I: '1 PAGE TWO THE CAPITAL JOdifi-.AL, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1922. FACES TRIAL BY HIS CHURC1AH Lawton, Okla., May 10. The Ju dlclal commission of the El Ktmo Presbytery which has Jurisdiction in this territory, met here today to hear charge of conduct unbe coming; a minister of the Presby terian church against the Kev. Thomas J. Irwin. Dastor of the First Presbyterian church ot Law ton. Mr. Irwin announced recent ly that he woulu resign from the church and his request for a dlsso lutlon of his pastoral relations with the local church was to be presented to the commission this morning. This action in the opin ion of member of the presbytery will obviate the necessity of trial. When J. L. Hamon Was buried at Ardiuore in 190, IUv. Irwin (I the funeral sermon, eu logizing the former republican na- .. ,uuiiin.eeuittU. The pastor ..nd been a constant supporter ot namon and this with the funeral sermon brought dismay to bis con gregatlon, split tie church and re sulted In a part of the congrega lion leaving. Then last summer the minister married a couple In d bathing pool at a summer resort here and more dissension follow ed. Kecently fires were discovered in that portion o. ttie church uuiu by Mr. iiumon and attempts were made to destroy the motion pic ture booth placed In the church by Mr. Hamon. Later on a Sun day night, the pastor was abduct ed by three unidentified men and found several hours later In a mud hole several miles from the city. An Investigation by county au Ihorities followed, the result being that charges ot arson were filed against the pastor and a member of the church board ot sessions. which had resigned. LEONARD OFFERED BIG PURSE TO BOX LEWIS London, May 10. (By Associ . tad "rea. )- George McDonald bus cabled Billy Gibson, manager of Benny Leonard, an offer for IS, 000 pounds for a match of 20 rounds of three minutes each be tween Leonard and, Ted Lewis In the event ot the latter's winning ut- drawing in Thursday's bout with Georges Carpentler. The fight would be staged In London the end of June. Willamette Valley News' BETTER PRICE ON BUTTER EORSEEN Silverton, May 10. Butter, which is now believed by J. W Kubberness, manager of the Sil verton Creamery A Ice company, to be at its lowest price, will soon begin an upward climb and 'with the cheap feed furnished by green pasturage, farmers ought to make a good profit out of it. There Is 15 or 20 per cent less milk in the country now due to the disposal of cows the past year, which will also tend to keep up prices. The spring pasture Is a great benefit to the dairyman as It low ers the feed bill to a large extent. SILVER FALLS MILL TO EMPLOY NIGHT SHIFT AT DALLAS GOOD Dallas, Or., May 10. (Special. A bumper crop ot fruit in t lit. Dallas district Is virtually assured prominent growers here declarer today. , The rain is not to prevent pol. tinlzing. The blooms are unusually har dy. The trees, In fact, are so vigor ous that nothing short of a bliz zard or some other catastrophe ot an equally disastrous nature will keep the crops from attaining a degree ot excellence worth writ ing home about. Polk fruit men are at present well satisfied. , The falsest price reported paiu for cherries In this district was si- cents and It was "pie" cherrieb that drew the "top" quotation. Royal Annes In this district ap pedr to be in excellent condition and, it Is belleou, will draw a good price. News that sour cherries were iii favor over Royal Anne8 was re ceived by growers In this vlclnit) wtih misgivings. It was, they felt, Imposisble. 1 The report, however, proved to be well founded. A strong eastern demand for "pie" cherries caused their price to climb, it was said. ' Silverton, Or., May 10. Ac cording to reports, the lumber business is a trifle slack at pres ent, but improvement is antici pated in the near future. A night shift will be added to the force of the Silver Falls Timber company at Silver falls. May 22, according to good authority. Snow fell In that locality Sunday, but melted almost immediately. It Is hardly apt to binder logging operations any more the present season. E DALLAS TEAM TO II Silverton, Or., May 10. -r-A slight change has been made in the firm of the Sprague Sim mons, Inc., dealers In Ford cars, ibVougb ithe .resignation of the former, who has been president of .he concern and will be connected with the selling force ot the com jany for the present. ' L. C. Sim .nons Is his successor and manager jf both the Silverton house and he Eugene branch, known as the C. Simmons company and will ilvlde bis time between the two places. During his absence from jllverton "Doc" A. W. Simmons, secretary, will act as manager of he local concern. Regardless of .he slack times, and the inaugura tion of a strictly cash basis. Presi dent Simmons reports the trade jnusually good, the demand being .eally greater than the supply. He states " six cars have been iold since last Thursday and all but one ot a shipment received ilnce Monday. Another carload Is ixpected to arrive today. The Eugene house is already two carloads behind its orders and it may be necessary to take part of the Silverton consignment to that city.' Dallas, Or.," May 10. A meet ing of a goodly number of the baseball enthusiasts ot this city was held In the , confectionery store cf Shaw ft Kersey on Sun day afternoon and as a result the organization of the Dallas base ball club was perfected. ... . Frank Kersey was elected man ager, " also secretary-treasurer of the new organization. A number of games have already been sched uled for the summer ot which a more definite announcement will be made in the near future. It Is the purpose to uniform the team and to get together a bunch of players that will be a big asset toward placing Dallas on the map as far as baseball is concerned. The bleachers at the ball, ground are to be repaired and the grounds improved to a considerable extent. This work Is now being done by the manual training department ot the Dallas high school. Mr. Kersey stated after the meeting that it was not his inten tion to affiliate the new club with any league, but that they ".would lplay strictly independent' base ball. SILVERTON FEELS BUILDING BOOM BALLSTON HI SCHOOL WILL GRADUATE ONE POLK FARMERS WILL VISIT STATE COLLEGE CREEKS TO BLOCKADE TURK BLACK SEA PORTS Constantinople, May 10. (By Asocialed Press.) A flotilla of Greek destroyers has sailed from Ilrusa under orders to enforce a blockade ot the Turkish Black sea ports. The Greek battleship Kllkos, formerly the United States Missis. slppi, has seized the Turkish S. S. Ineboll as a measure of reprisal for the seizure, recently ot the Oreek S. S. Enosis in the Black sea. LEGAL NOTICES NoTit'K or sTitKi-rr imikovh wi;n t , Notice Is hereby given, that the Council of the Town of Stayton, Marlon County, Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and here by declares its purpose and Intention to improve that . portion of tieaond street beginning ut the north line of .Water street and running thence north to the f-'iith line of Ida street and begin ning at the north line of Ida street .md running thence north to the south line of High street, all In said town, county and state, at the expense of the owners of abutting and adjacent property, by bring Ing said portions of said streut to i ho established jrrndu. construct I ii it .cement eonorete curbs wher ever same do not now exist and puvlng said portions ot said stroet with a hard surface pavement, the kind or character of which shall I t one of three kinds or charac ters, namely: AsphalUo Concrete on a lmumlnouB linue, Warrenlte Kltulithlo or Portland Cement Con crvte. and which shall be deter mined by the Council after rccelv- HiK the bids for the nutklntr there of, sntd improvement to be mndf la u-cordanae with the pians and specifications for eatd Improvement adopted by the Council on the 2nd dny of May, 1923, and which are now on file in the office of the Kocorder of said town, and which for greater certainty and conven ience and for more detailed de scription thereof, are hereby re ferred to and made a part hereof. Notice is further given, that the T!oeordr of said town will receive bids for the making: of said im provement up to eeven o'clock p. m. of the 16th day of May. l3i. Kids will be received on any or all of tho different kinds or charac ters of pavements act forfh In said pluns and specifications for the making of said improvement now on file in the office of said Recor der. All bids must be ocomp.tnle.l by a certified check on some re sponsible bank equal to ten per cent of the amount of said bid. payable to tho order of the Mayor of the Town of Stayton, Orexon. lYheii the Council shall have deter mined the kind or character of the improvement to be made and the lowest responsible bid submitted fur the maklntr thereof, the Re corder will return to the respective bidders whose bids have been re jected, the checks submitted with their bids and will retain the check ec-eompanylnff the aucetwf ul bid un til such Ume as a remonstrance sur flolent to defeat said Improvement has been filed or the contra-ct and brfnd for making said Improvement h!iJ1 ba executed. The Council re serves the right to reject any and all Wds. Br order sf the Council. Uatett this sod day of May. Hit. J. JB. GitiRK. Recorder of the Town of Stay ton. Oreiron. liate of first publication of thi notice is Way tk, l21. tlf ROAD INTO SILVERTON TO BE PAVED AT ONCE Silverton, May 10. Motorists, who have been experiencing all the sensations of a ship flounder ing about In a storm, while ap proaching Silverton over the un paved section of highway, be tween It and Salem, will be glad to learn that work ot paving will soon commence. The part resemb ling the English channel In rough weather extends about three fourths ot a mile along Pine and Water streets, will soon be Im proved by L. O. Herrold, who has the contract. Two carloads of ce ment have already been received and work will soon begin. Son Born to Senters. Silverton, Or..' May 10. A strong lunged seven-pound boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. Senter, East Hill, Sil verton, last Saturday morning. Mr. Senter, the happy father, is cashier at the Southern Pacifb railroad depot. Dallas, May 10.; One hundred cars will leave at some point in Polk county on Saturday, June 17 to participate In the field day to be held at the Oregon Agricultur al college, this date having been designated as Polk county day by those having the affair in charge. The Polk County Farmers union will have charge of those attend ing from this county and all ar rangements are In their hands. On arrival at the college the visit ors will be put In charge of com petent guides and taken on a tour of Inspection ot the college build ings and the experiment station. Every farmer In the county Is invited to attend Irrespective of whether they are affiliated with the organization having the affair In charge. Injures Hand on Saw Dallas, May 10. I. J. Entz, who is employed in the plant of the Dallas planing mill, had the mis fortune to meet with an accident Monday morning, which might easily have proven of a more seri ous nature. While operating the cut off machine he in some way caught his right hand in the saw. causing a flesh wound. Although it was not what can be called a serious wound It win necessitate him laying off from work for a week or ten days. Dallas, May 10. The Ballston high school will havo one gradu ate this year in the person of Or vllle Focht. The commencement exercises will be held on Friday, June 2, irfthe Methodist church in that city. The speaker has not as yet been secured. TURNER NINE DEFEATS WEST STAYTON TEAM Turner, May 10. The Turner town team won an easy victory over West Stayton last Sunday to the tune of 9 to 2. The John Watson farm was sold last week to George Moore for $10,000. Mr. Moore has a num ber of registered cows on his new place. y The Turner high school" team defeated the Marlon team last Friday to the tune of 13 to 3. QUICK RELIEF FROM Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets That is the joyful cry of thousands since Dr. Edwards produced Olive lameta, tne substitute tor calomel. DC Edwards, a Dracticine Dhvskian for 17 years and calomel s old-time enemy, discovered the formula for Olive Tablets while treating patients for chronic constipation and torpid livers. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not contain calomel, but a healing, soothing vegetable laxative. No criDinir is the "keynote" of these little sugar-coated, olive-colored tab lets. They cause the bowels and liver to act normally. They never force them to unnatural action. I f vou have a " dark brown-mouth bad breath a dull, tired feeling sick headache torpid liver constipation, you'll find quick, sure and pleasant re sults from one or two of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets at bedtime. Thousands take them every nieht just to keep right. Try them. 15c and 30c. VTA EXTREME VALUE GIVING At The C. & C. STORE Those vfil ucs prevail until Saturday night, May 13 (unless advertised items are sold before). Extreme Value Giving on Corsets, Hosiery Aprons and Underwear Our regular 19c Precale, extreme . value, yard . , 15c 60 inch Woolen Dress Tweeds, 1 extreme vajue, yard $1 jS9 36-inch part wool Serge, extreme i value, per yard 69c I Extreme Values in Groceries i Jap Crepes in colors, per yard . 23c 27-inch Everett Classics Dress Ginghams, per yard lie High grade Apron Check Ginghams, per yard 12', ic 25 sacks Berry Sugar, extreme value, per sack $6.20 50 lb. sack best Dairy Salt .. 75c Lebanon Creamery Butter, per lb 35c Royal Baking Fowder, 12 oz !. 39c 2't lb. size $1.27; 5Jb. size $2.60. Apple Cider Vinegar (bring container) ; ..-by quart 10c; by gallon 3$c. Hill's Bros. Coffee, .... ..v a.. 1 lb. 42c; 2 t lbs. $1.03 Bulk Coffee (will give satisfaction) per pound , 27c We welcome comparison of prices throughout the entire stocks N. SELIG CG. STORE 254 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, ORE. . ."Si Silverton, Or., May 10. "The realty business U unusually dull at present," said C. G. Anderson, of the firm of Eklund & Ander son, "but Silverton has never ex perienced such a building boom within th past 10 years as It is now having. "This is due to the fact that labor and building materials are both cheaper than when many of the present residences were erect ed, which gives the building boom a boost.". The firm has just closed a deal where A. A. Wolfe has secured a residence of E. S. Johnson in Mill street near the Silverton Lumber company's office for the sum of $1600. - Nebraska hank Fails. Lincoln, Neb., May 10 Failure of the American State bank at Long Pine with deposit liabilities of $290,000 was announced here by J. E. Hart, secretary of the state department of trade and commerce following an inspection ot the bank s condition. It is the second failure at Long Pine in 13 months. ' EATS ANYTHING ON THE TABLE, GAINS WEIGHT Mrs. Howell Went For Days Without Food, She e clares, Now Thanks Tanlac For Her Present Excellent Health "I can't tell you how glad I am that I tried Tanlac," said Mrs. Laura Howell, 4619 59th Ave., Portland, Or. ' ' "I had an X-ray made of. my stomach and was told I had all stones, appendicitis, stomach ul- . j . i ,.,, Hia T nnentl cers aim umc v, - - i,,i,.ri nf rinllars without relief. I could hardly stand the Burning in mv atnmnrh and went for days without eating. Oaa bloated me until I nearly smothered. I grew so dizzy I would almost fall over and would have to go to bed with sick headaches. "But now Tanlac has built me up In every way. I can now eat anything on the table and have gained weight and strength. My housework Is easy for me and I have taken the care of two chil dren beside. I prize Tanlac above every other medicine." . Tanlac is sold by all good drug gists. (adv) "Laugh and the World Laugh with you.' Vou can get started right by "Connecticut Yankee in seeing Mark Twain's King Arthur 'r Court" . IAUCTI0N SALE Friday, May 12th, 1:30 p.m. 1288 N. Liberty St, near Market St. Take North Commercial Street Car 1 new brass bed, De Lux coil spring and felt mattress ; 1 white enamel bed , steel spring and felt mattress ; 1 child's bed and mattress; 1 Duofold davenport waxed oak frame, new; 1 6-hole polished top range with white enamel finishriew; 1 large heater, board and pipe, like new; 1 breakfast table, like new; electric floor lamp with mahogany stand ; 1 fall leaf table ; 8-day mantle clock ; 1 wool and fibre rug 9x12; 1 solid oak 10-ft. round ex tension table with pedistal, like new; 6 solid oak diners like new; 1 fir 42-inch top extensin table and 6 new diners; 11 extra fine pure bred white Wyandotte hens, good layers; 1 Plymouth Rock hen with 10 pure bred brown Leghorn chickens 3 weeks old; oil cloth, mixing board, new boiler and tubs, ironing board, electric light globes, wash boards, fruit jars, wood and lumber, axes, garden tools, trowel, hand saw, adds, dish pans and other articles. TERMS CASH. "Everything in this Sale new n January C. T. GEISE, F. N. WOODRY, The Auctioneer, Owner. . Phone 511 "If you want an Auction or sell your furniture, see Woodry" LADD, & BUSH BANKERS - ESTABLISHED 1863 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Ready Information Often a man in the business or profes sional world needs authentic information as to conditions either locally or the coun try over. His course of conduct In man aging his affairs may be dependent on what he finds out. - At the United States National we're In touch with people of all businesses, trades, and professions. Also we can get facts and figures quickly from all the large financial centers. Call on us for such service. UnlteclSlatos retloaal Bank SALEM OREGON 111 i P3AR-OWNERS who bought a JO x "Usco" for $10.90 last Fall have discov ered this by now Nobody before ever got so much tire value in the neighbor' hood of ten dollars. They never had to question the quality- with the makers of U. S. Royal Cords behind it. They couldn't help admiring the price spontaneously made to meet the new economy times. Today a number of other 30x3Vi tires have come into the popular $10.90 price range originally estab lished by "Usco." So it might be well to remember United States Tires ere Cood Tires ,' Corfrftii 1411 U.S. T.Co. just what the "Usco" Tire is in case you are in the habit of comparing. Ia "Usco" you get responsible quality. 1 $10.90 is today's price. But the quality was fixed long ago the same "Usco" perform ance tire users have been buying and using and buying again for years. A tire that would be high value at more than $10.90. At $10.90 it is unap-proached. i I . I.-., iL j -1 W-iwiw- United States Tires United States Rubber Company tmtiir OiManOa u lju WmrU thirty ft hnuckn L- M 1 1 V Where You Can Buy U.S. Tires s Gingrich Motor A Tire Co., Salem W. M. Hughes, Salem ; Joa. Toley, Salem, Ira Jorgeasea, Saloaa Marion Automobile Co., Salem G. G. Quaokeuhueh. Salem A. L. Seamster, Salem DeJardla Bros.. Hopmera if. F. Montgomery, Quiaaby Lilly Hardware Company, Staytod A. t,. Bones, Turner. -3 . A