Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 20, 1921, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    I jtiBDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1921
rHE CAPTTAT. .TnTTT?"TAT. qatpu adphaxt
Z T. : 7TL l. O i !- - - ;
mejiamc i w amoKesjJigarets Rarely Rnlk
. nnth. S6
lar. , Marion and Polk
i sf aii' ' month cent8 - J
ii)tle months
r..ths.-'?J,hBr -60 cent
Elsewhere -60 ,t
5" '1
a8 second oi-
at 8alem
'J5S3T the use;ior pu-
Sittt otherwise
w"i...i on
5l "r 'us.
Hobart bdg..
i A.
I,., Francisco.
Bfa three insertions, 6 een,
jents, tni month, 20
i week,
g cents; .one
month, 12
iesn,8i ttaum per ad, 26 cents.
I,.nts: minimum v ' To.
nradrcash in advanc
S Lken over phone, unless
Sand no . taken account
f.?"Zance for phone errors.
". 17n N. 23 St. v
( oi-, . w.rk horse,
IWANTBU- s , 106
l-4f-STTi?3TViotrOla for 20
$77 roriijj
I--ST-5.1 umlU i'oi-d, new tires,
llrrif-cal1 aftera63o
lljBwrToo?niSuse on car
nr rem. -
ground road
ImrMBiNGand repair aone ra
- guaranteed. Phone
r-SS" a furnished housekeeping
'oms; alao sleeping rooms. 7o
sth Heaimu .x.-".
ytaltv. Phone 1502.
reTiairs muiu-uwi-,
onrl bodies.
444 t erry
jpgEmS Ford runabout
lir HP lVfiTTT UHU. KWVU w- f
cheap for cash. Hudson,
LOST Sunday evening, DtacK
Marten fur on N. Uberty or Cen
ter streets. Reward. Mrs. '-has.
wallo,. nhnne 522J. k305
WANTED at once, small nouse
(rom $500 to 800,- with 200
4own and $16 per month. Thom
ison, 331 State street. 1304
FOR SALE Auto stage and route,
good investment; act quick if in
terested. Address B T 20 Journal
office. ' 803
WANTED Salesman for the Pe
troleum laundry soap factory, to
sell to consumers. A-l proposi-
' tion. Write 639 Centep St., Salem
FOR RENT Good modern, funi
ifehed 7 room house to rent, on
Falrmount hill, $50 per month.
See Ben F. West, 370 State
street. 303;
Bui a lot on S. High street with
all improvements paid, the price
ft $500, $200 cash will handle.
R. A. Mohney, 209 Oregon bldg.
phone 217. - a304
13000 BUYS this 7 room house and
lot, 50x150, electric lights), bath,
toilet, garage, cement walks,
. house is only 5 years old. See L.
A. Hayford Realtor, 305 State
$1900, AND this 9 room house is
- yours if taken soon, has garage,
lectric lights, and lot 120x124.
Cash to handle $600, balance
asy terms. See L. A. Hayford,
Realtor, 305 State St. a
M ACRE farm partly Improved
in Polk county, 2 miles of ship
ping point, good soil. Price $6,-
000, $2000 cash, balance terms
at 6 per cent. R. A. Mohney,
. 809 Oregon bldg. b304'
14500 BUYS 44 acres, 34 acres in
cultivation, balance timber and
pasture. 6 room house, old
liarn, 2 horses, 2 cows, wagon,
other farming implements f go
' with place. Soldier's loan or
$1000 cash will handle thus. See
Ben F. West, 370 State St.
. - ' 303
WT1EN your home In entered by
intruders and your peace is dis
turbed you call In the police to
arive them out, instead of a
Preacher to convert them. Then
why do you tolerate rheuma
tism, colds or skin diseases by
"ailing in (the preacher) salves,
ointment, liniment and a rub
ber doctor when you can drive
't all out of your earthly taber
le by crawling into a Turkish
ath Room for a few times. The
"regon Bath house has one for
sand one for men.
For Salt
Pna . . -
" sax,e New 5 room house,
arage, modern, built ins. See
owner, J2350, 1424 N. Winter,
rr - a306
comnlptA1 c
a bungalow, , 2 blocks from
state street, ready t occupy in
days. price low (275o,
ns J500 down. $25 month. S.
learson, 210-211 U. B. bank
For Sale Farms
I i,T , ownr, good farm in
ncoln county, 140 acres $7500,
raS t?rms- 8i room house, ga
w. in north Salem, bargain;
64P.,e2 delivered. Phone
yLFr Steiner. Rt. 1. b303
' win k BA"GAIN $200 down
tooL !!y 4 acre with good five
vnlni T ba8ement- b
citv i and hog houses, near
Son SU 'mmedlate posses-
' ?''7'H'aUnS stove,
Tp--i!Lf- Capitol.
for sale bale(J clover
delivered. Phon 4F2.
Scr . c316
vWk " reaonabl prices
r.'Tribune bids.. New
! Li-rrfrITTnsertiorT
Qf wuiu
c . T7
For Sale Miscellaneous
B'Oft SALE Filberts.
18th. Phone 1938J.
1210 North
FOR SALE Pretty wicker baby
buggy, price $25. 360 Owen St.
, phone 61 2J. r cS03
POTATOES (or sale J1.50 sack.
. small potatoes 75o sack, phone
CHRISTMAS trees 15c to 50c. 1605
Chemeketa, 697 and 1390 S. 12th
. -' - :'- - e307
FOR SALE Nice family Christ
mas trees, .cheap., 1810 N. Com'l
' " ' ' . C303
ASTRONOMICAL telescope for
' Ford caf. Ollv OrAttn 9 81; n.b
street, Salem. c304
FOR SALE Used plow, steel ca
. ble suitable' for stump pulling.
, West Side Gravel Co. phone 946.
CARROTS $8 er toil olTioni
- 11.60 per saok; bring sacks, W.
L. Gasklll, 2 miles east of
Brooks. .!
SALE At a barrain. twn a.
mantel gas office globe lights at
Capital Journal office. c
FOR SALE Two Globe sale reg
isters at a bargain; one small
adding, machine. See Zimmer
man. Capital Journal office. c
NURSERY STOCK Apple, pear,
peach, cherry, prune, plum,
Franquette grafted walnut tree
small fruits and ornamentals.
For sale by Fair View Nursery,
phone 17S6J2, east of fair
grounds, at the old Quaker
nursery stand. d320
For Sale Livestock
FOR SALE 2 heifers, been fresh
4 weeks. Rt. 3, box 188. e304
COWS B'ive fresh and springers.
good values. C. J. Lewis & Co.,
.. Aumsville, Tel. 103. e
For Sale Automobiles
prospect's name furnished lead
ing to sale. Phone 1089M, Mr.
Turner, Bulck salesman. q327
HAVE for sale my 1921 Ford
touring car has never been run
by anyone but myself; can be
bought very reasonable. Phone
1990J after 6 p. m. Mrs. Kath-
ryne Watson. q303
ttUN NO RISKS Get your chains
NOW. Reline your brakes.
W. E. Burns Dan Burns
(Not; brothers the same man)
High St. at Ferry, Salem. q
For Sale Wood
FOR SALE Ash, old and 2nd fir
Phone 53F5. ee303
OAK, ash, old fir and
growth. Phone 981M.
SECOND growth fir 4 feet, $5.50
. and $6.50; 16 inch $6 and $7.
Phone 744R or 986W. ee329
SPLENDID second growth wood,
dry, J6.60, nearly dry $6; 16.
inch old fir $8. Judd's wood's
good. Phone 108F3. ee316
FOR SALE Best grade mill wood.
'mapie, second growth and oia
fir, 4 ft or 16 in. prompt delivery
Phone 1642, Fred E. Wells, 805
S. Church St. ee
JVOOD WOOD- Speoial off the
car. 16 inch old fir S per cord.
Salem Fuel Yards, Theo Zieman,
Chas. Soos, props. Office phone
529, res. 2058. ee
FOR RENT Bleeping room $8
per month. Phone 1273W. J303
FOR RENT 3 room unfurnish
ed apartment. 807 Mill. ; J303
FOR RENT 3 furnished house-
keeping rooms. 639 Center. J303
HOUSEKEEPING rooms and sleep
ing room at 152 S. Church. j303
ROOMS and apartments, 633 Fer
ry, 1319
FOR RENT Good inside room.
43X21, at 175 N. Commercial St;
Wm. Neimeyer. tf
FOR RENT Modern 4 room furn-
ished house, adults preferred.
670 S. 18th. J303
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms
reasonable rates. 34314 N. Com
mercial, Cottel Apts. J302
FOR RENT 1 furnished light
housekeeping room cheap. 692
N. Summer St. J
FOR RENT Room and garage,
room reasonable, ligbt, heat,
bath, phone, close in. 263 South
High. J30
FOR RENT 3 house keeping
rooms and sleeping porch, light,
water, gas, electric washer, wood
furnished. 692 N. Summer St. J
bun KJNi A 6 ivom bungalow,
new, with cemented basement
and good garage, on corner Hoyt
and Cottage at $35. See Wm.
Flmine. 841 State. '
Lost and FountT
LOST English setter, black and
white tick, with black ears, two
large black spots in middle of
back. Please notify and receive
'reward at C. E. Bowen's, 491 N.
5nth ' k304
Wanted Miscellaneous
LADY wishes work by hour or by
day. Phone 1273W.
WANTED To rent sheep
cash rent Phone 1576M
FOR sawing wood and plowing ;
and team work, call 1959J. 1313,
WANTED By young married ,
work of any mm. box
If we didn't see iTwoldn't believe it was true
I i 6oi(06 to fce Hosr to
Me Fo( THAT doo. r
f I .I,--- - i--nTa -- 1
wanted Miscellaneous
iKAKSt'Eli, all kinds, Jl.50
rxiune sstiw.
i.f ana eouniry wood lawins
Phone 8046. Flrtii. S -A
i , , wasl"ng and ironing
nd plain sewing, phone 1959J.
r . m304
Cows. WANTED Fresh milk
COWS Wanted At nnoa CT r
wr vr . .. .. r-r
Wright, Aumsville, Tel. 173. !
nmu,,,!) to $800 on Saleiti
city property. Box M Capital
Journal. .
WANTED 3 or 4 unfurnished
XXT A Mn.(.A' - '
iiuuOTneepmg rooms, dose in,
runt, rnone 9F3.
. ; ' J304
VVAJNiK.n 'tn : .! i. ...
v 6ci jtil LUUCI1 Wim
someone owning portable mill. I
na.vA tha. n
rost omce. no's
Wanted. i-ri ,...., , r
buiub ana snoes, tett
cash price paid. Liberty Ex
change, 241 N. Com. Phons 841
oiasi iuei savin? rans.
es, $48 up. Let us explain why
we cut your fuel bill Vi Peo
ples Furr.iture store. !71 North
Commercial street, phone 734.
EXCAVATING and general team
work. Gardens plowed and fer
tilizer furnished. Phone 736W.
. R. C. Gamble. 1308
BOARD and room close in at 495
N. Commercial. . 1303
FIRST class car washing.
CITY and country wood
phone 1608W.
PLUMBING 75c per hour. Phone
950M. S13
PRIVATE maternity hospital. 1647
N. Front or phone 1959J, Mrs.
J. F. Stine.
FOR good carpenter work, cabini
work; figure anything. Phom
1734R. m30'
IF you want carpenter work or
shingling done, phone 1899M.
WANTED Old mattresses to make
over. Phone 19, Capital City bed
ding Co.
PLUMBING, repairing and coil
work, reasonable charges. L.
Godfry, shop foot of Union St.
Phone 1397J. 1322
NEW Auto Repair Shop, all work
guaranteed. Prices reasonable.
William Gray, 310 South Winter
FOR GOOD BUYS In farm and
city property, see Wm. Powell,
just real estate, 341 N. Com
mercial. Phone 666. n
ELECTRICIAN Secure my fig
ures on wiring by contrct or by
the hour, at pre-war prices. H.
W. Hatch, phone 1744W. m
CLERKS, for postal mail and first
grade positions. $125 monthly.
Experience unnecesary. For
free particulars of examina
tions, write J. Leonard, (former
civil service examiner) 1087
Equitable bldg., Washington, D.
C. ... g304
FOR SALE Corner lot on Fir
street. Price $525. See Krueger,
209 Oregon bldg. a303
FOR SALE or trade for Salem
property,- by owner, 3 acres lo
ganberries in fine shape. 437 S.
Commercial street. b30
ALBERTA land, eight quarter sec
tions, prosperous district, will
divide and exchange for Salem
property. Apply owner, Wm. B.
Bradley, phone 92F3. b308
City houses, city lots, small and
large acreage, close in and far
ont. exchanges in city and coun
try. H. E. Brown, over Busick's
store, State and Commercial
A BARGAIN The best east front
lot in Richmond for the money,
close to State. A fine corner on
6. Commercial, 162 deep to al
ley, paving paid, a beautiful
laying lot. 100 others Including
choice Falrmount park sightly
lots. Wm. Fleming, 341 State St.
A good farm of 44 acres most
ly in cultivation, 25 acres in crop,
on good gravel road, fair buildings,
all equipped with tools, stock and
feed, for $5000. Will take some
city property. We have some bar
gains In city lots. 80 acres with fair
buildings on good road to ex
change for small tract.
831H State street .
8 room house, 2 lots, barn, one
block to car line. Price only $1600,
$500 cash, rest like rent.
Good car warited as first pay
ment on a good 6 room house on
paved street, 2 blocks to car line,
lots of fruit. Price $2500, no money
required, can pay the balance like
200 Gray bld
Good five room house, two lots,
close to car line. $300 cash bal
ance $16 per month.
Seven room house close in, good
lot. Price $2500, terms.
6 room house, large lot. $1500,
terms. .. 4 .
If you want to buy, sell or trade
"ea ' H. L. MARSTERS
212 Gray bldg, phone 807. n
1 7 SAP TReer 1
s.tunT 00GHT to Be
; n acres witn 1 acres young
"cojiiib prunes, 4 acres logans, red
soil, south of Salem; $5000, Easy
vol U18
10 acres black Brave! anil, sit
acres bearinj logans, young family
viuiiaru, Dunairtga, ft mile from
town and high school; price $2750,
20 acres all cultivated, t aores
6-year old prunes, acre logans,
new 7 room house, good barn,
coops for 600 chickens, running
water; 3 miles from town; $4700,
terms. ' . .
35 acres, all cultivated, red soil,
21 acres in crop, 3-4 acre straw
berries, buildings; 3 miles from
Shaw; 3 horses, 1 cow, all imple
ments, and crop goes; $6700, 14.
500 cash, .
94 acres, cleared, good build
ings, good soil, i miles from
town and on gravel road; $7000,
H cash.
We have $4000 to loan on good
real estate security.
Want to list 400 acre farm to
trade for smaller farm, good first
mortgage and some cash.
341 State St, phone 970. n
6.86 acre tract, 6 acres under
cultivation, balance pasture. 6
room bungalow, drilled well, large
chicken house. Will exchange for
house and lot. Price $3850. ,
130 acre farm, 110 acres In fall
crop, balance pasture and timber,
good modern bungalow house, fine
barn, garage, hog house, woven
wire fences. Price $130 Der acre.
120 aires of fine land located 6
miles from Salem. 60 acres culti.
vated, balance pasture and fine
timber. Price $12,000.
200 acre farm, 100 acres culti
vated and mostly in crop. Price
S5 per acre.
A block of land containing near.
ly one acre, all cultivated, close to
car line and paved road. Price $600
u aown, balance sio per month,
6 per cent interest.
We have some fine tracts of
land from to 20 acres 4bn your
own terms, interest 6 per cent. If
you are looking for acreage on
easy terms, see us.
We also neve a large list of
houses And building lots.
275 State street.
Complied from reports of Salem
dealers for the guidance of
Capital Journal readers. (Re
vised daily.)
Grain: Average valley wheat
(bulk) 82c. . i
Hay: Cheat ' hay $1112; oat
hay $1112; clover hay (bulk)
Wholesale Prices.
Meat: Hogs $7.00 7.60; dressed
hogs 11c; top steers 66 3-4c;
cows 24Hc; bulls 3c; lambs 6
5ttc; veal 1212fto.
Butter and eggs: Eggs 88c; light
hens 1518c; heavy hens 32o;
old roosters 8c; springer 18c;
turkeys, live 30 32o; dressed 38
Butterfat: Butterfat 42c; cream
ery butter 45 46c country butter
Vegetables: Oregon onions $6.00
cwt; beots $2.50 cwt; Oregon cab
bage lc lb; green peppers 9c lb;
cauliflower $1.60 per doz; Califor
nia tomatoes lOu lb; potatoes
$1.75 ewt; spinach 7c lb; egg plant
15c lb; California lettuce $3.25 per
crate; Arkansas sweet potatoes
6e ib
Fruits: Oranges $6.00; lemons
$6.00; bananas 9c; California grape
fruit $6.50; Florida grape fruil
$7.60; Empress grapes 12c lb; cran
berries 1914c lb; huckleberries 16c
lb. -
Retail Prices
Butter and eggs: Egg 45o;
creamery butter 60c; country but
ter 42 45c; turkeys 48c.
Portland Markets
Portland, Or., Dec, 20.- Cattle
steady; receipts none; choice cattle
$6.507.00; medium to good $6.00
6.50; fair to medium $5,609
6.00; common to fair $4.60tp5.60;
choice feeders $5.005.50; fair to
good $4.50 05.00; choice cows and
heifers $4.76 6.60; medium to
good $4.254.75; fair to medium
$4. 605.00; common cows $3.00
4.00; canners $1.763.00; bulls
$3.004.00; choice dairy calves
$9.00 10.00; prime light $8.00 ft
8.50; medium light , J6.00&8.00;
heavy $5.006.00.
Hogs steady; receipts 26;
prime light $8.60 8.65; smooth
heavy 250 to 300 pounds $7,800
8.00; 800 pounds and up $6.60
7.60; rough heavy 6.00e.6O; tat
pigs $8.268.65; stags $4.606.60
sneep sieauy; rscipi.
past of mountain lamos
9.00; best valley $8.60 99.00; culls
$4,50 9 6.6U; leeaer. ,i.d w ...
light yearlings o.uu (.uu; ugm. - , .
wethers $5. 006.00; heavy $4,00 0 last Liberty loan campaign la
5.00; ewes $15 I raising 149.85 per cent of its
Butter steady; extra cubes qnota, the flag that waved over
40(940 'Ac: cartons 45c; prints 44c , . ,,j, r--w.-
Butterfat, No. 1 churning cream , the capltol building in Washing
43 44c fob Portland; under ton during the days of the world
grades 40o. ' war Was presented to the state,
Eggs: Selling price case count j -. Psr.fiiv ruarded at
s'-'n.rg price car.flled 4w l9c; se.
rJ WM iPAROoNTVii intruvom fee ATeo.LfMs cla.. tuTLcit; -y rH H t MUTT! rY ) L v fr-
. " " 1 1 ""
jW oab: J Fh4 hc'll throw hd .e n M.6ft Bkthv I
J 1 11 r i t " s - J i r , , , v . . . j ii-"- I W if
f c ,J V -
.XE studio. Bettea photos. PHOTOGRAPHS tinted, lessons in
A. Commercial. , . oil painting, , frame made. Mrs.
CHIROPODIST E. J. Bullock, 212 8. Cottajge,
A. J.-FOSTER, chiropodist, for Phone 1620M. -
, corns, bunions, etc. 222 State, 967 . PRINTING
! 812 A SATISFIED customer returns
OPTICIANS ; Rowland Printing Co., Phone
liUASSES fitted by Dr. L" R. Bur- 1512. over Patton book store. 1
.. dette, optometrist. Bow Optical FARM LOANS
. Co., 326 State St. BUILDING LOANS MADE May
.. . ClHltOPKACTOItS be repaid like rent.
DR. R. P. and Pearl M. Bradford. . ,,r .HJ"" Accident, In-
graduates and post graduates of demnjty. Liability and Auto in-
i the First Chartered Chiropractic France written. .
, college in the world. Ten years in A- c; BOHRNSTBDT .
practice. Phona 626. Koom 318- fl Masonic Temple. Salem. Or.
19-20 Oregon bldg. FURNITURE -HOSPITALS
FINANCIAL FURNITURE repaired or made to
MARION-POLK County Farm order. Refinishlng and uphol
Loan association has money to Ktenng a specialty. Phone 1742.
loan at six per cent. W. D. Smith Brown and Groves, 1201 S. Corn
secretary treasurer. 303 Salem merclal street.
L. Bank of Commerce. GARAGES
FRANK-PALM-Merchant tailor. C XKIHRSl Ph'5
South High and Ferry. " fTlJiffllU J e"tt r 1 e
M A. ESTES, fin tailoring, 284 ; recTTargeiT and" repaired. Degge-
State street. Burrell.
PIANOS SALEM Auto Radiator shop, ra-
GEO. C. WILL, pianos phono- diator and fender specialists.
graphs, sewing machines, sheet 198 S. 12th St.
music and jjiano Studies. Re- UNION Auto repair shop, acety-
pairing phonographs and sew- lene welding. 488 Ferry street,
ing machines. 432 State, Salem. Phone 422.
i ! WAYNE QUAYLE Auto electric
HAT BLOCKING shop, 2.63 N. Com'l, phone 413.
MEN'S and women's hats reno- .- .
vated, blocked and trimmed, 496 R. i. BARTON, Exide batteries,
. Court, c B. Ellsworth. starter and generator work. 171
H13MSTITCHH1NG 8. Commercial. , ,
SALEM ELITE hemstitching, AUTO Electrician, expert trouble
chainstltching, pleating, buttons. shooting, 238 N. High St. phone
329 Oregon bldg. Phone 379. - ; 203.
MK3. F. E. MULL, hemstitching OSTEOPATHY
.,ndrdphSmaVin7S' Ver Mi"el"J DR. W. U MERCERTogteopathio
stora pnone 117. physician and surgeon. Kirks-
WATER COMPANY yllle graduate, 404-405 U. S. Na-
SALEM WATER COMPANY Of- tional bank bldg. Phones, office
fice, corner Commercial and 919, residence 614.
Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly drs. WHITE AND MARSHALL,
in advance. Phone 67. osteopathic physicians and sur-
MJKSKKY STOCK. geons, 606 U. S. bank building.
FRUITLAND NURSERY has sales Pbons 869. Dr. White , resi-
yard in back of office, 640 State aeI!0,e fn08 469.;.f r- Marshall
street south of court house. residence phone 834.
SALEM Nursery company, fruit '' REPAIRING
and ornamental trees, small fruit STEWART'S Repair Shop. 347
and roses. Phone 1763, 428 Ore- Court St. Umbrellas and cutlery
; gon bldg. - .
! i MOTORCYCLES G- C. PATTERSON, shoe repairing
LLOYD E. RAMSDEN; IndSal. shop, 143 S. Liberty St. '
motorcycles and Dayton bicycles STOVES rebuilt and repaired, 60
887 Court St. years experience; Depot Na-
H4HRV xv ai-m-p tional and American fence, sizes
Gffmt fi?iR t, ,' "X.?, 26 to 68 inches high. Paints,
Sawl?3 a cycle Man oll and varnishes, etc., logan-
lrffi 147 s-Com- Phone 68 berry ttnd nop hooks. Balem
- Fence and Stove Works. 250
TRANSFER Court street. Phone 124.
OREGON TAXI and Transfer, Lib- omr SCAVENGER
orty and Ferry street. Phon. 77. SALKM sclNtlBH - Garbage
ntK and refuse of all kinds removed
V UNR . Dy tj,s month at reasonable rates
WANTED Rags and secondhand Cesspools cleaned and dead anl-
goods of all kinda Capital Junk mala removed. Day phone 996,
company, pnons 398, 216 Cen- night phone 1698R. R. O. Cum-
ter street. mins. Mgr.
lected candled in cartons 65c.
Poultry: Hens light 17 918a;
heavy 2426c; springs 25 & 86c;
heavy 20921c; old roosters 10
12c; geese 2122c; ducks 209
25c; turkeys dressed 42 9440.
Wheat: Hard white $1.09; soft
white $1.07; white club $1.08; red
Walla $1.02; northern spring ILO
hard winter $1.08.
Millrun $1920; oats $26,009
27; corn No. 8 yellow 2485;
hay, timothy, valley, $16.00916.60;
alfalfa Il4.6016.00; new grain
mixed $14.00914.60; clover 119
12; straw ( (8.
Hazel Green Notes
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Luklnbeal
have a new baby girl weighing
12 lbs'., born December It.' Her
name Is Etta Carrie.
Mr. Fred Dlorks has new
Dodge touring car. "
: Mr. Joe Zlellnski Is building a
large chcken house.
Mrs. Ada Jones returned from
the hospital Saturday, with bar
daugter Phyllis Bstella.
Everyone is invited to the
Christmas program to ba given
Sunday evening at the church.
An interesting program 1 being
There will be a Christmas
program Friday evening, at the
school house. A happy evening
is expected.
Because the state of Oonnectl-
, record , the
.the capltol in Hartford.
TW Own
Bomb Explodes
In New York
New York, Dec. 20. Damage
estimated at $5000 was done by
the explosion early today of a
bomb which had been thrown or
placed In the hallway of a build
ing on Grand street. The scene
of the explosion wag only one
block from police headquarters
and the concussion gave officers
there a scare, as some of them be
lieved for a few minutes that
threats to "bomb Wall street" had
been carried out.
Chicago Jurist
Fixes Booze Fines
Chicago, Dec. 20. Federal
Judge Q. A. Carpenter has practlc-
ally established a scale of boot-!
legging fines.
In one day he disposed of 80
liquor cases.
Small saloons
fined $10 each,
generally were
the bigger ones
125 to $50.
The cabaret rate appeared to be
The judge mentioned that his
assessment for operating a home
still was usually $10.
A man who purchased a suit
case of liquor from a man he had
"never seen before" paid $25.
Driving a liquor loaded truck cost
$50. "Merely getting a lift" on
such truck cost $10.
Odorless onions are now suceess-
fully grown In Boise, Idaho.
In a Baby Carnage
France Glad
To Scrap Ships
London, Dec. 20. (By Associ
ated Press.) "France has accept
ed Secretary . Hughes' naval ratio
for capital ships, and we are glad
of the relief will afford us,"
Premier Briand of France is re
ported as declaring in an interview
with the Daily Mail.- "Regarding
secondary units, we are yet unin
formed respecting the six 10,000
ton ships which Germany is al
lowed to build under the Versailles
treaty. We shall ask tba Wash
ington conference to take this
consideration into account."
Of the economic situation, he
said: , .", 3
"Russia is a question which
Great Britain and France should
examine together but I (ear the
disorganization of that vast coun
try is greater than is known.
Great Britain and France must to
gether undertake the reconstruc
tion of Europe. The maintenance
of peace is based, solidly upon an
entente cordiale. All differences
between England and France can
be settled by frank explanation
and discussion."
Dallas Defeats
v Monmouth High
Dallas, Or., Deo. 20 Dallas
high school continued its march
for the Polk county championship
by severely trouncing the Mon
mouth . high school team at the
armory Friday night. Smooth
teamwork, coupled with accurate
basket shooting, accounted for the
victory. The Monmouth team was
outmatched and after the first few
minutes of play there was no
doubt about the outcome. The
score at the end of the first half
was 19 to 7 in favor of the local
team. Throughout the , second
period the Monmouth forwards
were unable to work . the ball
through the Dallas guards and
were compelled to resort to long
shots. The final score was 29 to
13 giving Pallas team the lead for
county championship thus far.
The Dallas high girls' team had
little . trouble in defeating tne
Monmouth girls. While -all the
members of the local team played
well, Alice Pierce was unquestion
ably the star. Throughout the
second halt the visitors did not get
a shot at the basket.
Henry O'Malley r
- In Line for Head
' " of Fish Bureau
Washington, Deo. 20. Henry
O'Malley of Portland, Or., seems
to be In line tor appointment as
commissioner of the bureau of
fisheries to succeed Dr. Hugh M.
Smith. The appointment is in the ,
hands of Secretary of Commerce .
Hoover, who Is said to have slated ,
O'Malley for the placs. As head
of the bureau of fisheries Mr.
O'Malley would have supervision
of all of the fishing grounds in.
the United States and Alaska.
Mr. O'Malley was formerly state
I superintendent of the bureau of i
hatcheries with headquarters In
Clackamas and is now Pacific
coast commissioner.
Quake Reported.
Lima, Peru, Dec. 18. (By As
sociated Press.) The seismograph
of the Lima Geographic society at
10:39 a. m. today (Sunday) reg
istered a violent earthquake at a
point estimated to be about 530
kilometers from Lima, possibly In
ajamarca, a northern department
of Peru. The agitation last 45
Cut Rail Waees.
Reading, Pa., Dec. 20. The
Philadelphia & Reading Railway
company today posted notices pro
posing a wage cut for maintenance
of way employes of from 6 to 13
eente an- hour. Conferences will
bp held to fix the rates.
.Copyright 1920 by International
Trad Mark registered in ths U. 8
Lindenf eldAdmits His
Part in Outrage and
Names - Man Who
Made Machine.
Winrsaw, Deo. 20. (By Associ
ated Press) Wolfe Llndenfeld,
alias William Linde, arrested here
at the instance of the American
secret service for alleged con
nection with the Wall . Street
bomb explosion of September,
1920, has made three written
statements to the police, one of
which, in English, covers his act
ivities for the last sixteen years.
; Silvester Cosgrove, the opera
tive who brought about Llnden
feld 's arrest, yesterday cabled the
American department the name
of a blacksmith who, according to
Llndenfeld, manufactured the
bomb and engineered the details
of the explosion. Cosgrove de
clares that Lindenfeld's confes
sion corroborates his previous
statements that the plot was fi
nanced In Moscow and that the
motive was to kill J. P. Morgan,
striking terror into America anfl
showing the world, that Wall
Street was not beyond defiance.
(At the time of the explosion Mr.
Morgan was in England.)
The Polish authorities are par.'
tlcularly Interested In Linden,
fold's Russian connections la
1908. They claim that he was
then active in the Polish social
democrat lu party opposing Rus
sian rule, but that he turned trait
or to the Poles, joining the Rus. .
sian secret service.
Lindenfeld's statement regarrt.
Ing his movements since March of
this year, now In the hands of the
Polish political police, Is said to
show that he has been working ,
against the Poles again, this
time In cooperation with the Rus
sian communists. .
On behalf of Llndenfeld, hits
friends say he lived humbly with
his father while in this olty, and
they discount the Polish accusa
tion that he was Involved in es
pionage plots.
Honolulu Mayor's
Municipality Largest
Honolulu, Dec... 20. Mayor J. ,
H. Wilson of Honolulu has the dis
tinction of being chief executive
of the most extensive muncipallty
In the United States, or, as far as
is known, in any other country.
Mr. Wilson's full official title
is: Mayor of the city and county
of Honolulu (embracing the entire
island of Oiilni, on which Honolulu '
is situated), Palmyra Ulanda, Bird
island and Midway Island. Mayor
Wilson's authority therefore ex- '
tends approximately 1000 miles to
the southward to Palmpra and ;
about 1500 miles to the northwest
to Midway. The Palmyra islands .
are not regularly inbablted, but
Midway, an Important cable sta
tion, has a population of about 15
cable operators.
Mayor Wilson is of part Hawai
ian blood and is a graduate of Le
land Stanford University.
Bandits Rob
Santa Glaus
Chicago, Dec. 20. Two bandits
robbed an emissary of Santa Claus
last night of $490 designed to aid
poor families.
P. T. Moynlhan, member of the
Illinois commerce commission, mo
toring home after taking up a col
lection at public meetings to buy
fuel and food for the poor of the
South Chicago mill district, was
held up.
"You don't want this money,"
be argued, "It's for Santa Clans to
take care of the poor kids."
"We don't believe in Santa
Claus," the robbers jeered as they
took the money.
Feature Service, Ino.)
Patent Office.
162 ltalian Prune t '