Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 30, 1921, Page PAGE ELEVEN, Image 11

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    ., KESPAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1921
$e Ugr per
fcUi ne, ,' ner ad. 25 centB.
"'."rC on X New To
p. r,t insertion on j advanoe.
ffaken Tver phone, unless
d le hS monthly aC0nt
' ..rfnr ohone errors.
f-S-VNT -Sleeping room, gen-
lR rpferred 168 N. 12th St.
tlema preferrea. io m
fcrRENTTroom house, wm.
Sell, 341 N. Commercial.
phone 66.
T5aLE room house; would
JOB bAL ment. Phone
SttK. car ia a2n
r-. -
TEAM, for saie vbij -"""'
l,,TrJK for a fresh cow. Phono
repair all makes of fountain
pen8 and pencils. H M Sander
L fanital drug store. 286
aaco flioninffa. - 114011
lR SALE Bartlett pears and
Italian prunes. "",'
KpERIENCED stenographer
wishes nair any )". ""
p o box 464. I""8
JOST Silver mesh purse contain-
inir 120.60. Kewara. ruvua
,, k 288
fOB RENT 5 room furnished
bungalow, strictly modern, mu
Ponton " 286
feANTED Woman for house
work in small family. lbij in. ubi
0B SALE Dozen thoroughbred
White Leghorn nens. i-none
LlE model Ford for sale, reas-
onable, terms. 311 S. uommer
cial. Q287
fOB BENT 2 room furnished
apartment, first floor, also ga
rage, heat, close in. 143 Court
phone HUM. J287
ft SALE Or trade Harley Da
vidson motorcycle, price 165; 2
tents, one 10x12, one 10x14, and
ally 12x20. 1417 Market St. q288
WILL TRADE 12 vacant lots in
Tacoma, Wash., for Salem prop
erty. C. F. Loveland, 930 S. 13th
street, Salem, Or. ' a288
fOR SALE Buck range, washing
machine, blocks, lines, barn door
track and hangers. 1810 N. Com
mercial. c288
'UK SALE By owner 6 room
modern house, fruit and berries.
Sacrifice for quick sale. Box T
care Journal. a290
JST your property with me. I
have some buyers waiting. Ar
thur E. Petersen, 229 Oregon
bids. n287
FOR SALE One dozen chickens,
i orreQ kock pullets, 4 White
Rock pullets and fine White
Rock rooster. Call 459 N. 23d St
GOOD S room house, barn, chick
uuuae ana iruit bouse. 1
acre of land and some fruit for
100, ft cash. It's a snap. 229
vlc5" uiug. . a287
I1CELY furnished room in prl-
mimiy, steam neated, bath,
not and cold water, close to eol
!ese and state house, $3.50 week
JA?RES of 'ine eround, nice
"""' orcnara, 3 acres straw
terries, ninn not V
an in cultivation, A modern 7
room plastered house, with base
went and hath rw, cnnn
re.k mL7 v 11.1 j fOVUK, y
Z ,hls lnol"des some furni
ture. 229 Orea-nn hlrt kioti
i Wltn 300 feet front
age on Willamette river, paved
?0and, railroad, one mile from
wol f ,Salem' joining King-
All , JUU per acre,
in 3:na- Very best Of soil,
trees S ""i.. 80me old "
Is an , '1"l"t"iier across road.
t trial .""'" ne or inaus-
I Pur "Colli n "
f SrWhoe for sale cheap,
jSiiirjDiHfiLee St. 8286
fSra0(1 7 room mod.
f d.h T" earaee, two large lou,
SMvedstreet. terms. 1973 N. Com
rrTT- a287
imn.n0U3e n car line,
fmeni k, "" car "ne, ce-
tnt. - 7 """eni, bath, lights.
f(r?r'.2000' terras. Radl
lZ? heletrlcliihts, city
W' tsoJ .tered- S b,ocks fr
'! vltl. ln?talln"nts. Radcliff
J52?5il State St. a
pnd r'V- Dandy lare lot
'jIa7p f-2 81:86
;whotSr?'r8t clasa- brand
; nd S',a i modern. High
. Mcdlchrist streets, S. Sa-
RaSATF- - B289
We are leaving Sa-
houriui?11 our modern 7
't t' uU anient b&se
'W 8tationary tubs.
?' block. Winter' wood
; " want . m "i'6 h0U!"-
't wast nter' Some terna.
yeaste our time if not in-
.TSolra-- a30
.irrtont enameled
fr,out- concrete basement,
' "l and "treet- ae
thi. rT Donb- Let as show
fn-,e,f.ff terms. S.
t "il U. 8. bank bldg.
fBENT , -- jjjgg
90 CherrySXl --
s That Deliver
For Sale Farms
FOR SALE Jjairy, income ou0
per month, C. W. Henkel, Aums
vllle, Or. c287
A BARGAIN in a 6 acre tract close
in on paved road, a fine location
, for a poultry plant, or green
bouse.. Owner wants to leave trie
state and will Bell at a sacrifice.
See Radcllff & Waring, S41
State Street. ' b
FOR BALK 10 acres close in ner
the highway,, buildings, running
: water, berries. If you want a
fineJ fruit or pouitry ranch,
rhonn. lof 11a ahnw vnn -
,. 12500. Will consider house if! '
exchange. Radcliff & Warlns.
841 State Btreet. b
For Sale Miscellaneous
FOR SALE Potatoes 2 per hun-
ared. Phone 101F31. c289
HOMESTEAD relinquishment for
sale. Priced reasonable. Magee,
State and Commercial over Bu-
sick s. b
FOR SALE At a bargain, two 8
mantel gas office globe lights at
Capital Journal office. c
FOR SALE Two Globe sale reg
isters at a bargain; one small
adding machine. See Zimmer
man, Capital Journal office, c'
FOR SALE Side . curtains for
Ford, Chevrolet, Buick, Stude
baker and Reo cars cheap.
Phone 809, Hull's Top Shop.
For Sale Livestock
Call 3F3. C. C. Russell.
FOR SALE Good team; also milk
cow. Phone B0F4, Salem. A.
Yoking. e289
FOR SALE Tearn wagon and
harness for sale cheap. Phone
736W. e288
FOR SALE Heavy team, or will
sell separate.;-G. S. Kalb, Tur
ner, Or., Rt. 1, box 7. e289
For Sale Automobiles
FOR SALE Ford car, cheap if
taken at once, A-l shape. 1647
N. Front. q290
FOR SALE Overland 90, cash or
terms. Inquire 186 or 190 South
High street. q286
tlUN NO RISKS Get your chains
NOW. Rellne your brakes.
W. E. Burns Dan Burns
(Net brothers the same man)
High St. at Ferry, Salem. q
FOR SALE By owner, 1919
, Dodge roadster, new battery,
excellent rubber, in first class
.. shape in every way, at less than
the going price, terms if desired.
197 S. Commercial St. q286
Ford coupe 1920 495
Oakland six, newly painted.. 8575
Willys Knight 8525
Also classy Ford bug, terms.
Eyerly & Maurer, back of Hud
son, Essex, 246 State St. q287
WE have a few used cars which
we are going to sell at prices you
can't afford to overlook and the
list consists of a Buick four
1919 Chevrolet touring
1919 Chalmers touring
Model 90 Overland touring
1919 Willys six Country Club
1920 Oldsmobile touring with
$200 of extra equipment.
We will consider trades on any
of the above and will give liber
al terms to responsible parties.
Salem Nash Co., 237 State St.
For Sale Wood
OAK. ash, old fir and
growth. Phone 981M.
16 INCH limb wood 86.50 per cord
Phone 23F16.
ENGLISH cluster hop roots for
sale. G. Merwin, Gervais, Rt. 2.
FOR SALE Best grade mill wood,
second growth and old fir, 4 ft.
or 16 inch, prompt delivery.
Phone 1542, Fred E. Wells, 305
S. Church St. ee'
WOOD WOOD Special off the
car, maple ii.du, oas. to ana i
Inch old fir $8 per cord, Salem
Fuel Yards, Theo Zieman, Chas.
Sons, nrnrjs. ee
FOR RENT 10 room furnished
rooming house, close in. Box F
care Journal. J28T
FOR RENT Close in, heated furn
ished. apartment. Telephone
1132W, 492 S. High. j26
FOR RENT Three room furnish- .
ed modern apartment at 1040
Leslie. J286
FOR RENT House keeping rooms
at the Cottel, 343 N. Commer
cial. 3286
FOR RENT Sleeping room with
private bath, steam heat. Phone
ONE furnished light house keep
ing room for rent. Call after 6
p. m. 592 N. Summer St. J286
FOR RENT Strictly modern
sleeping room, 250 S. Cottage
street, phone 1396R. i288
FOR RENT Or sale, building
60x20, suitable for auto works.
80S N. Liberty street. W. Fen
nel. 3283
HOUSE to rent, 5 room modern,
except heat, has basement and
garage, close to school and car
line, north Salem. $30. Joseph
Barber & Son, 200 Gray blag. '
As we go to press the
WHAT arc THeyy
I 1
1 1
Lost and Found
LOST Between city hall and 11-,
spectacle case con-1
taming Drown rimmed glasses
nu loumain pen. Reward.
Leave at Journal office. k2 8 7
LOST Sunday evening Nov. 20, a
lady lost a brown coat with Hud
son Bay collar, while going from
the Oregon Electrio depot to a
residence on North D St. A lib
eral reward will be paid for the
return of the coat. Phone 1933J
Wanted Help
8a' Salem.
p o
Wanted Miscellaneous
, WANTED Plain sewing. 437 S.
commercial. 1288
WANTED Washing and ironingi
- P"ne i5J. h291
CITY and country wood sawing.
Phone SQ4S, Fisher Bros.
KIVATE maternity hospital.
RELIABLE elderly man wants
Inside job; will work reasonable.
Phone 1006JJ. h290
MOVED W. J. Anibal, auto paim
i ""iu ug Mill street to lit
S. 12th street, phone 296. m29
WANTED 1000 on first class
farm security, one to two years
7 per cent. Farm care Capital
Journal. i287
wanted To rent a 10 or 15
acre tract with barn to keep 8
cows. Must be close to Salem;
cash rent. Phone 483. i286
EXCAVATING and general team
worn, uaraens plowed and fer
tilizer furnished. Phone 736W.
. R. C. Gamble. 1308
WANTED To rent modern S or
6 room modern bungalow; will
lease for long period. Call 97 2W
WANTED Used household goods,
tools, men's suits and shoes, best
cash price paid. Liberty Ex
change, 141 N. Com. Phone 841
LANGS hot blast fuel saving rang.
es, 48 up. Let us explain why
we cut your fuel bill Peo
ples Furniture store, 271 North
Commercial street, phone 734.
3AI.EM COMMISSION sa'es room,
hay, oats, wheat, potatoes, on'.cns
f.r.d mill feed, for sale; second
hand machinery and tools. 254
S. Liberty St. m297
CITY and country wood sawing.
phone 1608W. ee306
PLUMBING 7Co per hour. Phone
950M. 313
MRS. C. JEPSEN, modiste, 2567
Oak street, phor.g 929. m297
FIRST class dressmaking. 449 N.
High, Mis. Reid. m294
BUY your Xmas gifts Bt the Nee
dlework Exchange, 222 North
Commercial St. c286
PRACTICAL horse shoeing. Pete
Conley shoer, the Brick Shop,
253 Chemeketa St. 301
FOR good carpenter work, cabine
work; figure anything. Phoio
1734R. m307
"THE Empey Transportation Co. has
water proof tops on its trucks.
Call 998 for your hauling. m297
PLASTERING guaranted, 1325
Jefferson street. L. S- Salladay.
IF you want carpenter work or
smngung aone, pnone isyvjii..
PLUMBING repair work 75c per
I hour. Phone 975R or call at 697
Market. 1287
WANTED Old mattresses to make
over. Phone 19, Capital City Bel-
ding Co.
NEW Auto Repair Shop, all work
guaranteed. Prices reasonable.
William Gray, 310 South Winter
PLUMBING, repairing and coil
work, reasonable charges. A. L.
Oodfry, hop foot of Union St.
Phone 1397 J. 1216
FOR GOOD BUYS In farm and
city property, see Wm. Powell,
just real estate, 341 N. Com
mercial. Phone 666. n
LOTS and lots of lots for sale, on
easy terms, some to exchange
for good late model car, or Ford.
Joseph Barber & Son, 200 Gray
bids a
ELECTRICIAN Secure my fig
ures on wiring by contrct or by
the hour, at pre-war prices. H.
W. Hatch, phone 1744W. m
uluhab, ior '", "
month. Experience unnecessary.
For free oarticulars of exami
nations, instruction, write J.
Leonard, (former civil service
examiner) 1087 Equitable bldg.
Washlnsrton. D. C. 286
gooD SALARIES Steady posl-
tions. Brieht young men or wo
men can learn to operate the
linotype in 13 weeks. Hand
printing in 12 to 18 months. For
further particulars address North
west School of Printing, N. 216
224 Division St., Spokane, Wash.
have a moderately priced house
on which, for a first payment,
you will take a practically new
par at an nonest vmuiin
write care of Journal to
Owner v."
"Fiji Islanders" are declaring -real war.
I'LL 66" T0
You; y kj Av noui u rv , 1 'Vjsa ' r.y. br : Y A.. ,7
FOR SALE block on Broad-
way. Price $1450. See Kruegen
809 Oregon bldg.
EQUITY in 10 acre tract for city
lota Magee, corner State and
commercial over usick s. o
FOR SALE Corner lot in South
Salem, west of Commercial.
Price 8550. See Krueger. 209
Oregon bldg. a286
BUILD A HOME Good lot on S.
High btreet, pavement all paid;
cheap at $500, $150 down and
terms. R. A. Mohney, 209 Ore
gon bldg. a286
Five acres with good buildings,
fruit, and close to Salem, want a
small house in good location.
Have large wheat farm to ex
change for valley farm.
Bring your trades to .
211 Gray bldg. phone 907. n
2 good modern houses, good lo
cation, value $6500, for small farm
not over $7000. Must be close to
2 acres one mile out on Silverton
road, trade for house in Salem.
Apartment house on Center
street, good buy for $7000, com
pletely furnished.
331 State street.
5 acres all in cultivation nicely
located, sowed to vetch, close to
Salem. Price $1500.
Good 6 room house all fainted,
new double garage. If sold In S
days owner will sacrifice $850.
6 room house, large barn and 2
lots. Price $1100, good terms
House for swap for Souse In
2 large building lots $325
1 business lot 2 blocks from
Bush's bank. Price $2500. '
341 State
Rooming house, 22 rooms, 20
furnished, close in, all furniture
and lease for sale.
Factory site
Close in business building.
2 close in houses to trade for
Salem Heights acreage homes.
Chicken ranch.
Pool hall for sale.
Grocery store.
Barber shop and confectionery
combined, with building, building
worth price of all.
Over Busick's store, State and Com
SM. acre tract of brush and
timber soil located about mile
west of Commercial street on
Hansen avenue. Price $1000, $200
down, balance easy terms at 6 per
cent interest. .
acre lots located close to S.
Commercial street carline and
paved highway, all cultivated and
sowed to oats and vetch, fine tree
and berry soil, good drainage,
sightly location, fine building site.
Price $400, $25 down, balance $10
per month, 6 per cent, interest.
10 acre tract located about 7
miles south of Salem, all cultivated
best of tree, and berry soil. Price
$1250, $200 down, balance $10 per
month, 6 per cent interest.
100 acre farm located 6 miles
from Salem on good rock road,
about 50 acres under cultivation,
balance timber and pasture, old
buildings, spring . water and well,
running creek. Price $10,000,
20 acres located on paved road,
all cultivated, good buildings. Price
$5250, cash, balance terms,
percent interest.
10 room house located on South
Commercial street. Price $3500.
We have some fine building lots
and good buys in houses.
REALTORS, 275 State street
100 acre farm on Pacific high
way 6 miles north of Salem, ab
solutely a snap at $160 per acre,
half cash. 80 acres cultivated, 15
acres beaverdam, some young lo
gans, 2 sets fair buildings; see this
at once; it will be sold.
12 acre fine tract 1 miles from
Salem, paved highway, 6 acres
fruit, water system, bungalow,
good sightly location; only $7000
& cash. Owner is anxious to sell.
Large dairy and stock farm In
Waldo hills, buildings, dairy barn,
2 silos; $125 per acre, and will sell
all or part of fine Guernsey herd.
Easy terms.
110 acre fine farm, spring water
and electric lights in all buildings;
90 acres in grain, all stock, feed,
and equipment amounting to $2500
goes; $17,000. Federal mortgage of
$5000 now running; will take
smaller place for part.
We have some real bargains In
investments, see us.
341 State street. - n
The second test well sunk by
the state to tap the artesian flow
underlying the Fort Rock valley
has been completed and a demon
stration is to be held In the near
More than 100 hoboes were banquet at 6:30 and a mass meet
t.,n, awav from Albany Mondavi lng at the armory In the evening
night because the Jail was full. 1
riL B SlArVV ANt
EePReseMT our NAviies.
THE ARHi coNfepewce
KJAUAu Holiday1.
The Goods At SiraallCost
Complied from reports of Salem
dealers for Uie guidance of
Capital Journal readers. (Re
vised daily.)
Grain: Average valley wheat
(bulk) 79c
Hay: Cheat hay $1112; oat
hay $11 13; clover hay (bulk)
Wholesale Prices.
: Meat: Hogs $9.25 9.60; dressed
hogs 12c; top steers 66 3-4c;
cows 24ic; bulls 3c; lambs 5
6c; veal 1212c.
Butter and eggs: Eggs 48c; light
bens 1518c; heavy hens 20c;
old roosters 8c; springer 18c;
turkeys, live 2830c; dressed 35
Butterfat: Butterfat 45c; cream
ery butter 48 49c; country butter
3537c; milk $2.25 cwt.
Vegetables: Oregon onions $5.00
cwt; beets $2.50 cwt; Oregon cab
bage lc lb; green peppers 9o lb;
cauliflower $1.50 per dos; Califor
nia tomatoes lOu lb; - potatoes
$1.75 cwt; spinach 7c lb; egg plant
15c lb.
Fruits: Oranges $7.00; lemons
$7.50; bananas 9c; California grape
fruit $6.60; Florida grape fruit
$7.60; Maluga grapes 10c lb; To
kay grapes lie lb; cranberries
19 o lb; huckleberries 15o lb.
Retail Prices
Butter and eggs: Eggs 60c;
creamery butter 64c; country but
ter 4245c.
Portland Markets
Portland, Or., Nov. 30. Cattle
slow; receipts 102; choice steers
$6.006.50 medium to good $5.50
(8 6.1)0; fair to medium $5.00
5.60; common to fair $4.00(5)5.00;
choice feeders $4.756.26; fair to
good $4.26 4.75; choice cows and
heifers $4.75 5.25; medium to
good $4.254.75; fair to medium
$3.754.25; common cows $3.00
ft1 3.75; canners $1.753.00; bulls
$3.004.00; choice dairy calves
$8.509.00; prime light $8,00 0
8.50; medium light $6.008.00;
heavy $5.00 8.00.
Hogs lower; receipts 242;
prime light $8.75 9.25; smooth
heavy 250 to 300 pounds $7.00
8.00; 300 pounds and up $6.60
7.00; rough heavy $5.007.00; fat
pigs'$8.759.25; stags $47
Sheep steady; receipts 910;
east of mountain lambs $7.00
7.75; best valley $6.607.26; culls
$3.0005.00; feeders $1.503.00;
light yearlings $5.005.60; light
wethers $4.00(35.00; heavy $3.00
4.00; ewes $14.
Butter weak; extra cubes
42 43c; cartons 48c; prints 47c.
Butterfat, No. 1 churning cream
46 48c fob Portland; under
grades 43c.
Eggs: No fresh eggs available.
Selling price case count 4860c;
buying price 43 45c; selling price
candled 63 65c; selected candled
in cartons 6760c.
Poultry: Hens light 16c; heavy
25 26c; springs 26 27c; heavy
2021c; old roosters 1012c;
ducks 20 25c; turkeys 4042o.
Wheat: Hard white $1.09; soft
white $1.08; white club $1.08; red
Walla $1.00; northern spring $1.05
hard winter $1.05.
Millrun $16.00; oats $26.00
27.00; corn No. 3 yellow, $26.00;
hay, timothycvalley, $16.0016.50;
alfalfa $15. 00(g) 15.50; new grain
mixed $14.0014.60; clover $11
12; straw $8. .
MENT Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned has filed in the coun
ty court of the state of Oregon for
Marion county her final account as
administratrix of the estate of J.
S. 1'runk, deceased, and that said
court has fixed Monday the 2nd
day of January, 1922, at the hour
of ten o'clock a. m. of said day as
the time, and the county court
room In the county court house in
Salem, Marlon county, Oregon, as
the place for hearing said Tnal ac
count, and all objections thereto.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this
29th day of November, 1921.
Administratrix of the estate of
J. S. Prunk, deceased.
Ronald C. Glover and A. O. Con
dlt. attorneys for administratrix,
Salem, Oregon.
Governor Olcott
. To Greet Foch In
, Portland Thursday
."; Portland, Or., Nov. 30. Mar
shal Foch and party will be greet
ed here tomorrow morning at their
special train by Governor Ben W.
Olcott, Mayor George L. Baker and
representatives of the American
Legion, according to announced
plans. The 59th regimental band
will attend the welcoming officials
and a battalion of Infantry from
Vancouver barracks will act ss es
cort In a parade. A motor trip on
the Columbia river highway, a
are events planned tor the day.
e&ick. out of
A. J. FOSTER. rhlrnnodist. for!
corns, bunions, etc. 822 State, (67
DR. R. P, and Pearl ai. Bruuiord,
graduates and post graduates of
the Finst Chartered Chiropractic
college in the world. Ten years in
practice. Phone 626. Rooms 818-
10-20 Oregon bldg. 291
DON'T be misled. We make new
mattresses to order. We make
over old mattresses and guaran
tee satisfaction. We do fdrpet
cleaning. Phone 1154, Otto
Zwicker. 292
UAk'., " DLK County Farm
I -lu aiuoci.-.tion has money to
Uan at six per cent. W. D. Smith
secretary treasurer. 303 Salem
Bank of Commerce.
FRANK PALM Merchant tailor,
South High and Ferry.
M. A. ESTES, fine tailoring,
1 State street.
GEO. C. WILL, pianos phono
graphs, sewing machines, sheet
musio and piano studies. Re
pairing . phonographs and sew-
' lng machines. 432 State, Salem.
MEN'S and women's hats reno
vated, blocked and trimmed, 495
Court, C. B. Ellsworth.
SALEM ELITE hemstitching,
chainstitchlng, pleating, buttons.
. 829 Oregon bldg. Phone 379.
MRS. F. E. MULL, hemstitching
and dressmaking, over Miller's
store. Phone 117.
fice, corner Commercial and
Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly
in advance. Phone 57.
yard in back of office, 640 State
street south of court house.
SALEM Nursery company, fruit
and ornamental trees, small fruit
and roses. Phone 1763, 428 Ore
gon bldg. -
motorcycles and Dayton bicycles
887 Court St.
"The Cycle Man"
,J 147 S.Com. Phone 68
OREGON TAXI and Transfer, Lib
erty and Ferry street. Phone 77.
COL. W. F. WRIGHT, auctioneer,
Farm sales conducted every
where. We save you money on
advertising. City phone 734 or
phone Turner central.
and refuse of all kinds removed
by the month at reasonable rates
Cesspools cleaned and dead ani
mals removed. Day phone 998,
night phone 1698R. R. O. Cum
mins, Mgr.
Former Emperor
and Empress Are
Living Quietly
Funchal, Island of Madeira,
Nov. 30. (By Associated Press.)
I Former Emperor Charles of Aus
tria-Hungary and former Empress
Zita are living quietly In their
exile. Their only guard at the
Villa Victoria, where they reside,
Is a plain clothes policeman, Who
accompanies them on their jour
neys about the Island to prevent
beggars from bothering them and
to avert other annoyances.
Charles and Zlta are treated as
honored guests by the new gov
ernor. Major Acaclo Correa Pinto,
and the other Portuguese officials.
They attend mass on Sundays and
have engaged Canon Antonio
Horn en De Gouveta as their pri
vate chaplain. After mass recent
ly a few women outside the
church attempted to kiss Zita's
bands, thus showing their affec
tion for a member of the family
of Don Miguel De Braganza, pre
tender to the Portuguese throne.
Slipping In the snow and falling
In front of an automobile while
on his way to school, Edwin,
7-year-old son of L. P. Peterson of
Wallowa, was run over and killed
Oi.T a 1-
. . . - "
DE LUXE studio. . Better photos.
147 N. Commercial.
PHOTOGRAPHS tinted, lessons in
oil painting, frames made. Mrs.
E. J. Bufcbeck, 213 S. Cottage.
phone 1620M. - -
GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur
dette, optometrist. Bow Optical
Co., 826 State St.
A SATISFIED customer returns
Rowland Printing Co., Phone
1612, over Patton book store.
be repaid like rent.
Life, Fire, Health, Accident, In
demnity, Liability and Auto in
surance written.
401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or.
FURNITURE repaired or made to
, order. Refinlshing and uphol
stering a specialty. Phone 1742,
Brown and Groves, 1201 S. Com
mercial street.
f 1111
328 N. High
Phone 203.
Batt e r 1 e s)
recharged"-and repaired. Degge
Burrell. SALEM Auto Radiator shop, ra
diator and fender specialists.
198 S. 12th St.
UNION Auto repair shop, acety
lene welding. 488 Ferry .street.
Phone 422. ,
WAYNE QUAYLE Auto electrio
shop, 263 N. Com'l, phone 413.
R. U. BARTON, Exlde batteries,
starter and generator work. 171
S. Commercial.
AUTO Electrician, expert trouble
shooting. 238 N. High St. phone
bOUTH Commercial garage, gener
al repairing, also automobile
storage. 430 S. Commercial St.
Phone 278; residence phone
DR. W. L. MERCER, osteopathic
physician and surgeon. Kirks
ville,, graduate, 404-405 U. S. Na
tional bank bldg. Phones, office
919, residence 614.
osteopathia physicians and sur
geons, 606 U. S. bank building.
Phone 859. Dr. White, resi
dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall
residence phone 834.
STEWART'S Repair Shop. . 347
Court St, Umbrellas and cutlery
G. C. PATTERSON, shoe repairing
shop, 143 B. Liberty Bt.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired, 60
years expeElence; Depot Ni'
tlonal and American fence, sizes
26 to 58 Inches high. Paints,
oil and varnishes, etc., logan
berry and hop hooks. Salem
Fence and Stove Works, 250
Court street. Phone 124.
WANTED Rags and secondhand
goods of ail kinds. Capital Junk
company, phone 898, 215 Cen
ter street, 1
What's New
The Market
Ry Rex Stewart
Wonder berries made their first
appearance this season on the
market this morning at three
pounds for a Quarter. They are
fine for proservlng, but not very
palatable In their raw state.
There is only a small quantity
offered, and the distribution is
not general.
There Is little buying in coun
try butter, merchants steering
clear of buying even In small
quantities. The price to the far
mer Is 37 cents and to the con
sumer 43 cents.'
The 48 cent price on eggs Is
becoming quite general. The re
tall price should not be more than
55 cents.
Those who are thinking of
sending their Christmas packages
of Oregon fruit back east should
put in their orders now to be sure
of prompt delivery at their desti
nation. Nine pound boxes of
prunes can be bought tor $1.85,
while a 25 pound box of the larger!
sizes Is priced at 84.
(Copyright 1920 by International Feature Service. Inc.)
Trade Mark registered In the U. S. Patent Office.
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R Bi?ick, YoVrie
TH6 IDeA iw
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Recent Revolutions
Laid To Reds Who
Are Blamed for Let-,
ters to Consuls
London, Nov. SO. (By Associ
ated Press.) Bolshevism is
spreading through the large towns
of Portugal, the Times declares
this morning, and there have bee
many outrages, especially In tM
province of Alemtejo. ..
The recent bombing of tit
American consulate In Lisbon waS'
an incident In this movement, it
Is said, and most of the foreign
diplomats there have received let
ters threatening their lives. i
As a result the powers are con
sidering Intervention in Portugal
and the assumption of a mandate
there to quell the ugly wave of
bolsbevism, according to the
Times. France, Italy and Spain
favor such a move. '
When a number of foreign war
ships moored in tbe Tague river
at Lisbon recently, the sailors on
a Portuguese gunboat are Bald to
have been restrained only with dlf
ficulty from attempting to torpedo
the Spanish vessels.
Dispatches to the Times assert
that the condition of the country
Is such that it has been vory dlf-'
flcult to find men willing to accept
posts in the cabinet,
Dispatches from Portugal to the
Associated Press have reported
two distinct revolutionary move-
ments in the past six weeks. In '
the first, several members of the
Portuguese cabinet, including
Premier Granjo, were assassinated
following their resignations. A
few days later it was reported
that royalists were plotting for '
the re-establlshment of a mon
archy. On November 24 dlspatchos
from the Portuguese frontier of ;
Spain reported another revolution '
brewing, Carvalho Mesqulta head
ing the movement. The troops In '
Lisbon were said to have been
confined to their barracks in prep
aration for eventualities. No ad-
vIcob have been received since that
time as to conditions In Portugal.
The People
Of a Great Picture
Celebrated for his daub, his Insolent!) .
easy cooqueslf of women in the Innpq
places of Buenos Aires; destined Is
chieve a clean glory for 'be true lov .
lie had scoffed su ' He really lives bt
Of the Apocalypse
Rex Ingram Production -
From the novel by Blanco Ibanes 1:
Adapted by June Mutblt
At Liberty Sunday
Bits tiff, x'uu
show HIM THAT Tne
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1 kl? Ooust. S , . r
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id S-r" wer; house
""'4. p? ,30M- See"
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:."e d o-,- "i nouse I
Sea I A.
Stats St.
r trad,
l acre farm.
tr. .ilBS- water.
ae dear
wter. D. D.
b2k Or.