MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1922. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE SEVEN a New Fade" Bobbed air is amson us BobbedH Hair Ruined S ournal SUBSCRIPTION RATE3 v py carrier 10 cents a week, 45 cents a month, $5 a year in ad Vance. liy mail, in Marion and Polk counties, one month 50 centa, 3 jnonths $1.25, 6 months $2.25, 1 year $4.00. Elsewhere 60 cents a month, $5 a year. Entered as second class matter at Salem, Oregon. mall Member ASSOCIATED PRESS ' The Associated Press is exclus ively entitled to the use (or pub lication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also lo cal news published herein. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations ' Advertising representatives: W. D. Ward, Tribune bldg., New York City. . W. S, Stockwell, Peoples Gas bldg., Chicago, Ills. CLASSIFIED RATES Kate per word each Insertion 2 centa, three Insertions, S cents, one week 8 cents, one month 20 cents, one year, per month, 12 cents; minimum per ad, 25 centa. First insertion only in New To day. City ads cash in advance, and not taken over phone, unless advertiser haa monthly account. No allowance for phone errors NEW TODAY HOUSE for rent. 22 nd street. Inquire 435 S. J153 WANTED Cherry pickers, phone 27P15. K152 ANTED 9 loganberry pickers, fine yard. Call 66F14. gl63 LOGANBERRY pickers wanted, good yard. Phono 29F11. g!56 FOR SALE Small spuds 25c sack Phone 104F22. c!62 STRAWBERRIES Pick them yourself, 60c crate. Call 17F4. 161 ANTED A loganberry pickers, close in. J. Schultz, phone 98F. gl63 WANTED Men for pitching hay East on D street to hop house. . . gl53 FOR RENT Partly furnished housekeeping rooms. Phone V. 636 W. ; jl 53 "WANTED Loganberry pickers, 70 acres. L. L. Vincent, Salem, Rt i 7, phone 41F24. gl56 IF you need some ready money on real-estate, see M. J. Hunt, Ladd fc Busn bigg. E ACRES in grain, 1 V4 miles out on paved highway, $1300. M. J Hunt, Ladd & Bush bldg. V WANTED To buy a couple of rowooats or canoes. State price. " etc. Box O care Journal. 1162 " ANTED Loganberry Dickers ad Joining fair grounds on the easl telephone 72F13. gl5 6 DIAMONDS, gold bought, reliable estimates. G. Cramer, 713 Sell ing bldg. Portland, Or. ml76 LOGANBERRY pickers wanted, good patch, good camp ground, i free wood, Rt. 3, box 168. gl63 FOR SALE 20 fine Barred Rock laying hens and 1 rooster, also 16 other hens. Rt. 3, box 168 fl53 FOR SALE Clover hay in the field $10. One mile from 25th street, Turner road. Wm. Sheri dan. C153 HOT air heating plant for sale. must be taken at once. Suitable for small dryer. Miller Mercan- tile Co. el6 1UDS wanted for shingling 50x150 foot warehouse at Rickreall Willamette Valley Flax & Hemp corporation. 1152 WONDERFUL bargain, 6 room house, east front, corner lot, 1595 N. Capitol, paved street. Price $1200, cash. .341 State street. 151 LOST Two tan suit cadres between Salem and Jefferson on Pacific highway. Return Capital Jour . nal office and receive reward. 151' WILL sell or trade my 5 year old fresh Jersey for diamond ring, wood or fat cow; now is your chance. See me at 715 South 12th street. 151 tiEW BUNGALOW 6 rooms on first floor, furnace, fireplace and built ins, goos for $4000 cash. See Petersen, 229 Oregon bldg. al63 40 ACRES near Turner on hard surface road, 30 acres, in culti vation; will consider house In Salem. Price $3200. 229 Oregon bldg. bl53 BUY a close in piece of woodland and make yourself a good home while you're selling the wood I'll help you.. Petersen, 229 Ore gon bldg. b!53' LADIES attention, we have three experienced operators Marcell ing, hair dying, scalp treatments etc. Model Beauty Parlor, 110 N. Commercial street. 151 CLOSE in modern, 7 rooms nicely arranged and in first class con dition, must be sold this week. i $4500, "terms. Arthur . E. Peter ' sen, 229 Oregon bldg. ' al63 OLESON-ROOKSTOOL Auto Ex change. Headquarters for used cars. We buy, sell, exchange and sell on commission. Bring us your car to sell. 173 S. Liberty. 151 Ca FOR SALE McCormick mower $25, 7 horse Hercules engine, T wood saw, team horses, harness. 1 Hercules engine and pump Jack. Sheridan, Turner road. el 5 3 LEAVING Salem, must sell at once by owner, - 6 room plaster ed house, completely furnished. ' 160 N. 18th. make offer today. i Price $3500. 341 State, room 3. 151 WANTED Ladies experienced in fancy work, anxious to earn ex tra money at home, spare hours " write immediately to Under wood Art Goods Co., Ports mouth, Ohio. l"! ( ROOM modern house, full base ment, furnace, fireplace, break fast nook, hard wood floors, east front, garage, paved street, car line and only $5000, see M. j. Hunt. Ladd isusn ping. WANTED Loganberry and cher ry pickers. Commence cherries June 29, logans July 6th. One half mile from end of S. Com mercial street car line, phone during day 435, evenings 21F. 151 LOOK 80 acres, t seres In straw berries, 4 acres set to logans this year. Balance In crop excep. 20 acrs hich Is pasture and ti ruber. 9 room house, barn, chicken house. Located five miles out en main road. Price for quick sale $8600. $4109 cash balance federal loan to be as sumed. Doa't pass this up if you want a bargain. W. H. Graben horst A Co, 1'i Site St- 151 NEW TODAY FOR SALE Pigs. Phone 41F13. ' - " el63 CHERRY pickers wanted, phone . 47F14. 151 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Church street. 157- N. J153 FOR SALE Fine Phone 11 28 J. violin. cl56 WANTED Loganberry pickers. Phone 1086M. 151 HOUSE for rent, inquire 1370 N. 18th street evenings. J152 WANTED 15 loganberry pickeri. families preferred. Phone 49IT5. gl3 WINDOW washing, prompt serv ice. Phone 1802, Windowman. ml58 WANTED Berry and cherry pickers- Rt. 8, box 47, phone ' 4F4. 'g!63 FOR SALE Oakland bug. , good shape, will trade for good Ford. Can 229 State street. ql62 ONE three room apartment furn ished, running water, gas and lights, close in .Phone 630. 151 FOR SALE .Electric Eden wash , Ihg machine, good as new, going cheap at 249 S. Church St. 151 FOR SALE Ford truck, almost new, fine condition, pneumatic tires. Call 353 South 16th St. ql66 WHITE Leghorn cockerels for sale, Hansen strain; 4 months old for breeding purposes, 1 each. Call 87F12. fl52 WANTED Four or five logan berry and cherry pickers, close in, family preferred, house fur nlshed. Call 46F14. g!56 FOR A SNAP See this 5 room bun galow with corner lot. Price (2460 cash. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 276 State street. 151 WILL take truck first payment on 26 place 1H mile Woodburn, near highway. 6 room house. Box 266, Woodburn. bl53 TWO very desirable housekeeping rooms, ground floor, toilet and bath, ground floor, pleasant yard. 1720 Chemeketa, call this evening. 151 FOR SALE Or rent, 2 room house and three lots in Klngwood park, rent $10 per month. Price $1000, easy terms. W. H. Gra- ' benhorst & Co., 275 State St. - 151 FOR SALE HOUSES WILL sacrifice modern bungalow, easy terms; leaving city. Owner Journal. al52 FOR SALE House and 2 lots, ga rage, chicken house, some small fruit. 1770 S. Liberty. al57 i tK dale By owner, 6 room house, acre of land, lot of fruit and berries. 2660 Oak. al67 FOR SALE bungalow, 896W. -By owner, east front basement. Phone al66 VOH SALE 6 room house, 1 lots, new barn and chicken house $1500, good terms. 501 S. 22nd. al52 $200 DOWN, price $1000, for good 7 room plastered house, north Salem. S. R. Pearson, 210 U. S, bank bldg. a $3000 WILL, buy good bungalow, south, paved, garage and In good location. Ruby Purdy, 465 Court street. $500 DOWN, balance like paying rent buys new modern five room dwelling. F. S. Lamport, phone Z0Z3. FIVE room bungalow for sale $2400, $760 down balance month ly payments, walking distance, close to car line. Call owner 684W. al52 FOR SALE 5 room house 2 lots, fine garden, fruit, one block off State street. Price this week $1900, H cash. D. E. sHart, 371 State street. a 7 ROOM house, 2 lota, on corner, close to cannery, rents for $18; this is a good investment, $1700, easy terms. Radcliff & Waring, 341 State stree. al52 ROOM new bungalow, modern, basement, fireplace, garage, re stricted district. Only $3660. terms. Radcliff & Waring. 841 State street. al52 5i)0 DOWN will buy new 5 room modern bungalow on paved street, cozy and about ready to move into. Price $3000. S. R. Pearson, 210 U. S. bank bldg. $200 DOWN balance of $800 to sult or will take car for 6 room 'house In fair condition renting for $16 per month, good - lot, would take car to $400. HEYSER-FOLLRICH SYSTSM Fone 1000. a IGOD BUY 4 room plastered, lights, water, corner lot, $1000, $200 will handle, also 6 room bungalow, lights, water, etc., $2200 and $400 will handle. Brown, over Buatck's State and Commercial. a SOLDIERS I have an unusually good deal for soldier who - has the right of bonus loan. Come in and let me tell you about It. The property will take care of itself besides furnishing you a home of your own. Wm. Fleming, 841 State street. a SUMMER cottage at Nye beach, 2 blocks from ocean,, completely furnished, built in bed in living room; a bargain at $650. 9 room house, suitable for three apartments, well built in, large lot, variety fruit. $3500. Winnie Pettyjohn, 831 State St. n MUTT AND JEFF By Bud Fisher, Yes CAP, X (aANT TO ResiGN rV JOB AS A COP 73 J v i T" let LOW-STREAK, I POLICE LJtK V. MOTT VTATION f 'Kl,. (jf FOR SALE HOUSES MODERN 4 room house, fine con ditlon, on car line, 14 blocks out, the best buy In the clti-, worth $J600 for quick sale priced at $2000, easy terms. Radcliff i Waring, 841 State St.' al52 DANDY 5 room bungalow, dutch Kitchen, den, garage, all lm proved. Built ins and modern in every detail, fine district close in. $1500 will handle. Price $4, ZUU. HEYSER-FOLLRICH SYSTEM Main floor Terminal bldg. a THIS house and 2 lots is a bar gain at $3500, large corner lot on Winter and Union will make you money soon. See me about nouses and lots. A 6 room furn ished house for rent by the year. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 North cottage street. FOR SALE FARMS TRADE 10 3-10 acres, haa prunes, cherries, logans and 16 nibert trees, house, barn, ga rage, chicken house, on paved ana graveled road. Price J5500 terms, or will consider trade for small house. See L. A. Hayford 305 State street. b BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE 6 acres close to Salem on paved highway, good 6 room plastererd house, good barn and poultry house, plenty fruit, good land. Price $4000. Buildings alone are worth the price. Joseph Barber & Bon, zoo Uray bldg. b SACRIFICE SALE 312 acre dairy and stock ranch located on Wat. ters Drift Rivers, north Lincoln county, Or., 26 acres plow land. 40 acres slashed pasture, two barns, 2 houses, rail wire fences (corrall) all farm machinery, wagon, team, harness, mower, rake, spring tooth harrow, auto mobile, road H mile, ranch Joins forest (reserve range,) from 35 to 60 head cattle for - sale at market price; Sacrifice sale to settle estate oil account of death. Address H. C. Starr, Rose Lodge, Ore. bl62 FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE D Capital -Diamond Journal. ring. Box C161 FOR SALE -Loose vetch hay. B. Cunningham, phone 21F2. c!51 ST. VALENTINE broccoli for sale. 2123 Broadway, Idelwtne. cl53 FOR SALE Fruit jars and house hold goods, cheap. Phone 1694J cl52 HIGH grade player piano for sale Inquire 447 Center after 6 p m. cl54 8 TUNNEL prune dryer for sale, fully equipped, y, acre land, close to street car and paved street, owner leaving. D. E. Hart 871 State street. b FOR SALE WOOD WOOD SAWING PHONE 1131 for quick 'service. Ed Sproed. 197 GOOD grub oak and 16 inch old fir. Phone 981M. eel72 DRY, heavy barked 16 inch old fir and 4 foot second growth, phone 1727, 640 State. 157 PLACE your order with the Salem fuel yards, 752 Trade St. for your winter's wood and coal. Phone 629, res. 2058, Chas. Soos and Hon.. ee BEST grade mill wood 16-lach, 2 feet and 4 feet. Prompt deliv ery, special price on car lots. We can make delivery on ash, sec ond growth and old growth fir about July 16th. Fred E. wells, 305 8. Church street, phone 1642. ee1 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 8 high grade Jersey cows giving 4 to 6 gallons per day, at 249 S. Church. el61 FOR SALE Bull dog puppies, also good talking parrot. The Bird and Flower shop, 273 State. TEAM work horses for sale trade for milk cows, will split if desired. Victor Schneider, Turner, Or., near reform school el61 FOR SALE Automobiles HOWS THIS? Studebaker six, driven 6683 miles, priced at $350 cash. Phone 666 Rookstool. qi52 AND this one. Brand new Maxwell touring priced $235 less than re tall price. Phone 666 Rookstool. ql62 WANTED To trade a good tour ing car for a lighter weight auto, a late model Ford sedan or coupe. Bee owner at 1874 Broad way street. q!52 IMPROVE YOUR FORD With a spiral ring gear, pinion and CHATTERLESS transmis sion lining. Get our prices. W. E. Burns Dan Burns (Not Brothers ths Same Man) High street at Ferry. PARTS FOR ALL CARS. q FOR RENT HOUSE for rent. Inquire 1232 N. Liberty evenings. J151 FOB RENT Housekeeping rooms cheap. 156 N. Front St. Jiaz FOR RENT Small store room, J also rooms. Call osflj. ROOMS with or without board, in private family. Phone H16J, residence 323 N. 14th. J151 FURNISHED sleeping room for gentleman, 205 Oregon biag.. phone 1427. J HAT nrt DoDGe know so THIS cRvtwe IAAU& "BROUGHT I WANTED HELP WANTED i strawberry Rt 6, box 61.' pickers, gl61 WANTED Loganberry pickers. Phone 92F8. gl62 LOGANBERRY pickers wanted good camp, good field. Phone 100F3. gi66 WANTED Four loganberry pick ers, exceptional advantages of- fered. Call 95F13. gl62 WANTED 4 or 5 loganberry pick ers, tent and stove furnished. Roy V. Ohmart. gl62 WANTED 12 loganberry pickers. gooa yard and good camping ac commodations. Phone 107F13. g!51 LOGANBERRY pickers wanted, house and tent furnished. Phone 4F3, box 44, Rt. S, E. V. Wick ert. . kiss WANTED To market the light ning window cleaner, more sales men or women, lieo. rl.. Duncan 402 Masonic bldg. J161 WANTED Loganberry pickers for 46 acres 01 berries; f ins - camp grounds H mile from street car at Salem Heights. Picking starts about July 6th. B. Cunningham, pnone 2iyz. gl68 THE Whitney oomuanv has start. ed logging and sawmill opera tions lu Tillamook county and Is niring men at Idavme and Gar ibaldi at going wages. No strikes. Good clean camps and good. wholesome grub. Writs or call wnitney oompany, Bay City, Garibaldi or Lewis building, Portland. - WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED Single farm wagon. Rt 8 box 116. 1152 CHILDREN cared for by the day at 4i n. church street. 1161 WANTED A used wall tent at once. Box 99. 1151 WANTED Painting and carpen ter work. Call 1694J. ml58 WANTED Furniture, tools. Phone 611. etu. WANTED Maternity nursing In private houses. Phone 16 a 4 J. 1 WANTED To exchange land for carpenter work. Phone 1065W. bl51 WANTED Private garage some where- near state and 14th St. Phone 235W at 12:30 p. m. 1152 WANTED Odd Jobs by Willam ette student, forty cents an hour phone 1620R mornings. 1152 WANTED Old mattresses to make over. Phone 19, Capital City Bed ding Co. m' I NEED a modern house for rent for a splendid family, promises to take good care. Gertrude J. M Page, realtor. i SEE J. W. Manley, good sandy loam, cellar digging, heavy team work. Phone 199, Cherry City barns. 1172 WANTED Furniture, tools, ma chinery, stock, etc. Will buy for cash, or sIl on commission. Phone 611, Woodry, the auction, eer. m WANTED Used furniture, rang es, heaters, cook stoves, tools, etc. We pay cash, get our pric es before you sell. Liberty Ex change, 241 N. Com: St. phone 841. 1 CHERRIES We are receiving Roy ai Anne and waterhouse cher ries, Mason Ehrmarr warehouse corner High and Mill streets and will continue from 7 o'clock in the morning until 7 at night, Sundays and holidays Included, until the crop is all in. We want them now. Don't wait until they get overripe and let the rain spoil them. We are paying the highest price In Sa lem and can use any amount you may have. Lyons Cal. Glace Fruit Co., call Mangis Bros., 642 State street, pnone 71,7 or 1291. MISCELLANEOUS FOR paper hanging or tinting call 131, fumr 6 o. clock call 1258W ml60 DOGS boarded and washed, Dr. Andrews, 420 S. Commercial, phone 1961. ml54 FOR SERVICE Registered Jer sey bull, Frank Golden Glow, fee $2. at 249 s. Church. el51 LOANS Let me see you about a loan II you want to build we oan help you. Plenty of money, no delays. Call 634, let us tell you. LANGS hot blast fuel saving rang es, $48 up. Let us explain why we cut your fuel Dill . Peo ples Furniture store, 271 North Comme-clal street, phone 784. RESHINGLING, ROOF PAINT ING, In city or country? First class workmanship, lots of satis fied customers. Free estimate. Phone 13F82 or write B. L. Os tergard, Rt. 4. ml70 OUR BUSINESS Fire Insurance, automobile and truck Insur ance, including cargo coverage; bonds of all kinds. We write in the best of old line companies no assessments nor personal li ability. The W. A. Liston Agen cy. 484 Court street. m NOTICE to the public, ' we now weave nurr rugs, made out or old carpets, any length or width you desire; also clean, refit, resew A size carpets; feathers renovated, mattresses, steaming, remaking. Salem Carpet Cleaning & Fluff Rug Works, phone 1154 m OURNAL WANT ADS PAY. Indeed, Old Mutt Has Faced the Music I 1 r-ltr rUI Pi I , r UMvruKrvx IS A TjeATj GIUC-AWW.' CRIf-AIIMrUS a cop Because THey He'i am oFtftceR a I STILL. THIMK STReAKi REAL ESTATE SEE me for good buys in real es tate. Ruby Purdy, 455 Court V street. a $1800 WILL buy good corner N, Liberty, lots of fruit, good home. A Ruby Purdy, 455 Court St. a BARGAIN Almost 2 lots for $225 .-with $60 down and $10 per month, unomason, 331 State street. a 20,000 GOOD clear Salem proper ty for good farm near Dallas pre ferred, some prunes desired, will assume small amount. HEYSER-FOLLRICH SYSTEM ' Fone 1000. a PLEASE remember our clients are given advantage of special buys as we do not -speculate In real , estate, first come first served. HEYSER-FOLLRICH SYSTEM Fone one thousand. n SPECIAL To trade 10 acres of fine land all cultivated and in crop, good 6 room plastered house, fine well of water, barn and chloken house, hi of mile from paved road. Price $2500; . will trade for house in Salem and pay some cash difference. Thomason, 331 Btate St. b FOR SALE 175 acres of land all under fence. set buildings, 26 acres In cultiva tion, close to R R on good road. price (40 per acre: will take house in Salem as part payment, balance good terms. Good 5 room house south Salem corner lot. Price. $1650. if you want to buy, sell or trade see n. L. MARSTER3 Call 907 Gray bldg. - REAL BUYS E room plastered house, good location, for $2500 with terms. 6 room modern house, close in. for $4200, half cash. 6 room modern bungalow, east front, paved street, near school and car; a real buy at $4000. 6 room plastered house, partly. modern, paved street, for 61900 cash. Good house, modern except heat, corner lot on paved street, garage; priced at $2300, with $800 cash. Also 8 room plastered house In first class condition, on paved street, one block from car line and 4 blocks .from school, barn and garage, lot 90x137 with graveled alley, price' $2700. terms. We need more listings of good properties to be sold on terms, W. A. L1STON, Agent 484 Court street. 152 GOOD BUYS acre tracts on paved road and car line with bearing fruit Price $600, $50 down balance $10 ier month. 10 acre tracts in crop, fine fruit soil. $100 down balance $10 per month. Price $1250. One acre with 5 room bungalow, cherries, strawberries, located in Mornlngslde. Price $2760, $1260 cash, mortgage to be assumed. 7 acres. 4 acres In prunes, 1 acres in logans, family fruit, ohick ens. cow horse and some machin ery go. 6 room bungalow with full oement basement, furnace, fine water system, hard wood floors throughout, located close to tomn Price $8500; will consider house In Salem as part payment. eu acres in bearing prune orcn- ard. Price $350 per acre, will let crop go If sold soon. Real estate and fire Insurance. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 275 State street. BEST BUYS 10 acres bearing prunes, crop included, $2100. 25 acres, -19 cleared, 10 prunes, 8 to 12 years old in first class con dition, 4 bearing logans, 8 young logans, acre family orchard, 6 room 'house, barn, 6 miles from Salem. Price $9600; a $2000 crop included; half cash, balance three years at 6 per cent. 60 room apartment business in good live town, annual net income of $6000, complete equipment and lease, $10,000, cash $700, $2200 to be assumed. $10,600 general merchandise stock with good location and good business. Will Invoice if desired, 31 acres finest sandy loam bot tom; filberts, logans, fair improve ments, $8200, terms. 7 room strictly modern at 985 north Summer, will be off the mar ket unless sold soon. If you are In terested see me at once. 5 room modern, at 1036 Union. 5 room strictly modern at 1040 Union. 7 room strictly modern at 1550 State. If Interested see me at once. 7 room modern new bungalow; basement $3750, easy terms; sol dier loan. 4 room modern new bungalow; garage, $1800, easy terms. 8 room house to rent at $25 per month If paid 6 months in advance SOCOLOFSKY $41 State News Is received from Wash ington that Congressman Sln nott has recommended W. W. Smead to be postmaster at Hepp- ner to succeed W. A. Richardson. The Iron Dyke mine at Home stead In Baker county lo employ ing 35 men and the prospects are favorable that a larger crew will be put to work In a short time. THetA'S CRueL WORD, cap; BuT I'll. PRoue to ou Yer THAT r FCAR NOTHING.' MAKe lue A PLAINCLOTHES ofRcete afoi) watch JJilTf onlV j m .1 AOCTVLKNE WIXD1NU IRON, steel, brass, aluminum, cop per. Bring the. pieces. Oxo-Gas neatmt uo.. S37 court. Al'TO TOPS TOPS MADE TO ORDER 171 S. High. AUCTION KKK '. N. WO JDRY the live stock, lurnuure, real estate auctioneer. Phone 611 for sale dates. Res 1610 N. Summer. u. SATTEKLEE, auctioneer. Real estate and stock sales. Cash for your sale notes. Phone 1211J or it! i. urnce 414 Ferry St. JLHIKOPllACTOH ouil, Chlronractur. am t! S. bang bldg. CITY SCAVKNGKR SALEM SCAVENGER GnrbT and refuse of all kinds removed by the month at reasonable rates v.owpuuis cleaned and dead anl male removed. Day phone 167 night phone 1237M. R. o. Cum mlngs. Mgr. a -DRUtiCiLSTS . C. PEKRir, Rejcun druggist, 116 S. Commercial St. KLKCTIUO BlJPPLl us HOUSE Wiring ind .ui.niia. Welch Electric Co., Phil Brown ell, manager. 87 Slat. Ht AKjujjj FLKENER, JCLDGTRI- cian. House wiring by hour or oontract. Estimates furnished. x-nune gov, 414 court 'Bt. WE do house wiring and carry a .""lui" siock or fixtures. Instrument repairing, experi mental work. Ulectrio appllano es repaired. Hallk Electric shop, 837 Court phone 488. m FARM 1X)A.8 BUILDING LOANS MAD B May bo repaid like rent. Life, Fire, Health, Aooidant, in demnity, Liability and Auto In surance written, A. C. BOHRN8TKDT 401 Maaonlo Temple. Salem, Or GAltAUiCaj GUAIiANTTED AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Phone 775, 219 N. Commercial street. J76 GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING Save your oil use SAVOiL pis ton rings. H.' II. Schocker, 268 Chomekcta street. PRKST-O-LITE BATTERY SER VICE. Expert auto electricians. Phone 1803, 418 Court St. RADIATORS Fenders and bodies made or repaired. J. C. Bair, 444 Ferry St. OLESON-ROOKSTOOL Used car exchange. Cars bought and sold. Guaranteed repairing. Washing, polinhlng. . ---n -i ,, , cjHiissa recnaiguu anu repaired. Degge Burroll. It. D. BARTON, Kxlde batteries, starter and generator work, 171 S. Commercial. AUTO Electrician, export trouble shooting. 238 N. High St, phone $03. . HAT BLOCKING MEN'S and women's hats reno vated, blocked and trimmed, 495 Court, C. B. Ellsworth. HEMSTITCHING "NEEDLEWORK SHOP," all kinds of fancy work and hem stitching done. 121 S. Commer cial St. MRS. C. E. MILLER. hMiistiuhliiH stamping, buttons, hand embroi dery. Room 10 over Miller's store, phone 117. SALEM Elite, liomsu tuning, ohaln- suicning, pleating, buttons, . stamping and needlework. Phone' $79, 829 Oregon blldg. MERCHANT TAILOR M. A. ESTES, fine tailoring, 384 state street. LEGAL NOTICES I8H,89S.00 STATE OI" OREGON Onyou District Intro-cat Honda Sealed bids will be rcelved' by the State of Oregon at the office of the State Treasurer, Salem, Ore gon, up to ana including 10 o clock a. m. on June 27, 1922, for $188,- 896 Oregon District Interest Bonds. dated June 1, 1922, and In denom- natlons to suit the purchaser of $600 and $1000, Interest payable semi-annually. These bonds will mature $8,250 July 1, 1938; $36, 700 July 1, 1941; $3000 January 1, 1943; $41,295 April 1, 1944: $7800 January 1, 1948; $23,100 July 1, 1948; $8260 January 1, 1949; $46,500 July 1, 1950; $15,- 000 January 1, 1961. Principal and Interest payable in gold coin of the United States of America of the prevent value in weight and fineness at the office of the State Treasurer at S?ilem, Oregon, or at the fiscal agitncy of the State of Oregon, in New York City. The bonfls will be furnished complet by the State Treasurer. The bonds will be sold to the bidder offt-tirig to take the bonds Ht the lowest rate of Interest at heir par value of $188,895. Nono of the bonds will be sold for It-ss nan par with accrued interest. Each bid should name the rate of nterest at which the bidder is willing to acr-ept tho bonds at par. Copyright 1920 'Ye AH WO f I've THROUGH , Mill ', CAM lit Plainclothes oFHcercs. INSl' RANCH ANDERSON AND RUPERT. IN SURANCE Liability, automo bile, fire, automobile, surety, bonds, loans and Investments. 406-7 Oregon bldg. MACHINE SHOP WECHTER AND SMITH Mathin ists, engineers, welders. HEALD cylinder grinding service. Phone 662. 345 Ferry St. H. AND M. CO. Specialty grind , ers and welders. Automotive ser vlce. 490 Ferry St. IOWA MACHINE SHOP 262 Chemeketa street. Auto repair ing, welding, cylinder grinding MOTORCYCLES LLOYD B. RAMSDEN. Indian motorcycles and Dayton bicycles 887 Court street. 1 HARRY W. SCOTT, l "The Cycle Man." 147 S. Com. Phon Ml' SIC PIANO playing, 12 weeks, guaran teed. Beginners, auvanucu. Room $ over Miller's. ' NURSERY STOCK SALEM Nursery company, trull and ornamental trees, amau fruit and roses, Phone 1763, 421 Oregon bldg. OPTICIANS GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur. dette, optometrist. Bow Optica, Co., 835 Btate street. OSTEOPATHY" DR. W. L. MERCER, osteopathic physician ana surgeon, mrks vllle graduate. 404-406 U. S. Na tional bank bldg. Phones, off let 919, residence 614. DRS. WHITIB AND MARSHALL osteopathia physloian and sur geons, 606 U. S. bank building Phone 859. Dr. White, resi dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall, residenoe phone 884. PIANOS GEO. C. WILL, pianos phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Re- lairing phonographs and sew ng machines, 432 Btate, Salem "EVERYTHING IN MljaiC," Moore's Music houses, 419 Court street and Masonic bldg. PLUM HI NU THKO. M. BAKU Plumbing, heating, sheet metal works, 18 1 H. Commercial. PLUMBING, . repairing and coll work, reasonable charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop foot of Union Ht. Phone 1397J. PRINTING FOR wedding invitation and an nouncements see Bertelnon, printer, y bldg, Salem. ml56 A SATISFIED customer returns Rowland Printing Co., Phone 1612, over Pattou book store. 11EPA1K1.NG STOVES rebuiLt aud repaired, 60 years experience; Depot Na tional and Amerlecan fence, slzet 26 to 68 Inches high. Paints, oil and varnishes, etc, logan berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, $66 Court street. Phone 124, TKANSFEIt OREGON Transfor i Storage Co. Cars washed and polished. Ex cavating, plowing and fertiliser; 4 foot slab wood for sale, Phoni 77. WATEIt COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Of fice, corner Commercial and Trade Sts. Bills payable month!) In advance. Phone 67. ' JUNK WANTED Rags and secondhand goods of all Kinds. Capital Junk company, phone $98, 216 Cen ter street. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check payable to the State Treasurer of the State of Oregon for four per cent ((4 per oent) of the amount of each bid, which check will be forfeited tj the State of Oregon in case the successful bidder falls to complete his purchase. The State Treasurer reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Said bonds are sold pursuant to the authority of Article Xl-b of the Constitution of the State of Oregon, and the State Treasurer will furnish certificate from the Attorney General of Oregon as to legality. Dated at Salem, Oregon, Junr 26, 1922. - O. P. HOFF, State Treasurer. 161 During tho last 10 days fines totaling $1700 have been collected at St. Helens from persons con victed of complicity In moonshine operations. The contract for rebuilding Happy Canyon In Pendleton wrecked by the heavy snows of last winter, has been let to Colt & Brownlow, local contractors, ai the price of $5775. by lnfl. Feature Service Inc. Trade make Reg. In the U. 8. to what iyyc GAT? - kNOU NO FEAT? Ueen AND THAT THT?OUSK- x V . II IVIUflr-lh-ll'l TMeJ AND TH,i -n'v,x,w -r 1 THROUGH- . f SALEM MARKETS Compiled from reports of Sa lem dealers for the guidance of Capital Journal reader (Revised dally.) Grain: Average valley wheat (bulk) 88c. Hay; Cheat hay $11 II; cat Hay: Cheat hay $17u18; oat'ii'3 hay $17 18; clover hay (bulk) $15. - ' wnoicsnio trices f;-T Meat: hogs $11 11.26; dressed hogs J4c; top steers 6o; eows 5o; T -bulla Sttc; lambs 7c; dressed veal .12e. Poultry: Light hens 14c; heavy 5 hens 18c: old roosters 8c; broilers 200. Butterfat: Butterfat 39c: cream- .;. ery butter 4142c; country butter iudjiiic; eggs 17f18c; milk $2.00 CWt. Vegetables: Wax onions $2.75 . , crate; beets $2.60 ewt; California cabbage 4o lb; green peppers 40a ' lb: potatoes 11.00 cwt: California lettuce $3.60 per crate; Arkansas , ., ..... sweet potatoes $2.50 bushel; celery $1.60 dos; radishes 60o dos; parsley u 900 dos; tomatoes $2.76 crate; art- it -.' Ichoke $1.76 doxen; asparagus 15c; cucumbers $2 per dos; new pota toes 6o lb. Fruits: Oranges $7.60; lemons i- ." $8.00; bananas 10c; Calif, grape fruit $4.00; Florida grape fruit ' $8$8.60; strawberries I1.25S1.60 per crate. , lux all Price ..' Butter Mid eggs: Eggs 202'3o; ; -. oreamery butter 7o; country butter 85 84c Portland Markets Portland, Or., June 26. Cattle slow;- receipts 2510; top-steers i-h 8.268.76; medium to good $7.75. y 8.25; fair t omedlum $6.25 ' 7.75; common to fair $5.00 0 6.25; choice feeds $5.26 6.25; fair to good $4.006.00; choice cowe and , heifers $6. 258. 75; medium to ,,,, good $5.S66.25; fair to medium $4.1505.15: common cows $3.50 04.60; canners $2.00 0 3.60; bulla $3.76 6.60; choice dairy calves I8.0UWS.60; prime light 7.50l 8.00; medium to light $7.00 7.60: hoavy $4.607. Hogs steady; receipts 982; prime light $1 1.60 11.85; smooth heavy 220 to 800 pounds $11. 00 (if 11.25; 800 pounds and up $10.00 11.00; rough heavy $8.00 9.60; fut pigs $11, 60 11.75; slugs $50 8-00. Sheep steady; receipts 1170: spring, lambs $8.00 tjf 9.00; culis I $6.0006.00; feeders $9.0010.00; light yearlings $7.00 8.00; heavy $6,006)7.00; light wethers $5.00g? 6.00; heavy $4S5; ewes $2i5. Butter steady; ex. cubes 35c; cartons 41c; prints 40o; butterfat No. 1 41c f o D Portland: under grade Btl W 380. Eggs: Selling case count Z0Q210 buying price 20 23c; selling price candled 26 29c; selected candled in 'cartons 26 H 260. Poultry; light hens 16 17c; heavy 22 0 23c; broilers 16 ie 20c; old roosters 10c; geese nom; ducks 20ifi25c; turkeys nom. dressed. Wheat: Hard while $1.13; soft white $1.13; white club $1.13; red Walla $1.07; hard winter $1.12. Mill run $35.00; oats $32.00 36.60; corn No 8 yellow $29.00; hay, timothy, valley $18.00; al falfa $16Cj)16.60; grain mixed $16; clover $14, straw $8. Business brisk, conscience clear, i. ' purse peaceful, heart happy t i what. more can one young feller tfw ask t ' There Are Papers That are given away to make a showing on circulation and there are papers that are sold to subscribers. The Capital Journal Is not given away It la sold to people who want it and pay for It. That Is Why, The Capltlal Journal does not hare to hire people to take the paper by giving away prem iums and prlies and fake pus ties. The Capital Journal haa gained nearly A THOUSAND paid subscribers In the past year Because It Is a good newsptaper, fights for principle and dares to do things. These are things people want In a newspaper and are willing to pay to get. Bo the Capital Journal baa to day the largest circulation that any paper in Oregon (outside PortHand) ever had. FlSM T'M ' Vs ' HIT-' S3' 3 5 S 8: "I," H i t