Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 28, 1922, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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The Idea Is That The
By carrier SO cents a month, $6
a year.
By mall. In Marlon and Polk
counties, one month 50 cents, S
i,ntha 11.26. 6 months $2.26, 1
year $4.00. Elsewhere (0 cents a
nionm, Jz '
Entered as second class
pin iter at Salem, Oregon.
The Associated Press ia exclus
,..i untitled to the use (or pub
Ucatlon of all news dispatches
iTro.iited to it or not otherwise
credited In this paper and also lo
cal news puuiwuo"
Audit Bureau of Circulations
a .i.vBrtieing representatives:
V. D. Ward Tribune bldg.. New
vvlr CitV.
W. S. Stockwell, Peoples Gas
nnia Der word each Insertion
a three Insertions, 5 cents.
weak. 8 cents; one month, 20
.tun: one year, per month 12
.nt! minimum per ad, 26 cents.
first insertion only in New To
day City ads caah in advance,
and not taken over phone, unless
advertiser nos wwiium o.uuuuua..
jjo allowance for phone errors.
20 ACRE BARGAIN, all in culti
vation, watered by spring, no
buildings, 4 acres strawberries,
2VS, acre in loganberries, is lo
oted in a good fruit section, 7 H
miles south of Salem. Price
$3100, caah to handle $1000. See
h. A. Hayrora, auo outie pi.
EXCAVATING and general team
work, gardens plowed, fertiliser
furnished, prices reasonaoie. n.
c. Gamble. 736W. m76
FOR SALE White .Leghorn lay-
ine hens, one year old, $1 each
Phone 89F23. 60
FOR SALE Fine oil paintings for
$2 up. 92'5 N. zutn street. du
oTaTc. White Leghorn eggs, $1
per setting, special price by the
hundred; baby chicks. Mrs. J.
T. Tweed. 60
FOit RENT 5 room house, close
in, no small children. Call 1168
N. Commercial. 60
FURNISHED room with board for
gentleman. Phone 10U3J. 61)
FOR SALE Good lot on S. High
street. Price $300, terms. Krue-
ger, Oregon bldg. a62
FOR SALE Reo 4, like new, drlv
en 7200 miles, must sacrifice.
Phone 1683W. 60
FOR" SALE 15 White Leghorn
hens; 1 Fordson tractor outQt.
Write Boys' Training school, S.
E. Wright. f55
WANTED Early seed potatoes,
suite kind and price. Chas. Chris
tianson. Rt. 1. 60
FOR RENT 'Very nicely furnish
ed sleeping rooms, strictly mod
ern, furnace heat, 434 N. High
street. J51
FOR RENT Apartment on 340
Mission street. Inquire at 824
S. Commercial St. j52
FOR RENT 475 N. Capitol St. A
modern new three room apart
ment for two. Furnace heat,
front private entrance, tele
phone, garage if needed. Apply
617 N. Capitol St. Phone 1390R.
new modern 14 room apartment
house, cement basement, 2 fur
nacea. 680 N. High. 60
FOR SALE 21 room apartment
house, completely furnished, big
Income, close in. 341 State, Saw
yer and Emmett. 60
NEW 6 room bungalow, immedi
ate possession, $600 cash. $2700.
341 state St., Sawyer and Em
mett. 50
FOUND Check on California
bank; call and identify. Capital
Journal. 50
FOR SALE Steel range with coll,
$15. Inquire at 1457 Market St.
. 60
FOR SALE New five passenger
Paige automobile, very reason
able, Glenbrook model; good
reason for selling. Call at 607
Center street. 60
$2400 BUYS a 5 room house and
bath on Mill street, $500 cash,
balance terms. Krueger, Oregon
bjdg. Phone 217. a51
FOR RENT Very nice unfurnish
ed housekeeping apartment, gas,
furnace heat. 1892W. J62
WANTED Furnished house or
apartment by young couple. Call
Pgfis shoe store. 151
FOR SALE 5 room modern new
bungalow, Dutch kitchen, east
front, paved street. Price $3800.
terms. Krueger, 208-209 Oregon
. u,dg- a61
1'Olt SALE Horses and sprayer.
i.u jory, Kt. 3, phone 36F4. 50
FOR RENT 7 room house, phone
2069R. 52
ulu fir and limb
phone 108F3.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping
rooms, hot and cold water, elec
tric lights. $8 month; 1 large
front room $10 month. 116S
ierry St 50
The little follA-trr rv,ie.nr1vr,tr,'' TTvtt. that's ?11
i - 1 : ' L I - i 1 '" " 11 r j ,,., ' ;- ' 'i' '
( UTTLe cicgro is gonna
wants somc tbyeb csss
to 'Play wmV.
SS' ' ' S Si ' ' ISS 1
28, 1922
LOST Onyx and gold brooch Mon
day. Please leave at Capital
Journal. 6()
WANTED One or two good work
'horses, around 1400 lbs; also
one or two good milk cows. John
uruvoi, inaependence, Rt. 2,
WANTED A brooder. Phone 4F2
Wanted Married man with
gpod team to work In hop yard
plowing, etc., by the acre, house
and barn furnished; wife can
keep boarders. Give reference
and full particulars. Box 48
-Journ?1; g55
REMINGTON typewriter, No. 10
visible, In fine condition, $35.
Room 2 over Gale & Co, store.
,?7 x? -Housekeeping rooms
" ' vuurcn. KQ
Pad oat t r
v, , 0 acrea logans and
cherries. 3 miles south, phone
F0.h ln. tin condition, $175. See
-...o aur o;ov p. m. K.
well, 112Q Chetneketa.
R. Col
oriit-iAi-10 acres, fair build
ings, good dryer, 6 acres prunes,
1 acres strawberries, stock and
machinery for $5500; take house
in Salem and balance terms.
-"""a, 'sift State St. b61
For t?ttwh irrr- r
, '-r"om ana one
r"hm 'urnisned apartment.
Phone 630. - Kn
tunKBNT-! room furnished or
unfurnished apartment, close in
Phone 495W. A,
For Sale Houses
FOR SALE By owner, modern
bungalow. 825 N. 20th St. a52
FOR SALE By owner, 7 room
bungalow, with basement. Phone
896 W. -75
FOR SALE Bungalow, close In,
spienaia condition, cheap.
Phone 1390W. a60
GET a home worth it. 6 room plas
tered, bath, etc., 1 lots, good
soil, car line, for $2100 only.
Brown, over Busick's, State and
NEW BUNGALOW $600 down, S
blocks State street, east Salem
6 large light rooms, front and
back porch, all ready to move
into. Price $2700, terms like
rant. S. R. Pearson, 210-211 U.
S. bank bidg. a"
galow, good condition, basement,
paved street, east Salem. $1760.
Good lota priced right. Brown
over Busick's, State and Com
mercial, a
APARTMENT house bringing
big income, close in, always oc
cupied; 8 room house on paved
street in very best condition at
reasonable price; 7 room house
completely furnished close ln; 8
room nouse ngnt in town, turn
lshed or unfurnished; lots on
Daved street $350 each. Ger
trude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage
St. phone 1186.
For Sale Farms
FOR SALE 23 acres near Salem,
good buy, by owner, phone
2091J. b53
FOR SALE By owner; fine farm,
ln crop; accent residence or im
proved tract as first payment.
Box A 10 Capital Journal. a75
FOR SALE 6 acres near Jeffer
son road, Vi mile from street
car line, by owner. Mrs. J. R
PAnnine-tnn. Rt. 4. Salem. Or.
GET A HOME 10 acres, part in
Harriott, irood Boil. for $1500,
worth It. Brown, over Busick's
store State and commercial, o
A RARGAIN for quick sale. 5
acres close in, 6 room house,
barn and other out buildings,
make a splendid poultry ranch.
Only $2000, good terms. Joseph
Barber & Son, 200 Gray bldg.
FOR SALE 13 acres 2 miles
from Salem, 6 acres bearing
prunes, balance mixed fruit and
garden, 6 room house, barn and
chicken house, water piped to
house; on mail route and grav
eled road. See us. Krueger, Ore
eron bldg. b50'
SALE OR TRADE 73 acres, 3-4
mile from town. 67 ln cultiva
tion, 7 room house, barn, well
fenced, county road, fine soil.
Price $8500. Good terms or will
take some city property in trade.
DeWitte-Pearcy Bros., 210 Ore
iron bldg. b50
For Sale Wood
FOR wood sawing and hauling.
phone 1694J. eeb5
16 INCH old fir and 2nd growth.
Phone 981M. ee63
NICE dry second growth fflr wood.
John H. Scott, 228 Oregon bldg.
GOOD cook stove wood already
split, oak and fir. Phone Judd
10RF3. ee62
FOR SALE Best grade mill wood,
maple, second growth and old
fir 4 ft. or 16 in. prompt deliv
ery Phone 1542, Fred E. Weils.
.-V n m -I. O, ftp
SPECIAL PRICES in car loaa iui
in old fir, also mill wood in 16
inch or 4 ft. lengths or by the
cord. Salem Fuel Yards. 752
Trade St. Office 529. Phones
res. 2058. Theo Zieman, Cha?
Soos. Props.
- Mrvs is all nwtd (THet tooKTRiLeM f jefF, rtAve W "(no fBuT x HAi a P 7vme
Lac: t Nevefc th. eueR hai ant - .rVr! .- couple for AseADj
) I V EG6" Before' J UTw MM W ..Efr, l BRAKPAT I W AK .
y r . . ' .. . .. . i i i wuh u it .im i ptzi--sA that upRe i i k r-ncw. -xv-
- '-. I KNOW HOW IV I V i . e-t -r--MSs3 " " : I f S ' X
For Sale Miscellaneous
FOR BALE Rhode Island Red
hatching eggs. Phone 60F24.f54
FOR SALE Iron gates,
264 N. Front St
FOR SALE Violin,
1155 N. Llb
cSO FOR SALE Good Bayne wagon.
629 N. Winter. - c50
FOR SALE Orocery stock ln Sa
lem. If Interested see us, Krue
ger, Oregon bldg. c50"
FOR SALE Duck eggs, goose
eggs and White Leghorn hens.
Phone 84F4. f50
CANDY salesman would line some
thing to carry as side line. 988
3. Liberty St., Salem. 160
FOR SALE Thoroughbred R. I.
Red eggs for hatching, $1.60 per
setting. 1385 N. 4th. foO
FOR SALE 3. C. Black Minorca
eggs for hatching. F. P. Wells,
805 S. 21st street. f72
FULLER Brushes, local represen
tative, Grimes, 541 Mill, phone
1937J. m54
CARROTS $8 per ton; garllck 5c
per lb. 2 miles east of Brooks,
W. L. Gasklll. c62
CLOVER hay; pure Barred Rock
hatching eggs. A. A. Naftzlger,
Rt. 7, box 151, phone 106F12.
AUTOMATIC shooting gallery for
foae; wiu iraae. ior fora.
C. C, Shoemaker, Yoncalla, Or.
TONNEAU carpet, rubber mat
ting .running board linoleum,
auto paint and enamel. Max O.
Huren, 179 N. Com'l.
FOR SALE 1000 gallon windmill
tRIlk a nd whont vnnrl a a naiir
Price $67. 265 S. 15th, phone
10B1AI. c63
LOAN WANTED A loan of about
$1200 at 7 per cent, good town
property (renting for $25 a
month) as security. See Wm
Fleming, 341 State St. !
DRY ground sheep manure for
lawns and gardens, $20 per ton
or ii.zb per single sack, deliver
ed in city. Clifford W. Brown,
phone 115. c59
EGGS for hatching from Anconu.
stlngley and Shepard strain.
$1.50 per setting. Phone 817, or
see Cooley's grocery, N. Church
street f73
For Sale Livestock
mares, wt, 1300;
Call 64F11.
3-year old
fresh cows.
FOR SALE 8 head of plain work
norses and light wagon. Barn
across from O E depot. e51
FOR SALE $100 buys one span
of young mares, 11 hundred lbs.
Phone 107F31. e50
FOR SALE No. 1 fresh cow and
calf. Heavy milker. 1175 N. 17th
street. e50
FOR SALE Fine lot of high
grade Jersey and Guernsey cows,
all under five years of ago, at
249 S. Church. e54
FOR SALE 2 cows, 1 about to
freshen and an old cow cheap,
on tne Hollywood road H mile
off the Silverton highway, Bes
sie Everson, admx. e51
-For Sale Automobiles
BUICK 6, late model, If you are
looking for a good buy call
1089M. q51
FOR SALE, 1920 Ford coupe, wire
wheels, heater and other extras.
Phone 368. q60
GET a genuine Silverbeam spotlight
direct from factory. A bargain at
W. E. Burns Dan Burns
(Not Brothers The Same Man)
High street at Ferry. q
FORM for rent. Write A X capl-
tal Journal. JS1
-House, 2123 Broad-
FOR RENT Modern furnished 2
room apt. and kitchenette, adults
only. 690 N. Summer. J50
FOR RENT Store room, the rear
100 feet at 175 N. Commercial.
Wm. Neimeyer. J
FOR RENT 4 room unfurnished
apartment with bath, adults.
References required. 1123 Hlnes.
FOR RENT Store room at 220 S.
Liberty St., suitable for small
shop. See Otto Klctt, 475 State
street. i
FARM for rent 4 miles west of
Hubbard, Or., 22 acres all in cul
tivation, good house and barn
and all In first class shape, most
all plowed and ready to seed.
Cash rent $150. Call 420 S.
Commercial. J51
Wanted Miscellaneous
WANTED Small pigs. Call Wm.
Oldenburg, phone 95F13. 160
WANTED Furniture, tools,
Phone 511.
WANTED Maternity nursing lr
private houses. Phone 1 694 J. I
WANTED To trade 12 extra good
dairy cows for Salem property
Carrier 4. The Dalles, Or. 152
FOIt RENT After March 1st
building at 254- S. Liberty stree'
Inquire Capital National ban!
Bonus;: Will Put The.
For Sale Miscellaneous
WANTED Old mattresses to make,
over. Phone It, Capital City Bed
ding Co.
for I years, will pay 1 per cent,
rood security. Thomason, 231 Vf
State street. 150
WANTED Boys from e years up
ror Cherrybud band. For Infor
mation phone 621M or see Chas.
Hebel, 1638 Falrmount ave. g56
WANTED Furniture, tools, ma
chinery, stock, etc. Will buy for
cash, or Mil on commission.
Phone 511, Woodry, the auction
eer, m
LANGS hot blast uel saving rang
es, $48 up. Let us explain why
w cut your fuel bill tt. Peo
plea Furniture store, 271 North
Commercial street, phone 734
WANTED Used household goods,
tools, men's suits and shoes, best
cash prico paid. Liberty Ex
change, 241 N. Com. phone 841
NURSE, hospital experience,
engaged. 449 N. High.
d is
ARCHIE C. FLEENER, electrician
phone 1016. Wiring by the hour
or contract. m63
SEE J. W. Manley. cellar digging,
manure, heavy team work. Cher
ry City barns, phone 199. m66
IF you want carpenter work or
shingling done, phone 1899M.
OUR automounted wood saw gives
Phone 2024R. - ce7$
ELECTRICIAN Secure my fig
ures on wiring by contract or by
the hour, at pre-war prices. H.
W. Hatch, phone 1744W. m
PLUMBING, repairing and coil
work, reasonable charges. A. L.
Godfry. shoo foot of Union St.
Phone 1397J. 162
10,000 MILE guarantee against
stone bruises, rim cuts and blow
outs. The Hydro-Toron Tire, for
sale by Yew Park store, I2tn
and Leslie, phone 9. ' q52
ENDURANCE pure paint, Vitro-
lite highest grade enamel, Cre
ola white dry disinfectant paint
15c pound. Shingle stain bUa gal
Ion, Kalsomine llo pound. Max
O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l.
YOTJNO men. women, over 17, de
siring government positions $130
monthly, write for free list of
positions now open. J. Leonard,
(former civil servloe examiner)
1087 Equitable bldg., Washing
ton, D. C. g51
FARMERS Until March 1st 1
will give a first class job of
valve grinding on any make 4
cylinder tractor for $3.50. Es
pecially equipped service oar to
do overnaullng at your larm.
Leave order at Vlck Bros. Chet
Way, res. phone 91F5. q
FURNITURE prices are coming
down: Iron beds $6; Yum Yum
springs $3.75; cotton mattresses
$8, oak dining chairs $4, all steel
army cots $3.60, oak buffotts
$29, hardwood dining tables $13.70
feather willows 98c, adult rock
ing chairs $3.75, high chairs
$3.95, breakfast tables $3.76,
chairs $1.98. Max O. Buren, 179
N. Commercial. - c
80 ACRES of timber land for sale
or trade for Salem property. In-
qulre at 1192 N. 18th. b58
5 ACRE bargain for $1250, all cul
tivated, good soil, 1 acre straw
berries, house 16x24 feet,
mile from Salem. The terms are
easy, $372 down. S. R. Pearson,
210-211 U. S. bank bldg. b
A 44 acre fruit farm; this Is
good and close to Salem; 28 acres
of fine young fruit and good build
ings, priced very low and will take
part in city property, good terms
on balance.
48 acres of good timber 9 miles
out, trade for city property.
4 room house large lot with fruit
good buy, $1350.
We have some good farms to
trade for city property.
331 State street.
GOOD building lot, on S. High
street, paved and paid for; a
good buy at $500. R. A. Mohney
209 Oregon bldg. a
FOR SALE or trade, prune and
cherry orchard, crop payments.
Phone 1390W. b50
FOR SALE 40 acres seeded to
fall grain, good buildings. Price
$4500, D. E. Hart, 371 State St.
LOTS Several choice east front
lots on paved street In fine local
ity. Priced right. Terms. DeWltt
Pearcy Bros., 210 Oregon bldg.
ALBERTA land, eight quarter sec
tions, prosperous district, will
divide and exchange for Salem
property. Apply owner, Wm. E.
Bradley, phone 92PS. bB4
THIS MAY Interest you. I have a
first class orchard close ln, will
take a good city residence part
payment. See Wm. Fleming, 361,
State Btroet. b
NON-RESIDENT anxious to sell 5
acres ln south Salem, close to
McKlnley school, on rock street.
Good view, nice home site. A
bargain at $1600. R. A. Mohney.
209 Oregon bldg. b
TRADE 12 acres, small house,
barn, acres ln Iogans, near
mall town, 14 from Salem; will
take ln small house and lot or
lots up to $1500, balance your
.. own terms. Inquire 655 N. 20th
Laflar & Laflar
406-7 Oregon bldg
For stages, taxi cabs, trucks
and private automobiles.
406-7 Oregon bldg.
FOR EXCHANGE 45 acres all
cultivated, with good 8 room
house, barn and other buildings,
hot and cold water with bath
and toilet on good road 3
miles from town, will take house
up to $3600 on place and terms
on Balance. It you want to sell,
Duy or trade see H. L. Marsters,
212 Gray bldg.. phone 907. b
Well Improved 160 acre farm lo
cated in Sterling county, Colo. Will
traae for good Drune orchard or
farm, ln the Willamette valley.
18 acre tract all cultivated, best
of prairie soil. Price $2260, $600
down, balance terms.
10 acre tract. 3 acres lotrans.
family fruit, 4 miles south. Will
trade for house and lot. Price
Three fine lots on Falrmount
hill, 150 by 150 feet, beautiful
view. Price $1250. $200 down
balance $25 per month, 7 per cent
Modern 7 room house located at
463 north Winter Btreet Price
Good 6 room bungalow, east
front. Price $2900, $1000 down,
balance terms, 6 per cent interest
Fine east front lot on south
Commercial street, shade trees,
Price $860.
If you are looking to buy, trade
or sell, see
275 State street
15 acres timber, 4 miles of Sa
lem on paved and macadamized
road, running water, $2000, cash
balance 5 years 6 per cent.
20 Vi acrea all cultivated, fenced,
rock road, 8 miles out, the best of
sou, $120 per acre, casn bal
ance 6 years. 6 per cent.
30 acres close in, all cultivated,
some Improvements, will take resi
dence, bonds or mortgages to
$3000, price $4500.
30 acres. Hazel Green section,
all cultivated, fenced, will take res
idence to $2500, price $6000.
341 State street.
72 acres, equipt with Btock and
machinery, 1 mile from good town,
50 acres under cultivation, 2 acrefc
strawberries and logans, good
buildings. Price $9000, good terms
or will trade.
65 acres, Vi mile from West
SLayton, 45 acres under cultivation
balance timber and pasture, good
buildings, price $9500, Vi cash or
25 acres, 6 miles from St. Helens,
ft under cultivation, balance tim
ber and pasture, price $3000, good
terms or will trade.
10 acres, ft mile from carline
on paved road, 7 acres of bearing
prunes, 1 ft acres of logans, good 7
room house, good barn, electric
lights, for price and terms see us.
900 acres, 20 miles from Salem
on paved and rock road, this Is log
ged off land with about 80 acres
of first class timber;'' If thls land
was cleared It could all be culti
vated with a tractor, is all fenced
and a railroad station on the place,
at present this Is a flrts class stock
or sheep ranch with plenty of feed
the year round.
406-7 Orogon bldg. B0
Notice Is hereby given, that the
undersigned was duly appointed
executor of the last will and es
tate of Clarissa M. Walker, deceas
ed, by order of the county court
of the state of Oregon, for Marlon
county, on the 15th day of Febru
ary, 1922, and he has duly quali
fied as such executor; and that all
persons having claims against said
estate are hereby requested to pre
sent their respective claims, duly
verified, with proper vouchers, to
the undersigned executor, at the
office of John Bayne, 341 State
street, Salem, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this no
Dated February 21st, 1922.
Executor of the last will and es
tate of Clarissa M. Walker, de
ceased, t
off Real Property on Foreclosure
Notice Is hereby given, that by
virtue of an execution duly Issued
out of the circuit court of the state
of Oregon, for the county of Ma
rlon, and to me directed on the
20th day of February, 1922, upon
judjrmom and decree duly ren
dered, entered of record and dock
eted ln and by said court on the
8th day of February, 1922, In a
certain suit then ln said court
lending, wherein H. E. Olmfltend
was plaintiff ana yuia m. (jraw-
ford, E. .1. Crawford and Kathnr-
M. A. ESTES, fin tailoring, 184 PHOTOGRAPHS tinted, lessons ln
State street oil painting, frame made, Mr.
PHOTOGRAPH x J- u" ok 411 a Co
DB LUXE .tudio. Better photo. -2 arm uoass
147 N. Commercial. IXJANS
AL'CTlONKmt bVld Uk MADE May
F. N. WOODRY the Uv stock, Life'Tlre. Health?, Accident. In-
furniture, real estate auctioneer. demnity. Liability and Auto ln-
Phone 511 for sal date. Res. suranc written,
1610 N. Summer. a. C. BOHRNSTEDT
CHIROPODISTS 401 Masonlo Temple, Salem. Or.
A, J. FOSTER, chiropodist for GARAGES
corns, bullions, eto. 122 Bute 957 228 N High
DR. BRADFORD, graduate and Jorgid and repalr.d. Degge-
pot gradual of the Flrt Char- Burrell
tered Chlropractio college in the .,,' . . A. ,
world. Ten year praotice. Con- SALEM Auto Radiator .hop. ra-
sultatlon and examination fre. tender .p.olalUta
Phon $26, room J18-19-20 1 13th St
Oregon bldg. UNION Auto repair shop, aoty-
OPTICIANS leu welding. $ Ferry lru
GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur- Phon 422.
dette, optometrist Bow Optical R. D. BARTON, Exld batterie,
Co., 826 Stat St tarter and generator work. 17i
flNANCIAIi B. Commercial.
MARION-POLK. County Farm AUTO Electrician, expert trouble
Loan association ha money to shooting. 238 N. Hign St phon
loan at six per cent W. D. Smith 303-
secretary treasurer. 108 Salem riCTiiiPTllv
Bank of Commerce, UHTWMUH
flee, corner Commercial and j rauua wdg. VtoiDL Bttlu
Trad. St. Bill, payable monthly reB?uenc. 614
in advance. Phone 67. ., ,
"'u oteopatuio physician and ur-
A SATISFIED customer return. geono. 606 U. H bank building.
Rowland Printing Co., Phon. phon $69. Dr. Whilk, resi-
1613, over Patton book store. deuce phon. 469; Dr. Marahau
HiuMaTUH-milNG residanu. pnon. 184. v
SALEM Elite, henitfiiictilng, chain- HAT 11LOCKLNG
stitching, pleating, buttons,
stamping and needlework. Phone MBiN'S and women . hau rno-
3 t Oregon bldg. vated, block.d and trliuuied, 49o
'Ci.j i. ,,"o , r-T- Court, C. B. Ellaworth.
MRS. c. E. MILLER, hemstitch-
lg, at iulo N. Commercial, KIJ'AJLRLNG
pnone 1362 W. 4 STEWART'S Repair Shop. 345
MRS. F. E. MULL, hemstitching Court St, Umbrella una cutler)
and fancy work, over MUler'e
store, Phone 117. u,. c. PATTERSON, shoe repairing
PIANOS shop, 148 B. Liberty St.
GEO. C. WILL, pianos phono- tiiOvES rebuilt and repaired, tv
graphs, sewing macuines, sheet year experience; Depot Na-
music and piano studies. Re- tioual and American lunce, sue.
pairing phonographs and lew- 26 to 68 inches high. Paints,
uig machines. 432 State, Salem. o1' and varnishes, eto., logan-
berry and hop hooks Salen,
NIHKI.,,V K. ir Ferni and Stove Work, 26u
"H"MiJtlt SPOllt. Court Btreet Phone 124.
FRL1TLAND NURSERY ha sales ithankwi.-h
yard ln back of office, 640 State lHaMsiUJl
Btreet south of court house. OREGON TRANSFER AND ST OK
Large gooseberry plants and a AGE CO. Ambulance service,
few more Italian prune trees Cars washed and polished. Ex-
left. cavating, plowing and fertlllz-
SALEM Nursery company, fruit Wo a,ld horBe Ior 8ale;
and ornanioiital trees, small fruit Phone 7 7.
and rose. Phone 1763, 421 ore- CITY SCAVENGKIl
gon bldg. aALiiM SCAVENGER Garbage
MOTOKCYCLKS and refuse of all kind removeo
LLOYD E. RAMSDEN; IndlSn' tile """"" ' reasonable rates
niotoicycle. and Dayton bicycle. Cesspools cleaned and dead anl-
x 7 Onlirt hi mala removed. Day phone 167,
' night phon. 1698R. R. O. Cum-
rglfffoo HARRY W. SCOTT num. Mgr.
fmflBil Tfa nCyclui. Mtt?' mTscicixaneous
"nr 147 aCo,U h0n9 "J PACICTREATM ENTS-W" have
the most complete treatments
zzi for germ and add diseases,
WANTED Rag. and secondhand blood poisoning. Inflammatory
goods of all kind. Capital Junk rheumatism and all chronlo die
company, pnon 191, 216 Can- ease. 109 S. Com'l, room 84, op
ter striiet posit e Ladd & Bush bank. 75
Ine Schleef, were defendant ln
favor of plaintiff and against said
defendant by which execution I
am commanded to sell the proper
ty ln said exeoutlon and hereinafter
described to pay the sum due the
plaintiff of $636.00 dollars, with
interest thereon at the rate of 7
per cent per annum from the 6th
day of February, 1922, until paid
and the further sum of $66.00 at
torney fees together with the
costs and disbursements of said
suit taxed at $26.00 dollar and
costs and expenses of said execu
tion. I will on Monday the 27th
day of March, 1922, at the hour of
10 o clock a. m. of said day at tne
west door of the county court
house ln Salem, Marlon oounty,
Oregon, sell at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash ln hand
on the day of sale, all the right,
title, interest and estate whioh said
defendants and all person, claim
ing under them subsequent to the
execution of plaintiff's mortgage
ln, of and to said premises herein
before mentioned and described ln
said execution a follows, towlti
All of lot No. one (1) in block
No. eleven (11) ln J. Myer's addi
tion to the city of Salem, Marion
county, Oregon, according to the
recorded plat tnereor.
Rnlii aula be I ivar made subject to
redemption in the manner provid
ed by law.
Dated this 21st day ot rcoru-
ary, 1922.
O. U. JlUWfctl,
Sheriff of Marlon county, Oregon
City Attorney Ray Smith, who
for several days has been ln Leba
non whore his father ln law, A.
M. Reeves, died recently, Is ex
pected to return to Salem this af
ternoon. Mrs. Smith will remain
In Lebanon for a fow days, It was
(Copyright 1920 by International
Trnilo Mark recistered In the II. S.
Vet In
Complied from report of Salom
dealer for the guidance of
Capital Journal reader. (Re
vised dally.)
Grain: Average valley wheal
(bulk) $1.04.
Hay: Cheat hay $11012; oal
hay 111 V 12; clover hay (bulk)
Wtiolcsalo Price.
Meat: Hogs $1 1 (J-1 1.26; dressed
hog. 14c; top steers 6c; cow. 5ftc;
bulls 3ftc; lamb. 7Vao; dressed
veal 16c.
Butter and eggs; Egg 17o;
light hens 16 18c; heavy hens 22c
old rooster. 1c; springer 1822u;
tag 12 016c.
Butterfat: Butterfat 88c; cream
ery butter 42 430; country butler
- Vegetables: Oregon onions $7.00
ewt; beet 13.50 owt; Oregon cab
bags Ifto lb; green pepper 30a lb
cauliflower $2.26 per orate; pota
to $1.7g owt; California lettuce
$4.00 per orate; Arkansas sweet
potato $2.60 bushel; celery $1.(0
Fruits: Oranges $5 6; limona
$3; banana 9c; California grapu
fruit $4.00; Florida grape fruit
Retail Price
Butter and eggs: Eggs 23o;
creamery buttor 4bc; country but
ter 25 0 87c.
Portland Market
Portland, Or., Feb. 28. Cattle
steady; roceipts none; choice entile
$6.764(17. i0; medium to good 88.00
0 6.75; fair to medium lU.dOfr
6.00; common to fair $4.605.50;
choice feeder. $5.0005.50; fair to
good $4.6010)6.00; choice cows and
Feature Servlc., Inc.)
heifer $57506.25; medium to
good $6.0005.76; fair to medium
$4.25 0 6.00; common cow ij.ij
04.25; canner $2.2503.25; bull -$3.6001.76;
choice dairy calve
$10.00 011.00; prime light $9,00 0
10; medium to light $6.60 09.00
heavy $4.5006.(0.
Hogs lower receipt 8$;
prim light $11.60011.76; smooth 1
heavy 220 to 800 pound. $10,000
11.00; 800 pound, and up $7.60'')
10; rough heavy $7.50 09.60; fat
pig. $1.60; stags $608.50.
Sheep steady; receipt 77
east ot mountain lambs $11,00 0
11.60; best valley $10010.75; otflla
$7.0008.00; feeder $8. 0008.00)
light yearlings $7.7508.25; heavy
$6.7607.76; light wether 16.760
7.26; heavy $4,76 0 6.76; wea
Butter Bteady; ex. cube 85 036c;
carton 42c; print 41o; butterfat '
No. 1 18 041c f o b Portland; under
grade 85o.
Egg.: Selling case count 20 0 2 Jo
buying price 27c; selling price
oandled 210SOo; .elected candled
ln carton 32o.
Poultry: Hen light 11c; heavy
25c; broilers nom; heavy 25 0 27o
old rooster 13o; geese nom; duck
24 027o; turkey. 17 0180 dressed.
Wheat: Hard white $1.30; soft
white $1.29; white club $1.29; red
Walla $1.24; hard winter $1.29.
Mill run $26027; oats $29082;
corn No. 8 yellow $27.60 027.7(1
hay, timothy, valley $16; alfalfa
$13.60 14; new grain mixed $1(1
clover $12; straw $8.
Bills Put Proposal
(Continued from page one)
the merchant marine naval re
serve" which the bill would es
tablish as a component part ot
any reserve force ot the United
States navy.
By amendment of section five
of the merchant marine act ot
1920. the shipping board would
be authorized and directed to sell
its ships "as soon as practical and
consistent with good business
methods" to citizens ot the United
Subsidy Bate Fixed
The base subsidy rate provided
for all vessels, either sailing or
of 1500 gross tons or more regard
less of speed, Is one half ot one
per cent per gross ship ton per
hundred nautical miles traveled.
AH power driven vehicles be
tween that tonnage and 5000 tons
gross would receive the rate ap
plying to the latter displacement.
For vessels capable of a speed ot
13 knotB or more, additional al
lowances would be provided,
ranging from two tenths of one
cent to two and one tenth cent for
vessels with a speed ot 23 knots
or more.
The shipping board would bo
authorized to Increase these rates
up to double their amount when
ever it shall determine that the
base rate Is Insufficient to induce
the operation ot lines where the
establishment and maintenance
of such Is considered necessary
"to promote the nation's wel
fare." Similarly, It will be per
mitted to reduce the base rate un
der special circumstances where
It was considered desirable.
Foreign Trade Defined
Trade between the United
States and the Philippines and
the Virgin Islands Is defined for
the purposes of the bill as foreign
trade. The definition of Buch
trade excludes that on the Great
Lakes as well as trade "between
ports ln the United States and
ports In foreign countries where
the distance between the vessel's
last port of call is the one and
the vessel's first port of call ln
the other la less than 150 miles."
The bill provides that where
net operating Income derived by
in owner from vessels receiving
the subsidy benefit exceeds ten
per cent ln any fiscal year, 60 per
cent of such excess shall be paid
to the shipping board to be plac
ed ln the merchant marine fund
from which the subsidy would be
paid, although it Is stipulated
that this shall not exceed the to
tal amount of compensation re
ceived under the proposed law.
In addition to the ten per cent
diversion of customs receipts to
create this fund, the bill provides
that It shall be derived from port
tonnage duties, taxes or fees
which would be doubled under
the bill and also the amount that
would also be payable to the post-
office department for the trans
portation ot malls.
City Purchase of
Camp Ground and
Sweeper Favored
Purchase of both the city auto
camp grounds and a new Bwccpor
for the street department appear
edto be favored by seven members
of the city council who Inst night
gathered for an Informal meeting
In the city hall. No business Was
transacted at last night's session,
but the two proposals will be
brought before the aldermen at
their next regular meeting.
A plan whereby the city would
charge 50 cents per night per au
tomobile at the grounds, was sug
gested by Alderman Ed Schunke.
who has made a close study or iJr
clty auto camp question. Last
year. It was said, approximately
5800 machines wer registered at ,
the local camp, and it Is belleTed
that fully 6000 will be here this
season. At 60 cents a machlna.
It Is thought, the city would be
able to manage the grounds in a
profitable manner.
The new sweeper, purchase of
which Is advocated both far Walur
Low, street commissioner, and '
members ot the street committee,
would cost 17500. but member, at
the council are convinced that,
throuih It anarmttAa.
could care approximately IOQO