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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1922)
I WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1922. GRADUATE CLASS , OF 90 THIS YEAR 0tt Wednesday "morning, June 14 at 10 o'clock the 78th annual Jnmencement ol Willamette uni- slty will be neld at the f'lr8t Methodist church. Bishop William 0 Shepard of Portland -will deliv a the address after which Preai A.t Doney will confer the de crees upon the largest number ter grauuuicu The complete program of the (xercises of the commencement vek are as follows: - N; Sunday, June 11. 11:00 a. ni. Baccalaureate ser mon First M. E. cnurcn, fresiuent Call's. Doney. 3:00 p. m. Farewell meeting of the Christian associations. Wal ler hall, Harold Eakln, '18, leader. g:00 p. m- Aniversary service ol the Christian associations, First H, B. church. Rev. I. B. Wood, p. D., of Corvallls. Monday. June 12. 7:30 a. m. Senior breakfast, campus. 8:00 p. m. Anniversary service dent and MrB- Doney to trustees, faculty, alumni, seniors, students and all friends, Lausanne hall. Tuesday, June 13. 10:00 a. m. Meeting of . th board of trustees. Eaton hall: 12:30 p. m. Student luncheon, campus. 2:30 p. m. Class day exercises, campus. "- ' , Wednesday, June 14. 9:30 a. m. Academic proces sion formed at Eaton hall. 10:00 a. m. Seventy-eighth annual commencement. First M. E". church, address, - Bishop Wil liam O. Shephaid of Portland; conferring of degrees,' President Doney. 2:30 p. m. Alumni association meeting,- Waller hall. 6:30 p. m. Alumni banquet. The students who are to receive the bachelor of arts degrees are: Minnie Ambler, Leslie Bailey, Ralph Barnes, Gladys Bartholo mew, Lorlei Blatchford, James Bohle, ' Mildred Brown, Olive Buckner, Ruth Busch, Nesbitt Byars, - Glen Campbell, Andrew Caton, Mina Clark, Leila Clutter, Grace Collins, Victor Collins, Mar guerite Cook, Ruth Cooley, Har vey ooper, arie orner, Jay Coul ter, Everett Craven, LeBter Day, Raymon Dimmick, Hugh Doney, Ardys Doughton, Harold Drake, Irma Fanning, Elsie Gilbert, Opal Gillespie, Clarence Gillette, Fran cis Gragg, Garnet Harra, Edith Hawley, Lucille Jeffry, Bernice Jenkins, Ruby Ledbetter, Bertha Leitner, Marion Linn, Harold Lyman, Robo Martin, Virginia Mason, Marjorie Minton, Ethel Mocroft, Noble Moodhe, John Moodhe, Earl McAbee, Harry Mc Euen, Fred McGrew, Bryan Mc Kittrick, Harvey McLain, Jacob Nickel, Edwin Norene, Dean Pol lock, Edwin Randall. Harrv Rarey, Ralph Rhebock, Ruth " . He THE CAPITAL' JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE FIVE Richards. Benjamin Rickll, Mabel Robertson, Ruth Robinson, Leisla Ruby, Laura Ruggless, jSheldon Sackett, Vernor , Sackett, Ruth Shanafelt, -Ruth Schaefer,' Cecil Shotwell, Thelma Swengel, Ruth Taylor, - Lucille Tucker, Grace Tyler, Lois Warner, J. W. War- rell, Gladys Wilson and Ruth Wise.- . . - , The bachelor of laws . degree will be conferred upon the fol lowing: Raymond Bassett, James Bedlngfield, Rufus Boatwright, Paul Burris, Allan Carson, Bryan Conley, Clyde Ellis, James Ewing, Joseph Flege'l, . Orin LaCourse, Joseph McAllister, Carl Pope, Ber. nard Ramsey and Ernest Woods. West Salem - Mr. and Mrs. McLospey and small child from Dallas took Sun day dinner with the Arnold fimily on Kingwood Avenue. Earl Hendrich has sold his prop erty to a California party and hs moved to Salem. Mrs. Gardner from Mt.' View made a short visit on Mrs. E. Best Thursday. The West Salem public school closed a very successful term last Friday. There were six pupils took the state examination. Miss Wadesworth took her children on a picnic and a jolly time was giv en them. The janitor, Mr. Moore, was presented as a token of their esteem to him, a large 'basket of fruit candy and flow-era. Miss Detonia Byron of Salem, has purchased a lot on Fourth and State streets, and is building a new residence on it. ' ' Mrs. Hunt of Railroad street en. tertained the following guests, 6un day, W. B. Hunt, and family, from Zena, Mr. and Mrs. Becken, and family, from - Independence, and Miss Daisy Hunt and friend from Portland. Mr. Burbank of Third street, has moved hfs family to Stolen, where he will have a temporary home. Miss Ruth Wilhoit from Ash, made a flying, visit on her aunt Mrs. Bell, Friday, v C. K. Russell accompanied by some friends, toured to Lincoln, Friday on a fishing trip, and brought -home a fine catch. . Mr. Stanton, who is in buBiness in Dallas spent the past week with his family. " Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wurm, of Independence, made a business trip in town, Tuesday. The many friends of Dr. Math Is are sorry to hear he has moved from Second street to . his new bungalow on South Church street, Salem. Their gain will be our loss. Miss Lulu Clark, and family, of Carthage, Missouri, are spend ing some time with her old time frfend, Mrs. Lamb. Mrs. Clark ex pects to locate In this vicinity soon. Mr. Moore has purchased a lot from Mr. Fltts on Edge water St. and is putting up a bungalow. Mrs. Byers returned to her home the latter part of the week af ter an extended stay with rela tives in Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Wods enter tained the Salem O. A. C.'club at their home on Fourth and State streets, West Salem, Thurs day evening. The lunch which consisted of bamburg sandwiches and coffee - was prepared and served by the men of the club. Mrs. H. P. Patton gave a dinner in honor of her two sons and their families Sunday. - , Erma Simmons of ffummlt, spent the week-end with Laura Shep herd. , W. H. Best from Newberg Bpent Friday night with Mrs. E. Best: The weekly Nazarlne prayer meeting was held at the Cutler home and those who were present reported a spiritual time. W. J. Narrow attended the Sun day school convention at Liberty Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chrlstensen- of Dallas, is sojourning at the Ja cobs borne. Mrs. Wilson of Third street, left Monday for an extended visit with relatives in San Francisco, California, where she will have the pleasure of attending the World's Seventh Day . Adventlst Conference. - Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Patton, Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Patton and child, ren, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Patton and Frances Hunt took a sight seeing trip up the Columbia high way recently. Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Travis and daughters, Frances, Vern and Em ma, from Springfield, vielted at the W. J. Marrow home, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Maes from Amity visited at the Richardson home recently. We are glad to know Mrs. Cut ler is Blowly convalescing after her operation several weeks ago. The parent-teachers association of the- local' public .school gave their monthly meeting the sixth inst. After the regular business meeting was despensed flth the junior .; grade gave a short dril' entitled, "The Sailors Horn Pipe' and Margaret Hogg rendered i very difficult piano: solo tha caused ; much applause. But - th special number on the progrsn was several humerous stories by Dr.. Hickman of the Kimball Col lege tor the benefit of the young folks. His address on "Child Wei. fare" was Very interesting to the older folks. A three piece orches tra with several old songs fur nished the music. A three course lunch was served by the ladies of the district. Mrs. James Beet gave a very in teresting address on tithing at the M. ' E. churchy. Sunday evening. The special music given by several of the Summit visitors was enjoyed also. j Lloyd Miller a student of Mon mouth was a week-end visitor with his mother. The stewards of the Methodist church held n old - fashioned country store in a vacant building on Edgewater street Friday and Saturday. The people of the vicin. ity and from around donated lib erally, of groceries, vegetables, dry goods and confections. Short ord er lunches were served at all the homes. The goods were all sold with the exception of about ten dollars worth which will be sold in a short time. The country store not only paid financially but showed what the Methodist folks can do If they cooperate. Primaries- May 19.-1922, 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.' JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY. , . ,v r V JOHN B. GIESY. Candidate FOR MAYOR My Pledge: Clean, Econom ical Business Administration; .Strict Enforcement o All Ordinances. A SQUARE DEAL TO ALL. (Paid Adv.) IS - . . I;- I it f ' ' Y "V Sen.Thos.F. Ryan of Oregon City , Candidate for Republican Nomination For STATE TREASURER Pledges 30 Reduction In De partment Expenses. Has the experience and ability which will prevent Mismanage ment that causes loss of state's money and Higher Taxes. Give Him Your Sopport and Vote ST EXTRAORDINARY EVENT IN THE POINT OF REAL VALUE-GIVING EVER B OF JEWELRY RETAILING IN OFFERED PEOPLE ANYWHERE if I 3 pi III pTSr A PR KNOWN and REL SABLE :Corner State and Liberty, Salem, Announce an: ' -4' L.. . uJtJ litis il" " tiwZa .j. ituar. iiH Vabu mstAS mt iii mil il i if Mill mi tmM Exception of a Few Contract Price Articles We Include inthisSalethe Entire Stock of 2 Mirriwi (n,AF5)F hip w f it irv V Prices Have Been Marked Down So Extremely Low they Will Virtually Startle and Amaze You INVOLVED IN THIS GREAT SALE OF SALES: SSL sdlay MAY 18 th at 9 a. m. flag igtaMnaiW'WasW1 WWWwr .... f. m,.m,'