Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 16, 1922, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Spring is Wow OnlyTh
Irscription BATES
w Tarter 60 cent, a momn.
i'lett' .11 in Marion and Polk
BY ma"' ; month 60 cents, 8
-UU months 12.26. 1
"""""Ant Elsewhere 60 cents a
$5 a year.- .
- Member
ASSU.,..rt rreas Is excius-
rreas ta
! STo th. use for pub'
ntl"e",i new. dispatch..
Itauoa " 7r 'not otherwise
l2 in this Paper and also to-
.... - circulation
...Alt PI'"" " -
Yo f'stockwell. People. Gas
Hobart bdg.,
Iff. A. VY"""
t-.a insertion
. ""'S, three insertions. 6 cents;
8 cents; one month, 20
one B mo nth. 1
fnTm' per ad". 26 centa.
4a n, taken over phone, unless
rUse ht" monthly account,
advertiser hnM errors.
No allowance
ytt room.
184 N Church. . i
and hauling,
yon woou "- - 8e6,6
-TT Kflnnrca. eirtrs
BoOtoFTSj-. a .pit bull, 1 years
i nin, iBiot'"""-
umS class vetch ana u
- : , .. .. u
sale. J. J- Thompson, Macieay.
Keey"& ...
linlnn street. ii
FOiTSALE Fresh cows, and 00m
i, fresh. Call Rt. 6. box 141
mT caved pen road to Turner. en
SaO, w. Manley, cellar BSlng,
manure, heavy team
rvitv barns, phone 199. m86
VVANTBD To borrow $1001 to
n'cnrt at R Tflf cent on farm
InnilJournal A. LLi
WANTEDPlain and fancy sew-
ndvian0o dressmaker
ing uy
1,1 OOt: Ua 0V11A fit. 1
V.itll OOU ...... .
.ximj.ii vi hnes. chickens,
eggs; highest cash prices. Yew
Fresh milk cows.
Phono 103, C,
J. Lewis,
, For SALE Lot on paved street,
nri SS00. Call 796 N. 14th,
phone 188J
FOR SALE Fine potatoes,
nnr i;,iii notatoes $100. Phone
nvi 1 40
WANTED Woman to do house
work and light nursing. Phone
1558M after 5 p. m.
USED pianos at bargain prices.
Tallman Piano store, 121 South
' Commercial.
NEW pianos $298, standard makes,
. ; easy terms. Tallman Piano store,
121 9. Commercial. 40
WANTED to buy used Dodge tour
i lug car In good condition. Ad-
!; (irpHs I-inx Dodare. 1"12
FOR RENT One larfce furnished
sleeping room for light "house-
i ke"ing. 682 State street, phone
1132R. " Hi
FOR SALE 1 door, glass panel, 2
doors, beveled mirror panel
18x40. Salem Electric Co., Ma
.. , nhone 1200. C42'
REDUCED from $1350 to $1100,
. luuui cottage and fine large lot
on N. Summer, $200 down and
$15 per month and 8 per cent.
R. A. Mohney, 209 Oregon bldg.
farm 11 miles south of Salem,
ltt miles off highway. This land
1 all level and all been culti
vated, old buildinew. You should
see this. Price $48 per acre. R.
. A. Mohney, 209 Oregon bldg. b
GARAGE and sales agency 1ft a
good town near Salem, doing a
good business and will show a
lo income. Storage wilt run $200
per month, sales of aocessorles,
ell and gas about $1200, rent
$125. Anderson & Rupert, 40-7
Oregon bldg. c42
ford's big new department store,
due to open about April first
has some floor space for lease
for a few more departments. In
cluding dry goods, house furn
ishings and some others. Here Is
real opportunity to get In on
the ground floor with this live
organization for'any one who is
capable of stocking and manag
ing a department. Quick action
is necessary as most of the fifty
odd departments are already
taken. All inquiries confidential.
Address Medford Building com
pany, Modford building, Med
ford. Ore. - 40
Mutt ought to pay up
WuTT, I'll Ber yol Five
Bucks oo can't SPeu
TWO SlMPLe'vuoRfcS
iTHat r. skala. ewe.
FOR SALE Cheap, Cohan M. Ca-
oie player piano. Inquire 1330
a. v-vmmerciui,
f6r SALE 2 building lots, good
ouu, gooa location, price $200
each. Phone after 8 p. m. 1942R
WANTED Beef cows or helfara
or will trade milk cows coming
fresh for beef oows or heifers.
Phone 1728, Ross Gondii, Aums
vllle. 4o
WILL sell 100 3-day old chicks
for (12 if taken tomorrow; good
potatoes tl.50 per sack dullver
ed. Phone 8F22. 40
XR RENT-wpwo nice olean furn
ished rooms, with board If de
, sired, cheap. 4411 N, High St.,
ladles preferred. 4o
ELECTRIC Vlctrola for sale. Fum
ed oak calblnet. This is a real
bargain and must be sold at
once. Phone 1258J. . 40
)HR BALE Breeding pen of II)
Barred Rock pullets and one
cockerel. Price $20. M. P. Ad
ams, phone 56F12. 142
FEDERAL TRUCK for sale at our
auction Saturday at 7:30 D. m.
This is a good light truek. Ole-son-Rookstool
Auto Exchange.
FORD, mechanically 0 k, will
take a phonograph in with a
little cash as first payment.
Come to 1120 Chemeketa street
any time. q42
SPECIAL BARGAIN 10 acres all
In cultivation, new 8 room house
and barn, good well, on rock
road, 2 to miles from Salem.
Price $1100. Saiwyer, and Em
mett, Bayne bldg. 4U
FOR SALE $175 Ford touring
with new top, 1922 license, $100
overhaul recently done, good
tires. Will guarantee mechanic
ally. R. W. Niles, owner, Sham
rook service station, corner Mil
ler and S. Commercial q42
MILK cows wanted, band 8 to 10,
heavy milkers, Just fresfh or com
ing fresh soon, tuberculin tested.
Only real good from 4 to 7
years will be considered. State
cost price. Address Herman
Fresla, Journal. 142
FARMERS Until March 1st I
will give a first class Job of
valve grinding on any make 4
cylinder tractor for $3.50. Es
pecially equipped service car to
do overhauling at your farm.
Leave order at Vick Bros. Chet
Way, res, phone 91F5. 0
For Sale Houses
FOR SALE By owner, 6 room
house and 2 lots. Inquire at 1175
Market street grocery. Phone
338. a40
FOR SALE 10 room house on
Marion street. Price only $3600.
Good terms. See us for real bar
gains. Krueger, Oregon bldg.
$3500 BUYS this 5 room one story
house with basement, is on in.
Cottage street, has good lot with
east front, fruit, berries, flowers,
etc. See L. A. Hayford, 305 State
street. a
FOR SALE Good 7 room house,
built ins and wired, wood snea,
some fruit, lot 60x125 ft. Price
$16-50, $400 donn, bal. $20 per
month; will take Ford car as
part of first payment, 2 blocks
from paved street. 1192 Shipping
St. Salem, Or. a41
$1660 BARGAIN, for this 5 room
house and lot, bath, toilet, sleep
ing porch and dutch kitchen,
fruit, berries, etc., house 8 years
old. First payment only $500,
balance like paying rent, $25
per month. See L. A. Hayford;
305 State street. a
FOR SALE By owner, 6 room
plastered house, partly furnish
ed, 850 N. Fourteenth, with bath,
hot and cold water, electric
lights, built in features, full baae
ment, fruit, lot 76x150, close to
,. torma. - Annlv 12 to 4 af
ternoons, all day Sunday. Phone
See me about a home, complete In
every detail, do not put off com
ing A bargain in a business loca-
ik. toll me what you are look
ing for, I am sure I can locate
492 t.t nttngn street.
BARGAIN Close In 6 room house
paved street, modern except
t oino to hieh school; a
bargain for some one who wants
real close In property with im
mediate , possession. Price $ 177 5,
terms $600 down balance J0
month and interest S. R. Pear
son, 210-2U V. bank bldg. a
TRADE 73 acres fine bottom
T land aoll, mostly in cultivation
almost level, good orchard and
berries, 7 room house, go od barn.
soring, water in house, 8-4 mile
. C good town and high school
immediate possession. Will trade
for smaller acreage or city
property. Wonderful bargain for
$8500. would sell for $1500
Sown. S. R. Pearson, 210-211 U
S. bank blag.
For Sale Farms
- . . STTlnk sale. 6
acres close in? 6 room house,
barn and other out buildings
.... - ..unM nmiltrv ranch
mans 1 Byioim. - .
Only $2000. good terms. Joseph
Barber & Son, 200 Gray bldg. b
he lost fair and square
.' 'ocAMUT'J IP-E-A-N-U-T UpeiL Pe X, vaj-D-h-N-G I
v show i i 1 i Titi; y W Tl
r ii i ii l Rin - r i i t v. i i . -3pa
S i I 1 1 '. 1 cjS v
- ill iii r 7 i i i i "v ii
For Sale Farms
34 y, ACRES all in cultivation, In
city. Owner will be at Bligh ho
tel 2 days; make offer. R. W.
GUI. b40
BUY NOW Prune ranch close in,
with good buildl.igs. Good reas
on for selling. See Krueger, Ore
gon bldg. b41
For Sale Miscellaneous
PHONE 60F11 for fir posts. c40'
FOR SALE-Rhode Lsland Reds,
breeding pens. Grote, Rt. 1, one
mile out, Wallace road. f45
FOR SALE Two or three small
scows. West Side Gravel Co., 8a
3 lem, Or., phone 940. c48
FULLER Brushes, local represen
tative, Grimes, 641 Mill, phone
1937J. m64
CLOVER hay for sale. A. A. Naf
ziger, Rt. 7, box 151. Phone
105F12. c42
UPRIGHT piano, walnut case,
good tone and action $165,
terms. Call at 450 Court St. c41
CARROTS $8 per ton; garlick 5c
per lb. 2 miles east of Brooks,
W, L. Gasklll. c62
WALLFEL1, better than cloth for
many purposes. Max O. Buren,
179 N. Commercial. m1
STEEL ranges, fourteen in num
ber being slaughtered to make
room. Max O. Buren, 179 North
Commercial. m
DOUBLE the life of your linoleum
by having it cemented down wa
ter tight. Max O. Buren, 179 N.
Commercial. b1
FOR SALE Reasonable, almost
new set "New Students and
Teachers Encyclopedia," 8 vol
umes. Box E T cars Journal.
ST. ANDREASBERG rollers, "the
canary with a musical educa
tlon," the world's sweetest sing
er; new shipment. E. B. Flake,
birds and flowers. 278 State, c
FINE upright piano, standard
make, mahogany case, perfect
ly plain square lines, beautiful
tone, used very little; bargain
for cash, sasy terms, $260. H. L.
Stiff Furniture Co., phone 841.
Fcr Sale Livestock
FOR SALE Duroo male hog.
J. Johns. Rt. 3, box 277. e40
FOR SALE Fresh milk goat. Call
evenings at 1399 Mission bt. e4
FOR SALE Lot of high grade
Guernsey and Jersey heifers, all
under four years of age, some
fresh and springing, at 249 S,
Church. e42
TEAM Weight 8100 lbs, age
and 8. both sound and true
workers; team mares, weight
2400 lbs, sound, price with har
ness $100; pair mares weight
about 2200 lbs., with cnain nar
ness $85, good workers; one sin
(tie mare 1100 lbs, good to cul
tivate, fat, $20. We have sever
al others, come ana iook. i
S. Commercial. e41
For Sale AutomobUes
unH SALE A 1920 Ford tourir.
with a starter, $326. can id
FOR SALE 7-montha old For
roadster, new tires, starter, ae-
mountable rims, 1922 license.
Phone 1995, Robinson.
DODGE touring, fine condition,
W. E. Burns Dan Burns
(Not Brothers the Same Man)
High street at Ferry. ' q4
GET a genuine Silverbeam spotlight
direct from factory. A bargain at
W. E. Burns Dan Burns
(Not Brothers The Same Man)
High street at Ferry.
For Sale Wood
PHONE 783W for 16- Inch
wood, $3.60 per cord.
16 INCH old fir and 2nd growth.
Phone 981M. eeJ
DRY wood for sale. Phone 686J.
FOR SALE A few cords of nice
second growth nr wooa,
Phone 1565M. ee41
FOR SALE Best grade mill wood,
maple, second growth and old
fir, 4 ft. or 16 In. prompt deliv
ery. Phone 1542, Fred E. Wells,
306 B. cnurcn c
bPECIAL PRICES In car load lots
in old fir, also mill wood In 16
inch or 4 rt. lengtns or u mo
cord. Salem Fuel Yards, 762
Trade St. Office 529. Phones,
QtiKC Than Zieman. Chas.
B.n. VmnM ee
Trn T i L- N'T Har.,n flfi7 COUrt
IKja iw. -
jr-OR :
RENT1 Furnished apartment
631 N. Hign m.
FOR RENT Furnished apart
mants. 2863 State. J
FOR RENT Store room on state
atraet. Pho'ns 900 or 678. J
Wanted Miscellaneous
SEWING by the day. Phone 1051W
WANTED Furniture,
Phone til.
WANTED To rent a piano or will
Phnna 1521W. 140
WANTED -Maternity nursing in
private houses. t-nonp uhj. i
TEACHER wants work as office
HH or cert, can ua
writer. 1288 N. Liberty.
ALLRATV. ' (f .A u,AV? VrmP IfXMnR-AMCS TlMS UP.. WHY , inkv-t- Aiue -JJ.
Wanted Miscellaneous
WANTED Experienced saleslady
for dry goods, uaie i, s
WANTED Old mattresses to make.
over. Phone 19, Capital City aea
dim Co. m
FOR SALE One large portable!
bake oven, large mixing dowi,;
doughnut furnace and kettle,;
some pans and other tools. 1036
Fairground road. c40
WANTED Furniture, tools, ma
chinery, stock, eto. Win Duy tor
cash, or sell on commission.
Phone 611, Woodrjr, the auction
eer. m
1.4 vas hnt blast fuel savins rang
es, $48 up. Let us explain-wny
we cut your fuel bill H. Peo
ples Furniture store, 2.71 North
wANT.Fin TTaad household goods,
tools, men's suits ana gnoe,
cash price paia.
chance. 241 N. Com. phon 41
HOME laundry work done. Phone
.T H. FOSTER, master painter, pa
per hanger and decorator, pnu
IF you want carpenter work or
shingling done, pnone
OUR automounted wood saw elves
Phone 1161J. ee78
BABY carriages which are beau-
tiful, light, comfortanie ana
reasonable. Max O. Buren, 179
N. Commercial.
TANNERIES, oalnters. schools, at
tention! I sell Rex lry t-aaie at
wholesale. Max O. Buren, 179
N. Commercial.
KI.KOTRIC1AN Secure my fig
ures on wiring by contract or ny
the hour, at pre-war prices. .
W. Hatch, phone 1744 w,
PI.IIMBINO. repairing and coll
work, reasonable cnarges. a. u.
rirtrifrv. Rhon foot of Union St.
Phona 1397J. 162
MONEY If wanted, I can get you
a chattel loan, or a government
farm loan, or a loan on your
city property If desired. John H.
. . nno KMo. mil'
vniTNfi mftn. women, over 17, de.
nlrincr H-fiVftrnment DOSltiOnS, $130
monthly, write for free list of
nnsitinna now ooen. J. Leonard,
(former civil service examiner)
1087 Eauitable bldg.. Washing
ton. D. C. g40
ALBERTA land, eight quarter sec
Hons, prosperous district, will
divide and exchange for Salem
property. Apply owner, Wm. E.
Bradley, nhone 9 2F3. b64
PLACE for a bungalow, one lot
trnnd nti. erood elevation. eaBt,
close to paving and car, " for
$225, terms. One on paved street
$350, terms. Brown, over du
sick's store, State and Commer
MEXICAN land, buy your Mexican
land from us, we have it .for
$12.50 per acre. We have It In
the oil belt, and It will grow
anvthins and grow it the year
round. Come in and let us tell
vou about it. right In an Amerl
can colony. Magee, corner State
and Commercial over uusick
7 room strictly modern house,
blocks from court house, paved
street, car line. Price $4000, $700
nnah. balance $25 per month.
5 rooms, modern, 2 lots, all
kinds of fruit, good location. Price
$2100, $600 cash, balance $25 per
6 rooms on N. Commercial street
modern except furnace, U0U
1800 cash, balance mommy.
4 rooms rurnisnea, near car un
11650. terms.
A fine place on Washington
street at $5750, and one on Che
meketa at $17,000.
4IV6-7 Oregon Wdg. n42
7 room modern bungalow $4000
soldier loan.
8 room modern house $3500
lake bonds, easy terms.
5 room bungalow, 8 lots, $2000,
half rash.
10 acre chicken ranch, fai
buildings. 1 mile out, $2200, half
7 room modern house, large lot.
Center street,! take smaller house
and cajlh. t
116 acres, all cultivated, close to
atats normal school, stock. Imp!
ments, will take Income property,
$200 per acre.
. We can match your deal. Try
341 State street.
stock and grain farm In
Waldo hills, all stocked, to trade
for city property or small iraci.
47 acres near xnaepenaenco.
cultivated, family orchard an
good buildings, trade for city prop
5 mom house, large lot, close
$1400; take light car as first pay-
A good house on paved street
$1000. , ,
. One of the best buys in Salem
a 7 room house, l diock souin
State street for $2500.
331 A State street
ACRES of timber land for sale
or trade for Salem property. In
quire at 119$ N. 18th. b58
w ACRES all In cultivation. In
city, would like offer. AViH be
in town 2 days. Bugn notei. n.
W. Gill. b40
Laflar & Laflar
406-T Oregon' bldg.
For stages, taxi cabs, trucks
and private automobiles.
6-7 Oregon bldg.
Good 7 room bungalow, modern.
good lot, close to car. Price $4000,
Fine 7 room house on Court
street for quick sale, $6300, terms,
close in.
25 acres irrigated land, Improv
ed, to trade for farm In valley.
It you want to buy, sell or trade
2 Gray bldg. phone 907.
10 acre tract all cultivated, small
shack and barn, 8 acres of logans,
family fruit. Will consider trade
for modern bungalow of equal val
ue. Price 13500.
5 acres all cultivated. Z acres
bearing logans,' balance set to
prunes, some strawberries, good
bungalow, barn and well. Will con
sider house and lot up to $2600.
rnce $5000.
20 acre fruit ranch, well Im
proved, prunes, loganberries, cher-
rles and strawberries, well locat
ed. Will consider house and lot up
to $2500 as part payment. Price
223 acre farm all cultivated land,
good average farm buildings.
miles from Salem. Will consider
city property or small acreage in
exchange. nce $12 5 per acre.
63 acre farm, buildings, 6
miles from Salem. Will consider
lty property or small acreage in
exchange. Price $160 per acre.
6 room house and two lots locat
ed in northeast Salem. Price $1,
00, $400 down, balance $15 per
month, 6 per oent Interest.
Well improved 5 acres with mod
ern bungalow, bearing fruit, close
to car line, will consider house ana
lot as part payment. Price $7500.
If you are looking to buy, trade
or sell, see
275 State street
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned was on the 26th day
of January, 1922, by the county
court of Marion county, Oregon,
duly appointed administrator with
the will annexed of the estate of
Frank Hronek, deceased, and has
duly qualified as such. All persons
having any claims against said es
tate are hereby notified to pre
sent the same duly verified to the
undersigned, at room 306 United
States National bank building, Sa
lem, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated this 26 th day of January,
Administrator with the will an
nexed of the estate of Frank
Hronek, deceased.
TRATRIX To whom It may concern: No
tice is hereby given that the un
dorsiftned, Agnes Jones, adminis
trartrix of the estate of Harrison
Jones, deceased, has this day filed
in the county court for Marion
county, Oregon, her final account
as administratrix of said estate and
said court, has fixed and appointed
Monday, March 20, 1922, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said
day, at the county court room In
the county court house in Marion
county, Oregon, as the time and
place for the hearing of objections
to such final account and for th
settlement thereof.
Dated February 15, 1922.
Administratrix of the estate of
Harrison Jones, deceased.
Carey F. Martin, attorney for es
tata. ' I'm
Compiled from reports ot Salem
dealers for the guidance of
Capital Journal readers. (Re
vised daUy.)
Grain: Average valley wheal
(bulk) 97c. ....
Hay: Cheat hay $11012; oai
hay $1112; clover hay (bulk)
Wholesale Prices.
i Meat: Hogs $10 10.60; dressed
hogs 12ajc; top steers 6s; cows 6V4
bulls atic; lambs 7c; dressed
Veal 15o. .
, Butter and eggs: Eggs 2326c;
light hens 15 18c; heavy hens 22c
ijld roosters 8c; springer 1822c;
jtara 12 a 15c.
I Butterfat: Butterfat 38c; cream-
!! i ; 1 - I , .r ' WrT'C TWAf' 1
M. A. ESTES. fine tailoring, 84
State street.
DB LUXE studio. Better photos.
147 N. Commercial.
F. N. WOODRY the Uve stoca.
furniture, real estate auctioneer.
Phone 611 for, sale dates. Res.
1610 N. Summer. - - ' '
A J. FOSTER, chiropodist, for
corns, bunions, sto. 322 StalS KOI
DR. BRADFORD. Braduate and
post graduate of the First Char
tered Chiropractic college In the
world. Ten years praotlee. Con
sultation and examination free.
Phone 628, rooms 818-19-20
Oregon bldg.
GLASSES flttud bv Dr. L. R. Bur
dens, optometrist, Bow upucai
CO.. fit state tat.
MARION-POLK County s'arm
Loan association has money to
loan at six per cent, W. D. Smith
secretary treasurer. 103 Salem
Bank of Commerce.
(lea. corner Commercial and
Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly
In advance. Phone 7.
A bATISFIED customer returns
Rowland Printing Co., Phone
1612. over Patton book store.
SALEM Elite, hemstitching, chain
stitching. pleating. buttons.
stamping and needlework. Phone
879, 329 Oregon bldg.
MRS. C. E. MILLER, hemstitch
In sr. at 1515 N. Commercial,
phone 1352W. 49
MRS. F. E. MULL, hemstitching
and fancy work, over miner
store, Phono 117.
GEO. C. WILL, pianos phono
graphs, sewing machines, sneet
music and piano studies. Re
pairing phonographs and sew
ing machines. 432 State, Salem.
yard in back of office, 640 State
street south of court house.
Large gooseberry plants and a
few more Italian prune trees
SALEM Nursery eompany, fruit
and ornamental trees, small irun
and roses. Phone 1763, 428 Ore-
gon bldg.
motorcycles and Dayton bicycles
887 Court Bt.
"The Cycle Man"
147 S.Com. Phone 68
ery butter 42 43c; country butter
Veo-atalbles: Oregon onions $7.00
owt; beets $2.60 cwt; Oregon cab
bage 8 HO lb; green peppers duo io
cauliflower $2.25 per crate; pota
toes $1.7g owt; California lettuce
$4.00 per crate; Arkansas sweet
potatoes $2.60 bushel; celery $1.50
Fruits: Oranges $5 b; lsmons
$8; bananas 9c; California grape
fruit $4.00; Florida grape fruit
Retail Prices
Butter and eggs: Eggs 30o;
creamery butter 46c; country but
ter 26 37c.
Portland Markets
Portland, Or., Feb. 16. Cattle
steady; receipts none; choice cattle
$7.007.76; medium to good $0.25
7.00; fair to medium $5.75
common to fair $4.7506.76;
choice feeders $6.00 6.60; fair to
good $4.I05.00; choice cows and
heifers $6766.26; medium to
good $6. 005.76; fair to medium
is. sti K.ftO; common cows $3.23
04.25; canners $2.2603.25; bulls
ia.B0ffl3.75: choice dairy calves
$10. 00011. 00; prime light $9.00
10; medium to light $6.60 0 9.00;
heavy $4.5006.60.
Hogs nom; receipts uuno,
prime light $11011.26; smooth
heavy 220 to 800 pounds $9.60 a
him. son nnunds and up $8,500
9.60; rough heavy $7.009.26; fat
pigs fl.7Dli; Stags h.hki.uv,
receipts none;
nt mountain lambs $9,76 0
10 65; best valley $8.2609.25; culls
$4 766.26; feeders $7. 008.00;
light yearlings $7.6008.00; light
wethers .uuiq l.uu, ne.yj ..vnr
6.00; ewes $3 0 6, -!!.,
tiaiv: extra cube 87c
cartons 42c; prints 41o; butterfat
No. 1 88 41c f o b Portland;under
grades 82c;
Eirira: filling case count 27 029c
buying price 26 0 27c; selling price
candled 29 30c; selected candled
in rartnnn 82c.
Poultrv: Hens light 18o; heavy
25c; broilers nom; heavy 25027c
(Copyright 1920 by International
Trade Mark registered In the U. S.
PHOTOGRAPHS tinted, lessons In I
oil painting, frames maae. u
B. J. Bullock. 818 S. Cottage,
phone 1620M.
L?f.r.Ttre, UHea"CAccldenL In-
iwEr ina AUl H
401 Masonic Temple. Salem. or.
(AHAuiLs I
828 N. High
Phone 208.
roTmriand"rpaired. .XSa-1
Burrell. -1
SALEM Auto Radiator shop, ra-
?.toi -"--
UNON Auto repair shop, ac
lene welding, ess jerry w?iouaiio ul -
Phone 422. :
tt. x. BARTON, juxiae i"
tarter and generator wuia.,
aii'iii uiuctrlcian. expert trouble
shooting. 238 N. Mign Di. f'
DB. W. L. mercer. "l80Pa'"
Vn,.. rrrvrrv, M n.
vine arauunH. w - -
Uonal bank bldg. Phones, of flue
.. . .11 I
una. white and marshalu
munnaiDm Dhysiolans and sur
geons, 606 U. S. bank building.
t,rn B6D Dr. White. rwl-
dancs nhone 468: Dr. Marshall
residence pnone sat.
auN'H and women's hat reno
vated, blocked and trimmed, 496
?TTL!.i., a ii 'lit u Uunnir Mh 1111
Court St. Umbrellas and outlery
U. C. PATTERSON, shoe repairing I
shop, 143 S. Liberty St.
BiOVES rebuilt and repaired.
86 to 68 inches high. Paints,
oil and varnishes, etc., logan
berry and hop hooks. Salem
Fence and Stove Works,
Court street. Phone 124.
okegon transfer AND stor
AGE CO. Ambulance service.
Cars washed and polished. Ex
cavating, plowing and fertiliz
er. Wood and horses for sale
Phone 77.
and refuse of all kinds removoa
bv the month at reasonable rates
Cesspools cleaned and doad anl -
main niiiiivnu, ..
night phone
I lib a 14. i. o. uni -
nuns. Mgr.
WANTED Rags and secondhand
goods of all kinds. Capital juns
company, pnone 898,
215 Cen-
ter street.
old roosters 10 12c; geese nom;
ducks 26 0 28c: turkeys nom,
Wheat: Hard white $1.23; soft
white $1.22; white club$1.22; red
Walla $1.16; hara winter si.zn.
Mill run $2302o; oats z(imu
corn No. 8 yellow izo 20-ou
hay. timothy, valley $17; alfalfa
$13.60014; new grain mixed $15;
clover $12; straw $
Strong Gales for
Oregon JForecast
Ron VranclHCn Fnh. 116 Thel
next 24 hours promises to be a
strenuous period for umbrellas
and shipping along the northern
California, Oregon and Washing-
ton coasts, according to the Unl- death of Americana, anu me m.i
Bint nimihar human fnr- lions of suffering ones abroad who
cast today. Warnings ot strong
gales have been hoisted along the
shorelines of those sections.
"Strong" as applied to gales in
weather bureau parlance means
one that blows about a mile a
minutes or 60 miles an hour.
Brewersi Complain
Home Manufacture
Hurts Business
Toronto, Feb. 18. Local brew-
erics have asked the government
for protection against the home
made beverage. Many men em
ployed by beer manufacturers
have been laid off recently be
cause of homebrew competition.
Clouds now hovering over Ger
many are distinctly dun colored
Spring Is now only about four
tons away.
Feature Service. Ino.)
CeilSUS ShOWS 14,834
Girls 15 Years Old
weUUBU. LUdblllUUil.V
rtr, in in or flrminrl
Washington, Feb. 16. Sixteen
hundred boys and 14,834 girl. 18
years old la the United States
were nBteQ aB married In 1920, th
cenBU8 bureau announced today In
a statement presenUns . special
Eighty - two boys ana gins ot
the same age were recorueu hi
wid0wed or divorced.
marriages increase.
The analysis revealed a distinct
Increase since the 1920 census la
1 1 ho nercentaere of married persona
for each year ol age from 15 to 34
esDeciallv among the younger.
- -
members ot this group. The age
n c am I .. ,.l ni
anoweQ an jncreaaa in the ratio ot
married persons 45 years ot age
and older showed a decrease.
In 1920 the figures show 8221'
boys ot 16 years were married.
while those 17 years of age mar-,
ried numbered 7699.
The number of married at 18
years ot age Increased from 13,-
321 la 1910 to 24,944; the num.-
ber married at 19 years of age tn-
creased from 83,668 to 58,909;
the number 20 years ot age In
creased from 77,658 to 105,339,
and the number 21 years ot age
'root 152.298 to 193
Girls Marrying Younger.
The number of marrying gtrla .
16 years of age Increased front
34,829 In 191U to 4i,62t in laau;
the number married at 17 years ot
age Increased from 76,683 to 90,-
930, the number 18 years ot age
Increased from 166,460 to 186,- .
645, and the number 19 year ot
age Increased from 224,976 to
qua mn
. ...
iu " own
ber ot single persons more man ou
1 years 0f age was 1,440,514, In-
,,ldinB. 004.408 men and 836. 10S
l T,
Veterans Hold
Reunion; White
Slams Pacifists
For the purpose ot commemor
ating the blowing up oi tne
Maine, February 15, 1898, Spanish-American
War Veterans were
entertained by Veterans of For
eign Wars at the armory last
. "Those who would oo away wua
all military preparation, all power
ot the nation to defend Itselt and.
its Ideals are accessories to the
died while wo were frantically
getting reaoy tor tne worm
that we Bimply had to wage," Bald
Colonel George A. White, adju
tant general ot the state, In dellv-1
arifig the principal address ot th
evening to the 50 veterans present.
'The teachers ot an ignonio
pacificism will be responsible ac
cessories to the death ot those who
may die ot unpreparedness in the
next struggle that may be forced
upon us,"
Colonel White called attention,
to the fact that every war Amer
ica had waged was tor a moral
principal and not for territorial
Other speakers of tne evening
were called upon and the subject
of assimilating the foreign born
was discussed to some extent.
Frank Johnson of Chemawa
read Elbert Hubbard's "Message
to Gracla" with real Americas
Members of the entertainment
committee were Allan Jones, Bar
ney Page and Colonel Carle
Abrama. '
Portland Seeks
Money To Widen
Channel to Sea
Washington, Feb. 16. An ap
propriation of $1,750,000 for in
creasing the width of the ship
channel from Portland, Of., to the
mouth of the Columbia river, was
urged today at hearings before
the bouse rivers and harbors com
mittee by Representative McAr
thur, republican, Oregon, and
George H. Kelly, a member ot the
Port of Portland commission. It
is proposed to Increase the width
of the channel from 300 to 509
Army engineers liave recom
mended that the Improvement bo
undertaken, The channel, 110
miles long, Is used by ocean vessels'
In reaching Portland. Increase In.'
the tonnage passing through ther
port and the possibility of further'
expansion ot activities there wer
emphasised by those appearing be-,
fore the committee.
IT. 8. A. Unlimited Stretch ol