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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1922)
PAGE EIGHT FIRE DESTROYS APARTMENTAND Chicago, May 17. Police to day searched for unexploded bombs believed to have been plac ed In a $500,000 apartment build ing In North Chicago, which last night wag damaged by fire, start ed, police say, by terrorists In connection with the so called Chi cago labor war. Another develop ment on which authorities work ed today was the confession, said by police to have been obtained, yesterday from Mrs. Margaret Miller, wife of John Miller, under arrest as the alleged driver of the "death car" from which shots were fired killing two policemen early Wednesday in the labor feud. Police connect the firing of the building with labor disorders thru a man who warned two women In an adjoining building. "To hell with the Landis award," he shout ed as he attempted to kick one of the women. He Is being sought by the police. The building damaged by fire with an estimated loss of $250 000 was being erected under the Landis wage award, a decision handed down by J. M. Landis, for mer federal Judge, acting as ar biter, which was intended to set tle labor disputes between con tractors and members of the Chicago building trades council The structure was owned by contractor who denied receiving threats. The 100 workmen on the building are divided Into two classes, steamfitters and masons, working under the Landis award and carpenters and plumbers working under the old union scale That the fire was incendiary has been proven beyond doubt, po lice say. All fire fighting apparat OB in North Chicago was called out and the stations filled with other engines, in expectation that more fires would be kindled In ac cordance with a threat police are said to have received in which it was stated unless all labor men In custody were released by last Sat urday, fires would be started all over the city. The questioning of Mrs. Miller said, brought a confession from her in which the names of other occupants of the "death car" were given and It Is substantiat ed by a previous confession said to have been obtained from her husband. Police said Mrs. Miller admitted caring for the occupants of the bandits' car who were sup posed to have been wounded by the police. NightNews Summary J New York The Maiestic. mam moth Morvlch of the seas, warped into her pier late yesterdav after a trip from England during which she broke existing records for maiden voyages on the Atlantic. tne Tamplco oil fields, charged with inciting a revolution and committing robberies will be dealt with by Mexican authorities with out pleas for leniency from Amer ican officials, it was said at the American embassy. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1922. Washington The senate thru a resolution proposed by Senator McCormick, republican, Illinois, and adopted yesterday, declared against the use of the naval trans port Henderson to transport to Japan American naval officers who were classmates at Annapolis of Admiral Hrui of the Japanese navy. Atlanta w. C. Coburn of l.ob Angeles, grand goblin ofnhe Pacific domain of. the Ku Klux Klan, reached Atlanta for a con ference with klan officials. Mexico City A dozen Ameri cans who have been recently in White Fish, Mont. Paul Reich enberg, foreman of the Ewlng ce dar pole camp, near Radnor, 23 mnes northwest of White Pish and George Sharp, a camp em ploye, are dead, the foreman hav ing been killed by Sharp, who then shot himself, according to of ficial reports. LEAGUE TO ACT UPON PALESTINE Geneva, May 17. (By Assoc! ated Press.) The council of the league of nations decided today to hold a special meeting not later than July 15 to consider the ques tion of approving the British man date for Palestine. The decision was taken on request of the earl of Balfour of England. Lord Balfour told the council that Great Britain was greatly disappointed that the present ses sion had tailed to register consent to the terms of the mandate upon "which the allied powers had long ago agreed. It had been the opposition of the French and Italian represent stives which has blocked the measure, while the Vatican ex pressed fears that religious inter ests in the holy land would not be' properly safeguarded under the terms previously laid down, ha said. Y. M. ADVISORY BOARDS I OF COLLEGES TO MEET Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, May 17. The Willam ette university Y, W. C. A. advis ory board will meet in Corvallis May 20 with the Y. W. C. A. ad. visory boards from all other col leges and universities In the "Wil- ROBBERS HERE FRIGHTENED Burglars who last night at tempted to gain entrance to the home of A. Sowers, 1283 Broad way, hastily took to their heels when a dog kept at the house be Kan to bark. Patrolman Walter Thompson who investigated the case this morning, found that the window screen on a south-side bedroom window had been cut. Tracks were visible in the soft dirt near the window, but there was no oth er clew. I BERTRAM SIMON, well- known photographer, of Tacoma, Wash., who says that since taking Tanlac with such good results he now knows why everybody is praising this wonueriui medicine. X ygwFWBSwgwsi lamette valley to share ideas and gain suggestions for more effi cient work. The modern trend in education al methods, the purpose of the as sociation on college campuses, and specific advisory board re sponsibility are among the topics which wfH be discussed at this meeting. Miss Alice Brown, stu dent Y. W. C. A. secretary for the northwestern field and Miss Gladys O. Taylor, general secretary- nn this camnus are among the speakers. The conference will con sist of three one hour sessions and luncheon in the college tea room. This Is the first conference just for Y. W. C. A. advisory board members that has been held in the Willamette valley. SPORT BRIEFS Tulsa. Jack Britton, welter weight champion of the world, scored a technical knockout over Morrie Lux of Kansas City in the fifth round of the scheduled 12 round bout. St. Louis. Goldie Rapp, Phila delphia National third baseman, who was injured when he fell into the Cardinal's dugout in Monday's game, left the hospital ana ac companied his team to Cincinnati. Winnipeg. Mike Gibson,- St. Paul middleweight knocked out Danny Fagan in the fifth round of a scheduled 12-round bout. Wichita Falls Manager WaT"' ter Salmon of the Wichita Falls i Texas league cIud, announced the' sale, of Outfielder Ray O'Brien to' the Denver club in the Western league. New York. Gunner Arnold champion heavyweight of the Ca nadian army lost to YuBsel PerU stein of Brooklyn In four rounds. Juarez. Tiger Flowers, Atlan ta, won decision over Frankie Murphy of New Orleans in 15 rounds. Coast League Scores. Salt Lake 6; Seattle 11. San Francisco 3; Vernon 5. Portland 9; Sacramento 5." Oakland 8; Los Angeles (Called 14th inning, darkness.) 8. St., SALEM YOUTH FINED $20 Lee Sklllman, of Salem, was fined $20 Tuesday afternoon when he pleaded guilty before Police Judge Earl Race to a charge of possessing Intoxicating liquor. Dr. F.L Utter Candidate for MAYOR "When they told me about Tan- ic It seemed almost too good to be true, but since taking the medi-1 cine I know for myself that all they said about it was so," said Bertram Simdn,' 1031 E. 46th Tacoma, Wash., a well known photographer. 'I suffered from rheumatism in my shoulders for ten years and at one time had to go to the hospital. was down In bed for months and hardly able to turn from side to side. I couldn't sleep and I don't believe I had a day free from pain. My appetite failed and I couldn't digest a thing DroDerJv. Gas made me have heartburn for hours after meals. "In a very short time after I started taking Tanlac I actually felt like a new man. I am now en tirely rid of rheumatism and my stomach is In first class condition, while I have gained ten pounds and never felt better. I have rec ommended Tanlac to a number of people and I am always glad to say a good word for this remark able medicine." " Tanlac Is sold by all good drug gists, (adv) Undergoes Unique Test in Window of the H, L.JSTIFF. Furniture Store Tuesday morning, in the presence of newspaper men a refrigerator was sealed containing a great variety of ioods, effort being made to select that which would he apt to spoil in a few hours were they not in a refrigerator. For 102 Hours Tuesday Morning until Saturday Night These Articles Will Remain Untouched The Original Ice Will Not Be Replaced What Slogan and Pledge: "No Inter est, but the People's Interests." Qualifications: Member of city council now serving fourth year, member of most important com mittee during my term of office. , Chairman of special committee that Investigated Southern Pacific program. Voted and spoke against their proposition. "It Pays to Advertise" Grand Theater, Thursday. May 18. ill 1 rA hr tiidr I III II STATE SENATE. MM ffl hrt im - m I- e the Result? BE AT OUR: STORE SATURDAY, 6 p. m. mg will be free from taint or intermingling odors of each other. xwinseiaror xuesaay morn HOW DO WE KNOW? We did the same thine: last -when they tasted the milk and found it sweet and cold, the butter was solid and th burger cheese being in the same compartment altho, it was really there. H HJtlui j FREE ICE We have made arrangements with the Salem ice Company to supply every AUTOMATIC Refrigerator sold during this special showing with ice absolutely free of charge, for one week. As it is not likely this generous offer will be repeated we would advise Kciung your remgerator during this week. For Senator LOUIS LACHMUND CANDIDATE FOR RE-ELECTION TO ORDER EARLY At the end of the test last year people made a run on us for refrigerators and we could not supply the demand as rapidly as we would have liked to but by. taking advantage of our exper ience we have stocked a larger number of refrigerators this year and will be able to care for all who desire the very best at the cost of the ordinary, but we ask that you order early so as to distribute our deliveries more evenly. v. Automatic Refrigerators Keep Food Always Fresh PLATFORM Have always been a consistent1 and persistent opponent of ei- travaganee. Lower taxes and the economical! administration of state, county j and city government only real! solution for our existing burdens. ineweirare and happiness ofj our people rests upon th shoulders! of those charged with the respons- Jbllty of public office. My re-election will mean a vote of confidence based iioon mv legislative record. SLOGAN Stand squarely upon my lerls-l tire record durng the past four! Are ffTl lift 1 oa Ice Pi mi I j sessions.