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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1922)
PAGE FOUR THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON" THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, i922 Capitaournal Salem. Orgon An Independent Newspaper. Published every rentns except Sunda Telephone 81; newi 81 GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor and Publisher The Ku Klux Klandidate Senator Charles Hall of Marshfield, who was nominated for governor by the Ku Klux Klan and other secret organ izations in the "Federation of Patriotic Societies" has an nounced his platform. It consists of nine planks skillfully drawn to capitalize discontent by vague generalities of economies. The feature of the platform, and the one upon which Mr. Hall received endorsement of the secret societies, along with the Anti-Japanese plank, reads aa follows: The public school la one of the fundamental factors In our system of government. I favor compulsory attendance in the primary grades. Teach pure Americanism to all pupils, beginning at an early age. Continue to strengthen and build up this typical Amer ican institution. Stripped of its verbiage, this plank means the abolition of the parochial, church and private school and the compulsory attendance of all children, regardless of parents' desires, at public school. For the first time religious and racial issues are raised in: a state election in Oregon in an attempt to eliminate by sumptuary laws, the bill of rights guaranteed by the con stitution. This is the idea of "pure Americanism" referred to by the apostles of intolerance. The election promises to be the bitterest and hardest fought in years and to create a new alignment in politics. HOME WHERE MOVIE DIRECTOR WAS SLAIN - "t ' '" ' r. "- ' i f ' -p-1'. " v 101' H Nrf ugsfilr jvifeVv I 1 - J- n rJ jilt Jrrf .ff rak- BiiMiniiiiiiiiimMiiniiiiiMiiinniiM iijmi l ii iiiiii.' mil i ill nam i m i r wwiwawwii Tfarmnei ill II ill T nil ! A riew of the home of William Desmond Taylor in Los Angeles, There he was found murdered The arrow marks the room in which Taylor's body was found. Detectives are here shown consulting on the case. Open Forum Contrtbnttona to This Column must be plainly written on one side of paper only, limited to 300 words in length mad signed wltb the name of Lhe writer. Articles ntX meeting these ape cifkwuons will be rejected. Beer and Bonus Congress is seriously considering the levying of a tax on beer to raise the money for a soldiers bonus. It is estimated that a tax of 20 cents a gallon, based upon the consumption of beer before the war would yield an annual revenue of f400,000,000, while the prohibition of distilled and vinuous liquors would probably increase the sale of beer so as to yield $600,000,000, ample to finance the bonus The Eighteenth amendment to the Constitution does not prohibit the manufacture or sale of beer, but of "intoxicating beverages." The supreme court has decided that congress has the power to determine what percent of alcohol can be in all beverages. The Volstead act makes the limit one-half of one percent, though as a matter of fact two and a half or three percent beer is not held intoxicating by authorities. In addition to providing a bonus, the giving at the same time of beer, a non-intoxicating beverage to the soldiers, would make immensely for the popularity of congress with the soldier vote as most of the service men resent the pas sage of prohibition during their absence abroad. Whether or not anti-beer forces, which recently forced congress to deny beer even to the sick, are strong enough to hold congress against the beer and bonus pressure, remains to be seen. Advocates of beer declare that the passage of a beer bill will go far to puttting the boot-legger and moonshiner out of business, by providing a legalized beverage to take the place of illegal strong spirits. Such a law will mean a great deal for the prosperity of the Willamette valley as it will insure a market for hons for which th .... -. ... tu reach out for power seems to uuer me expiration oi existing contracts with English be irresistible. I have heard (bank president declare that he would much rather manage his To the Editor Much of the criticism of the Federal Reserve banking, and the Federal Farm Loan systems re 'mis-direi"iei. These institutions were created after years of careful, painstak ing investigation and thought by the most capable minds for the purpose then available, and stand now as examples of the most ben eficent constructive legislation en acted in many years. During the war period, when the public welfare was the ruling motive, both "of these systems fuuctioned wonderfully well, and fully justified the hopes of their originators. After the close of the was, however, when men's minds turned again to more intimate personal affairs, in these, as in other organizations, abuses began to creep in. These abuses are not due to, and should not be charged to faults in the plan of organiza tion, but are due to certain poli cies of those temporarily in con trol of these institutions. The tendency in commercial or ganizations to centralize control, Caruso's Baby to Choose Own Career Gloria brewers. Hops this past year brought in more money than any other crop raised in the valley and would, with the manufacture of light beer again permitted, become one of the valley's principal assets. Auto Exhaust Is Used to Kill Rats Elyria, Ohio, Feb. 23. Exhaust from autus is the latest "poison gas" employed to kill rats. The Innovation was used with success at Columbia, resulting lu the killing of eieven rats, seven bushels of sparrows and sevenal perks of mice during a campaign participated in by most of the residents of that community. A hose was attached to the ei-haust-pipe on the auto and the nozzle inserted under a barn, gar age, or into a rathole, asphyxiat ing the rodents. Canton, Ohio. Bryan Downey of Cleveland outpoints Frank Car bone of Pittsburgh in 12 rounds. Stonepile Eeturn Breed. Elyria, Ohio. Feb. 23. Local municipal officials are considering me proposal mat the old stone- pile, within a stockade, and the custom of making prisoners work on the streets, inaugurated by Mayor iteery nere twenty years ago, be revived in aa effort to check the tramp evil. Transients boycotted Elyria as long as the "work gang" existed. In an attack of acute rheuma tism in which there is much pain Ballard's Snow Liniment is a necessary part of the treatment. It is a powerful pain relief. Three sizes, SOc, 60c and $1.20 per bot tle. Sold by Dan'l J. Fry. (adv) n UI .IH.nii, DitlLiOnn, The worst that could happen never does. Those who are not afraid to die live the longest. Religions and nations grow stronger the more they are opposed. Love laughs at locksmiths, but a good watch dog gets respectful consideration. A brother is generally much astonished when someone falls in love with his sister. Overeating and underbreathing are guaranteed to land you in the cemetery ahead of time. Hez Heck Says: "Don't forgit that George Washington's reputation was made before the income tax law was passed." bank with one director than with eight or nine. Under his admin istration it would have been en tirely successful, and have served its community efficiently and well. For his successor, however, this condition would have been fraught with serious danger. It is eminently proper that the government should exercise cer tain supervision over thse insti tutions, but the policy of placing political appointees in complete control and management is wrong and should be changed. Thre is not the incentive for impartial service that exists where these po sitions are held subject to the will of the owners. uur legislators in congress are displaying a commendable spirit of helpfulness, and whatever remedial legislation mav be enact ed will naturally be alone the lines of greatest pressure. The selfishly Interested minority may always be counted on being on the ground to press its claims. Should we therefore remain dormant and allow matters to drift without voicing our needs and desires, we shall only have ourselves to blame if the other fellow gets what he wants and we, the majority, are overlooked. Instead then of attacking and pulling down splendid structures, let us strengthen and build up. where weakne?? may develop, for in this way only may we rearh perfection as nearly as human ef fort may hope to attain. John N". Plank Macleay. Or. r r, . sv . x 9 w- ,-V , . - Vil i" -'5-"-t L' - 't;A JlVt S i( " J -ii, iinMiwiniiiMiuBj-nr iiniiiiiiiMiniimriniiiiTrwirf StarUghJ By the Noted Author IDAH M"OLONH OrBSON Little Gloria Caruso, daughter of the world-famous tenor who died recently, already shows an'4iicllnation to music. Mrs. Caruso says she will exert no influence to choose a career for her daughtter, but will allow Gloria that is, when she is old enough to make her own selection. Better Business Hurley's Forecast Pasadena. Cal., Feb. 23. Busi ness conditions throughout the country have shown marked im provement in the last two months, according to Edward N. Hurley of Chicago, formerly chairman of the united States shipping board. "In January and February," said Mr. Hurley "business condi tions have shown a marked recov ery. This recovery from the tem porary depression is a remark able demonstration of tho basic soundness of our business struc ture. That very soundness forced improvement." an Beer Stein Transformed. Boston, Feb. 23. Four dozen German beer steins, made prac tically useless as beer containers by the prohibition laws, have found their way to the Simmons college salvage shop, where an in genious saleslady hag transformed them Into respectable utilitarian Cape Cod lighters. English Adopted For Universal Talk London, Feb. 23. English has been adopted aa the most suitable for universal intercourse by the Northern Pacific union, composed of peace societies in Sweden, Nor way and Denmark. ine peace union has now re quested the governments of all the countries of Europe to give opin ions on the matter. After that it intends to settle the Question by debate in aa in ternalionai congress. TJ. S. Dolphin to Be Sold. Boston, Feb. 23. The TJ. S. S Dolphin, for many years the offi cial boat of the secretary of the navy and the original ship of the famous old "white squadron went out of commission, and bids for her sale will be opened w ashlngtoa this month. The Dolphin is berthed for the pres ent at the Charlestown nary yard. The Dolphin was launched Anril 12. 1SS4. Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets That ts the joyful ay of thousands since Dr. Edwards produced Olive Tablets, the substitute for cakroel. Dr. Edwards, a practicing physician for 17 years and calomel's old-tune enemy, discovered the formula for dive Tablets while treating patients for chronic constipation and torpid livers, j ur. rewards CHive 1 ablets do not contain calomel but a heaung, soothing veptable laxative. No griping is the "kevnote" of these little SUnr-Coatrti. olnwrAinvl -K. lets. lley cause the bowels and liver tc act normally. They never force them to unnatural action. If you have a "dirk brown mouth" Md breath a dull, tired feehne sick ieadache torpid liver constipation, .ou'U hnd quick, sure and pleasant re mits from one or two of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets at bedtime. I Thousands take them evwvnirM nre Today Tomorrow Saturday Continuous Show Daily Ever See a Paper-Chase on Horseback? You'll get all the thrills and spills of it here. At the Studio "Kitty, please don't say again that I am in love. Can't you un- dersand that Theodore btrauon and I are only friends." Oh this Platonic business huh! I have never unaersioou what old Plato was getting at. He was a man wasn't he? If he was," averred Kitty, "he knew he was going to get a lot of men and women into trouble by this stuff he stands for. Oh, I for got, John Storm wants to know if we will come out to his house and spend the day next Sunday. How about it?" Not really, Kitty." 'Why not?" 'Why he Is a minister!" 'What has that got to do with it?- He said we could go to church and listen to him in the morning or stay at home and rest, which ever we wanted to do. And I ex Dlained that listening to him would put me to sleep anyway. ) told him we would come, though Kitt?, why do you talk to me of Theodore Stratton when you know that your case with John Storm Is much worse and likely to be much more tragic in the end." Kitty's face clouded and I was covered with contrition. I hast ened to tacitly apologize. "Don't think, Kitty, dear, that if you love John Storm you are not good enough for him or any other man. But I am just thinking of that jealous world outside." "Oh, I know, Virgie. I know. But I just can't help it. He is so splendid and so honest. And Virgie, I think, I really think, he likes me a little." Of course he does. Kitty, be cause you are splendid and hon est, too. I would make him a good wife," she whispered wistfully almost to herself. "And I can't understand any difference be- ween our cases at all. The world wouldn't find any fault if Theo dore Stratton who has had many love affairs and whose reputation regard to women is the worst possible marrying you, my dear. And, Virginia, you are the sweet est, most innocent girl I have ever known. They should turn its thumbs down when I ask for grace because, when I was innocent as: you are I loved a man wel enough to give my soul into his keeping and he. having tired of it, Just naturally gave it to the world to pick and tear to pieces Oh, come on, I am going to have liver and onions tonight." How like Kitty that was. She wouldn't allow herself to be any thing but prosaic for more than five minutes at a time. Poor child! Her life's tragedy must have cut deeper than I thought. Jack Thompson joined us at the little Chinese restaurant over our liver and onions and his inconseq uential gos3ip was exactly the thing we needed. It sent us both home to bed and to sleep. I spent the next day buying clothes. It was so nice to have enough money again. Kitty had transferred H.00O of Ria's money to my account and had told me to check against It for what I wantod and to nay bar when I could. The clothes I bought were what I liked and thought that "Theo wnntd want me to wear. I felt my face grow hot as I realiied that already I was using a dimin utive of Theodore Stratton's name. "Theo, Theo," I repeated caressingly. I must have murmered his name aloud, for the salesgirl said: "1 beg your pardon, 1 didn't un derstand." This brought me back to earth and as soon as possible I finish ed my shopping list and, having found that the sport suit I need ed for the morrow fitted perfectly I told them I would take It with me, the others to be sent the next day. On my way home I gave an order that there should be an ex tra lock put on my apartment. I determined that I should prepare myself against thieves in the fu ture. But, alas, I forgot to lock up my heart! The first two days at the studio I had very little to do except, as Mr. Stratton said: "To be my own sweet self." Maud Sanson became more and more indifferent every hour until at the end of the second day she would not even speak to me. It became harder and harder for me to act unconscious of he snubs particularly In scenes which we had together. As she grew cold er, Theodore Stratton grew more friendly and I began to understand what Kitty meant when she said that the director would probably elaborate my part per Theo's di rection. The afternoon of the second day I found myself more In evidence as regarded the close-ups than the script had promised when I read it. "You'll stay for the rushes. Miss Winston," Theo called to me as I started for my dressing room. "We can see those shots taken yesterday on the screen tonight." "Oh, are we going to see our selves tonight?" I stopped still and exclaimed easterly. See ourselves as others' see us. broke in Maud Sanson sour ir. Tomorrow A Furious Quarrel we shudder for fear the man who names Pullmans may get Intestinal wonn health of chlldr.n "T"1' their vltallto be expelled before ."" ia done. White's nr. "T la is a thoroughly successtuu dy Price. IBcBoldb HammanAutoStal . """res Daily Leave Salem 10:20 a m east bound train Mill city-?!' Leave Mill City 7 J Leaa! Wayside stops at Goch , Mehama, Stayton, Aumsvllle, Turner a,,1 pita!, Cottaire farm late Jos. H. Hamman Phone 304 SALKM-SLLVi:itTvv Leaves. Salem Stags terminal 7:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 6:00 n. m. K A ,IITVnr ..... " .r.rMjHE MOXMOCTH STAGE ueave aaiem stage i:uu a. m., 1 1 :oo Silv.i 8:00 J l.l termic 5:00 Leave Monmouth hotellj-U l., 1:00 p. m., 6:15 p. . !lj 'uuepenaence hotel i a. ra. and 3 n. m. nniv 1 Special trips by appoint,.,, beven passenger car for hiJ Res, phone 615. Business Salem-Dallas Stage Leave Salem stage termlml :10 A. M. 6:10 P. M. Leave Dallas 12:30 P. M. 6:30 P. II. FARE 50 CENTS Daily and Sunday Leave Dallas Gail Hotel Round Trip 90 centa MEADOWLAWN DAffi rhone 90F12 Inspect our dairy. The sti: Inspector says ''It 's one of M best in the state. Investlgal :he source of your milk. hold of the Literary special Chinese number. Digest": Indigestion Stops ftidck Mi-O-Na Stomach Tablets re lieve biliousness, dizziness and in digestion, or money back. Ask Daniel J. Fry. (adv) Heavy Cold? Chest A!l Clogged Up 1 DOJTT let it get a start, Dr. King's New Discovery will get right down to work, relieving the tight feeling in the chest, quieting the racking cough, gently stimulating the bowels, thus eliminating the cold poisons. Always reliable. Just good medicine made to ease cotds and coughs. For fifty years a standard remedy. All the family can take it with helpful results. Eases the children's croup. No harmful drugs. Convincing, heal ing taste that the kiddies like. At all druggists, 60c Dr. King's New Discovery For Colds and Cougfis Feel Badly? Bowels Sluggiahr Haven't any "pep" in work or play. You're constipatedl The stimulating action of Dr. King's Pills brings back old time energy. AH druggists, 25c D PROMPT I "WON'T GRIFK . r. King's Pills L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO T0NG Chinese Medicine and Tei Co. Has Medicine which will cure any known dis ease. Open Sunday from 10 a. n. until 8 p. n). 153 South High Street Salem, Oregon. Phone 2ii W. C. GIBBONS Stewart Pack Treatments Has everything else failed to help your case? Then let me help you with my pack treatment. I have helped hundreds and in ill probability can help you In only a few treatments. Room 34 109 S. C0MMESCIAI SI. Opposite Laid & Bash Bank it m--Jr k m mar SVith the Leading Men Walter McGrail and Alan Forest First National Attraction BABY PEGGY "A MUDDY BRIDE" Another One of the Wholesome Comedies with the Wonder ful Child Star ItefeckyWond m MfiSh MdenBantai Urate . ... vjaiuciicrs snow dy tneir purchases that these two vegetables are among the most popular. Be sure to plant some this year and you 11 always make a place for them in your garden hereafter. The best way to enjoy beans or sweet corn is to raise them yourself. Plant at ten day intervals in order to keep a fresh supply coming along. Of course you'll want radishs ettuce. peas, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, beets, cabbage, etc. Large Packages of Beans. Com and fcas. 10c. Cartons. 20c. All Vegetable Seeds In Standard Sue Packets Except Peas. Beans and Com In The Steriinq Seed Case7 AT LOCAL DEALERS Mm tokeepnght. Try them, lac and Set I . S5