Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 02, 1922, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Sorority Pins Have
py carrier 60 cents a month,
a yean ir, Marlon, and
BL, one month 60 cents
counties, u .. li t!
5. 1
inonth4 00 Elsewhere 60 cents a
ear.v. in 'o vear.
uuumd class mail
The Associated Press
e"lol 'all new. dispatches
Ucaiion oi t otherwis8
c""!1 .1 ,Ms oaper and also lo-
Audit yy Qt Circulation
Tw sl'tockwell. People. Gaa
bl a" A William.. Hobart bdg..
t Francis
-Bite per
ttTc0n"t.rone month,
one weeK. 8 conui. month
cents, J
is, unless
-n-rppKn" DressmaiU.
VSr 2081 State St..
5fANTElMSraI deaf
Phone - i.
rrnpNT Furnished
FK .?,. 2092H.
TWO room
aii m nr trade", lew good
FOB SALE or traa .
5-SALEIprunes, choice roos
Ancona and Butt Orpin-
tonPhoneJimi. 0
EofTsALE Nioo, briglit mixed
Zeal and oat straw. Phone
MODERN bungalow (or sale or
Mr.7 w snth St.. call morn-
f""1- a3!
FTLLER Brushes, iocui :i
.JtWp Grimes. 641 Mill, phone
WAKTED 2 or 3 pigs, 6 or S
"li,a i,i V O. Saxton, Rt. 6.
" 130
FOR SALE O. I. C. pigs, a weeks
Old. W1I1310W, ouroi.uu
IHKKEi acres joining city limits,
N. Front, for sale by owner; al
hnrm Mrs. Sauier. 28
WANT Cottage in Salem for 30
acrea in Mission bottom. For
arttriiiarR nhone 866. b34
WANTED Girl or . lady who
wants a home, for general
house work. Box E E Journal.
FUR SALE cheap, Blue Bird res
taurant, good place for man and
wife, doing good business, cheap
rent. 309 Lyon St., Albany, Or.
FOR RENT 10 acres, -4 room
house, barn, horse and some
chickens. Half mile south of
Aumsville, for $176 a year cash.
Owner, C. Wagner. J30
SALE 5 passenger tour-
lug, '20 model, Bell car; will
trade for late model Ford run
about. Care Journal Box Bell.
1920 FORD sedan, largo folding
wheel, four new tires, one
spare, shock absorbers, spot
light, etc., mechanically first
class, $500. Phone 1089M. q30
SALE Liirht team, harness
and wagon for sale cheap, if
taken at once. Oregon Transfer
& Storage Co., formerly Club
Stables, 195 S. Liberty. e30
em Oregon land in irrigation
district, undeveloped, for prop
erty in Salem or vicinity, or
would consider good light car
part. Aaaress 60 care Capi
tal Journal. b30
named An experienced live
wire salesman Who can handle
a territory and develop a busi
ness for himself. For further in
formation write Metalglass Sales
Lo., 63 Fourth St., Portland,
Or. ,
ANCE For stages, taxi cabs, trucks
and private automobiles.
- ' ""-eon pidg.
R,L BARGAIN 4 eood lots lo
oted in different parts of Sa
wn No. 1 on 5th street, paving
Paid for; No. 2 on Court
reet, cast of Mill creek; No.
on Saginaw street; No. 4 on
ter6",?' Your chic 'or 750,
Va2 Kmeser. 209 Oregon
Sfought to be an oil stock salesman.
coiLecToa for THe gas
eoMTA), OUST FHouefc
"Wat He'LL Be Heseris
Says if x towT rvwe
THe Mcwey fceAt For
2, 1922
FURNISHED bedroom, with privi
leges for 1 or 2 young ladies.
uog ry. rugn. J3Q
SEVERAL unifurrtished rooms
for rent cheap. 180 S. 12th St.
call mornings. 130
LOST Eleln. wjitnh n.a,nan
town and 'high school, has S fob.
Leave at Journal office. Reward.
FOR RENT 6 room house, gar
age, chicken house, 2678 Oak
street. Call at IBID N rmm.,.
cial oil station. 130
FURNISHED rooms wlitih board if
deslreds In strictly modern pri
vate home, furnace heat. 720 N.
v-umrnerciai at. 28
OK QUICK SALE by owner
choice building lot on Court St!
facing north, at a bargain ; must
sell; terms if desired. Phone
B6F4. D.n
fOR SALE 6 room house and
large east front lot with fruit,
located at 843 S. Liberty. Price
$1700, $1100 cash, balance $20
per month at 6 per cent. a
FOR SALE g room modern
house, except furnace, and y.
acre of land, close to car line
on paved Btreet. Price $5000,
terms. Krueger, Oregon bldg.
11 Cf OA"UAl 6 rooms,
lights, water, bath, large corner
lot, east front, good rock street.
Price $1450, $360 down, $16 per
rSS?' 6 per cent' located
AGE CO. Ambulance service
Cars washed and polished. Ex
cavating, plowing and fertiliz
er. Wood and horses for sale.
Phone 77.
For Sale Houses
OR SALE 5 room modern
house with furniture, 3 lots, one
block from-car, in good locality
uTuoi, tan superior St. a33
t ROOM house, large lot, 3 blocks
to car, north Salem, $1400, $300
down, balance $20 per month.
Brown, over Busick's, State and
Commercial. .
$1400 BUYS this 6 room 1-story
house and lot 45x110, on North
Summer street, electric light,
bath and toilet, garage, terms
given. See L. A. Hayford, 306
kjitiLf, oireei. n
$2750 BUYS this 8 room plastered
house, close In on N. 12th St
basement, bath and toilet, street
paved, cement walks, easy terms
See L. A. Hayford, 306 State St
CLOSE in property for sale, house
and lot, 5 blocks from State
street on N. Church, convenient
home, 6 rooms, garage, to be
sold, price right. Investigate this
if you are looking for a home.
vision g jjanpy, 448 Court St.
large rooms, one 14x24, plaster
ed, lights, bath, laundry traps,
etc., paved street, close to State
for $2200, on $500 down; large
lot. H. E. Brown, over Busick's
wtate and Commercial
GOOD 6 room house, electric
lights, bath and toilet, hot wa
ter, etc., 2 large lots, variety
fruit, barn, on good street, north
Salem. Bargain at $2100, terms
$350 down. 8. R. Pearson, 210-
211 U. S. bank bldg. a
NEW 5 room modern bungalow,
best of construction, builtins, fire
place, full concrete basement,
large lot, 3 extra rooms upstairs
unfinished, south Salem. This
is a bargain, immediate posses
sion. Price $4300, terms. S. R.
Pearson, 210-211 U, S. bank
b!dg. a
See me about a home, complete in
every detail, do not put off com
ing. A bargain in a business loca
tion, tell me what you are look
ing for, I am sure I can locate
you right.
492 N. Cottage street.
Good bungalow 5 rooms, 2 lots,
close to car. Price $2500, good
Fine five room bungalow on car
line, close in. Price $6000, terms
We have clients that want small
business, If you want to sell,
buy or trade see H. L. Marsters
212 Gray bldg, phone 07.
6 ROOM house, large lot, paved
street, cIobb to car line, plenty
fruit, cherries and walnuts, barn
garage. For quick sale $1900,
$250 cash, balance like rent.
" Splendid farm near Salem for
Income property.
See us for what you want. Jos
eph Barber & Son, 200 gray
For Sale Farms
FOR SALE 53 acres hi mile west
of Aumsville, Or., stock and ma
chinery. Write for terms, Henry
Fennell. Aumsville, Or b30
S ACRES Salem Heights, good lo
cation, rock road, close to
school, no buildings. $1500.
Brown, over Busick's, State and
Commercial. b
13 ACRES first class soil, all cul
tivated, creek, south, no build
ings. Bargain at $2600, terms
$500 down. S. R. Pearson, 210
211 U. S. bank bldg. b
-All Ca1
x pot ri.NA OFF
amJ see H.r
Gone Out
For Sale Farms
EX-SERVICE MEN 16 acres lo
cated Shi miles out, rich, sandy
loam soil all in crop. Close to
school, church, station and pav
ed road. Only $200 per acre,
very easy terms or use your state
loan; De Witt, Pearcy Bros., 210
Oregon Mdg. b28
For Sale Miscellaneous
HAY for sale, 420 S. Cora'l. c29
APPXE3 delivered, phone 4F2. c33
FOR SALE Cheap, 4-wheel trail
er. Hulls Top sho-p. q29
hens for sale. Phone
111F6. f28
FOR SALE One boar and two
brood sows. Phone 96F12. e30
FOR SALE 3 lots on S. High,
2090 Ferry street. a28
FOR SALE 100-egg Old Trusty
Incubator $6.50, Phone 110F3.
GOOSEBERRY plants for sale;
good plants priced right. 93F5.
i'OR SALE 2 slightly used la
dles" ooats, $3 and $4. 212 S.
Cottage St. c29
PRUNE trees and other nursery
stock for sale. Northwesturn
Nursery, Rt. 6, phone 111F3. d2
CLOVER hay for sale. A. A. Naf
siger, Salem, Rt. 7, box 161.
Phone 105FH. c28
CLOVER hay for sale. A. A. Naf
ilger. Salem, Rt. 7, box 151.
Phone 105F12. o28
SANITARY Floor Oil (0 cent,
gallon. Max O. Buren, 179 N.
Commercial. c
VALSPAR Varnish, will not turn
white. Max O. Buren, 179 North
Commercial. . m
PHONE 131 about paper hanging
and plaster patching. Max O.
Buren, 179 N. Com'l. g
GOAT meat, good and young, piles
reasonable, delivered. South Sa
lem market, phone 786. c86
CORK Linoleum, Armstrong's, fin
est make. Max O. Buren, 179 N.
Commercial. c
FOR SALE Choice clover hay,
choice potatoes $1.90 cwt., and
all kinds mill feed, 254 S. Liber
ty street, phone 998. c38
CREAM separator, almost new,
850 lbs. per hour; will sell
cheap or trade for horse or cow,
cost new $70 and only used thir
ty days. Phone 1883J. c29
FOR setting Fawn Indian Runner
duck eggs for hatching $1 per
setting of 13, good strain layers.
Mrs. D. M. Frakes, West Salem,
Rt. 2, box 24A. f30
ST. ANDRE ASBERG rollers, "the
canary with a musical educa
tion," the world's sweetest sing
er; new shipment. E. B. Flake,
hlrdq nnd flowers, 273 State, c
FOR SALE 6-8 Petite trees, large
fruiting strain, 12c; 4 to 6 ft.
Petltes Ihia; 3-4 Italian prune
tree. 6c; Mazzard cherries, cur
rants. Pearcy Bros., 210 Oregon
bldg. d28
For Sale Livestock
FOR SALE Jersey cow, or will
trade. Rt. 2, box 45, West Sa
lem, Mr. Bell. e30
FOR SALE Two high grade Jer
sey cows, fresh, giving better
than 4 gallons, at 249 S. Church
FOR SALE Young, blocky built
horse in fine shape, weight
amout 1500. H. Edwards, Salem,
Rt. 7. box 143. e30
FOR SALE 2 fine cows and 8
months old heifer calf. Also
building which may be used as
garage. For particulars call at
360 Washington street after 5 p.
m. e29
14 HEAD of mares and geldings,
weight from 1100 to 1450 lbs., all
good workers, sound and ready to
go to work. Choice of 3 chunks
would make n-lce orchard team.
Have one pair of mares with
harness, $135, gentle mare 1100
lbs., $40. Come and see what I
have. 420 8. Commercial St. e29
For Sale Automobiles
GOOD car to trade for stumpage
or wood. C. H. Brown, 223 State
street. q30
FOR SALE 1920 Ford touring
car with extras, In good condi
tion, $400. Phone 1345J. q30
FORD, 1920 model, $265; one 1920
like new $325. Huffman Motor
Sales, State and Front St. q28
GET a genuine Silverbeam spotlight
direct from factory. A bargain at
W. E. Burns Dan SurnH
(Not Brothers The Same Man)
High street at Ferry. q
For Sale Wood
DRY wood for sale. Phone 686J.
PHONE 783W for 16 Inch wood,
$3.60 per cord. ee35
NICE dry second fir wood deliver
ed $6.50, oak $7.60. John H.
Scott, 228 Oregon bldg. ee57
FOR SALE Good dry 16 inch old
fir and second growth. Phone
981M. ee30
WOOD fir sale, 2d growth fir 4 ft.
$6.50 cord: 16 inch $7. Phone
744R. ee35
WOOD WOOD Special off the
car. 16 inch old fir $8 per cord.
Salem Fuel Yards, Theo Zieman,
Chas. Soos, props. Office phone
529. res. 2058. ee
LAST uicrffr
of Style
For Sale Wood
18 INCH old fir millwood $3.60
per cord. Phone 108F3. eeau
WtTi Rl T . K. Real irrfldA mill WOOd
maple, seoond growth and old
fir, 4 ft. or 16 In. prompt deliv
ery. Phone 1M2, Fred B. Wells,
aflK a J-"h,iroh Rt. 66'
8 ROOM apartment, furnished or
unfurnished. ize w. winrer. j
HOUSEKEEPING apartments for
rent. 447 Center St. J29
FOR RENT 10 acre ranch, stock
and equipped. Also 8 room house
Socolofsky, 841 State St. J29
ROOM to rent, hot ad cold wa
ter tnm haat. eeml-private
bath, telephone. 407 Court. j29
FOR RENT House of alx apart
ments. This is a money maker
for party with furniture, to
furnish. Phone 640. J80
FOR RENT Nice sleeping room
in private family; also garage
for rent. 896 21st street south.
ROOM for rent, one furnished
apartment, 8 room furnished
apartment; no children. 2363
State street. J30
Wanted Miscellaneous
WANTED Work by the day for
cleaning or washing. 84F22. 128
DRESSMAKING at Hoyt and S.
13th street. 128
WANTED Furniture, tool., eto.
Phone 611. i
WANTED Early Med potatoes
Phone S77M or 2090 Ferry St.
WANTED Use of piano for stor
age, no children. Phone 1524.
EXPERIENCED eastern woman
wants Institution work. Phone
417R. h2
WANTED Old mattresses to make
over. Phone 19, Capital City Bed
ding Co. m
SALESMAN with car or team,
write W. I. Brlggs, Salem, gen
eral delivery, give phlne number.
WANTED Used Ford runabout;
want to trade wood, must be in
good shape. Phone Turner 66.
home or exclusive apartments,
young couple, no children. L
care Journal. 129
MARRIED man with large fami
ly wants position as manager
fruit ranch. Best references. Box
Ranch care Journal. h28
EXCAVATING and general team
work, garden plowed, fertilizer
furnished. Phone 736W, R. C.
Gamble. m36
WANTED Furniture", tools, ma
chinery, stock, etc. Will buy for
cash, or stll on commission.
Phono 611, Woodry, the auction
eer, m
LANGS hot blast fuel saving rang
es, $48 up. Let us explain why
we cut your fuel bill Peo
ples Furniture store, 271 North
Commercial street, phone 734.
WANTED Used household goods,
tools, men's suits and shoes, best
cash price paid. Liberty Ex-"1
change, 241 N. com. pnone ttx
WANTED Salesmen and salesla
dies who want to connect them
selves with a good institution
with a wonderful opportunity
for advancement. Experience
unnecessary. W teach you the
business while you are working.
We want people who are not
afraid to work. Room 212 Ore
gon bldg. Phon 688 or residence
' 1132J. g32
POWER spraying. 744M.
BOARD and room, close in, $28
month. Phone 1882J. J29
HOME laundry work done. Phone
1756. m30
MONEY to loan on farm land. L.
A. Hayford, 805 State St. m
FOR sawing wood and plowing
and team work, call 1694J. 128
MATERNITY nursing by the day
or week. Phone 1694J. m
IF you want carpenter work or
shingling done, phone 1899M-
IA.RGE desirable room with board
228 N. Capitol, corner Court.
Phone 1627W. 328
OUR automounted wood iw gives
Phone 1161J. ee78
PLUMBING, repairing and coil
work, reasonable charges. A. L.
Godfry, shop foot of Union St.
Phone 1397J. 136
SEE A. W. Manley, cellar digging,
plowing, fertilizing, heavy team
work. Cherry City barn, phone
199. m37
ELECTRICIAN Secure my fig
ures on wiring by contract or by
. the hour, at pre-war prices. H.
W. Hatch, phone 1744W. m
HEMSTITCHING and picotlng at
tachment fits all machines. Price
$2. Check. 10c extra. Lights Mall
Order House, box 127, Birming
ham, Ala. 130
MONEY If wanted, 1 can get you
a chattel loan, or a government
farm loan, or a loan on your
city property If desired. John H.
Scott, 228 Oregon bldg. m43
vreftv anT maks it
"hPK i1' THeRe's
f 7,7 'Jill thc
- - There's
$1.00 BUYS enough good kalHO.
mine to do a room. Max O. Bu
ren, 179 N. Com'l. a
large Pacific coast Institution
. has numerous representatives
who are earning more than $100
per week. If this interests you
and you have a desire to become
v a, real salesman and are will
ing to work, and follow our sys
tem, we will be pleased to have
you get In touch with us. Pre
vious experience not "essential,
b We offer an opportunity for
I rapid advancement to men who
1 show- real ability and energy,
f Phone 1090 office hours. g28
EXCHANGE 10 acres at Flnzer
. for 6 or 6 room modern bunga
low, will pay cash ; difference.
Phone 1941W. b29
FOR SALE or exchange, 50 acres
6 mile, out, fine buildings, all
. clear, stock and equipment;
will take house In Salem, some
cash, balance easy. Box 82, Rt.
6. phone 90F11. b29
ALBERTA land, eight quarter sec
tions, prosperous district, will
: divide and exohange for Salem
property. Apply owner, Wm. B.
Bradley, phone 92F3. b88
tract, seeded tl wheat and grass,
6 miles from Salem, for $100 to
$125 per aore, $100 cash and
$10 per month .This Is good fruit
and berry land. John H. Scott,
228 Oregon bldg. b29
Laflar & Laflar .
406-7 Oregon bldg. n'
TWO acres in Salm, 6 room mod
ern house with fireplace, gar
age and poultry house, first
class garden land, on. block to
car line. Price $5000, will ao
' cept .mailer property a. part
- payment, terms. Joseph Barber
& Son, 200 Gray bldg. b
6 room house, large lot with
fruit, 2 blocks to car line; a fine
buy for $1200, with $200 down.
10 acres, part 1n berries, six
miles out on good road. Price $2,
000; will take good city lot or a
good home up to $4000, pay cash
831H State street.
10 acres of orchard and berries,
4 room ceiled house, garage, chick
en house, 8 acres prunes, 1 hi acres
logans, some apple, and goose
berries. Price $5000.
160 acre farm, 85 acres of sum
mer fallow wheat, buildings, spring
waier. 1'rice 8U per acre.
, 160 acres of good second growth
fir timber. Price $65 per acre.
Good 6 room modern bungalow
located east Salem. Price $3760.
Good 6 room modern home on
State street. Price $5500.
275 State street.
- ; 12 acres, 10 acrea in bearing
commercial apples, hi Stayton
wine saps, hi Jonathans. 14 De
jlcious, hi Roman beauties; orch
ard sown to alfalfa; 4 room house,
"all fenced, 6 miles from Twist.
Wash. Will exchange for acreage
near jaiem or residence property.
Price $7500.
k 10 acres, 6 room house, old
barn, 1 acre Gravenstein apples. 8
cherries, 2 acres prune., 2 acres
pasture, nne sightly location, on
rock road one mile from pave
ment. Price $2800; $1800 cash,
balance 2 years at 7 per cent.
General grooery stock, store and
home, to exchange fiw "ranch not
over $15,000.
10 acres, close in, 2hi logans,
house, barn, garage. Price $8500.
Want house not over $1800.
808 acre, well Improved dairy
Close in to exchange for smaller
8 room house to rent for $35 per
341 State street.
'Sealed bids received by
the County Court of Marlon coun
ty, until 2 o'clock p. m. Saturday.
Feb. 11, 1923, for alteratlosn and
additions to the count house at
Salem, Oregon, a. per plan, and
specification, on file in the Coun
ty Clerk's" office, and the office of
:A. E. Doyle, architect. Worcester
bldg., Portland, Oregon.
All bids to be sealed and mark
ed "Proposal, for Bids" and filed
with the county clerk of said
county. No proposal Willi be ac
cepted unless accompanied by a
certified dheck by a responsible
bank for an amount equal to five
per cent of the aggregate amount
bid and payable to Marlon coun
ty. Work to be completed by
March 19th, 1922.
The right is herdhv reserved to
reject any and all bids.
County Clerk.
Data of first publication, Feb
ruary 2, 1922.
Date of last publication, Febru
ary 9. 1922
I But I've GoT A j
Be Vm tH6 j
I MONTH'. "Bo f iiipi
Nothing To Fasten
F. N. WOODRY the live stock,
furniture, real estate auctioneer.
Phone 611 for sale dates. Res.
1610 N. Summer.
GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur
dette, optometrist. Bow Optical
Co., 825 State St.
DR. BRADFORD, graduate and
post graduate of the First Char
tered Chiropractic college in the
world. Ten years practice. Con
sultation and examination free.
Phone 526, room. 818-19-20
Oregon bldg.
Loan association has money to
loan at alx per cent. W. D. Smith
secretary treasurer. 103 Salem
Bank of Commerce.
M. A. ESTES, fin tailoring, 884
State street.
fice, corner Commercial and
Trad. Sts. Bill, payable monthly
. in advance. Phone 67.
SALEM Elite, hemstitching, chain
stitchlng, pleating, button.,
i .tamping and needlework. Phone
ji, a Oregon bldg.
MRS. F. B. MULL, hemstitching
and fancy work, over Miller's
siora rnon. 117.
GEO. C. WILL, pianos phono
graph., sewing machines, sheet
music and piano studies. Re
pairing phonograph, and .aw
ing machines. 432 State, Balem.
yard in back of office, 540 Stat.
street soutn or court House.
SALEM Nuraery company, fruit
and ornamental trees, small fruit
and roses. Phone 1763, 428 Ore
gon bldg.
motorcycle, and Dayton bicycle.
887 Court St.
The Cycle Man"
147 S.Com. Phone 68
and refuse of all kinds removed
by the month at reasonable rates
Cesspools cleaned and dead ani
mal, removed. Day phone 167,
night phone 1698R. R. O. Cum
mins, Mgr.
OREGON TAXI and Transfer, Lib
erty and Ferry street. Phone 77.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned was on the 26th day
of January, 1922, by the county
court of Marion county, Oregon,
duly appointed administrator with
the will annexed of the estate of
Frank Hronek, deceased, and has
duly qualified as such. All persons
having any claims against sold es
tate are hereby notified to pre
sent the same duly verified to the
undersigned, at room 306 United
States National bank building, Sa
lem, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated this 26 th day of January,
Administrator with the will an
nexed of the estate of Frank
Hronek, deceased.
Compiled from report, of Salem
deulcrs for the guidance of
Cupllal Journal reader. (Re
vised dully.)
Grain: Average valley wheat
(bulk) 87o.
Hay: Cheat bay $11012; oat
hay $1112; clover hay (bulk)
$10. i
Wholesale Prices.
Meat: Hogs $s.258.60; dressed
hogs 12c; top steers 6c; cows 6'c
bulls 2Uc; lambs 714c; dressed
veal 15o.
Butter and eggs: Eggs 2325c;
light hen. 15 18c; heavy hen. 23o
old roosters 8c; springer 18(l22c:
stag. 12 15c; fry. 22(25; bakes
18 20c.
Butterfat; Burterfat 84c; cream
ery butter 8940o; country butter
Vegetables: Oregon onions $6.00
cwt; beet. $2.50 cwt; Oregon cab
bage 314o lb; green pepper. 30o lb
cauliflower $2.25 per crate; pota
toes $1.75 cwt; egg plant
15c lb; California lettuce $4.60 per
crate; Arkansas sweet potatoea
6c lb; celery $1.40 doz.
Fruits: Orange. $56; lemons
$7; bananas 9c; California grape
fruit $4.00; Florida grape fruit
$7.50; cranberries 23c.
(Copyright 1920 by International
Trade Mark registered In the U. S.
He said
Alu right,
MuTT . and -
i i i
i MUTT-. AWD- I V-
DE LUXE studio. Better photos.
147 N. Commercial.
PHOTOGRAPHS tinted, lesson, in
tu painting, irames maue. i
E. J. Bullook, 212 S. Cottage,
phone 1620M.
A SATISFIED customer returns
Rowland Printing Co., Phon.
1512, over Patton book .tore.
be repaid like rent.
Life, Fire, Health, Aocldent, In
demnity, Liability and Auto in
surance written.
401 Masonlo Temple, Salem. Or.
828 N. High
Phone 203.
; Bstterl.
recnaraid and repaired, Degge-
SALEM Auto Radiator shop, ra
diator and fender specialists.
198 S. 12th St.
UNION Auto repair shop, acety
lene welding. 488 Ferry street.
Phone 422.
R. D. BARTON, Elide batt.ries,
(tarter and generator work. 171
8. Commercial.
AUTO Electrician, expert trouble
shooting. 838 N. High SU phon.
DR. W. L. MERCER, osteopathia
physician and surgeon. Ktrks
ville graduate, 404-406 U. S. Na
tional bank bldg. Phones, office
Pitt, resioenc. vii
osteopathic physicians and sur
geons, 600 U. a bank building.
Phon. 869. Dr. White, resi
dence phon. 489; Dr. Marshall
residence phone 834.
MEN'S and women', hats reno
vated, blocked and trimmed, 496
Court, C. B. Ellsworth.
STEWART'S Repair Bhop. 847
Court St. Umbrellas and cutlery
G. U. PATTERSON, shoe repairing
snop, i-ia p. Ajjog-gr pi.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired, 60
years experience; Depot Na
tional and American fence, sizes
26 to 58 Inches high. Paints,
oil and varnishes, etc., logan
berry and hup hooks. Salem
Fence and Stove Works, 260
Court Btreet. Phone 124.
WANTED Rag. and secondhand
goods of all kinds. Capital Junk
company, phon. 898, 215 Cen
ter strnet.
Retail Price
Butter and eggs: Eggs 80oj
creamery butter 46c; country but
ter 8537c; turkeys 4960o.
Portland Market.
Portland, Or., Feb. 2. Cattle
steady; receipts 36; choice cattle
steady; receipt, none; choice cattle
$7.00 7.60; medium to good jo.zu
7.00; fair to medium $5.76
8.25; common to fair $4.756.76;
choice feeders $5.006.50; fair to
good $4.6005.00; choice cows and
heifer. $6760 6.26; medium to
good $5.005.75; fair to medium
$4.2606.00; common cow. $3.23
04.25; canner. $2.253.25; bulls
$3.603.75; choice dairy calves
$9.60010.60; prime light $8,500
8.90; medium to light $6.608.60;
heavy $5. 506. 60.
Hogs steady; receipt. 477;
prime light $10.00 10.25; smooth
heavy 260 to 300 pounds $9. 00(g)
9.50; 800 pounds and up $8,250
9.00; rough heavy $8.0008.25; fat
pigs $9.76 010; stags $506.
Sheep steady; receipt. 144;
east of mountain lambs $9,75 0
10.60; best valley $8.2609.25; culls
$4.7506.26; feeder. $7.0008.00;
light yearlings $7.5008.00; light
wethers $8.0007.00; heavy $4,600
6.00; ewes $306.
Butter lower; extra cube. 34c;
cartons 39c; prints 38c; butterfat
No. 1 84a fob Portland; under
grade 82c;
Eggs: tilling case count 27 29c;
buying price 25 0 27c; selling price
candled 80 032c; selected candled
In carton. 33 0 36c.
Poultry: Hen. light 15 17c;
heavy 22024c; broilers nom;
heavy 25 0 27c; old roosters 9 0
10c; geese nom; ducks 25 0 28c;
turkeys nom.
Wheat: Hard white $1.16; soft
white $1.12; white club $1.12; red
Walla $1.08; hard winter $1.12 hi
Mill run $20022; oats $27.50;
corn No. 8 yellow $24.00;
hay, timothy, valley, $16.00016.60;
alfalfa $14.60 015.00; new grain
mixed $14.00014.60; clover $110
12; straw $8.
The pre-war cost of a good wife
among the tribes of Central Afrl
ca wbb $1; It now stands at about
Feature Service, Inc.)
THi Dollar Bill
f-ROfA WrA FOl
Them To
Sacred College Con-;
venes Today; Selec
tion of Pontiff by Sat
urdey Expected
Rome, Feb 2. (By Associated
Press.) The conclave of the sa
cred college which is to choose a
successor to Pope Benedict XV,
began Its sittings today. The fifty-two
cardinals who are la Roma
went Into seclusion last night, and
when the great oak barrier at the '
entrance of the courtyard ot St.
Damazo was closed they were cut
off from communication with the
outside world until their task was
done. The first ballot will prob
ably not be taken until Friday
Early Election Forecast.
The oailuung is not expected to
consume more than two days, and
the next pope, in the concensus ot
opllnon In Vatican circles, will
come from among the moderate
section of the sacred college.
Neither the "irreconcllables" nor
the party which favors closer re
lations with the Italian govern
ment Is understood to have a
chance to elect Its candidate, the
moaerates noiaing the balance ot
Crowds gathered today In St.
Petersburg, Square to watch for
the tell-tale smoke wreaths from
the chimney of the Sistine chapel,
where" the conclave sits. A bal
lot Is taken in the morning and
evening of each day the conclave
is in session, and these smoke
puffs are the only indication to ,
the watchers as to the progress
made. When no election Is effect
ed, a litle straw is burned with
the voting papers, causing the
smoke to assume a dark color.
When a choice Is finally made the
ballots, burning alone, emit a thin
wisp ot light smoke.
May Arrive too Late.
Monsiguor Aluhouey, spiritual
director of the American college,
has gone to Naples to meet Cardi
nal O'Connell, archbishop of Bos
ton, who Is a passenger on the
steamship President Wilson, due
on Wednesday. As in 1914, when
Pope Benedict was elected, Cardi
nal O'Connell may arrive in Rome
too lato to participate in the con
clave. The confidence that the con
clave would be of short duration
is shared by Cardinal Gasparri,
who, in making provisions yester
day for the sustenance of the car
dinals, only provided menus for
today, tomorrow and Saturday.
Others who believed it would be
brief pointed out that the cardi
nals were generally in favor of
continuation of the late pontiff's
policy and that therefore there
was ntohing to do but choos. a
man who would follow that pro
Boxing events on the company
F smoker, which was recently
postponed, but has now been defi
nitely set for February 15, have
undergone considerable chance
under the management of Match
muker J. A. Oberdurf, who has
been put la charge ot the affair
by the officers ot the company.
"Dubs" Mulkey replaces Fred
Hall in the main event and will
meet Carl Miller of Eugene. Miller
claims he can train down to Hi
for the fight and Mulkey is to
reach 145. "Dubs'" has been anxi
ous to meet Miller for sume time
to prove which is the better man
and has urged the matchmaker to
put him on with the lad from Eu
gene ut the earliest opportunity.
With tills feeling between the two
participants the 10-round scrap
ought to be In a class by Itself
Syverson ot Salem, 135 pounds,
is matched with Crooks at the
same weight In the sonfl-main
event of six rounds. Syverson
fought Miller here sometime ago,
but lost the decision. Crooks is
an old time boxer, having had con
siderable experience In California,
and Ubcrdorf believes he has class.
Joe lilttles, t uemawa Indian
battler, Is on the card for a four
round go with Daly ot Montana,
at 114 and 115 pounds, respec
tively. Dill Bayn .nd Bill Fraer,
both of Salem, are scheduled for
one ot the preliminaries at 185
pounds. Another bout will ba
placed on tbe cards as soon as
suitable fighters can be obtained.
The referee has not been decided
upon as yet.
This smoker will be run accord
ing to the boxing law which re
quires fighters to weigh in 24
hours before the event with the
boxing commission. Oa the suc
cess ot this affairs depends the
future ot boxing in Salem.
W. C DePew, tor nine years
editor of tbe Lebanon Criterion,
has leased hi. paper and will as-'
sume the position ot postmaster at
Lebanon March L.