TUESDAY, MARCH 14, The Self CapitafeJournal SUBSCRIPTION RATES By carrier 50 cents a month, $6 a year. By mall, In Marion and Polk counties, one month 50 cents, 3 months 11.25, 6 months $2.25, 1 year $4.00, Elsewhere 50 cents a month, $5 a year. Entered as second class matter at Salem, Oregon. mail Member ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press la exclus ively entitled to the use (or pub lication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper and also lo al news published herein. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Advertising representatives: W. D. Ward, Tribune bldg.. New York city. W. S. Stockwell, Peoples Gas Diag.. unicago. ills. CLASSIFIED RATES Rate per word each Insertion 2 cents, three Insertions, 5 cents, one week, 8 cents; one month, 20 cents; one year, per month 12 cents; minimum per ad, 21 cents. First Insertion only In New To day. City ads cash in advance. and not taken over phone, unless advertiser has monthly account. No allowance tor phone errors. NEW TODAY $700 BUYS 4 room house. Inquire 1096 Chemeketa St. a64 FOR RENT Nicely furnished apt 590 Union. jfid TOLOUSE geese eggs 26c each Phone 50F24, G. C. Mlllett. f67 FOR RENT 3 ' housekeeping rooms, o y i AiarKet. 166 RHODE Island Red setting eggs, i per setting, pnone 111F14. f64 WANTED 2 or 3 room unfurnish ed apt. by March 22. Box 410 Journal. 164 LOST Overland crank March 10 on Garden road, leave at Quack- en busn s. OWNER accept good auto as part payment on modern house. Box 100 Caplal Journal. ati:: FOR RENT Five room house partly furnished on N. 16th reasonable rate. Call Ranton phone 838. j64 ATTRACTIVE new spring suit, size 17, cost $25, will sacrifice. Phone 1199J, 336 N. High, room FOR SALE 6 acres full bearing cherries, prunes, loganberries, i miles south near highway, $2400 J. E. Crothers, Tel. 9F4. b64 SCHWEIZER imported robes and dress goods for sale at 3 1 2 Court street. Mrs. Fishers' room 2, Mrs. Woodworth, rep. c67 WANTED By experienced wo man dishwashing in restaurant or work by the hour of any kind Phone 1395J. 62 FOR SALE 95 acres, 40 in 8-year old prunes, ralr buildings, on paved highway. Price $15,000, terms. V. E. Hart, 371 State St. b NICE 5 room cottage, close in, mostly modem; fruit. Price, for quick sale $1600, terms. S. R, Pearson, 210-211 U. S. bank bldg 13 ROOM apartment house, finest location in Salem Income $165 per month, 7 rooms reserved for use of family Price $5000 See Ed Loose, 370 Vb State St. 62 WANTED To rent 5 or 8 room furnished house by rename par ty; permanently located here; will pay satisfactory rental. Phone 478. 62 $200 DOWN will buy 4 acres. Join ing city limits, 6 room house, good, with full basement, barn. etc. Price $2800, soldier's loan will handle. S. R. Pearson. 210 211 U. S. bank bldg. b MATCHED team of bay geldings, 6 and 7 years old, wt 2600 lbs., well broke and sound. Phone 1855. 1 block east of 17th street car line on Garden road. Roy Rae. e64 SACRIFICE If sold by April 1st, strictly modern 5 room house, good condition, sewing room. sleeping porch, built In features. Extra toilet downstairs, full ce ment basement, fruit, berries. In auire 860 B street. a64 $7500 TAKES a 10 acre tract, 7 bearing prunes, 1 strawberries, in raspberries and logans, good 7 room plastered house, to,. nhlnlran hnuafl 3(100 cash balance to suit. Soldier's loan will handle. ueai wun own er. Box Rl Capital Journal. 62 FOR SALE 6 room house in east Salem, on paving, lot 66 by 157, house In best condition, modern conveniences, 15 bearing rruit trees. Price $3300, cash $500, balance $25 a month. Winnie Pettyjohn, 831 H State street, phone 534. il FOR SALE 160 acres of good timber south of Salem. Price $65 per acre. Well improved 9 acre tract close In, will take good house as part payment. Pricr $14,000. Good 9 room house at 1595 S. Commercial St. Price 14500. ' ' H. Grabenhorst & Ci "7S State treet. nS3 Let's see! Ain't Oshkosh in the Bush League? (rr,Tue boss is Picking Hi TH ittTW AMt A LOT OF TYe RECRUITS A Of- t;rTiM& TH- lNFie.eC-'. tte vWrW.-T- see Yo-. 7t-: i-L ' c t-- 7777 ' Ts . t 1 1 1 hi 4-. . ! -CtJ MIC 1 v ;ji ' " ft -. - - " ' 1922 MadeM NEW TODAY FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, inu vwuri street. 184 FOR SALE 4 ft. and 10 Inch old nr. finone shim. ee87 WANTED Small furnished house. adults. TAW Box 255. US FORD car, overhauled, no starter. i-an evenugs 1120 Chemeketa street. a, 1920 FORD touring, cash and ra-ms. -an alter 5 o clock 255 S. 14th St. iti FOR 8ALE Potatoes at $1.50 per sack delivered. Phone 373 eve nings after 6. c67 YOUNG man, bookkeeper and typist wants Position, reforono Box E A Capital Journal. h64 WANTED Immediately, setting hens, phone 1149J, 1971 Market street. 62 EGGS Rose Comb Reds, extra layers, 7 6o setting, $4 hundred. Phone 63F2, f64 FOR SALE 5 room house, mod em wun oasement, N Commer cial street. Call 2047R. a64 LOST Bunch of keys, finder leave at office 221 S. High St. and receive reward. 62 WANTED Two or three unfurn ished housekeeping rooms, close In. Phone 1550 during business hours. 164 WHO has Salem house to value $2000, to trade for 12 acres. Im proved? or rent. Phone 1206M, 655 N. 20th. a64 WOOD for sale. Nice four foot old fir, and four foot, 16 inch second fir, priced right. Phone 254, or alter office hours 622. e LOTS for sale on N. 21st street In Burlington addition; small fruit on lots. Call at 1296 N. Commer cial. a64 GET dolled un free of rharra. Pall 640 and make appointment for Wednesday with our Beauty specialist. This Is done to make your acquaintance and demon strate our work. Oregon Bath house. 62 BARGAIN $1150 will buy 5 acres good soil, all cultivated, one acre fruit, house 16x24. located M mile from Salem $350 will han dle. For sale this week only. Farm for rent. S. R. Pearson. 210-211 U. S. bank bldg. b For Sale Houses FOR SALE By owner, 7 room bungalow, with basement. Phone 896W. a75 NEW 6 room house, beautifully located on prominent street, east front, completely furnished at $8700. Gertrude J. M. Pago, 492 North Cottage. a 6 ROOM plastered house, lights, bath, etc., basement, good lot, fruit, close to Grant school. $2600 on $500 down. Brown, over Busick's, State and Com mercial, a ONE of the new attractive homes in Salem, completely furnished with Knabe piano and victrola, mahogany furniture, Haviland dishes at $13,000. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage. a WORTH WHILE 6 room house on paved street, lot 50x150, lots of fruit, in excellent order, both inside and out, '2 blocks to car. 1 block to school. Price $3300. $500 down balance $25 month. Miles & Copley. a FOR SALE At Monmouth, Or., 6 room house, near the bank, three closets and bath, modern except basement, new range, other household goods, large wood shed, hen house, etc., 2 acres of land. Will sell or trade for Sa lem property. Phone 821W. a85 IF YOU are looking for a good home, this may suit you. Is 6 rooms and a basement, electric lights, bath, and toilet; fruit, berries, shrubbery, etc., well lo cated on N. Cottage street. Price $3500. See L. A. Hayford, 305 State street. a For Sale Farms FOR SALE By owner; fine farm, in crop; accept residence or im proved tract as first payment. Box A 10 Capital Journal. a75 SPECIAL 10 acres well improved close in on paved road. Price $6000, to trade for larger farm, will pay some cash difference. Thomason, 3314 State St. b FOR SALE 5 acres near Jeffer son road, mile from street car line, by owner. Mrs. J. R. Pennington, Rt. 4, Salem, Or. b72 A BARGAIN for quick sale. 5 acres close In, 6 room house, barn and other out buildings, make a splendid poultry ranch. Only $2000, good terms. Joseph Barber Son, 200 Gray bldg. b FOR SALE $100 down and $10 per month, 6 percent Interest buys 10 acres of as good a fruit soil which lays south of Salem. All cultivated land. Price $1250. W. H. Grabenhorst Co, 275 State street. b62 FOR SALE 6H acres tract all cultivated. 5 acres three year old Italian prunes, 3-4 miles east of Pacific highway, 4 miles .south. Price $1500, $150 down, balance easy terms 6 percent Interest. W. H. Grabenhorst Co., 275 State street. 1)62" For Rale Miscellaneous FOR SALE Caroline Testout rns- . iir ntn 4u a. a-t'.n. " W: Yoo diW't J.;T ;$ co -(?.- H Atf-T II nvy eye on You ':. RMAWt. Keep om THe ' . You out to THe HAVie A CKAN-- " . ' " J Fr,re -n.ir, u,,! " . ' B-MCHAAJt) I'lAi ' V'W VMSCOf-51- . SJ FoPARC'GWLAft n ' -- ycoy 60N Cfi THAT U0M66RMN' . V 1 I BSRTH OM THe ( ,- ( hfOO GGT IMTH- -, ue AGw ririti l on--o, y .-mmmm 1 .Kjw-, 7 : Hk0,rt. M 11 t r- c y i : - -r- i n r - i . i l'li i i Aitrr i - iurr v rJFTr: lawn i &pv iii it r a---- tn H i . ff Ar ri --i i- ' a -x"! r r. -(- x an Relieves thejWorldof aLarge For Sale Miscellaneous FOR. SALE Clover hay. ter street 312 Wa c62 WHITE Leghorn eggs 60c setting. Phone 2F4. f62 FOR SALE A nice Shetland pony entrap, t-none 1146J or 933. e62' SWEET cider, Com'l Cider Works, 30c per gal. phone 894. c4 FERTILIZER, green and well rot ted. Phone 1961. c62 FOR SALE Black Minorca eggs lor setting. Phone 1348R. 165 FOR SALE Bargain, orchard trac tor plow, i-Dottom. call 126. S c62 TRUCKS for sale. Call me If you are Interested In a good truck any size, pnone 1043M. q62 FOR SALE S. C. Black Minorca eggs for hatching. F. P. Wells, 805 S. Zlat street. f72 CARROTS $8 por ton; garllck 5c per lb. 2 miles east of Brooks, W. L. Gaskill. c62 TONNEAU carpet, rubber mat ting .running board linoleum, auto paint and enamel. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. q LOVE BIRDS $5 pair. To adver tise new store. Cage and supply list free. Imported Rollers our specialty. E. B. Flake, birds and flowers, 273 State, Salem. m KATZ.MA Imported grass rugs, suitable for sleeping rooms, din ing rooms, etc., 8x10 size, special $4.84. Max O. Buren, 179 North Commercial. m JUST RECEIVED Another car of that good Utah coal. Order now and save fifty cents per ton on deliveries from car. Capital City Transfer Co. phone 933. c62 KNABE piano, victrola, beautiful rugs, first class furniture and one of the best homes In Salem, prominently located, $13,000. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 North Cottage. a I HAVE beautiful furniture for living room, dining room, kitch en and 3 bed rooms, complete for $1250. Gertrude J. M. Page 492 N. Cottage. DRY ground sheep manure .for lawns and gardens, $20 per ton or $1.25 per single sack, deliver ed In city. Clifford W. Brown, phone 115. c65 EGGS for hatching from Ancona, Stingley and Shepard strain, $1.60 per setting. Phone 817, or see Cooley's grocery, N. Church street f73 FOR SALE Two-bottom 12-inch steel John Deere gang plow, good order; nearly new John Deere 8-16 disc harrow, double disc plow $10. Kent Bros., one mile north Rickreall. c62 For Sale Wood 16 INCH old fir and 2nd growth. Phone 981M. ee63 GOOD cook stove wood already split, oak and fir. Phone Judd 108F3. ee62 OUR automounted wood saw gives SERVICE WOOD SAWING Phone 1181 ee76 FOR SALE Best grade mill wood, maple, second growth and old fir, 4 ft. or 16 in. prompt deliv ery. Phone 1542, Fred E. Weils, 305 S. Church St. ee aPECIAL PRICES in car load lots in old fir, also mill wood in 16 Inch or 4 ft. lengths or by the cord. Salem Fuel Yards, 762 Trade St. Office 629. Phones, res. 2058. Theo Zieman, Chas Soos, Props. ee For Sale Livestock FOR SALE Lot of good family cows, all high bred Jerseys ana Guernseys, fresh. At 249 South Church street. e62 FOR SALE Three thoroughbred Berkshire gilts 7 months old; 2 thoroughbred O. I. C. sows 1 years; ten stock pigs 8 weeks old. David C. Ramseyer, 2 miles east of Pratum, phone 27F2. e62 For Sale Automobiles FOR SALE Ford sedan. See own er, 200 Gray bldg, phone 790. q FOR SALE 1920 Dodge, new tires In A-l condition, $600. Phone 1156M. q6i REBUILT Dodge, good rebuilt G. M. C. truck. W E. Burns Dan Burns (Not Brothers the Same Man) High street at Ferry. q USED CARS Overland $275 Reo $250 Buick $775 Olds coupe $1150 Chevrolet $150 Mitchell $770 Maxwell $150 Chevrolet $175 Oakland $350 Buick 4 cord equipped $350 Studebaker $250 Cadillac $250 1921 Studebaker $117$ Dodge $450 Many other bargains. Auction sale of used ears every Saturday. OLESON-ROOK9TOOL AUTO EXCHANGE 173 8. Liberty St. phone 666 q67 FOR RENT FOR RENT 3 or 4 housekeeping rooms, garden patch. 1427 Fair mount. Jfi2 FOR-REN"T Neatly furnished housekeeping rooms, at reason nhle rates. 3434 N. Com'l, Cot- tel Ants. J66 I m rTiiTT-eA-e-5. f mvjtt, I've- ha V TJ ft -U" pie too sooii n-. TT f S- foe FARM-cO THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON FOR RENT FOR RENT 4 room bungalow. 708 S. 18th St. phone 750W. J68- FOR RENT Nice apt. 699 N. Cot tage. J65 FOR RENT 6 room modern bun galow, furnished. Call 1156M. J63 FOR RENT Store room, the rear 100 feet at 175 N. Commercial. Wm. Neimeyer. J FOR RENT 4 acres, was In clov er, plowed last fall. Want some one to out in potatoes, on shares. Inquire Rt. 6, box 9B. J62 FOR RENT Choice two, three or four room apartments, three hlnnlrn from ettnl. 1(11(1 Oak street, phone 1979W. 16 FOR RENT House with garage. family orchard, garden spot and out buildings. Phone 105F12. A. A. Nafzlger, Rt. 7, Salem. J64 FOR RENT 1 3-4 acres, hi mile . from canine. 6 room house, elec trie lights, some fruit, best of soil, $2a month. SIX room house on Saginaw St. $20 month. Leo N. Chllds, 540 State street. J62 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Washing and Ironing. Phone 1694J. 186 WANTED Two small pigs. Call 87F4 after o'clock. 162 WOOD sawing. Fisher Bros. Quick service. Phone 2046. ee77 WANTED Furniture, tools, eto. Phone 511. 1 WANTED Maternity nursing In private houses. Phone 1694J. 1- WANTED To rent or lease 6 or 7 room home In good locality. Phone 1777J. 163 AUTOMOBILE mechanic wanted who has a small amount of cash. Box A W Journal. g66 WANTED Wood sawing, garden plowing. Wheeler, phone 1904J. m76 WANTED Old mattresses to make over. Phone 19, Capital City Bed ding Co. m WANTED Flat top office desk with disappearing typewriter feature. Address C N H Capital Journal. Hf EXCAVATING and general team work, gardens plowed, fertilizer furnished. Prices reasonable. R. C. Gamble, 736W. m76 WANTED Furniture, tools, ma chinery,, stock, etc. Will buy foi cash, or stll on commission. Phono 511, Woodry. the auction eer, m MISCELLANEOUS BOARD and room $8 per week, at 545 Ferry street. 164 CALL 604R for spraying, first class work guaranteed. m63 FIREPLACES, flues, tile and brick work, phone 517M, F. Bath. 165 tUriMtfV t loan rn farm hiiwl. T. a. Mayrora, 3t atate at. m- FOR sawing wood and huuling, plowing, garden and! team work done. Phone 1694J. m76 VETERINARY hospital and board ing stable. 420 S. Commercial St. phone 1961. c66 IF you want carpenter work or shingling done, phone 1899M. TRADE Work team and harness on touring car. Box B9 Capital Journal. 163 SAFETY razor blades sharpened, Hinkle & Marquis barber shop, 335 State St. m86 DRESSMAKING Plain sewing beading $2.50 per day. Call Y. W. C. A. 165 $3000 TO LOAN on farm security. Anderson & Rupert, 406-7 Ore gon bldg; m62 WINDOW washing, now is the time, prompt service. Phone 1802, windowman. m62 BOARD and room, also meals by week, close in. 495 N. Commer cial street. J65 ARCHIE C. FLEENER, electrician phone 1016. Wiring by the hour or contract. m63 SEE J. W. Mauley, cellar digging, manure, heavy team work. Cher ry City barns, phone 199. m65 CLOTHES washed, starched and dried, not over 25 lbs. Called Tor and delivered, $1. Mrs. Nunne mak er, phone 1181R. 162 SEE LEE (Eyerly) and let him give an estimate on your repair Job. Rear Hudson & Essex Sales. 246 State St. q66 ELECTRICIAN Secure my fig ures on wiring by contract or by the hour, at pre-war prices. H. W. Hatch, phone 1292J. m THE TOGGERY A complete line made to order clothes, ladies and gent's cleantng, pressing, re pairing and altering. Work call ed for and delivered. Phone 842. 1875 State. m84 CLERKS Young men, women. over 17, desiring government po sitions, $125 monthly, write for free list of positions now open. J. Leonard (former civil serv ice examiner) 1087 Equitable bldg., Washington, D. C. 16 3 PLCMBING, repairing and coil work, reasonable charges. A. L. Oodfry, shop foot of Union Rt. Phone 1397J. 102 WANTED Used household goods, tools, men's suits and shoes, best cash prico paid. Liberty Ex change, 241 N. Com. phone 841 MISCELLANEOUS LANGS hot blast fuel saving rang es, $48 up. Let us explain why we cut your fuel biu H. Peo ples Furniture store, 271 North Comme-clal street, phone T4. ENDURANCE pure paint, Vltro lite highest grade enamel, Cre ola white dry disinfectant paint 15c pound. Shingle stain 49c gal lon, Kalsomlne 11c pound. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. c FURNITURE prices are coming down: Iron beds $6; Yum Yum springs $3.75; cotton mattresses $8, oak dining chairs $4, all steel army cots $3.50, oak buffetts $29, hardwood dining tables $13.70 feather willows 98o, adult rock ing chairs $3.75, high chairs $3.95, breakfast tables $3.75. chairs $1.98. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial. c REAL ESTATE SPECIAL 50 acres of unimprov ed land 9 miles south. Price $4500. Will trade for prune farm not over $9000. Thomason, 331V4 State street. b EX-SERVICB MEN 20 acres fine sandy loam, 7 miles out on good road, 17 acres under plow; easy terms or state loan. DeWltt Pearcy Bros., 210 Oregon bldg. b63 FOR SALE By owner, 20 acres suburban home, good set of buildings, including crop, locat ed near Eugene. Or will trade for Salem house. Get informa tion at 665 N. Winter St. house in the rear after 4:80 p. m. b82 TO TRADE for Salem property to value $2800, 5 acres fine Improv ed, Joins city McMlnnvlllo, Or., on north. Price $4600 cash or trade, mortgage $1250 to run 4 years. Owner, 2005. Ferry St., Salem. b63 RANCH FOR SALE Have left. Oregon permanently hence offer my ranch for sale. 83 acres, six miles southwest of Salem, com prising commercial prune orch ard, some timber and good bot tom land, two story house, barn, silo, etc., perpetual spring. Bar gain price $100 per acre. See my attorney W. II. Trlndle, Bank of Commerce building, Salem, Or. b72 GET A HOME 20 acres, east, part timber, good soil, close to paved road, $1750, terms. 18 acres all cultivated, good soil, northeast of Salem. $2250. Vacant lots and houses to sell. H, E. Brown, over Busick's store State and Commercial. n REAL ESTATE WANTED Have S acres apples $2000. Want Salem house to $4500. Have Salem lots $2500. Want small farm equal value. Have good ranch $u000. Want Salem house $6000. Have irrigated ranch $12,000. Want Income $20,000. KINNEY L. HYDE REALTY CO Eugene. Or. n62 FOR SALE 10 acres of bearing prunes, 1 acre building spot, barn, near Salem on good road. Price $5000. Will take soldier's loan and small payment. 7 room plastered house, modern conveniences, lot 75 by 166, ga rage, all newly painted; Price $2900, cash $300, balance $25 a month. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 33H4 State fit. phone 634. n BEST BUYS AND EXCHANGES 37 acres, 14 bearing prunes, i acres logans, small house, barn, on rock road, 6 miles from Ladd Bush bank. Price $155 per acre. 100 acre dairy, best of soil, first class modern improvements, pho tos at our office; will take smaller ranch. Price equipped $35,000. 17 acres, about 12 acres in fruit. fair Improvements, on Pacific high way, all equipment goes; will take strictly modern bungalow as pnrt pay. 15, 20 or 30 acres to sell on sol dier loan plan, prices right. Money to loan. SOCOLOFSKY 341 State. n GOOD BUYS 9 room house located on S. 25th street, bearing fruit. Price $1800, $600 down. Good six room house, corner lot, garage, basement, paved streets modern except fireplace and furn ace. Price $4400. $1200 down. Large lot, 75 by 197 feet, on Mill street, paved, old house. Price $1050 cash. Two good lots In West Salem to trade for Ford car. 3-4 acre tract, south, close to car. Price $600. Easy terms. 60 acre tract of fine land to trade for house and lot W. II. GRABENHORST dc CO 275 State street. A CALIFORNIA HOME Three acres bearing walnuts and well built, almost new five room modern house with many built in features, basement, garage, etc. Corner location In heart of fine Orange county, California, town of six thousand population. An In come from walnuts and place Is worth more than price asked for building lots. Price $15,000 and owner will take city or country near Salem to full amount. Rubmll rul I particulars to us in first letter for prompt action. SI UNA. M REALTY CO. Anaheim. Cal 245 W. Center St. n7 ART PHOTOGRAPHS tinted, lessons In oil painting, frames made. Mrs. E. J. Bullock. 212 S. Cottage, phone 1620M. ACCTIONKKR F. N. WOODRY the live stock, furniture, real estate auctioneer. Phone 511 for aale dates. Res. 1610 N. Summer. G. SATTERLEE, auctioneer. Real estate and stock sales. Cash for your sale notes. Phone 1211J or 1177. Office 414 Ferry St. CHIROPODISTS A. J. FOSTER, chiropodist, for corns, Dumons, etc. azz eiaie, troi 67 CHIROPRACTORS DR. BRADFORD, graduate and post graduate of the First Char tered Chiropractic college In the world. Ten years practice. Con sultation and examination free. Phone 626, rooms 818-19-20 Oregon bldg, CITY SCAVKNGKR SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed by the month at reasonable rates Cesspools cleaned and dead ani mals removed. Day phone 167, night phone 1698R. R. O. Cutn mings, Mgr. FARM LOANS BUILDING LOANS MADE be repaid like rent. -May Life, Fire, Health, Accident, In demnity, Liability and Auto In surance written. A. C. BOURNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or. "FINANCIAL MARION-POLK County Farm Loan association has money to loan at six per cent. W. D. Smith secretary treasurer. 303 Salem Bank of Commerce. GAUAGKS recharged and repaired. Degge- Burrell. UNION Auto repair shop, acety lene welding, 488 Ferry street. Phone 422. R. D. BARTON, Exide batteries, starter and generator work, 171 S. Commercial. AUTO Electrician, expert trouble shooting. 238 N, High St. phone 203. HAT UlAH'lilNU MEN'S and women's hats reno vated, blocked and trimmed, 495 Court, C. B. Ellsworth. HKMSTITt'JllNU SALEM Elite, hemstitching, chaln- stitchlng, pleating, buttons, stamping and needlework. Phone 8 7 9, 329 Oregon blldg. MRS. F. E. MULL, hemstitching and fancy work, oer Miller's store. Phone 117. JUNK WANTED Rags and secondhand goods of ail kinds. Capital Junk company, phone 398, 215 Cen ter street, MKRCHANT TAI1XJK M. A. ESTES, fine" tailoring, 384 State street. MOTOIICYOLFS LLOYD E. RAMSDEN, Indian motorcycles and Dayton bicycles 387 Court street. REAL ESTATE TO TRADE I have 10 acres al falfa land at Hermiston, Or., to trado. What have you 7 Phone 112F13, b2 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 20 acres with 6 acres of flue lo ganberries, small house, good burn and chicken house, grain, team and farming tools; this is first class, will sell at a sacrifice. If you want something worth while iook this up. I have a general mercnanatse store for sale, one that is doing three thousand per month and can be made much larger. If you want to buy, sell or trade see If. L. MARSTERS at 212 Gray bldg, phone 907. GOOD BUYS AND EXCHANGES 5 rooms, new and modern, pav ed street and car line, good buy fur $3200. 7 rooms plastered and modern except basement; snap for $1600. Only $150 down balance like rent. Good lot on car line for xdu with $50 down and $10 per month. Store and fine dwelling house to trade for Portland property. Maxwell car to trade for lot. 48 acres of timber land to trade for prune orchard. 10 acres Improved orchard ana berries and guod dryer, trade for house. 7 room house and 2 lots with fruit to trade, for small tract not over 6 acres, must be clone in. THOMASON 33 m State street. ALBERTA land, eigh quarter sec tions, prosperous district, will divide and exchange for Salem property. Apply owner, Wm. E. Bradley, phone 92K3. b70 (Cupyriglit 1920 by International Trade Mark registered In the U. S. Responsibility MOTOKCXCIES "i HARRY W. SCOTT, 'The Cycle Man," 147 S. Com. Phone 68. KCRSKRY STOOrI FRUITLAND NURSERY has sales yard in back of office, $40 State street south of court house. Large gooseberry plants and a few more Italian prune trees lft- SALEM Nursery company, null and ornamental trees, amall fruit and roses. Phone 1763, 428 Oregon bldg. OPTICIANS GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur deue, optometrist. Bow Optical Co., 326 State street. OSTKOPATHY DR. W. L. MERCER, osteopathic physician and surgeon. Klrks vlllo graduate, 404-405 U. 8. Na tional bank bldg. Phones, office 919, residence 14. DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, osteopathic physicians and sur geons, 606 U. S. bank building. Phone 859. Dr. White, resi dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall, residence phone 834. PIANOS GEO. C. WILL, pianos phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Re pairing phonograph and sew ing machines, 432 State, Salem. PHOTOGRAPHY DE LUXE studio. Better photos. 147 N. Commercial. PRINTING A SATISFIED customer returns Rowland Printing Co., Phone 1512, over Patton book store. REPAIRING STEWART'S Repair Shop, 347 Court St. Umbrellas and cutlery G. C. PATTERSON, shoe repairing shop, 143 S. Liberty St. STOVES rebuilt and repaired, 60 years experience; Depot Na tlunal and Ameriecan fence, aize 26 to 68 inches high. Paints, oil and varnishes, etc, logan berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street. Phone 124. TUANSFKll MOVING, storing and shipping of household goods, fireproof storage. First class w ood and coal. Lnrmcr Transfer Co. phutu 930. OREGON TRANSFER AND STOR AGE CO. Ambulance service. Cars washed and polished. Ex cavating, plowing and fertiliser. Wood and horse i fur sale. Phone 77. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Of fice, corner Commercial and Trade Sts. Bills payable monthl) In advance. Phone 67. MISCKLLAN HOUR PACK TREATMENT We have the most complete treatments for germ and acid diseases, blood poisoning, Inflammatory rheumatism und all chronio dis eases, 109 S. Com'l, room 34, op posite Ladd dt Bush bank. 71 LEGAL NOTICES NXI'Jt'UTOIl'S NOTIC10 Notice Is hereby given, that tin undersigned was duly appulnteo executor of the last will and es late of Clarlana M. Walker, deceas ed, by urdur of the county courl of the state of Oregon, for Marion county, on the 15lh day of Febru ary, 1922. and he ha duly quali fied as such executor; and that al, persons having claims against said estate are hereby requested to pre sent thidr respective claims, dul verified, with proper vouchers, ti the undersigned executor, at the office of John Bayue, 341 State street, Salem, Oregon, within s!a months from the date of this no tii e. Dated February 21st. 192i2. THOMAS V. WALKER, Executor of the last will and es tate of Clarissa M. Walker; de ceased. HitKltlFKti NOTICF, OF BALI, of ileal Proper! y on l'oretloaiurr Notice is hereby given, that b) virtue of an execution duly issued out of the circuit court of the stuti of Oregon, for the county of Ma rion, and to me directed on tht 20th day of February, 1922, upon a Judgment and decree duly ren dered, entered of record and dock eted in and by said court en tht 6th day of February, 1922, in a certain suit then in said court pending, wherein H. E. Olmsteaii was plaintiff and Ada Al. Craw ford, E. J. Crawford and Kathcr ine Rchleef, were defendants in favor of plaintiff and against said defendants by which execution 1 am commanded to sell the proper ty In said execution and hereinafter described to ptiy the sum due tht plaintiff of $636. 00 dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of "i per cent per annum from the 6th Feature faervlce. Inc.) PAGE SEVEN Tornado Wrecks (Continued from page one) nado which passed through the northern part of this county early today. The) storm passed through northeastern Jefferson and south' eastern Loneoke counties about 1 a. m. wrecking m houses and buildings, according: to passengers arriving on a train from the storm section this morning. Wires In the storm area are down and de tails are meagre. The settlement of Gethsemano, near the Loneoke county line was tha scene of the wirst damage. Bodies of six negroes had been found fn the wreckage there up tq 9 a. m. and reports from the sur rounding counties said that at least four white persons had been killed. One Town Demolished Baton Rouge, La., March 14. Sunrise, La In West Baton Rouge parish, was practically obliterated this morning by a tornado. Two persons were killed, 16 Injured nd a number of dwellings were temoltshed. Sulphur, Okla., March 1. One man was deau and half a do in other persons were In a hos iltal, seriously injured today as a result of a tornado which Hppex! through the West End of this ;lty late yesterday, wrecking ibout 60 buildings, with property damage estimated at f 100,000. Several ot the injured were not ixpected to live. ' . Approximately ISO persons are .loineless. They are being cared or In undamaged residences. V. Hampton, 70, who was taken loin the wreckage of a house In a terioua condition, died late last light In a hottpltal. The tornado evelled a path two blocks In .vldth and more than half a mile ong. lay of February, 122, until paid ind the further Bum of $66.00 at .oruey'a fees together with the :osts and disbursements of said lult taxed at $26.00 dollars and costs and expenses of said execu tion. I will on Monday the 27th lay ot March, 1922, at the hour ot 10 o'clock a. m. of said day at the west door of the county court house in Halem, Marlon county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand n the day of sale, all the right, litis, Interest and estate which said lefendants and all persons claim ng under them subsequent to the .'xecutton ot plaintiff's mortgage in. of and to said premises heretn jefore mentioned and described in said execution as follows, towltr All of lot No. one (1) In block Vo. eleven (11) In J. Myer's addl .lon to the city of Salem, Marlon county, Oregon, according to the recorded plat thereof. Said sale being made subject to redemption in the manner provid d by law. Dated tills 21st day of Febru ary, 1922. O. D. BOWER. Sheriff of Marlon county. Oregon BALEM MARKETS Complied from reports of Sa lem dealers for the guidance of Capital Journal readers, (Revised daily.) Oraln: Average valley wheat (bulk) $1.06. Hay: Cheat hay $11312; oat hay $11012; clover hay (bulk) $10. Wholesale Prices Meat: Hogs $10.50 11; dressed hogs 14c; top steers 6c; cows ta; bulls 6 '4 c; lambs l',e; dressed veal litilihic. muter and eggs: Eggs 16c; light hens 16 18c; heavy hens 22c; old roosters 8c; springer 19 22c; stags 12016a. Oiitterlal: Uutterfut 5c; cream ery butter 39 -'40c; country butter :)0(g32c. Vegetables:Oregon onion $7. cwt; beets $2.50 cwt; Oregon cab hugo H'.o lb; green peppers 30c lb; cauliflower $2.25 per crate; pota- . toes $1.76 cwt; California lettuce $4.00 per crate; Arkansas sweet potatoes $2.60 bushel; celery $1.60 hwen; radishes UUc doz; parsley ,)0c doz; tomatoes $4.60 crate; Ijroccoll $2.26 crate; red cabbage IKc lb. 'rults: Oranges $696; lemons $H; bananas 9c; California grape fruit $4.00; Florida grape fruit $7.60. Itctail Prices Butter and eggs: Eggs 20 22c; creumery butter 45c; country but ter S5fe 37c. Portland Markets Portland, Or., Mar 14. Cattle steady; receipts none; choice cattle I7.60fa 8.00; medium to good $6.76 W7.76; fair to medium $6.26(9 1.75; common to fair $a.254c6.25 choice feeders $ 5.00 ft 5.60; fair to good $4.fiO((ji5.tio; choice cows and heifers $6.00 6.50; medium to good $0,2616.00; fair to medinm $4.505.25; common cows $3.59 -4( 4.;u; canners $ 2.00 &v 3.60; bulls $:i.60 w 3.76; choice dairy calves $10,004; 10. SO; prime light $a.00in 10.00; medium to light $6.50 9.00; heavy $4.506.50. lloirs steady; receipts none; prime light $11.50011.62; smooth heavy 220 to 300 pounds $10,250 ll.;t.rt; 300 pounds and up $0.25 10.25; rough heavy $7. 609.35; fat pigs $11. 60U 11.75: stas $6$ . Hhe'P steady; receipts none; east ot mountain lambs $1,00 9 14.60: best valley $11(011.50: culls $6.00 ft 8.00; feeders . 004 10.00; light yearlings $10 11.00; heavy $7.00fff 10.00; light wethers $9.60 4(10.00; heavy $90960; ewes $6 4i'6.25. Putter steady: ex. cubes 3t93a cartons 31c; prints I8c; bntlerfat No. 1 35-38c fob Portland; un der grades 33 9 34c. Eggs: Belling case count 20 2 Jo buying price 20 22c; selling price ' candled 34c; selected , candled f in cartons 28c. Poultry: Hens light 22c: heavy 26c; broilers nom; heavy 2Spl7c; ' old rooaters lOftlle; gees nom -' ducks S4Q27o; turkeys 15 0 37a dressed. Wheat: Hard white 11.16: soft white $1.24; white club $1.14: red " Walla $1.21; hard winter U.K. Mill run $2792$; Mil $S.0 ' 35.16; corn No. 1 yellow $21. 28.35; hay, timothy, valley 111: al falfa $1$. 10 14; new grain mixed $16; clover $11; straw $1.