SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1922. uppy CapitaMdournal SUBSCRIPTION RATES Bf carrier 60 cents a month, is m'mnll. In Marlon and Polk .nntle one month 60 cent, 3 u"h, I1.J5, 6 months $2.25. 1 r $4 00. Elewher SO cents a E(h. 85 a year. fl V sT a. I v m . THE CAPITAL JOuMtAL SALEM, OREGON Entered as second class ..Her at it"'w' mail Member ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press ia exclus iiv entitled to the nse for pub iritlon ot all news dlsnatches :,.iiiien to it or not otherwise L-rtitect in this paper and also lo- news published herein. Member iudlt Bureau of Circulations -"TwUsine representatives: w D. Ward, Tribuna bldg., Kew rrlr City, W. S. Stockwell, Peoples Gas bldg., Chicago, Ills, "CLASSIFIED RATES 'Bate per word each insertion I cents, three insertions, i cents. ; week, 8 cents; one month, 20 eota; one year, per month 12 nts: minimum per ad, 25 cents. First insertion only in New To lay. City ads cash in advance, ind not taken over phone, unless (dvertuer nas mommy account ya allowance for phone errors. NEW TODAY FOR SALE Hudson Monday 1776VY. Call 72 BEFORE getting your auto paint ed, see us, 801 N, Liberty St. 72 roB SALE pie ave. -Fresh cow. 2011 Ma- 78 LAYING hens (or sale or trade for cord wood. Phone 1341J. 72 GOING south, will take two with reference, one driver, have camp outfit. Box O Journal. 72 FOR RENT Three unfurnished housekeeping rooms, gink, bath. 7 Market. j74 FOR RENT Comfy apartment! close in. Phone 112SW call 492 8. High St. 72 J!AVE furnished kitchenette and . thing furnished. room apt. closet, every 447 Center. J74 OR extra flneTTTTr- ?JIJ1FS. cckere1s. 40 CORnsTTTr-sr- miul Vo,.,,"!0" toTav Salem, Or. x 113. Ht. f FOR siTii r- . ee7 ?r. WW trM'T". Rur-dSc15 t-nono 68F21 ""rona hen ixiob foot"sw-rrr-: Z "-"I'llol and Oain ' Corner owner, terms 84, 81 tor "ale ' s. 941 or ijjuj. a74 ,b"niatowat Price $2f,0u Oregon in and dtco," "Ke' '"" bile, or first . r auiomo- Address on Minimal fr;n R A D M A Txt 7 7. foom - o. i.iu Btreet. bldtr. "eger, one, 178 bun- WANT iai irTTC-trr r- and chenn f" r'.falr latli Journal. "' Kyer care 72 FOR Ort.ljJJJ A cv,...,... ,- gentle s """"una gentle. 6 y611rs old. m, - "..tea, 01 N 1902J. Puny, State e74 bv AM, 21st St. phone 72 B- 11 h at. 0.77 1 II. '0 23d St. touring. piT.V Ford Partment at oT7,, f'"Uhed .,.". mice fiiriil.l...j room r"rnti -'.office1 EM"dern hTT .J-Liling nnm.-.i..,.. none terms ph. cose rn".T-AlIic7 78 the comforts hi stale house. ""use or iihon " room, near . Phone 622 I OR. h, cloth K'sTrr.'CT! 7-7- n. ..""r?."' arl6d and de- -'iianri-, FOR SALI0- roooTh'a;xcondmon-tak- 1 if, our J. "ne 615 01 ' evenings. Lte nouse. Price tjnn o BLate stropt LOST Mine puppy, Collie and Airedale, small studded collar. Reward. W. 13. Tripp, 934 Sag! nag. 72 TOR RENT Three room unfurn ished apartment on 840 Mission itreet. inquire at 824 S. Com mercial St. J74 WANTED Reliable woman from ja to 4a ior a rew weeks, wages moaerato, can in person morn lugs. W'nool tor the blind. g EXCHANOli For house In Salem -4. dandy six acre tract with Duiitungs. see Li. A. Hawthorne ' at Gilbert's grocery. 072 FOR SALE 14 full blood Tan crej White Leghorn pullets, all laying, also full blood H. 1. Red rooster. Call 1717 N. Liberty. f74 BUI NOW 10 acres nearly all in prunes, no buildings, 2 miles east of Salem. Price 14500, terms Krucger, Oregon bldg. phone 217. "' h7 niiA, lAivw light car as part pay ment on two lots with large barn, plenty of bearing fruit Price J675. W. H. Grabenhorm . & Co., 275 State St. 7 W?,' "''"GSWoUn maker and re" ow rehairltig a snecial ty. I'pstairs 222 N. Commercial street, Salem. "'"mercial HANij PlCKEU MILL WOOO- I'nee on car ots. Fred E I. Wolls, 305 S. Church, pW ?,!' 71t 57 MILKS per gallon made with . V'""'1 easollne vaporiz er. Write for particulars, stran sky Vaporizer Co., Pukwana, S 7) VHufuture loretold; send dime" birthdate for truthful, rellablf convincing trial reading. Haze Hause, box 215, Los Angeles t-al. 7 Cost a h.crrr reward i, .'t ot. Keys Frday. tal Journal 'nea t0 the CaP'- ueiona filbert treen . Phnn. !.. ." 26C tO 45C FvTij is . r . c7S da,e Tntle.n "'"thTildliTS: o.V,. " ttaal"un. 'or sale bv -none 841 a74 PAGE SEVEN tor SrIc House A P tpmt.wi,;! 1 furnuh.- . n"".eV . ompletel? b'lnplng good Interest, far saM roaUtn!ei" h0Use- ' rtmo iiMn booq interest 'MOD; apartment house, ?.,.'?rtm'nt splendidly located ouo. other hoii or, l. .... "ale by Gertrude J M. Page, t N. Cottage. , irst Step to a Dog's Life v.,,,,,,.,, nuies out. w. j ' , """uniWi uaraen r: tarm nropeis. ttu i Brown, over Buslok's, - vjiiiuirmai, It Sl'ECIAL A owner, 1636R FTTT r "io-.-.j t;- for "aS;0 " ""lb PisS. 6Phoe25ror;fIe7eahZrrf WAN'H-Jji rr-r. - ish.rt Parually furn- wat.r- ,,i'i 1 .r ffaa an hot t w A Wl" pa' '! to $15 Box J W Capital .Innrn.i ,La- 72 t OK SALE One 314 wagon, one "i mieei wagon, one set dou oie worK harness, one light hack. 2580 Laurel ave. or phone J"m wees aays. ATTRACTIVE I 50 down and $15 per month 331 4 State Bt. a73 See Thomason, busine&n ir!-l worth $40,000. Wants kind heln ing husband. Write quick for autumns picture and descrlp iion. cox 223, L03 Angeles, Cal 7S MEN and women. S50 weoitiv ... iiy. iiurouucing exquisite Swiss emDroiaery. Knormous demand urniaii everytning that starts you. Areno Mfg. Co., Dept. 45R, JM. Crawford. Ohlcnirn 7v UK SALE Special banruln tiai ouys od acres four yeai uiu iiauan prune orchard, prun ed and plowed. Four miles south easy terms. W. H. Grabenhorst & Lo., 275 State street. b74 WANTED real mechanic, must be experienced In Ford work. If you are not capable of doing first ciass wora ao not applv. Harbi son & Cleveland, 320 N. Com'l phone 298. ei FOR SAt,E--3 acres loganberries FOK SALE 10 acres of fine land in aeizer bottom, on fine road tiuvu, i-j cash balance 3 years I per cent. Address owner Post Office box 240. b74 iun saw,, b r. modern cottage all conveniences; also 2 lots with earn, fruit trees, etc.; also fresh family cow, 5 gallons. 2092 Lee miret, corner S. 10th. An n . - run classy 6 room bun snow ana bath In east Sah-m, i-nce j2uo, jiooo cash bn'K jjy terms. Krueger, Orego 72 all cultivated, best tree and ber ry soli, located south of Salem Price $1250, $100 down, bal ance no per month, 0 per cent interest, W. H. Grabenhorst Co., 275 State street. b74 pay j3B weekly, T6c hour Pare time, selling hosiery guar anteed wear four months. Spring ";. uig opportunity. Kxneri unf """eoessary. Perfectwear "arny. Penna. 7 exquisite Swiss em uiumerv it . j . Furnish everything that starts SI re" 'f. Co., Dept. 45J N. Cra(nH nu4. kT r? room Plastered house, ior cow, lots of bearing v,r iwo lots, house is in K, Cpn?1U,.n' P"""bing and E-l P.rice J1. '1000 cash ;"'"'"" terms I per cent. W. H, Z.""orst Co- 2" State 72 "2.SW7: too- nr wood 14 ini, per oor(J; 12 in?h. It i;V . ana 1 Per thousand: b.rr ":, lncn 2 inch -w UMS at II. It S Per thousand. ft grin 11.35 Wnnj n Oregon Or nh r05uct8 Co- Weat &alem. LPjjpne 461M. ee74 ron oTT ro , 10 a01"69, modern 7 ,plastfed house, air pres- Pumping plant, fine barn. othTr frniJ4 i"an. H kinds of I 000 9 aorea ln Price ttZ", hlfrhwy. - mile fron ta, w E eeam(n 4 100 ACKE8 well improved farm 3 miles to Dallas on main road large barn, 7 room house, place well fenced; if you are looking for a good farm, let us show you this. Price $12,000, first pay ment $3500. See L. A. Hayford, 305 State street. n MU&T BE SOLD 6 room house in good condition, plumbing, lights, garage, corner lot 75x86, cement walks, paved street and car line. Price $2100, $,600 down, balance $20 per month, interest 8 per cent. w. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St. a73 r t . rrr - ai.oac.uL, Window Cleaning Co" house cleaning and Janitor serv .t" a "Pf018-"- w eo any place teed. Phone 1003J. J2 ECTRAORDINARTrBoaHTiTd room with private guest parlor modern, furnace heat, very close in, reasonable rates. 720 N. Com- good fflrm at Tnfi T,' """ m on pared highway, '.i in cultivation, balance In fine oer ana pasture. 80 aorM In crop, fair buildings; all atook ed and equipped. Ownsr will take some city property or small tract, balance long time at 6 per ..IWIUUU 1. SHI 1 Hlnl street. For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE Reed 8485 N. 4th St. TOLOUSE baby buggy" 07 ... eu e". Phone 60F24. O. . Jlllietl. fja FOR SALE Barred Rocks Black Minorca hatching Phone 89F21 and eggs. f72 FOH WALE A-l oats vetch liay ""o ciover; i onver tractor piuw, pnone U1F21 C78 FOR SALE Potatoes at $1.80 per ucuvorea. rnone tTt eve- iwiKa alter o. c7j v? SAiE Thoroughbred Black imiiorca eggs tor setting. Phone f76 1684W. '"" "ALE Thoroughbred R. I. " naicning eggs. 1385 N. 4th f72 L'LLER Brushes local represen ..r, urinies, 041 Mill. 1837J m91 For Sale Livestock FOR SALE- k. a. Orettle, phone 84F21. e73 TOH SALS i ii UUUi 8SF3. Jhpiuv will trade for cows. Phone e72 oaliw uot of high grade i..i.i-ii jersey cows, (resh. At 149 8. Church street. e74 For Sale AutomobileS For Salo AutomobHea 'OH KALE Used Ford in " jjonoition, pnone 58F14. good q72 CLASj? Ford bug ter sale. 455 "vth 8t. 7! ,1 t'Td .touring USSi tate "-'tsi tvunntr. ranninNiri Fori roadster to Hade for mm iim, m enate St. o7 MISCELLANEOUS MONET to loan tin lun A. Hayford, 899 State BL WINDOW washing, now urns, prompt serrlcet iv, windowmani SALEM Hardwood Floor Co. good wora hi lowest prices, Phone 88V, ti prloes lower and new 18 St patterns mors gratifying. Max u. nuren. 17 N. Com'l, Art 18 RBO auto for sale at $151)' S brand new ttres, 8 used tires', license paid, make a dandy 8-4 ton truck, boughton A Marcus hardware. aTS REBUILT Dodge, good rebuilt 0, u. ij, iruca, W B. Burns Dan Burns (Not Brothers the Sams Man) High street at Ferry. . OLEHON-ROOKSTOOL AUTO li.MJllA.MJlS; 173 S. Liberty Phone 66e Overland Reo Buick Olds Couoe Chevrolet Mitchell Jilaxwell Chevrolet 127 25 77 $115 8150 877 818 FOR sawing wood anl hauling, plowing, garden and team work done. Phone 1684J. IF yod want carbeuter work nr shingling done, phone 1888M. SAFETY rasor blades sharpened, Hlnkle Marquis barber shop. 836 fltsts Bt, rn88 LOOK Center of city. Hotel Ore- gon, 881 Stat Bt., hlos clean ruunia auo up par aignt or fi up per weea, J7B PLU USING, repairing and colli work, reasonable charges. A. L. tiodfrey, shop foot ot Union St. Phone 18B7J. 188 HOTORAPH8 tinted, lessons In oil painting, frames made. Mrs. E. J. Bullock. 218 S. Cottage, F. N. WOODRflie live stock, furniture, real estate auctioneer. Phone 811 for sale dates. Res. 1810 N. Bummer. Q. SATTERLKH, auctioneer. Rail estate and stock sales. Cash fur your sals notes. Phone 1211J or it i it Office 414 Ferrr Bt. CHIROPRACTORS MOTORCYC1j1CS en, ' I W (mm- HARRV w. HCOTT, The Cycle Man.' NtjRJBtRT STOCK UK. WKADFORD, graduate and post graduate ef the Flret Char tered Ohiropraotlo college In the wu.iu. ien yoais practice. Con sultation and examination free rnons til, rooms 818-18-20 wv-M,i PIUS, omitopoouj-r" unevroiet tilt Oakland " 8360 Buick four (cords). i'tun .j, ,,,.. i. .. i - .uu.,n,vr 1460 Cadillac Iso Studebaker (1921) $1175 "8 $45 Ford coupe (1820) $47 rora tourlns llltm mean Ford touring (1818) .V.VZ $180 Chandler (7 passenger) $900 o wuy, eeu. iraae. and sll on cumni lesion. Auction sale of used cars every 074 FOR RENT HAMILTON Beach carpet washer ; , . . representative Schmutz, 1 " 0 fliaraet, 18tS2V. m K SALE 8. C RlBclr Mi "ss tor Hatching. F. P. Wells ana , zist street. f72 $500 CASH will eive i..i.. " modern 5 room house furnished wmprcie wit.n real furniture payaoie nKe rent; two ""1 paveu street. Pho oL.iuaiiUH-ii rooms, modern except basement, completely ' Ilrei"ace, pavement. " auiaiers loan or $1000 cash will handle. Becke & Hen dricks, 205 U. S. bank hlrlo- 75. 1-UUAY ONLY $200 as first nv ment for this 5 room house, with bath and toilet, good lot good location. Price $1650, bal ance like rent, $25 per month. See L A. Hayford, 305 State St. INVESTM EXT Building contain ing 4 five room flats, strictly modern, separate furnace for each flat, gas, close in. Pays 18 per cent on investment. Becke ft Hendricks, 205 U S. bank bhig. 72 ittALi 4 acres on paved high way 3-4 mile rrom Salem south, fair house, barn, etc., 30 old cherry trees, balance in berries. Soldiers loan or reasonable terms will handle. Becke & Hen drirks, 205 U. S. bank bldg. 72' U'OK SALE 1000 louanherrvtlr.. ' loganoerry posts, 4 mile west aaiem Heights store. J ivasoerg. .79 r imni' m , . . . . miuaiBja DiacKOerry tips $15 thousand, or 3 thousand a- m. nay, Monmouth, Rt, 1. ore. fl7s CORK Carpet Products and Con goleum are specialized here to ins limit, uet my prices. Max O Buren, 179 N. Com'l. m GLIUDEN PAINT PRODUCTS su perior in color, better ln quail ty, prices moderate. Max O Buren, 179 N. Com'l. . c LOVE BIRDS $5 pair. To adver- iise new store. Cage and supply list free. Imported Rollers our specialty. E. B. Flake, hiriia and flowers, 273 State, Salem. m IHb, Blind Man" they sometimes call mo because I carry such a splendid line of window and, porch blinds. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. m: OR RENT Three furnished neatea rooms. 1040 Leslie. 172 FOR RENT Newly finished store room, 122 N. Commercial. 173 FOR KENT Furnished down town room. Call at 205 Oregon U1U. 1. J v iruNiaiiau two room apart ments at 1132 Center. Inquire 71 1 seiner. 179 I OR RENT Store room, the rear iu ieet at 175 N. Commercial Wm. Neimeyer. j FOR RENT 5 room bungalow nicely furnished, pretty home lots of fruit, reasonable rent. In- qulre 491 N. Cottage. J72 LAKtaU nicely furnished front room, phone, bath, table board If wanted. Garage ln rear; pri- vaie lamny. 103 s, illgh. J72 tOH RENT Housekeeullig rooms wooa, ngnt, water and bath furnished, reasonable rates. Cot tel Apt., S4S V4 N. Com'l. 172 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Pigs. Address Spelberg, Independence. R. WANTED Chairs to cane. for blind, phone 21. School WOOD sawing. Fisher Bros. Quick service. Phone 2046. ee7 7 BARGAIN 11 acres, 5 acres fine bearing cherries, 5 acres very good beiring apples, 1 acre lo gans, fair house, good barn, 7 chicken houses, water system. $6000. Will sell on terms or sol dier's loan. Becke & Hendricks. 205 U. 8. bank bldg. 72 TOBACCO Natural Leaf, sweet and mellow hand picked chew ing or smoking. 5 lbs. $1.50; 10 lbs. $2.50. Smoking 10 lbs.. $2. We furnish free receipt for pre paring. Quality and delivery guaranteed. Farmers' Tobacco Exchange, Sedalla, Ky. 72 MARRY IF LONELY; for results, try me: best and most success ful "Home Maker;" hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strict ly confidential; most reliable years experience; descriptions free. "The Succeasful Club, Mrs. Nash, box 556, Oakland, California. SALESMEN WANTED Are you satisfied with the tailoring line you are selling? We ore manu facturers of a guaranteed line made to measure suits. Ranging from $23.50 to $33.50 our line consists of strictly all wool fab rics and each is an excellent val ue. We want live wire sales men. We pay largest commis sion. Sate in first letter your tailoring experience and If you are prepared to put In full time., S. & P. Llsnor, 511 W. 6th St.. Cincinnati. Ohio. 7 2 IF you have $500 and an equity of $1500 ln a small place close to town, suitable for poultry. I'll sell you an equipped dairy of 63 acres priced right, or half interest In dandy business foi your equity. Robinson, 227 Ore- gon bldg. 72 C. 0 e ... Z . . , . 101- natcning irom Ancuna, oungiey ana Sheimril iinin $1.50 per setting. Phone 817, or see uouiey s grocery, . Churc street f7 I PLSH baby buggies, the light Deautirui, comfortable, moder ate priced kind. Let me exulal some of the unusual features of Bturgis carriages and sulkies. Max o. Buren, 179 N. Com'l FOR SALE Cheap, 2 body Brus sels rugs, i Deasteaa ana springs 1 white enameled dresser. 1 heater and numerous other things. Call at 1109 Oak between aim a p. m. r nuay or Satur day. C73 For Sale Wood SECOND growth fir 4 ft. $6.50 16 inch $7.50. Phone 744R. ee81 For Sale Houses FOR SALE By owner, 7 room bungalow, with basement. Phone 896W. a7E FOR SALE Strictly modern room house Consider good auto or acreage to $2500 In deal Box 48 Capital Journal. a7.i GOOD 6 room house near car line good lot and other buildings Price $1600, terms $425 down. Why rent? 8. R. Pearson, 210 211 U. S. bank bldg a 6 ROOM plastered house, lights, bath. etc. basement good lot, fruit, close to Grant school. $2600 on $500 down. Brown, over Busick's, State and Com mercial. a FIRST class 8 room bungalow close In on paved street, tun concrete basement, furnace, fire place, built ins, garage; you can't beat this for $-1250, term $1500 down. S. R. Tearson, 210 211 U. S. bank bldg. aj GET A HOME Good bungalow. south. Salem, plasterea, iigms bath, sewer, basement, good lot 50x150, east front, for $2000 or $1000 down. H. E. Brown, over Busick's store. Stale and Com merclnl. a FOR dry wood phone 783W, price right. eeT4 FOR SALE 4 ft. and 16 inch old fir. Phone 981M. ee87 4 FOOT and 16 Inch old fir and second growth. Phone 981A1. ee89 WOOD FOR SALE Nice 18 inch and 4 foot second growth fir wood. Phone 254, or after office hours, 622. ee96 FOR SALE Good oak and sec ond growth fir timber. Osborn Farm, 1 mile east Turner on pavement. b72 OUR autcmounted wood saw gives SEKV ICE WOOD SAWING Phone 1131 ee76 FOR SALE Fifteen horse power. three phase usea electric motor, complete, guaranteed same as new, 20 per cent discount. West Side. Gravel Co.. Salem, Or. c74 FOH SALE Best grade mill wood. maple, second growth and old fir, 4 ft. or 16 in. prompt deliv ery. Phone 1542, Fred K. Weils. Sir, S Church St. ee SPECIAL PRICES in car load Ion In old fir, also mlH wood In 16 Inch or 4 ft. lengths or by the cord. Salem Fuel Yards, T62 Trade St. Office 529. Phones, res. 20F.R. Theo Zleman. Cha Snris. Props. e WANTED Furniture, tools, more 011. etc. i ELECTRICIAN Secure my fig ures on wiring oy oontract or bv ins nour. at nr.WA nrinfML i 1 a jvij-s-'Iiim flhiN,nnHi., lL-?sr. pnona izutj, mi uuniona, ato. 822 Slate 857 FOUND A way to keep linoleum - 84 from cracking, buckling and! CITT SCAVKNGliIIt tuning-, uti my leaflets on I SALEM i-ernianeni linoleum r loors and "How to Care for Linoleum" Max O. Buren, 178 N. Com'l. k LANDSCAPE GARDENERS If you nave not already engaged a gardener for the season give us a inai. we are the only first class landscape a-ardenera ln Ha. 1 lem. Iufer Bros, phone 661. m2; SCAVENomn iiurk: and refuse of all kinds removed by the month at reasonable rates vwKvw.a ana aesd ani mals removed. Day phone 167 nignt phone 1698R. ft. o. Cum- FARM LOANS THE TOGGERY A oomplete line mane 10 order clothes, ladles and gent's cleanlna. Dress! nar. re pairing and altering. Work oail-i ea ior ana delivered. Phone 842. 1875 State. m84i buildinu Loans made may "1.1Mb iiKf rem. l.lfa, Fire, Health, Accident. In demnlty. Liability and Auto In surance written. ... C BOHRN8TEDT 401 Maaonlo Temple. Ha I em. Or WANTED Used household goods, MARION-POLK twin, man buiis ana anesa, Desc cash price paid. Liberty Ex change, 241 N. Com. phone 841 m FINANCIAL LANGS hot blast fuel saving rang es, np. Let us explain why ws cut your luei Dill ft. Peo ples Furniture store. 271 North uomme clal street, phone 784, REAL ESTATE rv,ii.,, t.-. . - .... in Loan association has money to loan at six per cent. W. D. Hmtih !T"?ta7treaur8r. " Salem Bank of Commerce. AKAGE8 5 cwnaa reuliurvea and repaired. JffB- UI I Oil, WJLL trade 48 acre farm, bottom UNION Auto repair ahop. acety- ND NURSERY has sales yard ln back of office, (40 Stats street south of court house. Large gooseberry plants. Owing to some countermands. SALEM Nursery company, fruit ana ornamental trees, small fruit and roses. Phone 1768, 421 Oregon bldg. OPTTC1AX8 GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur dette, optometrist Bow Optical Co., 825 Btats street. OSTEOPATHY " DR. W. L. MERGE II. osteopathia phrsioian and surgeon. Kirks villa graduate, 404-408 U. a Na tional bank bldg. Phones, offloa 818, residence 614. DRa WHITS AMD MARSHALL,' osteopathia physicians and sur geons. 808 U. 8. bank building. Phone 188. Dr. White, resl deooa phone 468; Dr. Marshall, residence phone 834. rfixos GEO. C. WILL, pianos Dhooo- grapha, sewing machines, sheet niusio and piano studies. Re pairing phonographs and sew ing machines, 482 State, Salem. PHO'roi.RAPHT DK LUX 83 studio. Better Dhetoa. 14T N. Commercial. a miNTING A SATISFIED customer returns Rowland Printing Co., Phont 1612, over Pattern book store. ItEl'AIIUNG STEWART'S Repair ihoTi TVf i-ouri at. umbrellas and cutlery land, machinery and stock, foi nouse and lot ln Sulem, Owner. 1660 N. Com'l St. n7 FOR SALE By owner; fine farm. in crop; accept residence or im proved tract as first payment.. .box A 10 Capital Journal. aT5 lone welding, 488 Ferry street. 11. D. BARTON, Exlde batteries. nu generator work, 171 o. Commercial. FOR SALE 5 acres, small house. 1 mile from car line. Price $1160, small payment will han die. D, US. Hart, 871 State St. n AUTO Electrician, expert trouble mioouug. ass w. Jllgh St. phone 0j. a HAT BLOCKING MB.N S and women's i-eno-vated, blocked and trimmed, 448 Court, C. B. Ellsworth. liEMsfrrtiiiNG "OR SALE 25 acres fine soil, all cultivated, stocked and equlp- hPlI rn!n 1. 1 -V. ..... t $6000, terms. D. M. Hart. 57 1 1 SAL.EM. Eilte. hemstitching, chain- State street. n "tcning, pleating, buttons. -inuiiiiiiB mil neeuiework. Phone 379, 38D Oreson bllde. . FXJR SALE 6 acres near Jeffer son road, ft mile from street 1 car line, by owner. Mrs. J. R. Pennington, Rt. 4, Salem, Or. b72 G. C. PATTERSON, shoe repairing shop. 143 a. Liberty St. STOVES rebuilt and repaired, tt rcu experience; Depot Na tional and Ameriecan feuce, alias 86 to 68 inches high. Paints, oil and varniehes, eto, logan berry and hop hooks. Salem 1'ence and stove Works, ltd Court street. Phone 124. TRANSFICll JUNK trades - Bring sn your trades ana we may match them. Near ly 200 trades listed. Wm. Flem ing, 341 State street. Establlsh- eq 1909. 1 WANTED Rugs and secondhand goods of all kinds. Cupltal Junk company, phone 898, 216 Cen ter street, MKitOHANT TAHiOR fine tailoring, 384 WANTED Maternity nursing in private houses. Phone 1B94.T. I WANTED Washing and ironing. Phone 1694J. 186 WANTED 30,000 loganberry plants. Harry Lanum, Rt. 4, Sa lem. 173 WANTED Old fir In carload lots. Phone 981M. or address 2217 Fairground road. 172 WANTED Hot water incubator. 150 to 250 egg size, also brood er. Box V S. 172 WANTED Wood sawing, garden plowing. Wheeler, phone 1904J. . m76 WANTED Old mattresses to make over. Phone 18, Capital City Bed ding Co. m OR EXCHANGE for Salem res- laenee property good 9 room house and garage, four acres, lots of fruit, in Falls City, by owner. Write Box 296, Fall City, Or. ft73 M. A. KSTES, State street. MOTOltCVt'LlOS LLOYD E. KAMHHKN. Indian motorcycles and Duyton Bicycles 887 Court street. MOVING, storing and shipping of household goods, fireproof storage. First class w ood and coal. Larnier Transfer Co. phone 930. 0 O R EG ON TRANSFER AND STOR AGE CO. Ambulance service. Cars washed and polished. Ex cavating, plowing and fertilizer. Wood and horsei for sale. a iiojie if, e WATFJt CXJMPANV SALEM WATER COMPANY Of- flce, corner Commercial and Trade Sta. Bills payable monthly In advance. Phone 87. e JkUSCfcLLANEOIJS FOH TRADE 320 acres farm Mlnnesotu $8000; will trade for Willamette valley land around baiem, must have some Improve ments. Write to owner, P. Grav en, Rt. 8, box 144, Salem, Or. n7S REAL ESTATE RANCH FOR PACK TREATMENT We have the most complete treatments for germ and acid diseases, blood poisoning, inflammatory rheumatism and all chronic dis eases. 1Q a. Com'l, room 84, op. .poslte Ladd A Bush bank. t$ - M'DOUOALL kitchen cabinets, un doubtedly the finest ever pro duced. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial. m RUNNING board linoleum. neau carpets, auto enamel, bcr carpet. Max O. Buren, N. Com'l. ton-rub-178 q WANTED Flat top office desk with disappearing typewriter feature. Address C N H Capital Journal. Hf iu DOWN, $10 month, $800 to $1000 each, t lots on Cepltol St. between E snd F St., psved street, all Improvements paid. Davis A Holman, 111 Second St. Portland, Or. n80 SALE Have left Oregon permanently hence offer my rancn for sale, 82 acres, six souinwest or ealem, com prising commercial prune orch ard, soma timber and rood but torn lund. two atorv house, him silo, etc., perpetual sorlna. Bur- gain price $100 per acre. See my "r w. tt. irindle, Bank of commerce building, Salem, Or. b72 EXCAVATING and general team work, gardens plowed, fertilizer rurnisnea. prices reasonable. R. C. Gamble. 786W. m7l wanted Furniture, tools, ma chinery, stocit, etc. Will buy foi cash, or stll on commission. Phone oil, Woodry. tho suotion eer m WANTED . Insurance solicitors. whole or part time, for North American Life of Omaha, Nebr., old line mutual; good territory snd liberal commissions. Ad dress George Young, Junction City, Ore. g72 MISCELLANEOUS THE MILLER, apartments rooms, 633 Ferry Rt. BEST paper hanging up. I'hone 1S06M snd 590 $3 room and m.76 FLEMINGS FAIR DEALS A dandy 8 room bungalow, com plete and spot possession, $3800. Another with aurare. furnace open fire, pared street, east front, walking distance. An extra good uui, ftlUIJ. 4.1.. ... . RjiTiPT.Tii'R. jl uriuiun I . wun an extra room KA.Dl.LlrF A WARING I nnd con to xl.i. ho,,.. . t7ii,i A-l poultry ranch, consisting of 1 About one third cash down. Iheee three are the cream of my WM. FLEMING 347 State street. Established 1909 10 acres ln small town near s. lem, fully equipped with 6 room residence, poultry houses, Incuba tor and brooder houses, incuba tors, brooders, reed and 500 hens. Good business In baby chicks, with orders for all of this spring's out put, only 10000 including stock WHY PA r RENT7 One whole block of rood eerden and equipment. Terms or soldier I s.rouna, no gravel, good bulldln ""1 ulla 111 HEMSTITCHING. 648 State M.ret. ; Singer Sewing Machine Co. ni 96 loan. 6 acre poultry and berry ranch, 88 rods from city limits of Salem, 8 room modern house, good barn and other outbuildings, water system in house. $5800 terms Will consider house ln Salem. 18 acres on Howell Fralrlo, all In cultivation, no buildings, beet of soli, 9 miles from Balem. $2260 easy terms, or city property. " acres v, mile from small town. 8 miles from Salem, 18 acres cultivation, well and spring. New fi room house. 84200: will take a house in Salem for part. we nave some good proposlnoni- for ex-service men. If you have fl little capital to put with your loan We want city property to trade for acreage or farms. Ken us ai , once. RADCLIFF A WARING 841 fitnte street. a7fi sits, 10 large lots, all fur $760, $16 cash. $16 each month until paid ior, wiinout interest. 8 room plastered house, 1 good lots, bsrn and garage, north Sa lem; a snap at $1500, easy terms. Ten acres close In on paved road 6 room house and good barn, half in mill. A splendid home, for $7, 500; will consider good Hale in res idence and terms on balance. Small house and 6 lots well lo cated for only $1000, $100 cash, rest like rent. If you want a good 6 acre tract with 7 room house, close In, we have It for $2000, $260 rush rest like rent, for soldier's loan. 14 you want an exchange in any kind of property, we can match you. JOSEPR BARBER A SON 200 Gray bldg. REAL ESTATE New S room bungalow $2700 cash $500 balance $26 a month! 6 room bungalow close ln, base ment, fireplaoo, built In features, garage, $3500, good terms 8 room modern home on Stats street, fireplace, well built ln, cor ner lot 100 by 160, variety of fruit, garage. $5250. ' WINNIE PETTYJOHN iJjffJ2gl. PjL""'1 m- BBST BUYS AND EXCHANGES IS acres, 13 cultivated, 8 stumps, running water. 4 room house, good barn, coops, family orchard. pavement. 14 mils tram good team, 2 oows. t oaives, car riage, wagon, plow, harness, tools 00 chickens. Frloa 84000 Imiia cash or will sell on soldier loan 8 room house, tarn tvi ... line, large lot. Price ur.n. sell on soldier loan plan. want isuv to $5000 loan on coun try or city property. 8 room house o rent. 8.1a n month. SOCOLOFSIf-r 341 State street. e GOOD BUYS AND EXCHANGES 80 acres, all in crop, I room house, barn, on main Dayton Wheatland road. Price $7504 600 down or will trade for rro. eery or merchandise stock Equity of $uoo and soldier loaa for modern house or acrem? ,iAU in. 25 acres close In, buildings, 19 acres In fruit and berries, all Im plements and tools go. Price 81 L 500, $6000 down. all cultivated, down balance II I.N.1I, WANT AOS PAI re meant one thing, and Jeff another. (Copyright 1920 by International Feature Service, Trade Mark registered In the U. S. inc.) 1 1 7fTn I Lime jc-ff, THe Tje??, o rou "bct i dV J cos up th. . V MurT-sP.J VIIl "y SlL? ) t CADDY Kj. Umiw OLb iUDSC "-2 j 1 1 IW A TRAFFIC JAM- JvJtG HCtOSIs!) '1' lUMrVAffft I V 8 acres close In, Price $1500, $800 easy. Ileal Estate and Fire Insurance W. H, ORABENIIORST & CO. 275 State St. 17. S. hank bldg. FOR EXCHANGE 25 acres seven miles from Sulem with buildings, seven cows, calf, fine homn, all tools, farm machln ory .crop, all for $1500. 2 'i acres with fruit and ber rie, good 6 room house, b4fh, chicken house; want house Is town. Fine modern 7 room house anil other buildings, place all In fruit, close ln; want house in Salem. If you want to wall, trade, list with me. 11. L. MAUSTEItS 212 Orsy bldg, fihone 907. " LEGAL NOTICE " NOTICI-: 4F III.AKIVG OK 1 I.M.AI, At -4 Ul Vi ta llw County Court of Ilia Stat of Oregon for IImi (oumy of Mitrton In the matt.-r of the estate nf Daniel Durbin. deceased. Notice Is hereby ulven. that the final account of Frank W. Durbin, dmluisrrator of the estate of Dan iel Durbin, deceased, has been filed In the oouuty court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Marion, nnd that the 17th day of April. 1922, at the hour of tea . o'clock ln the morning of said day has been duly appointed by the court us the time for heating all objections to said final account and the settlement thereof at which time all persons interested ln said estate, may appear and file ' obj-ictloiia thereto ln writing and contest the same. FRANK W. DURBIN. Administrator of the estate ot Daniel Durbin, deceased. Thar are still lot of liberty loving Irishmen who are determ ined that no tyrannical govern ment shall take their war awa from them.