergit
that some women has bow-legs"
Copyright 1923.
Premier Syndicate. Inc.
bix weeks ago I saw a special
offer In the paper telling how
thousands of people grow old ln
looks and energy long before thev
are reany old ln years, because.
as examinations by physicians
have shown, an enormous number I
of people do not have enough iron
in their blood. I have been taking)
.Vuxated Iron tor two weeks: the!
results are simply astounding
The roses have come back in my I
lips and cheeks, and I can con
scientiously say that I feel ten
years younger."
The above is typical hypo
thetical case showing the results j
that have been achieved by a
great many people since we start
ed mis satisfaction or monev I
back" offer on Nuxated Iron. We I
will make you the same guaran
tee. If, after taking the two weeks I
treatment of Nuxated Iron, you
do not feel and look years young
er, we will promptly refund your I
Call at once for a bottle of Nux
ated Iron at Daniel J. Pry's orJ
any ether good drug store, (adv)
At Your Front Door.
Touring .
Coup .
Phone 1995
All Equipped with Starter and Demountable Rims
'Valley motor Co.
260 N. High Street
Train Schedules
Sunday, July 2nd
No important changes in trains not shown
Train 18 for Portland leaves Salem 1 :32 p. m.
Arrives Portland 3 :55 p. m.
Train 27 extended to Salem, leaves Portland 5:00 p. a
. Arrive Salem 7:05 p. m.
Trains 61 and 62 - will operate between Albany and ,
Salem via Lebanon and Geer on following schedule: (
Leave Albany 6 :20 a. m. Lebanon 7 :00 a. m. j
Arrives Salem 8 :50 a. m j
Leave Salem 3:45 p.'m. Lebanon 5:36 p. m. I
Arrive Albany 6 :09 p. a !
Motor car service will be operated as follows
Lv. Woodburn x.... 7:35 a.m
Mt. Angel 7:55
Silverton 8:00
Geer 8:20
Ar. Salem
Lv. Salem
. Geer
Ar. Silverton
Lv. Silverton 6:50
Mt. Angel 7:00
Ar. Woodburn 7:20
9:80 tutus,, 8:10 p.m., 6:35 pa
. 3:40
m 4:05
. J
Connects with No. 16 from San Francisco enroute Portim
Connects with No. 62 from Albany enroute Salem.
Connects with No. 17 from Portland enroute Roseburg-
m Connects with No. 61 from Salem enroute Albany.
Minor changes wiU be made in service on Mill City, Tillun
and Coos Bay Lines. UM
For further particulars ask agents or secure copy of new v"
Southern-Pacific Lines
JOHN M. SCOTT. General Passenger Agent
Journal Want Ads Pa)'
;:" 11 111 """I
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p.