Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 05, 1922, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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If Apples Were
0,-iier 10 cent a week, -49
J!. mSSth. $5 year In d-
vnce' u In Marlon and Polk
B'tleT on. month 60 cent 8
'"" ths J1.28. month. $2.26, 1
"n 14 oo. Elsewhere 80 centa a
r.nt.t year.
-Jeered b second olass
" oaiom. Oregon.
. atA Presa la AXdlUS-
J. entitled to the usefor pub
1 Son ol all news dispatches
i ""i ted to It or not otherwise
1 Sled in this paper and also to
I fpubHahed heroin.
Ibf Amhar
i.iit Bureau ot Circulations
; .11..: .. AnfAfiArkti) t i VAB!
AQverumnB r .
d, Ward, tribune bldg., New
w! s'llStockwell, ; Peoples Gas
kM.. cnicagu.
ItftLO T w.
j cents, three Insertions 6 cents,
not ween, e com, vim v
cnts; one year, per month. IS
cinta; minimum per ad, 25 cents.
; First insertion only in New To
t... pttv nria mish in advance.
,nd not taken over phone, unless
advertiser -nas mummy acuuuui.
N allowance for phone errors.
BABBITS for sale, 2 months old.
IN. zuui. oi
5RN for sale cheap. 1195 N.
joth. c84
RlRNISHED housekeeping apt
for two people. 447 Center. J88
WANTED Man and wife to work
on rancn. rnone oai. . gsa
FOR SALE! Best strain ten day
old cnicKs. 229 xs. ttnu. isd
FOR RENT ; 2 furnished bed
rooms, aau in. mign bi. jj
WANTED 0 pigs about 6 weeks
0 d fnone oit s. - ia
yi'RNISHED housekeeping rooms
it 11.12 uenter. inquire at i
Center. 186
FOR RENT 2 room furnished
pt. at the Jtenniiwortn, l&z, a.
Churcn. JoJ
FOR RENT Comfortable 3 room
knuse. lieht and city water. E
journal. J82
FOR RENT 3! room house and 1
acre of land, fruit and berries.
2660 Oak St. 81
WHITE Minorca hatching eggs
11.50 per setting. 179a S. High
street, phone 1571R. 8aV
HAVE your car painted, where?
At the Auto Paint Shop, 801 N.
Liberty St. ' 81
2S0 BUYS V, interest in good
Daymg proposition m saiem
Box 95 Capital Journal. 81
1918 DODGE touring in excellent
condition. Price $475. Phone
147. 81
PAtJ CAr.K1 1 vaa, mora ort
1300, well broke; also double
Harness, laou in. uom 1 at. enc
FOR RENT Nicely furnished
room close In on Chemeketa St
Break font It desired. Phone 1511
FOR SALE Rolling disc with
trucks, suitable for hops or or
chard, reasonable. Phone 6l2J
NEW Idea quilter, guilts any kind
or size, auilts. comforters 01
pads. 84a 8. Liberty St. phone
1241J. mm
CARPETS and rugs, hand clean
ed. We revive and set colors, re-
sizeing. Reliable Carpet Clean
ers, phone 758. ml07
SEE Western Loan & Bids. Co.
for attractive Investment and
loans. Standley & Foley, Bush
Bank bldg. . 81
FOR SALE 95 acres, 40 in 8
year old prunes, balance culti
vated, fair buildings, on paved
highway. Price $16,000, easy
terms. . E. Hart, 371 State Bt. 0
can sell your house in 30 days if
price and terms are Tight. Call
me today at room 429, Marlon
hotel. 81
VIEW LOTS A few choice lots
on S. High. Paving paid. Keas-
onable prices, easy terms. Ie
Witt-Pearcy Bros., 210 Oregon
ildg. a3
WANTED 5 or 6 room modern
house from owner. Will pay
$200 down, $50 per month for
months, balance smaller pay
ments. Address 8 care Journal.
LOST Boston terrier pup, five
monsht old, brown with white
markings. If found call Carl D.
Gabrlelson at 33 or Charles K.
Rihnr at i7aw ind receive re
ward. k82
WHY toil at uncertain Jobs? Rail
way mail clerks begin 11 do
month: traveling expenses -paid
Government position. Specimen
ftxaminnHnn nilAstlOnS free. COl
umbus Institute, Columbus, OWo
acres in cultivation, balance
good timber and all fine land
when cleared. On good gravel
road 7U. miles from Salem in
Keizer bottom. Price $3700.
Easv ferma nr state loan to ex-
service men. DeWitt-Pearcy
Bros.. 210 Oregon bldg.
Jeff kisses seventeen Iron
- . -v put euefry -oak) MAbY a ,"7... iusT ri
A STATeSMAlO 1 uuT ) 1? ) V v. J STRESS AN W ONLY RIGHT. MWB4 I BoRWW 1 ' ft
UX TBTS OUGHT nT . . A cfeArO J v . VlS Ttt.CAMCCL fflf U YAR OP THfiUMRy '
"" .
5, 1922
NICE rooms for rent. 1089 Court
street. 189
CENTRAL business locatlou want-
or May 1st. Box B Capital
Journal. bi
FOK SALE 8 year old mare.
broke, $80. Garden road, box
REALTORS be sure and attend
the luncheon tomorrow noon at
the Marlon hotel.
FOR SALE At a bargain, fully
modern and up te date bunga
low, easy terms. 1520 State St.
' - a83
FOR SALE Slightly used Victro-
a, at a bargain for cash. In per
fect condition. 160 S.. 16th St.
tfpU RE&T Seven room furntwh-
cji nuuw on ct-ate street car ine
.Address Box. Y Capital Journal.
WE havetylenty of money to loan
on tarm ana city property. An
derson A Rupert, 408-7 Oregon
bldg. n4
fOK RENT furnished 4 room
bungalow, electric lights, city
water; will give lease $25 per
montn. Phone 206. 183
WANTED Old worn out cross out
eaws. Will pay 75 cents piece
tor same. w. s. low, street com
missioner. - 184'
WANT15U unencumbered woman
for housework and must live at
institution; School for the blind.
Phone 21. , g
WILL sell or trade my Interest
in good little business for Ford
touring, 250. Box 333 Journal
office. - 81
FOR RENT Furnished apart
ment with bath, private entrance
also garden if desired, 1290 Ma
rlon St. J82
OLD model Ford with 1920 motor,
overhauled, new tires $165
1920 Ford, fine shape $31
1920 roadster $375. 219 State St.
FOR SALE 6 acres with small
house, near lair grounds. Price
$1150, $160 cash, balance 2 or
1 years at 7 per cent. D. E. Hart
371 State St. b
resident wants offer on lots on
N. 6th street, paving in and
paid. See Mr. Kinney at Marlon
note!. tsi
$250 to $1000 will buy 5 room
bungalows I have several oi
them range in price from $1600
. i i Oo. ma ollrinf 4hpR0 91 Ft.
Pearson, 210-211 U. 8 bank bldg
A REAL BARGAIN In- 10 acres,
new land, 8 miles out near paved
road. Good barn, old house, all
good fruit and berry land, for
$2500, $1000 cash. No land near
for such price, jonn 11. scon,
228 Oregon bldg, b83
FOR SALE 3 room house on N
6th street for sale 16U, iiuu
down: 4 room house on N. 22d
street. 2 lots. $1800, $100 down;
6 room house on- N. Commer
cial street, $1000 down; 8 room
house in a 1 condition, very
reasonable. Gertrude J. M. Page
492 N. Cottage street a
TRADE 111 ar farm In Klick-.
itat county wasn., partly in cul
tivation, balance good timber and
pasture, good 6 room house, oth
er buildings; will trade for Sa
lem or adjacent property, good
auto or something else of value.
Price $4500, equity $2500. S. R.
Pearson, 210-211 U. S. bank
bldr. h
TRADE extraordinary, 280 acre
farm, fine land, In Deschutes
county, Or., 100 acres in culti
vation, 80 acres water right, 80
acres alfalfa; place is all fenc
ed and cross fenced with woven
and barbed wire. First class
house, 2 fireplaces, concrete
- foundation, 4 other houses, barn
60 acres good juniper timber,
near highway. This is a fine
ranch, owner will trade for Sa
lem or adjacent property or
Canada land. Price $10,600 for a
bargain. S. H. Pearson, 210-211
' TI. 8. bank bldg. h
For Sale-Hoases
FOR SALE House. .Price $5500.
aK9 m n rnn.
FOR SALE 5 room house close
in, on paved street, garage, full
cement basement, terms. Sil 8.
12th street. H1
FOR SALE 5 room modern cot
tage 4 blocks from state house,
block off Capital street, lot
50x125, some fruit, $2809. Phone
9SKAW. a82
FOR QUICK sale, 6 room house,
electric ugnc, oain
well located on Shipping street.
Price $1660, easy terms. See It.
A. Hayford, 306 mate gt
SEE THIS $260 as first payment
on & room noun nu wi,
on N. Summer street. Price on
ly flSOO, balance $20 per month.
See L. A. Hayford, 305 State St.
FOR SALE by owner, one of the
beet bungalows in Salem, six
rooms and bath, full dutch
kitchen, basement with laundry
tubs, east front, close to school
and marline, three lots and fine
garage. This place will suit the
most exacting Price for quick
sale $5000. E. E. Bassett, 336
Richmond ave. phone 2038R.
Business Is doubtless sound, as
the experts say; but the sound if
a little mournful.
Men gool-bye.
For Sale Farms
5 ACRES, good soil, good bulld-
ings at good town; take house In
Salem. Brown, over Busick's,
State and Commercial. b
EXCHANGE 20 acres all culti
vated, fair buildings, at edge of
town In Linn county; take Salem
house. Brown, over Busick's,
State and Commercial. b
6ET A HOME 10 acres improved
on saiem-Laiias Mgnway, terms.
20 acres all cultivated, build
ings, near Brooks, and highway
north, priced right. Brown, over
Busick's, State and Commercial.
WOULD you like to own a thirteen
acre traot of good fruit and ber
ry land just outside the city
limits, with some Improvements,
good water and priced right if
so Write to C. B. Kyler, Fort
Btlelacoom, Wash. b82
JUST listed one of the best 50 acre
farms In the country. Fully
equipped with machinery, stock,
necessary grain for seeding; sev
eral acres of strawberries, new
modern house, only ( miles from
Salem at $200 per acre. Will
take house in Salem or Portland
in trade for first payment. Ger
trude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage
For Salt
SHEPHERD pups for sale. Tur
ner, Rt. 8, box 49.
FOR SALE Cabbage plants. 625
Judson Bt. phone 63IW. e!05
ST. Valentine's broccoli seed for
sale. 2123 Broadway, Idlewine.
FOR SALE Potatoes $1.60 sack
delivered. Phone 173 after ( p.
m c83
FULLER Brushes local represen
tative, Grimes, 641 Mill. 1937J.
FOE SALE- Orchard disc plow,
harrow and wind mill, 1496 Lee
street. c81
FOR SALE Good table potatoes
delivered at $1.50 per 100. phone
86F22. c81
RUG prices' lower and new 1922
patterns more gratifying. Max
O. Buren, 179 N. COm'l.
CORK Carpet Products and Con
goleum are specialized here to
the limit. Get my prices. Max O.
Buren, 17 N. Com'l. m
HAMILTON Beach carpet washer
local representative " Schmutz,
1195 Market, 1862W. m91
perior in color, better in quali
ty, prices moderate. Max O.
Buren, 179 N. Com'l. c
FOR SALE Confectionery and
grocery doing good business,
owner leaving city; living room
in rear. $900 will handle. Box
19 Journal. c82
SPECIAL A nice little gracery
store on paved street and car
line, and Is priced to sen, tuuv
cash will handle. Thomason,
331 State St. 0
for SALE Cuthbert red rasp
berry plants, one dollar per hun
dred, cheaper large quantities.
Harrison Mead, Rt.. 2, box 143,
Salem. d81
LOVE BIRDS i5 nair. To adver-
tise new store. Cage ana supply
list. free. Imported Rollers our
specialty. E. B. Flake, birds and
flowers, Z7 atate, saiem. 1
"THE Blind Man" they ometlmes
mil m because I carry such
nlendid line of window and
poroh blinds. Max O. Buren, 179
N. com'l. n
PUSH baby buggies, the light,
beautiful, comfortable, moder
ate oriced kind. Let me explain
some of the unusual features of
Sturgis carriages ana suiKies.
Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. c
For Sale Wood
FOR dry wood phone 783W. ee82
aulck "service". Ed bproea. iso
SECOND growth fir 4 ft. $6.50,
16 inch $7.60. pnone mn. eeai
FOR SALE 4 ft. and 16 inch old
fir. Phone 981M.
SAVE mofiey by calling 254, or af
ter oilice nours, o, wnw,
want wood. ee90
FOR SALE Best grade mill wood,
maple, second growth and old
fir, 4 ft. or 16 in. promrt deliv
ery. Phone 1542, Fred E. Weils.
OK S. Church St. ee
SPECIAL PRICES in car load IoU
in oiu 111, (t " 1 ' .
Inch or 4 ft. lengths or by tne
.cord. Salem ruei iar,
Trade St. Office 620. Phones,
. res, 2058. Theo Zleman, Chas
Soon. Props.
For Sale Livestock
FOR SALE Flret class 1400 lb.
tmn. Phone u'.
FOB SALE Lot of fine grade and
pure bred Jersey
diytro, c. -
FOR SALE Young team oil hors
es 4 years old, wen oronc. i.
Finster, Rt. 8, box 85A, Salem.
For Sale Automobiles
TTin l3Wrl erood shape. Cherry
rnt nrase. 170 S. 12th St. q83
miywr1,T. truck
with oversizeu
tires, $49!1. Zl aims pi.
FOR SALE 5 passenger Reo car
at South saiem n "" -
run m D A TUT.
-Fordson tractor and
1 In. milk
plows in gooa nimn
cows. Box K4 Capital Journal.
i -
Some F61ks Wouldn't Equal the Stems
For Sale Automobiles
USED Ford touring car or road
ster wanted for cash. 21 StateJ
street. 184-'
genuine McQuay-Norrla
Pistons and Rings. Ford size
only 16c. . ,
W. B. Burns Dan Burns J
(Not Brothers the Earn ManV
High street at Ferry. q
FOR RENT 2 room apartment,
549 N. Cottage. J82
FOR RENT 7 room house, ( lots,
$20. Phone after 1603M. 3X3
FOR RENT 3 unfurnished house
keeping rooms. 897 Market. J82
FOR RaST Modern 6
house, 2617 Brooks ave.
FOR RENT One furnished apt.
aarage. 2363 State St. 384
CHEAP housekeeping rooms.
N. Church St.
APARTMENT for rent.
381 ROOM and garage for rent.
North Cottage.
THE MILLER, apartments
rooms, 638 Ferry St.
FOR RENT Store room, the rear
100 feet at 175 N. Commercial.
Wm. Nelmeyer. j
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms,
also brooder for sale. Phone
DESIRABLE room with board 228
N. Capitol corner Court, phone
1627W. - lz
FOR RENT Furnished down
town room. Call at 206 Oregon
bldg. . : ... J
FOR RENT Strictly modern; sleep
ing room, price reasonable.
Dhone 1396R. 250 S. Cottage St.
Wanted Miscellaneous
WANTED Furnitura, tools, etc
Phone 611. !
WANTED Maternity nursing in
private nouses, t-none inau.
WANTED Washing and Ironing.
Phone 1694J. 186
WANTED Small house to rent.
Call after 2 p. m. Phone 1229W
BUSINESS) girl wants office work,
of anv kina: can use typewriter,
Box K K Journal. h82
WANTED Old mattresses to make
over. Phone 19, Capital City Bea
ding Co. ' m'
RUNNING board linoleum, ton-
neau carpets, auto enamel, ruD
ber carpet. Max O. Buren, 179
N. Com'l. q
WANTED Furniture, tools, ma
chinery, stock, etc. Witt buy for
cash, or sell on commission.
Phone 611. Woodry, the auction,
eer. m'
WANTED Used furniture, . rang
es, heaters, cook stoves, tools,
etc. We pay cash, get our pric
es before you sell. Liberty Ex
change, 241 N. Com: St. phone
841. !
WANTED Man to work and wife
to cook: also other, men to work.
Phone 66 Turner. g82
HELP WANTED .Men, women
Steady work. Send 10c for prop
osltion. Job Seekers Medium
Dallas, Or. g81
CIVIL service has positions for
young men, women, 18 upward
$130 monthly. Experience un
necessary. For free list of posi
tions now open, write J. C,
Leonard, (former civil service
examiner) 1087 Equitable bldg.
Washington, D. C. g81
ATTENTION Home owners of
Salem. I, F. C. Lutz, landscape
gardener, have gone into part
nership with Mr, Shelley who
has been a gardener In your city
for several years. We will now
be able to take a few more plac
es to care for. No Jobs too small
or too large. Shrubs and plants
furnished. All work guaranteed.
Phone 1607W; m81
AN old Pacific coast concern es
tablished in 1910, requires tne
services of 2 or 3 high class men
selling experience preferred, but
not necessary, to present a prop
osition of exceptional high merit
to farmers and business men, our
salesmen averaged over $600
each last month, we are now
ready to start a campaign at
Salem, taking In the territory on
both sides of the river from Ore
gon City to Eugene. Real men
can make real money with us
and have a permanent connec
tion; our local manager will go
out with you to get you started.
Call in person at room 216 Ore
gon bldg. gi
Lost and Found
LOST Kentucky tox hound, 1 8
months old. color, biacu saaaie,
brown spot over each eye, legs
and lower part of body blue
tick. Reward. Phone 1234J. k82
FOUND Harley Davidson bicycle
last week. Owner may nave same
by paying for ad and proving
property. Rt. 7, Salem, Ben
Clemens. k81
FOUND A way to keep linoleum
from cracking, DUCKimg . ana
curling. Get my leaflets , on
"Permanent Linoleum Floors"
and "How to Care for Linoleum"
Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. k
WANTED Wood eawlng, garden
plowing. Wheeler, phone 1904J.
TOR sawing wood, plowing and
excavating, phone ij. ,mi
VlNDOW washing, prompt serv-
i ice. Call 180Z, Wlnaowman. mz
HEMSTITCHING, 648 State street.
Singer Sewing Machine Co. m
MONEY to loan on farm land. L.
A. Hayford, 306 State St. m
SALEM Hardwood Floor Co. good
work at lowest prices. Phone
826W. m3
IF you want carpenter work or
. shingling done, phone 1899M.
SAFETY razor blades sharpened,
Hinkle A Marquis barber snop.
835 State St. m86
RUSSELL Window Cleaning Co.
house cleaning and Janitor ser
vice a specialty, . Satisfaction
guaranteed. Phone 1003J. m85
M'DOUGALL kitchen cabinets, un
doubtedly the finest ever pro
duced. Max U. Buren, 171 N.
Commercial. m
ELECTRICIAN Secure my flg-
ures on wiring by contract or oy
the hour, at pre-war prices. H.
W. Hatch, phone 1202J. m
PLUMBING, repairing and coll
work, reasonable cnarges. a. 1
Godfrey, shop foot of Union St.
Phone 1397J. 188
LANGS hot blast fuel saving rang
es, $48 up. Let us explain why
we cut your fuel bill tt. Peo
ples Furniture store, 271 North
Commercial street, phone 734.
you have not already engagea a
gardener for the season give us
a trial. We are the only first
class landscape gardeners In Sa
lem. Iufer Bros, phone 661. m92
THE TOGGERY A complete line
made to order clothes, ladles
and gent's cleaning, pressing, re
pairing and altering. Work call
ed for and delivered. Phone 842.
1876 State. m84
NOTICE 1 am now associated
with F. L. Wood in the real es
tate business at room 8, Bayne
bldg., Salem, Or. Will be pleased
to meet those Interested'1 in sales
or exchanges of either country
or city property. I believe that
the state of Oregon and especial
ly the Willamette valley has a
great future In both agriculture
and horticulture. Having been in
the fruit producing business for
15 years, I hope to specialize In
the fruit and berry Industry. If
you have anything' to sell bring
in your listings, if you wish to
buy we can find what you want.
D. S. Hildebrand, room 8, Bayne
bldg. n82
FOR SALE Small tract high land
east of town, terms. Koites,
Bligh hoteh - b82
EXCHANGE 5 acres well improv
ed. close to city limits, line sou.
Will take bungalow in north or
south Salem for part. Brown,
over Busick's store. State and
Commercial. b
If vou have a house to sell with
$300 down and $15 per month, we
have the buyer.
1 Mr. Soldier if you nave a noue
and your loan we can sell you a
good farm close in on paved high
way, fully equipped.
62 acres near Macleay, improv
ed, to exchange for small tract.
I House for rent.
331H State street
A dandy 6 room bungalow, com
plete and spot possession, $3800.
Another with garage, furnace,
open fire, paved street, east front,
walking distance. An extra good
buy. $4200.
The same with an extra room,
and close to state house at $4750.
About one third cash down.
These three are the cream of my
listings today.
347 State -street.
Established 1909
7 room modern home located at
1635 State street. Price $7900,
7 room house, fireplace, lot 75x
200, located in Salem Heights.
Price $3160.
6 room house and two lots at
1983 Center street. Price $3750,
6 room cottage at 1785 8. Com'l
street. Price $3150.
7 room modern home at 453 N.
Winter street. Pries $7350, terms.
6 room bungalow, nrepiace, in
vinrt nndltinn. two lots, paved
street. Price $3300, $650 down will
k icrga all nlow land close in
east of Salem. Price $1300 cash, x
Real Estate ana f ire insurant.
275 State street.
Twenty five acres, eighteen
acres Italian prunes, ltt acres
logans, all the orchard in. fine con
dition, 5 room house, barn, cow,
chickens, tools, implements. Price
$12,500, -terms.
35 acres, 14 bearing prunes, 3
acres logans, 3 strawberries, 15
timber pasture, good 6 room house,
barn, coops, rock road. Price $10,
000. easy terms.
16 acres, 7 bearing- prunes, 6
bearing logans, 1 acre family or
hard, house, barn, coops. Price
$7500, easy terms.
10 acres walnut land In Wash
ington o apply as first payment on
a fruit ranch. Price $1000.
341 State
, 1 , . . - -
FOR 6AJJE or trade, lota in King
wood, good Ford , as part pay
ment. Albert Llnegar, Dallas, Or.
TRADES Bring in your trades
and we may match them. Near
ly 200 trades listed. Wm. Flem
ing, 341 State street. Establish-
. d 1909. . n
Grocery store on corner, east
front on car line, close in. $509
will handle deal.
Brand new 6 room bungalow
and 3 lots. Price $2650, $500 cash.
$1000 will buy a nice home on
paved street, lot of fruit, good lo
cation, :
341 State ;
25 acres seven miles from Salem
with buildings, seven cows, calf,
fine horse, all tools, farm machin
ery .crop, all for $8500.
2 acres with fruit and ber
ries, good 5 room house, barn,
chicken house; want house in
Fine modern 7 room house and
other buildings, place all in fruit,
close In; want house in Salem.
If you want to sell, trade, list
with me.
212 Gray bldg, phone 907.
8 room house close in on Union
street, bath, electric lights, paved
street, $1900, cash $750, balance
$20 a month.
- 6 room house, modern conven
ience, fireplace, large corner lot,
chicken house and barn, $2300,
good terms.
6 room new bungalow, modern
convenience, $2700, cash $500, bal
ance $25 a month.
6 room house in east Salem,
modern conveniences, lot 66 by
157. 15 bearing fruit trees, in good
condition, $3300, cash $500 bal
ance $25 a month.
i room modern bungalow, cor
ner lot, paved street, double gar
age, $4450.
6 room new bungalow, fireplace,
hardwood floors in all rooms ex
cept kitchen, breakfast room,
331 H State St.
25 acres, 12 acres 10 year old
nrunes. 10 acres young prunes, 8
acres strawberries, 1 acre of lo-
aans. 6 room house, large barn,
located iVi miles from Salem and
3-4 mile from pavement. Price
$14,000, $4000 cash -balance crop
4 V, miles from Salem. Vi mile
from highway, 10 acres, 8 in lo-
gans, y in. strawberries, no Duna
ings. $3300, cash to handle 1300.
4 miles from Salem, H mile
from paved highway, 5 acres all in
8 year old prunes In the very best
of condition, old house and barn,
$3000, good terms.
4. miles from Salem, 10 acres,
7? acre bearing prunes, 1 acre
of logans, 1 acre family orchard,
newl 6 room bungalow, good barn.
Price $6000, cash $2500, balance
long time at 6 per cent.
105 acres, 8U acres 01 prunes,
balance in crop, with the excep
tion of the orchard, this is most all
new land and is well located on a
rock road about a mile from the
Davement and 6 miles from Salem,
no buildings. Price $200 per acre.
130 acres adjoining this place, ful
ly stocked and equipped and the
best of modern buildings at $165
ner acre: these places can be pur.
chased separately or together oh
the best of terms.
406-7 Oregon bldg. 84
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon ror tne uouuty 01
Alu rii ,ti
In the matter of the estate of
John R. Foulds, aeceasea.
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly ap
pointed administratrix of said es
tate, and all persons having claims
against said estate are hereby no
tified to present the same, duly
verified as required by law to the
undersigned at the office of Sid
ney Telser, No. 748 Morgan build
ing, Portland, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this no
tice '
Date of first publication March
8th, 1922.
Last publication April 5thr 1922.
9Mnpv Tflwr and W. G. Keller.
attorneys - for administratrix, 748
Morgan buiWing, Portland, Oregon
Compiled from reports of Sa
lem dealers for the guidance
of Capital Journal readers.
(Revised daily.)
Grain: Average valley wheat
(bulk) 98c.
Hay: Cheat hay $11 12; oat
hay $1112; clover hay (bulk)
Wholesale Prices
Meat: hogs $10.75; dressed
hogs 14c; top steers 6c; cows 6 Ho;
bulls 8 V4c; lambs 7 He; dressed
veal 12c.
22c; old roosters 8c; springer iiv
22c: stags 12 15c.
Butterfat: Butterfat 82c; cream
ery butter 3637c; country butter
30 0 32c; eggs 16c; milk $2.10 cwt
(Copyright 1920 by International
Trade Mark registered in the U. S.
F. N. WOODRY the live stock.
furniture, real estate auctioneer.
Phone 611 for sale dates. Res.
1610 N. Summer.
G. 6ATTERLEE, auctioneer. Real
estate and stock sales, uasn tor
your sale notes. Phone 1211 J or
1177. Office 414 Ferry St.
DR. BRADFORD, graduate and
post graduate of the First Char
tered Chiropractic college In the
world. Ten years practice. Con
sultation and examination free.
Phone 628, rooms 318-19-20
Oregon bldg. j
A. J. FOSTER, chiropodist, for
corns, bunions, etc. 322 State 967
and refuse of all kinds removed
by the month at reasonable rates
Cesspools cleaned and dead ani
mals removed. Day phone 167,
night phone 1698R. R. O. Cum
mings. Mgr.
be repaid like rent.
Life, Fire, Health. Accident, In
demnity, Liability and Auto In
surance written.
461 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or.
Loan association has money to
loan at six per cent. W. D. Smith
secretary treasurer. $9$ Salem
Bank of Commerce,
828 N High
Phone 203.
Batt e r i e s
r tUUfil
recharged and repaired. Degge
Burrell. ' '
UNION Auto repair shop, acety-
- lene welding, 481 Jterry street.
Phone 422. N
R. D. BARTON. Exlde batteries,
starter and generator work, 171
S. Commercial. '
AUTO Electrician, expert trouble
shooting. 238 N, High St. phone
MEN'S and women's hats - reno
vated, blocked and trimmed, 4U6
Court, C. B. Ellsworth.
MRS. C. E. MILLER, hemstitching
stamping, buttons; hand embroi
dery. Room 10 over Miller's
store, phone 117.
SALEM Elite, hemstitching, chaln-
stitchlng, pleating, buttons,
stamping and needlework. Phone
79, 329 Oregon blldg.
WANTED Rags and secondhand
goods of all kinds. Capital Junk
company, phone 898, 215 Cen
ter street.
State street.
fine tailoring, 884
Vegetables: Oregon, onions $8.00
cwt: beets $2.69 cwt; Oregon cab
bage 3o lb; green peppers 35c lb
cauliflower $2.00 per crate; pota
toes $1.00 cwt; California lettuce
$5.60 per crate; Arkansas sweet
potatoes $2.50 bushel; celery $1.60
dozen; radishes 90c doz; parsley
50c doz; tomatoes $4.50 crate;
broccoli $2.60 crate; red cabbage
4Vo lb; artichoke $1.75 dozen.
Fruits: - Oranges $7.60; lemons
$7.25; bananas 10c; Calif, grape
fruit $4.00; Florida grape fruit
Retail Prices
Butter and eggs: Eggs 20 22c;
creamey butter 42 43c; country
butter 3537c.
Portland Markets
Portland. Or., April 6. Cattle
staedy; receipts none; choice cattle
$7.608.26; medium to gooa jo.oo
7.60; fair to medium $6.00
6.50; common to fair $3.006.00;
choice feeders $4.005.26; fair to
good $4.605.00; choice cows and
heifers $6.00 6.60; medium to
good $5.25 6.00: fair to medium
$4.60 5.25; common cows $3.60
4.60; canners $2.0003.60; bulls
$4.60 7.00; choice dairy ealves
$9.50 10.00; prime light $9.00
9.60; medium to light $6.50
9.00; heavy $4.50 6.60.
Hogs steady; receipts none;
prime light $11.011.50; smooth
heavy 220 to 300 pounds $10.50
11.00; 200 pounds and up $9.50
10.50: rough heavy $8.00 9.25;
tat pigs $11 0 11.60; stags $5 8.
SheeD steady: receipts' zaz;
east of mountain lambs $13,00
14.00; best valley $1113.00; culls
$.008.00; feeders $9.00010.00;
light yearlings $1011.00; heavy
$9.00 10.00; light wethers $9.60
10.00; heavy $99.50; ewes $3
Butter lower; extra cubes 30c;
cartons 36c; prints 35c; butteriat
No. 1 34c fob Portland; under
grade 32 c.
Eggs: Helling case count igzuc
buying price 20 22c; selling price
candled $22c; selected candled In
cartons 2224c.
Poultry: Hens light 19 20c;
heavy 24c; broilers 36 38c;
Feature Service, Inc.)
motorcycles and Dayton bicycles
887 Court street.
1 "The Cycle Man,"
147 8. Com. Phone '
yara in Daca 01 uitiw, -v .
stret south of court house.
SALEM Nursery company, fruit
and ornamental ireea,
fruit and roses. Phone 1763, 428 ;
Oregon bldg.
GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur-
dette, optometrist, bow optical
Co., $25 State street.
t)R. W. L. MERCER, osteopathlo
physician ana surgeon, nirw
vllle graduate, 404-405 U. S. Na
tional bank bldg. Phones, -office
919, residence tie.
osteopathlo physicians and sur
geons, 608 U. S. bank building.
Phone 159. Dr. White, resi
dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall,
residence phone 834.
GEO. C. WILLi pianos phon o
graphs, sewing machines, iheet
music and piano studies, Re
: pairing phonographs and - sew
ing machines, 432 Bute, Salem.
DE LUXE studio. Better photos,. '
147 N. Commercial
A SATISFIED customer
Rowland Printtng Co.,
1612, over Patton book store.
STEWART'S Repair Shop, 247 '
Court St. Umbrellas and cutlery
G. C. PATTERSON, shoe repairing
shop. 143 S. Liberty Bt. ,
STOVES rebuilt and repaired, 50
years experience; Depot Na
tional and Amerlecan fence, sizes -
nil onn m.niihM at.
berry and hop hooks. Salem
Fence and Stove Works, 250 :
court street, rnone 124.
MOVING, storing and shipping
of household goods, fireproof
storage. First class w ood and
coal. Larmer Transfer Co. phone
AGE CO. Ambulance service. ,
Cars washed and polished. Ex-
cavatlng. plowing and fertilizer.
Wood and horse 1 for sale.
Phone 77. .
fice, corner Commercial and :
Trade St. Bills payable monthly '
in advance. Phone 67.
dressmaking, millinery and art.
212 S. Cottage St. phone 1620M,
Mrs. Bullock instructor.
old roosters 1012c; geese nom;
ducks nom; turkeys 3637o,
Butter steady; extra cubes 30c;
Wheat: Hard white $1.24: soft
white $1.23; white club $1.23; rde
Mill run $2829; oats $34.60
35.25; corn No. t yellow $27.00
27.60; hay, timothy, valley $16; al
falfa $14; grain mixed $12.60 13;
clover $12; straw $8.
Budapest, April 5. (By Assocl- 1
ated Press) The state prosecutor ,
has ordered seizure of all news-
papers which published the legiti
mists proclamation Monday pro-:
est ion of the lata former Emperor
Charles, as ruler. -
WHEELER Cha. H. Wheeler
A, Jul at- Kin Vinma nor Tnrlpnonil.
ence Monday, April 3, at the ago
of 75 years. Husband of Mary
lirl. ,.V.a. a Anna I
TV 1IDQ1C.I (&MU iauioi vi Aiin
Estes and Lillian B. O'Shea of -San
Francisco, Elnora Nickr
son of Harrlsburg, Or., DeOrsa
D. and Embrose B. and Eugene :
W. of inoepenaence. rne ac-
ceased was a former and well
known resident of Salem. Fun
eral services will be held from '
the M. E, church at Buena Vista
Thursday, April 6th, at 10 a. m.
and concluding services at ths
Lee Mission cemetery at Salem
at 11:45 a .m. Funeral arrange
ments are in charge of A. L.
Keeny of Independence. .
ATCHINSON At Portland. Or., '
April 4, 1922, Merrlbel Margar
et, wife of Charles E. Atchln- ,
son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Charles Hebel of this city, at
the age or 2 2 years, i ne remains
will be In care of Terwlliiger
home, funeral services on Fri
day, notice of same will be giv
en later. "
MUN90N Margarett Munson died
at her home 4 miles east of Sa
lem Tuesday morning at the
age of 88 years. She Is survived
by her husband, William F., $
daughters, Cory Williams. Med
ford, Or., Mrs. A. H. Bressler,
Frultland, Or., Mrs. W. L. Lew-
Is of Hollywood, four sons,
Frank of Salem, J. O. and Al
bert of Bertrand, Neb, Alek of
Hi.llvwnnrl district. Arrange
ments in charge of Webb
' Clough, funeral announcements
WELLER Mrs. Emily Wcller
died at Oakland, Cal., April 2nd.
Survived by husband, Edward
. , . - , ... . . , wutAaa H11 h.
weiier. rjiicim .....
held from the St. Paul Episco
pal church Thursday, April 6, at
2 p. m. Rev. H. D. Chambers of
ficiating. Interment in the City
View cemetery. The body will lie
in state at the church Thursday
from 16:30 a. m. until 2 p. m.
Arrangements In charge of
Webb & Clough.
REYNOLDS Mrs. Sallie A. Reyn
olds died at her home 3 miles
north of Salem, April 4th, at
the age of 84. Survived by daugh
ters Mary Reynolds, Mrs. J. O.
Ooltra, now in Pasadena; Lloyd
T. Reynolds of Salem and John
W. Reynolds of Portland. Fun
eral services will be held April T,
at 2 p. m. from the Webb 4k
Clough chapel, interment in the
I. O. O. F. cemetery.
LUNDEEN Andrew Lundeen died
at his residence, 2425 Broadway,
April 5, at the age of 79 years.
He leaves a widow and four
sons. The remains are at Webb
& Clough's. Funeral announce
ments will be made later.