Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 12, 1922, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    ... . ' ' ' --'V ,.IfY , . : : . .
hen the Water Board Spends Money! the Taxpayer Usually Gets Soaked
f " ' : : - ;.-!'?! . ' - 1 . . ' ;, ,
i"-T .
6U rrier 10 cents a week. 45
Bf nnth, 15 a year In ad-
,. m Marlon ana
i. a
W, . one month SO cents
tle9'25 months $2.28.
00 Elsewhere BO cents
f".k is' yar-
cond class duui
ASS.;. Press Is exelus-
,flVd W the uso tor pub
all news dispatches
m tn it or not otherwise
allied to n .
-Jited ln tnis PP -
- Member
dt P"""" of Circulations
"w g!' Stockwell. Peoples Gas
1 Illi:a,v. -
rr nVP wuiu "
low three Insertions,- 6 cents.
.. eek. 8 cwits; one month, 20 per month X2
2nii: minimum per ad, 26 cents.
Flrit insertion only in New To
City ads cash In advance.
ud not tanen over iiiu.
SverUser has monthly account.
j anoyance mr
I foOlENT 'Piano. Phone 99T.
poFsALE Baby carriage. Phone
m ; cl
rolTSALELarge roll top oak desk
5(1 oittio
LOST Small amathyst
Reward, pnona ooaj.
iflNTED -Plowing or excavating
rail 1694J. H38
NEWLY furnished 2 and 3 room
dot 486 IN. ijlDerxy, nodm.
FOR SALE Lots on S. Liberty St.
priced at iuo. w. u. v.rueger,
Orgon bldg. a!14
BARGAIN 5 room house at 1494
Leslie street, price $1600. W. G.
Krueger, Oregon bldg. all 4
US BUYS paying little business,
worth $400. Investigate. Call
1076 Marlon street. 113
FOR SALE Good Yellow dent
seed corn. Rt, 8, box 87, M. r .
Kllven. C114
WOOD cutters for ash, cash or
shares. Shack, stove and bed
furnished. Apply Rt. 8, box 80A,
Salem. s eel! 5
WANTED By reliable party furn
ished or unfurnished house to
rent. Call 327 during business
hours. 1115
CARPETS and rugs hand cleaned.
We revive and set colors, resiz
ing. Reliable Carpjet Cleaners,
phone 756. m!38
6 ROOM bungalow facing east; no
reasonable cash offer refused.
Heyser-Follrich System, Termin
al bldg, phone 696. a!15
I HAVE a few hundred dollars
and would consider putting in a
small business with someone.
Write Journal, box No. 10. 113
TL'LIP blooms doz. 25c; narcissus
Poetl'cus 3 doz. 25c; Doronicum
J doz. 25c. Cottage Flower gar
den, 801 Locust, phone 1024W
WANTED 20 to 40 acres, north
slope; we have buyer if proper
ly priced. Heyser-Follrich Sys
tem, Terminal bldg. phone 696
WANTED -Acreage tracts,
in ex-
whe vi
change for improved
ranches near Edmonton
ta. Will assume. W. A.
484 Court street.
new paint.
new clutch, good tires and bat
tery for sale at Oleson-Rookstool
automobile auction Saturday
7:30 p. m. qll4
WTNTON six for sale at Oleson
itooKstool automobile auction
Saturday night. This car has
been handlitl by people who
were careful with the car and is
in A-l shape. qll4
EXCHANGE 10 acres Mi mile
from car line, 5 acres in culti
vation, family orchard and new
room bungalow, want $3000
home In Salem. Heyser-Follrich
Svatem, Terminal bldg, phone
696. bll5
6EB M. J. Hunt, room 2. Ladd &
Bush bldg. about an investment
of 16000 that will bring an an
nual income of $2000 or more,
and while you are in ask about
6 acres in 9-year old cherries,
80 rods off Jefferson road only
mile to street car. c
kOTICE Having lost my wife
and business in the east Is com
pelling me to offer for sale or
trade, my one half interest in
the Salem Fuel Yards, a good
business on inventory. Theo O.
Zieman at the yards, or W: A.
Liston, at 484 Court street, citv
GOOD BUY 9 acres all cultivat
ed, far buildings, close to Sa
lfni, good soil, some fruit and
berries, price right, terms also
10 acres Salem-Dallas highway
eood soil and buildings, 3 large
th'p!fnn houses, running water,
good terms. Brown, over Bu
yck s, State and Commercial.
sprmars soino
-rTi as se
fi at H"'"" Pregon-
-Jr J' 0 ASK, J oF only TEtJ Nuclei M 0y Tf l! j Gcpy TVf5f MoMTHS 0(j LuJ .l cvc-e:iR ) Z-' W fiD0M' wATCH V
1 mutt' AYC-AR ( SiW CL,P 1000 colons: THiNkp SGeN'. $ ; T ' smo, ToMo'.
? Jfafcs? -- : - - course. 1 7
t- ' - -re . - 1 " - sv ;,j ,. X i-.i hum 1 1 fin-rr'vtsL' tomooaw 1
WANTED Sows and pigs. Phone
J3F81. ml
FOR SALE 2-horse corn planters
2575 Cherry ave. cll5
HOLfaH. for rent, some furniture
forsale. 1076 MartanJSt. 113
FOR SALE Good as new Ranger
bicycle $25. Write box 113, Rt
JtJSalemu cm
OR SALE Eight year old cW
making 2 lbs. butter per day. 810
Hoyt street. 6115
WANTED $2000 at once on bus
iness prospect. Box L6 Capital
Journal. 1114
WANTED Maid at stale deaf
school. Call at school for inter
view; ." .
2 AND 3 room apartments, single
liousekeeplng, also garage. 160
Court street. J115
S ROOM apts. all in new dress
ready on the 15th. Call 920M
mornings or evenings.
8 ROOMS and bath, cement base
ment, fruit; a good buy, $3250.
Ruby Purdy, 455 Court St. a
HAVE client who wants good
building lot in good location, list
with Ruby Purdy, realtor, 455
Court street. i
FOR SALE 1919 Overland, al
most as good as new, only $500
Will take Ford as part payment.
Owner, 1220 N. 21st St. 113
CORNER lot, east front, cement
walks all in, good street, good
district for a few days $400.
Ruby Purdy, realtor, 466 Court
street. a
6 ROOMS, well built bungalow,
furnace, garage, cement base
ment and three lots, east front;
a goo buy. Ruby Purdy, realtor,
455 Court street, a
WANT a farm ready to go to work
make the hay and cut the oats
and pay for the place?. See Ruby
Purdy, realtor, 455 Court street.
This la a bargain. b
JUST now we can sell you nearlj
5 acres 2 blocks from car line,
tt acre in berries, for $850, $100
cash. Magee, room 1, . Patton
bldg. n
WANTED Ey ex-service man
farm of about 40 acres of good
plow land, fully equipped, using
bonus and $2500 house. Denber,
Myrtle ave., Salem. 1115
A 10 ACRE tract near Liberty, 3
acres berries and fruit. Price
$2200. Well located, level and
main good road. $600 will han
dle. Becke & Hendricks, 205 U.
S. bank bldg. 113
NEW BUNGALOW Fireplace and
dutch kitchen. Basement, cement
walk and pavement. Immediate
possession. See at 1880 S. High.
$700 will handle. Becke & Hend
ricks, 205 U. S. bank bldg. 113
LOTS South, East, North, S. east
and central, for from $300 to
$1500 we can show you the best
residence lots in Salem. Why pay
more when these have to sell?
Becke & Hendricks, 205 U. S
. bank bldg. , 113
BEAUTIFUL new home for sale.
Call at 240 N. 14th street and
see new colonial style bungalow
owner has just completed and
will sell. First class construction,
hardwood floors cut stone fire
place, full cement basement and
nnmnlete in every way. 113
OWNER must go east. Twenty five
acres all cultivated, eight acres
in bearing prunes, tiyo acres in
berries, good buildings, all
equipment goes for $6000, will
- take part in trade or small pay
ment. Magee with the Oregon
Cooperative Realty Ass'n, room
1 Patton bldg. n
10 ACRES close to street car.
Family orchard and berries, ideal
fruit soil. 6 room, nearly mod
ern, new house, plenty of water.
Fine road. On account of my
work, must get closer into city.
Will give you a fine trade for
what you have. R care Journal.
$1700 BUYS seven room h msi.
$400 will handle. Ruby Purdy,
ar,5 Court street. a
FOR SALE By owner, bungalow,
east front, , basement. Phone
896W. a126
FOR SALE Half block with 8
room house; variety of fruit and
flowers; very desirable location.
Call at 1500 S. High street. a!15
FOR SALE Seven room house
and lot. Price $2000, $500 bal
ance $25 month including inter
est 6 per cent. 1168 N. 17th. alio
FOR SALE Large house and
grounds, hot water furnace, all
built in features, cement base-
ment, garage.
See owner aoi
State street
THE best bargain in a 5 room bun
galow offered in Salem. Must
have $1000 cash down. Modern
basement. See Fleming.
841 State for bargains
WILL TRADE a good 8 room house
for property In I'ortiana aiiu ao-
airrerence. x-hlc v....
Kadcliff & Waring, 341
State street.
bungalow (no basement) and
fruit for a 6 room similar; will
nay cash difference; south Sa
lem preferred. See Wm. Fleming,
341 State St. a
PRICE $17005 room cottage,
modern except basement, on
Hood street, car line, possession,
owner leaving for Canada. Termt
down. S. R- i-earsun, aiv-
211 U. S.
bank blag. -
David Ha mm stuff on Mutt.
$2800 BUYS a modern bungalow,
being built, and will finish to
suit purchaser, furnace and only
four blocks from State street, not
far out. Ruby Purdy, 455 Court
$500 DOWN, 5 room modern bun
galow except basement, first
class condition, same as new,
north Salem near car line; you
will like this place for a bar
gain at $2000. S. R. Pearson, 210
211 U. 8. bank bldg. a
ARE you going to the coast? Sea
side is the place; we have a fur
nished cottage for sale or ex
change for Salem, paved high
way all the way to Seaside. Jos
eph Barber & Son, 200 Gray bldg
NEW BUNGALOW 5 rooms, fire
place, plpeless furnace, laundry
trays, gas. full cement basement,
lots of built in work. Close to car
line and immediate possession.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 27 5
state street. alls
CLOSE IN 5 room strictly modern
uungaiow, large lot, paved street,
cement walks, garage near car
line; one of the best for the
money. Price $4250, terms $1500
down. S. Yt Pnnrann 910-911 TT
S. bank bldg. a
MUST BE SOLD 6 room house,
basement, modern plumbing,
electric lights, cement walks,
near school and car line. Price
$1500, $1030 down balance
monthly. W. H. Grabenhorst &
Co. 275 State street. all3
$800 AS first payment on this 5
room plastered house on paved
street, cement walks, electric
lights, bath,, toilet, and -on sew
er. Price only $2300. Balance easy
terms. See JU A. Hayrord, 805
State street. a
MOST attractive large corner on
Capitol street $20,000; a beauti
ful home on Court street $12,
000; another home on Court St.
$10,000; attractive lot on Cour'
street $5000. Gertrude J. M.
Page, 492 N. Cottage. a
BARGAIN 7 room bungalow with
basement, block to car line.
Price $3700 with furniture.
Owner must go east for business
. reasons. Look it over and make
' us an offer. This must be sold at
once. W G. Krueger, 208-209
O regon bldg. a!13
A FEW completely furnished hous
es for sale; 6 room house on N.
Capitol street at $2500. House
and 2 lots at Newport, Or. Price
$1000; will take light auto as
part trade on each of these prop
erties. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492
N. Cottage street. a
OVERLOOK this and you are miss
ing something, 6 room bungalow
same as new, best construction,
upstairs floored for 2 more
rooms, 2 large lots, variety fruit,
other buildings, beautiful place,
north. Price for quick sale $1800
Vi cash. S. R. Pearson, 210-211
U. S. bank bldg. a
FOR SALE Good 3 room house
and large lot, city water, electric
lights, 1 block of car line, for
$800 with terms. Good 4 room
house on car line, corner lot,
fruit trees, for $1100, your own
terms. HUdobrand and ..Wood,
room 8 Bayne bldg, phone 794.
GET A HOME, east, 6 room .plas
tered, paved street, good condi
tion inside and out, semi-modern,
on $500 down; also 6 room plas
tered, should be painted, good lo
cation, on $500 down. Better see
these for a home. Brown, over
Busick's, State and Commercial.
JUST the home for a young cou
ple, a strictly modern new bun
galow, everything up to the min
ute, good location, close to car,
full basement, gas. lights, water,
built in kitchen, buffet in din
ing room, built in dressers In
' bed rooms, very little furniture
needed. Small payment down,
balance monthly. Let us show
you this today. Radcliff & War
inir. 341 State St. all4
LOOK 5 acres all plow land near
state fair grounds, trice i5uu
cash. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.,
275 State street, b!13
THIS trade for Salem property of
a farm well locateu, runy equip
ped, Is a bargain. Gertrude J.
M. Page, 492 N. Cottage. b
HAVE you a house to trade for a
farm or small tract? We have
the farm you want. Let us show
it to you. Radcliff & Waring.
341 State street. - b!14
TRADE 6 acres close to Salem,
new 5 room bungalow, lor nouse
in Salem up to $2500 or sell on
terms. Price $4000; a good sub
urban home for some one, and
priced right. S. R. Pearson, 210
211 U. S. bank bldg. b
FOR SALE 340 acres in Polk
county, with buildings. Price $25
per acre. This is a good stock
proposition, good pasture and
some good timber, very che,ap at
the price; terms on part. Come
in and let us tell you about it.
Hildebrand and Wood, room 8
Bayne bldg, phone 794. b!13
SEVENTY acre farm near Marion.
machinery, stoca ana cvurjinnia
readv to start to work when you
arrive on premises. $4009 will
handle or will trade for modern
bungalow in Salem or Portland,
or from one to five acres near
Salem. This is an excellent prop
osition. Ruby Purdy. real estate,
455 Court street. b
I'Olt SALE Or trade 320 acres
near Coulle City, Wash., house,
buildings and fenced, half In cul
tivation; will trade for car or
country or city property value up
to $2600. Geo. L. Hurley, phone
977W, 626 Bellmont St. -113
FOR SALE Miscellaneous
-Potatoes. Call 86F22
YOUR choice of 7 sewing machines
$7. Singer Shop, 648 State. c!14
FOR SALE Piano in good condi
tion, 1246 MArlon street. cl!4
FOR SALE, Indiana silo. R. C. Holl
berg, Greenwood 'station. c!14
66F12. -Salvia plants.
FOR SALE! Young pigs.
FOR SALE Wayne electric wash
er, "good as new, $75. 449 N.
High street. c!14
FOR SALE 2-horse , disc ' and
truck. Capital Bargain House,
215 Center St. phone 398. , ' c
PLAIN linoleum for desk, counter
and table tops is fine. Let me
show you. Max O. Buren, 179 N.
Commercial street. cllB
FOR SALE Beautiful green silk
, party dress covered with black
lace, only $8 (misfit.) Phone
1620M. C115
16-.INCH old fir and 4 foot second
growth. Phone 98 1M. ee!86
NICE dry 16 Inch and 4 foot sec
ond growth fir wood. Phone 254
or 22. eellO
WOOD 16, Inch old fir, 4 foot
second growth dry. Phone 1727,
540 State atreet. el0
FOR SALE Best grade mill wood,
second growth 4 ft. or 16 inch
prompt delivery. Phone 1542.
Fred E. Wells, 805 S. Church St.
SPECIAL PRICES in car load lots
in old fir, also mill wood in 1$
Inch or 4 ft. lengths or by th
cord. Salem Fuel Yards, 762
Trade St. Office 520. Phones,
res. 2058. Theo Zieman, Chas
Soos. Props.
SALE 8 fine pigs; also 10 wean
ing pigs. A. L. Calllns, Gervais,
Or., Rt. 2. ell 4
FOR SALE Gentle saddle pony;
Puritan oil stove. Inquire 596 S.
Winter, ell7
FOR SALE Lot of high grade
Jersey cows, fresh giving from
4 to 6. gallons milk per day, at
249 S. Church St. e!15
GOOD blocky mare, will work
single or double, weight 1400
lbs. Good-farm horse, price $80.
Also good rubber tired buggy
for $30. Phone 23F15. ell3
FOR SALE Automobiles
WE need more cars, both for auc
tion and private sale. Phone 666
Oleson-Rookstool. qll4
FOR SALE 1 Ford truck $160, 1
ton Grem truck $100, 1824 N. 4th
street. qll4
STUDEBAKER roadster for sale
at auction Saturday, 7:30 p. m.
car is in . excellent condition.
Oleson-Rookstool. qll4
IfOR SALE Or trade, Buick road
ster, rebuilt, new paint, A-l con-
. dition. Call at Miller's, garage,
245 Center street. q!14
FOR SALE 1921 model Harley
Davldson motorcycle, good run
ning order. Call 90F12 morn
ings. qll5
FOR SALE Cheap, 1919 Over
land). 6 passenger, looks like
new, in' fine shape, 4 new tires,
2 extra with rims, must sell. 186
S. High. q!14
work with a Beeman tractor.
W. E.: Burns Dan Burns
(Not Brothers the Same Man)
High street at Ferry.
PASTURE to rent for cattle.
FOR RENT Furnished
Call 2069R evenings
TWO room furnished
1040 Leslie
(APT. for three. Phone 20!
hatching eggs.
FOR RENT Completely furnish
ed house. Inquire 1540 State St.
FOR RENT or lease, very cheap,
a 30 room rooming house or by
the room. 686J. 3117
A NEATLY furnished apartment,
rent reasonable, 292 N. Summer
street. 3114
FOR RENT 7 room house at S07
N. Liberty. Enquire at 317 N.
Liberty. - 3113
FOR RENT Partially furnished 6
room house, good location Call
680W or 602 N. Winter. J113
FOR RENT Four room unfurn
ished apartment $11. single room
$4. Phone 928. 3H&
FURNISHED sleeping room for
gentleman, 205 Oregon bldg.,
phone 1427. '3
FOR RENT Store room, the rear
100 feet at 175 N. Commercial.
Wm. Nelmeyer. 3
FOR RENT Pleasant unfurnish
ed apartment, close to car line
adults; references. 1123 Hines
St. j. 311f
FOR RENT Furnished light
housekeeping room, downstairs
2 room apt. upstairs, rates reas
enable, close in. 346 N. Front.
, ,l . l ., , a 1 .
WANTED Miscellaneous
FORD or Chevrolet wanted for
icash. 219 State street.
WANTED Carpenter work
painting. lomj.
' WANTED Furniture, tools.
1 Phone 511.
WANTED Maternity nursing in
x , , -
private houses. Phone 1694J. i
WANTED Housework by the day
by young woman. Phone 1896W.
NURSE Hospital experience, open
ifor engagements. 449 N. High.
I hll3
PRACTICAL nurse wants engage
: ments. Call at 1935 N. 5th St.
: hll6
WANTED To buy an Interest in
cigar store or some small dusi
ness. W E Journal.
WANTED old mattresses to make
, over. Phone 18, Capital City Bed
f !n Co. "a
WANTED 200 three months old
White Leghorn pullets, April
"hatch. W. E. Wllmer, 680 N. Lib
erty St., Salem. 1U4
SEE J. W. Manley for cellar dig
ging, garden plowing, heavy
"team work. Phone 199 Cherry
fCitv barns. 1116
pay the highest cash price for
cream. Farmers Produce Co., 160
S. High St. U16
SEE Adolph Bombeck for first
class cement work of all kinds.
1595 N. 5th St. phone 1918W.
WANTED 8 fresh Jersey cows
with records not less than 85- lbs
' per day, test 6 per cent or over.
Not over six years old. W E care
Journal. iH
WANTED Furnltura, tools, ma
chinery, stock, etc. Will buy for
cash, or sell on commission,
ii Phone 611, Woodrjr. the auction
eer, m
WANTED A good five room
house, we have a buyer for a
, good five room house, in a good
'location. If you want to sell see
us at once. RadcKff & Waring,
841 State Btreet. 1114
WANTED Used furniture, rang
es, heaters, cook stoves, tools,
etc. We pay cash, get our pric
es before you sell. Liberty Ex
change, 241 N. Com: St. phone
841. 1!
DRESSMAKING, ladies" tailoring,
i specialist on graduation gowns.
Every line of hand pleating and
hand work. Holiday orders tak
en in Spanish drawn work. Esti
mates cheerfully given. Prices
very reasonable. Mrs. Lee A.
fwope, 1073 Oak street, phone
R4 1124
WANTED Young wan
with ex-
tr, tnkn nntiitinn as l)OOk
keeper. Must be capable of doing
som stenograpnic worn, do j
THE Whitney company has start
ed logging ana sawmin upmo
tlons in Tillamook county and is
' hiring men at Idavllle and Gar-
' ibaldi at going wages. No strikes.
Good clean camps and good,
V wholesome grub. Write or call
rvha whiinuv comnRTiv. Bav City.
' Garibaldi or Lewis building,
Portland. B
CHILDREN cared for,
llii 6 Fer
Mi V
MONEY to loan on farm land. I
A. Hay ford, an 5 state m.
quick 'service. Ed sproea. ui
ROOFS reshlngled, cleaned, paint
ed or tarred. Phone Kays 1758.
WINDOW cleaning, prompt serv
ice. Phone 1802, Window Man.
CAN take several more customers,
good milk, 10c quart. ruuianu
Dairy. ' SJiii
BEDDING PLANTS of all kinds
for sale. E. B. Flake, Fluweis
and Birds, 27 3 btate m
FULLER Brushes for house clean
ing save time, money and backB.
1937.T. m!33
NEW rugs from your old carpets,
we pick up and deliver. Write us
Ktavton Fluff Rug Co. ml28
LINOLEUM is only as good as its
laid, buy here and have me ce
rv,oni it water tlaht. Max O. Bur-
en, 179 N. Commercial St. m!16
pay the highest cash price for
cream. Farmers Produce Co., 160
S."HiKh St. ml 1 6
LOANS Let me see you about a
loan If you want to ouim we cn
help you. Plenty of money, no
delays. Call 634, let us tell you.
Oregon. Milk diet and other na
ture cures. Come to Ashland ad
get well. rolls
PLUMBING, repairing and coll
work, reasonable effarges. A. L.
Godfrey, shop foot of Union St.
Phone 1397J H40
ELECTRICIAN Secure my fig
ures on wiring by contract or by
the hour, at pre-war prices. H.
W. Hatch, phone 1202J. rn
LANGS hot blaat i'ueJ saving rang
es, $48 up. Let us explain why
we cut your fuel bill . Peo
ples Furniture store, 271 North
Commecial street, phone 734.
WE do house wiring and carry a
complete stock of fixtures.
Instrument repairing, experi
mental work. Electric applianc
es repaired. Halllcks Electric
shop, 337 Court, phone 488. m
FOR TRADE 640 acres Alberta,
Canada, wheat land. What have
you? Box 77 care Journal. bll6
LOT for sale, 60x163, block from
car, cement walk; east front.
Call 1670. all4
FOR SALE 10 acres timber,
about 1000 cords stumpaga on It;
will accept light car as part pay
ment. Phone 77 between T a. m.
and 6 p. m. - eel 18
fully equipped garage, doing
good business, located on the high
way, this is first class. -
I have a client who wants a six
room bungalow on north Capitol
street, also some vacant lots in
same location.
I have some good farms. ' also
acreage to exchange for city prop
erty. It you want to sell, trade oi
buy, see
II. Li. makstbrs
Call 907.
To trade 2 good houses renting
for $60 per pionth and a $1300
mortgage for a farm, not over
$8000. -
60 acres of Umber land 9 miles
from Salem and 6 acres with 7
room house close in, to exohange
for small farm or rooming house.
Wanted to buy small house or 4
or 6 rooms with 3 or 4 lots, with
fruit and berries; must be on high
331 H state street, ' '
6 room plastered house, close In
qn N. Front street, batn, electric
lights, fireplace, large corner lot,
barn, $2300.
6 room cottage, furnished, mod
ern conveniences, paved Btreet,
6 room cottage, modern conven
iences, two large lots, newly paint
ed, anattractlve home for $2100.
Btrlctly modern 5 room bunga
low, new, In best residence section
of the city, hardwood floors, $6000.
3 3 Hi State street.
Phone 970
100 aero completely equipped
and well Improved dairy ranch,
price $35,000; take smaller ranch
not Over $20,000.
7 acres, 6 fruit, modern 6 room
bungalow, good outbuildings, close
in, $8500; take house at $3500.
637 acres in oil fields in Mon
tana, fair Improvements, $20,000;
take grain or fruit ranch in valley
at $17,000.
59 acres improved near Monroe,
Or., $6000; take acreage -near Sa
lem about same value.
' 20 acres, 114 miles from Salem,
electric light line, macadamized
road, $7500; take house about
Want $500, $1000, $1500 and
$2500 loans.
341 State
1 acre tract close to car line,
good 5 room cottage, well, 3-4 acre
loganberries. Price $2650, V4 cash.
10 acres of first class soil local
ed on main paved highway, about
1 mile- from car line, 8 acres culti
vated, 1 acre cherries, family fruit.
house and barn. Price $4000, Vs
cash, balance terms, 6 per cent in
, 6V4 acres of three year old
prunes all plowed and prunde, good
drainage; a good buy. .Price I16l0
Will consider good lot up to $5000
as part payment, balance terms.
320 acre furm, 80 acres of fine
summer fallow wheat, buildings,
about 15,000 cords of standing fir
timber; will consider part trade.
Price $65 per acre.
A good 6 room modern home.
garage, corner lot, east front, lo
cated at 996 north Capitol street.
Price 16000. , .
Good 9 room house located close
to state house, garage. Price $6500
A block of land, 200 by 200 feet,
located close to car line in Salem
Heights Price $600, $50 down,
balance $10 per month, 6 per cent
One acre of land located on pav
ed highway and carline south, all
in bearing fruit. Price $1200, $160
down, balance easy terms, 6 per
cent interest.
275 State street.
7 room house and 2 lots, modern
except heat, cement walks, $1700,
6 room plastered cottage, mod
ern except heat, garage, price
$1900, H cash.
4 rooms and pantry, 1 acre of
ground, one mile from Salem on
paved road, family fruit, chickens,
horse and buggy; price $1600.
6 room cottage, newly painted
and tinted, new bath room fix
tures, closo In on carline. Price
$3000, good terms.
8 rooms, modern, on Marlon St.,
fruit, garage, shade trees. Price
8 rooms, 2 lots on N. Church St.
9 rooms, lot BO by 500. north 21st
street. Price $4800
4 room house, furnished, lights
and water; price $1650.
6 rooms strictly modern, 2 lots,
on S. Commercial street, new gar
age; price $6500.
6 room modern house on S. 14th
street; price $4000.
6 room cottage modern except
heat, lot 50 by 275, all kinds of
fruit; price $4500.
6 rooms, bath, pantry, on S. 12th
street ; price $2600.
406-7 Oregon bldg. 114
(Copyright 1920 by International
Trade Mark registered in the U. S.
F. N. WOODRY the live stock.
furniture, real estate auctioneer.
Phone 511 for sale dates. Res.
lam in. summer.
G. SATTERLEE, auctioneer. Real
estate and stock sales. Cash tor
your sale notes. Phone 1211J.or
1177. Office 414 Ferry St.
UK. BRADFORD, graduate and
post graduate of the First Char
tered Chiropractic college In the
world.- Ten years practice. Con
sultation and examination tree.
Phone 626, rooms $18-19-20
Oregon bldg.
and refuse of all kinds removed
by the month at reasonable rates
Cesspools cleaned and dead ani
mals removed. Day phonev 167.
night phone 12S7M. R. O. Cum
mings. Mgr.
be repaid like rent.
IJfe. Fire, Health, Accident, In
demnity, Liability and Auto In
surance written.
401 Masonic Temple. Salem. Or.
MARION-POLK C ounty Farm
Loan association has money to
loan at six per cent. W. D. Smith
secretary treasurer, 30$ Salem
Bank of Commerce.
pairing, cylinder reborlng and
machine work. When in doubt
see us. Consultation free. 186 S.
High near O E depot. Phone $13.
828 N High
I Phone 203.
recharged and repaired. Degge
BurrelF. (
H JL III Lll , ...
R. D. BARTON, Exlde batteries,
starter and generator work, 171
S. Commercial.
AUTO Electrician, expert trouble
shooting. 233 N. High St. phone
MEN'S' and women's hats reno
vated, blocked and trimmed, 496
Court, C. B. Ellsworth.
MRS. C. E. MILLER, hemstitching
stamping, buttons, hand embroi
dery. Room 10 over Miller's
store, phone 117.
SALEM Elite, hemstitching, chain
stitching, pleating, buttons,
stamping and needlework. Phone
879, 329 Oregon blldg. .
WANTED Rags and secondhand
goods of all kinds. Capital Junk
company, phone 398, 215 Cen
ter street. '
LOOKING for a home? See Rubv
Purdy, 456 Court street. Consci
entious and confidential service.
Both for the seller and buyer, a
FOR " SALE Desirable building
site, 8. Church and Lefelle Sts.
next Bush's pasture. Inquire of
owner, phone 726Wj. a!15
Compiled from reports of Sa
lem dealers for the guidance
of Capital Journal readers.
(Revised daily.)
Grain: Average valley wheat
(bulk) . $1.01.
Hay: Cheat hay $1112; oat
hay $11012; clover hay (bulk)
Wholesale Prices
Meat: hogs $1111.60; dressed
hogs 14c; top steers 6c; cows 5 He;
bulls 3 Ho: lambs 1 hie; dressed
veal 12 Vi 13c.
Poultry Light hens 16c; medi
um hens 18c; heavy hens 2021c;
old roosters 10c; stags 12 16c;
broilers 26 30c.
Butterfat: Butterfat 35c; cream
ery butter 88a39c; country butter
30 32c; egs 17c; milk sz.iu cwt.
Vegetables: Wax onions $4 per
crate; beets $2.60 cwt; California
cabbage 4c lb; green peppers 40c
lb; potatoes $1.00 cwt; California
lettuce $3.60 per crate; Arkansas
sweet potatoes $2.50 bushel; celery
(1.60 doz; radishes 60c doz; parsley
90c doz; tomatoes $4.50 crate;
broccoli $2.00 crate; red cabbage
4 Vic lb; artichoke $1.75 dozen;
asparagus 22c.
Fruits: Oranges $7.50; lemons
$7.25; bananas 10c; Calif, grape
fruit $4.00; Florida grape fruit
08H'8.50; strawberries $5 per crate
Retail Prices ,
Butter and eggs: Eggs 20 22c;
creamery butter 45c; country
butter 35 36c.
Portland Markets
Portland, Or., May 12. Cattle
steadv; receipts none; top steers
$8.008.60; medium to good $7.76
8.25; fair to medium $8.75 ft
7.75: common to fair $6.256.75;
choice feeders $5.00f3i6.0i); fair to
good $4.605.00; choice cows and
heifers $6.50 7 .00 ; medium to
good $6.606.60; fair to medium
6 4.75 Si o. 50 ; common cows 96. tu
Feature Service, Inc.)
M. A. E8TE3,
State street.
fine tailoring, 384
motorcycles and Dayton bicycles
887 Court street.
The Cycle Man,'
47 S. Com. Phone
SALEM Nursery company, rruii
and ornamental trees, small
fruit and roses. Phone 1763, 42$
Oregon bldg.
GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur
dette, optometrist. Bow Optical
Co.. 825 Stats street. '
DR. W. L. . MERCER, osteopathic ,
physician and surgeon. Kirks
villa graduate, 404-406 U. S. Na
tional bank bldg. Phones, offlc-
919, residence 614.
osteopathia physicians and sur
geons, 506 U. a. bank building.
Phone 858. Dr. White, resi
dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall,
residence phone 834.
GEO. C. WILL, pianos phono
graphs, sewing 1 machines, sheet
music and piano studies. Re
pairing phonographs and sew
ing machines, 432 State, Salem.
PHOTOGRAPHS tinted 6x8 slz
25c, 8x10 size 60c. Mrs. Bullock,
212 S. Cottage Btreet, phone
A SATISFIED customer returns
,v Rowland Printing Co., Phone
1512, over Patton book store.
STEWART'S Repair Shop, 847
Court St. Umbrellas and cutlery
STOVES rebuilt and repaired, 50
years experience; Depot Na
tional and Amerlecan fence, sizes
26 to 68 inches high. Paints,
oil and varnishes, etc, logan
berry and hop hooks. Salem
Fence. and Stove Works, 250
Court street. Phone 124.
AGE CO. Ambulance service.
Cars washed and polished. Ex
cavating, plowing and fertilizer.
Wood and horse i for sale.
Phone 77.
fice, corner Commercial and
Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly
in advance. Phone, 67.-
4.76; canners $2.253.75; bulls .
$3.6086.00; choice dairy calves
$9.00ig10.00; prime light $8,00 '
9.00; medium to light $6.50
9.00; heavy $4.508.50.
Hogs steady; receipts 18;
prime light $11.60 11.75; smooth
heavy 220 to 300 pounds $10.50
11.60; 300 pounds and up $10.00
10.50; rough heavy $8.00 010.00:
fat ph(S $11.25 11.50; stags $6g
Sheep steady; receipts 86;
spring lambs $13.00 013.60;
east of mountain tamos $13.00(0
14.00; best valley $1213.00; culls '
$6.00 7.00; feeders $9.00 10.00;
light yearlings JIO 11.00; heavy
$9.00 10.00; light wethers $9.60
O'lO.ou; heavy ij;.ou; ewes 61 1
Butter steady: ex. cubes 33c;
cartons 88o; prints 37c; butterrat .
No. 1 37 39c fob Portland; un
dergrade 3334c.
Eggs: Selling case count 21 22c
buying price 19 20c; selling price .
candled 22c; selected candied n
in cartons 26 26c.
Poultry: Hons light 21c; heavy '
24c; broilers 80 35c; old roosters .
lOW'IZc; geese nom; ducks 46c;
turkeys nom, dressee..
Wheat: Hard white $1.28; Boft
white $1.26; white club. $1.26: red
Walla $1.24; hard winter $1.28.
Mill run $30 31; oats $34.00 "
36.00; corn No, 8 yellow $29.00; .
hay, timothy, valley $18.00; al
falfa $19: grain mixed $15.00:
clover $14; straw $8.
Sealed bids will be received at
the office of the county clerk of
Marlon county, up to 1:30 o clock
p. m. May 18, 1922, for hauling
about 320 cords of second growth
and old fir wood from the county
farm at llopmere to Salem. 20
cords to be piled at the poor farm,
20 cords at the court house and the
balance at the tool house. The
right to reject any and all bids re
served. U. G. BOYER,
County Clerk.
Notice Is hereby given that tha
undersigned has been duly appoint
ed administratrix of The estate of
W, A. Rutherford, deceased, by
the county court of Marion coun
ty, Oregon, and has qualified as
sui-h administratrix.
All persons having claims
against the estate of W. A. Ruth
erford, deceased, are hereby noti
fied to present same, duly verified,
together with proper vouchers
ihfrefor, to the undersigned at the
office of P. J. Kuntzln the Hank of
Commerce building, Salem, Ore
gon. In said county of Marion,
within six months from the date
of this notice.
Dated May 12. 1922.
P. J. Kuntz, attorney for admin
istratrix. Authorities at Washington hav
been notified that the state la
ready to put'up $2,500,000 lo
match a like amount of federal
money for the ctastrutcion of the
Roosevelt highway.
Long skins appear to be (he
feature of the spring fashions.
Judged by salon displays. It is to
be the smart woman season, not
the "flappers' " fashion season,
says an authority.
The deep red ot the Japonic
Is reflected in the color of the lat
est underwear. Crepe de chine Is
the popular material, and the con
trast li made by black lace ads
lngs and ribbon of . Clack,
too. Is used In the ornamentation
on some ot the nlchtdreaaaa, but
the designs are merely In outline,
so that the air ot daintlneaa U
not lost.
- t 1 - ; : .