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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1921)
Page Two The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon FOOTBALL BATTLE TO BE CLASSIC Reversal of Early Sea son Dope Indicates Oregon Aggie Game To Be Hard Battle ; By Spike. Oregon's annual football classic. the yearly clash of the University of Oregon and Oregon Agricultural college teams will this year be tru ly the premier exhibition of the eason unless all indications go for naught. Dope, which early in the season pointed to an easy and decisive victory for the Aggies, has completely reversed Itself dur ing the past two weeks and today the game at Eugene next Satur day gives promise of being the hardest fought and closest of the year. Earl? Outlook Black. A month ago, just after Oregon suffered its 39 to 0 trouncing at the hands of California and the Aggie had trimmed Washington to the tune of 24 to 0, It looked very much as If Jack Denefield, gradu ate manager at the Eugene Insti tution, would have to offer free transportation to old grads and other followers of the lemon yil low to secure the attendance of a corporal's guard at the "slaught er" of Coach "Shy" Huntington's innocents. Now anyone with a finger on the pulse of fandom will predict an attendance of from 12.- 000 to 15,000 spectators on Hay ward field Saturday afternoon without a blush. No one has yet volunteered a plausable explanation of this rad ical reversal of the dope- sheet Since October 22, nor Is It likely that anyone will. It Just happen ed. When the Eugene lads barely nosed out a win over Willamette and three weeks later swallowed the worst drubbing that an Ore gon team ever got at Berkeley while O. A. C. whitewashed both the Bearcats and Washington by decisive scores, fans of the lemon yellow allegiance groaned In an ticipation of the Oregon-O. A. C. battle, and Aggie backers flashed fat bank rolls howling for wagers that Rutherford's huskies would win by a margin of It or 14 points. The greater part of their money went begging for takers. Dope All Reversed. -Saturday, November 5, " rolled around and found the Aggies fac ing ma mora at Falo Alto In a game that the dopesters proclaim ed as "pickings' for Rutherford's crew, and Oregon lined up against the powerful Washington State eleven in what promised to be mild practice game for the Cou gars. Came evening of that same Saturday and the newspaper bul letin boards bore returns which made the most .credulous gasp, The boards read like this: Stanford 7. O. A. C. 0. Oregon 7, W. S. C. 7. Huntington's "weak sisters" had hit their stride; meeting the Cougars in their own back yard, the Eugene lads matched at par everything the Welchmeu had to offer and then threw in a little extra for good measure. Tbey outcharged, outpassed, outklcked and outplayed the Washington Staters generally. They had vic tory In their grasp, only robbed of it by a penalty. And all this whllo the Aggies were playing the weak end of a medio cre game at l'alo Alto. Oregon backers went out that evening to seek the 13 and 14 point O. A. C. money they bad been passing up and they sought and sought and sought. And they re still seeking, for on Armistice day the Cougars smeared gloom over the annual homecoming as semblage at Corvallls when they took the Aggies Into camp 7 to 3. The score wann't particularly de cisive, but the summary told the tory like this: Yardage from scrimmage Washington State 209 yards; O. A C. 85 yards. Ecttuiar Now Even. All of this, however, don't nee essarny mean mat uregon la go ing to take the measure ot the Agglee next Saturday. The fore going Is just dope to indicate that the classic is going to be a classic. and dope means about as much in tfea outcome of a game between ISe Eugene and Corvallls schools as lady fingers do to square meal. In Salem some of the more en thusiastic Aggie fans lust week placed wugers giving Oregon mon ey the benefit of a tie. Hut not so tinea Friday. Today even money rules and few O. A. C. offers are going untaken. One local backer of the Corvallls huskies was ask ing 7 points odds Saturday. Present indications are that ap proximately tOO Salem It ps will go to Eugene to witness the game. v to Calumet Show Faith In Salem The Calumet Baking Powder company has contracted with The Capital Journal for one of the largest and most vigorous adver tising campaigns attempted in years. A company that spends such an enormous amount of money em ploys experts who .study and analyze conditions before such a campaign is launched. The agents of the company enter the field to find out what's going, on and to learn whether or not the time is' ripe for a big advertising cam-j paign. , . Monday, N0Venibcr Heirs Battle Fotp L egal Possession Of Cannibal : Isle Arvada, Colo., No. 14. A vlg-rancher here, declares that she orous legal battle for a portion of.has equl claims with Mrs. Land Evidently the investigators of the Calumet Baking Powder Com pany found conditions in Salem better than many thought they were and more favorable. The optimism - the Calumet Baking Powder Company display an example for all who have some thing to sell. i An old preacher once said that the sounder his congregation slept the louder he talked until the very force of his voice held up their eyelids and made them lis ten, so is it possible for any one to win the attention of the public by advertising. . the huge estate which includes! the cannibal island of Ogau, one of the Fiji group, will be waged by Mrs. E. P. Nolte, of this vil lage, before It passes into the pos session of Mrs. Louts Landrock, of Omaha, Neb., who. it Is claimed has already left for the South St Island to establish her claim to the estate. The estate, surrounded by . ro mance, - and handed down Ly frince Wolfert Wobbert of Hoi iauu ueariy mree centuries ago, s finding new claimants in vari ous sections of the country, and international complications may aeveiop before an agreement is reached that will result in a sat isfactory and equitable distribu tion of the legacy, the value of which is estimated to exceed S10, 000,000. In addition to the money in volved, the title of "Queen of the Cannibal Isle" hangs In the bal ance, awaiting settlement of the vast estate. j Mrs. Nolta, wife of a prosperous rock to the island, with its great groves of cocoanut, pineapple and breadfruit palms, coral reefs gleaming pink along the shores. and plantations of sugar and rub ber trees, all within the ' prlnecly domain. . . . r . , A romance that shows princess es revolted at parental decrees long before the days of the mod ern suffragist is responsible for the contest that threatens now to break all records for claims and counter-claims in the annals of disputed Inheritances.' ' The story of the origin of the $10,000,000 estate as related by Mrs. Nolte, tells how Prince WU fert Wobbert, angered because his daughter Anneka persisted in her Sea island, is eaidto be of the' "seventh generation." j Mrs. Nolte declares that she is also of the "seventh generation' from the Princess Aneka, who re linquished a throne for love. When Mrs. Nolte learned that Mrs. Landrock was leaving the United States for Ogau to claim the estate she announced her in tention of Immediately beginning a legal contest for the fortune. "By what right does she go to take possession of this island when there are others who are also of the 'seventh generation' from the Dutch princess?"- Mrs. Nolte demanded. I do not understand how Mrs. Landrock, Qf all or ns. Is to be me only one to receive a share of this estate," Mrs. Nolte said. - "I am of the 'seventh generation' and can prove it." Threads of descent from Prin cess Anneka have been followed with great persistence because of the gigantic prize that will fall to the "seventh generation." The world war that upset even neutral Holland postponed some of the le gal fireworks that will be display ed in the many-sided contest for Hi love affair and married out of 'the millions left by Prince Wob- royalty, bequeathed her share of ! bert. his island possession to the. "sev enth generation of her descent." That was In 1664. ' - . , Mrs. Landrok, who, with her husband, Is reported to have left her Omaha home and started for J. H. McLelland, a Bend watch maker and member of the Ameri can Legion, has Just received a letter signed by King George of England, enclosing a silver vic- the Island of Ogau, despite rumors tory medal awarded McLelland for that cannibals infest the South services in the world war. .. .. . Mexican Cattle Raising Declines Mexico City, Mex., Nov. 14. Mexico, once a great cattle eoun- i at nresent unable to sup- nJ nnnirh cattle even for the' butchers of the capital. . fa ImDorted by the train load from the United States and brought here for slaugnter. Some of the Mexican ranges are horn nt cattle. Others, as in do- nnra after having been restocked AniteA hv drought. This has left Mexico with an extreme ly limited supply of cattle to draw upon. . It is asserted that there Is much smuggling of .cattle Across the border by persons engaged In the business of supplying Mexico City and other places with beef stock. The cattle are driven into Mexico ,nri .matured for a while, then onno here or to other points. As Mexico gives native cattle growers a low transportation rate th. railroads, me smuse.r th advantages of this rate by una- " that their cattle were raised In Mexico and not im ported or smuggled. The new concrete pavement on between Goshen and Creswell will be opened for travel m. .uir thus eliminating a 12- LUia rv ctu, mile detour. : w- r m-vtw a..i lu Sir.!! F'""" XTfiftiTE::!!-' I 2?IcmiB,Jlers!aw I No Cookta,N(- For Infanta, Invalid and Growing Children The Original Food -Drink For All Ages it A , we yr It's toasted to seal in the delicious Burley flavor j Auto Top. to Order lop tnd Curtain Jtepain Auto Painting - Upholstering Ford One Man Topi Top Dressing Floor Carpeti Auto Linoleum. We eusrantee satisfaction at we employ only men experienced. I in every detail of the work. HULL'S TOP SHOP! T. C. WOOD, Mgr. 271 Chemeketa Street SALEM, ORE. Phone 809 Wanted All Kinds of Second-; Hand Furniture, j Machinery and Tools, Etc. CAPITAL i ! I Bargain House; We buy and Mil every thing, ! Phone 393 815 Center St THE KEW HARDWARE STORE SQUARE DEAL HARDWARE and Furniture Co. W. COHEN, Prop. If-tl if. COMJCLLCUL STREET ail ler Hardwire tools I Inn. Supplies Crockery Special Merchants Lunch 35c Hours 1 1 a. m. to 8 p. m. EXTRA STHDAT CHICKEN DOTES lee Cream and Soft Drink Open 1 1 a. m. o 1 a. m. CEO? SDET AND KOODLE NOiLKING CAFE CP STAIRS at 162' North Commercial Street 1 .a-- j 1 gg , "Before Thanksgiving Values" in HOUSEHOLD AND TABLE LINENS Our Linen Value takes oh a Vital Significance at the Holiday Season, when enter taining is at its height and the demands upon household linens are continuous and wearing. You should take advantage and lay in your supply now as such qualities are not always to be had. Have you seen our Thanksgiving Linen Window Display? A Large Assortment of Very Good Values in Table Damasks, Table Linens ?( Is Fine Imported Madeira o I nana moroiaerea vlSr Linens If You're in Need of New Table Cloths by AH Means Buy Now. 60-inch Table Damask with Scotch Blue Bell design, per yard .....65c 64-inch Table Damask with conventional Rose design and border; very satisfactory, per yard..... 79c 66-inch Table Damask with Chrysanthemum design, a good cloth for daily use, per yard $1.25 72-inch Table Damask with Laurelwreath and Fleur de Lis design, attractive and of good quality, yard ....$1.65 72-inch Table Linen with grape design and conven tional stripe and border, will give years, of service, per yard ...... ......$3.45 72-inch Table Linen, Rose and stripe design, very good quality, per yard ....$3.50 72-inch Pretty Piece of Plain Table Linen, a value we can recommend, per yard $3.60 72-inch Table Linen with Violets and Butterlies form ing a Btripe and border, is of wonderful quality linen, per yard ,....$4.50 72-inch Table Linen with small dots all over and Fleur de Lis as a border, will give years of good service, per yard $4.50 60-inch Red and White, also Blue and White Table Damask of superior quality, dyed with the best dyes obtainable. Cloths made from this splendid table Da mask will be found most satisfactory for constant use, per yard ' ..98c Very useful and desirable. Every woman has a long ing for more Madeira hand embroidered linens. We can recommend these for their extra fine workman ship and satisfactory appearance after being laundered and reasonable prices. Hand embroidered round or oval Doilies at ...65c, 79c, 95c, $1.25 24-inch Doilies $3.95 27-inch Doilies . $4.25 36- inch Doilies .....$7.95 45-inch Doilies . $12.95 54-inch Doilies $19.75 Hand Embroidered Dresser Scarfs, 18x36 $3.95 Hand Embroidered Dresser Scarfs, 18x45...$4.95-$5.95 Hand Embroidered Tray. Cloths ...$2.25-$2.75 Hand Embroidered Linen Pillow Cases, a pair $11.50-$12.50 Hand Embroidered Lunch Napkins, per dozen....$12.00 Linen. Clung Lace Doilies at 79c and $1.50 All Linen Handsome Huck Towels Hemstitched Ends Superior quality All Linen Huck Towels, nicely fin ished and neatly hemstitched, desirazle for fine house hold use as well as pleasing gift articles 23-inch Huck Linen Towels . 69c 31-inch Huck Linen Towels ..: Z!l"""98c 37- inch Huck Linen Towels 1. l..$i.50 Linen Table Napkins Sold in Dozens or Half Dozens These Napkins have beautiful pat terns and are of dependable and good quality, some matching the Table Cloths, priced, a dozen $5.50, $8.50, $120, $14.00, $15.00 Mercerized Table Napkins Napkins with neat and attractive patters, very satisfactory for daily use, priced, a dozen $2.50, $2.95, $3.50 Sheer Handkerchief Linen Sheer Kerchief Linens are now in great demand for waists, lingerie garments and the making of fancy Handkerchiefs, 36 inches wide, priced, per yard $1.73, $2.50 Good Art Linens Serviceable and Economicably Priced, Bleached White Linens Suitable for Runners, Napkins and Luncheon Sets 20-inch Pure Linen, priced, yd $1.39 " 86-inch Pure Linen, priced, yd $1.50 10-inch Pure Linen, priced, yd $2.43 45-inch Pure Linen, priced, yd $2.50 54-inch Pure Linen, priced, yd $2.98 18- inch. Cotton Scarfing, yard ..40c Natural Unbleached l All Linen 13-inchrPure Linen, priced, per yard 69c and 79c 19- inch Pure Linen, priced, per yard : .'. 83c S6-inch Pure Linen, priced, per yard , $1.23 44-inch Pure Linen, priced, per yard :,. ..$1.75 54-inch Pure Linen, priced, per yard . $1.73 Your Kail Orders reclTe prompt i personal , . s' attention, j ' ' We pay the lit; ixwtage or :rPr7oX.4GS State S'reet Good Quality Mercerized Lunch Cloths You Win Find Them Very Useful and Satisfactory It is our aim to always give the best to be procured for the money. 44x44 Lunch Cloth, ready for use, attractive, in appearance, depend able a3 to service, priced $1.29 58x58 Lunch Cloth with pretty red borders, very popular right now, priced . . 52.30 21x21 Lunch Cloth with handsome rose wreath pattern, high satin fin ishe, priced 53 -5 Fine imported Towels woven of fine linen in Madeira hand embroidery, exception value, priced $2.65' Satisfaction guaranteed ff on your ff purchase ff or your' J money J trill be y tiMrfnl w refunded. Phone 877 1 1 r Take Yeast Vitamoa Tablets To Clear The Sldn Build Firm Stay-TbW' Fle.h-Increa. En If you want to quloldy eleu your akin and eomplexion nut . V nn emit KnnM hi iillim vnnr im-u enBU J . ' ' V nerjy, lath on your bones, faareat your nrve fore and powar Vmt iSl8 W per cent. Mtter. simply try taking- two of Maatia a tiny reaat VWif,S with then maai ana waton the teaulU. Martin' VITAMON Tablet contain hia-hlyjooncentra-ted yeaafritamine a well a the two other attll more impor tant Tltamlne (Fat actable A and Water soluble Ci and are by thoi now bein c used by thousands. They positively will not upset th stomach or oaose gaa, but, on th oontrarr. ar a great aid to digestion, to overcome eonati- Sition and as a (eoerai oondi oner of th whole system. Pim ples, boils and skin eruptions seem to vanish like magio, th eomplexion beoome fresh and clear, the cheeks glow with ruddy oealth, til flesh becomes firm, the eyes bright Mastin'a VITA MON Tablet an positively'' Earantaed to give you new alth, energy and ambition and prove your appearano. Do pot aooept imitations or substi tutes. You ean get MaaUu'a H1AMUN Tablet Irom tood druggist. any A- r 4a- iXV- -atsBaaW Of what 11 M tra Am faattM. kjil aui ' Wrmi paniwimwaii n luminal i1r -m 1 THtORIClNU r AND if -YiT VI u 'AMINtT uaur Are Potltively Gimih to Put On Firm FU Clear the Skin and fo Energy When Takea WiC Every Meal or Money Bi mmssm oys I A t tent i o n! Now is the time to get ready for school. If you haven': a "bike" you will find that . : Are the best for constant hard usage. If you nave a bicycle remember that we have eveij thing for it. Lamps, Tires, Rims, Pumps, Gnpps, Fenders, Seats, etc. Bring your repair work here Lloyd E. Ramseies Thorns" 387 Court Street Get Your Xmas Cards We have on display for your selection an exclusive of Christmas Cards especially designed for engrave Call and let us show you this beautiful line. Commercial Book Store 163 .North Commercial Street j LADD 6? BUSH BANKERS ESTABLISHED 1863 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a ra. CAPITAL JOURNAL v v t 4DS SATISFY TES