November 4, 1921 jyant Ads That Deliver The Goods at Small insertion 5 t' '..I insertions, 6 cent. . nut one momu. 'f'per month, Um SXy in New TO" ftV in advance ? ' riv ads. .. unless V0: taken over p .-count. B"k monmJ rur n" hone errora ' i.Mat All for sale, 625 284 iot, must be cneay n v ,. inisnn. it one Hone. H p r,m2 ftor - .1-1 o hntit fOBRIins rooms, mod- ern ; ,i Knrd car Ford Catutal sate P"01- II i imirnal. r.inm bunga --5r-Tn bill r.nx X I 126 ,;,n. wt, 2700. 'EAB ,40 B. Waller si. Residence 2"4 e2gg rrr"?hrT7; Flemish Gi- jSfsAapj' hutch. Call ant rabbits .IKl e266 1T91J- Jersey Inquire e266 fK AV freshen soon. lt..h Btri-et. work P trill I singling 4one, phone isaii. . TTTTC-li room I FOB SALb a ' ... bungalow on fifiSO. See Krue- ' BMltor, Oregon "Sty . jaaSice little bungalow yOR SALE-NIC i 1J8gw .ell located, pnne o aJ(J6, Mod 1st moiip'- )09 Oregon l-.iii - - wash dishes ilNTED Girl to rav n,ngs, call 40. N uhrt street. fiC -r;,., hnp the last. CETyuur Pi.Vhel. Phone 50e, 7c an" " c269 HOST UPC tnis nay nuu riiKWsn ""-. .300 to H in orief t. ji. TJt'hv rent IJOCKe rxeii ETiSlU. S. bank bldg. 204' heat reasonable, U blocs, im SttjStk. from State street cheap. PhoneJ586. J PARTlETlhat took diamond tie T nd money from hotel room pleass return to avoid troubUj. we know pary. m-6j fiOTBDPractical nurse for ma ternity case; give reference with application. Nurse care Journal FOR SALB-ltalialTprune, Royal Anne che'Nes anu .wus.ti ling trees. Idlewine 123 Broad u269 way. COAL SPECIAL, for two days we will sell Utah's best coal for ill 50 per ton delivered. Order now. Phone 933, Capital UK TnfirCo. ee265 ivir rale Oregon Improved and witon utrawberrv plants from Inspected yards, at J2 per 00 , prepaid. J. B. Peterson, Shaw. Or., phone 22F21; d269 I AfRRK one mile from Salem limits on pavement. Buildings and terms you can handle. Price !750. Becke & Hendricks, 205 U. a hank hide. 264 BARGAIN 5 room bungalow, plas tered; living, dining, kitchen, 2 beds and bath room. Owner got th's by foreclosing mortgag nd will sell for tl 500. $500 down, balance like rent. B. A. Mohney, !M Oregon bblg, phone 21. 264 fO RENT 5 room bungalow, strictly modern, furnished, fur nace heat, wood and gas range, fire place, paved street, garage; one of the nice homes on Fair mount park. Compton Beal Es tate, J22 State St. Phones 944 . HSW. 84 WANTED Young men and women to learn the printing trade in all Its branches under personal su pervision of experienced Instruc tors. Good paying positions guar anteed those taking Instruction. Northwest School of Printing, 21 Division street, SooKane, g300 4 REAL BUY 2u seres of fine oil. S acres in three year old Prunes, 5 acres of logans, 2 acres of strawberries. 2 acres pasture, balance cultivated, two room Bouse, barn 20x24; located 3-4 mile from paved road on good rd road, 5 miles from Suiem. Price $6825. $4325 down balance mortgage to he assumed. "eed, grate, machinery and good team fes with place: will consider house In Sabm up to $3000 as Part payment. TV. H. Oraben honrt ft Co., B. altors. 275 8tae wt, I'. S. hank bldg. b!65 Speaking of simple codes, here's one. NEW TODAY FOB RENT 391 N. Cottage, 5 rooms furnished, full basement, furnace and fireplace. See Wm. Fleming, 341 State St. J COAL, SPECIAL,, for two days we will sell Utah s best coal for $16.50 per ton delivered. Order now. Phone 933, Capital City Transfer Co. ee265 2 FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms and sleeping porch, light, water, gas, wood, -electric wash er. Call after 6 p. m. or before noon, 592 N. Summer St. j26 1919 DODGE roadster, good me chanical condition, 5 oversized tires, gnubbers and spotlights, your terms. See ownea: at 197 S. Com merclal. q2 6 6J IMMEDIATE POSSESSION-Brand new home of I bed rooms, dutch kitchen, large living room 23 by 1314, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, cement walks and pavement. Price today $3300. And good terms. This beats any modern home you have seen in all ways, price considered. Becke & Hendricks, 205 U. S. bank bldg 284 PRICED RIGHT 320 acres, 85 acres in fall wheat, family orch ard, spring water, house and barn, buildings neeft some re pairs. Balance of land mostly timber, approximately 15,000 or 20,000 cords of s'nding timber. Located 10 miles from Salem near Pacific highway. Price $65 per acre; will consider part trade YV. H. Grabenhorst & Co., Real tors. 275 State street. b265 For Sale Houses FOR SALE 8 large lot, in Phone 76F12. room house and Salem Heights. a264 KOR SALE 6 room house, lights, water and toilet. Price $1150, $800 cash. Owner, 438 S. 22nd street. a267 roR SALE 5 room modern Dun galow. immediate possession. Price $1950. D. E. Hart, 208 Ore gon bldg. a NIFTY 6 room cottage, newly dec orated, close in, paved street. Owner going away. Cash bar galn. 668 N. High. a264 GOOD bungalow, lights, bath, base ment, plastered; worth more. $2, 000, $500 down. Good lots cheap on terms. Brown, Realtor, State and Commercial over Busick's store. a FOR SALE By owner, 6 room modern house, berries and fruit of all kinds. Will sell to suit the purchaser. Box K E care Capi tal Journal. a264 SPECIAL 4 room modern cot tage and a good one, barn, ga rage, good street near school and car line, no basement. Price $1500, terms $250 down. S. B. Pearson, 210-211 U. S. bank bldg F you want a home look at this, 7 room bungalow, two blooks from high school north on Church street; property new and modern in every way; owner wants small tract near city, or will sell; house will rent for $60 per month. Radcliff and Waring, 341 State street. a264 6 ROOM, 1 story plastered house on Center street, living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 bed rooms, bath, toilet, porch, gas, electric lights, fruit, etc. Paved street, cement walks. Price $3400 Cash to handle $700 balance $45 and interest per month. See L. A. Hayford, Realtor, 305 State street. IMMEDIATE possession for $250 down, we will sell you a good 5 room modern house, large rooms, all on one floor, good condition, large lot, fruit, two blocks from State street. This it a bargain, move right in, have your own home and a good one. Price $2500, terms $250 down, $25 month. S. R. Pearson. 210-211 U. S. bank bldg. a For Sale Farms FOR SALE At a bargain. 6 acres cleared, good bungalow, out buildings .orchard, 15 minutes walk to car line, fine roads. Call 1331 Rural Ave. 265 C ET A HOME 6 5-acre tracts in Salem Heights, close to car, good locations, from $2250 up to $7000 according to improve ments. Brown, Realtor, over Bu sick's State and Commercial .b 80 ACRES close to Silvertou. 65 cultivated, 10 acres in prunes, some walnuts; good buildings. $135 per acre; take small ranch as part. Magee, corner State .ind Com. over Busick's nf 10 ACRES located 2 miles from Salem, small house and barn; all in cultivation, 114. acres of strawberries; will exchange or sell on easy payments. Radcliff and Waring, 341 State. b264 THIS Is a first class tract of land. locied 3-4 miles from R R sta tion O. E. north, about 20 acres in cultivation, balance In timber and pasture; what have you to exchange for it. Radcliff and Waring. b264 SPECIAL 17 acres 2 miles from heart of Salem, choice soil, It acres fruit, beautiful building spot. Will sacrifice for $4500, terms $1000 down, or will take house in Salem for part. 8. R Pearson. 210-211 U. S. bank bldg. For Sale Farms NOTICE To fruit and berry grow era. We are going to place on the market one of the finest tracts of land near Salem, the S. B. Hill farm, 3 miles east of Salem on the Garden roaa. Better known as the Geo. Swegle farm. There is no better land in the valley for fruit and berries or gul den truck, and will be sold in small tracts to suit purchaser, the price will be below the av erage for this kind of land. Come in and let us show you this before you buy. Geo Thom ason. 33114 State St. b For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE Range. 1071 N. 17th. c265 FOR SALE A. fine Airedale dc 9 months old. Phone 7B0J. e264 POTATOES for sale $2 sack; small ones $1. Phone 2091J. c265 APPLES delivered. Phone 4F2. c281 FOR SALE Cash register. 245 c264 Center street. FOR SALE Cream Phone 49F5. separator. c264 FOR SALE Ladies grey suit, good condition, size 38. Phone 2073J. c264 PERFECTION oil heaters, handy economical, efficient. Max O Buren. 179 N. Com'l. c FOR SALE At a bargain, two 3 mantel gas office globe lights a: Capital Journal office. c FOR SALE Apples, hand picked, and wind falls. Bring boxes. Wal lace road, box 15, phone 116F2. c265 FOR SALE Ducks, Mallard and Pekln, $1.20; also canary singers $3 each. Mrs. V. E. Schafer, Sa lem, Or., Rt. 8, box 1T2A. f264 JUST received large shipment Utah coal which we are selling, for two days only, for $16.50 per ton from car. Capital City Transfer Co. phone 933. ee264 RUN NO RISKS Get your chains NOW. Reline your brakes. W. E. Burns Dan Burns (Not brothers the same man) High St. at Ferry, Salem. q IAI.EM COMMISSION sa'es room, hay, oats, wheat, potatos, omen;-" r.rd mill feed, for sale; second hand machinery and tools. 254 S. Liberty St. ni 2 9 7 FOR SALE Used parts for all models Maxwell cars; these parts are just as good as new at half price. Gingrich Motor Co., 371 Court St. phone 635. q BIGH mountain grown western red cedar posts, poles. F. E. Westerberg. box 26, Detroit, Or. clli SPRING CHICKENS Buy your spring chickens for your Sunday dinner at 25c lb. wll dress them free of charge. Farmers Produce Co., 160 S. High m264 FOR SALE Cedar fence and ber ry posts, delivered your place, 16 cents each. Write for price on telephone and hop posts; can make immediate delivery. Key Lbr. Co.. Molalla. Or. c268 FURNITURE FOR SALE Rugs, bed room sets, buffet, extension table, kitchen cabinet, gas stove, cooking utensils, dishes, beddintf. extra rockers, full set living room furniture, wardrobe, linoleum, good wringer, wash board and tubs. Room 2,6, Beyman block (over Peoples cash store.) Phone 1888. c266 For Sale Livestock p IGS for sale. Phone 1F15. e264 CHEAP cows, fresh and coming fresh. 404 S. 16th street. e264 REGISTERED Berkshire boar. Call 3F3, C. C. Russell. VOR SALE Fresh, four year Jersey cow. 2 miles west of Lib-,.,-tv store. Rt. 3, J, B. Goin. e264 For Sale-Automoblles 1918 CHEVROLET touring, new top, $100 down. 327 State St. q265 SPECIAL SALE OF USED CARS TERMS IF DESIRED Ford touring In gooa shape $167 Ford touring late model price $200 Model 90 Overland in first class shape $450 Studebaker late model $500 Briscoe. 1919 model. In good shape $300 Chalmers, woulo make dandy bug $75 Model 90 Overland like new $500 Stevens-Durea, a dandy stage car, $500 1920 Baby Grand Chevrolet road ster, in extraordinary shape, the price will please you. These cars are sold with a 10 days free trial, subject to being re turned and full credit given on any used car of equal value. OVERLAND GARAGE phone 311. 246 State SL q For Sale Wood JXJDD'S wood's good. Phone 108F3 Mill WOOD for sale, fir, oak $7.50, ash $7.50 Armstrong transfer, phone 195. ee273 FOR SALE Old oak wood 4 loot and 16 inch. Phone 83F2. W. W. Barry. ee285 The Capital For Sale Wood FOR SALE Oak, ash, old fir and second growth. Phone 981M. ee266 NICE dry wood priced right. Phone 254 or 622 after office hours. 22 bo CORDS 2nd growth fir $6 cord. W. A. Shelton, Rt. 3, box 146A. 270 vVOOD, choice, lage second growth fir. Order now. $6.75 per cord. A. E. Petersen, telephone office hours 1013. ee WOOD FOR SALE 16 inch old pitchy fir for sale, and 4 foot second growth. Phone 1727. ee26B FOR SALE Beat grade mill wood, second growth and old fir, 4 ft. or 16 inch, prompt delivery. Phone 1542, Fred E. Wells, 306 S. Church St. HVOOD WOOD Special off the car, maple $7.50, oak $8 and 16 Inch old fir $8 per cord, Salem Fuel Yards, Theo Zieman, Chas. Sooa, props. FOR RENT FOR RENT Sleeping rooms $3,50 week. 545 Ferry St. 32,64 HOUSEKEEPING and rooms, 633 Ferry. sleeping JJ73 J'OR RENT Small furnished apt. corner Chemeketa and Liberty streets. J265 BURNISHED sleeping room, Teas- onable, close in. 263 S. High. J264 FURNISHED sleeping rooms in modern house, close In, gentle men preferred. 447 N. Liberty street. 1287 FURNISHED house keeping ruoma also sleeping rooms. 161) Court street, Cottage Apts. J2S4 FOR RENT Front room ovei Price shoe store, newly painted, good for tailor shop or insur ance office. Patton Bros. J264 A PLEASANT room for 2 with board. 1334 Ferry near state house. 1266 OR RENT Four room furnished apartment on N. Cottage street, centrally located. For particulars write thirteen twelve Mill St., Eu gene. Oi ji& 4, Wanted Help DEPENDABLE middle aged mn to do janitor work for board alld room. 223 N. Com'l St. 266 WANTED Ladies Friday and Sat urday at the Liberty Exchaupe, 241 N. Com. to buy shoes at 25c a pair. m265 Wanted Miscellaneous FOR sawing wood sail 1959J. J. F. Stlue & Son. ee283 WOOD SAWING Country and city. Phone 1608-W. 276ee Hi. x ana country wood sawing. Phone .2046, Fisher Bros. a PRIVATE maternity Phone 1969J hospital. m" WANTED A few good young stock ewes. Address or call E. D. Phillppi and J. T. Pieser. 1264 WANTED Experienced woman to do general housework. D. J. Fry. 606 S. High St. g264 vV'ANTED To buy five or six room bungalow. C. H. Brown, 7 65 S. Liberty St. 1264 BIGHEST PRICES PAID for mens slightly worn clothes. Call 179. 1266 SANITARY floor oil, it keeps down the dust, 90c gallon. Max O. Bu ren, 179 N. Com'l. c FULLER BRUSHES for demon strations. C. Grimes, 641 MML phone 1937J. c288 POSITION wanted, stenographer, bookkeeper, eight years experi ence bank, real estate, insurance. Miss Breithaupt, 297 S. 15th St. . - h265 WANTED Used household goods, tools, men's suits and shoes, beat cash price paid. Liberty Ex change, 211 N. Com. Phone 841 LANGS hot blast fuel saving rang es, $48 up. Let us explain why we cut your fuel bill . Peo ples Furniture store, 271 North Commercial street, phone 734. MISCELLANEOUS FOR plowing gardens and hauling, call 1959J. m265 ARMSTRONG Transfer Co. phone 195. m272 WHEELER'S wood saw. 1904J, 1811 N. 4th. Pnune 277 FIRST class auto repairing $1 hour 279 N. Commercial St. Phone 1260. q268 WANTED To borrow $1500 on good proposition. 1493 Fir St. i265 SEE me for heavy team work of all kinds. Also short wood for sale at 743 Union St. m2l6 PLUMBING repair work T5c per hour. Phone 975R or call at 297 Market. 1287 CHRISTMAS crocheting, tatting and knitting done to order. Call 1586 N. Capitol. c264 1KFICE OF GREAT NORTHERN Transportation Co. at 25 i d. Lib erty St. Call phone 998 for daily services JITST received large shipment Utah coal which we are selling, for two rtavs nnlv. for $16.50 per ton from car. Capital City Transfer Co. phone 933. ee264 Journal, Salem, Oregon MISCELLANEOUS i FOR GOOD BUYS In farm and city property, see Wm. Powell, Just real estate, 341 N. Com- merclal. Phone 666. n BEAUTIFUL wall Unt and flat wall paint in regular colors and pastel shades. Max o. Buren, 179 N. Commercial. m lON'T miss this opportunity. Ex clusive agency Marion county, "guaranteed troubleproof" equip ment for pneumatic tires. Sarff, 371 State street. " q267 PAPER hanging, painting, tinting, per room and up, very low est prices, all work guaranteed. L. E. Rogers. 845 N. 17th St. Pnone 731. m264 GLIDDENS Linoleum varnish for all printed linoleum and congo leum. Max O. Buren, 179 North Commercial WANTED Old mattresses to make over. Phone It, Capital City Bed ding Co. ELECTRICIAN Secure my fig ures on wiring by contrct or by the hour, at pre-war prices. H. W. Hatch, phone 1744W. m ASTRONOMY, birthday reading, tell you h6w to choose your hus band or wire. Worth a thousand to every body. Five 2c stamps. 376 Belmont, Salem, Or. m264 PLUMBING, repairing and coil work a specialty, reasonable charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop foot of Union St. Phone 1397J tntTI PARTIES that were seen taking the female bird dog trom the feeble -minded school Tuesday morning, please return and save trouble. Wm. Kim, feeble minded school. m265 JAiiES C. DELL 690 N. 20th, Phone 1518-R, Interior Decora tor. Ivory porcelain enameling and expert paperhanging, wall painting and timing. Estimates furnished. 273 REAL ESTATE IF you have property for sale or exchange Radcliff and Waring are wanting to sec you, 341 State street, n264 WILL trade 15 lots in suburbs of Tacoma, value $30 per lot. Wnat have you to trade? Will consid er Salem lot worth $450. Thoma son. 331 hi State street. n 2 6 5J RADCLIFF and Waring have property that Is to your inuiest to investigate, if you are want ing installment property or ex change, 20 acres of unimproved land 4 miles from town, priced $1600; will sell to suit purchas er; will exchange tor city prop erty; b204 FOR EXCHANGE Klamath coun ty improved land in Tule Lake valley, best farming and alfalfa section, 4 miles NW of Malin, clcse to good school, for small farm or dairy ranch in the vi cinity of Salom, north or north west. Write owner, O. E. Hunt, Merril. Or. b266 1 WANT MORE SALEM HOUSES Some dandy farm and orchard trades CHAS. W. NIEMEYER "Just Real Estate" 67 varieties 215-216 Masonic Temple, Phones 1000, 1014, Salem. n FOR SALE 390 acre farm, well improved, a bargain at $60 per acre, good terms Fine bungalow all mouern, gooa lot. Price $4000. good terms. 3 room house and good lot for $850. terms. Good six room house ana nice lot. for tljOO. terms. List your property with me ior results, H. U MARSTERS Gray bldg. phone 907. GOOD BUYS Corner lot, close in. A splendid location. East front on paved streets. $2500. 1 14 acres, 8 room house, 45 iruu trees, barn, chicken house, close in. Will sell on small payments, or trade. A acres with new 8 room house and good barn. Equipped for poul t y raising. 114 miles from canine. Will exchange for Dungaiow in a lem or Portland. Strictly modern seven room home, $6500 with terms. 6 mom completely modern bun- yalow, garage, paved street. $5500, terms. LISTON AND DARBY Independent Agency 484 Court street- n265 GOOD BUYS 320 acre farm, buildings, 85 acres summer fallow wheat, about fifteen thousand cords of standing fir; will consider part trade. Price $65 per acre. 20 acre tract located on Howell prairie on main SHverton road, all cultivated, good buildings. Price $52 50, terms. 10 acres all in bearing fruit. 8 acres prunes, 114 acres logans, btiildlngs. rock road and close to paved highway. Price $6000. 200 acre farm 6 miles from Sa lem 100 acres in cultivation, about 40 acres of fine Umber, buildings. Price $86 per acre, terms. We have some good buy in houses and vacant lots. If you are looking to buy. trade VhL GRABENHORST A CO. 275 State street. REAL ESTATE E room modern except heat, full basement, three large lota. South Salem, a bargain at $3,600 or will exchange for small Farm tear Salem. 6 room house South Salem $1600 easy terms. 6 room plastered modern except neat, $iauu, $3uu casn it per month like rent New 6 room modern house. Just ready for you, first class up-to-date. East off State Street. A bargain at $4500, some terms if desired. If you want an acreage close in at a bargain, see us at once. JOSEPH BARBER & SON 300 Gray Bldg. BEST BUYS 1814 acres choice land in old Claggett estate; $5500 and terms or immediate sale, see me at once 10 acres with $14 in Hearing lo gans, 6 room house. Darn ana coops; paved road, 14 mile town; mly $2750. terms. 5 14 acres all in rea raspberries, email buildings; $2750. 10 acres first class land, close to car line and lust outside Salem lim its: good investment; $3200, easy terms. 30 acres best valley loam, 2 sets buildings, horses, cows, hogs, chick ens, and all implements go; price $11,500. This is located on Gar len road. 40 acres Improved, 30 miles from Portland, $7000. Trade for any thing here. We have $1000 to loan at per cent, real estate security. Y'OUR LOAN WIL.L BUI 5 to 40 acre tracts Just outside Salem limits, at .$176 per acre and up. Also unimproved tracts farther out at $50 per acre. 17 acres with buildings and 10 acres bearing fruit at $5500. Ex-service men see tneso Deiore ou buy. SOCOLOFSKY, Realtors S41 State n "LEGAL NOTICES FIRST NOTICK TO CUKJJITOKS Notice is hereby, given -that tne undersigned, by an order of the county court of the state of Ore- fon for the county oi Marion, uuiy made and entered on the 13th day Of October, 1921, was appointeu executrix of the estate or jonatnan (f Iddlngs. deceased, and that she has duly qualified as such ex executrix All persons having claims gainst said estate are nereDy no- dfiofl to nreaent the same duly ver ified as required by law to her in the city of Salem, In Marion coun ty. Oregon, witnm six ui the date of this notice. Dated this 14th day or AJCtooer, 1921. . SARAH A. 1UUIBUD, Teivpontrix of the estate of Jona than O. Iddlngs, deceased. Jas. O. Heltzel, Salem, Oregon, attorney iur - tate. Date of first publication, uciu- ber 14. 1921 ... Date of last publication, iuyu. ber 11, 1911. . - SAIiEM MARKETS Compiled from reports of Salem dealers for the guidance of Capital Journal readers. (Re vised daUy.) Grain: Average valley waeat ibulk) 78c. Hav: Cheat hay $10.00011.00 oat hay $11.0012.00; clover hay (bulk) 73c. Wholesale ynoca Meat: Hogs $9.7510; dressed hogs 13c: top steers 5 5 S)-4c; cows 24c; bulls 3c; lambs 6 5c; veals 1416c. Butter and eggs: Eggs 45c; light hens 14lSc; heavy hens 19 20c; old roosters 8c; broil ers over two pounds 22c. Butterfatf Butterfat, 47c; creamery butter 48 0 49c; country butter 35 (8 37c; milk $2.25 cwt. Vegetables: Oregon onloni $4 cwt; beets $2.50 cwt; Oregon cabbage lc lb; green peppersSr lclb: green peppers 9c lb: lb; cauliflower $1.75 per dosen; California tomatoes 10c lb; pota toes $1.75 cwt; spinach 7c lb. Fruits: Oranges $7.5008.00; lemons $8; bananas 9c; California grape fruit $6.50; Florida grape fruit $8.00; Maluga grapes 10c lb.; Tokay grapes 11c lb; green peas 12c; cranberries 16c lb; huckleberries 15c lb. Retail Frtoek- Butter and eggs: Eggs 60c; creamery butter 64c; country but ter 42045c. Portland Markets Portland, Or., Nov. 4. Cattle steady; receipts 88; choice steers $5.7506.25; medium to good $5.2505.75; fair to medium $4.7505.25; common to falv $3.75 4.76; choice ."seders $4'0 5.00; fair to good $3.754.50; choice cows and heifers, $4.505; choice to good heifers $4.50 5.25; medium to good $4.uoy 4.50; fair to medium $3.5004.00: , ,iht 1110 by International Mark registered in the U. 1 1 ii as niii i mil BaMlsxexexeaiM iiiiiimmi IOMfrgftDgX A. J. FOSTER, chiropodist, corns painless, all loot trou bles treated. 32a State St. 366 ART PHOTOGRAPHS TINTED Les sons in Oil, Water colors, China ?fiwn- 212 & Cottage. Phona 1620M. OPTICIANS GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur- oiie, optometrist. Bow OpUcal Co.. 326 Staf St. MERCHANT TAILOR FRANK PALM Merchant tailor. ooutn High and Ferry. M. A. ESTES. fins tailoring. I HI State street. FURNITURE HOSPITALS FURNITURE repaired or made to oraer. rtennishlng and uphol stering a specialty. Phone 1742, Brown and Groves, 1201 S. Com mercial street. PIANOS GEO. C. WILL, pianos, phono- grapns. sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Re pairing phonographs and sew ing machines. 432 State, Salem. HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE hemstitching. chainstltching, pleaUng, buttons. 329 Oregon bldg. Phone 879. MRS. F. E. MULL, hemstitch ing and dressmaking, over Mil ler's store. Phone 117. e HAT BLOCKING MEN'S and women's hats reno vated, blocked and trimmed. 495 Court. C. B. Ellsworth. NURSERY STOCK FRUITLAND NURSERY Have good variety nursery stock. Of fice 640 State Salem. Or. Phone 1737 or U40M. 1ALEM Nursery company, fruit and ornamental trees, small fruit roses. Phone 1763, 428 Oregon bldg. FARM LOANS BUILDING LOANS MADE May be repaid like rent. Life. Fire, Health, Accident, In demnity, Liability and Auto in surance written. A. C. BOHRNSTBDT 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or. MOTORCYCLES HARRY W. SCOTT1 -Ph. rNr.m Man" i 847 8-Com. Phone 48 LLOYD E. RAMSOEN, Indian motorcycles and Dayton bicycles. 387 Court St. CITY SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed by the month at reasonable rates Cesspools cleaned and dead ani mals removed. Day phone 998, night phone 1698R. R. O. Cum mins, Mgr. TRANSFER OREGON TAXI and transfer. Lib erty and Ferry street. Phone 77. common cows $2.76 0 3.00: fan ners 1.602.76; bulls ?00 $4.00; choice dairy calves $8.50 9.00; prime light $8.0008.50; medium light $6.0008.00; heavy $5.9006.00. Hogs steady; receipts 892; prime light $9.0009.50; Bmooth heavy 250 to 300 pounds $8,000 8.75; 300 pounds and up $7.00 8.00; rough heavy $5.0007.50; fat pigs $9.0009.50; feeders $9.00 9.50; stags $4.0006.50. Sheep steady; receipts 124; east of mountain lambs $6.50 7.00; best .valley $6. 006.60; culls $3.0004.00; feeders $1.50 3.00; light yearlings $4.5006.00; light wethers $3.50 04.50; heavy $2.5003.50; ewes $1.0003.50. Butter steady; extra cubes 424 43c; cartons 48c; prints 47c. Butterfat, No. 1 churning cream 47 048c fob Portland, un der grades 44 045c. Eggs: No fresh eggs available. Selling price case count 42 045c; buying price 45 047c; selling price candled 46 048c; selected candled In cartons 57 060c. Poultry: Hens light 16c; heavy 25026c; springs 26027c; heavy 20021c; old roosters 10012c; ducks 20O25; turkeys 48060c. Wheat: Hasd white $1.00; soft white 98c; white club 98c; hard winter 98c; northern spring 98c; red Walla 95c. Mlllrun, $2122; oats, $24 $25.00; corn No. 3 yellow $25.00; bay, timothy, valley, $16.00016.50; alfalfa $15.00 15.50; new grain mixed $14.00 14.50; clover $11012; straw $8. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Feature Service. Inc.) A Patent Cffloa. Page Ninf Cost PHOTOGRAPH'S" J LUXE studio. Better photo. 47 N. Commercial. PRINTING A SATISFIED customer returns. Rowland Printing Co. Phone 1612, over Patton book store. FINANCIAL MAtuoN-POLK County Farm Loan association has money To loan at six percent. W. D. Smith secretary-treasurer, SOS Salem Bank of Commerce. , JUNK WANTED -Rags and secordhau "f an sin els. i;apltal Jul company, phons 398, 215 Ce " stress GARAGES Cherry city garage, 170 a it ueimrai repairing. . AUTOMOBILE storage at $S month. South Commercial 5 s, tiu a. commercial et, q recharged and repaired. Degsje Burrell. e SALEM Auto Radiator shop, ra diator and fender specialists. 198 S. uth St . SOUTH Commercial garage, gen eral repairing. All work guaran teed. Fur sudden service phone 278, residence phone 1029R. 430 S. Commercial. UNION Auto repair shop, acety lene welding. 488 Ferry street, Phone 422. WAYNE QUAYLE Auto eleSHS" shop, 263 N. Com'l, phone 41S. R. D. BARTON. Exide batteries, sfarter and generator work. 171 S. Commercial. AUTO Electrician, expert trouble shooting. 238 N. High St. phone 20S. AUCTIONEER COL W. F. WRIGHT, auctioneer. Farm sales conducted every where. We save you money on advertising. City phone 784 or phone Turner central. OSTEOPATHY " DR8. WHITE AND MARSHALL. Osteopathic physicians and sur geons. 506 U. B. bank building. Phone 859. Dr. White, resi dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall residence phone 834. WATER COMPANY ,""-,r-,ai waumk uast-Awx ui- uue, corner iorrim ircuu ana Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly in advance. Phone 6 f. REPAIR! NCI STEWART'S Repair Shop. 847 Court St. Umbrellas and cutlery Q. C. PATTERSON, shoe repairlnn snop, 143 g. ioerty ax. " 8TOVES rebuilt and .epaired. 5li years experience; Depot Na tional and American fence, sizes 26 to 58 inches high. Paint, oil and varnishes, etc., logan berry and hop hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works, S89 Court street. Phone 124. Jap Premier (Continued from Page One.) promise on the Shuntung question with China, which bad long been a main subject of controversy. Outlined His Policy. Premier Hara declared in re cent statements that Japan was ready to accept a limitation or her naval establishment along with rest of the world and always keep ing In mind the necessities of ber national defense. Takashl Hara has been premier of Japan since 1918, when he formed a cabinet after the fall of the Terauchl ministry, the Seiyu Kal part, of which he wis a lead er, taking control. The position of the premier and his party was confirmed by the general election In May, 1920, that party, of which he was a leader, taking control. The position of the premier and his party was confirmed by th general election In May, 1920, that party obtaining a great majority. The premier has had a long and distinguished political career. Born In 1854, he was for some time In the foreign office service both at home and abroad and was vice-minister for a time in 1896. He joined the late Prince Ito to organizing the Selyu-Kal party la 1900, and shortly afterward be came minister of communications in the cabinet. Later he served again as head of that department of the government In the Selyu Kal cabinet of 1906-08, resigning with the fall of that ministry and traveling In Europe and America In the latter part of 1908 and la 1909. It Second Attempt On bis visit to this country he was received by President Roose velt In Washington, In September, 1908. M. Hara re-entered the cabinet In 1913 as minister of home af fairs, and In 1918 formed the cabi net now In office. - When a youth M. Hara studied law for a time but early foresook It for journalism, through which work came his Introduction Into the foreign oflfce service. During a later Interval In his political career, in 1896-7, he was chief edi tor of the Osaka Malnichl, and took up aaln the chief member ship of that paper for a time be fore entering the Salonji cabinet as minister of the Interior In 1904. Ia May. 120. a plot was dis covered by assassinate Premier Hara, the details coming out la November last by publication of the findings of a preliminary court which tried a former arttllerymaf named Ito, charged with plannia an attempt against the p rem let's person. Seven bombs were to hare been employed in the attempted taaaanlattloa. which was to bar taken place on May 8, 1M, thst rt findings showed.