G f - reate mwm II 11 ((' in 1 XMM- -l OF , HATS Just think of it! 150 Trimmed and Banded Hats front our regular stock go at and Outing Outfits at Astonishing Low Prices Featuring the Famous "Will Wear" Garments Only DameFashionSays:-Ybw7m55a lot of fun if you do . not dress appropriately for your outing trip. ' We believe Dame Fashion is right. We've just received a big assortment of the newest things in Sports Apparel... Showing exslusively "WILL-WEAR" Garments that are Positive ly guaranteed to give you perfect satisfaction. During the next few days, MilDAY, bAl IJRDAY and MONDAY we will display these garments in our entire Ready-to-Wear Section and will assure you that nothing will remain undone to make this occasion a very ThepriceTwill astonish you. We'll price them extremelyy low for the three days that every one may have an opportunity to purchase vacation togs at values that will be un equalled in Salem for months to come. I See thia extraordinary showing in our I i Liberty Street windows. COME EARLY! COME EARLY! TOO CHILDREN'S HATS For the Child 3 to 10 years. Your choice of Milans with band trims, streamers, etc., for the extremely low price of $1.95 ANNOUNCING A Day Here Next Saturday We'll place some unusual "good buys" on ex hibition for Saturday. More than a quarter's worth for twenty-five cents. All items represent ing useful every day, needs. You'll want a great many of the articles' listed here for vacation or outing use. 36 inch Plaid Skirtings, yard 25c 36 inch Chiffon, red, grey blue, etc 2DC Fancy Hair Bow Ribbons, yard . . . ; c Big Lot Trimming Braids, yard 25c Bandeau Brassieres, each 2oc Rubber Bathing Caps f c Men's Wash Ties f c 19x36 Huck Towels 36 inch Bath Towels 36 inch Cretonnes, yard ; Romper Cloth, yard 5c Best Cambric Percales, yard Extra Fine Nainsook, yard Fine Quality Wash Cloth, 3 for Scented Toilet Soaps, 6 for Scented Talcums, "each 5 Assorted Boxed Hair Pins, 3 for .......... Colored Bias Tape, 2 for 25c Colored Ric Rac, 2 for 2gc Fancy Shirred Elastic Good Quality Corset Garters Adjustible Skirt Belts 25c Colored and White Kerchief s, 2 for Imitation Crochet Lace, 3 yds. tor Men's Lisle Sox, good quality, pair . . . . . Women's black Cotton Hosiery, pair Big Lot Kiddies Half Sox, pair Boys' Extra Wear Stockings, pair Women's Fine Cotton Vests : Women's Bodice Top Vests Bradley Wool Bathing Suits $2.50 to $6 Of course you'll start the bathing season with a new Bathing Suit. ' Bradley Bathing Suits are inexpensive yet they possess good points found in no other suits. They are made of Virgin Wool knitted with the elastic stitch that gives them that snug close fit so necessary for swimming. Our new Rubber Bathing Shoes are here. Colors green, orange and rose. Caps to match your suit. 600 Hundred Yards Tri-Color Bunting SPECIAL c yd. 10 "We Can Shoe the Whole Family for Less" With Dependable Shoes FOOTWEAR FOR THE VACATIONIST! Patent Low Heel Pumps in One-Strap, Sandals, Ankle Straps, Cut-outs and other styles, that are not only very stylish but very serviceable as well. The new covered military heel shghtly Cuban will lead the procession of heels for Fa"; We have them now in the new style Pumps and Oxfords, Patents, Kids and Fabrics. Our white Pumps and Oxfords are the fitting kind and the knd you'll enjoy wearing. Some are made with the ARCH-O-PEDIC feature, a wonderful arch builder. If you have tired, aching, burning feet, use Dr. Scholls "three necessities," a convenient little set of foot remedies consisting of foot balm, granulated soap and anticeptic powder. Price $1.00 set, or sola separately at ooc eacn. We carry a complete line of Dr. Scholls foot appliances. Dr. Scholls demonstration here July 5th, 6th and 7th. Shoe Polishes, Cleaners, and Laces, black or brown, Dyanshine will brighten up bags, etc. flosizry g QUALITY OR PRICE? That old phrase: ."Quality Is remembered long after price is for gotten'' la still Just as good and means Just as much as It ever did. When you let price alone make your decisions you won't soon forget price, because price alone Is about all you'll have to think of. To make you forget price Is our mission as Merchandisers. To feature merchandise that we can recommend and guarantee to give you absolute satis faction Is the one way to solve the problem of iv ing you one hundred cents worth for a dollar. Holeproof Elegance Is what you get when you buy Holeproof Hosiery. We feature this brand because we believe Holeproof gives better wear, style and comfort than any other Hose Value too, for it costs you less to wear Hole nroof, the price being very moderate. New shades of grey, camel and etc., now ready for your inspection $1.25 The Good Old Swimmin' Days Are Here Get right into the swim head fort-most, but make sure you have a Bradley Swimming Suit on. You'll come up feeling like a million dollars. Oh! Boy! What a glorious swim you'd have. Our Bradley's have the new chest stripes and are knitted to fit. Priced $2.50 to $3.50 SHEER, COOL LINGERIE We Just knew that women -ft'S dainty under-things before the holiday sowe a beautiful collection that we could offer aay u Vanity Fair Silk Step-In Sets, FUm, Combnations. New Undies made of shadow Displayed at attractive prices. I sza LU pJJ'J . Q M r U) (QSH CKnrv? l ll W a PwV.!r-u; f II I M II It .11 M ft XX sir i mm m, nir n i.n ... mmmn I GnndGooda. (Ly lalpraDf Hosiery Kiddies' Sox Half and three-quarters Sox for Kiddies. Colors, Delft Blue, Rose, Pink, Yellow, Champagne, Brown, Black and White. length Lisle 50c i2 length Sox with clox 65c ig length Silk Sox . $1.33 length Silk Sox $1.65 SALEM'S LEADING DEPARTMENT STORE Ellison-White claims to have the best Chautauqua program ever offered Salem. Closes next Wednesday evening. Tickets on sale at the following places: Hartman Bros., Patton Bros., The Spa, The Gray-Belle, Commercial Book Store, and ilia Music Store.