MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1922. A Tm IP" 1 mawti e.very B B-SmjOPIWAI, SALEM, OREGON PAGE SEVEN n i . i P" tm m m " Plan Nfiight.R Capitalournal V nnlPTTOM RATES Tauitir w carrier 60 cents a month. $6 ye!"'ml In Marlon and Polk W,Tnne month 50 oenU. 3 ,L. i 25, 8 months $3.25, I4 00" Elsewhere SO cents th, 'i5JLi Member .oarxirATED PRESS Th Associated Press Is exolus 1" to tha use for nub second class mall .... . Ilia fn miVi. I if il news disoatchei tn It or not otherwise lilted in this paper and also lo. er'ilte" hiiMhed herein. Member Bureau of Circulations -rrnrtisinir representatives: y D. Ward, Tribune bldg., New 'v s Stockwell, Peoples Oas uit Chicago, iu CLASSIFIED RATES -otfl ner word each Insertion mnts. three Insertions, 5 cents, 1S week, S cunts; one month, 2 Mis; one year, per monm . minimum per ad, 25 cents. iw inaerUon only In New To ,. fiiv ads cash In .advance ud not taken over phone, unless J0 allowance for phone errors, NEW TODAY fnR SALE Invalid's wheel chair Phone 1095W. c7 fnar Gray leather puree. Phon 41711. k75 fijUND Big bay team, Call box 281, Rt. 3. halters. FURNISHED 2 room apartment at 1132 center, iiuiuue i wiuur. )7 WHITE Leghorn chix hatching Wednesday, lZ.ou, W. K. Ba kar, phone 68F3. f7 rpEW extra good bargains in 5 10 and 16 acres, Improved. Lock box 10S, Aumsvllte, Or. b7 WANTED Men, apparatus fo: quick land clearing; horse tor It: feed. Hicks, phone 23F21. m78 OARAGE for sale, also heating stove ana large wararooe. 1288 State street. c76 FOR RENT Furnished larg, kitchen and sleeping room phone 1525J. 37 JGGS Rose Comb Reds, extra layers, sotting 76c, hundred $4 Phone 63F2. 73 BOARD and room for man and wife, or two men. 157 S. wintei street. j74 FOK Kti.NT Furnished room iivciorn, to lady, witih privilege ing her breakfast. 602 N winter. 7 touring Slightly used Ford car, fully eaulnDed must be cheap for cash. Phone mm. 73 FUR SALE Chevrolet, late mod el, run 1000 miles, extra tires, tauu. j. j. soiiwarcenberger Rt tl Balem, box 32. a78 I ROOM apartment, partly furn isnea, nam, ngnts, gas, on car line, walking distance. 770 8. Commercial. 175 LOST Purse between the Bootery aim renneys store, on Court ureet, Saturday morning. Find tr please leave at Capital Jour nal. Reward. k7j CARPENTER and contracting In iowo or country, will considei property or anything of value as pin payment for labor. Satisfac tion guaranteed. 1493 Fir St. phone 1734R. h75 SPECIAL BARGAIN" Tavlno- .& itm, new o room plastered bun jalow, bath, wood shed and 3 lots, 1500 down, balance like rent. Price $2650. 341 statu. Raw ler & Emmett. 73 lOUNO men, women, over 17. rin ging government positions, I1S0 monthly, write for free list positions now open. J. Leon , (former civil service com missioner) 10S7 ISniill.hl. Kl Jfashington, D. C. e-75 BWTHSTSNAP 66 acres, ali nltlvat-d. free from rock, good 'lack soil, mail route, rock road, rath of Salem, for $65 per ". terms, Marlon county. f""w" vei- Rusick's store, State ina Commercial. h IHKSI' ARK GOOD 5 room bun- JSUU0. tema FoR-irr&AY -R kalsomtTjT: - : Phone 13831V a P&lntln WANT I? Dfir-rr: - 859W. "l rug. Phone FOR RROT n 7V FOR RroMTr is : N. Cottage aPartment, 69 work. Phn,,.' S?nl hou UHA.KJK1E ) farm. Box WjZ"Z tjAUUB n uaiiiiiit ..:-l2 It dfslred, i t ,,Yva 'Vun buard JiLAfare jUrnal!8 h0me -" '-BPltOI St sell cheap "V.uu-lJu.rier. vHTTf ter b";' r"1?" a' J first let ... uuurnm FOR RBNTT" apartment "'"urnisned R. 405 Center '"' "M 1L". 1 7 ri tor WANlbiD .t v s of rBri-cV a . " om owne- - v v, nireua. e mala -breeding. Phona 102B4,mals U'A NT ! P r V. . ih.a Lt renc or 6 furn StowHllT, x?rnou?e- Robt 1 8AW52 four vTTrnjTr-r .lurua!. , .. - - ""A H cHm m".k.'r.:UwSi "."y S 12th a, . , """""lame. 71 itn St. uDstaim : ' a ... ' "tractor plowlnir' vZ j uroocter stove, at hi brooder hn, ?y at. Helens nest Bruik. "ne 8F3' E, "21 BUICK- "S r.,.. rr; Ukhi.a Phone io9M aV'ng ' y..u. rr,o : . tront lot. cl,i5? oiaie. I in Rik.", Brown, over Bus'k " 're, Ste e and Commercial. t'A r : . "' VUK "uie at 960 UnTorTsT plastered house, full toll.? T!,al' "snts' bath, ttl,-Ml warns, close li and ciose t nigh scn'ol Hh, . ",n0li,!.e..ln town, move a i' e 3i)O0, terms 162! down. s. R. Pearson, 210-211 u S. bank bldg. , acres, 3-4 mile (run nlce 6 room plastered bungalow, electric lights, built ms, good barn lighted, poultry house, brooder. k some young fruit, 60 chickens good milk cow. Price 13500 mi.s tuu down or will take n house up to $2500, balance i. .iic o per cent. s. R. pear son, 210-211 u. s. bank bide, b' For Sale Houses ''OR SALB By owner, 7 room oungaiow, with basement. Phone 896W. fl7- "ouji nousa thoroughly mod ern, Oaks addition, for sale by owner, terms. Phone 941 oi 1636R. n7i. MUUfcKN BUNGALOW 6 rooms near state house. Price $4830 cash. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. a73 BARGAIN 4 room buniralow m 275 S. 23d street. Price $2600. terms. See Ki'ueger, Oregon bldg. a73 FOR SALE Strictly modern 7 room house Consider good auto or acreage to $2000 In deal Box 48 Capital Journal. a73 onus For SaU . - ry ntrZ1"- h tree ana ber "1 cow. 20li Ma Prc 11350 till a halm anoo i, lu" down. h1. the Bonus an- - nnipn K-1 - OAl,l!l ll -" iv per mnnth a "L mar. i.r.... n'r..'""" interest nr Jer cent zlh .""' 8F8. 7 ' " t - ' m 1 1 fr.II januv nAwa. ave. feALE- 7 pan young Co., ililate.tre.t t-.. ""u umi - ou.c t,ot or tiio-h -nD ana. majn road and purebred Jersey coV. K..t. thl. Prlo. tii nn "' "now you fni- 7- """" " Pigs, t-V,7 a registered boar. D?VZflik bug for 455 N. drill. Phone Tt?,Bl utt BALK j llaneoua double alS 20th Ht. QOOrTused Ford, for One and 2 year Bar- ale. Chrry 22iJO N5lgS. t574rH3 r exchange for real or -111 ,"dl.a'? RneTdircT, Phone 6p?r Anoo nti ..... pony. Street' " 13" State Prt0' 19ai) Chandler six. n 615 ereningii q73 land Red Du' .."n?.9 C. Mill.,, '"uno Dut,a- G TfriD oTT Barred Rnni.. nene. f78 limn,. , .ura. lurm $185: late -.u touring, repainted, $335 Ford roadster tr. tro q7 foLOUBE tee r-rn: -.ri2iJli8tate St. land p. !?.e ttnd ""ode I,. REBUTLT-nSrwr-5- Pwl "at'S POR SALE A-F and egKs. f7 xf Aa, good rebuilt O, 5- Burn Dan Burns (Not Brothers the Same Man) . m rerry. n also clovr- , nlow r,K" ' ""vor tracto: r on SALE Potatoes oacK aen nings art OLESON-ROOKSTOOL. AUTO JliAUtlAMUia i oiS-L 'Potatoes at $1.50 per Reo vered. Phone 373 eve- Buick " HS? FS5;5cira SevroTer:..:::::::;::;:.:r- 1584W. J,m PVjshes local repre 770 $150 Maxwell ... Chevrolet ' I: .cwiesen- r..i,u, lauve, urimes. 541 Mill iq7t - Ul LUIUH 111! 50 50 $175 (350 rv.Ql Z. W1UHI IS 1195 Market, 186 w rr"aKer U921 - grain hhii j ..v. ii-a.h - f4.60 mai.; - unir larm "u ui") viiuj .... , 1475 nnrAV,.y lor sale. Will sell on "ra touring ,C1920) $800 approved security. John H. Scott F?r touring (1916) $160 i80regon bldg. . 07a Chandler (7 oautnmi Jo,.X CHOICE Himalava w.h We buy, sell, trade, and baII nn t it,,"10u'Ban,i' or 3 thousand n "1". , . t. o. a, nay, Monmouth, Rt. , V ul u!H;a cars every 1, Ore pnov . . . . carpet Products and d75 FOR tho i- i, V- sPec'ahd' here to FOR RENT- ; 'y pnees. -Max o. room, "m.o.., up ly, torn l q74 GUUUUH PAINT PKOI)ITT ,; KJiwr Nicely furnished . uuuLlS su- apartment at. Ban uninn ita penur in COlOr. buttpr In n,ll.b -LZllll ty, prices moderate. Max O. m housekeepin, Newly finished store it Commercial. J73 Buren, 179 N. Com'l FOR SALE 14 fn hlnnd Tan. cred White Leghorn pullets, all 'aying, also full blood R. I. Red ruusier. can 1717 N. Liberty. f74 fir annrtmenla aao mr. j-uray at the Oregon Bath house or phone 640. J75 roil KKNT Three liriflirnlhr.rl nouseKeeoing rooms. Rink, hath 697 Market. ' 174 iove BIRDS $5 pair. To adver- uso new store. Cage and supply impurteo Kollers our specialty, m. a. Flake, birds and iiowers, z 1 3 state, Salem. aiAvm furnished room ant- kitchenette and closet, every thing furnished. 447 Center. J74 FOR RENT Furnished down town room. Call at 205 Oregon bldg. THE Blind Man" they sometimes M1'014 RENT Store room.the rear can me oecause I carry such a splendid line of window and porch blinds. Max O. Buren, 179 FOR RENT- i. com i. 100 feet at 175 N. Commnrnlnl Wm. Neimeyer. J EGGS for hatching from Ancona, Dtingiey ana Shepard strain. II. eu per setting. Phone 817. or see Cooley's grocery, N. Church street f73 Three room unfurn ished apartment on 340 Mission street. Inquire at 824 S. Com mercial St. 174 Wanted Miscellaneous PLSH baby bueeies. the li srlit. Deautitul, comfortable, moder ate priced kind. Let me explain WANTED Pigs. Address Bpelberg, Independence. R. WANTED Chairs to cane. School for blind, phone 21. i some of the unusual features of WOOD sawing. Fisher Bros. Quick MISCELLANEOUS THfl MILLER," REAL ESTATE v, huh LuienLR nnniiifinn nnva . . . . r- room, in til : 111 LI HAimAMHKS nfra-n ' l i1 2 . ' oum nieaern house to trade bsst paper hanging $9 room and for 4 or t aores of unimproved up. Phone 1J06M MKMBTITCHINa, (48 State street. u oargain in a 6 room modern ginger Hewing Maohlne Co, m6 I . except basement, $2000; MONET to i l.i 4 part terms. A. Havford. 10 I BUt. B m. L, ?0.d .room.h?s. 'ott, gray- -'"lr"' " m lei strent. lot- "'".?'"V UJfI?8-.r"he,, ?.r,e1 "d - Snap, 6 roo, house. I ulo-l T,. rPHOTOGRAPHd Unted, lesson. In liverwa Si. Jrnon 11I1R Mr 1 lpn .. n 1.1. , . . ' - - 7" I o 1 nn ntl.iv . ,-.1- xrM Hi xf... t.1" '"" t iruit ana br. ART E. Nunnemaksr, WINDOW" washlna. now time, prompt service. noil, windowman. BAjJlai Hardwood Floor Co, mT3 rles, only $1400, rood terms. IS the I inOMAaON Phone iiLBtate St, m74 oil painting, frames made. Mrs. 11. J. Bullock, 11) ft. Cottage, v none limn AUCTlONEKIl rsew 6 room bunmilow t97nn cash $500 balanoe $25 a month.' u iran Dungaiow close In, base- irood work at lowest prices. Phone 26W. TVlQlment. flrf.nln.OA h.lll. In 4 ftUO prices lower and new 1922 Srage, $3500, good terms. patterns more gratifying. Max B !0?m modern home on Stat N. WOODRY the : live stock. furniture, real estate auctioneer. Phone 611 for sale dates. Res. toiu . Summer, O. Buren. 179 N. Com'l FOR c, street, fireplace, well built In, cor- ..oi iui mo uy loo, variety of fruit, sawing wood and haullnr ' " .... Plowing, garden and team work " WINNIE PHTTTtoh-m done. Phone H.4J. mil ..iu l??7Yf?.HN ,m .j.. yiimia poi, O. SATTERLEE. auctioneer. Real estate and stock sales. Cash for your sale notes. Phone 1211J or m i. ornee 414 Ferry St. CHIROPRACTORS IF you want carpenter work or snmgiing done, phone 189M. FLEMINGS PAtir lieu u A dandy S oAi! flTY razor blade HharnnTitd I Anoii.. ' T" ' t.-.. m. . . . r i "um wiiii imrairH. rurnnoA li .ar,UM DarBer "Hi ?.$. east front! h i uwmnoe. Jin extra good DR. BRADFORD, graduate and post graauate or the First Char tered Chlropraotlo college In the world. Ten years praotioe. Con sultation and examination free. j-none dzs, rooms 318-19-20 wreyun oiqg. LOOK Center of olty. Hotel Ore- buy. $4200. gon, i state St.. nice clean The same with an ntra room rooms 50o up par night or $3 up and close to state house at $475o' per week. 175 About one third cash down. PLUMBING, repairing and coll These three are the cream of my worn, reasonable charges. A. L. """" Godfrey, shop foot of Union St. . WM- FLEMING Phone HDTJ. 188 547 State "treet. Ei.p.f-R fr-t i xi u.J... iTrl 5iaoiisnea 10B 7-"""" RKurr nnvS V r. l ures on wiring Djr contract or by rr "s u JK-vnAwctjiij .v 1. . . ? I lA a nr.ta II ...i... ..j ,. .... ine nour. at pre-war prices. H. vumvawu, stumps, W. Hatch, phone 1202 J. m unnlns water, 4 room house, good FOUND A way to keen li0i,,m co?Pj. Iamly orchard, on . . - 1 ucvBinenr n , . i .. r-.. . .. irom cracaing, buckllns: and .'. 1 " curling. Get mv leaflets on "pws, calves, car- CI1LUOPODIST A. J. OSTER, chlroDodlsL for uurns, oumons, etc 322 State 967 CUT SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse Of All kind.. ramo.,A by the month at reasonable rates v-asspoois oieanea and dead ani mals removed. Day phono 167 night phone 1898R. R. o. Cum- iiunga. Mgr. FARM LOANS BUILDING LOANS MADB- oe repaid like rent. -May p.n.n, a,, ,. "s", wbkuii, piow. narnesa. too i.ite. n'lre. Hsiih. livM... t. . . ..inu... i.uiiiiou.ii riuura ika . i. , . i . . . ' I . . , - -. . - and "How to Care for Linoleum" '".en.,, rrl.Ve 200() aemmty, liability and Auto In- Max O. Buren. 179 N. Com'l k .7 Beu on soiaier loan -uraiice wruien. . '. u . I A. C SUHKNSTRnT ijAvi douape GARDENERS If 5 room house, barn. fmit. o, 01 Masonic T.hidI. 1.1 m r.. yOU nave not alreartv Anmimul a lln. I r. . ' T. . 1 ' r -Z , : ... . . - loiKo lut. rrice saz&u: wi gardener for the season give us sell on soldier 'loan nlan. a trial, we are the only first Want man , tunnX , rent, $30 per FINANCIAL class landscape gardeners In 8a- try or city property lem. Infer Bros, phone 551. m92 8 room n0U8e 0 THE TOGGERY A complete line month. mane 10 order clothes, ladles and gent's cleaning, nresslne. re pairing and altering. Work call ed tor and delivered. Phone 842 1875 State. m84 WANTED Used household aoods. tools, men's suits and shoes, best casn price paid. Liberty Ex. change. 241 N. Pom. phone 841 m SOCOLOFSKY 341 State street. GOOD BUYS AND EXCHANGES ao acres, all In crop, 6 room nouse. Darn, on main Dayton Whnntlnnd ,1 d-i.. $2500 down or will trade for gro- SiKESiL. MARION-POLK County Farm Joan association has money to loan at six per cent. W. JD. Smith seoretary treasurer. 308 Salem oi commerce. MOTORCYCLES -fftHr, HARRY W. acorf, fw ' "The Cycle Man," takjakj !47 g. com. Phone NURSERY STOCK FRUITLAND NURSERY has sales yard In back of office, 640 State street south of court house. -Large gooseberry plants. Owing to some countermands. SALEM Nursery company, fruit ana ornamental trees, small fruit and rosea. Phone 1763, 438 Oregon bldg. OPTICIANS GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur. aette, optometrist. Bow Optical Co., 825 State street. OSTEOPATHY DR. W. L. MERCER, osteopathio pnysician anu surgeon. Kirks vllle graduate, 404-405 U. S. Na tional bank bldg. Phones, office 919, residence 614. DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL uBLeopaiiuo pnystciane ana sur geons, 60S U. S. bank building. Phone 869. Dr. White, resl-: dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall, residence phone 834. PIANOS GEO. C. WILL, pianos phono. graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Ro- f lairing phonographs and sew ng machines, 433 state, Salem. PHOTOGRAPHY urn LUXE studio. Better photos: 147 N. Commercial. PRINTING ASATISFIEd" customer returns nowtana fnntlng Co., Phone 1612, over Patton book store. REPAIRING GAJKAGKS recharged and rebalred. Deiraa- LANGS hot Blast iuel savins ranir es, i up. juet us explain why we cut your fuel Dill pies Furniture store, Comme -clal street, phone 734. REAL ESTATE 51x100 foot SW corner lot, corner capltol and Gaines, for sale by owner, terms. 941 or 1636R. a74 'OR SALE 3 acres loiranberrles in Kelsser bottom, on fine road $1000, 1-3 cash balance 3 eery or merchandise stock. Equity of 81300 and soldier loan for modern house or acreage close in. 25 acres close In. hulldlm 11 Peo- acres in fruit nnd hni-.'l,. all lm. 'i' iionn piements and too s nn. Prino in duo, sduuu down. 3 acres close In. all cultivatd "rice $1500, $300 down balance easy. Real Estate and Fire Insn ruiiop I W. li. GRABENHORST CO. 275 State St. U. S. bank bldg. UNION Auto repair shop, acsty- .one weicung, 4 irorry street Phone 422. - . D. BARTON, Exide batteries, starter ana generator work, 171 o. commercial. auio Electrician, expert trouble eiiooung. 23S n. High St. phone HAT 1!1A)( KING a ana women s hats reno vated, blocked and trimmed, 496 v,vu. l( , j5. fjuswortn. FOR EXCHANGE years .7. .....c iwirai 6 per cent. Address owner Post Jn Duiidlngs, soven cows, calf, Office box 240. h74 tlna hore, all tools, farm machln- "i .crop, an tor ssuuo. By owner: fine farm, f oiy. ,.,.. ., . . ... ... ,, . -i -74 aww wiiu iiuii auu uer T',r v.. . or lnV ries, good 6 room house, barn, WANTED LV i iinL.i t..V' V cl,lck" house; want house in . v,,,,. uu.i.a., mi town. llKMST'I'IVIllNG SALEM Elite, hemstitching, chain- -liioning, pleating, buttons, stamping and needlework. Phone .if. oav uregon blldg. JUNK Sturgia carriages and sulkies. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. service. Phone 2046. ee77 FOR SALE Classy 5 rooln bun- galow and bath in east Salem, Price $3200, $1000 cash balance easy terms. Krueger, Oregon Diag. pnone 217. a73 TODAY ONLY $200 as first pay ment ror this 5 room house with bath and toilet, good lot. good location. Price $1650, bal ance like rent, $25 per month See L. A. Hayford, 305 State St, MUST BE SOLD 6 room house in good condition, plumbing, lights, garage, corner lot 75x85, cemeni walks, paved street and car line. Price $2100, $600 down, balance $20 per month, interest 6 per cent. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.. 275 State St. a73 room bungalow, $2000, terms room hiinu-oln.. .AAn . TI,- 'e.o.iuw ,iuwu, leima. these are all south Salem and ve basements and worth the jnce. Brown, over Busicks atorfl. IMte and Comm.-otoi 68taU barsains. Why live .r. 1 10t when you can V.?,'?. road' wlth buildings, all in ...... ' "Jin uiuiuings, an "I CUltlVAtln - j . !?sia 1 ln crop, tor 100 on term. ai 1 . APARTMENT house, completely furnished, in very best location, bringing good interest, for sale; apartment house, 6 apartments, good location, good interest, $9400; apartment house, 12 apartments, splendidly located. $9000. Other houses and lots for sale by Gertrude J M. Page, 49 N. Cottage. a For Snle Farms BUY NOW 10 acres nearly all in prunes, no buildings, 2 miles east of Salem. Price $4500, terms. Krueger, Oregon bldg. phone 217. bn i."i e! out- rT $1500. Other - lujoinin-1 may be had. John JLgglim Oregon bldg. 73 rfAN?E eaI of used and dis l. , Btyles' Pianos and SVSr.:.. Stein- Kohi. "u'"s iyae, Merrill, Broi tr , Campbell. Orlnnei: 0 . ,ohler & Chas ano other ft m?aJl? t0 se,eot from- L't- monthly payments. H. L Furniture Co.. Piano do '""ent. 7R, hnT 1SA. And this scale weighs tine, too FOR SALE Special bargain. $1650 buys 5 acres four year old Italian prune orchard, prun ed and plowed. Four miles south easy terms. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. b74 FOR SALE 10 acres, modern 7 room plasteivd house, air pres sure pumping plant, fine barn. 1 to acres prunes, 1 acre straw berries. 1V logans, all kinds of other fruit, 6 acres in all. Prlci $5000, terms. 2 blocks off Jef-i ferson highway, 3-4 mile fror, 1 A1.-H..A ur K. Seamins. Rt. 4 ti i - WANTED Furniture, Phone 611. FOR SALE Cheap. 2 body Brus sels rugs, 1 bedstead and springs, 1 white enameled dresser, 1 heater and numerous other things. Call at 1109 Oak between 2 and S n. m. Friday or Rnltir. day. e73 WANTED 30,000 tools. etc 1 WANTED Maternity nursing private nouses, tnono 1694J. WANTED Washing and ironing fnone 1694J. 18 For Sale Wood loganberry plants. Harry Lanum, Rt. 4, Sa lem. 73 SECOND growth fir 4 ft. $6.50, 16 inch $7.50. Phone 744R. ee81 FOR dry wood phone 783W, price right. ee74 WANTED Wood sawing, garden plowing. Wheeler, phone 1904J. m76 FOR SALE 4 ft. and 16 Inch old fir. Phone 9S1M. ee87 WANTED Old mattresses to make over. Phone 19, Capital City Bed ding Co. m 40 CORDS big fir wood for sale, haul yourself. Box 113, Rt. 7, Salem, Or. ee74 4 FOOT and 16 inch old fir and second growth. Phone 9S1M. eeS9 WANTED Reliable woman from 3d to 45 for a few weeks, wages moderate, call in person morn inpts. School for the blind. g WOOD FOR SALE Nice 16 inch nnd 4 font second ernwth fir wood. Phone 254, or after office I M'DOUGALL kitchen cabinets, un WANTED To exchange, paint ing and decorating for automo bile, or first payment on one Address 78 Journal office. 173 hours, 62 ee96 OUR autemounted wood saw gives SERVICE WOOD SAWTOG Phone 1131 ee76 doubtedly the finest ever pro duced. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial. FOR SALE Fifteen horse power. three phase used electric motor, complete, guaranteed same as WANTED Flat new, 20 per cent discount. West with Side Gravel Co., Salem, or. cn RUNNING board linoleum, ton- neau carpets, auto enamel, rub. ber carpet. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. q FOR SALE Best grade mill wood, top office desk disappearing typewriter feature. Address C N u capital Journal. ltf maple, second growth and old EXCAVATING and general team fir, 4 ft. or 16 in. prompt deliv ery. Phone 1542, Fred E. wens, 305 S. Church St. ee work, gardens plowed, fertilizer furnished. Prices reasonable. K. C. Gamble, 736W. m76 SPECIAL PRICES in car load lots ln old fir, also mill wood in lo Inch or 4 ft. lengths or by the cord. Salem Fuel Yards, 752 Trade St. Office 529. Phones, res. 2058. Theo Zieman, Chas Sons. PropsJ WANTED Furniture, tools, ma chinery, stock, etc. Will buy for cash, or sell on commission. Phono 511, Woodry, the auction eer, m FOR SALE 16 inch fir wood. small, Jl.oO per corn; i-- incn. 14 inch and 16 inch hop sticks at 75c, 85c and $1 per thousand: 16 Inch, 21 inch and 24 inch berry sticks at $1. $1.25 and $1.35 per thousand. Oregon Wood Products Co.. West Salem, Or., phone .!M. ee?4 WANTED real mechanic, must be experienced In r ord work. If you are not capable of doing first class work do not apply. Harbi son & Cleveland, 320 N. Com'l phone 298. g" Lost and Found LOST A bunch of keys Friday reward If returned to the Cari Ml Journal. k74 TRADES Bring ln your trades and wo may match them. Near ly 200 trades listed. Wm. Flem ing, 341 State street. Establish ed 1909. n FOR EXCHANGE for Salem res idence property good 9 room house and garage, four acres, lots of fruit, In Falls City, by owner. Write Box 296, Falls City, Or. a.73 Fine modern 7 room house and other buildings, place all ln fruit, ciose in; want house In Salem. It you want to sell, trade, list with me. H. L. MARSTERS 212 Gray bldg, phone 907. WHY PAY RENT? One whole block of good garden Rags and Hunnndttitnd goods of all kinds. Capital Junk company, phone 898, 216 Cen ter street. .MERCHANT TAILOK M. A. ESTES. fine tailoring. State street. 884 MOTORCYCLES LLOYD E. RAMSDEN. Indian motorcycles and Davton bicycle 887 Court street. ST-E WART'S nepai; IhoTT STf court St. umbrellas and cutlery O- C. PATTERSON, shoe repairing STOVES rebuilt and repaired, 60 years experience; Depot Na tional and Ameriecan fence, sliea 26 to 58 inches high. Palms, oil and varnishes, etc, logan berry and hop hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 ; Court street. Phone 124. TRANSFER MOVING, storing and shipping uf household goods, flreprool storage. First olass w ood and 930'' Larmer Transfer Co, phone OREGON TRANSFER ANDSTOR AGE CO. Ambulance service. Cars washed and polished. Ex. cavating, plowing and fertilizer. Wood and horsei for sals Phone 77. WATER COM PAN Y SALEM WATER COMPANY Of- ";e, corner commercial and Irade sts. Bills payable monthly In advance. Phone 67. MISCELLANEOUS FOR TRADE 820 acres farm Minnesota $8000; will trade for Willamette valley land around Salem, must have some Improve ments. Write to owner, P. Graz- en, Rt. 8, box 144, Salem, Or. n73 $10 down, $10 month, $800 to $1000 each, 5 lots on Capltol St. between E and F St., paved street, all Improvements paid Davis & Holman, 111 Second St. Portland, Or. n80 RADCLIFF & WARING A-l poultry ranch, consisting of 10 acres in small town near Ba lem, iuuy equipped wltn g room residence, poultry houses, Incuba tor and brooder houses, Incuba tors, brooders, feed and 600 hens. Good business in baby chicks, with orders for all of this spring's out put. Only $5000 Including stock and equipment. Terms or soldier loan. 6tt acre poultry and berry ranch, 80 rods from city limits of Salem, 6 room modern house, good barn and other outbuildings, water system in house. $5300 terms. Will consider house ln Salem. 18 acres on Howell Prairie, all in cultivation, no buildings, best of soil, 9 miles from Salem. $2250 easy terms, or city property. 25 acres mile from sniar town, 8 miles from Salem, 18 acre in cultivation, well and spring. New 6 room house. $4200: wi take a house ln Salem for part. We have some good proposition: for ex-service men, If you have : little capital to put with your loar We want city property to trad. or acreage or farms. See us jnce. RADCLIFF & WARING 341 State street. a75 ground, no gravel, good building potatoes $2.50 bushel; celory $1.60 oiip "Hi" iww, an lur f.ou, fin uumn; raaisnes 60c doz: narslev m, .. U hi; n.,u ... .. . l. .., I a i , . . ' a.., oa.i-11 iiLuimi until puiuiuc uoz; tomatoes 14. oo arate: ror, without interest. broccoli $2.36 crate; red cabbage o ruuiu inasiereo nouse, 2 good o 10; articnoke $1.76 dozen, lots, barn and garage, north Sa- Fruits: Oranges $66.60;lemons mm; a snap at iinuu, easy terms. '.zo; bananas lOo; Calif, grape Ten acres close in on paved road rrult $4.00; Florida grape fruit o ruum uuuse anu goou oarn, nair t'.uu. in rruit. A splendid home, for $7, PACK TREATMENT We have ... cumpiete treatments for germ and acid diseases, blood poisoning, Inflammatory rheumatism and all chronic dis eases. 109 S. Com'l, room 84, op. poslte Ladd & Rush bank. 600; will consider good Salem res idence and terms on balance. Small house and 6 lots well lo cated for only $1000, $100 cash, rest like rent. If you want a good 5 acre tract Rouiil Price Butter and eggs: Eggs 20 22c: creamery butter 45c; country but ter 36 37c. Porlfuml Markets Portland, Or., Mar. 27. Cattle with 7 room house, close in, we steady; receipts 2008; choice cattle nave it ior zuuu, $350 caun rest )i.DVf i.iiii; medium to good $.7S like rent, good for soldier's loan-. 7.60; fair to medium $6.254(i If you want an exchange ln any 8.75; common to fair $5.264ifl,25; kind of property, we can match choice feeders $5.00 5.60; fair to you. JOSEPR BARBER & SON 200 Gray bldg. SALEM MARKETS Complied from reports of Sa lem dealers for the guidance of Capital Journal readers. (Revised dally.) Grain: Average valley wheat (bulk) $1. Hay: Cheat hay $11 12: oat hay $1112; clover hay (bulk) $10. Wholesale Price Meat: Hogs $10.60 11; dressed hogs 14c; top steers 6c; cows 54c; bulls 3 He; lambs 7c; dressed veal 13c. 22c; old roosters 8c; springer 18 22c; stags 12 15c. Butterfat: Butterfat 38c: cream ery butter 4041c; country butter 30 32c. VegetabIes:Oregon onions 87.00 ?wt; beets $2.60 cwt: Oregon cab- ags 3c lb; green peppers 85c Ih auilflower $2.35 per crate; pota toes $1.00 cwt: California lettucn $5.50 per crate; Arkansas swet dressed good $4.606.00; choice cows and nelfers $8.00a6.60: medium to good $5.268.00; fair to medium i.ouitfu.zii; common cows $3.60 IU'4.60; canners t2.00iai2.60: hulls $3.60 6.25; choice dairy calves nu.00) 10.60; prime light $9,004 10.00; medium to llsht $6.506 9.00; heavy $4.50(36.60. Hogs steady; receipts 1261; prime light $11.10 O 11.7s; smooth heavy 220 to 300 pounds $10.60 (i 11.50; 30 pounds and up 19.60 $i 10.50; rough heavy $8,00 1 1.00 ; fat pigs $11.50 11.76; stags $88 Sheep steady; receipts 103: east of mountain lambs $13.00 14.60; best valley $Higil2.00; culb $8 008.00; fenders $9.00 10.00; light yearlings $1011.00; heavy $7.00 10.00; light wethers $9.61 10.00; heavy $9 9.60; ewes $ 8. Butter steady; x. cubes 3436 cartons 40c; prints 39c; butterfni No. 1 88 42c f o b Portland; un dergrades 86 38c. Eggs: Selling case count 1920. buying pries 2022c: selling price candled $22c; selected candled in cartons 22 24c. Poultry: Hens light 1920c; heavy 24c; broilars 33038c; old roosters 104(12c; goese nom; ducks nom; turkeys 360 37c. white i.J6. whu) olub fl Walla $1.23; lar(1 wlnta; ,.i6;ea Mill run $2829; oats $34.60(1 25 ZJ orn No' 3 yellow $27.00 27.60; hay, timothy, valley $16; aT- talfa $14; grain mixed $12.60018' clover $12; straw $8. ARMENIA GIVEN TO TURKEY STRIKE PUNSMMPLETE (Continued Irom Page One.) , (Copyright 1920 by International Feature Service, Inc ) Trade Mark registered in the U. S. M0NJ n A PoOfoSl J SAV THIS POOCH fflAr PR0UeS Ar CMC P0UMt MCflT wew: BUT watJv f s. . 'pi 1 ' 1 oijligutlou contracted by the al lied powers during the war. as on account of the cruel suffering en durod by that people. Consequent- V 111. nl.l . I . t ,. i . iu iii tug league or na tiona Is sought In addtilon to pro visions made for the protection of minorities, with a view to satis fying the traditional aspirations of the Armenian people and tha es. tabllslimeut of a national home 'or them." The document does not men. lion any particular territory where the national home may be fixed, but it specifies that the -errltory now inhabited by the Ar menians shall be under Turkish sovereignty. With regard to the Dardenelles, he communication reads: "The Turke are allowed again -a tile Aslutic shore of the Darda cllos, but the interests of peace .nu security for the future require that Europe shall never again" be exposed to the perils and sacri fices Imposed upon it ln 1914 by the closing of the Dardanelles and the condition for the return of the Turks to the proximity ot the straits Is the establishment of a wide de-niilltarized district mak (ng any military projects in that region improbable." Thrace Border Fixed. The foreign ministers found eastern Thrace their most diffi cult problem, they stated. They tlnully decided one a line running from Oanos, on the sea of Mar mora to the Bulgarian frontier, in the region of the Istranja moun tains, leaving Rodosto, a Greek town, to Turkey, an Kirk- Kiliss eeh, a Turkisth tuwn, to Greece. The southern end of this line Is mure favorable to the Greeks than that laid down by the treaty of Sevres, but the northern end con siderably fuxorj) Turkey. The foreign ministers demanded the supression of obligatory mili tary service In Turkey and the re striction o( the army to 45,003 1 and tba police to 40,0(10 regular troops. The financial clauses of the treaty ot Sevres are somewhat modified but the commission oa ' debt Is maintained and t commit tee on liquidations is appointed to ' assure the payment of the Turk- ' lib. pre-war debt sad tig the In- ' dentally due tbe allies (or war ' damages. Another eoutmlssloa to recommended to modify the capi tulation system. , X-A ; -.. lw