Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 27, 1922, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1922.
t- t
March 29Bu3ine88 Mea's !
vthel barrymora, who will up
hnra nsJtt week and whose
Lionuance will be the mot im
ortaut o Salein'B theatrical sea
La bslieves In making sure ot her
L.oi 1001ns. A. is. rierce nas re
"elved Miss Barry more's reserva
tion r a Bllvlu6 iuou
,d bath with an adjoining bed
room lor her maia- Mi8B Barr5r
Lre's ouly stipulation as to tho
Nation of her suite is" that it
at be "hieb "P aod Quiet.'
With bcr reservations are those of
ter manager, wunam r ran, ana
7, Dauiell, a member of the
, William Battlett Reynolds,
advance n""1 Ior tha party' wua
lu town touay.
nil his way to, Alaska, C. B.
frank, wbo owns large placier
mliio holdings near Hot Springs,
u ia town lor a lew days' visit
itu friends, registering at the
New Terminal uvitu. mi. inius
wys that AlaBka Is now becoming
, ereat place fr Bummer tourists
B ... J ... .v. ...
nd since me auvom. ui iuu uw
mobile stage the traveler Is given
n opportunity of seeing the coun
try. There Is only one drawback
to inland trips and that Is the
mosquitoes. This can be overcome
by mosqtuiv wvB w i.
ot grease.
Joe McPhersou, who slips the
glad band to incoming guests ol
tUe Iiligb hotel during the day
trick, was unable to report for
duty'this morning, having had a
.avinna attack of the flu. Frank
Willman is taking hia place
Carl Kendrick, who nas main-
uined a permanent sample room
tt the Marion hotel for the past
three mouths, has accepted a man
agerial position with a Seattle
firm and is now breaking In his
successor, Lee Morgan, of the
,Wstern Drug Goods company ot
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Clark of
Portland have been guests of the
New Terminal hotel for about
mouth. Mr. Clark Is a former
army officer and has recently un
dergone a minor operation due to
Injuries received in the service.
Mrs. Pearl Hatarlch, proprie
tress of the Bligh hotel cigar
itore, spent the week-end in Port
land, leaving Friday night and
returning Sunday.
R. E. E. Linguist, Miss Bertha
M. Eckert and K. C. Higley, all of
New York city, are here to hold
a conference with Harwood Hall,
superintendent of the Cherhawa
Indian school. They are registered
at the Marlon.
H. D. Gammon of Tacoma is
registered at the New Terminal.
Mrs. Jack Hartman i
the Bligh hotel.
a guest of
Dr. J. W. Bancroft of Newberg
ll registered at the Marlon.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Willson of
Lebanon are registered at the
L. A. Carson of Portland is reg
istered at the New Terminal.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gorms
ilbapy are at the Bligh.
lalo Smith, proprietor of a local
tlgar store, left this morning for
Roseburg, In the vicinity of
which he will spend a
raiting triends. He made
tip by automobile.
29 A.... . '
CharltlB. ,,; . "w:""ea
i,M , " """em concert:
a'-nor p.
April 2 nrirnn
Chrietlaa churcf 1, 3:3 m '
gaS! MOr8a" farmer, o,
April 7 Music class play
high school auditorium 8
April 7. Hoosler School
master play, auspices Arner !
nil' I?""1 Anm"y- Grand
,i o ... J " Bpent tne week
- toning inenus.
Baby chicks. 558 State.
Dr. and Mrs. c. a r,
this city. l.ft Sa,em tor ,
yesterday afternoon. They made
the trip by automobile.
Love, the jeweler, Salem.
Miss Agnes SDrae-iie r-a ...
Capitol street, left Salem yester
day for Portland where she will
spend a short timn vium
We buy, sell and exchmi. 0
gooas. Phone 464.
Miss Laura Payton. fi.iim
grade teacher, returned to Salem
iasi nigut from Portland where
she spent the week end visiting
People use Swift's fertilizer ha-
cause it makes them mnnnv a
Clarence S. Bowne or nhnna 9ci
Circuit Court
Dlvnrtk . .
"on L. Terry "y " 0y'
w7,r 10 "le sult ' John
Harper vs Edith L. Allen.
Probate Court
inventory and
filori i "I'l'raisement
Order tn " " ,8-60
also fill,, llM a real IroPerty
- - mo same motto,.
wm1UMine SB o nt 1
nrnnorh. ..o ... . wk ivai
Hunt for $2finn tn w ,7 M'
filed. " " luoore
Marriage Licenses
Emery A. Ream an m,.
ee, Or., and Alien Wm ,.....
Levi E. Butler, si :
and Ida E. Lincoln. ,i
Leroy Newell tin,.' 1 ,
ernand Eva L, Scott, legal,
Police announced todav th.nt
they are anxious to determine the
whereabouts of one William Hux
ley Foulks for whom, they said
they have information.
Car troubles phone 298. auth
orized Ford service, 320 N. Com
mercial St. Harbison & Cleveland
Walter Banks, of Portland,
spent tue week end visiting
friends in Salem. He returned to
the metropolis by automobile this
V. Hadley and (i rr
..uvuuurn, wno are proprietors of
vuc uuu cannerv tho ,.,. ...
ed a certificate assuming the bus
""" name of thn "wi
r . iiwuiiuiu
yuuing company," with the ot-
m me county clerk.
"The Essential Mineral Mm.
pany" is the name ot a business
concern to be operated by Myrtle
iuu i.yue ana Dan J. Fry, Jr., at
.ov urm commercial street, ac
cording to a certificate ot assum
ed name filed with the county
clerk this morning.
Cruel and inhuman treatment
is the charge brought by Margar
et P. Terry in her divorce suit
against Itoydon L. Terry. The
couple were married in Salem in
1916 and have one child. Mrs.
Terry is now residing at Sllverton.
Two aspirants for circuit Judge
ships and three candidates far
seats in the house of representa
tives of the state legislature, filed
their formal declarations as can
didates for nomination, with Sec
retary of State Kozer today.
A. J. Leavitt and E. L. rciHott
both of Klamath Falls, are out
for the republican nomination for
Judge of the thirteenth Judicial
uistncc, comprising Klamath
county. Neither have either slog
an platform.
The legislative material In
cludes R. J. Carsner of Spray who
wants to come back for another
term as representative from Gil
liam, Sherman and Wheeler coun
ties, Glen 0. Hoi man nf Dallas
who desires to represent Polk
county In the lower house of the
legislature, and W. B. Ewing of
Oakland who seeks a seat in the
nouse .of representatives. Ewing
is the only democrat among the
ve aspirants filing today.
noiman s salary provides for
salaries as they were when of
ficers elected; trim all approprla
uona. He would also "vote
against creating new offices."
According to Ewlm "producers
snouia regulate expenses; taxpay
ers snouia control taxation." He
promises to "use my utmofct en
deavor to have taxation eauallzrri
by raising more revenna from
property now escapine its share
or taxation; to enact laws to im
prove marketing conditions for
producers and will advocate meas
ures to enable farmers and stock
raisers to borrow money on more
governor Olcott and Mayor
Jeorge K. Halvorsen of Salem to
day addressed to President Hard
ing letters In which the president
ind Mrs. Harding ar invited to
be guests of Oregon at the
itose Festival which will begin on
iune 9.
These invitations are two of
scores to be sent to the president
from Oregon. All are to be bound
into a volume of about 600 pages
and will contain the signatures of
mayorg of all Oregon cities and
townB and of 40,000 Portland
school children.
The Invitation will be present
ed to President Harding personal
iy Dy Kric V. Hauser, of tho Rose
festival board of governors.
Piano playing 12 lessons. Wa
terman School, McCornack bldg.
over Millers. 73
Miss Flora Newman of this city
has been confined to her home for
several days following a major op
eratlon to which she submitted
recently at a local hospital.
Do you like chicken? Then
come to Central Congregational
church, 19th and Ferry on Tues
day evening. Dinner served from
5:30 to 7. Plates 25 and 45 cents.
Also sale ot aprons and homemade
candy. 73
Complaint that his bicycle was
stolen from near the Y. M. C. A.
Saturday night was made to the
police by Elden Scott, 345 sontli
Fourteenth street. -
Come and bring your friend to
the Pythian dance and card party
at the Elks temple at 8:30 Tues
day March 28. (Special features.)
After spending the week end
visitiug relatives in rortianu,
Miss Hazel Browne, an instruct
or in the English department of
the Salem high school, returned
to Salem last night.
Marc Latham, a former Salem
toga school student who Is now
"tending the University of Ore-
Wo wish to thank our friends
few days alld neghbor8 for the beautiful
tno flowers, kindness ana lieip aurins
the sickness and death 01 our ue
loved mother, Mrs. C. A. Dodge.
The children. 73
Miss Lorna Coolidge, of La
Wn, spent the week-end visiting Grande, and Miss Peggy Beatty,
- lesteraay lie left tor f 0regon city, were in saiem vi
Sllferton where he will visit his lting fr(ends this week end. Yes-
'"V",-D- loft rnr ureKuu n
letuay Luc; .v-.- -
Written communications, not favorable terms."
cun,uiuting permissable parcel
post material Is enclosed frequent
ly at fourth class postage rates, a
communication received from
Washington by Postmaster August
Huckestein, this morning, states.
Postmasters are cautioned to avoid
loss of revenue by attempting to
overcome this practice.
Postmaster August Huckesteiu
Los Angeles, Cal., March 27.
Joseph Studer went on trial before
a jury in the superior court here
today on an information charging
him with the murder of his moth-
this morning reeelvfid lotto,-! er MrB- Elizabeth Studer. here
from Washington, D. C. in which""81 September. The district at-
ue is cautioned not to furnished ! ney annuncea Detore the trial
to unauthorized persons informa
tion concerning registered mail
"It is reported from some sources
however, that he would ask for a
conviction of manslaughter only,
thereby In effect reducing the
that frequently registered letters 1 charSe to that degree.
are sent out by collectors or firms' mence aaaucted at the pre
in an effort to ascertain the ad
dresses of delinquent customers,"
the letter states. "Subsequently re
quests are made by the senders for
the street address of delivery.
Postmasters are Informed that no
such information should be giv
liminary hearing last fall showed
that Studer, a orother and the
dead woman had a family dispute,
during the course of which Mr&
Studer fell or was pushed from the
porch to the ground, receiving in
juries from which she died later.
Everett, Wash., March 27. J.
V. Best, publisher of the Daily
Herald of this city, died this morn
ing at Sierra Madre, Cal., accord
ing to word received from there
today. He had been ill for some
time, having gone south because
of poor health last fall. His wife
and son, Robert, were with him.
Mr. Best was one of the best
known publishers of the Pacific
northwest, having taken an active
part in many public movements.
At one time he was president of
the Washington State Pree asso
ciation. He was 57 years old.
Albany, N. Y., March 27. Gov
ernor Miller has denied the appli
cation for a pardon for Jim Lar
kin, the Irish agitator, convicted
of criminal anarchy, he an
nounced today.
Larkin's attorney had told Gov
ernor Miller that if Larkin were
set free he would return to Ire
land, where, It was said, he had a
large following and would be
potent force In uniting the Collins
and DeValera factions.
wasnington, Mar. 27. A new
way out of the four power treaty
tangle was suggested In the sen
ate today by administration lead
ers and criticized as Inadequate
and ineffective by the treaty's op
Senator Lodge of Massachu
setts, the republican leader de
clared on the senate floor that the
best solution ot the situation oc
curring to blm was to include In
the resolution ratifying the form
al supplementary agreement a
resolution re-stating the informal
"declaration" signed with the
It was because of the senate's
failure to act specifically on this
informal supplement that the
treaty opponents had challenged
the validity of the Friday's rat
ification of the pact itself.
Marion, 111., March IT. Push
ing a revolver from his breast.
Ralph Thaxton, 12 year old son of
Sheriff Melvln Thaxton, last night
ran six blocks to the city hall.
summoned policemen and frus
trated an attempted Jail delivery.
The police arrived at the city
Jail while eight prisoners were
pummelling Sheriff Thaxton. A
shot fired by Policeman Tom
Frees killed George Wilson, 18, a
prisoner. 1
The prisoners, IS in all. had'
been exercising when the sheriff,
hla son and a negro employe en
tered the enclosure to lock them
up for the night. Wilson hit the
sheriff in the face with his fist
and the fight started.
Dent Hinkle, an alleged fanner.
dashed to the city hall and called
help. Hinkle was the only prison
er to escape. The sheriff's wounds
were not serious.
(Continued from Page One.)
Charles B. Herron, who described
himself as miner, fisherman and
publisher of the Anchoraea Dallv
He also stated that Rlckard had
a good reputation In the north
land. As to th ethics of gam
bling, the witness said ha now
abhorred It. But that whan ti,.
gold rush was on. evervonn iiM
it, and nobody thought nvthino-
about It.
The symposium on gambling
was continued when Malnr A i
Drexel Biddle of Philadelphia, for
ii years leader in the bible claa
movement, testified that he knew
nothing against Rlckard ' ehai
After he had stated that ha hai
met the promoter in Toledo on
the day of the Dempsey-Wlllard
fight, he was asked what he
thought of gambling. He replied:
"I consider that a man who ran
a gambling house In the days ot
tne goia rush may have been an
honorable man."
Asked if he taught gambling
in his bible classes, he said:
"I have never made cambllnc
the thesis of an argument."
The witness testified thai
after tha charges had been
brought against Rlckard. ha ha
conversed with Mortimer Snhlff
and others interested in welfare
movements for children.
London. March 2T. (By Asso
ciated Press.) The Irish Free
State bill passed its third and fin
al reading In the house of lords
Mrs. Ella G. Wortman. ot Med-
ford, grand chief Pythian sister,
win pay her official visit to the
local temple tomorrow night.
One of the largest eggs brought
to the office of The Capital Jour
nal In many weeks was presented
this morning by George Daviu,
1062 Fourth street, West Salem.
The egg, the product of a Rhode
Island Red, measured six and one-
fourth Inches by eight and three
eighths Inches. It weighed four
If you have tears ' of
hughler, prepare to shed
them now!
Two Acts
Antonio Moreno
Matinee 25o,
Evening 35c
"Loves Redemption"
Coming Sunday
Hours: 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
and "
Open 11 a.m. to 1 a.m.
Nomking Cafe
myt N. Com! St.
AmuONHam-Nonna Ksny
Sure, they're back! No more
dead than you are! The Great
War casualty list exaggerated
their taking off and
Holy Moses! what kinks It
put In these three "ghosts"
and the folks they'd left be
hind them!
Chuckles! LAUGHS!!
at the
Victoria, B. C, March 27.
Field Marshal Joffre, of France,
distinguished soldier, but now. In
his own words, here as an envoy
of peace, arrived at Victoria from
the Far East today on the liner
Silver State. With him were
Washington, March 27. Char
les Ponzi, whose financial exploits
in Boston resulted in Ws pica f;Mme. Joftre; SamueI Hm of geat
Automobiles driven by W. M
namsden, 771 north Commercial
reet, and L. G. Keene, of Shaw,
badly damaged when they
tollided at the corner of Ferry
"4 High streets, according to
Police report. No one was in-
'rea in the crash, however.
Charged with unlawfully pos
sing intoxicating liquor, s
" wno gave his name as Arthur
ak, of McMinnville, was ar
reted here Saturday night. A
containing a small portion
1 quor was taken from him af-
2 had attempted to break it,
"wrs claimed. He was held for
"earing before Judge Earl Race
the nnii.
nncn you find It necessary to
c'Pline the children In your
"", eon t forget that you, too,
"re wee a pupil," Mrs. Mary L.
it n"5?n toW teach8rs assembled
ae Multnomah county Institute
uruana Saturday. "Our
-"raayg,. 1 wag tn& gubJect on
' Mrs. Fulkerson, who Is Ma
... nty superintendent of
-, spoke. She returned to Sa
B lesterday.
Attention of Masons,
a joint meeting of Salem
'edge No. 5 and Pacific
Iodge No. 50 will be
held in Masonic tnmnle.
"k!r eTening' Mar:h 27. Good
'a of w"'11 be Prefent with top
itia 'ateret to all members. Vls
. Brethren invited to attend.
otw.Mt. 73 ,
...u will snend a week.
Both are students of the Univer
sity of Oregon
Leather goods, harness, travel
ing bags, F. E. Shafer.a. u-
Complaint thaThe had lost a
-i.-n hue on the road between
Salem and Sllverton was made to
., v-stBrdav by F. E. VVat-
uie pmi j
son, of Portland.
Frank Chapa7"of Salem, a
at the University of
Oregon, is spending this week vis
u B her He is a mem-
Zroi Phi G-.a Delta frater-
A bicycle, found abandoned in
an alleyVthe business district
vesterday, was taken to the police
Branson and Putnam.
Mill City.
glIght inconvenience
tween Salem a- r-rFredeHck
excellent, ... vnrth-
. Gamer, also of this
. j tho ill m e irip
city, made the , n terday.
Calapoohya 4j rabout 12
Calapoohya is l0ate" The
r averaged ""
Mr. Schmidt said.
k orrpntlon of
Wltn liic " . L
-k., ,rtrhes. WOlCn cau
guilty In November, 1920, in the
federal courts to one of two in
dictments, and his sentence to im
prisonment for five years, must
stand trial in the Massachusetts
courts, this time on twenty-two
indictments charging him with
certain crimes under the state
laws, it was held today by the
supreme court in an opinion de
livered by Chief Justice Tatt,
tie, whose guests they will be
while in the northwest, and a
number of military aides.
Savaee Nominated.
Washington, March 27. Frank
Adelbert Savage was nominated
today to b received of public mon
eys at Spokane, Wash., and Arthur
Wellington Doland to be register
of the land office at Spokane,
n.ivnERS Grace Flanders
Ch'emawa, at the aue of 15 years.
Body is at Rigdon's.
mvES In Corvallis, Friday,
March J4. Mrs. Nellie B. ,"ne-! Fired by the seductive
age 41 years, wife or I rank "chjrm of the notorious
Jones; mother of M-m. MontmJrre ,ieIIe,y00g
Han Eli'iabeth Jones, resident! Amund forgot family,
f Hnxklna. Polk county, sis- honor, ambition. And
Ter in law of Mr. and Mrs J. j the woman-SEE
1 f fin cm. l he Doa
Jrill arrive Sunday afternoon and I
will be taken to the Bigdon mor
Inlrv from whence the funeral
cortege M leave Monday at 0
oviock for .City View cemetery
o?locK '...Jin .ervices and
ferment will take place.
Rigdon & Son's
TJnequaled Service
Import Shipment
Just Received
Imported Bead Bags
Beautiful Bead Hand Bags
in wonderfully attractive de
"Hand Woven"
These bags wero manufac
tured in Belgium and are
strictly "Hand Made."
Thru a very fortunate pur
chase we secured these bags
under market cost, which sav
ing we pass on to our customers.
Prices range from
$7.50 to $12.50
H Good Gcodfi. C J
80c Yard
This is not congoleum but a high grade Linoleum
that sells regularly at $1.25 a yard.
Overstuffed Rockers
News Comedy
Ikmic Hullo
at the Pipe Organ
in "Craftsman leather," not leatherette. Special at
45-inch plank top, quarter sawed oak with six genuine
leather seated chairs - $30.00
Solid oak sadle seat dining chairs at, each $3.75
373 Court Street Phone 464
Secondhand Goods Bought and Sold
'"-r-- 11 -
It's the
"Little Town in the Ould County Down"
that Theo. Karle will be singin' iv on the records Brunswick will
be releasin' for the likes av St. Patrick and
"Lassie o'Mine"
Atk (or No. 13033
Sure and there'll be others among these that you'll be afther
IOOIS A IU11yniiF FlJid (Traditional) Count r An
trim tulle bopmno Ltorothy Jardoa
18011 Mother Mwhr (Olcott -Ball) Tenor
Tho. Karl
Com Brk to Kris Clar1bl Ttnor. . .Tho. Ktri
S005 When th fllvor hnnim Flaws (HiiMtl)
Ttnor John Coi'i'lon Di Uhtl Trio
Pear Llttl ftbamrcxk (Charrjr) Ttnor. John Congdoa
13Q1 fl Katklaw Mafurnea (Crawford Crouch)
Ttoor Tho. Karl
KUlamar Bair Ttnor. Thao. Karl
SOBS Laddla Buck of Sftoo (Bronnan Ball) Tenor
Jaifiea tfberldaft
Metlr O rSoanlan) Ttnor
Juntl Bherldaa and Crttctot Mala Trio
llOti Wha IrUh K Ara Billlat (Otfott-OrarT-Ball
Ttnor.. Thto. Karle and Uraaent Ml Trfo
M hurt re Bar (Moor) Tenor Theo. Karl
1 JO 10 That Trimble Dow Shark la AthIoe Car1o-
Handera) (itnor).,... i no. mmrtm
Wlf Wild lrtafa Koe (Olcott) Tenor Theo. Earl
S4O00 TUa Booaar'a at the nshtla Flynn) Barl-
tuo. Richard Bonelll
Oa tha Road ta Maadalar (Kiptlnt "peeka) Bart
lun Jtluhard BuaalU
1S03S aiaat Hlmgt Bird on Ui Wlaf (Cooke-Kut-
Ung) Tenor Theo. Karl
Tim aa lriafe Girt I Lov (Brennan Dubln-Ball)
Ttnor ..Theo. Karl and Male Trio
Theo. Karle records now $1.00
Moore-Dunn Music Co.
Masonic Temple
State and High Streets
Representatives Sherman, Clay & Co. Pianos