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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1922)
PAGE SIX THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY, MA If au, iy COMMISSIONERS COURT (Continued from Yesterday.) Road District No. 8 Eowa Paul, sharpening grader 3.00 Thais Mat, ditching 9.00 Stiber W, da . 9 00 Miller Ben, grading 17.60 Rlgelon Jesse, driving truck .... 3.00 Durant L W, patrolman...... 16.00 Schleis Frank, running cat erpillar 18.00 Road Boiler Account Giebler Chris, work on steam roller 7.50 Stavton Crusher Stayton Clifford, iron 18.00 Watters A S, hauling rock scraper 6.34 Hunt J T, county commis- sloner salary and expen ses r. 23.50 GENERAL FUND Miscellaneous Account Rabens William, bounty On gophers 7.40 Downing W H, do 6.20 Parmenter C. L, do 6.20 Allen Royce, do . 5.20 Heslebacher Ferdinand, do 1.55 Barnes Letta M, relief . 10.00 Branam Emma R, do . 21.00 - Caswell Mary, do 10.00 Coppock Lulu, do 10.00 Ekin Maud, do 17.50 Eshleman LInnie Elsie, do 10.00 Freed Emma Lena, do 10.00 Holley Flora L, do. 9.35 Kliewer Minnie Myrtle, do 17.50 McGrath Etta, do...- 10.00 Sawyer Rose Mary, do 30.00 Seegar Mary, do . . Shields Bernice May, do.. Slavens Blanche Elizabeth, do .... . While H O, Juror Boyer U G, cash advance for bounty on gophers.. Hall Sam, bounty on skins Armstrong Mrs. David, re lief 16.00 Culver Stella S, bailiff 64.00 Grazer Guy R, bounty on skins .... Bastiansen John, juror...... 65.80 Limbeck Fred, bounty on gophers Oornforth Belle, Juror ... Litchfield Geo P, bailiff..., Sweeney Frank, juror Ballamy 3 W, do Elgin Harry, 17.50 10.00 17.50 3.20 100.00 4.00 10.00 Ivie M R, do 100.00 Wallace Ruth E, do.... 100.00 Hartman Gertrude, do . 90.00 Hunt Helen, reg Clerk... 76.4 McKinney A L, do. 46.25 Boyer C E, do . 81.60 Blackerby J L, do 78.00 Recorder's Office Benedict Edith E, deputy recorder 100.00 Engelhart Alma, do . . 75.00 Beecroft Myrtle, do 75.00 Maclnrtyre Gladys, clerk.... 60.00 Savage Laurel J, do 24.08 Treasurer'! Office Richardosn W Y, deputy recorder 100.00 Assessor's Office Lee A A, deputy assessor..- 115.00 Shelton R, do 110.00 Tlngiestad Martin, do........ 85.00 Jefferson John A, do . 44.00 Snyder E P, do 100.00 Gage Rea, clerk , 90.00 District Attorney's Office Brown Thomas, deputy , district attorney 75.0 Page Lyle J, do 25.00 McCamman E C, stenogra pher i 60.00 Court House Morgan Cal, janitor 65.00 Hotoon L, do 65.00 Childs J W, do , 66.00 4.10 31.80 96.00 49.00 60.80 do 39.60 Harrington H G, do. 61.60 Hughes Bascom H, do 46.00 Kirch Henry, do 72.40 Pugh Alice E, do 48.60 Morris Clara M. do 73.20 Allen M 8, do 72.60 Edwards Geo, "do 69.00 Smith H W, do 65.00 Evans John W, do 44.80' Rosteln Edw, do 63.60 Daue A, do . 68.00 Coleman Mary K J, do.. 76.00 Goodknlght oJhn, do 47.60 Von Bell re n Henry C, do.... 63.80 Frank Lesley, do .... 72.80 Lauterman Mae R, do 64.60 McKinney Minnie C, do...... 42.40 Ratcliff Effie R, do 43.20 Denny Ernest, do 62.00 Richardson Ward K, do 89.60 Sawyer, C W, do 43.20 Walkoskl Barbara, relief.. 10.00 Crabb Charles, bounty on School Superintendent's Office Reid Cora E, clerk 100.00 Baillie W H, supervisor.. 120.00 Poor Account Byrd W H, county phyai clan 65.00 Jackson Hattle M, special poor officer 75.00 Stock Inspector's Account Morehouse W B, county veterinarian ... 33.60 Health Officer's Account Cashatt C E, county health officer .-. 35.00 Pemberton J R, do 15.00 Sealer of Weights and Measurers jones j r, geaier oi - weights and measures.... 37.64 County Court and Commissioners uouiet w 1, county com missioner's salary and and expenses 42.40 Hunt J T, do 106.10 Circuit Court Account HIH Nancy E, Juror 60.80 Scalp Bounty Sheperd Carl, bounty on skins 15.00 Indigent Soldier Account Ross Harry W, relief for W F Fultz 26.00 Ross Harry W, relief for John Humphreys 25.00 Boyer U G, county clerk, cash advance for bouaty on gophers etc 100.00 Circuit Court Account Hewlett Leroy, Juror 62.00 Boyer U G, cash advance for postage stamps 25.00 Commercial Book Store, Ink paper fasteners eto 23.83 Commercial Printing Co, gum labels .... 15.00 The Daily Capital Journal, publication notice of reg lstration 4.20 Eastman L C, for informa tion and special specifl tions on ballot boxes 6.00 Nelson Bros, ballot boxes end locks 203.50 Oregon Statesman, publi of notice of registration Patton Bros, rubber bands gophers 2.55 Barton John C, relief 10. 00 j Rodgers Paper Co, paper... Smith Dr W Carlton, earn- I Sheriff's Office 4.20 1.65 8.44 inations 6.00 Griffith Dr. L F, do 10.00 , Bvrd Dr W H, do 15.00 Allen Grant, bounty on gophers, etc 6.30 Poor Account Schirman Walter, relief for Katie Cchlrmnn .... 15.00 Armstrong Mm. David, re lief 15.00 Baker W A, do 20.00 Barnett Elizabeth, do 10.00 Barrier Mr and Mrs, do.... 30.00 Bileu Martha, do 10.00 Boys and Girls Aid Society, do 25.00 Buffun W B, do '. 10.00 Carlson C Carl, do 10.00 Ohaltfaux Mrs. do 10.00 Cold well Mrs. Mable, do.... 10.00 Jrwin W L, relief for Lela and Melford Cook 10.00 Dodge Ulysaa Ellen, relief 10.00 Engelhart Mrs. Anna, do.. 10.00 . Fetsch Emily, do 20.00 Foster Mrs. do 12.00 Glldden J H. do 15.00 Gobln Llzette, do 12.00 Groshong Mrs. J N, do 16.00 Haggard Delia, do 40.00 Hardwick Charles, do 10.00 Hart Graoe A, do 20.00 Ilaynes Mrs. Caroline, do.. 10.00 Miller Mrs. Minnie, relief for George Hodgeman.... Old Peoples Home, relief for Mrs. Julia D Hurtel James Mrs Effte J, relief.. Klum Nellie M, do 25.00 Lantz Catherine, do 8.00 Lucler Mrs Louise, do 15.00 Lunn Mrs O C, do 10.00 Miller Mrs Vina H, do: 10.00 Mack 10 A, do 15.00 NagolBFred and Elisee, do 20.00 Newton O D, do 10.00 NoW Cary O, do 15.00 Ownby Eunice, do 15.00 Brokke T H, relief for Olea Pedersen 15.00 Penton Louise, relief for Harry Penton Kelnhart Rosalia, relief.... Schaffitz Mrs Emma, do. Schmltz Mrs Mary, do. Schwlngler Mary, do. 25.00 Simmons Anna May, do 22.50 Smith A H, do Stark Olga, do.. . Strath Mrs Minnie, do Stripling Hulda, do Trelber Anton, do . Walkoskl Barbara, do Wanless Gilmer, do Williams Alice Bertha, do Sheriff's Office Eurkhant S O, deputy sheriff 124.70 Aufranc A E, tax clerk 18.75 Barber W T, car hire and expenses incurred 'by dep uty sheriff 24.10 23.10 2.00 63.75 15.00 25.00 15.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 15.00 10.00 32.50 25.00 8.00 12.00 1V00 10.00 20.00 Barber W T, do 134.70 Lewis C A, do 115.00 Butler S J, do . 100.00 Bohler Geo J, do 100.00 Clerk's Office Arms A M, deputy county clerk . . 110.00 Bower 0 D, care hire etc.. Commercial Book Store penslls and clasps Long C C, extra tax clerk McKinney A L, excess tax clerk 60.00 Moores & Co Ross E, legal blanks 13.08 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co, telephone services 17.45 Richardson W, et'ra tax clerk 63.76 Rodgers Paper Co, binding duplicate receipt books etc 24.50 Schneider Victor, extra tax clerk 90.00 Siineral Elsie, tax turnover clerk .... 93.75 Ctate Industrial Accident Commission, contribu tion account accident in surance motorcycle of State Industrial Accident Commission, do Wrightnian F T, extra tax clerk Clerk's Office Boyer U G, county, clerk, cash advance for expres- sage 46.04 Moores & Co Ross E, let ters testamentary The Pacific Telephone and Telephone Co, telephone services Rodgers Paper Co, envel opes Recorder's Office Brooks Mildred K, county recorder Moores A Co Ross E, war ranty deeds, etc The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co, telephone services Treasurer's Office Commercial Book Store, pens .... The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co, telephone services Patton Bros, clco and re ceipt books Surveyor's Office Keuffel and Ksser Co, let tering stake tacks etc.... The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co, telephone services Porter W J, brush Salem Hardware Co, mark ing bruah Rodgers H M. city engin District Attorney's Office The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co, telephone services '14.35 4.05 4.05 68.00 2.00 8.4E 2.65 2.50 1.00 6.70 3.30 6.70 3.16 6.11 8.80 .40 .20 8.00 Page Lyle J, traveling ex penses ete .. 14,00 County Court and Commissioners noyer u u, county cierit, stamped envelopes Capital Journal, publish ing claim docket Barret Blanche F, report er's services J.. . . The J J Krapps Co, letter heads Oregon Statesman, publish lng claim docket " 79.20 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co, telephone services ., 16.4 Patton Bros, Ink Court House Work Aahliman Louis gasket and plumbing repair work.. Bernardl J A, pipe, repair ing valves etc . BHbs F W, auto top mater ial binding etc Buren Max O, shades qul- leys and cord 25.04 Capital City Laundry, laundry . Charlie Chinaman, wash ing windows The Dally Capital Jour nal, publishing notice of clerk's office temporary location . Poughtoln & Marcus, pul leys and hooks etc 6,eka....0h6o0 1- ,z....ay0 Hansen A M, building glaz ing drawers etc 113.60 Hauser Bros, keys and work on door check . Opera Hause Pharmacy, ammonia Portland Railway Light and PYower Co, lights arcs etc :. Salem Hardware Co, flush rings drawer pulls 43.60 Schellberg H, carpenter work 130.60 Chas K Spauldlng Logging Co, tables lumber etc...... 197.36 Stewart's Repair Shop, lawn mower sharpened etc .". Stiff Furniture Co H L, re pairing chairs etc Welch Electric Co, extra lights switches signal , system etc 94.66 Caples Ernest Witness 20.00 Drew Hozy, witness 16.60 Garfield Edna, reporters services 71.70 Harned Fay, witness... 24.70 Lewis Archie, do 20.00 Moores & Co Ross E, war rants . The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co, telephone services ; Patton Bros, Ink fasteners etc Primrose J S, witness 20.00 Sandefer S B, do 61.20 Smith & Bros L C Type writer Co, ribbons Terminal Taxi Service, car hire Zinn J Z, do .' ; Covel F W, witness ........ Lee Asa, do ......... Wiggins Don, do Baker Mrs Samantha, do.. Hayden Miller B, do Wood Troy D, do Blrtchett Walter, do Ellis C R, do Justice Court Unruh G E, Justice Unruh G E, Justice State vs. Doe Unruh G E, Justice 14.20 27.6 79.20 11.3 3.6 9 1.50 1.45 10.00 2.10 2.45 7.50 1.80 1.26 2.60 .30 116.83 3.351 9.26 4.00 6.25 2.80 9.00 6.00 , 3.00 5.60 2.20 4.40 2.20 6.20 6.20 6.20 6.20 3.20 3.20 9.60 8.60 3.60 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 12.20 7.2-0 6.00 5.00 .... 6.00 6.00 29.63 31.76 3.00 8.60 12.80 3.00 1,25 2.50 15.00 4.00 1.00 6.44 DeLong W E, constable.... 4.60 Penny O A, witness 1.90 Moffitt Verdun M, do 1.70 Allen Bruse, do 1.90 State vs. Ackerman Ray Mark, witness.... 4.70 State vs. Becker McCord Blaine, justice 15.76 Covel Frank W, constable 4.00 Kettle W W, witness 1.70 Hicks W S, do 1.70 Wageman J C, do 1.70 Smith Marie, do 1.70 Coy Frank, do 1.70 Scollard Roy, do 1.70 State vs. Berry Office Jaquet Chas, hauling still to Justiqe .. State vs. Charles worth Unruh G E, justice DeLong W E, constable.... State vs. Drubrez Unruh G E, Justice DeLong W E, constable.... State vs. Eaton Unruh O E, justice DeLong W E, constable.... State vs. Jettefe Brentano John F Theo B Justice Managre J B, serving war rant Knights of Columbus, use " of hall State vs. Keeley Unruh G E, Justice DeLong W E, constable.. State vs. Martin Unruh G E, Justice Delong W E, constable. Unruh G E, Justice DeLong W E, constable ... State vs. Moceri McCord Blaine, justice State vs. Ott Brentano John F Theo B, justice Man e re J B, serving war rant Knights of Columbus, use of hall .... 6tate vs. Ryan Unruh G E, justice DeLong W E, constable . Unruh G E, justcie - DeLong W E, constable.... State vs. Sheean Unruh G E, justice DeLong W E, constable..- State vs. Thomas McCord Blaine, justice State vs. Thorsen Unruh G E. justice DeLong W E, constable. .J. State vs. Ward Unruh G E, justice DeLong W E, constable ... State vs. Wheeler Unruh G E, justice DeLong W E, constable.... WheeUer Anna, witness. State vs. Zeller Unruh G E, Justice . 16.60 3.00 7.66 6.60 6.70 .50 8.95 1.00 7.20 4.30 2.50 6.45 .50 7.45 .50 8.95 1.00 6.45 7.20 4.30 2.50 8.95 1.00 7.45 .60 5.45 1.90 5.45 3.20 1.20 6.70 .50 14.40 6 90 1.90 DeLong W E, constable..- Habel Chas, witness Hebel lire. Chas, do........ Zeller Henry, do . Zeller Mrs Henry, do - Ranson Dr J W, do Zeller N W, do Seamster Virgil, do Coroner's Account Barrett Blanche F, report." er's services i Garfield Edna, do Rigdon Lloyd, T, examina tion death of Raymond Jackson Stanfleld ....... Rigdon Lloyd T, examina tion death of Mike Dig off ............. Hlgdon Lloyd T, examina tion death of David Boardman Griffith Rigdon Lloyd T, examtna lion death of Frank W. Buswell 8.00 Allen Dr W W, examina tion of body of Frank W. Buswell .Z-. Feeble Minded " Account Penny Co I C, shoes and clothing for Violet Per. x. ry . Rosteln ft Green oaum. shoes and clothing for Albert Long Rosteln and Greenbaum, shoes and clothing for Harvey Moudy : 29.00 Sschol Superintendent Office sarnie w M, repairs for car etc advance .. 45.38 Buttolph Dorothea, extra clerk 8,00 Fulkerson Mary L, cash ad vance fo rtraveling ex penses and stamps 80.00 Humphrey Gladys, extra clerk Kraps Co The J J, printing recommendation certificates The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co, telephone services Rauch May, extra clerk.... Reld Cora E,- salary and traveling . expenses truant Officer 25.00 Rodgers Paper Co, envel opes and paper. 12.56 Health Officer's Account VanWInkle Dr J O, regis trar 2.60 Brune S E, do , . 10.50 Webert Lewis, do 2.25 Gooding J H, do. Gleason Miss Alice, do Hubbs H W, do Bauman J T, do ragg Dr H N, do Cashatt Dr C E, do 65.25 Fruit Inspector's Account Van Trump S H. salary ana expenses 132.60 Poor Account . Austin's Grocery, groceries for Mary J Beach Clark Frank C, salary and expenses superintendent county poor farm 303.87 Dlgerness N, groceries and ' clothing for Mrs Wm Hutho . 29.42 Fry Daniel J, prescriptions for county poor patients 7.76 Hammond Lumber Co, gro ceries for Nellie Wach- ter 25.oo Hunt.Jno P, agent, insur ance Alice William prop erty Hunt Jno P, agent, insur ance Nagel property 6.90 Jackson Hattle, cash ad vance account traveling expenses Lebold & Co, groceries for Mowery family... McCormick M J, groceries for Mrs John Jeaudoin.. Modern Shoe Repair Shop, soles and rubber heels on shoes for Harold Eddy , Moore-Dunn Drug Store, prescriptions etc for county poor patients.... Opra House Pharmacy, prescriptions for county poor patients Oregon Transfer and Stor age Co, conveying C P Miller to Deaconess Hos pital . The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co, telephonfc services . J C Penny Co, clothing etc for Ross Smith 25.11 Pohle & Son H, lawn mow er JU.UO Rigdon A Son W T, Tmrlal of Christopher B Casler 35.00 Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for Mrs Elsie Don aldson for April 37.50 Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for Miss Katie Schirmer 18.75 Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for Nora Langdon Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for Alice Hamby.... Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for Mrs J T White Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for Mr Darling...... Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for John C Bar ton a. Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for Clarence Miller Salem Deacones Hospital. care for Edward Keyes.. Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for Henry Wells.... Salera Deaconess Hospital, care for Mrs Lizzie How ard - S7.S9 Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for Michael Blacks Salem Deaconess Hospital, care" for Wm Kink Salem Deaconess Hospital, care for Mrs Jons War. den . Salem Deacones Hospital, care for D B Wrlght..t. Salem Fuel Yards, wood.... Salem Hardware Co, ket . tie and mop handles for county poor farm Sherrtll Mrs F D. nurse s services for Mrs Alice Williams Shrode D L, groceries for Mrs Northcutt..." y STILL FIGHTS IRELAND'S BATTLES ' - MA , . 4 v. n. v y Vfi - n ;K J. H1' i -'i There can be no peace in Ireland until the country la entirely freed of English domination, declared Countess Markievicz, ''the Irish Joan of Arc," -who is In America to plead the. cause of Irish Independence. The countess, In male attire, served as a lieutenant in the Easter uprising In 1916 and fought shoulder to shoulder with the men. Photograph shows her with Pauline Gaul and Kathleen Barry, who welcomed her to San Francisco. 10.70 1.20 361.60 1.25 6.00 6.00 .72 2.35 Simon ft Pade, groceries for Amos. Brown Webb & dough Co, burial of Sadie Thompson and Francis M Hall 65.00 Weller Bros, groceries for David George 14.00 Weller Bros, groceries for Nellie Blixeth Welle rBros, groceries for E E Boyler. 15.00 Weller Bros, groceries for Weller Bros 25.62 Wolf Osmar K M D, profes slonal services Alice Wil Hams and Anne Engle- hard 13.00 Jail Account Bower O D, board for prisoners Opera House Pharmacy, prescriptions Roberts C M, matches and soap Stiff Furniture Co H L, re pairing cots nad new cots 49.50 Juvenile Court Account Bower 0 D, cash advance account traveling expen ses : Tax Rebate Philpott S A and M A, re bate ....!. .'. Price J C and O E, do Rebate of Fees D'Arcy P H, rebate Do? Fund Downing Rue, damage ac count lambs killed by dogs ,. Drager Rue, do Fisher Phillip, damage account sheep killed by dogs 38.50 Hartley E, account lambs killed by dogs Mobley Everett, account sheep killed by dogs.... Schwab A A, account sheep tollled by dogs.. AdvertUinsr Salem Commercial Club, membership dues 50.00 4.60 1.26 2.50 7.50 4.00 38.50 22.60 87.00 While only one or two packing plants on the Washington shore of the Columbia are taking troll caught fish, the trollers, who are doing fairly well at the present time, are said to be -having no trouble In disposing of their catches. Active operations on the Lone Pine mine on Forest creek, west of Jacksonville, have commenced. A rock crusher of 150 tons' capac ity Is being installed to prepare the ore for the mill. An attack of heartburn or in digestion calls for a dose of Her- bine. It relieves the distress . in stantly and forces the fermented food into the bowels. You feel bet ter at once. Price 60c. Sold by Dan'l J. Fry. (adv) Further' Reductions In Daily and Week End Round Trip Fares To Portland by the Oregon Electric Ry. ..From May 26 to September 30, fares on the Oregon Electric Rail way from Salem to Portland and return will be In effect as shown below: 32.45, tickets on sale daily, re turn limit October 81, with stop overs allowed at any point in either direotion. $2.05, week-end tickets on sale Friday, Saturday and Sunday, re turn limit Tuesday following. No stop-overs. $2,05, week-end, tickets on sale Friday and Saturday, return limit 15 days from date of sale. No stop-overs. Round trip tickets at reduced fares to all other points on 0. E. Hy., on sale daily, return limit eighth day. Details supplied on application. J. W. RITCHIE. Adv. , Agent, O. E. Ry. FOUR HIGHWAY PROJECTS TO BE STARTED AT ONCE Work on - four state highway projects, which have been held up pending adjustment of certain de tails, will be started immediately as the result of action by the state highway commission here today. These are: - The Harrisburg-Junction City section of the Pacific, highway, 3.45 miles of 'gradiffg and macad am on which the contract has been let to S. S. Schell of Grants Pass for $38,987.60. The Goldson-BIachly section of the Willamette Valley-Florence highway, 13.63 miles of macadam on which the contract has been let to A. D. Kearne on a big of $86,850. The Walterville-Deerhorn-Doyle Hill section of the McKenzie high way, 2.98 miles of grading and macadam, on which the contract has been let to Albert Anderson of Grants Pass on a bid of $22,255. Tha Pnwip Ptnnt mA .. ' - - mu oneii rock grades on the McKenzie highway 2.6 miles of grading and macadam on which the contract has been let to A. F. Saar of Portland on a bid of $37,652. mil',' ,i i ill' m i m u Tim Hamman Auto Stage Effective May 22nd Three Stages Daily Leaves Salem Stage Terminal: No. 1, 7:30 a. m. No. 3, 10:30 a. m. No. 5, 4:30 p. m. Leave Mill City: No. 6, 7 a. m. No. 2, 12:30 p. m. No. 4, 4. p. m. No. 1 connects with east! bound train at Mill City, No. 5 waits for west bound train at Mill Mty. JOS. HAMMAN. Prop. Salem-SUvcrton Division Leaves Salem Central Stage Ter minal, 7:00 a. m., 11:00 a. m. 6:00 D. m. Leaves Sllverton News Stand, 8:00 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 6:00 p. m. Saleni-Indcpendcnoe-Monmontli Division Leaves Salem Central Stage Ter minal, 7:00 a. m., 9:00 a. m., 11:00 a. m.. 8:00 n. m. 6:00 n. m. Leaves Monmouth, Monmouth ho tel, 8:16 a. m., 1:00 p. m 6:111 p. m. Leaves Independence, Beaver ho tel, J:80 a. m., 10:00 a. m., 1:15 p. m., 4:00 p. m., 6:30 p. m. We make connections at EaJem to all parts of the valley. . isxtra trips by appointment. J. W. PARKER General' Manager. SILVERTON MOUNT ANGEL PORTLAND C. & M. Stages Schedule South Bound Read down Dly. Dly. Dly. No 6 No t No 1 PM PM AM 6:00 1:30 8:00 Portland 8:05 8:35 10:05 Mt Angel 8:30 4:vu 10:30 Sllverton Ar Ar Ar North Bound Read Up Dly. Dly. Dly. No 2 No 4 No 6 AM PM PM 10:30 4:00 8:30 Portland 8:25 1:56 6:25 Mt. Angel 8:00 1:80 6:00 Silveiton Lv Lv Lv Sunday only 8:00 pm fm Portland Stages leave Stage Terminal Port land and Steelhammer's Drug store Sllverton KEEPING WELL An Nt T.blw f vegetable aperient) taken at nlsht wtU help keep yon well, br toning and strengthening your du ' BMdm, mnA .111...! .uu. used for at JL jZ-a. Chips off the Old Block Ml JUNIOR Little M. one third the regular doie. Made of the aame Ingredlenta, then c.ndr coated. for children and adulti Daniel J. Fry MEADOWLAWN DAIRY Phone 90F12 Inspect our dairy. The statt Inspector says ''It's one of the best In the state. Investigate the source of your milk. Hartman's Glasses iHasler and Phone 126 Belter, and seq. Wear them Salem, Oregon CORSET SALE "Justrite" Corsets, three dif ferent models sizes 21, 22 only, fifty cents. Brassieres, all sizes, 32 to 44, thirty-five cents. Silk and fibre Hose, brown and black, fifty-five cents. A. E. LYONS, - Balcony Portland Cloak & Suit Company, Phone 730. Salem-Dallas Stage Leave Salem Stage terminal 7:00 a. m. 11.00 a. m. 6:10 p. m. Leave Dallas, Gall Hotel 8:80 a. m. 12:80 m. C:S0 p. m. - FAPB SO CENTS Dally and Sunday Every day except morning trip does not run Sunday Round Trip 90 cents L. 171. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chinese. Medicine and Tea Co. Has Medicine which will cure any known 'dis ease. Open Sunday from 10 a. m. . until 8 p. m. 153 South High Street Salem, Oregon. Ehone 283 ) PIS-AX, ArTDrimisrruBE ca 220 H. Conunercir1 Street Phone 1690 - 1 I ! II -J 1 .1 I 4 e, .e sslsSsinTSaTJglgl Mi i BRINGING- UP - FATHER By George McManus &r QOLL-r-THAT WUZ. A ' A, PAR OF L-ADVE" I onn CRA.ND rriME. HAD AT WHAT'S CiLOVE'b WOW- 40TTA I 9 00 DU4AN"b DANCE LAtT THlti? AT RIO OP VM r i NWHT-IW'tHlOlON'T I V J " Q HAVEL TO CO OU" WITH l$Sffly V Mfifo '. ' 3.50 T10TOnShT. . ' FL . . Si IBM tVr if m -r , K 1 I I I V II J -"V W I 1 i i f lUgaV I MM H VHT Tour- iflsryT-.. V S : I J4? EnY-i Jt k 22.00 . . &S J, 8.75 j ! I ! J L. I j . Jj'j 17.60 j . (VOW! 0UtT THREW ( OEtti I'LL. POT MY j! . p S ,-M I Tj "em CXJT THE r n GLOVED ON-VETHEM ! 15 00 I'" (REAAV-l ,N 5k TO MEL- I POT THEM J ll 2.50 I llJ1 J 1M OUft COAT r ! . ''- J t "POCKET- ( X 'j! 37.50 i hrJ--- M kA v tSr i j C() ' j j ' - MiZ V IMT-I FCATUatK SCWVICC. INC. j " i : Copyright 1920 by H. C Fisher Tfade mark Reg. D. s. Pat. Office! '