Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 28, 1922, Image 1

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    JUN 2 81922
Average for May 6986.
Member Audit Bureau of Circulation.
Member Associated Press Full leased
.wire Berries. '
OREGON: Tonight and Thursday fair!
cooler east portion.
Local: No rainfall; northerly winds;
clear; max. 87, mln.66; river .8 feet and
Provisional Government
I Resorts To Arms
I Against Insurgents ;
J Pitched Battle Waged
I Dublin, June, 28. (By Associ
ated Press.) The Irish provision
al government took forceful ac
lion today against the insurgents
Of the Irish republican army, in
ivading the Four Courts building
where the insurgents were en
trenched and opening a hot at
tack when a demand tor surrender
was ignored
I At 8:30 o'clock the battle was
still continuing. The copper dome
km the Four Courts had been
blown in, ambulances were dash
ling about in all directions, and
'the scene was one of Indescribable
I The garrison of the Four Courts
and the Fowler memorial were re
'plying vigorously to the attack
era' tire, and refusing all demands
"to surrender.
I O'Connor Wounded,
f A rumor that Rory O'Connor,
the republican insurgent- com
mandant had been wounded dur
ing the fighting, was in circula
tion this afternoon. No confirma
tion was obtainable.
I The fighting, which opened
'shortly after 4 a. m. was still in
progress late this forenoon, the
crack of the rifle fire and the rat
tle of the machine guns resound
ing over Dublin above the noise of
the city's traffic, which was being
carried on as usual.
Fowler hall, on Parnell Square,
( Continued on page eight)
1 Portland, Ore., June 28.
(Special) The Willamette Valley
Lumbermen 'B association, includ
lag the manufacturers of lumber
at various points in western Ore
gon, has declared itself opnosed to
dissolution of the Southern Pa
cific and Central Pacific railway
lines, it became known here to
I A resolution was adopted by the
association which, in part, fol
lows: I "Be it resolved, that after care
ful consideration of the subject,
In the opinion of the Willamette
,Valley Lumberman 's association.
whose membership is composed of
shippers and manufacturers of
lumber located in the Willamette
alley in the state of Oregon, the
disintegration of the Southern
Pacific Bystem and the separation
from it of the lines of the Cen
tral Pacific company would not be
in the public interest, and such
Interest would be served best by
the continued operation for the
future of the Central Pacific rail
way company's lines as an in
,tegral part of the Southern Pa.
clflc system.
! "Be it further resolved that the
Willamette Valley Lumbermen 's
association approves the suggested
consolidation of the Southern Pa
clfio and Central Pacific as out
lined in the tentative plan of the
interstate commerce commission
and respectfully requests that
when hearings are held thereon,
that some of such - bearings be
held at points on the Pacific
The resolutions further request
that the hearings be held as early
as possible, in view of the fact that
problem is such a vital one to
tieonle residing on the Pacific
L. Kleinke of this city was ar
rested here this morning on a
charge of speeding by Motorcycle
Patrolma-i Parrent. Mr. Kleinke
will be irraigned in the police
court befcxe Judge Earl Race this
Ys Get $13,000
Oakland Cal., June 2S- Two
safe crackng Jobs in Oakland's
business section laat night or
early todaj, one in Schleuter's
hardware tod the other in the
effire of thi Oakland Title Insur
ance and Giaranty company, net
ted the rejbers 10,000 au.i
13000 respetively.
Los Angeles, Cal., June 28.
Walter Miller, claimant of the
world's middleweight wrestling
championship, announced last
night that he will not meet the
winner of the Ted Thye-Johnny
Meyers bout at Spokane June 30
elsewhere but in Los Angeles.
Miller's statement was made In
answer to a challenge wired from
Spokane to the "Los Angeles Ath
letic club grappler, which re
quires that the bout be held in
Spokane for a $3,000 guarantee
The local wrestler bases his re-
fusaon the ground that he made
a irip to the northwest several
months ago to meet Thye but he
was forced to cancel the match be
cause the promoters failed to live
up to their financial agreement.
10 reliefKeds
San Francisco, Cal., June 28.
From renewing old comradeships
of war time days and enjoying
fetes and entertainments provided
for their benefit the disabled
American veterans of the world
war turned today to serious con
sideration of the questions of care,
compensation and rehabilitation
of their "buddies" unable to atr
tend the second annual convention
of the organization.
Colonel C. R. Forbes, director of
the United States veterans' bu
reau,, and John H. -Dykes, chair
man of the national executive
committee of the disabled veter
ans, were asked to tell of the pro
gress of the work the government
has been carrying on and to sug
gest improvements that might be
Colonel Forbes had ready a
story of the providing of many
hospitals for ailing veterans, ol
thousands of claims for compen
sation allowed and of vocational
training schools located through
out the country at various universities.-
An apparent wide divergence of
oplnon exists among disabled serv
ice men as well as in the mind of
the general public in regard to
the merits of the bonus bill at
present before congress, the legls-v
lative committee said in its report
prepared for submission today.
The committee urged that the dis
abled veterans convention state its
attitude by means of resolutions.
It also advised that the convention
endorsed the so-called new Sweet
bill providing for immediate. care
of veterans.
Most of the complaints from
former service men arise from fail
ure to have their claims acted on
promptly, according to the com
mittee, which reported that very
few complaints were made about
condtions in individual hospitals.
The committee declared that some
of the delays in securing compen
sation seemed grievous, months
being required in some cases to
get aid for men in great need of
The hearing of C. A. Sloat
sentenced on two previous counts
for his attack on two little Salem
girls to life Imprisonment, on the
third charge of rape was con
tinued this morning on the appli
cation of his attorney and by con
sent of the state.
Sloat appeared In court this
morning with his hair cut and in
prison garb and in the custody of
P. M. Varney, state parole oincer.
The case was Immediately taken
up by Judge Percy Kelly who gave
Sloat his two previous lire sen
tences and the application of P. J.
Kuntz, his attorney allowed.
Sloat attacked two Salem gins
here early in the year and was ar
rested in Albany following a sim
ilar attack there. He was
brought here for trial, indicted on
three charges, and received two
life sentences.
Medford, Or., June 28. The
immobile road to Crater Lake is
now open and is in good condition
and Crater Lake Lodge is ready
for business. This was the sur
nrisine announcement of Alex
Sparrow, park superintendent, to
day, as it had not been expected
the road would be open umu -
?r the first of July. this is m
arliest opening of tne craiei
Lake tourist season in many years.
Campaign for New Stat
utes Should Be Answer
To Supreme Court, En
gineers Declare.
Cleveland, Ohio, June 28. Or
ganized labor should answer re
cent decisions of the supreme
court with a campaign to secure
the enactment of a law which will
protect it from suits for damages
by employers Instead of denounc
ing the law, the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Engineers stated In a
bulletin Issued today.
The Coronado decison holding
that labor unions are sueable for
damages is a challenge to the
workers to seek legislative protec
tlon for their unions Blmllar to
that given labor organizations in
Great Britain, the bulletin con
"Decision Is Damaging.
"The Coronado decison opens a
wide gateway for all sorts of un
warranted attacks upon labor or
ganizations," Btates the bulletin
"It invites unscrupulous employ
ers, engaged in a lockout or strike
to provoke damage to their prop
erty as the plaintiffs in this case
did, and then tie up the funds of
the labor unions by a suit for dam
ages against the union.
"Chief Justice Taft cites nu
meroua congressional enactments
expressly exempting labor Unions
from excise taxes, in order to draw
the deduction that such recogitlon
of the legality of unions also lm
plies that they may be sued and
their funds attached in claims
arising from acts committed by
their members. Yet this compar
ison fails entirely when applied to
common law partnerships and oth
er such organizations which are
admittedly legal, but which are
not sueable for the wrongful acts
of their individual members.
"Such decisions as the Coronado
case are doing more to discredit
the law and the courts in the eyes
of the working people than all the
so-called radical agitators in the
Jack Ward, indicted for forgery
by the recent grand jury, was ar
raigned before Judge George G.
Bingham this morning and sen
tenced to four years' imprison
ment and paroled to L. H. Mc
Mahon, his attorney.
Ward forged a check drawn on
the Capital National bank of this
city using the signature of one of
the officials of the state highway
department. He was apprehend
ed at Ashland, Oregon, and
brought Tack here for trial.
His parole was granted follow
ing an examination by Dr. Grif
fith of the state Insane hospital.
who declared that the man was
not mentally right, according to
L. H. McMahon.
Omaha, Neb., June 28. (By
Associated Press.) C. H. Gustaf
son of Lincoln, head of the United
States Grain Growers Inc., and
candidate for the republican Uni
ted States senate nomination at
the July 18 primaries, declared in
a statement isued through his
friends that he did not believe in
special legislation or special privl
for tha farmer or for any
other class, and that if elected he
would keep uppermost tn his
thnnirht "the eaual needs and In
terests of both the producer and
consumer as the basis of general
'I believe." he said, "that the
general prosperity of the produc
ers is of first importance 10 me
entire people of Nebraska. I do
imf believe that tha fanner can
solve tis problems through special
legislation for his special advan
"Every occupation, whatever u
mair h constitutes a part of som
class of citizens. Each has its
rights and should be insured it?
equal and just consideration; bui
Bhmild be riven any specia:
advantage or privileges over th .
New York, June 28. The John
Frits medal, one of the highest
distinctions bestowed by the en
gineering profession in this coun
try, has been awarded for 1922 to
Senator Guglielmo Marconi for
the Invention of wireless telegra
The medal will bet ormally pre
sented to Senor Marconi at a
big gathering of engineers from
all parjs of the country here on
July 5.
San Francisco, June 28. The
naval radio station here receiv
ing the following message early
today from the captain of the
Humboldt, which is searching for
the ship reported afire off Ven
"We ran onto boat signalling
ashore with lights and when we
hailed them and tried to overhaul
them, they turned out the lights
and 'ducked' off probably boot
leggers and ruin smugglers sigrj
nailing ashore to get their cargo
of booze taken oft."
Los Angeles, Cal., June 28.
Search for an unidentified ship
which last night was reported
burning off Ventura, Cal., was be
ing prosecuted early today by the
steamer Humboldt.
A radio message picked up at
the submarine station at Los An
geles harbor, purporting to come
from the distressed vessel, gave her
location as eight miles off Ven
tura but failed to state her name.
The steamer Humbolt went out
of her course to render assistance
and later reported was steaming
back and forth through a thick fog
hunting for the burning ship.
Residents of Ventura and of
Santa Barbara reported having
seen a light at sea, such as might
have come from a burning vessel.
It was estimated by Santa Bar
barans the light was 25 or 30
miles from that port.
Oreeon City Or.. June 28. The
jury sworn in late yesterday to try
Russell Hecker for the alleged
murder of Frank Bowker, Port
land musician, was today taken to
noints alonir the road between
Portland and this city, where the
state contends scenes in the trag
edy were enacted.
After the lurors returned to the
miiri h rm so here, thev were again
taken out', at the request of Dis
trict , Attorney Stipp, and were
shown the automobile in which
Hecker took Bowker on a trip the
night of April 16 when the kill
ing was alleged to have occurred.
Los Angeles, Cal., June 28.
More testimony designed to cor.
roborate that of Paul Roman, con
vict, that he had exchanged let
ters with Mrs. Madalynne Oben
chain on the subject of a story he
said she wanted him to tell con
cerning the slaying of J. Belton
Kennedy was promised by the
state today at the resumption of
Mrs. Obenchain's trial for the
murder of the young broker.
One witness already has given
testimony corroborating Roman's.
She is Miss Lois Wright, who
described herself as a friend of
Mrs. Obenchain's. Miss .Wright
told of having mailed a letter writ
ten by Mrs. Obenchaln to Roman
at Folsom penitentiary and of hav
ing delivered to Mrs. Obenchaln
letters Roman had written at the
penitentiary and sent to Miss
Wright for delivery to Mrs.
Obenchaln at the Los Angeles
county Jail.
Eueene. Or., June 2 8. Elsie
Jackson, 9, daughter of Thomas
Jackson, was killed and her little
lister, aged 5, slightly injured
-hen thev were struck by an au
tomobile at Springfield last night.
Elsie was carrying ber sister when
jhe alighted from an automobile
md failed to see another car
larkson. who is employed at Sa
lem, was notified of the accident.
: Portland, Or., June 28. New
ton McCoy and T. M. Kerrigan
public service commissioners elect
ed recently when former members
were recalled, Indicated they
planned to act today on a resolu
tlon which Kerrigan had prepared
to restore the rates of the Pacific
Telephone & Telegraph company
which were in effect before they
were - raised by the former com-
mlslson. Former Chairman Fred
Williams and Fred Buchtel, com
missloner were recalled as a re
sult of agitation over the Increas
ed telephone rates.
Kerrigan's resolution provided
that the commission withdraw an
answer filed by the former com
mission to a suit pending in the
Multnomah circuit court seeking
to have the order of the former
commission increasing the tele
phone rates, set aside. The new
commissioners said that If the for
mer commission's order Is Invali
dated It will restore the former
rates and patrons can recover the
difference paid the telephone
Contracts for a game with the
W. O. W. team of Portland have
been signed by Manager Harry
Wenderoth of the Senators. The
game will be played at Oxford
park next Sunday.
Carson, who has been twice vic
torious over the Salem Senators,
in the games against St. Paul, will
perhaps occupy the mound for Sa
lem next , Sunday, according to
Wenderotti, who as beefl -dicker
ing with him. If Carson does not
pitch Lauterback will occupy the
The rest of the line-up will be
the same.
The Woodmen's team Is fast
enough to be a member of the city
league in Portland and Is expected
to put up a fair contest.
One hundred twenty five dol
lars was appropriated by the Sa
lem Rotary club for the establish
ment of a children's playground
to be located on the high school
athletic field, between Fourteenth
and Twelfth streets, this noon at
the organization's luncheon.
The funds now raised total
250 which is half the amount
sufficient for the operation of the
grounds, during July and August.
C. P. BiHhop spoke to -the club
on a number of conventions at
tended in the east and was fol
lowed by a short report from A.
A. Gueffroy on the International
Rotary convention at Los Ange
les. T
Riverside park and bathing
beach, located on the west side of
the river below the railroad
bridge, will be open to the public
Saturday, according to an an
nouncement made by officials
this morning.
Nearly $1000 has been spent
by the Riverside Park company,
heeded by Fred B. Fargo, In im
proving the beach, which has
been considerably lengthened, and
in the addition of bathing facil
ities. Accommodations have been
provided for a large number of
people. Any depth or water can
be obtained, but for safety first
reasons the beach havbeen roped
off to a certain depth to prevent
non-swimmers from going beyond
their depth. Guards will also be
on duty to render assistance to
the luckless and Inexperienced
Demonstrations in life saving
and swimming exhibitions will be
given from time to time.
The playground which has oeen
provided by the company near
tho beach will be in charge of
attendants who will also take
barge of children whose parents
care to go in swimming.
Urges Veterans Be
Given Preference
For Civil Service
The seventh annual Willamette
Valley championship tennis tourn
ament will be beld in Salem next
week from July 5 to July 8 in
elusive on the courts of the Salem
Tennis club, according to James
Young, president of the local
organization thla morning.
The tournament Is being held
under the auspices of the United
States Lawn Tennis association of
which the Salem Tennis club Is a
member, and Just precedes In date
the state championship tourney to
be held in Portland, and which
will be followed by the northwest
championship tournament.
For this reason it is expected
that a number of unusiral entrees
will be made next week.
Handsome trophy cups have
been offered winners of the laddies
doubles, singles, men'B doubles and
singles and mixed doubles, by
merchants of the city which Is
also expected to stimulate regis
tration of entrants.
Players form Eugene, Corvallls,
Albany and McMtnnville, Hood
River and Portland have already
signified their intention of en
tering. Several of the younger players
of Salem have developed their
game considerably during the last
year and are expected to give a
good account of themselves.
Last year the winner of the
men's singles was Henry Stevens,
former University of California
player. Miss Irene Camebell of
Portland took the ladies' singles.
All entries should be addressed
to V. S. Parr, secretary of the
Salem Tennis club and must be in
by 8 o'clock July 4.
The pulmotor belonging to the
Portland Railway, Light & Power
company which has been kept at
the fire department for the use o.
the public as well as the com
pany's employes, has been taken
out of the service by the company
as some of the parts are worn out
and must be replaced.
The company is considering
the substitution of a different
type of machine In place of the
pulmotor, and it will probably be
some time before there Is any kind
of a machine available for use la
Various doctors have used the
company's pulraortor in the past,
and every one who might possibly
have cause to use a pulmotor
should take notice that the- Port
land Railway, Light & Power com
pany will have none available for
use for an Indefinite period.
Many experts on resuscitation
from drowning, suffocation or
electric shocks advocate the prone
pressure method of resuscitation
known and referred to as the
Schaefer method, n preference to
using any type of machine to
create artificial respiration.
Resolutions eulogizing E. M
Pogue, deceased Salem attorney
and R. M. Morcom, Woodburn at
torney who died in court last win
ter, were adopted by members of
the Marlon County Bar assocla
tlon as its meeting in the circuit
court room this morning and were
ordered spreifd upon the records
of the court.
At the request of John H. Mc
Nary, president of the bar asso
ciation, Judge George G. Bingham
and Judge Percy Kelly presided.
The resolution concerning Mr.
Morcom was presented by Walter
Winslow. who emphasized the
characteristics of the Woodburn
attorney and his record as a suc
cessful lawyer.
The resolution concerning Mr
Pogue waa presented by John
Bayne and was followed by
B&eech of Judge Kelly, who was t
dime friend of the deceased, and
who spoke highly of the qualifi
cations of both gentlemen.
San Francisco, Cal., June 28.
A revision of the government civ
il service rules bo as to give for
mer service men preference over
all others was advocated by Col
onel Charles R. Forbes, head of
the United States veterans' bu
reau today in the annual conven
tion of the disabled American vet
erans of the world war. During
his address Colonel Forbes was
asked a number of questions of a
critical nature from the floor In
relation to the work of his bureau
Much of the blame for govern
ment short comings In hospitali
zation work for world war voter
ana should be placed on Brigadier
General Charles E. Sawyer, Presi
dent Harding's personal physician
Humphrey Sullivan of St. Louis,
representing National Commander
MacNlder of the American Legion,
Sullivan charged General Saw
yer, who Is head of the federal
board of hospitalization and gtv
en authority by Director Dawes of
the budget, to determine its pol
icy, with attempting economy at
the expense of the health of
wounded service men.
"Why, after fourteen months,
with an appropriation of $18,600,
000, are we wtihout one of the
new hospitals provided for by act
of congress?" he asked.
Purchase of the defunct Albany
cannery of the Puyallup & Sum
ner company through the bank
ruptcy courts by Fred Drager, of
the Drager Fruit company of Sa
lem, was made known this, morn
ing. It is believed that the Drager
Fruit company is not Interested
as a concern, but that Mr. Drager
represents a group of Salem busi
nessmen who have sufficient funds
to capitalize the operations of the
Offlclalsof the organization de
clined to state how much cupttal
was behind the Albany project,
or how many were involved In the
transaction. It is believed, bow
ever, that several thousand dol
lars waa paid for the plant and
that a considerable number of
business men here besides Mr.
Drager are Interested. I
The cannery will start opera
tions within the next four weeks
In a small way, It is said, the"pur
chasers regretting that the deal
could sot have been put through
sooner to accommodate the fruit
growers of that vicinity.
Denver, Colo., June 28. Two
nogroes who last night are alleged
to have held up and robbed the
Union Pacific depot and the Wl
non state bank at Winona, Kan.,
early today eluded officers who at
tempted to capture the two men
at Watklns, Colo., according to a
dispatch received by the Denver
Two young Salom women were
last night the victims of purse
snatchers who accostod them at
the corner of Capitol and D
streets. According to the women,
who declined to give their names
to the police, two men passed
them at a point where there was
no street light. Grabbing a purse
from one of the women, the men
made their escape In the dark
ness. Chief of Police Moffttt and
Patrolman George White rushed
to the scene of the robbery but
were unable to find the men. Lit
tle of value was la the purse. It
was said.
J. M. Ward. wm had been
held in the Marlon county Jail
on a charge of forgery, was today
paroled into the custody of L. H.
McMahan, Sulera attorney. Ward
waa arrested here some time ago.
Alicia Dupont Married.
London, June 18. MIms Alicia
Dupont, daughter of the powder
manufacturer, Aldred I. Dupont of
(Vllmlngton, Del., was married to
day to Harold Sandford Glenden
nlng of Norfolk, Conn., who Is
Rhodes scholar at Oxford.
Harding: To Summon Op
erators To Session In
Washington Saturday
With Miners.
Washington, June 28. Presi
dent Harding has decided to sum
mon to Washington Saturday a
group of representative coal op
erators from all parts of the Unit
ed States to discuss with repre
sentatives of the miners' union
the possibility of a conference to
fix wage scales that would settle
the bituminous coal strike.
An announcement explaining
the proposal will be made later in
the day. The arrangements were
completed after conferences at
the white house today In which
Secretaries Davis and Hoover par
ticipated, while John L. Lewis,
president of the United Mine
Workers, who saw the president
Monday, remained in the capital
tor the purpose of considering the
Conferenoe Asked
Green Bay, Wis., June 28.
Green Bay coal dock operators re
ceived confidential telegrams to
day from Cleveland coal operators
announcing they have asked for
a conference with President Hard
ing and John L. Lewis, president
of the United Mine Workers of
America, and expressing confi
dence that the coal strike can be
settled it such a meeting Is ar
ranged. The operators reported to be a
party to tha plan are said to rep
resent an annual production ot
20,000,000 tons in Ohio, West
Virginia and Pennsylvania and
are acting In conjunction.
The coming conference which It
Is understood will assemble at 10
o'clock Saturday, will discuss sole
ly what steps may be taken to
get the wage negotiations on
foot. To data the miners' union
has demanded a national confer
ence while operators lu general,
refusing to enter such a gather
ing, have countered with propos
als to meet in district conferences
tor separata district wage fixing.
Session Informal.
No official or authoritative In
dication, however, was given, that
the meeting President Harding is
expected to call would find either
party to the controversy yielding
Its stand as to the type of con
feronce which finally would be
accepted. The. gathering Satur
day will be entirely Informal and
devoted to discussing what sort ot
a basis might be adopted to bring
the union officials and the em
ployers respectively into a Joint
negotiation empowered to fix a
definite wage agreement, the
agreement to be either a single
national contract or a various
number of separate district con
John Doe Conroy as he !
known on the Justice court rec
ords meticulously clad operator
of Alaska coal mines, breezed into
Salem yesterday, attempted with
bis automobile to roll down tha
hot stuff" on some county roade
near Salem, later was taken to
the Salem Justice court where he
admoniHhed Sheriff O. D. Bower
to be more "respectful" In the
presence of Judge G. E. Unruh,
pleaded guilty to a charge of be
ing Intoxicated, paid a fine ot
$25, and then went on his way.
Mr. Conroy, who declined to
make known his given name,
first laid himself liable to grief
when he passed a detour alga
south of Salem. Undeterred by
angry yells from pavement work
ers he drove his automobile onto
the "hot stuff" and conelnued un
til his progress was arrested by a
steam roller. Brought to a stop
he refused to leave bis automobile
and,- according to road workers.
Insisted that the county imiht
pay him for damage sustained
by his car.
Later, in custody of Sheriff
Bower and Deputy Sheriff Burk
harC Conroy was arraigned be
fore Judge Vnruh.
"Don't, do that," Conroy cau
tioned Sheriff Bower as the offi
cer leaned against a desk in the
court room. "Show show some
respect for his honor."
Mr. Conroy was ordered to
keep his saat and his tongue.
Without argument he paid the
$2t assessed by Judge Unruh.
J t