Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 29, 1922, Image 1

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Average for May 6996.
Member Audit Bureau of Circulation.
Member Associated Press Full leased
wire service.
OREGON: Tonight and Friday lair.
Moderate westerly winds.
Local: No rainfall; northerly winds;
clear; max. 87, min. 47; river .7 feet
and f alling.
in 11
J 1 ,
Disinterested Salem Peo
ple Asked to Determine
Distriution of Money
For Pervert.
A committee of disinterested
persons, including' John McNary,
president of the Salem Potary
club; Roy Shields, president of
the Salem Kiwania club;v J. C.
Ferry, president of the Salem
Commercial club; Mrs. LaMoine
Clark, president of the Salem
Woman's club, and C. W. Brandt,
president of the Central Trades
and Labor Council of Salem, will
be asked to determine the dispo
sition to be made of the reward
money offered for "information
leading to the arrest and convic
tion" of C. A. Sloat, moral per
vert who attacked two little Sa
lem girls on the morning of
March 5. '
This is .tbe decision reached
this morning by representatives
of the persons and organizations
who posted the reward at a meet
ing of the Commercial club.
Claimants Must Agree
The decision is conditioned up
on the agreement of those claim
ing the reward to agree to abide
by the decision of such a disin
terested committee.
Should any of the claimants
for the reward money refuse to
agree to abide by the decision of
the committee the reward money,
totaling $1000, will be pooled and
necessary steps taken to have the
conflicting claims determined' in
the circuit court.
Seven claims for the reward
money were before the meeting
this morning, but they were giv
en no consideration when it was
decided that the determination
should be left to a committee of
disinterested individuals.
Klan Not Represented
The Ku Klux Klan which an
nounced the offer of a reward of
$200 for the capture of the per
vert did not have a representative
at the meeting, although invited
to do so through the press, nor
has any trace of the klan money
been seen.
Those presenting claims for the
reward money are:
Chief of Police John Catlin, of
Albany; William McGilchrist, Sa
lem bond broker; C. C. Ferguson,
city marshal of Newberg; P. J.
Kuntz of Salem, attorney for
sinnt- P Til T .nnse of Salem; Al
bert Rogers of Albany, father of
the Albany girl who caused Sloat's
arrest in that city; Ed Smith of
Albany, deputized by Chief Catlin
to assist in the search for Sloat
following the attack upon the
Rogers girl.
Committee Uninstructed.
The claims of these persons
were all made in writing with
suDDortlng arguments, and will
be submitted to the committee
which is to determine the dlstri
button of the reward. The exact
time of the committee meeting has
not been determined.
Determination of the. disposal
of the $1000 is left entirely in lilt
handa of the committee, without
any instruction, by the action tak
en this morning.
The subscribers to the reward
fund represented at this morning's
meeting, together with the
amounts of their subscriptions
Homer Smith $100, Louis Lach
mund $100, unnamed contributor
$100. Salem street railway em
Ployes $100, The Capital Journal
$100, and the city of Salem $500
Those present at the meeting
today vpm Hnmer Smith; Wil
liamson, for the street car em
Cloves: Mayor Halvorsen, for the
city: a renresentative of The Cap
ital Journal for Itself, Louis
Lachmund and the unnamed con
tributor and John Carson, district
Chicago, June 29. (By Asso
ciated Press.) Walter Johnson,
"smoke ball" king of the Wash
ington Senators, registered his
third iirht Khoutout game of
the season and the 97th of his 16
years service in ini major r
terday when he blanked the Yan
kees, 1 to 8 in a thrilling doe!
with his youthful rival, Waite
Johnson whiffed nine of the
New York. team.
McCumber Says
Defeat Seems
Apparent Now
Washington, June 29 (By As
sociated Press) Senator McCum
ber, republican. North Dakota,
said late today that on the lace
of early returns from the North
Dakota primary he appeared to be
Fargo, N. D., June 29. 615
precincts give: McCumber 36,730,
Frazier 29,156. 647 precincts give
Nestos 47,233, Baker 25,135.
T ( I
Next Saturday anernoon, July
1, all former citizens of Salem now j
residing in Portland and vicinity
together with all the present in
habitants of the Cherry City who
attend the annual Salem picnic at
Laurelhurst park will be served
their brew hot from one of the
most scientifically constructed
stills in captivity. -The still, which
has had its yormiform appendix
removed but which is in otherwise
good wprking order, has been
laned to the Salem Picnic asso
ciation by the federal prohibition
enforcement officer, and in it will
be brewed not moonshine but a
supply of "Java" ample to quench
the cravings of all comers.
There has been prepared a spe
cial program to commence at 4:30
o'clock. It will consist of a talk
by Miss Ella Chamberlain, presi
dent of the State Pioner's associa
Hon and a former resident of Sa
lami a reading by Miss Martha
Ferguson; and an address by Rev,
W. C. Elliott. Frank Hodgkin ol
Vancouver, Wash., will give a re
view of one of the first of the Sa
lem nicnics held 50 years ago, s
copy of the official program be
ns a feature of his taiK. uoione.
Robert A. Miller will recite one ol
Sam L. Simpson's poems. Chester
G. Murphy and Dort E. Haney will
make five-minute talks ana Mrs.
Bertha Kay Fisher will reau an
anonymous communication giving
some of the Inside history oi many
former residents of the capital
city. Other features, not yet as
sured, are being prepared. The
picnic will commence at 4 o'clock,
the program will be from 4:30 to
5:30; supper from 5:30 to 6, after
which the annual business meet
ing and election of officers will
be held. All former and present
residents of Salem are Invited to
attend and bring their basket
lunches with them. The entertain
ment committee plans to furnish
oof fee for 300 or more.
raging,. lake chelan
TOonarrhee. Wash., June 29. A
.oarrnua forest fire is raging be
tween Little Big crook and Twen
ty-five Mile creek, soutn oi covering an area of 2000
acres. ' Men hare been drafted
f,, rhelan and Manson and it
may be necessary to draw on We-
for some assistance,
fresh crew is being held in read
. Twontv-five Mile creek
mesa u l x -- -
.i.m. fihtpra on the job are male
lng a desperate effort to hold the
the ridge in cneca.
men who returned last evening to
..i wr In an exbausieu con
tnid thrilling tales of
narrow escapes.
Heart failure was responsible
for the death early Sunday morn
Z of William R. Smith, 61 years
old. prominent Roseburg man and
father of lalo R- Smith. Salem
me;-ram R- Smith who had
lived the greater part of his life
Roseburg. was . Plonee,rt 'n
southern Oregon. After attend
ine funeral serrices for his lamer,
L b Smith returned to Salem yes
terday afternoon.
Improve Scio Eoad.
W Or June 29 The favor
Ite'bkd road" leading into Scio
ein1 graded and rcked :
week by the county court. l
r0ad known as the cemetery bill
old! wa. impassable during h
rainy season of the
Snts two miles east of Scio r
,early six miles out of their J
to come to town.
Union Heads ' and Rail
road Executives Cited
To Appear at Hearing
Friday Afternoon.
Chicago, June 29. (By Asso
ciated Press.) The United States
railway labor board lay cited
the national officials of the six
shop crafts unions, the railway
executives now meeting here and
the officers of four other railroad
unions to appear before the board
tomorrow afternoon in an Inquiry
into threatened interruption of
railway traffic."
In addition to the shopmen
whose Btrlke order already has
been issued, the four other unions
cited, now taking a strike vote are
the clerks, maintenance of way
stationary firemen and oilers and
signal men.
B. M. Jewell, leader of the shop
men. today served formal notice
on the railroad labor board that
strike call had been issued "on all
railroad and Pullman operating
department local lodges of the six
shop crafts."
A police officer who will direct
traffic at the corner of State and
Commercial streets during the
busier parts of the day will be ar
ranged for immediately, it was de
cided last night at a meeting of
the police committee of the city
council. Chief of Police Momtt
wna instructed to carry out the
It is nossible, members of the
committee said today, that in the
f,,m u eemaDhore may be in
stalled at the corner of State and
Commercial to assist in handling
thfl traffic No definite plans
have been made for the purchase
of the "Stop-Go" instrument.
It is planned to have tne trai
fic officer on duty only during the
rush hours probably between the
knurl nf 11 a. m. and 1 p. m. ana
between 4:30 p. m. and! 6:30 P
"The police committee believes
that Salem is of sufficient size to
warrant the services or a iraiwc
man," Ralph Thompson, chairman
of the committee, explained toaay
we helieve that a number of ac
cidents may be avoided by taking
this precaution.
Election last night of delegates
and alternates of Capital Post No.
9 of the American Legion for the
State convention at The Dalles
next month, was found this morn
ing to have been irregular by
Commander Joe Minton of the
post, because the constitu Ion pro
.h.t thev shall be elected at
the last regular meeting before the
date of the convening,
be held on Wednesday July 5 in
stead of on July 4.
in a statement issued this morn
ing Commander Minton said:
"The election of delegates and
alternates last night was irregu
T . ..... , the fact that it should
have been held at regular meet
in. The regular meeting will be
neld July 5.. Tuesday being io.
Fourth. At this meeting the ae
fion of the Legion of last nigh
v. ,r,firmed. or nomination
: - j.t.t. reoDened, and the
tor -
regular election beld
The meeting last night wag can
ed primarily to discuss the al.en
land law to be put on the ballot.
V. can"7hn forsee that hate
ful day when, it we waik at all.
-lf have to hay lights and .toe
trtc horn, and us. arm signals.
Youth Admits
He Drove Auto
For Assassins
Frankforth on Oder, Germany,
June 29. (By Associated Press.)
Ernst Werner Teichow of Ber
lin, a student, 21 years old, who
the police declare was the driver
of the murder car In the assassi
nation of Foreign Minister Rathe
nau last Saturday was arrested In
the vicinity of this city today.
Tonight is the opening program
of the 1922 Ellison-White Chau
tauqua, beginning at 8 o'clock.
The tent is located on the Willam
ette university athletic field, same
location as last year.
Each afternoon the program
will begin at 2:30 o'clock, and In
the evening at 8 o'clock. After 6
o'clock this evening, reserved
seats will be sold only at the tent.
The committee In charge ha the
privilege of selling season adult
tickets thlB evening for $2.50.
This season tickets is good for the
13 programs, average about 19
cents a program.
Paul Fleming and his magicians
arrived this morning by auto from
Dallas and the stage is now all set,
ready for the opening program to
night. Mr. Fleming is not the ordinary
magician. He is a college grad
uate, member of the Phi Beta
Kappa and the Delta Sigma Rho
societies, and takes his work seri
For the first time in magic, a
Salem audience will be presented
with the East Indian wonder of
the rapidly growing mans?A tree,
only in this instance Mr. Fleming
plants an orange seed, which
crows within a tew minutes iu
maturity, with real oranges on
the tree.
Mr. Fleming also gives a dem
onstration or spiritualism ana
mind reading, and tells what he
has found out about these In his
investigations. He reproduces
some of the best of these manl
testations this evening.
The. ushers who will have
chance of seating those with re
served seats this season will all be
university students and are Virgil
Anderson, Avery Hicks, Miss Mar
rha Mallory and Miss Paloma
Dr. H. C. Epley, chairman of
the Chautauqua committee will
open the program this evening,
telling of the past 10 chautauquas
held in Salem, and Introducing
the director.
Last evening the chautauqua
opened In Dallas with every seat
in the big tent taken and many
standing in the rear. Mr. Flem
ing and his magicians were given
a most hearty reception.
Friday evening, the second
night of the chautauqua, is of spe
cial Interest to lovers of music.
During the afternoon, the btearns
Hellekson trio of musicians will
present the program, to be follow
ed by Hiss Edna Eugenia Lowe in
lecture demonstration on "Pit
falls on the Read to Health." Fri
day evening, Ellison-White pre
sent Miss Frances Ingram, Metro
politan contralto.
New York, June 29. (By Asso
ciated Press.) Jack Dempsey to
day formally accepted the chal
lenge of Harry Wills, negro, for a
bout for th. world's heavyweight
championship and requested that
a conference be held to set the
Company F, Oregon national
guard, will return from summer
encampment at Camp Lewis.
Washington, tonight on a special
train leaving Portland at 6:3C
this evening, it was announced
;bis morning. '
The train also carries cltlzcn
,oldler from Dallas, Independ
enc, Silverton, Woodburn an
other points In th. valley as fa
south as Cottage Crove.
Street Fighting Between
Regulars and Free State
Forces Grows Intense;
Nineteen Dead.
London,. June 29. (By Asso
ciated Press.) Fighting In the
streets of Dublin is Increasing in
intensity,: says a Central News dis
patch from the Irish capital at 6
o'clock this afternoon. Irregulars
on the outskirts of the besieged
Four Courts district are receiving
k-elnforeements, the message says.
Three civilians were' killed In
today's fighting, bringing the to
tal number of dead to 19. Bus!
ness houses, as well as banks, are
closing, the dispatch says and the
newspapers have suspended pub
llcation. Irregulars occupied tne
offices of the Evening Herald for
a time during the fighting today
Insurgents Sold Firm
Dublin June 29. (By AbsocI
ated Press.). Rory O Connor s
band of Insurgent Irish republl
can army men was sun noiaing
out in its Four Courts stronghold
at noon today against the con
tinuing attempts of the free state
troops to dislodge it.
Firing waa In progress all the
forenoon and there was an espe
cially . heavy burst of fire at 11
o'clock. Suiping operations were
almost Incessant, with the casual
ties estimated this forenoon , at
more than 50, hourly increasing.
The Insurgents have extended
their operations in other parts of
the city. Shortly before noon an
ambush of free state troops was
reported from College Green and
the irregulars were fortifying var
ious outposts. A party of free
state forces on :r.e watch for In
surgent activities poured a volley
into a public bouse in the vicln
ity of yesterday's ambush.
The recular army command is
taklner tha most elaborate precau
Hons to exclude from Dublin any
body or any supplies intended to
aid the lrregulai. Every road
leading Into the city has been
blocked and is under the guard of
armed men. The Great Southern
railroad has been cut at several
points and it is reported that an
Important bridge has been blown
up. College Green, the center of
the city, was almost deserted to
F. H. Zinser and H. L. Cook,
boy scout executives of the Salem
and Albany councils respectively,
motored to Cascadia last Tuesday
and returned yesterday afternoon.
While there they made a final in
yestigatlon of the camping
grounds where the boy scouts
from the two cities will meet for
a two weeks outing August 1 to
August 16.
While at Cascadia the leaders
made arrangements with nearby
farmers to furnish th. camp with
fresh vegetables and all tbe milk
that can be .used. In this way It
will save the cost of transporta
tion on garden truck and at the
same time they will be assured cf
strictly fresh articles. According
to Mr. Zinser from the standpoint
of a place offering the best facil
ities for hikes and fishing the
camp at Cascadia cannot be beat
en any where on tbe coast.
Mr Zinser and Mr. Cook were
delayed at least half a day on
their homeward trip when they
found that a government forest
had gone through a bridge
rroAsme on. of the mountain
.r.m R.fore they were able
to cross they had to help pull
th. truck out of water and then
construct a temporary bridge
which would allow them to pro
Mr. Zinser withes it mad. clar
thai the camn to be held at Cas
la in no manner connected
with the Y. M. C. A. camp
Otis. Many people are confusing
he two and when they learn that
, bas returned from the camp
usir, him how tbe boys are.
Romance Goes Sour,
He Wants Ring Back,
Suit Is Brought Here
A troth unkept, a love unre-
quitted, an engagement ring unre-
turned, a weddingless June. All
this sans ring, sans- girl, sans
wedding yet Alfred L. McCart
ney, Portland mill woraer, voices
but one request In a civil suit tiled
in the Salem . Justice court this
morning. ,.
Alfred wants back th diamond
which, he says, he gave Alta Mey
ers, lato of Portland, now of Stay-
ton, or else he wants the $165
which, It appears, had to be flash
ed under the nose of a jeweler be
fore the ring was wrapped up and
congratulations had been offered.
To this end the recovery of thai
ring Alfred has engaged as his
attorney, Don Miles of Salem, and
has stripped for legal battle.
In his suit he names as defend
ants both Alta and her father, O.
V. Meyers who, he alleges, may be
in possession of the ring.
Some time ago, Alfred sets
forth, he and Alta met in Portland
where he was then living. Of one
another they became enamored
at least Alfred thought quite a bit
of Alta and, as evidence thereof,
he and a jeweler got down to a
business basis.
This very June, he says, he and
Alta were to try and live as cheap
ly as one. But they didn't that
Is, they didn't try. The marriage
never was solemnized for Alta left
Portland. Later he says he saw
her an d she exDlained that as for
marrying him why, the idea
Thn ring? Why. of course. It wan
merely a present.
No answer haa as yet been men
n the justice court,
H. H. Corey, public service com
missioner, will oppose the auop
tlon of the resolution presented by
his colleague, T. M. Kerrigan, pro
Dosinsr the withdrawal of the com
mlsalcn'8 answer to the compiaini
filed by 11. G. Duncan of Portland
attacking the reasonableness oi
the present rates of the J'aciiic
Telephone & Telegraph company
and permitting the case to go by
default. Corey made his position
plain in a statement In which he
declared that "I cannot conscicnti
ously participate in the resold
That Corey's opposition, how
ever, will De mine is ujs
mont her. among those in touch
with the attitude of the reorgan
ized public service commission
who expect Newton MoCoy, the
third member of the commission,
to support Kerrigan In bis move
to overthrow the rates establish
ed by tbe old commission and re
vive the rales in effect prior to
Mav 1. 1921. Mc Coy has refused
to commit himself as to his stand
th. Kerrigan resolution, de
claring only that he "had tbe mat
ter under serious consideration
and would not be prepared to act
for a few days.
Dividend checks for 6 per cent
of the total deposits in tne aeiunci
Rank of Jacksoncllle are now ue
lng prepared by tbe state banking
detiartmetit for distribution among
tbo depositors or tne immune,
according to F. C. Bramwell. state
uperintendent of banks. This If
iha first dividend to be declared
since th. bank was closed In Au
gust 1920, and Brarnweil state
lhat'ne does not expect tbe total
saved to the depositors out of the
wrecked bank will exced 10 per
cent. Checks In the first dividend
will aggregate approximately
$12,000 out of a total of $200,000
In deposits.
Old and new member of the 1111
h Country club will meet to
morrow night in the Commercial
club Friday evening at 8 p. rn. for
the purpose of deciding upon ex
penditures of all funds. It was an
nounced this morning.
Committees for different phases
of th. club's work will be appoint
ed. All members ar. urged to b
Hubbies Trade Wives
Wives Trade Hubbies
After Two Divorces
Salter, Mo., June 29. Word
has been received here that
Mrs. James M. Foree, divorced,
and James W, Cogswell were
married recently in Huntsvllla,
Mo., and that Mrs. James W.
Cogswell, divorced, and James
M. 1 Foree were married in San
Francisco. All four reside here
and are Intimate friends. Foree
is the son of Judge J, H. Force
of Marshall, Mo.
For the purpose of determining
whether or not the oil project at
St. Paul Is being honestly con
ducted and tha money of invest
ors Is being used in sinking the
well, the Marlon-Polk County
Realtors' association will conduct
an Investigation of tne oil com
pany's affairs In the near future.
This action was taken after a
speech made by C. L. St. Clair,
consulting geologist, at the real
tors' luncheon this noon. While
there is no guarantee that oil
will be found, the realtors feel
that investors ought to feel as
sured that their money Is being
spent in an honest endeavor to
obtain oil, A. C. Bohrnstedt, pres
ident of the association held, in
asking the organization to take
Mr. St. Clair said that two dis
tinct oil seeps had been found,
outcroplngs of oil sands, and ser
ies of domes eight miles in lengtn
which were fulr indications that
oil might exist there.
The committee appointed to In
yestigate the project is composed
of Georee Grabenhorst, Arthur
Petersen. D. I). Socolofsky and
James lleltzel.
The association also volunteer
ed to sell the Oaks addition lots
for the city, taking five per cent
as its commission of which 75
per cent will go to the realtor
making the bale and 25 per cent
to the association.
Portlund, Or.. June 29. Adver
Using signs along the right of
way of Oregon highways will be
removed at once, anil sign on
nrlvate property removed when
ever nernilBBion can be gained
according to a decision today by
tbe slat, highway commission
Herbert Nunn, state highway
engineer, said th. signs are
menace to safety, declaring that
a motorist, while reading a sign
of ten letters, will ordinarily
drive 140 feet, in which time he
may drive pff the road or l
another machine.
Vnnn explained he had been
aroused by the activities of
Boise business man who had been
plastering telephone poles along
tha Oreuon Trail wun stencu
signs purporting to give the high
way another name.
Dublin, June 29. (By Associ
ated Press.) The battle between
the republicans and the provision
al free state forces continued all
night and firing was stlil proceed
ing vigorously today.
The bombing of the Four Courts
continued at Irregular Intervale
through the hours of darkness
and morning came with the be
sieged republicans still in occupa
tion. Tb. list of casualties is not yei
available, but it is estimated thai
it least fifty have been killed oi
Presidents of Six Crafts
Issue Orders Calling
For Walkout.
General Chairmen Rush
Back To Home Districts
To Take Charge of Big
Chicago, June 29. (By Asso
clatefl Press) Strike orders sign
ed by the six craft presidents of
the railroad shop men's organisa
tions were Bent out today to gen
eral chairmen representing 400,- 1
000 men, authorizing a strike at
10 a. m., July 1, "on all railroads
and Pulman shops In th. United
Letters of instruction regard
ing th. progress and conduct of
th. Btrik. were being prepared at
general headquarters her. today
and were to be mailed out tonight.
Issue Clean Cut.
"The Issue Is clean cut with no
strings attached," said B. M. Jew
el, president of the railway de
partment of the American Federa
tion ot Labor. "It l up to th.
railway executives at their meet
ing today. They can stop this
strike today or tomorrow but after
Saturday at 10 o'clock it is an
The committee of 90 generul
chairmen were on the way to their
homes today to take active change
of the strike. A sub-commlttea
remained at headquarters to di
rect operations.
Executives in Session.
Members ot th. Association of
Hallway Executives under tue
chairmanship of T. Dewitt Cuyler
were to meet here today In re
sponse to a can Kuea s.y.rm
weeks ago, but the program ot
their conference was not an
nounced. The text of the strike order fol
"In compliance with th. strlk.
vote, all shop craft employes ne
low the rank of general foremen
are hereby granted sanction to
suspend work at 10 a. m July 1,
on all railroad and Pullman shop
in the United States. Notify ail
outside points. Wire number ra
spondlng and number remaining
at work."
Sitmed by Six.
The communication was eigne!
by William H. Johnson, Interna
tional Association of Machinists;
J. W. Kline, International Bro
therhood of Blacksmiths, Drop
Forgers and Helpers of America;
J. A. Franklin, International Bro
therhood ot Boilermakers, Iron
Shipbuilders and Helpers ot Amer
ica; J. J. Hynes, Amalgamtcl
Sheet Metal Workers' Internation
al Alliance; James F. Noonan, In
ternational Brotherhood of Elec
trical Workers; Martin F. Ryan.
Brotherhood ot Railway Carmen
of America.
It was a coincidence that the
(Continued on Pag. Nlna.l
More than SO persons attended
the reception given by tbe Salem
Council 2G22 of the Security Hone,
fit association held at th. For
resters' hall In honor of L. M.
Thomas, slat, manager, and J. M.
Davidson, district manager, and
their wives, last night.
Mr. Davidson, It whs announced,
will remain here In tie slty for
the purpose of building up ine
local council to BOO members. As
soon as th. council has a class of
25 a degree team will be present
to Install it.
The entertainment part ol tne
program was devoted to musical
numbers and a speech .by Mr.
Thomas, who announced that tha
Ancher decree team of Portland
will be through her. shortly ad
vertising th. 1935 exposition.
A. A. Inglebart acted as master
of ceremonies last nigbt.