Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 24, 1921, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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TTT1T' n A TlTfT A X -rsx-r-r&S . .
UTi- Ai! tIT jpp - wmmovvtWAL, SALEM, OREGON page wink
y$l3ZJgJlevate Their Minds By Building Up Their Heels
V3" rvrrrtU RATBB
I ye8'' i. Marlon and Pelk
"ontb 60 cents, I
Muotl ?,5 ( months $2.25, 1
,oM 'i Hlsewbere 60 eents a
i, t'Bevro
let 1101 W, Oommerclnl. cll
FOR SALE At a bargain, two i-"
effTe. Rlobe lights at
., Y t0, MISS
$1.10 bar sacki brln w
L. OaaUlL I oiIIm a..t '
I i.ted Press 1 exoiu-
I AXi o the use for pub
W ''t'?11t news dispatches
not otherwise
,r nr nut w l" "
tathts pV "A ,e-
I . y" . .
of Circulation
f W. "
Jrk 'WkwelL Peoples
1.,- nhleago.
1 E A. Wll
Si----r5rdeach Insertion
!. three Insertions. 5
!1 W 2ik 8 cents; one month. 20
:M.Wn. yea7, per month. 12
cents; 1. ss cents.
c.nts; minimum v- --
First -. . .,,.
f .-r, 'r oash in advance,
.nd no" taken over phone, unless
?d ".?;.. hxa monthly account.
"21 hODa errorB-
! -- ,x,.i, k mom furnished
FOR .ULsWrwo Glob, sale regC
adding machine. Be Zimmer-
roan. Capital Journal orrica, 0
NURSERY BTOfilC Appl., paarT
beaeh, cherry, prune, plum,
Franquetts grafted walnut trees,
mall fruits and ornamentals.
For sale by ralr View Nursery,!
Phone 178JJ1, east of fair
rounds, at the old Quaker
mimry .tana. d320
Paiamf a few more Uft; alty wm-
For Sale Livestock
t0WS rive fresh and springers!
vauuea. u. J. iewls & Co,
jtumsTiiie. yei, log.
For Sale AutomobUei
SNAP 1918 Ford, Excelsior mo-
torcycle, terms. Phone 92F3.
prospect's name furnished lead
ing to sale. Phone 1089M, Mr.
Turner, Buick saleaman. qJ2T
RUN NO RISKS Get yoar chains
nuw. Heune your brakes.
- W. E. Burns Dan Burns
(Not brothers the same man)
High St. at Ferry, Salem. q
For Sale Wood
iT;,. 1125 Waller.
frs iTiJurT Office room. reaB-
tUn journal.
onauic- - g07
fiVAiiTiEDLban of 14500 or $500
iWAni"' Journal.
1 on rami. i308
frr--5rrr,lrI nart of fountain
iLUoi ".. t'Tmirnal office,
f Pen- k30
' J1
tfoTRENT 1 turnl?h
N. Summer St.
SwiLL man wno iounu B.
Commercial aim
iBve at 421 Court St.
, , 1 A .jH
J6R LEASK 11 acrre iwu -
.tlno KM PITl UI1 T B liu.v '
J. J. O'Beerne,
Lake End, La,
f "ACRES, house, barn, 2 acres
strawberries, on ik
cipm luu. see xn
West. 370 State St. 307
ir,n imvs 4 room house, oarn
and 3 lots. juw uuwh, .""
110 Der month. See Ben. V. West
i7n. state St. JO'"
MEN wanted for detective work.
Hxnerience unnecessary. Write
I r.annr. former gov't detective,
St Louis. 307
BL'LL puppies, weaned, thorough
Vead American nit. last chance,
prlc right. Call at 2647 Portland
17 MIIJS per gallon mad with
new patented gasoline vapor
izer, Write for particulars.
Stransky Vaporizer Co., Puk-
wana, 8. D. I0T
FOR RENT Two newly finished
and furnished sleeping rooms,
strictly modern, one block from
carline, gentlemen preferred.
1626 Court, phone 469M. J308
II ACRES 4 miles from Salem on
capital highway, all In cultiva
tion; 10 acres in clover, 1H
acres of apple orchard. $175 oer
acre. Ed Loose, 870 H State St.
GALLSTONES Physician explains
simple, effective treatment for
Inflamed gallbladder and bile
ducts associated with gallstones.
Booklet free. Dr. Paddock, box
05 201 Kansas City, Mo. 07
$135 MONTH commence. U. S.
government railway mail clerks.
Men over 17, wanted. Steady,
Vacations. List positions free,
write today sure. Franklin In
mute, Dept. I2C. Rochester,
N- Y. 807
FOR dry wood
Prompt delivery.
DRY wood and hay for sale. Phone
$54, phone 622 ee330
SECOND growth fir 4 feet, $5.60
and $6.60; 16 Inch $6 and $7.
Phone 744R or 986W. ee329
SPLENDID second growth wood,
tin. ' uarwr aeo-
dt.M. pro;proM uleWot, will
dlrida and uah.u. . o.i."
proDsrty. Anni. .",,""'u
SsLeJm.' bS
uar a Home
-uv houses, city lots, small and
. f ao"ag1 close In and far
). u"""" ln oity and coun
try, ti. bl. Brown, over Bualck's
stora, BUte aad 00mm..o..T J
M. $$00 oash bal
ance $16 per month.
w S? T01m how cl0 . food
lot Price $2606. terms.
termam Iar9 ,ot H500,
If you want to buy, sell or trade
tit Gray bldg, phone 907. n
One of the udAi tj.ri4 n. ca-
lem, you can have from 20 to 60
acres with buildings, all ln cultiva
tion, only J miles out on Garden
road; will take a good home In
we also have a good car and
some cash for a small house.
A good lot and cash for house
not over 11600.
bmall house. V, acre unrt Ford
car for large house or small tract.
83U4 State street.
fHOTikiHA iirv i ... , ' . . W.
U.t'li?B tudlo. Better photos.
HOSTER, chiropodist, lot
oorns, bunions, tto. $11 state, ST
GLAiSE3 fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur-
opumetnst Bow OpUcal
DR. R. p. and Paaj-l M Rradfnrd.
B'auuates ana post graduates of
... lira unartarea uniropraouc
college in the world. Ten years in
r-none bit. Kooma ill
' uregon bldg,
MAttiON-POLK County Farm
toan association has money to
loan at six per cent W. D, Smith
secretary treasurer. 11 Salem
ana of Commerce.
r KMK PALM Merchant tailor,
oovig nign and Ferry.
M, A. ESTES. fine tailoring, 114
j"tts street
10 acres of fine fruit soil all cul
tivatea, - good road. Price $1250,
easy terms at 6 nercent Interest
4 acre tract located mile from
S o d VT',': -f'il8 '8a..m;-ghUy lo-
good. Phone 108F3.
FOR SALE Best grade mill wood.
mapie, second growth and om
fir, 4 ft or 16 ln. prompt delivery
Phone 1642, Fred E. Wells, 306
8. Church St ee
JtVOOD WOOD Special off the
car. 16 inch old fir $8 per cord.
Salem Fuel Yards, Theo Zieman,
Chas. Soos, props. Office phone
629. res. 2068. e
ROOMS and apartments, 633 Fer
ry 3319
FOR RENT Furnished house
keeping rooms. 1132 Center St.
FOR RENT 4 room house $12.60
per month. Wm. W. Powell Co.,
341 N. Com'l, St. phone 666 J308
FOR RENT Strictly modern furn
ished aDartment. Phone 1853.)
cation. Price $2000, terms.
0 acre tract, good road, 2 acres
prunes, l acre Jogans, strawber.
nes, cnerries, timber, runniner wa
ter, 7 room house, hot and cold
water, bath, electric lights. Price
auuu, terms.
F;ne east front lot iw 8. Com
mercial street. Price $850.
12 acre tract 4 miles south, I
acres run Dearing prunes, 4 acres
prunes set last year, 2 acres lo
gans. Price $6000, $2000 down.
We have some fine buys ln
houses, lots and lands.
See 3 before buying.
275 State street. n
FOR RENT Small furnished
apartment, corner Chemeketa
and Liberty. J307
NEW 5 room house on car line,
for rent. Inquire 2280 Fair
ground road. J308
FOR RENT Good Inside room
41x21, at 175 N. Commercial bt.
Wm. Nelmeyerj t
FOR RENT 6 room No. 1 house,
moBern; block from car serv
ice. Call T16R before I p. m.
FOR RENT Very desirable sleep
ing room near state house, fur
nace heat bath. 1110 Center
street. J307
FOR RENT Mr. Purdy at tne
Oregon Bath house, has several
unfurnished apartments for
rent. Phone 540, j307
FOR RENT Large modern room,
hot and cold water, steam heat,
over Brewer's drug store, 218 N.
Liberty St. J307
Wanted Miscellaneous
FOR sawing wood and plowing
and team work, call 110
380 acres, 225 cleared, 155 tim
ber pasture, 5 room bungalow,
good Darn 60x50, complete set of
other outbuildings such as are
needed on a farm of this size, on
good rock road, 6 miles from good
town; a splendid proposition to
subdivide and sell as fruit tracts
price $85 per acre, one third cash.
If sold soon will allow deferred
payments to run first six months
without interest. The price includes
a lot of equipment and the propo.
sition Is one of the best offered ln
the valley. Photographs, blue
print and list of equipment can be
seen at our office. Owner retiring.
If you are interested ln farm
lands then this Is your opportu
nity. 75 acres, 5 cleared, a lot of good
timber, fine soil, Joins river with
lots of trout, shack house, barn,
all well fenced, hi. mile from school
4 H miles from good town, 14 mile
from road to be paved next sum
mer. Price $3000, 14 ensh, bal
ance 6 per cent; will sell on sol
dier loan plan.
If you have any money to loan
see us; If you want money see us.
841 State street. n
FOR SALE by owner, very attract
ive new modern 6 room bunia
J?w, just completed, Kiod loca-
umsnea old Ivory, Siatn
room and kitchen white onamel.
nun. in features, shades at'd
eie.'trical fixtures' to mt?h
casement 22x26, larg attla. "nl
versal plpelese furnace. Will
acnnc at $6800; cash $.1500,
uaiance like rent at 6 percent.
.Apply 2J0 N. 20th, Sunday or
-imy, fnone 771. 807
, For Sale Houses
BUYS thU 7 room house and
t J0X160. electric, light- bath,
toilet, garage, cement walks,
house is only I years old. See L.
Hayford Realtor, 805 State
"vu-resiaent owner will sell
louse and. two lot. at 141! Lee
street on above terms. Price
Will consider any trade.
w"te F. I. Kinney, box 146.
Eugene, Or. a!12
PRICED RIQHT I room modern
oungalow, full cement basement,
modern plumbing and lights,
est front, well constructed, fur
face, garage, fruit; a nice home
n every way. Price for quick
le $5800, $2000 down will han
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.,
- Stat -.t a.309
For Sate Farms
At-KIJ tract on paved highway,
f mllee from Salem. $1000
akee it with clean bill of sale,
"urry. R. A. Mohney, 20 Ore-
-l?oiag. phone !17. b
I ) r. '
, WAR PRICE 26 acres all
Juivated, with good 5 room
nouse and good barn, 100 fruit
'rets, li miles from Salem n
Pavd highway. Sold 2 years ago
jor $7900. Can be bought today
fr $5500 with $2000 cash and
gOOd twm. o . w , fnl
regon bldg. b
CITY and country wood sawing.
Phone 1046. Fisher Bros.
COWS WANTED Fresh milk
cows wanted at onoe. H. L.
Wright. Aumsvllle, Tel. 173. !
wanted Salesman for the Pe
troleum laundry soap factory to
sell to consumers. A-l proposl
" tlon. Call 639 Center St., Salem,
write box 848. t811
EXCAVATING and general team
work. Gardens plowed and fer
tilizer furnished. Phone 736W.
R. C. Gamble. . I"
LANGS hot blast fuel saving rang
es. 141 up. Let us explain m
we cut your fuel bill Peo
ples Furrlture store, 171 North
1 atreet. nhone 754.
WANTED Used household goods.
tools, men's suits ana
cash price paid. Liberty Bx-
ehangi. 141 N. Com. Phone 141
Compiled from reports of Salem
dealers for the guidance of
C'upital Journal readers. (Re
vised daUy.)
UJiO. C. WILL, pianos phono
graphs, sewing machines, sheet
rouno ana piano studies. Re
pairing pnonographs and sew
ing machines. 431 State, Salem.
MblN'S and women's hats reno
vated, blocked and trimmed, 41
Court C. B. Ellsworth.
SALEM ELITE hemstitching,
chainstitching, pleating, buttons.
uregon bldg. lJhone 879.
MRS. F. JB. MULL, hemstitching
and dressmaking, over Miller's
stora Phone 117.
fice, corner Commercial and
Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly
In advance. Phone 67.
yard in back of office, 640 State
street south of court house
BALUM Nursery company, fruit
ana ornamental trees, small fruit
and roses. Phone 1763, 421 Ore
gon bldg.
Photographs tinted, lessons In
oil painting, frames made. lira.
H. J. Bullock, 111 & Cottage.
Phone 1I10M.
A .
oAlibjrijfiU customer returns
nowiana Printing Co, Phone
IHT over Pat ton book store.
be repaid like rent
Life. Fire. Health. Accident In
demnity. Liability and Auto In
surance written.
401 Maaonlo Tern Die Salem: Or.
FURNITURE repairea or made to
order. Refintshing and uphol
stering a specialty. Phone 1741,
Brown and Groves, 1101 & Com-
111 N. High
Pnona 201.
recnarged and repaired. Degge.
BurrelL '
SALEM Auto Radiator shop, ra
diator and fender specialists.
: i8 a nth st
UNION Auto repair shop, acety
, lene welding. 418 Ferry street
rnone 4za.
Wayne quayle
shop, 261 N.
Auto electric
Com'l. phone 41$,
It D. BARTON. Exide batteries.
starter and generator work. Hi
8. Commercial,
AUTO Electrician, expert trouble
shooting. 831 N. High St phone
DU W. L. MERCER, osteopathic
physician and surgeon. Klrks
ville graduate, 404-406 U. S. Na
tional bank bldg. Phones, office
918, residence 614.
osteopathic physicians and sur
geons. 506 U. S. bank building.
Phon 859. Dr. White, resi
dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall
residence phone 834.
; ' , 1 - 1 ' "
f ? r ' ' ' ' "
' f ' t fc
' ' ' " r---.. - :' ',' I
motorcycles and Dayton bicycles
387 Court St.
"The Cycle Man"
147 S.Com. Phone 68
OREGON TAXI and Transfer, Lib
erty and Ferry street Phone 77.
WANTED Rags and secondhand
goods of all kinds. Capital Junk
company, phone 298, 211 Cen
ter street
STEWART'S Repair Shop. 347
,. fourt St Umbrellas and cutlery
G. C. PATTERSON, shoe repairing
i shop. 143 S. Liberty St
.STOVES rebuilt and repaired, 60
Ci years experience; Depot Na-
tional and American fence, sizes
: 26 to 68 Inches high. Paints,
' oil and varnishes, etc., logan
, berry and hop hooka Salem
' ' Fence and Stove Works, 260
5 Court street. Phone 124.
and refuse of all kinds removed
j by the month at reasonable rates
; Cesspools cleaned and dead ani
: mala removed. Day phone 167,
night phone 1498R. R. O. Cum
mins. Mgr.
Stinnes, German Wizard
Of Finance, Juggles His
Millions At Dingy Desk
Tetrot, Dec. 24. "He denied me love and when I told him life
without love was driving me to thoughts of suicide he thrust a re
volver ln my hand and told me to "go to It,' declared Mrs. Rosa
Fecteau ln explanation of her divorce suit against hen husband,
George M. Fecteau, proprietor of a chain ot men's wear stores hers.
The suit Is a suppressed case, and although the divorce has been
pending sevral months the fact became known only when Mrs.
Fecteau's attorneys unsuccessfully sought an nlventory ot her hus
band 's property and had the case put over on tbs court calendar tor
January 10.
' 'I loved him, loved his two children as I would my own, but he
left tne to go on business trips to Chicago and St. Louis," she says.
Unable, she says, to bear living with Fecteau longer Mrs. Fecteau
left him last September, since which time bo has been contributing;
$32.50 a week toward her support.
Mrs. Fecteau, as Rose Morrison, was a nurse ln her home town,
Hudson Falls, N. Y., when she met Fecteau. A brlet and whirlwind
oourtsbtp followed. Then tbey married and after a honeymoon ln
New York and Atlantic City they came to Detroit, where she was
Introduced tn his two motherless dauchtetrs.
In the motion of tte wife for an inventory of her husband's prop
erty Mrs. Fecteau s counsel said Fecteau was worth about 11,000,000.
This Fecteau's counsel denies, asserting was nearer correct.
Fecteau has tiled a cross bill against his wlfs.
ROOM and board, close in, at 495
m fnm mercial street, J.'""
PLUMBING 75o per hour,
FRANK MAPES plumbing
general repair worn.
at Lot Pierce's. mlu
JOE S plumbing shop, 1090Norin
Kth. Heating anu leF-"-
soecialtv. Phone 1502
PRIVATE maternity hospital. 1647
N. Front or pnone -
J. F. Stins.
FOR good carpenter work, oab'"'
mil 30
J. C. BAIR, the regumr
. ranair maiatui.
and bodies. 444 Ferry
St. q329
work or
ijr you w. 'r-: , g.M.
shingling oone,
For Sale M
rOTAi'oKS for sale. P. N.
en. Rt . kT tit
tm; ;
'-i'1- Puppies for
-Jfl! State.
E. B.
SALE Hay. Phone 105F11.
Y C309
i LK Xnuta poultry, choice
rr4 Rncks. Phone 4F1. f307
"C?1 ork t reasonable prices.
LL-- Commercial. c307
v-ll 'j&lJS Fiiberta. 1210 North
-i"n. Phone mil rlli
WAN fEI Old mattresses ak
over. Phone . - ,
ding Co. 7.
. L.
PLUMBING, repairing ano
PAiAnable charges.
Godfry, shop foot of Union
Phone 1397J,
Grain: Average valley wheat
(bulk) 84c.
Hay: Cheat hay $11 12; oat
hay $11011: clover hay (bulk)
Wholesale Prices.
Meat: Hogs $7.007.6O; dressed
hogs lie; top steers 5195 3-4e;
cows 20414c; bulls $c; lambs 6
gfec; veal 13 0120.
Butter and eggs: Eggs 40 043c;
light hens 16 018c; heavy bens 22c
oid roosters 1c; springer 18c;
turkeys, live 33 35c; dressed 40
Rutterfat: Butterfat 42c; cream
ery butter 45 0 46c country butter
3 5 8 7c.
Vegetables: Oregon onions $5.00
cwf beets $2.50 cwt; Oregon cab
bage 114c lb; green peppers 9c lb;
cauliflower $1.60 per doz; Califor
nia tomatoes 10c lb; potatoes
il 75 cwt; spinach 7c lb; egg plant
15c lb; California lettuce $1.25 per
crate; Arkansas sweet potatoes
6e ib
Fruits: Oranges $6.00; lemons
$6.00; bananas 9c; California grape
fruit $6.50; Florida grape fruit
17.60; Empress grapes 12c lb; cran
berries 191c lb; huckleberries 15c,
Retail Prices
Butter and eggs: Esgs 47c;
creamery butter 60c; country but
ter 42045c; turkeys 48060c.
Portland Markets
Portland, Or., Dec. 24. Cattle
steady; receipts none; choice cau.e
?6 to 7.00; medium t? good f ...0 ,
lair iu iii".
Berlin, Dec. 24. "Go and see
Stinnes! " or "Hare you seen Stin
nes?" Those are the words you
hear constantly In Berlin business
circles. The man from Brealau
with a factory to sell, the promot
er from Frankford with a banking
project, the speculator from Mu
nich with an Idea, and the har
assed director with a hard-pressed
steel works all of these have only
one object In coming to Berlin,
and that is to see Hugo Stinnes,
the mystery man of finance, the
Bismarck of commerce, the real
dictator of Germany. ....
Here ln Berlin, ln a dingy, un
pretentious. Ill-furnished office.
sits the wizard the greatest
money juggler since the days of
Ernest Terah Hooley taciturn,
sombre-eyed, ill-dressed and with
out that personal charm oh which
so many financiers depend for suc
cess. Herr Stinnes Is a busy man who
does not appear to be busy. Yet
he is a tremendous worker, a dark
visaged, inscrutable, almost sinister-looking
glutton for work.
. Hii II th WilL
He controls something over 130
public companies. They all have
Canadian Bank
Reserve Fund
$8,000,000 Shy
Montreal, Que., Dec. 24. The
rest account of the Merchants
Bank ot Canada, which recently
became Involved In financial diffi
culty was Impaired to the extent
ot about $1,000,000, Sir Montague
Allan, president, declared In a let
tar rnlllnr a reneral meeting Of
ucian as wen, lor ne sits in tne shareholders for February 8 next,
Reichstag as an M. P and though te consider the proposed am alga-
he has little faith in the efficacy matlon with the Bank of Mon
ot parliamentary procedure, he re- treal. The rest account ot the
tains his seat; tor you never know Merchants Bank nominally stood
what may happen and how neces- at $9,600,000
sary it may be, in the Interest ofl The Bank ot Montreal has
the 140 companies, that their chief agreed to assume all the liabilities
should have a voice on the floor of . o( the Merchants Bank for the
the house.
He has another voice, too, a gi
gantic, strident voice If he cares
to use It, ln the form of seventy
newspapers with enormous circu
lations. Imagine the power of
such a voice, and yet you seldom
riAfert hla InfliittnA In f ha Nimn.
of the newspaper, that Stinnes reported to have had large sums
consideration of a cash payment of
$1,060,000, together with a pay
ment of a block of Bank of Mon
treal stock which would represent
one shara ot that stock for every
two shares o( the Merchants Bank
of Canada. ,
The Merchants Bank of Canada
ot money tied up In farm loans,
which were not Immediately col-
. lectlble.
I,nn,d HliAtnra htit hla la the
will that moves the boards- HlSidlnP c..othe"' .t0Betner wit hi'
the policy that is pursued,
relies on his own judgment,
owns. It Is not known if he has
yet achieved a full understanding
of the efficacy of the printed word.
Possibly he has. He is a difficult (Note Rest Is Canadian term
man to interview, and when he'for reservs.)
has been interviewed there is very j
little wine to squeeze out of the Approximately 250 Chinese stu
rintage of words; and sometimes, dentg are enrolled In schools ln
too, he Is constrained to repudi-j England, as conpared with more
ate, which isn't very pleasant. 1 than 2000 In American colleges
But on the whole Herr Stinnes nd universities.
is a great man with a powerful
mind and a following in Germany
enjoyed today by no other man
It Is the personality of the man
with the uncouth figure and tbo
Football Team
Off For Coast To
Play California
Washington, Pa., Dec. 24. The
Washington and Jefferson foot
ball squad ted by Coach Neale and
accompanied by President Baker
and a party ot undergraduates
were glvn an enthusiastic send
oft when they left here today for
Pasadena, Gal., where on January
t tbey will play against the Uni
versity of California. Every play
er was In prime condition for the
journey and the game, it wss as
serted, gridiron practice having
been carried on to within a few
days of departure.
The team will go by way of
Kansas City, which they expect to
reach tomorrow morning. Re
maining until Tuesday they will
journey to the Grand Canyon,
which they were scheduled to
reach Thursday. The day will be
spent there, and the final leg of
the journey will end at Pasadena
Friday afternoon.
Players who were selected for
the trip are: McLaughlin, I'len
kert, Erlckson, Basista, West,
Futtiey, Vlck, Konvollnka, Hpill-
ers, Aiken, Captain Stein, Welder
quint, Perkins, Browning, Crook,
Snyder, Neal, Vines Marion and
California O r o wers
Quote 30-40s at 14
Cents Others Are it
The. California Prune A Aprioot
Growers' association has advanced
the price ot prunes three-fourths
ot a cent a pound over its opening
prices on 1921 prunes. This ap
plies to all aises except IO-40s on
which an advance of, 1 cents
has been made, according to au
thentic advices received late yes-.
terday by the Oregon Growers Com
operants association.
Prices now quoted by the Cali
fornia association on its 1021 -
stock packed in 25-pound boxes f
o. b, coast are as follows: 30-40a. -
lie; 40-SOs, 12c; 50-60s, 10c; 60
70s, 0c; 70-80S, 8c; 80-0s, Tlic; -90-lOOs,
The advance In the California
holdings will make It possible to
advance prices on Oregon prunes
which the Oregon Growers will do
within a few days.
Recent reports from the New
Vork market report considerable
trading tn small sized prunes. Of
these sizes the Oregon association
is completely sold out, holding no
tlallans smaller than 3 1)-40s. On
the other hand the California as
sociation has sold all ot its larger
prunes which wers but a small
percentage ot the crop.
West Salem
West Salem, Or., Dec. 24.
Sixty-five thousand mop handles
are being shipped to Pittsburgh
this week by the Oregon Wood
Products company of West Salem;
also 60,000 broom handles to Okla
homa next week. Mr. Barrett, the
general manager, reports that be
is working a crew ot 12 men now.
Mr. Berrett, general manager ot
the Oregon Wood Products com
pany, left Friday for Portland to
confer with the company's presi
dent ln regard to developing the
hardwood department of the fac
tory. The machinery has just been
Installed and when set ln opera
tlon after January 1 will greatly
Increase the working crew. Mr.
Barrett reports the outlook en
couraging; Mr. Carpenter and son Hall were
callers at the home of Rev. A.
Hawthorne this wsek,
Mrs. M. B. Davis, who has been
111, Is abls to be around now.
Alex Hawthorne had the mis
fortune to have his bicycle broken '
Monday while ln Salem, when an
auto backing Into the curb smash
ed the front wheel.
W. J. Morrow will deliver the
Christmas sermon at Halls Ferry
Sunday morning.
Ira L. Wltbrow, foreman (or the
Spauldlng Logging company, has
returned home from Black Rock
tor the Christmas holidays. After
January 1 he will move his logging
machinery to Wlllainlna tor oper
atlon. ,
John L, Burgiss leaves Monday
for Rainier, Or., to visit friends at
his former home.
Little Muriel Robinson, who
has been very sick will bronchial
pneumonia, Is Improving as well
as could be expected.
In Japan two sets of characters
are printed side by side, ons script
for the educated people, and the
other set easily read, for the un
Children of Africa are said to
display great enthusiasm for
learning, and expulsion from
school la to them tas greatest pun
ishment possible.
not on that of others He does not
ask advice, nor does he give it
jJe; daring finance tn big figures, that
i aas maae mm today the greatest
ngure in Germany.
00- common to fair" $4.ii95.50; He gTes orders instead. feeders $5.00 0 5.40; f- 10 j Rg ,g a tremenaou iis
good $4.50i& si.uu; CUOIC
neifers $4.75 (8 5.50: medium to
good $4.2504.75; fair to medium
14 505.00; common cows 83.0"
4 oo; canners $1.75 03.00; bulls
X Ano inn- choice dairy calves
!o'nntfi10.00: prime light
a so- medium light
beavy $-.00 0 6.00.
r. n , . v c in farm
FOR UW" UAn iZ PnwelL
marrML f-iwh- :
LECTRJClAN-efe " V b.
nr u.ri-h. nhone 1744W; m
jPiXET delivered. Pho
C"W)Ua trees 15 to SOe, 1605
"-heraekata, 697 and 119 B. 12th
SAL !ti tali'
bT.rUUPr1e..n.r MW-
required, can pay the balance like
rt .
.oo t
$1.00 0 8.00;
, lip-ht IS.7S4.ou; BiM"f
Eeavy 250 to 300 pounds $7,60 0
850- 300 pounds and up $6,600
78;55o; rough heavy .:'
ni $8 50&9.00; states $4.i04.5O
P Sheep steady; receipt, none;
eJ of mountain lamo. $..
J" ; best valley $8.00 8.60; f
14 6006.50; feeders $1.6001. 0,
Ugnt yearling. $6.0007.00; Bght
wethers $5.00 0 6.00; heavy $4,00 0
& 00: ewes $105
,'.., steady; extra enbe.
0 6 40 He:
cartons 45c; print. 44c
Butterfat No. 1
I O D v
43 6 44c
grades 40c.
Egs: Selling price ea
huvina- Price
mng price ca-dled 48 0 41c;
"..J5 ...Hirf In carton iie.
Poultry: Hen. light 17 01le;
v.. 14 6 25c: spring. zy
stener, too.
sits for interminable minutes at
his shabby desk listening, and
scrutinizing meanwhile with his
deep-thinking, luminous eyes the
man who Is anxious to sell or
. Herr Stinnes, with his dark
beard, pallid face, close cropped
hair, and the figure of a black
clad small dealer ln second-hand
scrap Iron, 'gives you no Indica
tion of strength by his utterances.
They are few and to the point.
Bnt one cannot be In his presence
s minute without feeling that here
Is a man of power and nerve and
imagination. Wherever you turn
in Germany, Into any of the main
svenue or the byways ot finance,
you encounter the shadow of this
strange taciturn man of millions.
Seventy JTewtpapera.
Unlike Mr. Hooley, however.
Herr Stinnes keeps tn touch with
other things besides mere eom-
besvy l0lc: 'a roosters 100 I pany-maklng snd the development
il ge "!le!. f.MJf.. U Genua InJulri. Hs Is a poll-
Heavy Rains in
Ohio Cause Flood
Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 24. Be
cause of unusually heavy rains
yesterday and last night in south
ern Ohio, the United States weath
er bureau here today Issued flood
warnings for the lower Scioto riv
er and announced that flood
warnings may be Issued later to
day for the lower Muskingum river.
tfHri L'A Oil
k . 1. l
Galllpolts, Ohio, Dec. 24. The
Ohio river towns of Point Pleas
ant, Mlddleport snd Pomeroy to
day were preparing lor a Christ
mas flood of the Ohio river, fol
lowing a rainfall during the past i
24 hours of three and one-half
inches. Government gauges In tbs!
Ohio river st this point registered
25 feet this morning, just one footj
under flood stags and river men
predicted the river probably would
reach a stage of 10 to 61 feet by
1 1 .... r? fl ;? -feVffe J
I- - - - Tt v-nf7, ,,.f ij linW ,1
lit :"Z - t ....-' VrCr... II
' 1 1 11 ' irtm its -. s 1 11ssiwisssii s mums mtmrn, t muni s m msiaiiii mi muss,!!!-..- n-r J
A view of Harewood House, theiOouneas of Harewood, psran.s of fiance. Princess Mary and her
country residence ot the Earl snd I VUcount Laseelles, Princes .Vary'sl husband will live there part ot the
' time.
"eat- ldlr gill Brway IZL
"VIM ad
Ita: turkey" rJea
Sill 75URNAL