f; 1-SDAY, NOVEMBER SO, 1921 Icentage tf Suicides I on Suicide Use in this country. ,as, summer, when the e3 m all their dread L became availaDie, iu. ireaSing self destruction olnted out by more than t observe.r: m. lines the jhbiiu"- ace company wuu show tnai t . the lnsurea m iu ins of 1921 increased ,r cent over me m period ot lszv. r . ..i ,1,,,-tnff this 7.3 per lOU.uuu ui puK L. rs ending Decern. A90, the suicide rate de Lily. Those were years lot and increasing pros far orders, war profits, Lds, war wages and war lent every one happy up LiRtice. And then came Llum period ot mad ex. ' Industry and income d so abruptly early in business dropped, profits j and the grim wolf of roent stalked upon the f lClae Degau w iiiitwBw. ide and Economics. fl thn later months of lys the Statistical Bulle i Metropolitan Life Insur- Ipan'y, "a fundamental iems to have set in which Inued throughout the first inths of 1921. Month at h the suiciae raie is over the corresponding or the months of 1920, very likely that the rate hole year will be higher the preceding one. Ian Interesting problem," k Bulletin, "to know 3 the unemployment sltua- iht last year is, In fact, jble for the observed con is to suicide. Suicide rates a very sensl- ex of the prevailing eco. fell being of the people?'' ;m Bulletin. And then It I its own question in four yds of dire import: iuld seem so." PARTED BY AMBITION a" i "t ' t -'- . V , I THE CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM, OREGON aanian King Iwits Allies mi Daughters y flewton C. Parke, Nov. 30. King Ferdi- Rumania wins the crown JinalUy In showing Clem- Lloyd-George, Wilson and ther peacemakers of Paris 4 doesn't like the way they the spoils of victory. I United States refused to jthe treaties. ny kept things in a choas fatening not to pay. aunzlo grabbed Fiume and I the powers. went bankrupt. fal Zeligowskl marched in- fand defied the peaccniak Ferdinand sat tight and Mng until the time came. l called his two pretty pre and said: s. go out and marry some f the allies don't like." Jast this is the ir.terpreta-1 I' on the king' ccts by a I of the French nrw lo.i i. ftlt Bleu. The Petit Bleu f a rampage on its first page f report that Ferdinand is give the Princess Marie f use to King Boris of Bul f Mt after marrying the Elizabeth off to a prince I some i time," says the Petit be king ot Rumania has I'o kusy himself in uniting f umanian princesses to the That Constance Talmadge, film tar. has been separated for several weeks from her wealthy husband, John Piagalou, was admitted by her in Los Angeles. The trouble culminated a month ago inthis city when she flatly refused to accede to her husband's demand that she give up the screen. That enoea the romance that ten months ago united in marriage the youngest of the three Talmadge sisters to the wealthy Gfeek tobacco im porter. Miss Talmadge made wis statement: "There, is no other man or woman between us. We auietly arranged our parting. We just couldn't get along. My hus band is not of the theater world. He could not understand my going away off to California to appear in pictures. Perhaps he could not understand because he is a for eigner and I am an American. Be sides, as I have discovered, our temperaments are entirely differ ent. He wanted me to give up my movie career. But I cherish that career as I do life itself. He want ed me to give it up and merge my individuality with his. Of course refused." Miss Talmadge is at the home of her sister, Natalie, Mrs. Buter Keaton, in Los Angeles. The Polk county court has closed the Dallas-Alrlie road to trucks carrying in excess of 1000 pounds, and intimates that a num ber of other roads will have to be closed in like manner in the near future. About $65,000 is being or will be spent in the near future in the construction of part of Wasco county. Work is planned at Ante lope, Bakeoven and Flemming. Postmaster Hays Back Up Request On Rural Boxes Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 80, In dorsement has been given by Post master General Hays to the ruling by Attorney General Price of Ohio that power is vested in the Ohio highway department to remove rural delivery mail boxes when placed too near a highway. "The post office department is interested in the Improvement of post roads and will not support any unreasonable attempt by n patron of a rural route to maintain his box in a position which the au thorities of your state believe con stitutes an obstruction," Postmas ter General Hays wrote to Attor ney General Price, who had sub mitted his ruling to the postmaster general before making it public. 'Boxes must be so placed that rural delivery drivers need not leave the vehicle in delivering the mail," Postmaster General Hays said. "This doesn't mean that drivers must be enabled to remain on the paved portion of a high way," he stated. , The attorney general's ruling was prompted by a request from State Highways Director Herrick, who stated that patrons place mail boxes on the dirt portion of roads, within a foot, sometimes, of the paved portion. HOUSEWIVES of SALEM Combings Hade Into SWITCHES Work Guaranteed A. E. LYONS, Portland Cloak & Suit Co. Salem SALEM-SILVERTON STAGE Leaves Leaves Salem Silverton O. E. depot News stand 7:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 5:00 p. m. 6:00 p. m. SALEM-INDEJENDENCE MONMOUTH STAGE Leave Salem O. B. depot 7:00 a. m.. 11:00 a. m., 5:00 p. m. Leave Monmouth hotel 8:16 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 6:15 p. m. Leave Independence hotel 9:00 a. m. and 3 p. m. only. Special trips by appointment Seven passenger car for hire. J. W. PARKER, Prop. ;Hea. phone 615. Business phone 7 Hamman Auto Stage Three Stages. Daily Leave Salem 10.20 a.m. connects east bound train Mill City; 4:20 pm Leave Mill City 7 pm; 4 pm Leave O. B. depot Salem Leave at 11:30 and leave Stayton at 1 p. m. Wayside stops at Gooch, Lyons, Mfchama, Stayton, Sublimity, Aumsville, Turner, State hos pital, Cottage farm. Jos. H. Hamman Salem Phone 804 I Mtter enemies of France. a . " i r i auct. iZw Tas a Greek and to- Bulgarian. This seems to iy of showing discontent f ' recnt treaties." Frenci ,orejgn m Bleu is all wrong. lc likes to see the ,'says the foreign of- P ck'a a Bulgarian v. "rings Bnl for thBt means re lsequently for peace in fel Green Notes ?en. Or., Nov. 30. a now 8 hi,il,i;. UZt, EImer !iar,r" W! T vi8ltinB ith Ea, !rd JoT,es- M o J , tr'Uf rame bom 1- ioft "tmt t0 Mr. Grant v tterL ere married 1 Wk?"eri:k a,,d A'r k H f Portla"d spent WUn Mr' "4 Mrs. th 5it Sttest t Of alttm -liss Kdna Davis Bm,7. LU Sampler Ginseng Root Is Nearly 100 Years Old When Found Marlineton. W. Va.. Nov. 31. E. M. Smith, a well known hunter of this city,. discovered the largest ginseng root ever found in thisj section of the Btate while hunting j pheasants on Red Lick mountain, the other day. Mr. Smith became entangled in some sort of plant and after investigating found it to be a giant ginseng stalk four, feet high. He dug it up and sold the root to a local grocer. There were between seventy and eighty, marks or scars on the curl of the root, each Bhowing an annual ! growth, which indicates that the, plant had been growing unmolest-j ed for well on toward one hunurea years. A large quantity of gin seng is dug in this section of the state for shipment to China, where the natives have great faith in its medicinal qualities, and this makes this discovery by Mr. Smith the more unusual. Salem-Dallas Stage Leave Salem O. E. Depot 11:10 A. M. 6:10 P. M. Leave Dallas 1:00 P. M. 6:30 P. M. FARE. 65 CENTS Daily and Sunday except car at 7:10 A. M. does not run on Sunday Round Trip 11.00 Co-eds Bum Ride To See Game; Are Expelled for Act Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 30 "No woman student shall so conduct herself as to draw public atten tion and reflect upon the stand ards of our university." This is the rule posted by offi cials of the Ohio State university. It was announced after a num ber of co-eds, who bummed their way to another city to witness the Ohio .State university eleven play another university football team, were suspended. , Other regulations announced provide that all women at Ohio State university must register with Dean of Women Conrad at least 24 hours before leaving Co lumbus to attend any out-of-town football games; also, that any co ed who plans to go to an out-of-town gam by smtomobile roust give Dean Conrad the names of all those who compose the party, and her chaperon must be approved by the dean. - 1 L. M. HUM Care of . . YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Co. Has Medicine which will cure any known disease Open Sundays from 10 a. m. until 8 p. m. 153 South High Street Salem, Oregon. Phone 283 Hartman's Glasses Easier and Better, and Bee Wear them HARTMAN BROS. Phone 1255 Salem, Oregon 9 SH-H-H! I LISTEN I "Don't Tell Everything" 6 0 O TEE NEW HARDWARE STORE SQUARE DEAL HARDWARE and Furniture Co. W. COHEN, Prop. 220 N. COMMERCIAL STREET Builders Hardware Tools Plumbing Supplies Crockery v Dishes Cooking: Utensils Special Merchants Lunch 35c Hours 11 a. m. to 8 P. m. EXTRA SUNDAY CHICKEN DINNER Ice Cream and Soft Drink Open 11 a. m. to 1 a. m. CHOP STJEY AND NOODLE NOMKING CAFE UP STAIRS at 162 North Commercial Street If you are looking for bargains call at the any Capital Bargain House W have a large assortment of new and second hand Heaters, wood and coal, wrenches, and furniture ot all kinds. We have plumbing supplies and thous ands of other articles that will pay you to call and see us. Phone 398 215 Center St We Buy and Sell Everything Better than Pills YOU WILL NEVfcK wisn to taice anotner aose 01 pills after having once used Chamberlain's Tab lets.. They are easier and more pleasant to take, more gentle and mild in their action and more reli- able. They leave the bowels in a natural condition, : while the use of pills is often followed by severe constipation, requiring a constant increase in the dose. Every bottle guaranteed by your druggist. ATTENTION v iWe invite you to be participants in the Greatest Bread Baking Contest ever held in the State of Oregon, and at the same time get better acquaintd with, that greatest of bread making, cake making, pie making flour BLEND The prizes which we offer make it well worth your while to join in this contest. Here they are: To the winner of the first prize . $25.00 credit with her grocer To the winner of the second prize f '. , , . . $12.50 credit with Her grocei To the winner of the third prize $8.50 credit with her grocer To each of the next twenty-four highest contestant we will give a 241& pound sack of BLEND FLOUR The contest will start on December 8 and will last for a period of three days. - Each contestant must attach to the loaf of bread which she desires to submit in this contest a grocer's sales slip showing that she purchased a sack of FISHER'S BLEND FLOUR on or after December 1st. The bread should be left for judging purpose at Salem Commercial Club not later than December 10th. 'Any person desiring further information concerning the details of this contest may obtain the same by tele phoning us, phone 425, or calling at our place of business. Willamette Grocery Company Salem ORE. PAGE FIVE !?nt of a baby I ' JOURNAL WAJXT ADS PAT -