Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 04, 1921, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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    Vw . nnntv Parent-
JZn association semi-
The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon 1
Page SevM
- , -lalir lit.
ar Mothers tag
fi-public lecture, I.
jy M. 3:30
!" g0rgan recital, Ed-
7 Ce, Christian
I ,,, league, puuuo
l. s em
! i Ugiou Program,
I armory 2 p.
. ... j. j.
BP i:;f Pnnrt
'"gZiX Credit Serv
Kiany vs Claude H. Steven-
"nivorce complaint, barging
.nd inhuman treatment III
cruel ana ilu Mwk va Chaa.
1, b, Florence h. HawK va
TV . .l.,nfr n ' 11""' -
: jrdoT ndant9 from withdraw
Ins tue " sh bant
romplamt for
, nv Parev F Mo''"- ei
r ; n. c. Jor-
puen Fred A. Kur.i.
Probate Conrt
Marriape Licenses
flrov Nash, 28, Salem and Win
ded Roberts.JSalem.
Te number of dates for parties,
lah and lvceums in which
'ft L at Willamette university
fitted hy the faculty to par
7 . firing the first semester
K IS eit. This includes
Z Parties, society and inter-
joint functions, public
and music department
ls andlyceum numbers. The
Stion of dates for function.
,Mnth. hands of Dean Frances
K. Richards.
gtlem police last night were re
vested to assist in a search for
LeiMl Gulden, 10 years of age,
wbo failed to return to his home,
1695 South Twelfth street, Imme
diately after school. Officers failed
to find him.
The first question tor Intercol
legiate debate has been decided
upon by Willamette university and
hju- competitors. Tie subject will
be, "Resolved, that the United
States should take the lead in in
ternational disarmament by sus
pending her present naval pro
gram of expansion." Two debates
will occur in December, probab
ly the first and third week of that
month. School tryouts will be held
within the next two weeks to de
termine who shall rerpesent Willamette.
Paul Flegel, student body pres
jfdent of Willamette university
last year and graduate with the
class of 1921, was elected to serve
jas president of Portland Willam
jette alumni association for the
I coming year at a meeting held in
Portland Saturday evening. The
j meeting was a reunion of alumni
'and present day students of Wil
lamette, some 35 Willamette stu
dents being In attendance.
F. W. Seek ot Lebanon, Or.,
has Just completed his new Eccen
tric Differential, spoken of In the
Capital Journal some time ago,
and now has one installed In a
car and is surely wonderful in
performance. It can be made for
any make of car, truck or tractor,
it eliminates one wheel spinning
in slippery places, and is truly a
two-wheel pull at all times, and
saves power and tires. This new
device will be demonstrated in Sa
lem In the near future and if you
are Interested in such things,
don't fall to see It. 264
ueiegation of residences from Three workmen Everett Rob-, Dr. E. C. Hickman, president of
u touniry Between Brooks and lnson, chaser, Falls City; A E. Kimball college, will leave tomor
Gervals interviewed Roadmaster Boyd, electrician, Portland, tid jrow to attend two conventions in
Culver yesterday on how they Joe Burlk, log scaler, SHverton the east. The first will be the Chl
should proceed In making the road lost their lives In Industrial aocl-jcago disarmament conference, No.
leading from the Pioneer cemetery, 'dents during the week ending Ifo- vember 13-14, and the other the
south passed the Hoover and veniber 3, according to reports Detroit centennary conference No
Naftger farm and across Lake filed Vlth the state industrial ac- vember 15-17. En route Dr. Hick
Lablsh to connect With road re-'rlrtpnt rnmmisRinn here. Of the 869 man will sneak in C.entennarV and
cently but!? In Hayes nelghbor-jaccidents reported for the Week St. Paul churches In Spokane next '
Sunday and will visit the Mon
nood. a county road. They con-' 343 were subject to the provisions
tend that the road is well traveled 'of the workmen1 compensation
uu mat eignt or nine families act.
uoo n continually, when it is a
county road it will get the bene
fit of the road tax, but a petition
must be presented to the county
before it can be accomplished.
Nominations of Cherrian offi
cers will be made at the meetlne
?' H rganizat(lo,n Tuesday night took place at chapei exercises this
In the Commercial club which wm . .,
tana Wesleyan university at He
lena, Mont.
Roy Emmel. brother of Harold
Emmel who graduated from Wil
lamette university last year, and
who has two brothers now in Wil
lamette, is visiting in Salem with
his sister, Mrs. Fred H. Thompson,
351 North Summer, en route to
Portland where he will attend the
stock show. Roy is at present a
student at Oregon Agricultural
The boys of the freshman class
of Willamette have piled boxes
and other wooden materials upon
Commercial club which will
be the last meeting before the
election in December, the installa
tion of those elected will take
place at the January meeting
those who are marked as possible
King Bing timber are W. M. Ham
ilton, William McGilchrist, Jr., U.
G. Shipley,- David W. Eyre, Will
iam Gahlsdorf, J. C. Perry and
Harley White, all members of the
present council of nobles.
The freshman class or Willam
ette university In a twelve minute
meeting raised among themselves
subscriptions totaling $655 to be Sweetland field. These will be
donated to the university toward lighted tonight at 7:15 o'clock for
the fund for the new gymnasium. the rally bonfire In the Interests
Formal presentation of this gift of the Willamette-Pacific game to
morning, the speech of presenta
tion being made by Leland Chaptn
president of the class.
Dorothy SwaMord of Oregon
City, who suddenly left Willam
ette university last year upon the
News of the death of his grand- death of her father, is visiting In
mother, Mrs. Hannah Burton, at Salem over this week end with El
Mitchell Indiana, was received !sie Reed, staying at Lausanne
tha mnrnlne- bv C. B. Webb, Of ! hall.
Information of John Ingram
Temple Chapman, who as last
heard of was living In Bandon,
Ore., Is sought by the public
trustee, Klngsway, London, Eng
land, according to information re
ceived from the officials office to
day. The communication stated
that Chapman will hear something
to his own advantage, and re
quests that if any person knows
of his whereabouts to please com
munlcate with the trustee under
the reference number R-3416.
Better work for less money.
Kins Bartlett auto repairing, rear
175 N. Com'l. 264
Effort is being made by Wil
lamette students to reach all
alumni who are wearers of the
athletic "W" and who are reas
onably near the Salem by sending
to them an invitation to attend
the Willamette-Pacific football
game Saturday. The reason Is to
establish a closer cooperation with
the old athletic men.
Fall work completed, you're
ready for winter. This winter will
be an asset If you take a course
at the Capital Business college.
New classes, night and day, on
Monday, November 7. 264
J. W. Howard, superintendent
of the state school for the blind,
reported to the state board of con
trol that a boy scout troop had
been organized in the school, mak
ing the 12th troop of blind boys
In the United States.
A. J. Foster, chiropodist. All
foot troubles treatedv corns, bun
Ions, broken arches. 322 State. 265
An automobile piloted by B. C.
Kunzli, of 735 Bellevue street, was
struck last night by a car driven
by an unidentified man. The ac
cident occurred on Mill street just
as Mr. Kunzli essayed to turn In
to an alley between Cottage and
Winter streets. A hub cap torn
from the Kunzli machine made up
lice report.
Webb and Clough, morticians.
Mrs. Burton passed away yester
day. She was 97 years of age.
No damage resulted and neith
er of the principals was injured
yesterday when an automobile driv
en by W. M. Savage of this city
collided with a motorcycle at the
corner of Court and Church streets
The girls ot the Chrestomathean
literary society of Willamette uni
versity will give a party tonight
after the football rally to iris of
the institution who are non-society
A heavy automobile robe, a spot
light and an automobile switch
key comprised the haul made by j
Pacific university is bringing a
band with its delegation to repre
sent their school at the football
V. Lyle McCroekey, formerly of game with Willamette university
this city, who is now practicing tomorrow.
law In Stayton, will arrive In Sa-1
lem tonight to spend the week end Martha Ferguson and Leila
iransni-tine business in Salem. iPnhv of Willamette university
Ralph S. Hamilton ot Bend was
named by Governor Olcott . today
as a member of the Oregon State
Tourist Information bureau to
fill the vacancy caused by the
death of Wallace Birdsall ot Bend.
Speeder Who Left
Cut-Out Open Pays
Twenty Dollar Fine
Carl Booth was arrested for
speeding. Incidentally, according
to the police, he had left his muf
fler open.
Yesterday Mr. Booth was ar
raigned in the police court.
"Guilty," be said.
"Twenty dollars," returned
Judge Earl Race. Mr. Booth paid
his fine.
The girls of the Y. W. C. A. of
Willamette university will serve
hot weinie sandwiches at the game
Mrs. Curtis is offering real bar
gains, many styles for $5. 265
News is receives at Corvallis of
the death at Seattle October 22 of
Mrs. Arytha Bennett Gatch, widow
of Thomas Gatch, president of Ore-
H artman's
Easter and Better. Wear than
nd see
Phone 1255 Salem, Oregon
gon Agricultural college from
1897 to 1907. She was 80 years
Lj2 and
wimhall rnlleere. will spend the
i j C'l,A,lr1 nrliprp hA Will
thieves last night when they en- --
tered the garage at the home of ,iave
todav for Portland where
Professor W. M. Hertzog of ! they wui stay this week end with
the parents of Miss Kuoy.
The House
of Quality
Mrs. J. C. Morrison, of route 5, ao
cording to the police report re
ceived this morning.
Rev. L. V. Lewis, student at
Kimball college, will preach Sun-
Last night L. T. Durbln, who E 1
parked his automobile In front of
his home. Sometime during the
evening, according to his report
made to the police this morning,
somebody stole a spare tire off the
Only 2 doz. beautiful Sailor
Hats ranging from $8.75 to 16.50
your choice $6.50. Curtis Hat Shop
Business made necessary a trip
in Portland this morning by I. R.
Smith, proprietor of Smith's cigar
store here. He expects to return to
Salem this evening. He is travel
ing by automobile.
Two more men were given beds
in the cltv iail last night. They
said their names were J. H. Hoff
man and G. Crowley.
Her little boy's coaster wagon
was stolen from their home last
night, Mrs. Lloyd Stiffler, who re-alrt-ps
at. 200 South Twenty Third
street, complained to the police.
Ralph Curtis of Bend was a
visitor In Salem yesterday, return
ing to his home today.
Call at Remnant store Satur
day, Nov. 4, for hats. M. E. Ger
gen. 64
Love, the jeweler, Satem.
Come In now during tire week
for vour Sound tires. Prices re
duced. Vick Bros. 264
BCKNER In Salem, Wednesday,
November 2, 1921, Levi L. Buck
ner, at the age of 73 years.
The funeral will be held tomor
row at 10:30 o'clock from the
Webb and Clough chapel. Inter
ment will be made In the City
View cemetery. Deceased had liv
ed at 1232 North Commercial
street for the past eight years.
FLEMING Henry M. Fleming,
aged 72 years, passed away at
his home, Route i, iuui"
- y xr ...... - 3 a
ence, liox oo, ijutcu.uo.
10 a. m. He Is survived by six
sons. W. N. Flemnig, ot saiem
t -el Fiaminr. Seattle: Ar C
Fleming, Corvallis; J. O. Flem
ing, Independence; W. M. Flem
ing, Halley, laano; uav.u ...
Fleming, Portland. The re
n.ino ore in rare of the Ter-
willlger Funeral home and
funeral announcements will be
made later.
Lionel Barrymore
America's Greatest Actor
in the famous
Coming Sunday
L. A. Pierce and George John
son started on a fishing trip up
the Willamette today.
Great reduction In Sound tires
during tire week at Vick Bros.
Webb & Clough
W. T. Rlgr Iiloyd T. Rlvdon
W. T. Risdon & Son
Leading Undertakers
UBnJLnT flS9 I w&oiBr
More Surprises to the Minute
Than a Cat would get at a Dog
From the Mens Section
Mens Fine Tweed
and Worsted Suits
These are new arrivals, of
strictly Quality Fabrics, cut
and designed in that dressy 3
Button Sacque and double
The workmanship is first class
We want to build up and in
crease our Men's business and
we intend to do it
thru giving excep-O "
tional value rJw
Look at this price, then come
in and see the suits.
You will sure buy, if you need
a suit.
Special Merchants
Lunch 35c
Hours 11 a. m. to 8 P. m.
Ice Cream and Soft Drink
Open 11 a. m. to 1 a. m.
162V2 North Commercial Street
The Biggest Value
of the Year
Suits Overcoats
$20. and $25.
We present to the men and young men
of this city the best values that we have
offered in years. Due to our immense
buying power we have been able to
secure values that you cannot afford to
The opportunity is yours to see them
and to try them on is yours. Come in
Regularly 75c
Boys' Outing
These are made of
Quality Outing
and are the famous
Per Suit
yy EAR
Made of long fabric Egyptian Cntfmi ':J
fleeced Back.
Ecru finish.
Men's Auto Driving Gloves
These are of selected skins with folding
cuffs. Note this exceptional d0 fA vr
Men's Cashmere Hose
Of excellent quality smooth finish, just
the weight for warmth and AQkn
comfort. Per pair, special TCtC
Here is One of the Newest Lasts
"The New Square Toe"
Its a beautiful shoe
bristling with individual
snap and character. Cut
from selected Brown Calf
Skin with extra heavy
oak tanned sole. The
workman is strictly high
Specially priced
Salem Woolen Mills Store
"tore that specializes upon Oregon-made goods.
t4mmma3kmwBsm i iiiiiiiim iiii i in price
ar.aor. I J Ceed Good. C 1 j