THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1922 EXECUTIVES OF SIX UNIONS TO I BRINGING UP FATHER THAT'S) A FINE 1OOVnN' THING TO HAVE. FER A ?sON - IN' PAGE EIGHT BRINGING UP FATHER ' ( COOMT EHOUT lt HERE I J HE tj A tOlTOr tOR OUR ND 1 DOtS' T VVAKT VOU TO .OUCHTER-i HANOlMSO 1(r J55SX ME.E.T HIM "YET HE. EEb VOO HEMAs,V , xfi&tr: v f n 1 2 . cfV"HNE Ht,; mino- N Jl 3 I VOO KIN MAKE JLv-' '"" ' o 1 Cincinnati, Ohio, Juno 10 (By Associated Press.) The executive committees of the six railway shop crafts unions in each of the coun try's three divisions will convene in Chicago on June 24, prepara tory to canvassing the shopmen's strike vote, which is returnaoie June 25, It was announced by B. M. Jewell, head of the federated shop crafts, here today. A triple-barrelled strike ballot on which the 400,000 shopmen of the country will cast their votes, is now In the mails. The questions Include that of accepting or re jecting the $60,000,000 pay cui ordered by the railroad labor board to go Into effect July 1. The ballots, originally made return able June 30, were shoved up five days so that the membership "cou'd fce advised of the result" before July 1. Union leaders declare that means a walkout on the first of the month if the strike, vote Is "yes." Telegraphers Not Next. Chicago, Jui'AlO Railway tele graphers will not be Included In the third wage reduction order of the railroad labor board, accord ing to rumors today of the new contemplated slash from railroad pay rolls. The telegraphers number ap proximately 81,000. So many 1 cal conditions on various lines have to be considered that delib eration of an order affecting the telegraphers would necessarily consume weeks, It was" said. Chief among the groups are 220,000 clerks, 22,000 men In the signal departments and 80,000 freight handlers and trackers. Although board membys made no direct statement regarding the next cut, rumors were persistent In predicting a smaller reduction for the clerical force than those affecting the shopmen because the clerks did not received Increases proportionately as other forcei when the wage scale was going V UM Wr IL n. O Crfffn u r4 1 hi 'I J J I : I; . X- 1 1 a . 1922 sjv Int'i. Feature Service, Inc. WM HOtPTAL.? WELL SEND OVER 1 1-1 7 MUTT AND JEFF Copyright 1920 by Int'l. Feature Service Inc. Trade make Reg. in the U. S. up. SLAYER OF MINER PAYS WITH LIFE Salt Lake City, Utah, June 10 Nick Obllzalo was executed at the Utah state prison yeaterday fo the murder of Marco Laus, a min er, who was stabbed to death and robbed of 11200 in a lonely spot on the outskirts of the city August 3, 1919. Obllzalo appealed to Governor Maybey of Utah yester day for a reprieve but the state executive after conferring with members of the state board of pardons refused to intercede. The board had previously declined to commute the death sentence. Steve Maallrh, who perpetrated the murder with Obllzalo, was executed at the prison January 0. Both men chose manner of execution by shooting Instead of hanging. Realty Transfers Brltts, Win, and wife to Pin fry, F. J. and Son, Inc., land In S-l-E, 10. Leonhardt, Adam and wife to Clodfelter, W. I. and F. M., land in CI. 61-7-3-W, $1000. Fargo Orchards Co. to Hatch Eleanor C, part lot 9, block 3 Fargo Orchard Tracts, Marlon county, Oregon, $1250. Reynolds, Francos A., and hue band to Rue, C. G. lot 1, block 2, Riverside Addition to Silver- ton, Oregon, $750. Rue, Clifford G. to Reynolds Frances A., lot 1, block 2, Tark- stde Addition to Silverton, Oregon $1. Watt, G. R. and wife to Stoner, B. W., Ian din 4-1-W, $10. Blackmar, A. E. and wife to Fagan, F. E. and wife, land in CI. 47-5-1-W, $1500. Hessler, J. G. and wife to De bert Mary E land in CI. 47-5-1-W. 110. Schmidt, P. A. and "wife to Jann Waller and wife, part lots land 2, block 1, Palmers Addition to Mt. Angel, Oregon, $500. Stillson, C. B. to Olcott, Ben W., lot 1, 2, 7, 8, block 3. My era Addition to Salem, Oregon $1. Willis R. L. to Olcott, Ben W.. lots 1, 2, 7, 8, block 3, Myera " Addition to Salem, Oregon, $1. Neal, Millie A. by administrator, to Cooley, D. B. and wife, lot 4. block 4, N. Salem, Oregon, $600 Bush, A. N., et al. to Skiff. Mark S., Ni lots 5 and 8, block 48, University Addition to Salem, $1. Nichols, C. G. and wife to Mc- Cleery, Blanch E., land in CI. 38 7-2-W, $10. Schwader, Wm, and wife to Schledel, Bertha I., land In CI. 14- 4-1-W, 5. Crofts, H. and wife to Hock. Frank, land In Cl. 66-5-l-W,$l. Hock, M. and wife lo Hock, Frank, land In Cl. 66-5-1-W, $1. Showers, Helen, et al to Hock, Frank, land In Cl. 56-6-1-W, $1. fjCFf 5 ASteep AN vt) ( Sewve Roll: 1 , r ; fCnil 1Kl. - T v . , :i , rTt YU,ST, NltVT Peel ) r MCAM BY CARPYlrJS Wmm 72S v Vou Afce AMb ? -..SlsPvcM CALL Mowey around r ' ' . . j ' , ,,, . H ,, i, , . i ' ' ! ' rOrdM. mm. a. c LEADING AMERICAN WOMEN TO MEET IN CONVENTION IS L:r X A V 1 K iA A ' . O ;S -sX r,- T C j j J? ' 1 1 X v ' ' Jf: ' Vi An ' -JL , U.r W j:- I V I ! Auction S ale Wednesday, June 14th tv-.H-A- Mrs- B . D . Cl-rlO .Mrs-, tlot-oinxie The leading women of America will gather June 20 at Chautauqua, N. T., for the biennial con vention of the General Federation of Women's clubs. Mrs. H. A. Guild, of Phoenix, Ariz., is auditor of the Federation. Mrs. Florence C. Floors, of Cleburne. Tex.. Is Director for the stale of Texas. She has arranged the program for the convention. Mrs. Maxmllian Layne is Director for the state of Ar kansas. Miss Llda Hafford Is Director of Headquarters In Washington. Mrs. Edgar B. Penney is president of the Nebraska Federation of Women's clubs and is celebrated as the Nebraska "teacher heroine" of the blizzard of January 12, 1888, when she saved the lives of many children. MrB. Lessie Stringtelloe Read, of Lafayette, Ark., is National Chairman of the Press and Publicity Committee and Editor of the General Federation News. Mrs. Charles H. Jacobson is Director, for the state of Colo rado. Mrs. B. B. Clark, of 'Red Dak, Iowa, ia National Treasurer of the Federation. She has ' never been known to make an error In her books. Mrs. Alice Lakey, of Cranford, N. J., is a prominent mem ber. . Flappers "Jolly Lot" To Clergyman X t 5- V v y v ft If the nations will only take care of their senses, their dol lars will take care of themselves. W I Bobbed hair, short skirts and knickerbockers are not so bad; they are not signs of sin, but a declaration of Independence," said Rev. Aimer Pennewell, pas tor fo the Covenant Church of Evansvill. 111. "The girls are ar riving. They are a jolly lot and will give us the finest generation of women the world has ever known." I Martyred President's Son at Capital it 'V-Vl 'I Robert T. Lincoln, son of the Great Emancipator, was the guest of honor at ths dedication of the Lincoln Memorial In Wash ington on Memorial Day. P. Morgan Has Two Right Hands c , k '"yp- stsiinUrf- - SsV-Jsfc. AV fcr.Wm.nBiH ! 1:30 p. m." 12th St. car line and Piano Located 2-5 Miles East of the End of S. 10 and 59-100 Acre Farm, Machinery, Stock, .Furniture. Farm consisting of 10 and 59-100 acres, with 5 acres of logans and other fruit ; good 7 roomed plastered house, good barn, machine shed, chicken house, grainery, ejc. ; this place adjoins city limits and being only 2-5 mile east of the end of South 12th street car line. Also at same time and place I will sell : 1 black mare 9 years old, weight 1300 lbs, blocky built, extra good; 3 dozen Barred Bock hens, single buggy harness, single work harness, one-horse wagon with double box and springs like new, single buggy, buggy pole, steel har row, John Deere one-horse cultivator, 8-inch Oliver plow, 2 h. p. gas engine good as new, bone grinder,, corn sheller, corn planter, scythe, hoes, and other garden tools, lawn mower, man's bicycle, wheel-barrow, Mc Clanahan incubator, 3 stands of bees, solid oak library table, 4 rocking chairs, leather arm chair, 6 oak dinners, oak book cases, oak dining table, couch, Kirkman piano, piano bench, drop head White sewing machine, heater, 6-hole Estate Banner range good, kitchen table, kitch en cabinet, milk cupboard, S iron bed's and springs, 2 cots, 3 oak dressers, stand table, washing machine, tub', fruit jars, Aladdin lamp, dishes, cooking utensils and many other articles. Terms of Farm J $1500 cash, balance of purchase price will be arranged on day of sale... All the personal property will be sold for cash. M. M. SMITH, S TT. SMITH, Owners, phone 60F3. F. N. WOODSY. The Auctioneer. Phone K1 1 Sale Auction - Tuesday, June 13th 1:30 p. m.- SALE It may be stated without fear of contradiction that C. W. Morse and R. E. Morse are Dot related Id the least. J. P. Morgan has two right hands one with which he was born and the second In Thomas W. Lamont, banker, of New York, who has returned -from an international banking conference in Europe. Henry Ford's long cherished prejudice against self starters didn't apply to his presidential boom. A GOOD FURNITURE AUCTION Thursday, June 15, 1 :30 p. m. 1220 Chemeketa Street Consisting of Axminster rug 9x12, small rug to match like new. Axminster rug 9x12 conventional design like new, oak extension table and 6 oak diners, oak buffet to match, oak library table, 2 oak rockers, oak Morris chair, white , enamel bed-room suite consisting of bed complete, large chiffonier, 3-glass vanity dresser and chair, 2 coil springs, 2 felt mattresses, oak sewing rocker, 2 grass rugs 9x12, waxed oak lady's writing desk, white enamel chair; 2 child chairs, 6 small rugs, magazine rack, 2 breakfast tables, telephone stand and chair, white bed complete, oak hall chair, 2 dressers and mirrors, child's card table, couch cover, gold framed miror. Penitentiary 6-hole steel range polished top, child's rocker, tea wagon, porch swing, fruit jars, kitchen utensils, carpet sweeper, dishes, lawn mower, garden hoes, wash bowl and pitcher, ironing board, 2 cloth baskets, and many other articles. Everything in this sale is good and like new. Terms cash. MRS. M. MATTHEWS, F. N. OODRY, Owner. The Auctioneer, Phone 511 Located y2 Mile East of 17th Street Car Line on Garden Road, consisting of 1 mare 7 years old, weight 1200 lbs., well broken and gentle; 75 pure bred White Leghorn, It. I. Keds, ana some Ancona hens ; top buggy, single harness, work har ness, horse collars, 5-tooth one-horse cultivator, 1-sec-tion drag harrow, grey oats, two 8-inch Oliver Plows, pitch forks, shovels, spade, rakes, potato forks, hoes, carpenter tools, wheel barrow, log chain, 60 prune boxes, grubbing hoe, pick, pruning shears, barrels, 8-piece par lor .suit, large overstuffed rocker, oak stand table, oak library table, oak rocker, 2 other rockers, combinatiaon oak book case and writing desk, extension table, 4 chairs, plush lounge, sanitary couch, clock, watch, revolver and shells, 2 beds, springs and mattresses, princess oak dressed, ivory dresser and comode, large neater like new, home comfort range like new, kitchen treasure and table, dishes, cooking utensils, lamps, fruit jars, jelly glasses, boiler, window blinds, carpets, lino leum,, house plants, jardineers and many other things. Terms, cash. ' . JOHN NOREN, Owner. F.N.WOODRY, The Auctioneer, Phone 511 'Tor a successful sale see Woodry" at Buy a Home and Furniture ion Sale Friday, June 16, 1:30 p.m. 1395 "B" St., Cor. N. 15th St. New 5 Room Bungalow New Furniture hew 5-roomed bungalow, built in kitchen, bath, toilet, electric lights, plastered, ivory finished insidecream outside; sidewalk and wood shed. This is a clever home; lot 50x100 feet. Terms, $300 cash, balance $20 per month, 6. Also at same time and place 5 rooms of new furniture, consisting of 2 ivory twin beds complete, 2 ivory full beds com plete, 1 Brussels rug 9x12 and one 6x9, kitchen linoleum, oak extension table, 6 oak diners, oak sewing rocker, oak rocker leather seat, new Royal drop head sewing machine, good 6 hole base range, heater, odd diners, dresser, 7 pair scrim curtayis, 8 large window shades, wash tubs, boiler, electric light globes, and many other articles. Terms on furniture, cash. MRS. BERTHA KIBBY, F.N.WOODRY, Owner. The Auctioneer, Phone 511 Don't miss this sale if you want a home or furniture