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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1922)
WEDNESDAY, : MAY 17, 1922. HE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE NINE Every Week Is Music Week For the Gu Who Likes "Wine, Women and Song" ournal SUBSCRIPTION RATKS nv carrier 10 cents a week, 46 cents a month. $5 a year In ad- vaKv'mall. in Marlon and Polk nnnties. one month BO cents, 1 nths U-25. 6 months $2.26. 1 Tear J-"00- Elsewhere 60 cent a Lnth, $5 year. ' Filtered as second class . . clam li-crnn mall matter Member ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclus ively entitled to the uso for pub lication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also lo cal news published herein. Member - Audit Bureau of Circulations "Trfvertising representatives: W. V- Ward. Tribune bids.. New York City. W, 5. StockwelL Peoples Gas bldg., Chicago. !" CLASSIFIED RATES Hate per word each insertion I cents, three insertions, 5 cents, one week, 8 cents; one month, 20 cents; one year, per month 12 cents; minimum per ad, 25 cents. First insertion only in New To day. City ads cash In advance, and not taken over phone, unless advertiser has monthly account. No allowance for phone errors. NEW TODAY FOK SALE Heifer calf, 2 weeks old. 1840 W. Nob Hill. 117 WANTED To rent garage 1346 Broadway. ' near 1199 FOR SALE A fresh cow, .mlllter. -Phone 95F13. good ell9 FOR SALE 1919 Ford Cherry City garage. sedan. qll9 WANTED Housework by day, young woman, phone 1896W. hll9 WANTTED Lady help for kitchen State tuberculosis hospital, phone 433. gll LOT 50x130 on paved street, $10 down. 610. Price 4uu. Ai, J Hunt, Ladd & Bush bldg. n WANTED Exceptional bargain for cash, a late Ford coupe or touring car. Journal 42. 117 WILL care for babies or children bv the day or for summer. Mrs John Huston, 896 S. 16th St. 117 LADY with boy 3, wishes position as house keeper, country preler red. Box 55 care Journal. 117 WANTED Small apartment with bitth, near State or Chemeketa cur. Address Teacher, P O box 305. 117 FOR KSALK Good work horse weighing 1200: also fresh cows and some seed potatoes. P. Bishoff Rt. 6, box 49A. ell8 BELOW value, 5 good lots, east, good soil for only $600, on terms, for all. Brown, over Busick's, State and Commercial. all8 TO TRADE 4 acres in Falls City all in fruit, good buildings. Price J.1000; want Salem property Thomason, 331 State St. a" WANTK1) -Wood cutters near Sa lem, two dollars per cord, fir and ash, clean ground. Address box R A care Journal. 117 WANTBD Two district managers. Flattering contract tonight par ty with experience. J. a.- Ezell, state manager Yeoman, box 65, Salem Or. gl22 SACRIFICE SALE 6 room house, electric lights, bath, city water, east front, large lot, 1500 cash Price $1500. 341 State, Sawyer and Emmett. 117 GOOD as new, 5 room bungalow, modern except basement, nicely arranged, bath and toilet between the bed rooms, good street near car line, possession June 1st. Price $2000, terms $500 down. S. R. Pearson, 210-211 U. 6. bank bldg. a HOUSE SNAP Owner of 6 room house, wood shed and garage, a large lot with all kinds of fruit and berries, must go at once, owner leaving city; its a genuine bargain. We will loan you hi of the money to buy it, with $1400. See me at once. Arthur E. Peter sen, 229 Oregon bldg: all8 SPECIAL TO TRADE One of the best little fruit farms near Sa lem, 10 acres of prunes,, 3 acres of loganberries, 1" acre of straw berries, 6 acres In grain, fine new buildings, gocrd road, 7 miles out; will take business lot os good res idence, some cash, balance good terms. Thomason, 331 H State street. b A SACRIFICE New modern 7 room bungalow, located 2 blocks from high school, full cement basement, furnace and built in kitchen, gas heater, wood lift, etc., full lot, young fruit. The owner must sell; no reasonable price refused, easy terms; no agents. Address H R care Jour- "! a 118 THREE days sale, Thursday, Fri day and Saturday. Waiire re modeling our store this week, making room for a meat market. When complete we will have the most up to date store in Salem. To make room we decided to give all cash customers 10, per cent discount on all groceries, except a few non-profit, such as sugar, sonp, etc. This ad will mean more to you than some whole page ads Capital Cash store, 456 State St. cllS Good Night ! ! ! Capit WlvN SHOES POT CM A(it ttrxvie HirA NEW TODAY ! UK .SALE Black baby cart with -h. f. dm Blith st. 117 LOGANBERRY tips foT sale. 2011 Maple ave. iiuubi!. ror rent, 1605 ChemekeTa T Uood pasture, close in. Phone 744J. i11K l,R SALE Canned fruit and jeT viMiuiio ma?j. cll9 USED Ford touring or roadster" ' state St. a 119 l?.iDMr0??!!ter for Ble or fade. 80J N. Liberty St. phone 72F4. qll9 SIKAVVBKHRY nlUr. ..... V about June 20. No better picking anywhere, saps . .7. MR. E. W. CLEVELAND, the gard- Z 7- IC1 1 H niiuu, can at 770 N. Capi tol street soon. - 117 LOST Eye glasses and aluminu vaoe, unaer leave at r'm.itai Journal. 117 r utt SALh 5 room bungalow modern except basement, 11800 Phone 2075R. all) WANTED Guinea eggs and Tur- eggs tor setting. Henningoen Kt. 3, phone 76F21 evenings. 117 FOR SALE One set single harness buuu, one saddle, one push cul tivator. 996 Mill, phone 284R. cll FOR SALE 4 room house. Price 1750, 2100 cash, balance easy Wm. W. Powell. State nri rv.M over Bualck's phone 659. all9 WHY nay car fa rA Uhn VA1I nn buy a large corner lot only three bocks from city fountain for ' none 1422J. 117 NOTICE I have several htivAva fn.. city property, but haven't what they want, therefore I would like more listings. M. J. Hunt, Ladd pfc jjuau UlUg. $125 WILL BUY Ford touring 4 very good tires, good mechanical shape. Just the thing to haul ber nes in, no aown, balance $20 month, phone 1653R. q CLOSE in lunch and short order restaurant doing good business, for sale, 2 4 year lease. Brown, over Busick's, State and Com mercial. Clll b OR . SALE 7 room plastered house one block from S. Com'l car line, close In. good reasons for selling. Price $3300, terms. Krueger, Oregon bldg, phone 217 all9 1' OKCB SALE 5 room house, large lot, fruit chick house.good garden on 17th street between Center and Chemeketa, must sell. Price $1250. Mrs. Olive V. Peacock. 117 BARGAIN 6 room modern bun galow, paved street, large lot, basement and furnace. large rooms and good shape, close in. Price $2800. terms; possession. S. R. Pearson, 210-211 U. S. bank bldg. a BARGAIN 5 room cottage, most ly modern, with basement, very . close yin, house is complertel furnished, ready to move right In; a chance for you to speculate or have a good home close in. Bargain guaranteed. Price $1350, terms $500 down. S. R. Pearson, 210-211 U. S. bank bldg. a FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE By owner, bungalow, east front, basement. Phone 896W. al26 SEASIDE, modern cottage, block to ocean and Broadway for June and July, reasonable. Call Mrs. OMhert. phone 1915W. Jl 1 8 6 ROOMS, well built bungalow. furnace, garage, cement base ment and three lots, east front; a good buy. Ruby Purdy, realtor, 455 Court street. a THE best bargain In a 5 room bun galow offered in Balem. Must hava $1000 cash down. Modern except- basement. See Fleming, 1 Qtntf for bargains a Most' attractive large corner on Capitol street $20,000; a beauti ful home on Court street $12. 000; another home on Court St. $10,000; attractive lot en Court street $5000. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage. a" PRICED TO SELL 6 room bun galow on paved street, corner lot, 85 by 150 feet, modern conven iences, garage, on street car line, part basement, $2650, good terms. Winnie Pettyjohn, 331 State street. a ARE you going to the coast? Sea side is the place; we nave a xur nished cottage for Bale or ex change for Salem, paved high way all the way to Seaside. Jos eph Barber & Son, 200 Gray bldg $8 00 AS first payment on this 5 room plastered nouse on pitu street, cement walks, electric liirhts. bath, toilet, and on sew er. Price only $2300. Balance easy terms. See L. A. uayrora, sni State street . a NEW 5 room modern piasterea bungalow, for quick saie your own terms. Nice 4 room cot tage, 1 acre ground, close in on paved highway, fruit and gar den, some equipments. Only $1400. easy terms. Joseph Bar ber & Son, 200 Gray bldg. a A FEW completely furnished hous es for sale; 6 room nouse on Capitol street at $2500. House and 2 lots at Newport, Or. Price $1000; will take light auto as part trade on each of these prop erties. Gertrude J. M. Page, 491' N. Cottage street. a FOR SALE HOUSES 6 ROOMS and 'bath, cement base ment, rrult; a good buy, $3260. Ruby Purdy, 455 Court St. a TRADE BUNGALOWS 5 loom Dungaiow (no basement) and fruit for a 6 room similar; will pay casn Qirrerence; south Sa lem preferred. See Wm. Fleming, 341 State St. a FOR SALE FARMS THIS trade for Salem property of a farm well located, fully equip ped, is a bargain. Gertrude J. M. Page. 4 9 2 N. Cottage. b FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE- -Potatoes. Call 86F22 C136 FOR SALE Sorted potatoes $1 per sack. Phone 1076M. cll8 FOR SALE Sewing machine and piano. 1325 N. Church. cll8 FOR SALE Loganberry tips, phone 26F35. 9 p. m. dllT NETTED Gem seed potatoes for sale, $1 hundred. Phone 44F22. cll9 HANSON strain one year . old pullets, 75c each. Phone 87F12. ' fll7 FOR SALE Fine tomato plants. Call 1105 8. 12th St. phone 1619M cl21 R. I. R. baby chlx- Friday delivery. Mrs. Frank Barnett, Salem, Or., Rt. 4, box 98. fll7 BIRD dog, pointer, full blood, good retriever $15. Shoe Shop, West Salem. ell8 FOR SALE 30 Black Minorca bens and two roosters $40. F. P. Wells, 805 S. 21st St. fllT HOUSE furniture for sale, phone 599W or call at 1890 Mill street Mrs. A. S. Van Patten. cll7 FOR SALE Building suitable for garage, lumber for sale. F. L. Wood, 341 State St. all8 FOR SALE German roller hens making nests, $1.60; also young singers. 2108 Broadway. e!17 FOR SALE Two shares. Produc ers Canning & Packing com pany. Rt. 7, box 86. cll7 FOR SALE 13-inch latha, electric driil, electric grinder. (30 Divis ion street. cll7 FOR SALE Grocery stock and fixtures. In Salem, $1600. Socolof sky, 841 State. c!17 FOR SALE 2-hoi-se disc and truck. Capital Bargain House. 215 Center St. phone 398. c FOR SALE Tteam, harness and wagon, inquire wooa department Spaulding mill, ask for Hazelton. el20 VTTRALITE long oil ivory enamel, the best for Inside finishing. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial. C120 FOR SALE 4 or 5 M loganberry plants, wonderful plants $20 per. B. F. LaFontin. Hopmere. Or.; address Oervals. Or., Rt. 2. d!17 ON account of age and sickness 1 will trade in Lebanon, 1 acres, nice garden with good improve ments, for small n,ouse in saiem. Box F F Capital Journal. 1117 FOR SALE Cheap, spry wheel tractor cultivator, almost new; also one horse garden plow and two cultivators. C. H Fake, Rt. 8. phone 1787W3. cll9 FOR SALE Two-horse cultlvat or. 14-inch Oliver ctiilled plow, 1-ton wagon springs, rolling coulter, 12-inch Oliver steel plow, 1 set double harness, one spring tootn, 1 spike mom nar row. E. H. Moore, 3095 Portland road. 1680W. cll8 FOR SALE WOOD 16-INCH old fir and 4 foot second errowth. Phone 981M. eei3 WOOD 16 inch old fir, 4 foot second growth dry. Phone 1727 540 State street. eel30 FOR SALE Best grade mill wood, second growth 4 ft. or 16 inch prompt delivery. Phone 1542. Fred E. Wells, 1105 S. Church St. SPECIAL PRICES in car load lots in old fir, also mill wood in If inch or 4 ft. lengths or by the cord. Salem Fuel Yards, 762 Trade St. Office 629. Phone, res. 2068. Theo Zleman, Chas Soos. Prone. "FOR SALE LIVESTOClT" FOR SALE Black 6 year old mare Kolb, one mile soutn or rrmgia school. e!17 GOOD, blocky mare, black, will work single or double, wt. 1260 lbs at 681 8. 25th St. e!20 FOR SALE Gentle saddle pony; Puritan oil stove. Inquire 665 S. Winter. H7 FOR SALE Cheap, ' two fresh cows, one Jersey giving 36 lbs., one Holstein giving 48 lbs. 1717 N Liberty St. H8 HORSES FOR SALE One good team of mares, well matched, for sale cheap; also harness and machinery. Joseph Barber & Son, 200 Gray bldg. FOR SALE! Automobiles FOR SALE 1917 Ford $136 1919 Ford $195. 1917 Kt roaasier $225. 219 State St. q!17 FARMERS SPEED UP your work with a Beeman tractor. W. E. Burns Dan Burns (Not Brothers the Sarre Man) High street at Ferry PARTS FOR ALL CARS. q FOR RENT FOR RENT- -Garage. 1167 Court. J118 FOR RENT FURNISHED apt., rent reasonable. 292 N. Summer. ' 118 FOR RENT Clean apt. Phone 1123W or 492 8. High. J117 FOR RENT 2 rooms 238 N. High back of Wlllard station." -3117 LARGE, -airy front room, gentle man only. 267 N. Liberty. 3117 BOARD and room at 1835 North Church St. for $25 per month. ;117 HOUSE to rent between June 1 and 16, phone 1370 leave-, mes sage. Earl Pearcy. HIT FOR RENT or lease, very cheap, a 30 room rooming house or by the room. 686J. J117 FOR RENT Furnished apartment in Court apartments from May 25 to June 30. Telephone 966 W - 3118 I HAVE a 2 and 4 room unfurn ished housekeeping apartment for rent. Mr. Purdy at Oregon Bath house. jllT FOR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms, lights, water, garage, $15 month. 396 8. 19th. Parties without chil dren preferred. Jl 1 8 FOR RENT Strictly modern, nice ,ly furnished one or two rooms with kitchenette. 590 N. Summer phone 1463M, JllT FOR . RENT Furnished light housekeeping room, downstage; 2 room apt. upstairs, rates reas onable, close in. 346 N. Front. J117 FURNISHED sleeping room for gentleman, 205 Oregon bldg.. pnone 14Z7. ; j FOR RENT Store room, the rear 100 feet at 176 N. Commercial. Wm. Neimeyer. - - J' WA NTED Miscellaneous WANTED Man with Uam -to plow. Phone 56. g!17 WANTED Plowing or excavating call 1694J. 1188 WANTED Carpenter work and painting. Call 1694 J. 1123 WANTED Furniture, tools, etc Phone 611. . 1 WANTED Maternity ,nursing ' in jjrJVKt uuuaeo. rnuna . WANTED Loan of $2000 on bus- InoMa nrnnertv frtt vearfl. Rox privaie nouses, rnone to4j. 1 L6 care Journal. 1117 WANTED Old mattresses to make over. Phone 19, Capital City Bed ding Co. m HAVE client who wants good building lot in good location, list with Ruby Purdy, realtor, 456 Court street. 1 SEE Adolph Bombeck for first class cement work of all kinds. 1595 N. 6th St. phone 191SW. 1117 WANT a farm ready to go to work make the hay and cut tne oats and pay for the place , see Kuoy Purdy, realtor, 455 Court street This is a bargain. b WANTED Furniture, tools, ma chinery, stock, eto. Will buy for casn, or sell on commission. Phono 511, Woodry. the auction eer. m1 WANTED Used furniture, rang es, heaters, cook stoves, tools, etc. We pay cash, get our pric es before you sell. Liberty Ex change, 241 N. Com; St. phone 841. 1 DRESSMAKING, ladles' tailoring, SDeolallst on graduation gowns Every line of hand pleating and hand work. Holiday oraers taK en In Spanish drawn work. Est! mates cheerfully given. Prices 1 very reasonablo. Mrs. Lee A. Swope, 1073 Oak- street, phone 884. 1124 WANTED HELP WANTED Men to cut big fir wood. Phone 77F21. gll8 WANTED 50 strawberry pickers, Mac leay, Or. R. A. DeyArmond gl20 WANTED Maid at- state deaf school. Call at school for inter view. ' g WANTED Married magi 25 to 36 years of age, for city salesman, good salary and commission, per manent position with a good fu ture. Apply box A Capital Jour nal. gll7 CIVIL service examinations May, June. Vacancies, $120 monthly. Age, 18 upward. Experience un necessary. For free list, positions ncwpen, write J. Leonrd (for mer civil service examiner) 1087 Equitable bldg., Washington, D. C. g!17 THE Whitney company has start ed logging and sawmill opera tions in Tillamook county and is hiring men at Idaville and Gar ibaldi at going wages. No strikes. Good ' clean camps and good, wholesome grub. Write or call The Whitney company. Bay City, Garibaldi -or Lewis building, Portland. g LOST AND FOUND LOST Umbrella at terminal sta tion Saturday afternoon. Reward. Phone 117F24. kll7 LOST Capital Journal carrier boy's route book. Finder please return to Capital Journal of fice. . k MISCELLANEOUS 3 KITTENS to give away. Phone 559. ell7 CHILDREN cared for, 1166 Fer ry. - mll7 MONEY to loan on farm land. L. A. Hayford. 305 State St. m WINDOW cleaning, prompt serv- ice. Phone 1802, Window Man. mll7 CrVETOONIiT'lS ONC OF BUTE'S S ANt tfe'S sr WORTH f S(M ALL. FoRTUMc;,' I'M 6 OMNIA HAV A WIC MISCKIJjANKOUS - WOOD SAWING PHONE 1131 for , quick 'servlre. Ed Sproea. 197 BEDDING PLANTS of all kinds ,for sale. E. B. Flake, Floweis and Birds, 273 State. 1 PULLER Brushes for house clean ing save Usne, money and backs. '1937J. ml38 NEW rugs from your old carpets, we pick up and deliver. Write us Stayton Fluff Kug Co. mizi CARPETS and rugs hand cleaned. Ws revive and set colors, realz 6 ing. Reliable Carptet Cleaners, r phone 756. mH8 PLUMBING, repairing and coll work, reasonable charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop foot of Union 8L Phone 1397J. 1140 PAPER hangers hand around here whon Idle. Call me up, 131. Max ' O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial St. ml20 IT will pay you to let me figure your building and remodeling, town or country. F. E. Way, 1734R. mll7 TO whom it may concern: Having j dissolved partnership will not be responsible for any accounts In f curred by A. J. Lee. H. W. Hale mll7 LOANS Let me see you about a t loan it you want to build wa can help you. Plenty of money, no delays. Call 634, let us tell you. ELECTRICIAN Secure my fig ures on wiring by contract or by the hour, at pre-war prloes. H. w. rtatcn. pnone laiiu. LANGS hot blast fuel saving rang- es. $41 np. Let u explain why we cut your fuel bill H. Peo- pies Furniture store, 271 North if Commercial street, phone 7. WE do house wiring and carry a complete stock of fixtures. Instrument repairing, experi mental work. Electric applianc es repaired. Hallicks Electric shop, 387 Court, phone 488. m REAL ESTATE LOOKING for a home'? See Rubv , Purdy, 455 Court street. Consci entious ana connaentiai service. Both for the seller and buyer, a , Radcllff and Waring have what Vou are looking for. We want more listing in city and farm prop erty. Look at these; 10 acres all in cultivation, small house and barn. Price $2500, two miles from city. 40 acres all in crop. Horses, cow and all other stock and implements go. Located a few miles from Sa- em on paved road. You will never again have an opportunity to get 1 farm on the terms and price. Bee us today. 5 acres all in fruit, Improvements good; you will buy this if you are looking for a home and a living, on paved road a few miles out. . List your property with Radcllff and Waring, we have been in bus iness twenty one years and expect to stay. No. 341 State street. 118 20 acres, 1 miles from Salem. Will take as first payment logans, prunes or smaller tract to $3500. 30 acres ai city limits, $4500; Will take exchange to $2700. u 70 acres, making of fine dairy, $4000; will take residence any where of equal value. 9 acres, 4 bearing logans, ' 1 prunes, strawberries, family or chard; fair improvements. On pavement. $6000, easy terms. 7 room strictly modern, 985 N. Summer, $7250, terms. 6 room modern, 103 6 Union, $2850, $800 cash. 7 room strictly modern, 1550 State, $5500, $1350 cash, balance like rent. SOCOLOFSKY 341 State FOR SALE - , fully equipped garage, d.lng good business, located on the high way, this is first class. X have a client who wants a six room bungalow on north Capitol street, also some vacant lots in same location. I have some good farms, also acreage to exchange for city prop erty. If you want to sell, trade 01 buy, see H. L. MAKSTKr.a Call 907. GOOD BUYS 1 acre tract located in Salem Heights, good 6 room cottage, good well, water piped in house, chick en house, family fruit, sightly loca tion, close to school, store and car line. Price $2750 cash. 3 acre tract close to car line, all In strawberries and logans, good 5 room cottage, electric lights. Price $4200, $2000 down. 6 acre tract close to car line, good modern 6 room bungalow, fruit of all kinds, a fine country home; will consider good home up to $4500 as part payment. Price $7260. 6 acres of nine year old Italian prunes on main Pacific highway south, 1 8-4 miles from car line. Price $3750, terms. 1 acre In Salem Heights, small house, well, well located, some fruit. Price fl450, terms.' 10 acres of first class fruit and berry soil all 1n crop, 1-3 of crop follows sale, located south of Sa lem. Price $1260, $100 down, bal ance $10 per month, 6 per cent in terest. Good 6 room house on south Commercial street. Price $3160. Fine modern home located at 995 north Capitol street. Pric $6000. If you are looking .for a good building lot see us. W. H. GKABKNHORST & CO. 275 State street. ' nweu, did. I 7W SC-T I 2) fiB AUCTION KKR F. N. WOODRY the live stock, furniture, real estate auctioneer. Phone 611 for sale dates. Res. 1610 N. Summer. G. SATTERLEE, auctioneer. Real estate and stock sales. Cash for your sale notes. Phone 1211J or 1177. Office 414 Ferry St. CJimo PRACTO IIS UK, BRADFORD, graduate and post graduate of the First Char tered Chiropractic college in the world. Ten years practice. Con sultation and examination free. Phone 626, rooms 318-19-20 Oregon bldg. ' CITY SCAVENGKR SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse ot all kinds removed by the month at reasonable rates Cesspools cleaned and dead ani mals removed. Day phone 167. night phone 1237M. R. O. Cum- mlngs. Mgr. FARM LOANS BUILDING LOANS MADE May oe repaid uke rent. Ufa. Fire, Health, Accident, in demnity. Liability and Auto In surance written. 401 Mason io Temple, Salem, Or. FINANCIAL MARION-POLK C ounty Farm Loan association nas money to loan at alx per cent. W. D. Smith secretary treasurer, 803 Salem manic or Commerce. UAiiAUJES WALSH & BRODHAGEN, auto re- pairing, cylinder reboring and machine work. When in doubt see us. Consultation free. 186 8. High near O K depot. Phone 11$. 918 N High I Phone 203. recharged and repaired. Degas- Burrell. It. D. BARTON. Exlde batteries. starter and generator work, 171 S. Commercial. AUTO Electrician, export trouble snooting. 338 N. High St, phone 803. HAT BLOCKING MEN'S and women's hats reno vated, blocked and trimmed, 495 Court, C. B. Ellsworth. HKMSTITC'HING MRS. C. E. MILLER, hemstitching . stamping, buttons, hand embroi dery. Room 10 over Miller's store, phone 117. SALEM Elite, hemstitching, chaln stitchlng. pleating, buttons, stamping and needlework. Phone 379, 329 Oregon blldg JUNK WANTED Rags and secondhand goods of all kinds. Capital Junk company, phone 398, 215 Cen ter street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 unimproved lots Brooklln addition, for Improved property. Fred Wlese, Corvallls, Or. al4l CORNER lot, east front, cement walks all In, good street, good district for a few days $400. Ruby Purdy, realtor, 456 Court street. a LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR BIDS Until 6 p. m., May 19th, 1922, sealed bids will be received by the Water Board of the City of West Sale-m, Oregon, for excavating and backfilling approximately 3700 feet of trench for water pipe. Full notice, specifications and forms for bids may be obtained from S. R. Elliott, city treasurer, 1111 Front St., West Salem. J. R. BEDFORD, Chairman of the Water Board. 118 SALEM MARKETS Compiled from" reports of "i Sa lem dealers for the guidance of Capital Journal readers. (Revised dally.) . Grain: Average valley wheat (bulk) $1.03. - ' Hay: Cheat hay $11012; oat hay $11012; clover hay (bulk) $10. Wholesale Price Meat: hogs $11011.50; dressed hogs 14o; top steers (o; cows to: bulls to; lambs 7 He; dressed veal 12 Vi 013c. Poultry: Light hens 16c; medi um hens 18c; heavy hens 20p21c; old roosters 10c; stags 1215c; broilers 2530c. Butterfat: Butterfat 85c; cream ery butter 89 40c; country butter 3082a; eggs 17c; milk $1.80 cwt. Vegetables; Wax onions $4 per crate; beets $2.60 cwt; California cabbage ti lb; green peppers 40c lb; potatoes $1.00 cwt; California lettuce $3.60 per crate; Arkansas sweet potatoes $2.50 bushel; celery $1.50 doz; radishes 60c doz; 'parsley 90c doz; tomatoes $4.50 crate; broccoli $2.00 crate; red cabbage 4Ac lb; artichoke $1.75 dozen; asparagus 22c. Fruits: Oranges $7.60; lemons 18.00; bananas 10c; Calif, grape (Copyright 1920 by International Trade Mark registered in the U. 9. " S3 it m yyf-;-jw MKUOHANT TAILOR 4. A. ESTES, fine tailoring, 384 btate street. MOTOHOYCLKS LLOYD E. RAMSDEN, Iadian motorcycles and Dayton bicycles SS7 court street. I " ' "i HARRY W. SCOTT, ''mm - ' mm-'"The Cycle Man," 7 S. Com. Phone NlTRSKllXSTOC'i. SALEM Nursery company, fruit and ornamental trees. small fruit and roses. Phone 1763, 428 Oregon oiog. OPTICIANS GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. H. Bur dette, optometrist. Bow Optical Co., 326 Btate street. OSTKOPATinr DR. W. L. MERCER, osteopath.r physician and surgeon. Kirks vllle graduate. 404-406 U. 8. Na tional bank bldg. Phones, office 919, residence 614. DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, osteopathic physicians and sur geons, 606 U. S. bank building Phone (59. Dr. White, resi dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall residence phone 884. PIANOS GEO. C. WILL, pianos pliono- graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies Re pairing phonographs and sew ing machines, 412 Bute, Salem. PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTOGRAPHS . tinted 6x8 size 26c, 8x10 slse 60a. Mrs. Bullock, 212 S. Cottage street,, phone 1620M PRINTING A SATISFIED customer returns Rowland Printing Co., Phone 1612, over Patton book store. REPAIRING STEWART'S Repair Shop, 847 Court St. Umbrellas and cutlery STOVES rebuilt and repaired, 50 years experience; : Depot Na tional and Amerlecan fence, sixes 16 to 68 Inches high. Paints, oil and varnishes, eto, . logan berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street. Phone 124. TRANSF1CR OREGON TRANSFER AND STOR AGE CO. Ambulance service. Cars washed and polished. Ex cavating, plowing and fertilizer. Wood and horse) for sale. Phone 77. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Of fice, corner Commercial and Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly in advance. Phone 67. fruit $4.00; Florida grape fruit 08 8.60; strawberries $6 per crate Retail Prices Butter and eggs: Eggs 20 0 22c creamery butter 45c; country butter S536c. Portland Markets Portland, Or., May 17. Cattle steady; receipts none; top steers $8.60(9.00; medium to good 67.75 j8.25; fair to medium ' '" 7.76; common o fair $6.60 7.00; choice feeders $6.00 (fl 6.00; luir to good $4.6006.00; choice cows and heifers $6.6007.00; medium to good $5.60 0 6.60; fair to medium $4.7505.50; common cows $3.76 4.75; dinners $2.26 08.76; bulla $3.50 4f 5.00; choice dairy calves $9.00 til 10.00; prime ngnt .uusi 9.00; medium to light $6,50 0 9.00; heavy $4.6006.60. Hogs weak; receipts 847; prime light $11.25 0 11. 60; smooth heavy 220 to 300 pounds $10,600 11.00; 800 pounds and up $10,000 10.50; rough heavy $7.5008.50; fat pigs $11.25011-50; stags $50 7.60. Sheep weak; receipts 499; spring lambs $13.00 013.50; east of mountain larnos $13,000 14.00; best valley $12 013.00; culls $5.0007.00; feeders $9.00010.00; light yearlings $10011-00; heavy $9.00 010.00; light wethers $9.60 0 10.00; heavy $909 60; ewes $3 O7.60. Butter steady; ex. cubes 83c; cartons 38c; prints 37c; butterfat No. 1 87 0 89c fob Portland; un dergrade 38 34o. Eggs: Selling case count 21 22c buying price 19 0 20c; selling price candled 22c; selected candled In carons 14 0 25c. Poultry: Hens light 18c; heavy 23c; broilers 24 28c; old roosters 10012c; geese nom; ducks 45c; turkeys nom, dressee,. Wheat: Hard white $1.30; soft whfte $1.28; white club $1.28; red Walla $1.26; hard winter $1.80. Mill run $30031; oats $34.00 f? 37.00; corn No. 1 yellow $29.25; hay. timothy, valley $18.00: al falfa $19; grain mixed $15.00; clover $14; straw 1 i8. The Pacific Telephone & Tel egraph company is spending $60, 000 in new construction and im provements at Eugene. The work has been going on for four months and is 75 per cent complete. Read The Journal Want Ads Feature Service, Inc:) . ? r A S I , r thought V.-r nV,. ' You 5At I 7f I if OREGON CROPS IN GOOD CONDITION GROWING FAST Portland, Or., May 17. Most ' V corps in tha western part of the,., state are looking well and making rapid progress in spite of the un- ' ' usually late season, according to the weekly state crop report of tha !hs weather bureau issued Jiere to--is day. Warmth ot the last four days..;," has hastened germination of bar--. ley and oats. Winter wheat and.vj rye while slow in starting aretert apparently in fair to good condi-l tlon. . - fvi! The frost of the previous week' -' appeared most injurious In Mai- heur and Umatilla, counties, Ile ' ports are conflicting add the full extent of the damage is not yet known. ii Low temperatures may reduce the yield ot early strawberries on low land in western districts, but ; other fruits were too far advance! A ' to be materially affected by the ' :' freeze. '),r' Cattle are improving and do not s;u appear to be up to the average" for this season of the year. IRISH EFFORT TO SECURE PEACE ENDS . ANOTHER FAILURE Dublin, May 17. (By Asso ciated Press.) The peace com mittee of the Dall Eireann, which has ben trying to find a basis for unity of the Irish fac tions formally reported to the Dail today a breakdown of the negotiations, The agenda for the Dall, as It resumed sessions this after noon, contained a motion by Arthur Griffith, Its president, declaring that the elections for South Ireland should be held June 16 and that nominations for offices should be made pub lic by June 0, " EVIDENCE All IN; New York, May 17. The hear ing of evidence in the Bttllman divorce case is all over. Mrs. Anne V. Stillman at a conference in Vonkera with her counsel and John E. Mack, guardian for Baby Guy Stillman, whose legitimacy it questioned by the plaintiff, James A. Stillman:, New York banker, de cided today not to call any more witnesses. They had until today to let the plaintiff know whether they would reopen the case before tbe referee. "We havm decided to .rest our case," said John. F. Brenuan, chief of defense counsel. "We will sub mit no more evidence." The plaintiff agreed last week not to submit more evidence if the defense desired to call quits. The lawyers now have 20 days to submit briefs and replying briefs and then the case goes to Referee Daniel J. Gleason (or de cision. SIX DESTROYERS TO VISITROSE CARNIVAL Washington, May 17. Six de stroyers comprising destroyer dl-" vision 31 ot the Pacific fleet, have' been ordered to Portland, Or., on the occasion of the annual Rose Festival June 7, 8 and 9, it was ' announced today. The designa tion ot the ships was pursuant to a request made some time ago by Senator McNary of Oregon that naval vessels visit Portland for the occasion. MERCURY STRIKES 90 HERE Jumping; Sour degrees higher than its maximum of Monday, the temperature In Salem yesterday ' reached the 90 degree mark dur. Ing the afternoon, according to the official weather report. This was a rise of 33 degrees in five days. The heat, following so close on a period of cold weather, brought complaints from many who had a week ago, been hoping for warmer weather. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Vleskl, Marie B. and husband to Purbrdck, Thos and wife, lot 10, block 8, Rhoten's subdivision of blocks S, 9, 10, Nob Hill Annex to Salem, Oregon. $10. Rlatlne, Florence A. to Miles, H. R. et al, part lots 3 and block II. University Addition to Salem, Oregon, $1. JUatlne, Florence to Miles, H. R. et al, 1-5 interest In lota I and T, fclock 75, Wilds subdivi sion of N. Salem, Oregon, $1.00. Sanderson, J. A. to McOann, M. nd wife, part lots I, S, 4, la Dalrymplea Addition to Salem, STILLMAN DIVORC vn 2. I . - Oregon, $2050. ' - -