WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1922 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON PAGE SEVEN LOCAL BRIEFS AND PERSONALS T. II. CmwforU, of La m1.ii visiior riies- ... .;I1-u bctoro the su- Jud6 ,rgulnB court. Try lh8 J. Liberty t Birch- PW barter shop at. 1S1 COMING EVENTS St. G. Glvuna ami li. 2S Feb. 2 fashioned Shrine ruoeoui' Shrine club old el u,,(.in , u Foots or t. Feb. 2 M ,Q lct attorns - - i "onuurs luncheon, Y w WM business visitor in the c. A. ' L capital Tuesday. Feb. 8-Vacb.el Lindsay, Sit VVH.I1HT nn II U ,i sidles, harness, traveling bags 11 l ather goods at F. B. i'r'., HO Commercial. 27 frank C. Bramwell, state super heat of banks, went to Mc JJrfle this morning on official use Swift's fertilizer be- , it makes tl.em money. See cl,renceS. Bowne or phone 853. waller hall, 8 o'clock Feb. 12 Organ recital Luclen Becker, Christian church 3:80. Feb 16 to 19 HhHti.n state convention. Endeavor armory. I Percv A n,,., . . in , "vvoi, mate engineer, v. ill leave tonight for Medfoid and Talent irrigation district both of which have made applica tion for the certwir,.t(,. .....,. tlonal bonds. uu'" Miss Blanche LaValley of Inter national Falls, Minnesota has ar-r-toen- finii,rr"" university after " , 6 "tT high school work. Miss LaValley U visiting at the home 0f her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. Q. H. Young. WOMEN PLAY IMPORTANT PART IN TURF RACING Court House News Circuit Court Motion to strike out certain portions of plaintiff's i, Roy C. Bishop, a representative complaint filed in the Buit of W j the Oregon Worsted company, ; F. Grez vs Roscalia Anders n 1 ... . Colam trono. t i euuw cause wliy trans- hold their first February meeting in the armorv tonj h o clock. It i8 expected that Jut luemoerenip campaign ' '"auyurated that re- num- i "or oe new member m u. en into the organization tonight" Peter ClarklTacTarland, noted correspondent, who lectured here sometime ago, arrived in Salem late Monday night, registering at the Marion hotel, and far of certain real nronertv nhmiirf earlJ' yesterday momlno- iuv not be made to Henry L. Bents of , fttrIand was traveling by automo the estate of Agnes S. Bents, in-1 blIa through the Willamette val- ,1 Portland, was in Salem trans letlol business today. vnr kodak and our finishing iiurtment are a comuinauon mai ;Sane tled HMbr satisfactory resuu u. Partition suit filed by Robert Brin? your films and let us con- SaTage et a, V9 LuU g ,lnco you. Tom Cronlse studio. 27 . Divorce suit filed by Sarah JM Keller SdcTptata Lewis of ln8' Drl Davta charg- joefteiiera, , ing cruel and Inhuman treatment. transacting business wun Ihe itate traffic law enforcement tyirtment here Tuesday. Tin Artlaans will not meet Toursday night. All members wish lit to go to Woodburn meet at I. j, o. p. building at seven o'clock ,j,ip, Transportation will be tarnished. 7 Mrs. Charles Gregory, proprie tor ol a store at Dallas, was in Silem today transacting business, tie probably will return to Dal lu tonight. Probate Court Order appointing L. R. Linn as guardian of James Leslie Linn and Donald Hermon Linn filed. Order probating will of August Kusel, giving value of estate as $14,000 filed. Order also filed ap pointing William Smith, W. E. Bartges and D. I. Green apprais ers of the estate. Marriage Licenses Reuben Dallas Kloppensteln, 27, Sllverton and Bertha Kauf man, 22, Silverton. FREB Consultation and examination, Dm. Bradford & Bradford, D. C. State Licensed Physicians. Ten yuan In practice. Phone 626, mite 319, Oregon bldg. Ladies free, Elite hall. 27 After spending a day visiting his mother, Mrs. Ellen LaRue, In Portland, Robert LaRue, Salem Imlnesa man, returned here last night. Kodak finishing, quick serv- Ict, Satisfaction. Kodak depart itnt. Tom Cronlse studio. 27 Mrs. Mary K. Logan, state or ganizer of P. E. O. Sisterhood, will be in Salem Thursday and will attend a meeting of the local chapter at the home of Mrs. O. E. Price. Mrs. F. W. Selee will read a paper on Clolsne pottery. Any unaffiliated members who are in the city have been specially In vited. If you need help with your in come tax report see A. M. Dal rymple, Just out of the Internal revenue office and how located room 328, Oregon bldg. Phone 1009. 21 Mr. and Mrs. Wendel Hauth of Hk. Angel were guests of the Marion hotel last night, expecting to return to their home today af ter a short visit with friends. C. K. Needham about baby thicks, S58 State, opp. court house Prof. J. B. Horner of the Ore- gon Agricultural college, was in the city from Corvallis, Tuesday afternon, calling on J. A. Church Ill, state superintendent of schools infl other state officials. , Walter Birtchet today assumed his duties as desk sergeant at the Salem police station. Birtchet succeeds Clyde Ellis, who resigned recently to accept a position with the world war veterans' state aid commission. ley. A mass meeting will be held at 7:30 in the First Presbyterian church tonight, W. J. Johnson, member of the board of temper ance and Moral Welfare of the Presbyterian church and Interna tional president of the Magna Charta association of the seven English speaking countries of the world, will be the principal speak er. The public Is Invited to attend. Seventeen degrees above zero was the minimum temperature recorded In Salem during last night, and the maximum temper ature during the entire 24-hour period ending at 7 o'clock this morning was only 35 degrees three degrees above freezing. The minimum temperature came with in two degrees of equalling the lowest point reached during the last two years. During the cold spell of a few days ago the mer cury fell to the 15 degree mark, yesterday there was no rainfall. The Willamette river was at 3.8 f feet. II,- ' II The turt season, now well under way in Southern cities, has Introduced many women as owners of high-bred horses. Since the early 80s, when the famous "Jersey Lily" Langtry owned, raced and bred a string of thoroughbreds, there has always been a number ot the gentler sex directly Interested In the ' 'Sport of Kings.' i Among the prominent New Tprk women who are active at the various tracks are: Mrs. Payne Whitney, Mrs. C B. Caasatt, . Mrs. George W. Loft and Mrs. Robert L. Gerry. Mrs. C. C. Rumsey bails from Idaho. . Princess Hardwheat Flour was quoted in last night's paper at $1.20 per sack. THIS WAS AN ERROR IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN Princess Hardwheat Flour 3 $1.50 a Sack This price is exceptionally low for a hardwheat flour. The Story Telling section of the Salem Arts league will meet at the public library this evening at eight, o'clock. Mm. Minnie Bates, Miss Adona Cochrane and Otto Paul us have the program in charge. O. A. LaCourse, Salem man, who had both legs amputated recently following an accident In which he was run over by a freight train at Albany, is feeling less pain but physicians now fear that pneu monia may set in, according to word received here. LaCourse, who is an ex-service man, formerly was employed - as a clerk in the World War veterans' state aid commission here. He was on his wav to Marshfleld when the ac- I cident occurred. Beavers are causing much in convenience in Hood River coun ty. A few nig: ts ago the upper valley was in darkness caused by the beavers felling a tree 18 inch es in diameter across the power line of the Pacifio Power & Light company. A child ot two and a half years should have sufficient teeth to masticate Bolid food, say many doctors. Sawdust sprinkled on the front walk when It is slippery 1B not nearly as detrimental to the parlor rug as the customary ashes or salt. Books, however damaged, can be repaired and missing pages re placed by special treatment, which is, however, very costly. Forty-two babies In forty-four years, the record of a woman who died near Rugby, England, tn 1726 Is said to be still unbeaten. Summer holidays at different times for the London elementary schools are again suggested as a means of relieving the traffic congestion. Few Turks have more than one wife, although the law allows them to have four. JuUKiNAi. WANT ADS PAY. MEADOWLAWN DAIRY Phone 90F12 Inspect our dairy. The state inspector says ''It's one ot the best In the state. Investigate the source of your milk. SPECIAL VAUDEVILLE Friday, Saturday All New Show Sunday, Monday All Matinees 25o BLIGH Christensen and Lenine Confer in Moscow on World Conditions A. J. Foster, corn doctor, over Patton's book store. Phone 957. 31 A. V. Readin of Oresham guest of the Bligh hotel night. was last J. W. Day, of Portland, was in SIem yesterday on business. Mr. cy is a representative of a life Insurance company. Attention G. A. R. Sedgwick J will attend the funeral of Comrade 0. C. Carter at the Ter nilser home at half past 10 a. . Wednesday morning. D. F. commander. 27 Mrs. J. W. Pixiey, a resident of Alhany, was in Salem yesterday 'lng. She returned to Albany 1 automobile last night. Members of the Willamette Val ley Flax and Hemp Growers asso ciation will hold a meeting in the Salem Commercial club on Febru ary 9 to talk over matters of organization. All Artisans who want to go to Woodburn Thursday night will meet at the Odd Fellows hall down stairs at seven o'clock, sharp. Transportation will be furn ished. No lodge meeting Thursday night. 2? Brazier Small, adjutant of the local post of the American Legion, j has moved his offices to 403 Sa lem Bank ot commerce uuuuiub. In the suite occupied by Smith and Shields. krt. life time Schaeffer foun- Pen. Finder please leave at wimercial book store and re- " reward. 1922 calendars, II. H. Smith, Insurance, McCornack bldg. Free The hearing of Cody Evans, charged with having liquor in Ins possession, will be held late tins afternoon before Judge Earl Race 28 1 In the police court. Evans was ar- A 3uest that Salem police ' rested Saturday nlsht and was re Wst him ln a gearcn for h,3 leased on bail of $100. t w'a1:,Int:i,enI lnTP0rt'a"d laa Love, the Sal'em. , was made by Joe Keller, of ; ""and. The mnnhino i : m. r ,,Hlp sprvice com- - -. I lie UlCfiUll I"." fcnl Bi?suif hit - JE snow J, ' s 1 Katherine I 1 H Lui MacDonald I Ifj 25c P , mil mi jwiwunumwri V I I . Vlf A v . i a. - ' rfP' . . , WE PREDICTED A BIG BUSINESS BUT SW:fjw(alw.VilffW1SM mm mil mil This exclusive photograph, just received from Russia, shows Lenine Soviet Chief, and Parley Christensen, who ran for President on the Farmer-Labor ticket in 120, conferring at Lenine's headquar ters in Moscow. Christensen is on a mission to Russia from the U. 8. Government. . Domestic servants in Germany will ln future only be allowed to work thirteen houra a day, less two hours for meals. Nsighbo,, T " . t mission is mane aeicnuaut - . "enoorg of Woodcraft where ! ...!. m0j hv the Multnomah Co IM . .,. mn VI B"LS r"o-ay aiter- Feb. 3rd at lodge room, all '"'mays pay at Ostrtn',1 onnfofl- .. ',.., r.i necembcr 31 inn . - it-no rmTim aaiiiu u' W-.'. 8th ani State, between rates, rules and regu- Water association a. tacking as unlawful the order of , of Muratore Better. New York Feb. 1. Lucien Muratore, leading tenor of the Chicago opera company, who un derfent an operation for appendi citis yesterday, spent a comfort able night and was resting easily today, his physicians announced. Demonstrations in various phases o poultry raising under the direction of the Linn county farm bureau wil be held February 10 and 11 at three poultry dem onstration farms In that county. Rev. W. P. Elmore has retired nrcsident of e Bank of li-ownsville after having held the- position for more than a quarter century. tiarry mumiiauu was eiecieu w " Gas tar workers are said to benefit from the "tarry" atmos phere in which they work. London's oldest tube railway only dates back thirty-one years. HUNDREDS OF MEN WERE ONLY WAITING FOR THE CHANCE TO BUY SUITS AND OVERCOATS t- at r! for the price of NO SOONER HAD OUR ANNOUNCEMENT GONE OUT THAN ORDERS BE GUN TO COME BY PHONE WHEN BISHOP HAS A SALE ana b p """"Tpe, clerk. m. Emma Ma-27 A. H. e'tr hi er Edwards, of this 'collided with a car piloted by Henninssen nf mf. on. made to the 1922. a daughter. to.. . " reports " Mr. K...I ttefljn "umgsen was pro- acc -uine was said n.l li, " rl utt center street when "un occurrort lawly damaged. The Ed- to NiUn.G-A- R' Sedgwick CJ, ttend th tuneral of "Slietf v aemussen at the Ter too 7 tte Wednesday after- ttaw F . Lane, -com- .jusjiinlil 'WR " M. I I I lull i I' lations for the sale oi.a i nrVLAF To -Mr. and Mrs residents of Multnomau . ,-s South Vermont "rttinir nnrt ...... clnity. The order ot tne to.... ; niendora. Cal.. Janu- SlOn, 11 If aii"..-" - of the operation of the water as tern except at great loss. Dance tonight. Elite hall. 27 j , Ellis Hurst',"salem youth, who' told police yesterday he preferred; be;to serve 20 days in jau u,c , bB than pay a fine of $40 on a. charge of reckless dn last night releasea iro... i his fine had been paid. Hurst was Incarcerated foronly a few hours, j Rev. Sydney W. Hall, pastor of J ... o..., Methodist Episcopa.; "' church, announces that on Sun-; secretary of the T m0L"i'!? " 5 will preach ! Bisnop . t. . ,n the Sllverton church and the service will doubtless he one of , the best ever held there. Rev. , i, Hocking and the Marouam j congregation will no ho d s v ice in their church b ' '" ; with the Silverton folks. Basket nch will be served at noon In. the basement of the church. i vuamner "alli, 'B Sal commerce, nth T m, today ln conference "the -ts of commerce. ""-.osKey. manager 1 CommprMoi rti,.K "8 business having to do 1" elub work of the state. t;rcr t luB state. tswijght. return to Corvallis BEXIY C0MPS0N In BABBIES 'LITTLE KDflSTEB" COMEDY SCREE SNAPSHOTS Meier on the Wurtitaer llllllllllllttllllllllHtttnttllHI'lllllllllTTt Webb & Clough LEADING FUNERAL DIRECTORS EXPERT EMBALMEBS utxatt iilllllllllKt' m 1 RIGDON & SON'S Mortuary Unequaled Service tiitttttittta S. C. STONE, M. D. Treats Cancers and does a general office practice. Office Tyler's Drug Store, , 157 South Commercial Street Men everywhere take notice for they have the confidence, appreciate personal serv ice and make savings that are worthwhile. Special Merchants Lunch 35c Hours 11 a. m. to 8 p m. " EXTRA SUNDAY CHICKEN DINNER Ice Cream and Soft Drink Open 11 a. m. to 1 a. m. CHOP SUEY AND NOODLE Nomking Cafe UP STAIRS AT 162 North Commercial Street 500 Men's Suits STAPLE AND FANCY MODELS Sizes 35 to 4S Regular $25.00 to $65.00 Going as long as they last 2 for the Price of 1 1 25 Men's Overcoats WITH OR WITHOUT BELTS Medium and Heavy Weights Regular $25.00 to $55.00 Will not last long at for the Price of 1 Salem Woolen Rlills Store SALEM, OREGON " 'wlf-iiCEme hall. 27