Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 29, 1922, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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Mexico City. June 29 Mexican
Covernment officials believe that
the kidnaping of A. Bruce Bio
laskl In the state of Morelos and
capture of 40 other Americans
near Tamplco within a few hours
of each other are isolated cases of
banditry which will be adequate
ly attended to by the federal
troops now In pursuit.
Secretary of War Serrano has
not yet been officially advised of
the seizure of the Cortez oil prop
erty near Tamplco and the deten
tion of the 40 employes but news
papers reports caused him to di
rect Ueneral Guadulupe Sanchez,
federal commander In that zone
to start a campaign against tht
rebels in the entire region.
No news has reached here from
Tamplco concerning the caDture
and local representatives' of the
uortez Interests said they had no
Information other than that con
tained in dispatches from Wash
ington. It is rumored here that of
the 40 captured, less than a doz
en are Americans, the remainder
being British subjects.
Masons Mindful Of
Obligations Cannot
Be Klansmen, Edict
Chautauqua, N. Y., June 29.
Motion pictures had the stage at
Wednesday Besslon of the biennial
convention of the General Federa
tion of Women's Clubs. Repre
sentatives of the producers, exhi
bitors and censors spoke and
teachers and women's club mem
bers led discussions. At night W.
H. Hays, president of the motion
picture, producers and distribu
tors, lectured on "Upbuilding
the Nation's Life Through Motion
Today's talks will bring to a
focus the controversy between the
advocates and opponents "of cen
sorship and between those with
conflicting oplnons concerning the
means of cooperation between the
federation and members of the
motion picture industry. Further
discussion and final action by the
convention la expected tomorrow.
There is no law In Masonry for
bidding a Mason to become a
member of the Ku Klux Klan, but
no Mason mindful of bis obliga
tion can belong to such an organ
ization, is the declaration of
Grand Master Prince of Massachu
setts In his recent admonition to
Masons of that state regarding the
The full reDort of the d
tion of the klan by Grand Master
Prince Is presented In the Chris
tian Science Monitor as follows:
'Masonry In Massachusetts Is
warned by Arthur D. Prince,
grand master, to have none of the
Ku Klux Klan, which, he says, Is
being organized in this state." The
adjuration Issued to the several
lodges of the state lg couched In
language unusually emphatic and
direct for official Masonic docu
ments, thus Indicating the denth
of the thought of the first Free
mason of Massachusetts on the
Mr. Prince declares that this
society, alleged to consist of night
riders and self-appointed law en
forcers, is un-Masonlc utterly nd
that the propaganda intimatinir
that Masonry 1b secretly In sym
pathy with the movement Is en
tirely false and malicious. Ha in
dicates that there Is no law In
Masonry forbidding membership
in the klan or any such socletv.
out plainly states that no Mason
mindful of his obligation, can be
long to such an organization.
Text of Official Notice.
The text of the official com
municatlon to the lodges of Mas
sachusetts follows:
"Every member of this fratern
ity knows thet one of the great
fundamentals of Freemasonry is
obedience to and respect for the
majesty of the law.
'When our fathers wrote Ma
sonic precepts Into the constitu
tional law of this republic, they
declared that every man was guar
anteed 'life, liberty and the mir.
suit of happiness.' They also de
clared that every man was en
titled to the protection of the law
and could not be punished for
crime except after due trial bv
jury of his peers under duly con
stituted atuhorlty. Thev also de
clared that men could worship as
they pleased, without Interference.
"Freemasonry believes that any
organization which does not up
hold these principles is un-Amer
lean and un-Masonlc
"Within recent months we have
beard a good deal about an organ
izatlon called the Ku Klux Klan
the principles and financial foun
datlons of which were quite thor
oughly aired in ft uungresslonai in
vestlgatlon, from which we learn
that the objects of the klan are
political, secrtarian and racial.
Kian'g Claims Repudiated.
As a grand lodge, we would
take no interest In this organlza
tion but for the claim made bv its
officers and organizers that its
membership is largely Masnnln
and that it has Masonic aoDroval
and support. This statement
absolutely false, as the klan has
no connection with and neither
does it have the support of any
Masonic jurisdiction. To the con
trary, in jurisdictions where the
klan has been active grand mas
ters have repudiated its claims in
the strongest terms and some have
issued edicts warning their mem
bers against the klan under Densi
ty of Masonic discipline.
"It was not supposed that an
organization with such principles
could gain a foothold in thia com
monwealth, but from information
I have received, the organization
is beginning activities here, mak
ing the same false claims of Ma
sonic sympathy.
You have placed in thn hands
of the grand master the honor and
reputation of the Masonic fratern
ity In Massachusetts, and I should
tall in my duty If I did not. with
out fear or favor, warn our mem
bership against a movement
which, if not thwarted In its in
ception, will prove derogatory to
tne reputation of the craft in
dangerous degree.
Without hesitation I declare
the Ku Klux Klan an un-Masonlc
organization, utterly without Ma
sonic support or sympathy.
Masonic law Violated.
"Its avowed principles violate
Masonic law at every point and It
would be Impossible for me to con
ceive of a Mlason who could so far
forget his Masonic teachl
affiliate with an organization
which advocates taking the law
Into its own hands, condemning
men and women In. secret trials
and imposing the punishment of
the whip, the tar bucket or nn
lawful banishment.
"How long will It be before the
law-abiding people of this com
monwealth visit dire punishment
upo;; those who forget or flout
the sovereignty of the lawT i
"This is .not an edict against
the Ku Klux Klan. We cannot
yr.veni misguiaea men irom join- ,,,, w.Kh ,. ,.w.l
Inr If flnri tha arm et th laar r11 f . ' . '
soon reach those who Join in itslw a '
overt acts. But we must protect L,.li k- t-
th A fair rOmiraMnn rf 1Traaiv..aAB I .... .
neotlon, official or otherwise, for the va.r a mnt MPrdi
with such an organization. No waB removed by President James
v , .fuuntgu Boldt last night In the midst of
must be used for their Durnoses I. n i i
and let every Mason who is tempt- radio victories for the- Seattle
ou io jom me man consider well
u he can harmonize his oblira
tions as a Mason with the nrinci
pies of the klan."
ball tossers.
Adams will handle the club for
the first time In the opening
game of the series with San
Francisco here this afternoon
McCredie's removal came as
McCredie, for nearly twenty
New Haven, Conn.. June 29. F.PTPtna VotlloTlOO
Josenh C. Pellet W tnrm ,. -Xi T tUlWUVO
trict attorney in Boston, has re- In Vmxr Tntro
signed as supreme advocate of the " UajO
Knights of Columbus, It was an
nounced at the K. of C. headauar- Miirhty
ters tqaay.
Powerful Antiseptic Pre.
seription. Stops Iu-hlng Instant
ly, and by Its Use Ulcers,
Bolls, Aboesses and Car
buncles are Quickly
Pittsburgh. Pa.. June 29 Five lrnnw that ,r'.
deputy sheriffs, fully armed, stop- wl" reiJuce ugly, dangerous varl-
ped a march of 100 or more strik- 80 v.eln? to normal. w want
lng miners in Elizabeth townshin if 7 W-.-nier:
"' Buiiteis naa set out eczema eruptions in arew days
to prevent further operations at a and cau8e the scales to drop off
number nf small w,r mf. and disappear.
uucoi it acts the same way with anv
Wnen the neniltlea nntlan.n.l . i .. i. ; : ,
" J-i' -. -v nuu Mm u I? ynn l", BUCH B.B D&rUer 6
urgea tne leaders to go home. One ltcn 8a)t rheum, redness and In
demitv nmnniinj u flaramatory skin trouhlen.
come to Flttsburah and nnfi- " J. " '"
- u&a n.5jr i utu, euiLtca aim wcub ar
consented to do. maae to disappear and abcesses,
doiis, carouncies, ulcers and onen
years manager of the Portland
club, Is one of the veterans of the
game on the pacific coast. Mc
Credie in a brief statement de
clared that he wished Adams "all
tha luck In the world."
i n mm m
ff fx Pvn
i I 1
t i i
weVe got the
biggest thing
in western
The misery and depression
caused by a blliouB and cnnstlnnt.
ed condition of the system can be
quickly removed by using Her
blne. It purifies, strengthens
invigorates. Price, 60c. Sold by
Dan'l J. Fry. (adv)
sores are healed in a few days.
Moone s Kmerald Oil is not a pat
ent medicine, but is a surgeon's
prescription that for years has
hefin HllOnPOJif 11 1 1 v naa In ni.hinln
and hospital practice. All pharma
cists dispense it, ana complete ai-
rpntfnna fur VinniA naa .!-... n.UK
each bottle. (adv)
10 a. m. 1 :30 p. m. 10 a. m. 1 :30 p. nft 6 p. m.
Sale of High Grade Hardware and
Open Until 9 p. m. or Later Saturday
285 North Commercial Street
Owner Auctioneer
For Men, Women and Children
Surely you will want a new suit when you tal
first plunge. uiatteyoar
Select vour suit; earlv anrl talro .dvoni. . .
bathing season. ----- Be 0I a long
69c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25
$1.00 to $4.75
Our Prices Always the Lowest
Commercial and Court Streets
Made from the very best hardwheat, thoroughly cleaned and properly milled
Allowed to age that the bread made from it has the real natural nutty flavor that
so few flours have.
Its the kind of bread and the number of loaves per sack that should guide
your purchase. $2.25 per sack delivered to your door by any merchant is the cost
of CHERRO. There is no better flour made. Every sack guaranteed.
Never before in the history of this
Store has there been such a wealth of
Suits for you to select from.
Never before have we made such
price concessions as these.
Read these prices then act.
Sffi'"' ; "jlr
Saturday, July 1st
Monday, July 3rd
Hundreds of Men's and Young Men's Suits
Selling Starts at 8 a. m.
The Value Event of the Year
We have divided Our Stock of Men's
and Young Men's broken lot Suits
into four groups for quick selling. It
will pay you to be here early.
Values $17.50 to $25.00
Cassimeres in Styles for Men
Values $25.00
In Cassimeres, Worsteds for Men and
Young1 Men
Values $30, $35, $40
In Cassimeres, Tweeds, Worsteds,
Cheviots, for Men and Young Men,
all sizes.
Values $40, $45, $50, $55 '
In Men's and Young Men's Styles.
All sizes; Cassimeres, Worsteds,
We're Determined to Get Our Stock in Shape So We've Made These Extreme Cuts If Price Ts
uoject witn Yourtere is the Best Thing Going
1 1 iui ii mrnrrTTnT-n-VTrTT-inn i an mi .n n.,. ., ,.
Dmem. w ooiee Mils biom
Open Until 9
p.m. Saturdays
C. P. Bishop