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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1922)
TUESDAY, MAY .30, LloydG CapitalfeJournal SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' Bv carrier 10 cents a week. 45 c,t8 a month. $5 a year in ad- t"kv8' mail. In Marion and Polk .mTnties. one month 60 cents, t Sonth. $1-26. month. $2.25. 1 Sear 14 00. Elsewhere SO cents a te a. vpar. . moniiii , , c...,a..ii as second class mall matter at Salem, Oregon. Member ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclus ively entitled to the use. for pub lication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also lo cal news published herein. Member . Au dlt Bureau of Circulations W. D. Ward, Tribune bldg.. New Tork City. W. S. 3tockwell, Peoples Gas fclilg.. inioago. jliul "CLASSIFIED RATES Kate per word each Insertion cents, three insertions, 5 cents, one week. 8 cents: one month, 20 cents; one year, per month 13 cents; minimum per ad, 26 cents. First Insertion only In New To day. City ads cash In advance, and not taken over phone, unless Advertiser has monthly account. No allowance for phone errors. nevTtoday" ALTO camp outfit cheap; best on WOOIJ sawing, phone 2046,-Fisher Bros. eel43 LOST 6 dollar bill between Bush's bank and Kafoury's. Phone 681. 1 NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, cheap; private family, close In. 2 no s. mgi at. jisu SVANTEf) i Strawberry nickers. phone I8F31, C. H. Fisher, Rt. 2, Salem. lili FOR RENT New S room house all modern. Phone 841or 454M evenings. - J129 Experienced waitress wanted at once, Jack's Cafe, 188 South Commercial. g!29 A BARGAIN One choice lot and small garage, 8300, 1-8 (cash, terms. Inquire Fitts Market. 128 FOR SALE High class furniture, kitchen range and other articles. Garden road, box 221, Rt. 7. 128 .BABY CHICKS Special sale Tues day and Wednesday. Season cloe es this week. C. N. Needham, 658 State street. 128 NliTTED Gem seed potatoes for sale 50c a bushel. G. C. Bolter, 2016 Trade St. phone 2042W. 128 WANTED Six pickers tor straw berries and loganberries. Ad dress G. H. Colgan, Marlon, Or. gl3U V ANTED Buyer for 3 acres in fruit, good 5 room bungalow, ov erlooking city, water system. Phone 1908R. CONFECTIONERY business for sale. This pays big returns and Is worth Investigating. Winnie Pettyjohn, 331 State St. c JiAKT CHICKS--Special sale Tues day and Wednesday. Season clos es this week. C- N. Needham, 658 State street. 128 V" ANTED 8 strawberry pickers, 3-4 mile from car line on east D street. A. A. Bonney, phone 80F11. 12S BARGAIN 4 room house, large lot, $750, with $200 down, bal ance 810 per monthThomason, 331 State street. a BABY CHICKS Special sale Tues day and Wednesday. Season clos es this week. C. N. Needham, 5f,8 State street. 128' A GOOD BUY 6 room" modern home on paved street, complete ly furnished with fine furniture, almost new, for $4200. Thoma- son, 331 State St. illt. SOLDIER, we have a good selection "of farms, well equip ped and priced right, that can be handied with your loan, Win nie Pettyjohn..' b Look 6 room plastered house on car line, good water system, 2 lots, some fruit and garden, small barn, for 12000, with 8300 cash,Nbalance $15 per month. Thomason, Ulii State St. a LOST Friday evening black and tan dog with enlarged throat, tan cross on breast, answers to name of Leady; reward offered. Address Mrs. SF. Hepburn, Mc Minnville, Or., care Coffey stu dio. kl80 The Inland Construction com pany of Portland has 'been award, d the contract for building. Pen dleton's new seplc tank, the bid being $58,781. Bonds were voted last fall. An optimistic German royalist says the time Is coming? when everybody will take their bats off to the former kalse. Maybe he's going to get a job clerking In a hat store. - " ' Journal Want Ads Pay Jeff Could Sell Bridges kloul Cm t V BorAT uJMAX I SAY' Me FF . VflU'RC I nut! Jeff. You're a NVJt . GO OM- 5AV iT. y -r , I SI 1922T eorgeSaysRussialstheKeytoPeace-HeM FOR SALE HOUSES NEW three room house, three fine lots, best view on Fairmount hill. Price 12000. W. H. Graben horst & Co., 275 State St. al28 BARGAIN Good five room bun galow with fireplace. Price $2650, terms. W. H. Grabenhorst Co., 275 State street. al28 BEE me for a summer cottage at the beach, a bargain for some one. Ruby Purdy, realtor, 455 Court street. a FOR SALE 4 room house and 2 lots at 881- S. 22d street. Price 8850, terms. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. al28 SNAP 7 room house in fair con dition on N. 17th street. Price 11800, easy terms. W. H. Gra benhorst & Co., 275 State street. a!28 HAVE equity in new well built, 5 room bungalow, modern, paved Street. Will trade 6 or 7 room house- or bungalow. Apply box 812, city. al29 1500 DOWN, $25 per month buys 5 room house with basement, garage, on paved street and car line. Price $2800. W. H. Graben horst Co., 275 State St. aj,28 FORSALE , Large house and grounds, hot water furnace, all . bujlt in features, cement base ment, garage. See owner 331 State street. al29 FOR SALE At a bargain, 6 room plastered house with 1, 2, 3 or 4 lots on .street car line, easy terms, low interest,. 1304 North Liberty St. al28 FOR SALE 8 room house quar7 ter or half block fruit nice va , rleties flowers that please wide shady lawn: paved street. See wner 1500 S. High St. a!29 $100 DOWN price $2000, 6 room cottage, south Salem, 1 block from Commercial street; hous is newly painted, verythlng in good condition, city water, lights toilet, good lot, garden and fruit. S. R. Pearson, 210-211 U. S. bank bldg. a 6 ROOM bungalow, modern ex cept basement, 2 large lots, abundance of fruit, best garden, house is newly done over, built Ins; a fine property and will ap peal to you. Price $2600, terms $800 down. 9. R. Pearson, 210 811 U. S. bank bldg. . a FOUR room new bungalow, dutch kitchen, disappearing bed. Ivory enameled throughout, wash trays, ' modern , plumbing, lot 60x150, paved street. Price $2600, reasonable down pay ment and $20 a month. 444 N. 24th street. . nl29 AUCTION SALE Thursday June 1 at 1:30 p. m. nearly new .5 room house and lot, house mod ern except basement, 2 1-3 acres of land and all my furniture, the furniture will be sold first, easy terms, located at 1272 8rd St. West Salem, W. E. Patton,, owner; G. Satterlee, auctioneer, phone 1177. al29 PRICE $2000, 5 room bungalow same as new, plastered, modern except basement, has builtins, sleeping porch, rooms nicely ar ranged, bath and toilet between the bed rpoms, large lot, paved street under construction, north Salem near car line. Terms y down or less. S. R. Pearson, 210- 211 IT. S. bank bldg. FOR SALE FARMS FOR TRADE 820 acres eastern Oregon for tractor. Address R. C. Day, Rt. 4, box 77. b!30 SEE -that 5 acre tract V, mile east of fair grounds, $1200. M. J. Hunt, Ladd & Bush bldg. b FOR SALE By owner 68 acre farm 8 miles northwest of Sa lem. Bee Ed Loose or phone 64F14. bl30 $100 DOWN, $10 per month buys $10 acres all In crop, fine fruit - land. Price $1250. W. H. Gra benhorst & Co., 275 State St. bl28 THIRTY acres at a bargain, one of the best pieces of land in Ma rlon county; will take a home in on a trade in Salem. You . cannot go wrong on this. Ruby Purdy, realtor, 455 Court Bt. b FOR SALE 17 acres, 3 miles from Salem on paved road; 80 walnut trees and about 100 cher ry trees, part in hay, rest tim ber and pasture, spring water. e Timber will pay for place; very cheap, no trade. R. F. Schuett, Rt. 2, box 170A, Salem. b!28 BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE 6 aores close to Salem on paved highway, good 8 room plastererd house, good barn and poultry house, plenty fruit, good land. Price $4000. Buildings alone are worth the price. Joseph Barber & Son, 200 Gray b)dg. ' b FOR SALE Farm of 12T acres, 2 miles east of Pratum. known as the C. W. Wilks farm. Ninety two acres in grain, balance pas ture and timber, about 1.000, 000 feet of good second growth fir. Can be bought with equip ment for $15,000; without equip ment $13,600. It will pay you to see this farm, if interested, as the place must be sold. Capital National Bank. twist depart ment. b!31 FOR SALE Miscellaneous SILO for sale, 10x30.-Phone 19F11 cl28 FOR SALE Furniture and can ned fruit. 911 Marion St. c!28 PORTABLE garage $50. $1 leSs each day until sold., 1526J. cl43 in the Sahara Desert. IT WOrO'T RepeAT C W0Rtr t THINK. JCFF STUNG M6 A B ,. Jlis) II i I 4-f f i FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE 210 cords of big fir. Henry ..Roth. Central Howeil. ' eel28 FURNITURE for sale, Delft blue breakfast set, 4 chairs, break fast table, serving table $18, new dress suit $40 value, $20. 1565 8. Cottage St. phone 419. cl31 CLOTH window shades 36x60 75c; steel auto camp beds $12.60; Ax minster rugs, 9x7-$ $25.; velvet stair carpet $1.85; oat meal wall paper 30c; moire ceiling paper 25c; kalsomine 9 lbs. for $1; sec ond grade paint $2.56; oongole urn (Gold Seal) 74o; shingle stain, gallon 60c; Sanitary floor oil, gallon, 90c. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial. c!30 FOR SALE WOOD 16-INCH old fir and 4 foot second growth. Phone 881M. eel3 WOOD 16 inch old fir. 4 foot second growth dry. Phone 172T 640 State street. eel30 PLACE your order with the Salem 'fuel yards, 762 Trade St. for your winter's wood and coal. Phone 629, res. 2058, Chas. Soos and Son. ee BEST grade mill wood 18-lnch, 3 feet and 4 feet. Prompt deliv ery, special price on 5 cords. We can make delivery on ash, sec ond growth and old growth fir about July 16th. Fred E. Wells. 105 S. Church street, phone 1542. ee FOR SALE LIVESTOCK GOOD work horse. Wt. 1400 lbs., will trade for good cow, price $75. Phone 23F16. "el29 FOR SALE Standard bred driv ing horse, 7 years old, weighs 1100 pounds, gentle around the city, extra good traveler. Ask for Mr. Haray, Club stables."'el2 9 FOR SALE Automobiles FOR SALE 1921 Harley David son motorcycle, godd shape. hone 18F11, call evenings. q!29 BUICK SIX, 1916, will sell right. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 276 State street. q!28 WANTED To buy Ford or other light car for cash. 178 B. Liber ty, phone 666. q IMPROVE YOUR FORD With a spiral ring gear, ptnoin and CHATTERLESS transmis sion lining. " Get our prices. W. E. Burns Dan Burns (Not Brothers the Saire Man) High street at Ferry. . PARTS FOR ALL CARS. - a FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished apart ment. 631 N. High St. J129 FOR RENT Furnished apt. Union, phone 667J. 690 j!28 APARTMENT for rent. 668 Center street, phone 1226W. J128 FOR RENT 2 and 3 room mod ern furnished apt. 325 S. 14th 5128 FOR RENT Room by the day or week or month; also garage. 492 N. Cottage street. J FOR RE"NT 6 room modern house, close in. Call 210 Oregon bldg, phone 668. J129 HAVE 2 good sleeping rooms at $10 per month, also garage. Phone 1253J. J129 FURNISHED sleeping room for gentleman, 205 , Oregon bldg., phote 1427. , J FOR RENT (Store room, the rear 100 feet at 175 N. Commerctal. Wm. Nelmeyer. J LOST AND FOUND LOST Brown choker fur on N. Commercial street. Ftoder please phone 1049W. , kj28 LOST Coat on Paolfio highway south of Salem, Sunday after noon. Finder call 1061M. kl28 LOST Ladles Swiss wrist watch Court street by Miller's store. Finder notify Journal or Mrs. Albert Thomas, West Salem, Or. f kl29 WANTED HELP WANTED 20 strawberry pickers. phjme117F3. gl31 STRAWBERRY pickers wanted. Phone 44F14. gl29 STRAWBERRY pickers wanted. F. C. Fitts, Rt 9. phone 87F31 WANTED Men to work. Call Turner 68. gl4S STRAWBERRY pickers wanted Good camp, good berries. Rt. 8, box 137. gl38 HIGH grade piano to trade" for good Ford. Oxo Gas Heating Co. 387 Court St. Salem. 1129 FARMERS attention, we want beef, hog and veal and we will pay the highest cash price. 46 State at. phone 1799. 1129 WANTED To" engage strawberry pickers, good yard. Write Geo. ' G. Adams, Rt. 4, box 116D, Sa lem, Or. g!28 WANTED Fifteen strawberry pickers. Campers preferred. Good picking. Half mile south west of state school for boys. Write J. W. Keys, Rt. 1, Tur ner. gl28 THE Whitney company has start ed logging and sawmill opera tions In Tillamook county and Is hiring men at Idavllle and Gar ibaldi at going wages. No strikes Good clean- camps end good wholesome grub. Write or caii The Whitney company. Bay City. Garibaldi or Lewis building. Portland. g' AWOrJ'T VPCAK VT ALL, r i THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, DREGON WANTED Miscellaneous WANTlsrP Day work. Call 1769, Mrs. Laswell. hl2 WANTED Plowing or excavating call 1694J. 1188 WANTED Furniture, tools, etc. Phone 111. WANTED Maternity nursing in private houses. Phone 1694J. 1 WHO wants to adopt a certified babyT Box A14 Capital Journal. 1128 WANTED Old mattresses to make over. Phone 19, Capital City Bed dlng Co. m WAITED Strawberry pickers; ; campers preferred, jtood water, wood and good camp grounds. Phone 6SF11. gl29 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenographer wishes temporary or permanent position, good ref erences. Phone 27JIJ. hl2B" WANTED Furniture, tools, ma chinery, stock, etc. Will buy for cash, or sell on commission. Phone 611, Woodry. the auction eer, m WANTEI Used furniture, rang es, heaters, cook stoves, tools, etc. We pay cash, get our pric es before you sell. Liberty Ex change, 241 N. Com: St, phone 841. 1 " MISCELLANEOUS LlCLECTRIC and hand massage, vioier rayg. ios jerry pi-, nay MONEY to loan on farm land. iT A. Hay ford, 806 State Bt. WOOD SAWING PHONE 1111 for quick 'service. Ed Sproed. 197 WILL store piano for the use of same. Best care guaraneed. Tel- ep h one 1179 before 6 p. m. 112 9 VALSPAR varnish will not turn white. Max O. Buren, 179 North Commercial. rol28 ROOFS reshingled, painted or tarred. Phone Kays 963 or 1758 mizB WINDOW washing. Now is the time. Phone 1802, Windowman. w . mlSO 3ANITARY floor oil, 90e gallon. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Commer cial. ml29 BEDDING PLANTS of all kinds for sale. E. B. Flake, Floweis and Birds. 273 St,te FULLER Brushes for house cloan lng save time, money and backs. 193.7 J. " " m!83 SAMPSON trunks and suit cases, popular prices. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial ml29 NEW rugs from your old carpets, we pick up and deliver. Write us 5 tayton Fluff Rug Co. m!28 CARPETS and rugs hand cleaned. We revive and set colors, resiz ing. Reliable Carpiet Cleaners phone 756.- - ml38 ELECTRICIAN Seoure my fig ures on wiring by contract or by the hour, at pre-war prices. H. W. Hatch, phone 1202 J. m PLUMBING, repairing and coll work, reasonable charges. A. L. Godfrey, ehop foot of Union St. Phone 1397J. 1140 LOANS Let me see you about a loan if you want to build we can help yon. Plenty of money, no delays. Call 634, let us tell you. TRY the Goodyear shoe repair factory when jyou get those shoes repaired. Our prices are lower. 167 N. Commercial St. at (The Bootery) m!32 LAN4SS hot blast fuel saving rang es, $48 up. Let us explain why we cut your fuel bill H. Peo ples Furniture store, 271 North Commercial street, phone 734. WE do house wiring and carry eomplete slock of fixtures. Instrument repairing, experi mental work. Electric applianc es repaired. Hallicks Electric shop, 837 Court, phone 488. m PLASTER your house with ham mer and saw, avoid the muss of wet plaster, get a better Job, use Plaster Wallboard. Secure a sample, a circular and my price. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. ml30 REAL ESTATE GOOD lot on paved street for $420 for a few days only. See Ruby Purdy, realtor, 456 Court St. a FOR SALE 80 unimproved lots Brooklln addition, for Improved property. Fred Wiese, Corvallls, Or. al41 BEST lot on State street, facing south, betwen Thirteenth and Fourteenth, for $2000. Ruby Purdy, realtor, 455 Court St. a LIST your houses with S. It. Pear son for quick sale. I will give you good service. 8. R. Pearson, 210-211 U. S. bank bldg. a FOR SALE View lot on Fair mount hill, 60x150, with large shade trees, $525, terms. 414 N. 24th street. al2 $50 DOWN, $10 per month buys one half acre on rcar line and paved highway all in bearing fruit. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. bl28 FOR SALE Desirable site for building home, east front, now in strawberries and garden, 8. Church and Lefelle. Owner 1600 8. High. a!2 LOT on north Bummer street $1250; this is a splendid buy. Attractive house on N. Summer street $7550, 4 room house and 2 lots $1500- and small 'payment down. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage St. Journal Want Ads Pay THIS PAS?fcoT 11 1- l-wi I, 1 A(yt, so : SI He U)0ult1J REAL ESTATE iDR SALE Building lots on N. vt ji 14th, sewer in, right at edge of , dots, water at edge of ourb, olec !!trlc lights as near as can be plac "ljd. All above of material saving when building. Lots face east iand of size 46 by 122. Beat of ;!jisoll. For further particulars call 4 'at 695 N. 14th or at owner's place of business 254 N. Com mercial, a ; BEE THIS and THIS i 8 room house, basement, fire place, bath, toilet, lot 100x166, plived street, fine location. Price $6500. i 6 room one story house, corner ldt. Price $1900, terms. l3 room new house, lot 60x100, new garage, new .range, lindleum on two rooms, all for $1400. ,( See L. A. HAYFORD . 365 State St. ' FOR SALE ; fully equipped garage, dvdng good business, located on the high way, this is first class. I have a client .who wants a six room bungalow on north Capitol street, also some vacant lots la same location. I have some good farms, also acreage to exchange for city prop erty. If you want to sell, trade or buy, see II. L. MARSTER3 Call 807, FLEMING'S BARGAINS , 60x172 south High street, pav ing paid, $600,--some fruit on It and corner. Cheap. A close in S. Commercial cor ner, $1000. An up to date bungalow, base ment exeepted, $500 below value. An orchard, bearing, for town house and some cash. What have you to trde for a Canadian farm? A good E room bungalow south Salem cheap at $22(0. See WM. FLEMING; v 841 Btsje St. ' BEST BUYS $1600 will buy a grocery stock and fixtures. $1500 will buy building to run a grocery store and boarding house with all the business you, want. $1200 will buy a 5 room house, 2 lots, easy terms. . $2000 will buy a 5 room modern house, $100 down and $20 month ly. $3700 will buy a 6 room modern house, garage, shrubbery, fruit, bearing walnuts, lot 110x100, pav ed street, close in, terms on $40 each will buy a number of good building lots. Have several dairy and chicken ranches well located for sale. , SOCOLOFSKY 341 State street . Don't invest, in real estate you cannot sell again. You can't lose on these properties, see them to day. 10 acres, H In cultivation, small house, all fenced,, part in prunes, cherries and berries, located on a good rock road in the Liberty dis trict, $200 first payment, balance to suit. , A new modern 7 room bungalow, full lot; this house was built for a home, Is double constructed and the very best of material and workmanship. Located at 7 88 N Church street. Look at It and come to-our office and make An offer, terms. ., A nice little home of four rooms, modern. Full lot, garage and young fruit, located on car line. You can buy this on terms. We do not handle eurbstoners nr wild cat properties. We want good properties and at. sound val ues. If you have such for sale or exchange list it with us. RADCLIFF & WARING 341 State street. 128 GOOD BUYS Improved 8 acre tract close ' to carline, all in berries, good five room plastered cottage, electric lights, well, barn. Price $4200, half cash balance terms. 10 acre tract located on paved road one mile from oity limits, 8 acres cultivated, old house and barn, running water, family fruit, 1 acre cherries. Price $4200, terms hi acre lots on car line and paved road, all In bearing fruit. Prloe $600, $50 down, balance $10 per month, 6 per cent interest. 1 acre tract located juef west of Salem Heights store and carline, beautiful view. Price $1060. Fine east front building lot on wuth Commercial street. Some fine shade trees. Prlcxe $360. - 44 aores of fine Howell prairie oil on paved road, M of crop goes. Price $176 per acre. 820 acre farm, 85 acres of fine summer fallow wheat, buildings, about fifteen thousand cords of Handing fir timber. This is a buy. Price $85 per acre. - If you are looking to buy, trade ir sell, se W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 276 Btate street "LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE The undersigned will receive sealed bids up till five o'clock p. m., Monday, June 6th, 1922, for 1795 cubio yards of concrete grav el, more or lews. The city reserves tne rignt io reject any or all bids. " MARTEN POULSEN, ' ' Acting City Recorder. 129 ""Both sawmills at Bend r run nlng to full capacity, shipping de partments are taxed to the limit and 800 carloads are expected U be sent out this month. Copyright 1920 BuT SJCH Ten, :!-3 1 AUCTIONEKB ACETVLKN E WELDING IRON, steel, brass, aluminum, cop per. Bring the plecus. oxo-uas nesting Co.. 887 court. F. N. WOODRY the live stock, furniture, real estate auctioneer. Phone 611 for sale dates. Res. 1610 N. Summer. Q. SATTERLEE, auctioneer. Real estate ana stonk sales, cash lor your sale notes. Phone 12 11 J or 117 7. Office 414 Ferry St. CHIROPRACTORS Dlt. BRADFORD, graduate and post graduate of the First Char tered Chiropractlo college in the world. Ten years praotlce. Con sulfation and examination tree. Phone 626, rooms 118-19-20 Oregon bldg. CITY SCAVENGER. SALEM SCAVENGER -Garbage aua reiuse ot an Unas removea by the month at reasonable rates Cesspools oleansd and dead ani mals removed. Day phone 167. night phone 1227M. R. O. Cuin- minga, Mgr. FARM LOANS BUILDING LOANS MADE May oe repaia like rent. Life. Fire, Health, Accident, .'n demnity, Liability and Auto In surance written, A. C. BOURNSTKDT 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or. FINANOJAij MARION-POLK C ounty FarTn Loan association has money to loan at six per cent, W. D, Smith secretary treasurer, $01 Salem Bank of Commerce. GAKAOlu WALSH A BRODHAGEN, auto re pairing, cylinder fsborlng and machine work. When in doubt see us. Consultation free. 186 8. High near O U depot Phone $13. ymmi Sit N High Phone 203. Batterl es repaired. Degge- B D. BARTON, Exlde batteries, starter and generator work, 171 8. Commercial. , AUTO Electrician, expert trouble shooting. 288 N. High St, phone HAT BLOCKING MEN'S and women's hats reno vated, blocked and trimmed, 496 Court, C. B. Ellsworth HEMSTITCHING MRS. C. E. MILLER, hemstitching stamping, buttons, hand embroi dery. Room 10 over Miller's store, phone 117. ' 1 SALEM Elite, hemstitching, chain stitching, pleating, buttons, stamping and needlework. Phone 879, 839 Oregon blldg. MERCHANT TAILOR M. A. ESTES, tin ST tailoring, 884 State street LEGAL NOTICES l ADMINISTRATRIX FINAL' NOTICE . To whom it may concern; No tice is hereby given that the under signed, Emma B. Welch, former ly Emma B. Beckett, administra trix of the estate of Clyde W. Beckett, deceased, has ' this day, filed in said estate, her final ac count as administratrix thereof and the county court of Marion county, Oregon, has fixed and ap pointed Monday, June 12, 1923, at the hour of 10 o'clock' a. m. of said day, at the county court room In the county court house, in said county and state, as the time and place for the hearing of objections to such final account and for the settlement thereof. Dated at Salem, Oregon, May 8th, 1922. KMMA B. WELCH, (formerly Emma B. Beckett.) Administratrix of the estate of Clyde W, Beckett, deceased. Carey F. Martin, attorney for estate. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES The Oregon Mate Board of Con trol will receive sealed bids on Jun 15, 1922, at 2 p. m., fur furn ishing to the various state Insti tutions, supplies consisting of dry goods, clothing, furnishings, gro ceries, shoes, hardware, brooms, drugs, stationery, crockery, plumb ing, etc., for the saml-annual per iod ending December 81, 1922. Specifications and sohedules will be furnished upon application to the secretary at BaJem, Oregon, also from the trade and commer cial bureau of the Portland Cham ber of Commerce. Eaoh bid shall be aoeompanled by a certified check representing It per cent of the whole amount bid, payable to the Oregon State Board of Con trol, or where the 10 per cent amounts to $500.00 or more, a surety bond, from some company autnorizea io ao Dullness in Ore gon will be accepted In place of the ?heok. The same shall be held as i guaranty of the faithful per formance of the contract. The board reserves the right to reject -my or all bids or to accept any art of a bid. R. B. GOODIN, Secretary, Orpon Pfste Board of Control, Journal Want Ads Pay by Int'l. Feature Service Inc. Trade make Reg. In the U. 8. ou Took Him iaj A HUGttV, THAT" r, HACiM'T Tllve TO to u He uas MOTOBOl'CLIiS LLOYD E. RAMS DEN. Indian motorcycles and Dayton bicycles court street. r' l HARRY W. SCOTT, 'a "The Cycle Man." Lvu, 147 S. Coin. Phone iUiilkW' 68. N irHSERY STOCK SALEM Nursery company, fruit and ornamental trees, small fruit and roses. Phone 1788. 428 Oregon bldg. OPTICIANS " GLASSE3 fitted by Dr. I 1. Bur. dette, optometrist. Bow Optica) Co., 825 State street OSTEOPATHY DR. W. L. MERCER. osteopath.C physlolan and surgeon. Kirks- vllle graduate, 404-406 U. S. Na. tional bank bldg. Phones, offict 19. residence 614. T3RS. W iHTE "AND MARSHALL osteopathic physiolans ana sur geons, 606 U. 3. bank building Phone 88. Dr. White, resi dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall residence phone 834. PIANOS GEO. C. WIlX, pianos phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Re pairing phonographs and sew ing maohlnes, 432 State, Salera PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTOGRAPHS tinted 6x8 sis 8o, 8x10 slse 60c Mrs. Bullock, 212 8. Cottage street, phone 1620M PRINTING A SATISFIED oustomer return Rowland Printing Co., Phone 1612, over Patton book store. ; KKPA1R1NO STE WART' B Repair Shop, 84? Court Bt Umbrellas and cutlery STOVES rebuilt and repaired, 60 years experience; Depot Na tional and Amerlecan fenoe, slses (8 to 61 Inches high. Paints, oil and varnishes, etc, ? logan berry and hop hooka. Salem Fenoe and Stove Works, 260 Court street. Phone 12 4. TRANSFER OREGON TRANSFER AND 8TOR AGE CO. Ambulance service. Cars washed and polished. Ex cavating, plowing and fertilizer. Wood and horsei for sale. Phone-77. WATEH COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Of fice, corner Commercial and Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly in advance. Phone 67. JUNK WANTED Rags and secondhand goods of all kinds. Capital Junk company, phone 888, 215 Cen ter street SALEM MARKETS Compiled from reports of Sa lem dealers for the guidance of Capital Journal readers. Revised dUy.) Grain: Average valley wheal (bulk) 97o. Hay: Cheat hay $1112; oat Hay! Cheat hay $17(8118; oat hay $17 18; clover hay (bulk) $18. Wholesale Prices Meat: bogs $11 11.60; dressed hogs J 4c; top steers to; cows ie; bulls $tt: lambs 7o; dressed veal 1 2 ft 18c. Poultry: Light hens 16c; medi um hens 18o; heavy hens 20aio; old roosters lOo; stags 13 to 16c, broilers 26 80o, Butterat: Butterfat 89c; cream ery butter 41042o; country butter 80082c; eggs 18c;: milk $1.80 cwt -Vegetables: Wax onions $4 pet crate; beets $3.80 cwt; California cabbage 4 He lb; grevn peppers 40c lb; potatoes $1.00 cwt; California lettuce $3.80 per crate; Arkansas sweet potatoes $3.60 bushel; oelery $1.60 doz; radishes 60o dux; parsley 90o doz: tomatoes $5.00 crate art ichoke $1.76 dozen; asparagus 16c; cucumbers $2 per dos. Fruits: Oranges $7.60; lemons $8.00; bananas lOo; Calif, grape fruit $4.00; Florida grape fruit $8 (f 8.60; strswberries 88 per erate Iletall Prioss Butter d eggs: Eggs 20O22o; oreamery butter 47c; country butter 85 O 966. Portland Karkets Portland, Or., May 29. Cattle weak; receipts 1985; top steers 38.6009.00; medium to good $.? O8.60; fair to medium $7.00 8.00; common to fair $S.505JT.00; choice feeds $8.2(8.26; fair to good $4.76 O $ 25; cholcs cows and heifers $6.7507.25; medium to good $5.76 8.76; fair to medium $6.0008.75; common- cows $4.00 O5.00; cannera 83.80P4.00: bulls IS.75B5.26; prime light $8,000 8.50; medium to light $7,00 0 8.00; heavy $4.6008.60. Hogs higher! receipts 879; prims light $11.60011.85; smooth heavy 220 to 300 pounds 10.5K' 11.00; 800 pounds and up $10,000 10.60; rough heavy $7.5009.60; PAGE SEVEN Texas WoJniaa Enters Race for Congress "(v 'if i V A. t I V 7 s:: Miss Annie Webb Blanton, of Denton, Texas, "first woman in the. "Lone Star Stats'' to be elected to a state office, now is seeking a seat in congress. For two terms state superintendent of public in struction. Miss Blanton is endeav oring to be elected to the congres sional seat left vacant by the death of Congressman Lucie n W. Par rlsh. Girl'a Love Prize in Fatal Fight V Frances Senior, of West New bury, Mass., over whom two Grove land boys are said to have fought a "love battle." Herman Tabor, nineteen, is dead, and l'aul Cla ridge, his rival, Is under arrest on the charge ot manslaughter, STAR SCORNS SUPERSTITION William Farnum, ths famous emotional actor of the screen, la about as free from superstition as any man can be, Indeed, he Is somewhat scornful and Impatient of superstition, though gracious and by nature tolerent of ths foi bles ot others. But all his close friends and many acquaintances knbw that "Bill" Farnum will not walk updsr a ladder. He never has admitted that ho considers this unlucky, but explains that tbe thought of walking or tand Ing under a ladder recalls sn tin- pleasant experience la bis. r msrkftble career. "Whan I was a child," he said In explanation on day, "we al- 1 ways had a double celebration on tbe Fourth of July, because my birthday Is ths same as that of the nation. Ons Independsncs Day I bad on a whits duck suit of which I was extremely proud. My brother Dustln was resplen- ' dent in blue. Together we went out to our barn, which was being; repainted. The painters had left a ladder standing against the wall and the paint cans and brushes were inside ths barn. I dlncov- , ered a spot on tbs wall which I thought needed a little more red paint, and suggested to Dus that he climb up and attend to It. He agreed, and went up with the paint. I stood under ths laddsr to boss ths job. "Then down cams ths bucket, and in an Instant I was an ani mated atom of red paint. Of course, you know what childish tragedies are. That on burned indelibly into my brain. And that Is why I do not walk under lad dors. It Is rather Inconvenient, this feeling of mine, when I am working la studios, where lad ders abound." William Farnum plays a strong ly emotional role in "Perjury," the super-special running at the Liberty theatre next Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. When your breath is bad, appe tite poor, and you feel "blue" and discouraged, you need Hurblne. One or two dones will set you right. It is a great system puri fier. Fries tOc. Sold by Daniel J. Fry. (sdv) fat pigs $U.25OU.50; stags i9 7.50. Hheep higher; receipts 1155; spring lambs $9.50011 60; culls 10.007.00: feeders $9.00910.00; light yearllnifs $i0fH-00; heavy 7.008,O0; light yearlings 37.00 O8.00; heavy $07. ewes $2.60O Butter steady; ex. rubes 2503tia cartons 41c; prints 40c; butterfat No. 1 41c fob Portland; under grade 86 0 38c. Jbggs: Selling case count 2021o buying price 192oc; suiting price candlfd 28 0 26c; selected candled In carons 24 O 88c. Poultry: Hens light 18c; heavy 23u; broilers 23 0 26c; old roosters 10c; geeas no in; ducks 80O$2o; turkova nom, dreasea. Wheat: Hard white $1.13: soft white $1.12; white club $122; red Waits $1.18; hard winter $1.19. Mill run $38.00; eats $34 000 37.10; earn No. 1 yellow $39.90; hay, timothy, valley $18.69; al falfa $19; grain mixed $11.0ui. clover $14, straw $-