. Jiarli 5'ment, ""Hem oru. Ly, FEBRUARYS, 1922 Neglect ;eds 'Reds' ivs Howard hus. oniu. -: will increase in the event , agricultural economic eats, J. B- Howaru, jireo- tln.m T1 1 . f the American j-o.u. nu meration declared, In an ad- t farmers' ween at umo oorlcultural conference by president Harding last lowed at the start a wind toward the Jarmer-labor ent ... J, ,a. mail brings ui i" rom all quarters aemana -h exoedlents as the gov Bt makii'S direct real estate n thp lariueio ltvu U W cent by currency Ibsu L refunding of all liberty and loans wh" a icucidi Mr. Howard said. "Men that too much printing sLd too little intrinsic value seat of liurope a irouDio and that "assignaf helped tie the French revolution." sonally, ne aeciarea, -j that constructive radical' which provokes serious t. It compels progress. '0 tne limn I efttti uiiig u- ive marketing and govern- lEliperVlSloll ul ail yuunu ulii But I must draw the line ism' that is destructive and (instructive, particularly if Sictive of that greatest of all d agencies personal inula- d things must happen la the if a solution of agricultural Ur. Howard said the de iment of new ana cheaper ol transportation and the opment of electricity, so that i applied to transporta fully. .... illation of Russia Reduced 18,000,000 by War ashington, eo. 3. A de- ot about eighteen million population of soviet Russia :ompared with pre-war esti s l! reported by the bolshe press, according to a state t issued today by the com be department. w 1921, the statement said, population of soviet Russia placed at 130,797,000 by a hevik census. Doing His Duty 'or two years I suffered agon- IE pains in my stomach, belch- ij sour and bitter fluidB and Tongue always coated. Doc were unable to help me. The dose of Mayr's Wonderful ndymade me feel 100 per cent '", and I am now feeling bet tian at any time in my life. I it my duty to advise other Mrs." It is a simnle. harm- preparatiion that removes the wbal mucus from the intes- N tract and allays the inf lam ta which causes practically ilomach, liver and intestinal "Ms, including appendicitis. will convince or monev d. J. C. Perrv. n. .T Frv druggists everywhere, (adv) NEW THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. PAGE FIVE ; BOOKS AT PUBLIC HBRABY Miss Nellie Collins, ''I have been thankful a thou sand times that I took Tanlac when I did. It is simply wonder ful the way It has benefited me,' said Miss Nellie Collins, 1330 Con necticut Ave., Bridgeport, Conn. "About eighteen months ago my appetite began to fail and I seemed to be going into decline. Nothing agreed with me and my nerves were keyed up . to Buch a high pitch I was actually afraid they would Bnap in two. "But Tanlac has brought about a wonderful change in my condition. My appetite Is almost ravenous, my digestion is perfect and I feel as well and strong as I ever did in my life. I never dreamed there was a grand a medicine as Tanlac in the world." NOTE. The Internationl Proprie taries Co., distributors of Tanlac, have on file in their offices at Atlanta, Georgia, over fifty thou sand signed statesments from representative men and women from every State in the Union and evry Provinoe in Canada. Manv of these are from prominent people in this city and section and have been previously publish- eu m mis paper. laniac is sold in Salem by the Tyler Drug Store and by leading druggists everywhere. Identification ot the Economic Woods of the United States,' in cluding a discussion of the struc tural and physical properties of wood, well Illustrated with pic tures of cross sections in detail. prepared by Samuel J. Record. The United States." a ewt reading Hat of DODular bonka In. """"s uiaiury, government, re sources ana description of the country together with the lives of Americans and some characteris tic fiction, compiled by the Amer ican Library association. "The Countries of the Carib bean," including Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and the Panama canal; a map prepared for the National Geographical Magazine. "Sporting Rifles and Rifle Shooting," a good discussion of the types or rifles and especially interesting for the series of dia grams showing the vital points in game animals, by John Caswell. "Scenario Writing Todav." hv Grace Lytton. "Catalog of Literature for Ad visers of Young Women and Girls," including periodical arti cles as well as books arranged un der subjects, compiled by Anna Eloise Pierce. " - "A Group of English Essayists oi tne .Early Nineteenth Century,' criticisms of the work of six au thors, by Caleb T. Winchester. star-Points," songs of joy, iaitn, and promise from the present-day poets, selected by Mrs. Waldo Richards. . , "A Religious Encyclopedia; or Dictionary of Biblical, Historical Doctrinal and Practical Theolo gy," the 1891 edition of Scharff Herzog in four volumes. "Orphan Dinah," by Eden Phillpotts. "Play the Game!" by Ruth Comfort Mitchell. "The Bacteriological Examina tion of Water Supplies," by Wil Ham G. Savage. "Text Book of Comparative Anatomy," by Dr. Aarnold Lang. "A Text Book Upon the Patho genic Bacteria for Students of Medicine and Physicians," by Jos. McFarland. "A Text Book of General Bac teriology," by Edwin O. Jordan. "A Manual of Determinative Bacteriology," by Frederick D. Chester. The five books on bacteriology and anatomy are the gift of Dr. C. J. Clements. For the Children. "Mazli," a story of the Swiss valleys, another book by the au thor of "Heidi," Johanna Spyri. "Days of the Discoverers," by Louise Lamprey. 42 Auto Drivers Lost Licenses During Past Year Forty-two operators' and chauf feurs' license were cancelled by Secretary of State Kozer upon the recommendation of magistrates and pollc chiefs during the year 1921 for violations ot the traffic laws. Most of these cancellations were for short periods only cover ing from one to three months time. This figure does not include cancellations by Justices of the peace, police Judges and circuit judges of which the state has no record. Under the new law these li censes may be cancelled by the secretary of state upon recom mendation ot a member ot the state traffic squad. Minnesota has more than 10,000 lakes. Shoes and clothing valued at (500 were taken Tuesday night from the store ot W. E. Pegg & Son In Beaverton, by thieves who forced an entrance through rear door. . . i Harding Objects To Provisions of Funding Bill Washington, Feb. 3. President Harding objects to some of the provisions of the allied debt re funding bill as passed by the sen ate, according to information un derstood to have been given to the house ways and means committee. After the committee had con ferred with Secretary Mellon re garding the bill. Chairman Ford- nev said action would he flutcrmA ' lor it certainly does produce results, UEVES THE ACHE ORMENTING, agonizing rheu-i matic aches are quickly relieved hv Sloan's Liniment. Annlv in (Freely and enjoy a comforting sense oi tvarmth. Itpenelrateswilhaulrubbing. Good also for sciatica, lumbagoJ Neuralgia, over-exerted muscles, stiffi joints, external aches and pains, back-j Lches, strains and sprains. I Don't let pain lay you uo. Keeri (Sloan's Liniment handy and at thej nrsc sign VI m uuic ur paui, UK n. until he could consult with executive. the An important gold strike is an nounced at the Red Ribbon group of mines on Foots creek, eight ; miles west of Gold Hill. At all druggists 35c, 70c, 1 1.40. ,UDLJ KIDDIES MATINE Douglas Fairbanks in 'THE THREE MUSKETEERS' AT 10 O'CLOCK SATURDAY MORNING at the Liberty theatre. All children 12 years of age and under with a coupon from today's Capital Journal, ad mitted for 10 cents. Coupon is printed on Page One The Capital Journal and the Liberty theatre have cooperated to give the school children this opportunity of seeing this wonderful show. LIBERTY THEATRE -At 10 O'clock- BRING YOUR COUPON RS35H M j j Club Price $155 Terms $6 a month (used) I i u f ( Club Price $327 Terms $10 a month (new) Save From $80 To Over $200 Join The Salem Co-operative PIANO CLUB ' The wholesale principle applied to retail buying in other words, quantity piano selling enables us to make this unus ual offer. We are now supplying people with fine pianos and player pianos who did not expect to own an instrument for years to come. There is no waiting, the instrument you select is delivered immediataely. Used pianos are now included. Come in today. ! - Club Price $445 Terms $14 a month (new) Club Price $395 Slightly used jf I Jj V IW I IWIMn - - I , .tMW 1 ...j... 1 rtswws"sftfe'i-"""' . .... Club Price $535 -Terms $15 a month (new) Club Price $275 Terms $10 a month (used) Club Price $345 Terms $10 a month (new) Club Price $595 Terms $20 a month (new) The Stage Is All Set for Saturday's Performance at H(QTLJTrTO)9 Jl J l Jl J- J I THIS IS THE SALE THAT IS THE TALK OF FOUE COUNTIES. HUNDREDS HAVE ALREADY BOUGHT, HUNDREDS OF OTHERS WILL BUY D) 0 elrFice Two Site Iw tn OUR FORCE OF SEVENTEEN EFFICIENT SALESMEN ASSURES PROMPT AND PERSONAL SERVICE, FEATURES YOU'LL APPRECIATES 500 MEN'S Mallory & Wallkill $5.00 $6.00 $7.00 HATS $2.95 $5.00 and $6.00 Pendleton All Wool FLANNEL SHIRTS $3.50 50 DOZEN Men's $1.50 Percale DRESS SHIRTS 95c 500 Youth's and Mens' Suits Staples and Fancy Models, Sizes 35 to 48 Cassimeres, Tweeds, Herrings Bones and Worsteds. Sold " Regularly at from $25.00 to $65.00 For the Price of 125 M ens Overcoats With or Without Belts. All Sizes. Medium and Heavy ! j Weights, Light and Dark. Sold Regularly at from $25.00 to $55.00 2 For the Price of J $7.50 to $10.00 Men's all Wool Slipover Sweaters S4.75 $3.00 and $3.50 Men's Thru and Thru Dye KHAKI PANTS $1.9542.45 Salem Woolen Mills Store -fl S Men's 220 Blue Demin sg BIB OVERALLS m $1.00 j J SALEM, OREGON