Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 01, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Society and Club News
Edited by
Telephone 8 J
Star Cast
i o nella Itobbla, judg
Hid ueaL w -
c"": , it niirht at the
hv Miss Gay Mac-
;!1 . 'vnM.aren introduced
rjTwd tot act and aside
rWl there waa a reinark-
i.or own person-
,WL,. There seemed no
sl" ..,.; from one char-
T .nether; ad like a Hash
! Viuserald, Mad
ras uc- mt,rlll.
JU1I11 '
Bice, Madame's
Uobbia, Mad-
L, husband,
nmfi son
r Lisa Delia
, no setting but
cnair and a table and
were no properties whatey-
I ,.cet the handkercniei mm
,rt Madame wept. u -----waa
the illusion that one
'., ... the telephone and hear
the cigarette
By Party
Of Interest To Women
nnnld see
rins, ., ,j i,ofl
eH Gerald nizKei'" -.j
ne coffee pot from which
baffle poured.
ne production was not merely
jenr reading for the complete
..neemed there and without
the eyes the audience
,f where each character was
j how they looked. All this is
,e by some extraordinary pow
f Imitation and Miss MacLar-
makes an entire play her own
attending it rive times, m
it brief time she knows every
M and every character. There
nothing like her in tne unueu
to and she is known as The
With the Camera Mind ana
He Girl of a Thousand Voices"
s MacLaren attends her
In the winter and in the
inner she goes to her home on
ie coast of Maine to prepare
m Her repertoire is astonish-
(i! large and while on tour, Bhe
ires whichever play is request-
She can with ease give
Dulcy," "Friendly Enemies,"
Bought and Paid For," "Gov-
Lady," "Three Wise
all" or "Enter Madame" on as
;iiy nights.
1 cannot rehearse my plays in
w York, so I must go to my
miner home on the coast - of
line," said Miss MacLaren,
rale telling of an amusing inci-
it In l;er work. One day while
acticing "Liliom" in her apart-
at at the old Judson hotel in
iitw York city, Misa MacLaren
ae to the part where a man's
and a woman's discuss the
opriety of stabbing a third per-
si to death. A man's voice said
So, for he'd probably bleed to
iath," and at this juncture a
!ro maid listening outside the
tor ran for the elevator boy. In
, 'a, . .
L wfr, ' ' S-bara fttnfW VVj
,,ir , I Maker Ka.ia'Mite'-
Palm Beach during the Winter months is the rendezvous of society folks who spend their time here,
i. ov, wuiii tne uuwiing winus ana snow storms which barrage their Northern homes. Here we see
o isiuup oi muuies enjoying tnemselvea at the well-known resort.
chickeua, but one knowa that this
she will not do, for when she
exits, she is on her way to South
America to fill a concert contract
and with her are her servants,
her dog and her husband, Ger
ald. Mrs. John Wallace Harbison,
president of the Salem Arts
league, which presented Miss
MacLaren, said this morning that
Miss MacLaren had not been se
cured for next year. There is lit
tle doubt, however, that an at
tempt will be made to bring her
back in "Liliom" and there will
be no doubt of her reception. She
is the best attraction that has ap
peared in Salem for many months,
according to the enthusiastic ap
proval expressed by all who heard
Great credit is due the Salem
Arts league and especially to Mrs.
Harbison and Mrs. J. M. Clifford,
who worked so untiringly for the
event. Expenses for the evening
were made, but If the Salem pub
lic could have been made to know
the treat that awaited it, the
Grand theatre would have been
Is Hostess
At Tea And
Mrs. George A. White was hos
tea8 yesterday afternoon for bridge
and tea. Three tables were ar
ranged for cards, and at 4:30 in
the afternoon, additional guests
came for tea. Decorations in the
living room were done with pussy
willows. The dining room was at
tractive with red carnations and
candles. High score at cards was
won by Mrs. Dan Fry, Jr.
Mrs. White waa assisted by
Mrs. Ben Olcott and Mrs. Henry
Meyers, who poured, and Mrs. W.
Connell Dyer and Mrs. James
Dusenbury, who helped about the
Those bidden were Mrs. Henry
Meyers, Mr8. Louis Lachmund,
Corvallis People
Hear Gay MacLaren
Mr. and Mia. James H. Batch
eller, of Corvallis, were guests
yesterday of Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
Clifford. They came to hear Miss
Gay MacLaren in "Enter i.lad
ame" at the Grand theatre. Be
fore the play Mr. and Mrs. Clif
ford had dinner for their guests
and Miss MacLaren at the Spa.
packed to the doors. If "Enter j Mrs. o. C. Locke, Mrs. John Mc
Madame" ever comes west, it will Nary, Mrs. T. C. Smith, Jr., Mrs.
be played by nothing more than w. connell Dyer, Mrs. Ben W.
a fourth rate company, and those
who have seen it as given by Miss
MacLaren 'liave seen the original
Following the play the Arts
league received for Mis MacLar
en in the ed -ational room of the
library. Many took advantage of
the opportunity to meet her. She
left this morning for Tacoma to
join her husband, Albert Sweet,
with his singing hand. A week
from Monday she will return with
i i- -..Liw Via anrtAnra
.. ,t ... nim io atueiu. w ci a c .t,K.. -
mm, me eievator dov secur- ' . , , ti. a that
the manager and all appeared ,n llnes to see
... . . . . timo Af Inn MncLaren hopes to see
more of Salem.
the door of the apartment and
,'tte admitted by Miss MacLaren
'"self. There was no evidence of
life, and the manager remember-
what a newspaper article had
of "The Girl With the Cam-Mind."
The play is a comedy with an
situation concerning
wild Fitzgerald and his prima
a wife, Madame Lisa Delia
la, Russian, temperamental,
I'Ormy and lovable. One loves her
ran the start and bo did Gerald,
Mougb. he had begun proceed-
W tO divorce her )n fivnr nf a
w, Mrs. Preston, who promis-
arm chair and old sllnnoi- .nm.
For Madame is seldom at
80 active is her nrima don-
araer. The action takes place
lae anartmpnt nf i
n and Madame enters with
Ktlnue of servant., v...
S?; Arcaimede, her chef, Miss
uer secretprv nnl th dnn.
Personal physician.
narjame. bv ,i v..
Itt.. , 1L, WIIIO UCi
back and they elope
"testation, from their son,
10 wis resnnnnihiu.,, .v.
' .u.Kljr ,ui 1 11C
of his parents, who
h"n into the .world with-
s-JL. the tamy- Madame
settle down and raise
hia (
Noticelt. Drive Them
t wim ur. Edwards'
Olive Tablets
Aaimnt,, r
ClT-? m not embarrass you
.hS-Wm set a package of
?Uve TabletiThe skin
athTSli clear after have
ds 0Uve Tablets, the
Sttbsutute for calomel; there's
CrlPam .after taking them.
botil and iust as effec
i uut their art; i
'CSIk and irritating.
n,. tes Olive Tablets it
,rbrown taste.'
conct; ' Uiuess, - no gooa"
ir?5oi ft0rpid liVer'
Keizer Parent Tedchers
Association Meets Friday
The Keizer Parent Teachers
association held its postponed
meeting on Friday evening at the
school house. The point of great
est interest in the program was
the reading of the first edition
of the Keizer Kaleidoscope, a
newspaper of the district, to be
edited each month by different
members of the association and to
be read at the meetings. Mrs.
George Thompson and Mrs. W. H.
Weeka were editors of the first
Other numbers were: Swedish
dialect readings, Truman Cum
mings; duet, Dorithy Rulifson and
June Weeks; piano duet, Mildred
Weeks and Joaephine Maulding.
Refreahments were served.
Weeks Family
Has Reunion Sunday
A family reunion on the birth
day of W. H. Weeks was held on
Sunday at the Weeks residence.
Several other family birthdays
fall near the date. A family din
ner was served. Those included
were Mr. and Mrs. George Weeks,
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Weeks and
family, Josephine Maulding, June
Weeks, Janet Weeks, Mr. and
Mrs A. T. Cline, of Mt. Angel,
Velma Cline, Elolse Cline, Emily
Cline, George Cline, Mr. and Mrs.
C H. Downey, of Stayton, Emily
June Downing, Mary Downing
and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Weeks.
it ohve ou Toi
t by then- olive mW
sd wh liver and bowel
,tlvfveresult. Take one
U???.- See how muct
'OUU100K. 15c and 30c
Home After Visit
In Eastern Oregon
Mrs M. M. Chapman and daugn
ter Miss Oda Chapman, returned
late last week from eastern Ore
gon where they have been visit
ing for the past five weeks. They
were guests of Mr. and Mrs A K.
Parker, of Enterprise, and Mr.
and Mrs. H. S. Gibson, of Joseph.
Tillicnm Club
HaAsSeas given l.t
night by the Tillicum club at the
country club. The affair was semi
formal and there were a num
ber of extra guests. Out of town
guests were Mr. and Mr-. Jeff
Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Fort
filler. Dr. and Mrs. Riggs
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Westbrook, of
Olcott, Mrs. Jamea Dusenbury,
Mrs. Dan Fry, Jr., Mrs.' Earl C.
Flegel, Mrs. Asahel Bush, Mrs.
David Eyre, Mrs. Frank Spears,
Mrs. Charles Rober'uon, Mrs.
Ercel Kay, Mrs. F. G. Andreae,
Mrs. Homer Goulet, Mrs. H. H.
Olinger, Mrs. Melvin Plimpton,
Mrs. Ed Baker, Mrs. John Caugh
ell, Mrs. Henry Cornoyer, Mra.
Arthur Vaasal, Mrs. Kenneth
Brown, Mrs. J. E. Law, Mrs. L.
S. Sheldon, Miss Margaret Cosper,
Miss Dorothy Pearce, Miss Eliza
beth Lord, Miss Mahle Robertson,
Miss Marie Churchill, Miss Eliza
beth Macleay.
Pythian Sisters
Had Meeting Yesterday
Pythian Sisters club met yester
day at the hall for a social time.
An interesting program waB giv
en and a guessing contest was
added entertainments. Refresh
ments were served. Those includ
ed in the program were Mrs.
George O'Neil, vocal solo; Mrs.
Ada York, reading; Mrs. .Earl An
dresen, piano solo; Mrs. T. W.
Davies, reading; trio, Mrs. George
O'Neil, Mrs. Irene St. Helens and
Mrs. T. W. Davies. Guests present
were Mrs. J. C. Perry, Mrs. L. S.
Rowland, Mrs. P. E Andreson,
Mrs. Earl Andresen, Mrs. George
O'Neil, Mrs. G. H. Taylor and
Mr. Faxon.
Sacred Heart
To Give Cantata
The Sacred heart academy 'will
give a cantata at Grand theatre
Friday evening, February 17th.
"The Tyrolean Queen." The pu
pils are industrioualy rehearsing
and are confident of delighting a
large and appreciative audience.
It has an interesting plot, fine
characterizations and pretty cos
tumes, like a trip through Fairy
land with reality thrown in for
good measure.
An especially attractive feature
will be musical selections Mo
zart's Minuet and Falriea Dream
on three concert harps. At the
harps: Misses Nancy Stettler,
Mary Jean Porter and Isobel Mat
thews. Pictures of various groups
of Gypsies, Will o' the Wisps,
Green Elves, pnomes, Flower
Girla, Tyroleans, Woodmen and
Fairies, as well as the leading
characters will be on display at
the entrance of the theatre.
Mrs. J. D. Walling was hostess
on Saturday night for a card par
ty, given in observance of the
birthday of Mr. Walling, at their
residence on Lincoln road. The
evening was spent in playing five
hundred, and for this Mrs. D. N.
Hendricks won high score. At the
close of the evening a luncheon
was served by Mrs. Walling, as
sisted by Mrs. Eva Walling.
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. F. E. Loose, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Loose, Mr. and Mrs. D.
N. Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Lake, Mrs. Eva Walling, H.
Neiger, V. Merrick, F. Purvine, L.
Austin, Loren Loose, Harold Wall
ing and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Walling.
Mr. and Mrs. Fatton
Hosts for T. A. N. 0. Club
T. A. N. 0. members met on last
Saturday night at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Cal Patton to enjoy
an evening of cards. High score
was awarded Mrs. Roma Hunter
and consolation fell to Mrs. C. M.
Inman. Refreshments were serv
ed by the hostess. The society will
meet again Friday, February 10,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Guests for the evening were
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Simeral, of
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. William
Cravatt and Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
Quinn. Members of the society are
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Inman, Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Johnson, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Ward, Mr. and Mrs.
E. L. Kapphahn, Mr. and Mra.
Roma Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Cal
Progressive Club
Will Meet Friday
The Woman's Progressive club
of Salem Heights will hold their
next meeting Friday, Kebruary 3,
at 2 o'clock at the hall. Sewing
and millinery classes conducted
by Mrs. Barker, of Salem, will ex
hibit work accomplished at the
last class. All ladies of the com
munity are Invited to be present.
A program is being planned and
refreshments will be served.
Portland People
Spend Week End Here
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Watson, of
Portland, spent the week end in
Salem, the guests of Dr. and Mrs.
H. H, linger.
Spanish and French Grace
In Full Skirted Frocks
Home lowing
Visit in Forest Grove
Mrs. George W. Walton re
turned this morning from Forest
Grove where she visited for a
week with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
McNary Asks Aid
In Financing of
Northwest Crops
Washington, Feb. 1. War fi
nance corporation officials weie
consulted by Senator McNary up
on complaint by Charles J. Smith
of Portland that the general cir
cular recently issued seems to con
tradict the agreement reached
when Smith was here with refer
ence to advances on 'growing
Director Davla of the war fi
nance corporation says that ex
ceptions can be made to general
terms, and if an outline is given
in writing of northwest conditions
consideration will be given.
During a dense fog in London
there is aa much as 200 tons of
soot suspended overhead.
Coming To The Oregdn
Mr. and Mrs. Boise
Entertain Merry Go Round
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben P. Boise
were hosts last night for the
Merry Go Round club which met
at their home. High scores were
won by Mrs. William Thielsen
and W. G. Allen. The society will
meet in two weeks with Mr. and
Mrs. J. N. Smith. Decorations
were done in pussy willow and
Oregon grape. Extra guests were
Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee Steiner,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyers and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meredith.
The crown of Hungary consists
of two diadems, one dating back
to 1000 and the other to 1072.
Alternate applications hot ana
cold cloths then apply'
Out 17 Million Jan UteJ Ytarlg
NEW VICTOR RECORDS for February Now On Sale
66019 For Ever and Ever! (Tostl
74724 Alice, Where Art 'Thou? (J. Ascher)
74726 Quartet In D Major Allegro Moderato (Haydn)
66014 01' Car'lina (Cooke)
66017 Les Saltimbanques C'est l'Amour (Louis Ganne)
66021 Canzoftetta (Geothe-Loewe)
66020 Sweet and Low (Tennyson-Barnby)
87331 Querlda (My Darling) (Spaeth-Seismit-Doda) In Spanish
74704 Tamine of the Shrew Part I E. H
Emilio de Gogorza
Mischa Elman
Flonzaley Quartet
Amelita Galli-Curct
Orville Harrold
Hulda Lashanska
Hulda LaBhanska
Titta Ruffo
Sothorn-Julia Marlowe
74705 Taming of the Shrew Part II - " E. H. Sothern-Julla Marlowe
87332 Still wie die Nacht (Carl Bohm) In German Ernestine Schumann-Heink
74725 Fete Boheme (Bohemian festival) Arturo Toscaninl and La Scala Orchestra
66018 Where my Dear Lady Sleeps (Weatherly-Brevllle-Smith) Uelnald Werrenratu
64955 Russian Dance (Zlinballst) ' Efrem Zlmbalist
18335 (My Sweet Gal Fox Trot
(I'm Laughing All the Time Fox Trot
18839 (Gypsy Blues-Fox Trot
(When Buddha Smiles Med. Fox Trot
18842 (Just a Little Love Song Fox Trot
(Tv-Tee Fox Trot
18843 (Granny, You're my Mammy's Mammy Fox Trot
(All That I Need is ou ox iroi
All Star Trio and Their Orchestra
All Star Trio and Their Orchestra
Paul Whlteman and His Orchestra
Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra
Paul Whlteman and His Orchestra
Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra
Club Royal Orchestra
Club Royal Orchestra
18845 (I Want My Mammy Mandy 'N' Me Fox Trot josepn u. oiium '"""",
(Stealing Fox Trot Joseph C. Smith and His- Orchestra
85713 (Popular Songs of Yesterday Medley Waltz No. 1 Hackel-Berge Orchestra
(Popular Songs of Yesterday Medley Waltz No. 2 ' Hackel-Berge Orchestra
45264 (Mill By the Sea 8 B af-Bl
Fanny Brice
(Baby DreamB
45263 (Second Hand Rose
(My Man (Moon Mommee)
18836 (Rose of My Soul
(Whisper to Me in the Starlight
18837 (George Rose
(Tomorow Land
18838 (Iv'e Got My Habits On
(Happy Hottentot
18841 (When Shall We Meet Again
Fanny Brice
John Steel
John Steel
Sterling Trio
Sterling Trio
Miss Patrlcola
Miss Patrlcola
Edna Brown Elliott Shaw
Edna Brown-Elliott Shaw
(1) Run, Run, Run (2) Jumping (3) Running Game
18840 ( (4) Air de Baltet
rwaltzaa (Brahms. Op. 39, Nos. 1, 2 and 9)
This is an unusually good list You are invited to call and hear them,
Victor Orchestra
V - Orchestra
Its No Use Beating About the Bush
We're Not Too Proud to Admit
N exponent of the silhouette
f that is oi Dpanisn mspirauuu
but with a color scheme and ,
decoration that Is decidedly French,
this fascinating evening frock of i
French blue taffeta, silver lace, and ,
pink roses is one that the youthful
American type would grace with
especial charm. Evidently the skirt
is divided in allegiance between the
extremely short length that was
adopted with o much enthusiasm
some time ago and the longer skirt
that many designers recognize as
being correct, for by means of a
band of pink tulle it aspires to the
newer decree, while at the same
time ft keeps a conservative hold
on? the popular length that the
scarllnped edge indicatei.
Full-skirted evening frocks are of
very great interest at the present
time, tut the slender silhouette is
in equal favor and if you are not
of the youthful willowy type that
is enhanced by the voluminous
skirt, you may follow the more
lenient long lines with no misgiv
ings whatsoever.
There are many mothers,
nervous and rundown in
vitality, to whom
Scott's Emulsion
would be a great boon.
It's the very genius ot.
Scoff' EmuUion
to build strength.
BeMtaBnnM. BtvmtoM. M. J.
This season has not been as we
anticipated, the depression, has
been more than noticeable in all
branches of the mercantile busi
ness. In our plans for the Year 1922 we con
templated various improvements that would
enable us to render a greater service to our
trade. Our buyers have taken the fullest
advantage of the extremely low market con
ditions that have prevailed the last two
months. The coming season finds the mar
kets advancing, all textile materials have
taken a considerable advance, but fortun
ately the People's Cash Store, is well pre
pared to meet the coming season with high
est quality merchandise at a lower price
With the above consideration in mind,
and to fully realize the fulfilment of our
plans we are taking the only possible action
that will prove to be a boon to the public,
and an achievement that will brighten the
history of the Feople's Cash Store.
For a detailed report watch our notice in
tomorrow's papers.
M. & E. SOLOF, Proprietors