Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 04, 1921, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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    Page Eight
Jhe Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon
Espee Bulletin Says
Lumber Industry In
Polk Experiencing
Record Boom
After a long period of inactivi
ty the logging and lumber nldust
ty in Polk county, Oregon, Is en
ojying the greatest boom ever ex
perienced in the history of the in
dustry in that region, according to
an article which is to appear in
the November number of the Sou
thern Pacific company's "Bulle
tin. The territory referred to is
served by the Falls City branch of
we Southern Pacific company.
At Black Rock, 300 men are get
ting out approximately 360,000
feet of logs daily. Fifty percent
of this is sawed Into lumber at
Dallas, and the balance is taken
to Winona, dumped into the Wil
lamette river and floated to Salem
and there milled by the C. K.
Spauldlng company.
Out in the woods on the Vallev
and Siletz railroad about 200 men
are employed and the result of
weir daily output is In the neigh
borhood of 250,000 feet of log.
One third of this is handled at the
Mills at ValseU and Hosklns, and
delivered to the Southern Pacific
In thef Inlshcd product at Crisp.
uaiance is delivered to ihe
General Diaz Arrives Amid Great Dmfirmer Jefferson
Editor is Dead
Southern Pacific company in logs
for movement to Falls City and 3a-
lem ror cutting up.
u. territory ib quite rougl
uu mountainous and most of th
ussiuk aone uy what Is called
the "sky line" method, which In
volves the use of a very expensive
outfit, consisting of heavy wire
taoies ana other paraphernalia
neavy cables are sometimes
siretcnea across canyons and in
that manner logs are carried from
one high ridge to another.
The Willamette Valley Lumber
company ana the Spauldlng Lum
oer company Doth have logging
....,. luuning out to Black Rock
one on eacn side of the mountain
and in order to get Utl tilt TtUtll It.
tain sides, they are. required to use
"switchbacks" on acount of the
excessive grades. The logs are
ornugnt into Black Rock from
distance of 12 t0 15 miles.
The situation on (he Falls City
branch ia unique. In place of the
usual procedure of handling load
u cars or logs In one direction
and empties on the return trip in
this t.., . ,1 1 1 - ...
- ,., ui logs are
bandied In, both directions. One
logging company logs on the Val-
ey suets and lis product is cut u
i fails City, while the other com
pany, lugging back of Itlack Hock
nan Its product hauled to Dallas
lor cutting up.
The mill at Falls City employ!!
"'en ana lias an output of 130
Olio feet dally. The Dalles mill em-'
ploys 175 men and has a dally out
Put of 140,000 feet. At Valsetz
and Hosklns, located on the Val
ley and Siletz railroad, 340 men
are employed In the mlll which
have a dally production of approxl
mataly 226,00 feet of lumber, all
of which Is routed over Southern
Pacific linos and delivered to the
Connection at Crisp.
Italy's Unknown
Soldier Buried
O. M. Humphrey, for 25 years
editor of the Jefferson Review,
died this morning at his home aft
er a long illness,
Mr. Humphrey was a son of
George Humphrey, a Linn county
pioneer who settled in Oregon dur
ing the early history of the state.
About a year ago Mr. Humphrey
gold his interest in the Review and
went to Canada, returning to Jer
ferson after a brief stay in the
north and was taken sick.
He is survived by his wife ana
two sons, one residing in Roseburg
and the other in Eugene. Funeral
arrangements will be announced
Miscellaneous Bridges.
Brady, Charles, bridge work 4T.00
Fischer, Phillip, bridge
work, etc 182.70
General Armando Diaz, the ureatest Italian hero since
Garibaldi to visit America, was acclaimed by thousands when "sure representing uom
Whiskey Imported
By Scotch Consul
For First Time
Washington, Nov. 4. For the
flrst time In the history of l un
rermline cpnsulate. Scotland.
wMsky appears on the list of goods
exported rrom Kite to (his country,
according to a report to the com
merce department today from Con
ul Van Sant. The value of the
Whisky was 124,444, he said, but
he made no explanation of its sud
den appearanco on the consulate
he arrived in New York and vicinity made a holiday of it
rwo ferryboats and a fleet of private yachts and tugs, packed
to the guards with cheering sons and daughters of Italy,
were waiting off Quarantine for General Diaz. A flag-
waving crowd, conservatively estimated at 150,000, greeted
him at the Battery and cheered his triumphal march up
Broadway to (Jity Hall, where Mayor Hylan conferred the
freedom of the city. The photograph shows the procession
moving up' Broadway, and General Doaz and Colonel Mervyn
Buckey, who was appointed by the Secretary of War to act
as his personal aide.
Millionaire Is
Kidnaper, Omaha
Police Allege
Chicago, Nov. 4. Rolla D.
Mack, personal bellboy for Harry
M. Phillips, a former Chicagoan
said to have made a fortune In
raexican mining operations, wax
taken into custody here today
when be arrived from Omaha to
complete arrangements for Phil
lips' arrival from California. He
was detained on advices of Omaha
police, who charged that Phillips
kidnaped the boy from a hotel
Further action in the case
awaited the arrival of Phillips.
Woman Given $10
Fine Because Her
Dog Ban at Large
On a charge of permitting her
dog to run at large, Police Judge
Kail Race yesterday sentenced
Mrs. Donna Stranahan to pay a
fine of S10.
He then suspended sentence.
Mrs. Stranahan was arraigned
Wednesday, but was granted 24
hours in which to enter her plea.
Officers said they had warned Mrs.
Stranahan to keep the animal tied
up. Mrs. Stranahan resides at
2330 Oak street.
Rome, Nov. 4. Italy's unknown
soldier found this morning final
sepulture In the 1 ictor Kinmmuel
monument, "the altar of the coun
try," exactly under the allegorical
Victor Emmanuel and the royal
family were the chief mourners in
the solemn ceremony, which was
rendered deeply impressive ly the
presence of large numbers of wid
ows, orphans, mothers and blind
and mutilated men of the war.
The body was transported from
the church of Santa Maria Degli
Angeil in formal procession.
Pardon Asked for
Alleged Murders
Washington, Nov. 4. Pardon
for five American soldiers charged
court martial with murder of
Captain George Lancefield, of the
British army, in Germany last
year, has Deen recommenoeu uy
Secretary Weeks. The men,
James A. O'Dell, Roy O. Young
hlood. George Van Gilder. Carl J.
Bryan and Jim B. Richardson, are
serving life sentence in the federal
penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kan.
Twenty-eight persons have been
sent to the penitentiary and one
sentenced but paroled by Judge G.
F. Sklpworth Of the Lane county
circuit court since January 1.
There aren ow 15 prisoners in the
county Jail.
All hail! the glorious
Autumn comes
To welcome the ehry-'
Your Autumn days
will be tinged with
Springtime happiness
if you avail yourself ,
of the comradeship ot
the flowers.
. 1 i i . j
-ytioaei659 o
Is a heritage greater than
the riches of the world.
To those not blessed by
nature with perfection of
vision, the skilled opto
metrist has become na
ture's rival, in tha scien
tific production of arti
ficial eyesight through
the medium of properly
fitted eye glasses.
Glasses, prescribed by us
and ground in our own
laboratory, provide the
nearest substitute for
nature's greatest gift,
perfect vision.
Optical Co.
204-11 Bank of Commerce
Oregon's Largest Institution
Sale. Orcfom,
Saturday and Monday
Will Sell a Number 21
Cheerful Heating Stove
for $18.50
Regular Price $32.00
Hundreds of Other Bargains in Our Store
Square Deal Hardware
and Furniture Co.
220 N. Commercial Street Phone 1650
World's Champion Middle Weight Wrestler
who will give
To anyone who will stay 10 minutes without a fall
Justine Johnson
"Heart to Let"
Salem Variety
Wonderful values in Umbrellas
Big Special on Bed Blankets, heavy and
large sizes, priced per pair $1.86
High Grade Hose for boys and girls, pr 20c
Remember that the place to get real values
is at the
Salem Variety
152 North Commercial Street
Built For The Great Outdoors
Suits Overcoats
$25.00 To $55.00
Fischer. Theodore, do ..
Given, George, do 28.00
Humnhrcvs. OrlO W. do.... 24.00
Peterson, Peter, do 34.00
Peterson, Walter, do ...
Robb. Gregory, do
Robl, Joseph A, do 47.00
Ruettgers, Chris, do 47.00
Sandberg. Charles, do 30.00
Steffes, H G, do 47.00
Witzel, Roy, do
Ames, S, nails, glasses, etc.
Becker & Son, N, belting,
lacing, oil, gas, etc 20.81
Boyer, U G, cash adv lor
Brown, G L, gravel and
overtime as check man.. 166.00
Brown Petzel Lbr Co,
frame for crusher screen 8.82
Butsch, Albln, driving
truck, grading, etc 11.50
Chapman, James, operating
road roller, bridge work,
etc. ...A '- H7.25
Cladek, Chas, crusher, cat
repairs, etc 28.95
Culver, W J, roadmaster's
salary and expenses 299.90
Culver, W J, cash adv for
frt charges on cat parts,
etc 1698
Drager, D G, cash adv for
frt chge on grader parts 20.87
Drager, D G, cash adv on
frt chge on gravel, etc.... 466.47
Farmer Hdw Co, Ray L,
tool house supplies 19.50
Goulet, W H, co comm
salary and expenses 42.00
Graham, Mrs. Minnie, dam
tt .i ,i
age claim uouuuucu
Hansen, A M, brake shoes.
Huckestein. Aug, P M, en
velopes 47.64
Johnson, F O, dputy road
masters salary and ex
penses 223.90
Jorgensen, Ira, bolt, grader
repairs, etc 25.25
Lambert, L S, deputy road
master's salary and ex
penses 265.00
Mertz's Garage, oil, torch,
etc 26.90
Mielke, John F, files,
handles, etc 17.68
Miles Company, road pipe.. 331.20
Missler. J H, scarifier re
pairs, etc 13.50
Oregon Gravel Co, gravel.. 2682. 97
Oregon State Highway
Commission, rental on
asphalt kettle 16.71
The Pac Tel & Tel Co, tel
services for rd mas mas
ter and surveyor 9.25
The Pac Tel & Tel Co, tel
services for tool house.. 6.05
Palmer, E A, hauling
gravel 2001.69
Pearce & Son, Lot L, pul
leys, shafts, oil, etc 25.30
Pohle & Son, H, piston
rings, wire, etc 22.25
Portland Ry Light &
Power Co, light and
power . 181.04
Ramsden, Lloyd E, truck
parts, etc 24.00
Salem Sand & Gravel Co
gravel 1083.60
Salem . Water, Light
Power Co. water service 5.50
Samuel, D, rock 1293.11
Smith. B R, co motorcycle
officer 124.70
Smith & Watkins, gasoline 3.24
Spaniol, Jacob, piston pack
ing, valves, etc 9.75
Spauldlng Logging Co,
Chas K, lumber, etc 245.53
Stahl, John, hauling rock,
etc 86.50
Standard Oil Co, distillate
and gas 384.01
State Industrial Accident
Commission, contrib ac
cident insur motorcycle
officer 405
Tweedie. L R,-Case, L M,
hauling rock 2313.70
West Side Gravel Co,
gravel 483.93
Wiggins Company, Inc.
tool house supplies 37.09
Willamette Equipment Co,
grader part 25.00
Yamhill Electric Co, bridge
light .-. 4.13
Ashby, Claude C, foreman,
tool house 90.00
Ashby, William B, hauling
I man to work, driving
truck, etc 48.00
Culver, Howard, surveying
Hain, John, spreading
gravel, team on wheeler,
etc 45.00
Johnston, C F, team on
plow and wheeler, etc....
Kunciter, Wm, spreading
dirt and gravel, etc 45.00
Lauritson, J P, team on
wheeler, etc 42.00
Merchand, A E, do 42.00
Myers, A V, spreading
gnavel for roller, etc 12.00
Nichols, J M, team on plow
and wheeler 99 00
Roth, G, hauling wood and
water 64.00
Sundbosg, Emil, loading
scraper, etc
Evans, J C, do
Byrd, W H, do .....
Poor Account
Armstrong, George W
Baker, W A, do ..
Barrier, Mr and Mrs, do
Barnett, Elizabeth, do """
Boys' and Girls' Aid Sod-
ety, do
Buffun, W B, do ....
Carlson, C Carl, do I'
Chalifaux, Mrs, do
Coldwell, Mrs. Mabel, do "
Dickinson, S A, do "
Dodee. ITlvimn wn II
Fetsch, Emily, do ....... ""' l
10. ts
Foster, Mrs, do
Utter, M H, team work 12.00 Glidden, J H, do
Zak, John, holding plow,
Clark, J D, foreman 92.00
Miscellaneous Account Cont'd.
Hunt, J T, co comm
salary and expenses 18.40
Miscellaneous Accounts.
Uobin, Lizette, do
00 j Groshong, Mrs J N, do
Harowlck, Charles, do
Haggard, Delia, do
Haynes, Mrs Caroline, do"
Hayward, Ruby, Luella, do
Miller, Mrs. Minnie, relief
for Geo Hodgman .
Irwin, W L, relief for Leij
and Melford Cook
Klum, Nellie M, relief
Lantz, Catherine, do
Schubert, C E, do 3.60 LaRose, Geo, relief for self
Morgan, C S, bouUy on
gophers, etc
Sterling, J H, do
and Amanda LaRose
Lucier, Stev Jr, relief for
self and mother
Branch, A W, do 3 00
Cannoy, Kenneth, do 3.25
Wltrsl nnlnh. do 1.25
Doerfler, Lewis W.'do 2.10 Lundberg, Mrs Karl, relief
Tower, William, do lOiunn. Mrs O C. do
Hoffman, Theo, do 2.10 Mack, E A, do
Treiber, Anton, relief IO.OOi Qoebel, Mrs Gertrude, re-
Rape, Glen, bounty on ,ief for Clarence P.
gophers, etc 2.90 ! Miller
Higgins, Raymond, do 2.30 Miller, Mrs Vina H, relief..
Given, James R, do 2.20 Newton, 0 D, do
Leverman, Tommy, do .... 2.00 Nott, Gary C, do
Sawver. Rose Mary, relief.. 30.00, 011 People's Home, relief
Hansen, Henry, bounty on for Ju"a D. Hurtel 25,66
gophers, etc 3. 80 Pen ton, Louis, relief for
bovilen, unman, ao -u
McGilchrist, Thomas, do .. 100 Reinhart, Rosalia, relief .. iy,
Osburn, O E, do 2.50, "emeu, rars w m, ao 15.11
Ruef, Max, do 1-50 tcnatmz, Mrs Emma, do.. 15.01
Fery, Alva, do 4.15 Schwingler, Mary, do 25.00
Fery! John, do ..... 3.45 Schmidt, Peter, do 13 m
Schuff, M, do 3.70 Simmons, Anna May , do .... 22.50
Herrick, L R, do 5.40 Smith, A H, do i0M
Nelson, Wilford, do 2.00 Stark, Olga, do 32.50
Kaiser, Everett, do 1.15 Strath, Mrs. Minnie, do.... 25.00
Knauf, J T, do 3.75 Stripling, Hulda, do 8.00
Loomis, L A, do 1.00 Thompson, Mrs S, do 10.00
Holley, Flora L. relief 9.35 . Treiber, Anton, do 12.00
Kliewer, Minnie Myrtle, do 17.50 Wanless, Gilmer, do 10.OO
McGrath, Etta, do 10.00 Wells, H A, do 7.50
Moyer, Lettie, do 17.50 . Williams, Alice, do 10.00
Barnes, Letta M, do 10. OOj Winter, Adolph, do 6.00
Branam, Emma R, do 15. oo Salaries Sheriffs Office.
Coppock, Lula, do 10.00, Morelock, A L, deputy
Ekin, Maud, do 17.50 sheriff 125.00
Ekin, Maud, do 17.50! Lewis, C A, do 115.00
Seeger, Mary, do 17. 50 Butler, S J, do 100.00
Shields, Bernice May, do.... 1 0". 00. Duncan, E F, do 90.00
Slavens, Blanche Elizabeth
Clerk's Office.
relief 17.50'Arms, A M, deputy co clerk 110.1
Whedbee, Emma, do 10.00, Ivie
Hayden, S A, bounty on
gophers, etc. .'.
Wolf, Benny, do
Morrison, R, do
Peterson, Charles, do
Hammond, Rexel, do
Schneider, AUred, do
Nicol, Wm D, do
Wampler, Louis C, do ......
Goplerud, John Carl, do ..
Newbill, C A, do
Howard, W A, do
Doerfler, Leonard, do
Lentz, Paul, do
McOmber, Frank, do
M R, do 100.00
I Wallace, Ruth E, do 100.00
6.60 Hartman, Gertrude, do .... 90.00
5.45, McKlnney, A L, clerk 62.00
l -45 1 Recorder's Office.
2.30 Benedict, Edith E, deputy
4.70 j recorder 100.06
2.25, Webb, Vera, do 53.80
6.35 Engelbart, Alma, do 75 M
1.50 Beecroft, Myrtle, do 70.00
5.90 Maclntyre, Gladys, clerk .... 20.06
Treasurer's Office.
4.45 Richardson, W Y, deputy
Assessor's Office.
Lee, A A, deputy assessor.. 115
Giesy, Grover, Juror 33.00, Shelton, R, do 110.06
Desart, W, do 21.60 Bruder, Elsie, clerk 85.00
France, Robert E, do 24.60 Davis, Lolita, do 42.50
Patton, E B, do 21.00 Parks, Lois, do . 36.00
Porter, Harry W, do 23.70
Loe, O A, do 23.40'
Gamble, N L, do 18.60-
Hayden, C O, bounty on
gophers, etc 2.00
Litchfield, Geo P. bailiff.... 15.00
Haack, Fred W, bounty on
gopners, etc b.&u Hobson, L, do ....
Orey, Vern, do 1-95'childs, J W, do
Nash, Bernard, do
Charlesworth, Wllburn, do
Beutler, W G, do
Maulding, Clifford, do ....
Sommers, Eldcn, do
District Attorney.
1 Brown, Thomas, deputy
district attorney 75.00
Van de Walker, Dorothy,
stenographer 50.00
Court House Account
I Morgan, Cal, janitor 65.06
Schnnl SimpriTitpTiHpTit
1-30 Reid, Cora E, asst superin-
6-80 tendent 100.00
l-45,Baillie, W H, supervisor .... 120.00
2 00, Pnnr flnn t innut
btrutz, Herman, do 2.00 Byrd. Rov D. co nhvsician 65.00
Liechty, Chester, do 2.65 Jackson. Hattie M. snec.
Mentzer, Milton, do
Mentzer, Donald, do
poor officer 75.00
Stock Inspector.
Vincent, Elmer, do 1.30 Morehouse, W G, stock
Fery, Harvey, do
Moderby, Wm, do .....
Butler, Ralph, do ...
i Baughman, John, do
Evans, D M,
inspector 33.6t
Health Officer.
Sealer Weights and Measurer,
Kufner, Josephine, do
Kufner, Elsie, do
Benson, John, do
Ferschweiler, Fred, do
Gatchet, George and Free
man, do
do 3.35 Jones, J F, sealer of wts
1.00 50.44
l , County Court and Commissioners-
3-80 Goulet, W H, co comm
6-40 salary and expenses
1 Hunt. J T. do 99.1
Gerig, Fred, do 7.00 Klein Paul
Gopher and Mole Bounty.
Leman, Herman, do
road, etc
Domogalla, F A. bridge
work, hauling headers,
etc 112.35
Gilmer, John W, paving
labor, grading, etc 108.00 Idlewine, Jacob, do
Hinshaw, U v, hauling
timber, A C, headers, etc
St Paul Sand & Gravel Co,
bounty on
9.00 Brown, Jesse, do 22.30
McKal, Loyd. do
Farr, W H, do
Labranch, A J, do ..
Ttate, Geo, do
Gurgurich, Wm P. do . s an
20.000018. G R, do 25.25
Thielsen, Hans, do 1.45
conhers. etc.
Zelinskt, J A, do i S
Widmer, Alfred, do 1 5S
Park, Leslie, do
Tichy, Frank, do
Osborn. O E, do
Beugli. Irene, do
hauling gravel 1854.38; Matheny, S P, bounty on
Crabtree. W W. grade work 71.25
Dechateau, Will, rolling,
etc 107.50
Dozler. Ambrose, grade
Fromm, Leon, bounty on
gophers, etc
Bartruff, Jos. E, do
work. etc. 141. 00( Roberts. Oren, do
Punigan. H W. do
Felix, do ..
do ..
FALL and WINTER days demand Clothes that must
do a lot of resisting. Dressed in a suit and overcoat
of pure wool made to your measure, winter will have
no terrors for you and you save money buying here.
Scotch Woolen Mills
Glover, Geo E, putting in
tile, grade work, etc 42.75, Kirsch
tiermena. Aarain. graae 1 Harris, D A, do
work. etc. SI. 50 Gerring, Elmer, do
Larsen. A J, do 41.25 Aufderhelde, Robert
uiier, nnnr, ao iv -SS.Cade. Hale, do 2 4(1
Mtiwc, aim, ursuu wun, 'Day R C do J 75
L te -I50 00: Johnson. Anna, do 2 30
Murphy. Algie. hauling Minton. T B, do 4 40
p.: . -a. - " "l r"' Kenneth. . i l 9
2 65
a s-ao .ts
-" ' " 2 r JD1'K Edwin, do 1
Schulthers. George, haul
ing water, etc. 111.00 Reinhart
irasK. bus 11. grade work.
Market Road No. 22
- (0.00
426 State Street
Saleaa. Orego.
Boles. H H. team work
Bollng. C A. spreading
dirt, etc .
Bressler. A H. wood
Bnibaker. O L. team work
Creech. W L, do
Hain. Geo, team on plow
Zwickor. Harold, do
John A, do
; Jacob. Hans, do .
21 00 Dick. Edgar, do
Robinson. Wilfred
12 00
3 60
1 20
Baughman. Melvin
Duuigan. W A, do
. r j jv, no 2 90
Weitman, H F, do .. . j'g5
Caahatt. Dr C E. examina-
" 5.00
Byrd. R D. do 6 ot
Griffith. L F. do 5'eo
j Minard, S L, do
Woodard, Mrs J A, do
Zlelinski, Peter, do ..
Indigent Soldier Account
Raymond, E J, relief for
John Humphreys 25
Raymond, E J, relief for
W. F. Fulti li H
Gopher and Mole Bounty Confi
Gamble, R C, bounty on
gophers, etc
Steffen, Abr, do
Richter, Nick, do
Herren. Mrs T E. do
McElfresh, I M, do
Schoening, J G, do
Berndt, Carl, do
Bel tel, John, do
Caswell, Lewis, do
Hackett, L V, do
Registration and Elections.
Kaser, F D, storage for
booths Continues
ExpensesSheriffs Office-
Bower. O D, cash adv ror
ry fares, meals, etc
Bower. O D, cash adv for
envelopes and P O box
rent - -
I lower, O D, cash adv for
J expenses, etc. la Wlntx-
berger case
irroughs Adding Machine
Co. adding machine re
pairs .
3 60
1 50
S 85
1 40