Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 25, 1922, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    SDAY, JANUARY 25, 1922
onus of Frie
The Soldier With a B
Has a B
,,,,., on KATES
-ir 50 cents a month. I
" !! in Marion
.... . .
nonth 50 cent I
months 12. z
onthA Elsewhere 50 cents a
class mall
at Sa
uted Press is excius-
ir pub-
tvely ""''",. news dispatch"
"t in this paper and also to-
3 T-reDresentative:
"Srd,rTPrSun. bids.. New
s"ystockwelU People. Gas
W-tf Hobart Mr.
t. '
I -
T ; W inAATtiOn
B" " insertions. 6 eenu;
one month, l
... & cents;
per month.
nu; o" uA 25 cents.
WTEo to New To-
F:r h ln advance.
..vps over phone. unless
w4 no' take" ov v
JfencTfor phorror;.
STsnS5Ic7ci. ce
1- - : " a?noDd
fir. rnouc "---.
r , sleeoing ro
,w ltti - 636W
,tn urc""
I'OR tt-V1 r Chemeketa
....4 T.ilwrtv &t-
. rrrr- 7T.a imnrovea
j-OB -" 7, air -fter takes
re rami, " h,-
Phnne53F5. Pjd
t Journal omce.
; v.i uuia flame.
10K tAi- " . vHor. Phone
trickles m .,8
11 71.-21. 1
WANTBUTo buy from o five
or six room moaeru
in. Box L E Capital Journal. 21
Yob. sale u BUtu""
White Legnorn rooaicio. ,
Phone 37F2. ii
LAKUB furnished Ught house
keeping room, or sleeping room, entrance. 682 State St
(OR SALE 6 room new bunga
low on Saginaw street, ' $5000,
terms. See us for real bargains,
VniMrer. 209 Oregon bldg. a23
TRADE for 40 to 80 acre farm
house in Portland and $3000 se
curity, will assume small amount.
Box 99 Journal. 1
COR KENT Two and three rooms
(or house keeping, reasonable
rates. 343 V4 N. Com'l, Cottel
Apts. ill
fOK TRADE Lots 4 and 5 Metk
ers add. Salem, want Dodge or
Buick roadster. H. Q. Campbell,
Dallas, Or. a26
i'AIRMOU.NT hill, fine east front
lot on paved street. Price $950.
terms. W. H. Grabenhorst Sc Co.
175 State street. a24
FOR SALE or trade, Oldsmobile 6
touring, splendid condition, will
accept Ford, piano or building
lot; also barn and garage for
rent. 1145 N. Liberty St. 21
2S DOWN. $10 per month will
buy hi aore tract close to paved
road and car line. Price $400;
fine building place. W. H. Gra
benho'st & Co., 275 State St.
JlOO DOWN, $10 per month will
buy 10 acres of the best orchard
nd berry soil south of Salem, land
being plowed now. Price $1250.
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275
State street, U. S. bank bldg.
TIMBER 36 acres located on
gTod gravel road 7 miles out.
Will cut 1500 cords Cr. About 3
seres ready for plow, all excel
lent river bottom land when
cleared. Price $3700. Easy terms
or state loan for ex-service men.
De Witt, Pearcy Bros., 210 Ore-
"on nidg. b23
uk SALE 5 acre tract located
4 miles south of Salem and rinse
to paved highway, on good rock
road, good 5 room plastered
bungalow, small barn, well, 2
seres bearing logans. balance set
'n young prune orchard; will con
siaer house and lot up to $2500
s part payment. Price $4500.
H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275
55at street. b21
ForSaIe Houses
, ' LJlJk 1 Will 11IUUCI II
louse, close tn nrhnnl inH Mr
ii" Lee St. a22
SAL K . o
jrn, well, few fruit trees, $950
n- Vf. W. Blakeslee. Chema-
For Sale Houses
CLOSE in & room bungalow, east
front, full cement basement,
pas, reasonably new, 4 blocks
from Masonic temple. Price
13750, half cash. R. A. Mohney.
209 Oregon bide, phone 217. a
$250 DOWN will buy good modern
6 room cottage, 2 blocks from
State street, large lot. house is
plastered, newly painted; a food
buy for some one at $2500. S
R. Pearson, 210 U. a bank bldg
ivni'i f- I;,.. .. ..
. - l ... L ime 10 own a nome
In West Salem? If so here is a
good one of 6 rooms with full
cement basement and fully built
In features, with $ lots and gar
age for only $4200, and terms
given. See L. A, Hayford, 305
State St. a
TWO GOOD BUYS A new five
room bungalow Just being fin
ished, at $270, terms. A six
room cottage, 1144 N. Cottage,
$2500 on $300 down, balance
like rent, large lot and both
good buys. Vm. Fleming, 341
State street a
SEE me about a beautiful home.
8 room, sleeping porch, sewing
room, fireplace, basement, gar
age, paved street, all kinds of
fruit. Six room house, corner lot.
paved street, $3000. Attractive
lots in good location. Gertude J.
M. Page, 42 N. Cottage St. a"
For Sale Farms
lv ACHE chicken ranch, price
right, several good improved 5
acre tracts, south, close to car.
1 acres east, worth the money,
buildings, all cultivated. (Several
large exchanges.) H. E. Brown,
Realtor over Busies; s store,
Stats and Commercial. n
For Sale Miscellaneous
APPLES delivered. Phone 4F2. c33
WANTED Bicycle. Phone 2024W
FOR SALE K hand stump puller.
Phone 40F3. ' 124
EVERGREEN blackberry tips for
sale $25 1000. Call 3F4. d24
BALED hay anl straw,
ler. Brooks, Or.
W. L
c22" WANTED Big fir slumpage.
S 25th.
1051W, 2031 States
WANTED 2 thoroughbred Brown
Leghorn roosters, phone 32FU.
FOR SALE German roller hens,
now making nests. Price $1.50.
2108 N. Broadway. e2l
CLOVER hay for sale. A. A. Naf
ziger, Salem Rt. 7, box 151,
Phone 105F12. c22
PRUNE trees and other nursery
stock for sale. Northwestern
Nursery. Rt. 6, phone 111F3. d23
PHONE 131 about paper hanging
and plaster patching. Max O.
Buren, 179 N. Com'l. g
GOAT meat, good and young, price
reasonable, delivered. South Sa
lem market, phone 786. c36
SANITARY Floor Oil 90 cents
gallon. Max O. Buren,. 179 N.
Commercial. c
CORK Linoleum, Armstrong's, fin
est make. Max O. Buren, 179 N.
Commercial. c
VALSPAR Varnish," will not turn
white. Max O. Buren, 179 North
Commercial. m
FULLER Brushes, local represen
tative. Grimes, 541 Mill, phone
BABY chicks, booking orders O.
A. C. White Leghorn chicks,
$15 for 100. Mrs. John Tweed.
.knn. 43PS5. Rt. 7. f21
FOR SALE Maizard cherry trees,
currant bushes, prune trees.
Pearcy Bros., 210 Oregon bldg.
Ais'CON'A men attention. If you
need some good cockerels, I
have them $2.50 up. Walter G.
Pearmine. 'Cona Villa," Salem,
Rt. 8. f35
WANT To rent a small place
near town or would buy 2 to 6
acres of good vegetable land on
very easy terms. H care Journal.
ST. ANDREASBERG rollers, "the
canary with a musical educa
tion," the world's sweetest sing
er; new shipment E. B. Flake.
hir and flowers. 273 State, c
FOR SALE General merchandise
store, well located and doing a
good business, 30 miles from
Portland. This is one of the very
best businesses of this kind, and
must be sold and will sacrifice
to the right party. If interested
call right away, at 212 Gray
bldg. Phone 907, H. L. Marsters. c
of character and ability, who
are willing to work, we offer an
exceptional opportunity. W e are
the largest institution of our
class on the coast and are rap
idly expanding our business.
Your success and opportunities
for promotion will depend upon
you. Previous experience not es
sential. We will train you in a
short time. Phone 1090, office
hours. 22
For Sal! Livestock
3 SIX months old colts for sale.
1195 D St
Nothing like giving Mutt his money's worth
7 1 .- I SUPPOSE rfc(j i rtni j SJ'l A 0 1'UC PROVje
(SiNce t cteAfoet, uP orj (jFF,I UiMoT 0U FOR ONC HuMuKeli I o -Jg? 6.pp Ib euov.UTIOfO -
W srocv-MAftieeT ft. Tb look UP rV DOLLARS You CAM J B5TrR-f I 0T4 $ that OUti I
mivitnwuoni I : I I . lTr Y . ' 1 ; a V " V t
p ' : f V ' . 1 'tan!?!
6 lj ""A '' S.' - - '"'iklilw "'!' V'"' rttdi mr8,ndDaUgaTn ' : ,f .
-X (' 1 '' " ' "l ' T S" " J' S in lineage of ,23 9 lines.
' : - r ' There's a Reason! 1'
For Sale Live Stock
FOR SALE Cheap, chunky team'
- 7 and 9, weight 2600. work any
where, heavy harness It wa
gon; also 2 mares, 9, weight
2S00, will sell any otje. 1300 N.
Com'l St. e23
TEAM of mares wi. 2500 l-bs., good
true workers, with harness, $125
Big mare and gelding, wt.
2700, pair mares, low chunks,
just the kind for orchard work
$125; also several others to pick
from. Club stable. e!2
For Sale Automobiles
FOR SALE Dodge touring. This
Is the best buy in the city. 1920
model $650. 371 Court street,
phone 835 ask for Moir. q
RUN' NO F.ISKS Get your chains
NOW. ReUne your brakes.
W. E. Burns-Dan Burns
(Not brothers the same man)
High St. at Ferry, Salem. q
I t: Sale Wood
GOOD dry 16 inch old fir and 2d
growth. Phone 981M. ee24
OLD fir mill wood 12.50 per load.
Phone 108FS. ee22
PHONE 783W for 16 inch wood.
83.50 per cord. ee33
WOOD fir sale, 2d growth fir 4 ft.
$8.50 cord; 16 inch $7. Phone
744R. ee35
FOR SALE! old fir $7.50; oak
$8; ash $7.50; cheaper it you
take 2 cords. Phone 42F14. e21
WOOD WOOD Special off the
car. II Inch old fir $8 per cord.
Salem Fuel Tarda, Theo Zieman,
Chas. So os, props. Office phone
529. res. 2058. e
FOR SALE Best grade mill wood,
maple, second growth and old
fir, 4 ft or 16 in. prompt deliv
ery. Phone 1542, Fred a. wens,
305 S. Church St ee
Cottage. -2 room apt 649 N.
3 ROOMS for rent 693 N. Sum
mer street j!l
FOR RENT 3 room furnished
apartment 639 Center St j22
LARGE room with home conven
iences. Phone 837. J21
ROOMS for rent furnace, hot and
cold water, electric lights. 1166
Ferry. 322
FOR SALE or rent cozy t room
house: will lease. 172 W. Myers.
FOR RENT 3 newly furnished
rooms with light, phone and wa
ter, rent $15. 807 Mill. J22
HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping
rooms. Cottage apartments, 160
Court St. J21
HOUSEKEEPING rooms furnish
ed and heated. Phone 1806R,
645 Ferry. J23
FURNISHED house keeping rooms
ed and heated. Phone 1806R,
645 Ferry. 323
FOR RENT 2 furnished and one
unfurnished house. Wm. W.
Powell, 341 N. Commercial,
Phone 83. J21
FOR RENT 2 nice 3-room apart
ments, modern conveniences and
hot water heat; also space in ga
rage. Phone 1119. J21
Wanted Miscellaneous
WOOD sawing. Sproed Bros, phone
1161J. ee21
WANTED Furniture,
Phone 511.
CITY and country wood sawing.
Phone 2046, Fisher Bros. ee
WANTED Light house work in
home near school, by woman
with girl of 10. Phone 88F2. h21
WANTED Washing. Ironing and
plain sewing at home. Phone
1598W. i2
WANTED Apples at Commercial
cider works, $9 ton. Phone 394.
WANTED By experienced wo
man, silk shirts or other fine
laundry. 858R. 21
WANTED Man to care for 2 acres
loganberries at city limits for
portion of crop. See D. I. Ritchie
O. E. freierht office. g21
WANTED To let out on contract
11 acres loganberries to be clean
ed out and trained. S. C. Wane,
Gervais, Or., Rt. 2.
EXCAVATING and general team
work, garden plowed, fertilizer
furnished. Phone 736W, R. C.
Gamble. m35
ONE old woman, alone, wants to
rent a house or 2 unfurnished
rooms, no upstairs. Mrs. Jacob
Ginder, 889 Gaines ave., Salem.
WANTED Furniture, tools, ma-
nltinrir atr,lr att Will hllV for
cash, or sill on commission. I
Phone 511, Woodry, the auction
eer. m
LANGS hot blast iuel saving rang
es, $48 up. Let us explain why
n-p rnt vour fuel bill Peo-
pies Future Ire 271 North '
Comme-cia, street, phone 734. .,
uMii nmnii b"-,
tools, men s suits and snoes. Desi Ughl8t gewer connection, on pave
cash price paid. Liberty t.x- ment a, c0lew town wil, eJ
change, 241 N. Com. phone 841 chan!re for Ca!lfornia ranch. Prlce
BOARD and room close in. 495 N.
Commercial St. 3-1
,EY to loan on farm land. L.
HayfvrJ. 305 State St. m
FOR sawing wood and plowing
and team work, call 1694J. 123
MATERNITY nursing by the day
or week. Phone 1S94J. m
$1.00 BUYS enough good kalso
xnine to do a room. Max O. Bu
ren. 179 N. Com'l. a
IF you want carpenter work or I
shingling dona, phone 189IU
WANTED Old mattresses to make
over. Phone,19. Capital City Bed
ding Co. m
PLUMBING, repairing and coil
work, reasonable charges. A. L
Godfry. shop foot ot Union St.
Phone 1S97J. 1
SEE A. W. Maniey. cellar digguiis.
plowing, fertilizing, heavy team
work. Cherry City bam, phone
199. m37
MONEY if wanted, 1 can get you
a chattel loan, or a government
farm loan, or a loan on your
city property If desired. John H.
Scou, 228 Oregon bldg. m43
LET US decorate your living room
with a beautiful tapestry wall
paper. Approximate cost $9.75.
Richter. the furniture man,
phone 452. 349 N. Com'l St m21
ELECTRICIAN Secure my fig
ures on wiring by contract or by
the hour, at pre-war prices. H.
W. Hatch, phone 1744W. tn
YOUNG men, women, over 17, de
siring government positions, $130
monthly, write for free list of
positions now open, J. Leonard.
(former civil service examiner)
1087 Equitable bldg., Washing
ton, D. C. v 2
FOR SALE I good lots on State
street facing south. Price $1100
to $1500 each. For real bargains
see Krueger, 209 Oregon bldg.
ALBERTA land, eight quarter sec
tions, prosperous district, will
divide and exchange for Salem
property. Apply owner, Wm. E.
Bradley, phone 92F3. b38
City houses, city lots, small and
large acreage, close la and far
nut i-?han?es in city and coun'
try. H. E. Brown, over Busick's
store. State and Commercial
Laflar & Laflar
406-7 Oregon bldg.
SNAP 2 1-12 acres, neat bunga-
lr,- Mj-a2e and DOUltry house,
good soil, some fruit on paved
highway, 1 mile from Salem;
bargain at $1850, terms $800
down, S. R. Pearson, 210 U. S
bank bldg bj
u i -1 j a nit ranches for sale or
exchange, close to Salem; will
, take good city property, long
iima nn halance. If you want a
real bargain ln ranch property
you can have It from the owner.
See Joseph Barber & Son, 200
Gray bldg. "
To exchange good 6 room house
and 9 lots and some cash for
rooming house.
9. rood cars to trade for house.
$3500 modern house to trade
for small tract, not over S miles
from Salem.
Wanted to trade good house for
small tract must be in Polk
331 hi State street
10 acres of orchard and berries,
4 room ceiled house, garage, chick
en house, 8 acres prunes, 1 hi acres
logans, some apples and goose
berries. Price $5000.
160 acre farm, 85 acres of sum
mer fallow wheat buildings, spring
water. Price $80 per acre.
160 acres of good second growth
fir timber. Price $65 per acre.
Good 6 room modern bungalow
located east Salem. Price $3750.
Good 6 room modern home on
State street. Price $5500.
275 State street.
18 room apartment house, ex
change for 5 room bungalow and
cash. Price $7500; will give terms
on difference.
Lot in south Salem and 20 acres
to trade for house not over $2500
320 acres in Minnesota to ex
change for 10 to 20 acre tract in
the valley, will assume sinne.
308 acres well improved dairy,
exohange for smaller place. In vi
cinity of Salem,' Silverton, Wood-
burn, Jef person, Marion, Shaw orrcorn
Macleay; this is a very fine farm,
photos and full particulars at our
office. Price $125 per acre, give
your price in inquiry.
412 acres, absolutely one of the
i""".-e me vaney, aau
fS acres "-
finest ranches in the valley, 3 50
of modern improvements, electric
$.100 per acre.
8 room house to rent. $35 per
341 s,a;. n. more than 100 longshoremen be-JOI'P-AL
WANT ADS PAY. 'PS employed.
r-, t : 1 f V. V. . 'M- .
000 FOR i acres in city limits.
1 3 blocks from paved street in S.
Salem: no flood land, good soil.
JR. A. Mohney, 209 Oregon bldg.
Sealed bids wUl be received by
the board of directors of school
district No-. 11, Aumsvllle, Marion
county, Oregon, until 8 p. ro..
Saturday, February 11th, 1922, for
the erection and completion of a
puDUc school building according to
plans and specifications as prepar
ed by Pugh Hughes, of Salem.
The successful bidder must take
as part of the contract price 38
acres of land at $75 per acre.
Which land is being donated toward
the cost of the building.
Operations on the building must
begin by March 1st 1922, and must
be completed by August 15th,
A certified check for S per cent
of the amount must accompany
the bid. A $15 deposit with clerk
required for plans.
ine school board reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
By order of the school board nf
district No.-11, Aumsville, Marion
county, Oregon.
W. K. WINSLOW. Chairman.
E. T. PIERCE, Clerk.
Complied from reports ot Salon
dealers for the guidance of
Capital Journal readers. (Re
vised dally.)
Grain: Average Taller wheal
(bulk) 84c.
Hay: Cheat Bay til 012; oai
hay $11(12; clover hay (bulk)
Wholesale races.
Meat: Hogs $8.25.60; dressed
hoes 12c: top steers c; cows 6 Vac
bulls 3 tec; Iambs iftc; aressed
veal 15c.
Butter and eggs: Eggs 30c;
light hens 15lc; heavy hens 13c
old roosters 8c; springer 18 23c;
stags 12$15c; frys 226 25; bakes
18 & 20c.
Butterfat: Butterfat 34c; cream
ery butter 39 40c; country butter
30 32c.
Vegetables: Oregon onions $5.0$
cwt; beets $2.50 cwt; Oregon cab
bage 3c lb; green peppers 9c lb;
cauliflower $2 per crate; pota
toes $1.75 cwt; egg plant
15c lb; California lettuce $1.75 per
crate; Arkansas sweet potatoes
(c lb: celery $1.40 doz.
Fruits: Oranges $4S; lemons
$8.00; bananas 9c; California grapt
fruit $4.00; Florida grape fruit
$7.60; cranberries 23c.
Retail Prices)
Butter and eggs: Eggs 15c;
creamery butter 45c; country but
ter 15 37c; turkeys 48 50c.
Portland Markets
Portland. Or.. Jan. -25. Cattle
steady; receipts 138; choice cattle
J7.00fr7.60; meaium to gooa .
e7 so; fair to medium $5,750
ni: common to fair 4.755.75;
choice feeders $6.00 06.50; fair to
mod $4.50 6 5.00; choice cows and
h.ifr 85.50 0 6.10: medium to
good $5.00 5.50; fair to medium
4 2505.00: common cows $3.25
4.25; canners $2.25$. 15; bulls
la 0004.00: choice dairy calves
$9. 5010. 50; prime light 18.60
8.90; medium to light $.608.69;
heavy $5.50 & 6.60.
. Hon hdeher: receipts 25;
nrime lieht $9.50 -75; smooth
heavy 250 to 300 pounds $8.76
9 5: 300 pounds and up $8.00
8.75; rough heavy $5.006.50; fat
pigs $9,5049.76; stags tipt.sii
Sheep steady; receipts 313;
oaju of mountain lambs $9.25
10.00; best valley $8.259.2S; culls
84.756.25: feeders $7.008.OO;
light yearlings $7.6008.00: light
wethers $6.0007.00; heavy $4.50
6.00; ewes $306.
Butter firm; extra cubes 30c;
cartons 39c; prints 38c; butterfat
No. 1 34 0 38c fob Portland; un
grades 32c.
Eggs: Up lc. selling case count
35036c; pullets 30c; buying price
30c; selling price candled 3739c
selected candled in cartons 39 04Oc
Poultry: Hens light 17 018c
heavy 25 27c; broilers 25c; heavy
25 0 27c; old roosters 1010c;
geese nom; dusks 20025c; tur
keys nom.
dergrades 32c.
white $1.09; white club $1.09; red
Walla $1.05; hard winter $1.11.
Millrun $22 0 23; oats $26 0 27;
No. 1 yellow $33.00;
hay, timothy, valley, $16.00018.50;
alt lira $14.60 la. uu; new grain
mixed $14.00 014.50; clover $11
12; straw $8.
Thomas Applegate, who was
born near Dallas In 1847, but who
moved with his parents in Doug
las county in 1850, died recently
at Yoncalla.
Four ocean-going vessels were
loading lumber at the same time
tnjs W8ek at the Hammond Lum
ber company's mill at Astoria.
. I
F. N. WOODRY the live stock,
furniture, real estate auctioneer.
Phone Sll for sale dates. Res.
110 N. Summer.
A. J. FOSTER, chiropodist for
corns, bunions, sic HI State. 957
GLASSES fitted by Dr. U K. Bur
dette, optometrist. Bow Optical
Co, 325 State St
DR. BRADFORD. Graduate and
post graduate ot the First Char
tered Chiropractic college in the
world. Ten years practice. Con
sultation and examination free.
Phone 62. rooms Slt-19-20
Oregon bldg.
Loan association has money to
loan at six per cent W. D. Smith
secretary treasurer. 101 Salem
Bank of Commerce.
FRANK PALM Merchant tailor,
South High and erry. '
M. A. ESTES, fins tailoring.
State street
GEO. C WILL, pianos phono
graphs, sewing machines, sheet
music and ptano studies. Re
pairing phonographs and saw'
log machines 4)1 State, Salem.
MbN 8 and women's hats reno
vated, blocked and truxuned, 496
Court, c B. Kiiaworut.
SALEM Kills, hemstitching, chain
stitching. pleating. buttons,
stamping and needlework. Phone
379, 329 Oregon bldg.
MRS. F. E. MULL, hemstitching
and fancy work, over Miller's
store Phone 117.
tice, corner Commercial and
Trade Sis. Bills payable monthly
in advance. Phoue 67.
yard in back of office, 640 State
street south of court bouse.
SAI.hlM Nursery company, fruit
and ornamental trees, small fruit
and roses. Phone 1763, 428 Ore
gon bldg.
motorcycles and Dayton bicycles
187 Court St.
'The Cycle Man"
mm' ' '.", 'The Cycle
IwsMsl 147 S.Com. Phone 68
and refuse of all kinds removea
$ by the month at reasonable rates
Cesspools cleaned and dead ani
mals removed. Day phone 167,
night phone 1898R. R. O. Cum
mins. Mgr.
'at '""t
if". C4""
f -
,l( 'j
f -i
For the first time since 1917
on Governors Island recently.
meant retirement from the army.
f ,i in,,, i.i iisiii 'ii mum mmriium in muni t i yJf
being examined by Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Rich, M. C, and Major
H. L. Kraft. Captain Oscar Nettles M. C, is taking notes. These
three men are the chief examiners
who are undergoing the test.
(Copyright 1920 by International
Trade Mark registered in the U. S.
1K LUXE studio. Belter photos.
147 N. Commercial.
PHOTOGRAPHS tinted, lessons in
oil painting, frames made. airs.
E. J. Bullock. Ill 8. Cottage.
phone 1620M. .
A SATISFIED customer returns
Rowland Printing Co., Phone
1513, over Patton book store.
be repaid like rent
Life, Fire, Health. Accident, In
demnity, Liability and Auto in
surance written.
401 Masonic Temple. Salem. Or.
FURNITURE repaired or mads to
order. Refintshing and up Bol
stering a specialty. Phone 1741.
Brown and Groves, 1101 S. Com
lit N. High
Phone 201.
recnaxged and repaired. Degge-
Kil.t-.u Aula Radiator shop, ra'
diator and lenoer specialist
18 & llthSt
UNION Auto repair shop, acety
lene welding. 481 Ferry street.
Phone 422.
R. IX BARTON, Exide batteries,
starter and generator work- 111
S. Commercial.
AUTO Electrician, expert trouble
shooting. Ill I. High St- pnoue
DR. W. L. MERCER, osteopathic
physician and surgeon. Kirks
viile graduate. 404-405 U. ft. Na
tional bank bldg. Phones, office
919, residence 14.
osteopathic physicians and sur
geons, 608 U. S. bank building.
Phone 859. Dr. White. resi
dence phone 49; Dr. Marshall
residence phone 834.
STEWARTS Repejs Shop. 347
Court SU Umbrellas and cutlery
G. C. PATTERSON, shoe repairing
shop, 141 S. Libe-jr St
stoves rebuilt and repaired, 50
years experience; Depot Na
tional and American tence, sizes
1 to 68 Inches high. Paints.
oil and varnishes, etc., logan
berry and hop hooks. Salem
Fence and Stove Works, 260
Court street Phone 114.
OREGON TAXI and Transfer. Lib
erty and Ferry street. Phone 77,
WANTED Rags and secondhand
goods of all kinds. Capital Junk
company, phone 111. 216 Can-
. SL.nvta
'i. ' '
c s
examinations of blood test took place
Failure to pass the examination
The photograph shows an officer
who will pass on the 300 olficers
Feature Service, Inc.)
Poor Business
Attributed To
Low Exchange
London, Jan. 25. The evils of
inflation and disorganized ex
changes have created an almost
uniform monotony ot distress. On
the one band we have countries
whose depreciated and fluctuated
currencies make foreign trade al
most impossible, while on the
other hand there are the relative
ly stable countries who are suffer
ing almost equally through the ,
shutting iown ot kwrmeJ mar
That is how Viscount Chur
chill described the financial situ
ation of Europe at a meeting ot
the shareholders ot the British
Overseas bank.
"The result ot all this," he said, .
"hat been a drop ln prices, and
particularly a discrepancy be
tween the prices ot raw materials
and finished products which baa
bad disastrous consequences.
"As always in these times ot
crisis bankers have to stand as
a buffler between their (cllewts,
and the full force ot the depres
sion." .
The bank has many connections
with Poland, a3 bad many other
banking concerns in Great Brit
ain, and in bis mournful chant -on
the distressful conditions In
Poland, Lord Churchill was vole- ,
tng the complaints ot bankers on ,
the whole.
"Conditions ln Poland continue
to be unsatisfactory," he contin
ued. "In spite ot the real efforts
towards reform which have been
recently made by the government
finances have continued to shrink
further Into the morass produced
by heavy expenditure. Insuffi
cient revenue and consequently .,
rapidly Increasing inflation.
'This particular phase has to
be regretted, a within the coun- .
try Itself substantial progress has
been made during the last twelve
Before Poland can be pulled
together the problems ot pruning .
down bureaucracy and militarism
and ot Increasing the efficiency
ot the tax collecting will have to
be solved. Given a form ot gov
ernment finance they might rely ,
with confidence on the energy of
the agricultural and Industrial
sections ot the country to restore
prosperity to Poland.
Rodent Campaign
Planned for March
Dallas. Or., Jan. 25. W. It.
Kadderly. assistant county agent
leader ot the Oregon Agricultural
college, was In Dallas Monday '
conferring with County Agent
Paul Carpenter regarding the
starting of a campaign on March
1. for the extermination of ro
dents, also ascertaining what as
sistance will be required by the .
county agent during the coming
Schoola Standardized.
Dallas, Or., Jan. 25. County
Superintendent of Schools Wills
has organized standard scnooi ,
clubs at LewisvHle, Bridgeport,
Zena, Spring Valley, North Dallas,
Broadmead and Falls City. At
Falls City four clubs were organ
ized and officers elected.
Realty Transfers
CompUed by Salem Abstract
Co., Ban of Commerce Bldg.
Martha Flnlay and hus to Mag
dalena Butt, et al lots 11 and 11
block F, Simpsons add. Salem and
nart lot 5 block 34 Salem $1
A 1 Eoff and wt to R E Ander
son lot 15 block 1 Willamette add.
Salem $1 , ,
Edward H Buhn and wf to Jo
han C Nielaen land in 7-1 W $1
Bert K Tompkins to J L Csr
row and wf land In sec. 14-1-1 H
$1Thos H Clark and wf to G 8
Pelton lot I block 15 Pleasant
Horns ndd. Salem $10
Pacific Telephone & Telegraph
Co. to T A Cooper lots 8 7 10 block
1 Jefferson $1
Leo N Childs to Clara B Eoff
lot 2 block 1 Oaks add. Salem $10
Clara B Eoff to Leo N Childs
95 acn-s in 7-S W $10
Sophia Stockmeler to Flora M
Millie part lot 2 block 87 Salem $1
Gt'rman Evangelical - nororniea
Bethany church to Flora M Millie
lart lot 2 block 87 Salem $2500
M M Gilmour and wf to Henry
J SnluVn and wf 40 Vi acres in 8-1
E $6000
C W Wllks and wf to Capital
National bank land In 7-1 W $1
i i
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s f I
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