Page Six The Capital Journal. Salon. Ore SLACKERS NUMBER NOW 125 Eighty-two Additional Draft Evaders Are Announced by Mili tary Authorities Note In the following: tory are Unfed (he names ot Oregon men who failed to rebpond for service .n the military tureen ef the United -Hates when their order numbers vere drawn by the local draft joards by whom they were regie ered and given their order num bers. In some instances it haa been ound that men so classified as de serters were already in some ranch of the military service of he United States or the allien when heir numbers were drawn. The iames are published for two reas ns to expose those who wilfully until to evade military service in he time of the nation's peril, and u enable those who are wrongful y listed on the military records of tie United States government, vithout their knowledge, to clear heir records and erase from their eputatlons the istigma of being nown a draft evaders. Any per n having knowledge that any of he men listed in the following ar icle did serve in the military forc s of the United States or the allies luring the world war is requested o communicate at once with the Mice of the adjutant general of he state of Oregon, or with tho otnniander of Capital Post No. , Vmerlcan Legiont Salem, or with he managing editor of The Capi at Journal. Eighty-two additional names In jlght of the counties of the Btate, have been supplied by the head- well, lit. S, Albany, Or.; Karl Wil liam Swift, Harrlsburg, Or.; Earl Edward Thompson, 2 4 K. Davis St., Portland, Or.; Albert Wold Box 31, Lebanon, Or.; Howard Griggs, Mill City, Or. Coss county Frank Arrid Berg, Allegheny, Or.; Grant Taylor Boone, Powers, Or.; Earl Kisher. Mansfield, Or.; George Huddle, Olt Town. North Bend, Or.; Charles Lester Lee, Cedarville, Cal.; Gus KlametU, 510 Broad way, Martafield, Or.; Sernard JS. Roedel, 137 N. Front St., Marah field, Or.; Arvid Sandqulst, Lake side, Or.; Frank Saul, Bunker Hill, Marshfield, Or., or 65 Weller 8t., Seattle, Wash.; Leslie A. Scott, care C. A. Smith Lumber & Manu facturing Co., Marshfield, Or.; Edward Everett (Ivle) Sole, Marshfield, Or.; Bert Burrll Tur pln, Eugene, Or.; Corenlius Ste phen Woodruff, Powers, Or. Royston Loses Citizenship At Gate of Prison 10 Pin Shows Over Penny NowCharged St. Clairsville, Ohio, Nov. 4. The day of the ten-pin or fifteen pin show the favorite of young sters who put on circuses in some one's barn or backyard is past. Twenty years ago the favorite price of admission to these grand exhibitions of daring and skill was ten to twenty pins, depending up on the number the youngster de siring to witness the show, could obtain from his mother's pincush ion without arousing suspicion. Recently David McBride and Jack Friedel gave a show such as their fathers might have partlci- Portland, Nov. 4. About noon tomorrow, or the same instant that Fred K. Royston step thru the barbed wire gate at the en trance to me ieaerai prison on McNeil's island, he will no longer be an American citizen. Sentence of Royston, who was formerly a Methodist preacher at Salem, on Wednesday by United States Dis trict Judge R. S. Bean to serve IS months at the prison for white slavery, carries with It the cancel lation of citizenship the minute he enters the prlso ndoor. Royston will leare Portland at 4 o'clock this afternoon in the custody of Deputy United States Marshal J. K. Rom. Upon arrival In Tacoma tonight he will be locked up in the county jail there and tomorrow morn.-ng will ride to Steilacoom, Wash., by streetcar, where the federal prison launch will be waiting to convey him to the island, three miles from the mainland. If Royston makes a good show ing after being released he has the right to apply for a "pardon", which will bring with It the res toration of citizenship. New Pastor For Leslie Church Here Selected Portland, Or., Nov. 4. Uncon firmed reports that the Rev. H. F. Pemberton of The Dalles was to become pastor of Leslie M. E. church of Salem, were verified to day when Bishop W. O. Shepard officially announeed the transfer of Dr. Pemberton to the Salem church. At the same time he an nounced the transfer of Dr. D. H. Leech of the First Methodist church of Eugene to succeed Dr. Pemberton as superintendent of The Dales district. Dr. Leech's successor has not been selected. Eola News paled in a quarter of a century quarters of the Ninth Corps area, ago. Instead of having to chase as draft evaders, making a total of i the cow out into the backyard and 125 deserters announced wlthln watcher while the shov. was In the last few days by military Progress in the stable, they gave thnrition tlle Performance In Jack s father's Though only one division of , while Mr. Friedel was on a vf.H,, rn.mtv has been nuMlahad trW to wheeling. Pigeon Supplies Gamblers With New Chance Game The admission was three cents, receipts totaling twenty-one cents. The feature attraction of the show was a trained chicken that was supposed to squawk when told to do so. Sometimes it failed until a feather was yanked from Its full, whereupon It was sure to produce the necessary squawk for the bene fit of the three-cent spectators. thus far, no men from this section uf the country are on the recent list from the Ninth corp given for mhllcatlon. The following is a list by coun ,.les giving the names of the men anil their residence at the time of registration: Washington county Julius lenry Bronner, Rt. 1, Beaverton, r. ; Henry Marlln Clemens, Rt. 1, llllshoro. Or.; Lawrence H. lA-e. Illlshoro, Or.: Millard G. Morlcy, 'orest Grove, Or.; Berthold Ilert lUiun, Tualatin hotel, Hlllsbpro, )r.; William Marion White, Scof leld, Or.; Armel Wilson, Rt. i, llllshoro, Or. Division 10, Portland John loswlck, 1618 Newell, Portland, )r. ; Napoleon (Napolen) Howies, Jacrum, Portland, Or.; Jesse I Jessie) Chamberlain, Burlington ml el. Portland. Or.: Aannn Ilabts Hahto), 710 Michigan, Portland, ' eP'lned. with a serum which )r., 1381 Franklin, Astoria, Or.;wl11 cause their death shortly af jdwanl Hansen, Kenwood hotel, fter being released to return to wllpatrlck, Portland, Or. their fellows. Experts say the car- lernian Kllmnier, 1343 Detroit, iraMes will be eaten by other rats, 'ortland, Or.; Eltton C. (Charles) i These. In turn, will die, and pro letlln. Urldgeton, Or.; Joe Thorn-jvlrte poison serum for succeeding I Miller, 118 Kilpatrlck, Port "'- r the chain, It Is claimed. tud, Or.; Kakujlro Monnakn, foot I MeKenna Ave.. Portland, Or. : ' HOW Stranffe ThmffH rvuiu morgan, foa i,iiwsuowoe. minto, Ontario, Portland, Or.; ihu Matlas Person, 202 (iraham. irtlaud, Or., care S. H. Co.. Bend. r.; Jack James Reed, 245 li. Defiance, Ohio., Nov gambling has started here. The gamblers stood across the street from the county court house. Their wagers were made on tee probable time a pigeon, perched on the big minute hand of the court house clock, could maintain hlB lofty perch. The longest guess was five min utes. But the bird clung fast until twenty minutes later, when the bell tolled five. Soon after the striking ceased the bird returned to the clock and rode the hand fifteen minutes longer. Kola, Or., Nor. 4. Ed Berry left for eastern Oregon last week on business. E. L. Ferguson Is In Portland visiting relatives and friends for a week. He attended the weddins of his cousin, Miss Sybil ijla)n, while there. E. M. Mitty was a visitor at the home of G. W. Bherke of Sllverton last week. Mrs. B. Courtney is visiting rel atives in Portland. Tom Trent left Monday for the coast for another load of fUu. Mr. Trent has brought out several loads of salmon which he has dis posed of very readily. G. W. Gherke has loaseJ his place here to a man from Bftlem for 4. Curb a term ot three years. Mr. and Mrs. liherke are now living in Sil verton. William Salflcld of Oregon City has had a carload of lumber ship ped here preparatory to building him a house on his property here with the Intention of moving bis family here in the Bpring. Prayer meeting will be held rt the home of G. W. Wolf next Wed- every Sunday morning. Berry, superintended. R. Brunk, who was quite well on the road to recovery from his recent illness has suffered a re lapse ' and to In a dangerous con dition. O. W. Wolf, who suffered a paralytic stroke recently, Is not gaining In strength very fast. Word has just been received of the passing away of H. M. Flem ming just west of here. Mr. Flem- mlng's illness was very brief, be ing 111 only one week. He leaves to mourn his death four sons Murray of Salem, David of Port land, Frank ot Washington and Oliver, who was at home with his father. His wife preceded him to the grave several years ago. School Notes. Our Hallowe'en program glrtn by our student teachers and pupils was a decided success In every way. Our school house was pack- ed and standing room at a prem ium. After the program was ren dered steps were taken to form an association, the object being for the betterment of our community from every viewpoint. A commit tee consisting of Miss Beardsley, Mrs. B. I. Ferguson, A. W. Meade, D. Delapp and Floyd Miller was appointed to drew up the constitu tion and bylaws for a permanent you Mrs. Ed organization of which hear from later. Professor Landers of the Mon mouth normal visited our school Tuesday and was very much en couraged at the prospect for a sue cessful normal training center here this winter. - We regret very much that our first set of student-teachers, con sisting of Lloyd Miller, Miss Carrie Anderson and Miss Rotnaln Nich olson, will be leaving us this week for Monmouth, they having com pleted their six weeks' training here. The children especially are expressing regrets -at seeing them go. There will be four more young ladles from Monmouth begin their practice teaching here next Mon day under the able superlvision of our critic teacher. Miss Florence Beardsley. wiu , Keerjmflr Mexicans Informed "may, Nor,w j. a. . . " , TO MT.rtfw.- tT - - 4 Tvt . , . va Endless Chain of Death Prepared For New York Rats New York, Nov. 4. An end less chain of death is being pre- ior tat rat population of New York, the city health depart ment announced today. A halfdozen of the city's six million rats will be Inoculated, it George I, uoe, western Lane county farmer who killed his friends and neighbor, William Al dous, when he shot at a bear, has been exonerated by a coroner's jury. Her Long Search Is Now Rewarded Mrs. Ida Pickett, 274 South Di vision St., Buffalo, N. Y., says: "Twenty five years is a long time to keep looking for some thing without finding it, And it's no wonder I almost lost hope. But I finally found what I was hunt ing a medicine to relieve me of an awful case of Indigestion. "Tanlac rewarded my long search for relief, and I now enjoy better health than I have in thir ty years." Many people on verge of despair have taken Tanlac and recovered. Tanlac is sold in Salem by J. Gem Robbery Nets $30,000 at St. Paul nesday eve at 7:30 o'clock. Our F. Tyler, druggist, and by lead Sunday school is at If o'clock ling druggists everywhere. (adv) St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 4. A well planned robbery netted two men approximately $30,000 In dia monds today from the store of A. I. Shapiha & Sons, in the down town district. Two men met L. H. Deeny, as sistant manager of the store, as he was leaving his home and asked him for a ride downtown. After Deeny had driven several blocks one of the men pressed a pistol against him and ordered him to drive quietly to the'store, where he was forced to open the safe and deliver the diamonds. Fifty thousand dollars worth o diamonds were taken from the store in a holdup a year ago. Mexico City, Nov. 4. Japan Is devoting much attention to propa ganda in Mexico. The embassy here has given out frequent state ments sent from Tokio, dealing with the question of disarmament or the disarmament conference. The latest matter distributed to the newspapers here by the Japan ese embassy contains the reply of Count Yasuya Uchida, Japanese minister of foreign affairs, to the American Charge d'Affairs at To kio, in which Japan accepted the invitation of the United States government to have representa tives at the Disarmament Confer ence in Washington. The text of the reply was print ed in full in several ot the newspapers. Ilttd I T f XZ X . . Tf M .ruu uave cats. , or are hard of head noises and get 1 ounce r n T"1 ble strength.) ulated sugar. Tat-... r..i r ' " iuui times a d ... 1 win often k.!.. lief from the distressing es. Clogged hreathi , " WOW .s UCi;Unle .... . m mucus ston H- ' throat it ,. " "Tn N little and to ."N e.moom ((J j uuc nas catarrhal) ubbu noises shoula senption a trial. JOURNAL WANTAtel "Htll. Ntacy a a' J tut I Ve'rt bavim Ktllotl't t our bout 'n' mother keeps mm goin' for more but I don't cart 'cause I like Kellottfsl- JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY -' segammmM-omwr-jiT Ask Your Grocer Sometimes Happen! 3ink 8oaP cleana- white wood :roudway, Portland, Or.; Rufuii u,,a nnve Wined 10 lbs. In the 'I want to write you to let vou i work brassware, silverware, iiuiiiinuiii wart;, qauis, oa.snis, sinks, glassware, windows' anything. .it 1 nave taken z more doses of Mayr's Wonderful Reme- 0) iradtoy Weaver, 719 Union N.,'a" two weeks, although I am ortland, Or., (ien. Del., Phlladel- "'lnn,,r around the waist than be hla, Pa.; Arthur Wlltrem (Witt- fore' the bloating In my n), IIS Kllpatrkk, Portland Or. I""iach has all gone and I am Jackson county Kelix Ray An- 1,elng like a hoy again. There ersou. 844 '8. Central St., Med- n"v"' anything In this world ml. Or., care Whealen Pulp A Pa- " Kod as this medicine." It er Mill., Port Alice, D. C. Can..)'" a simple, harmless preparation lalpli Kay Howling, 729 Welch ,,,at removes the catarrhal mucus ! 2asy. t., Medford, Oi., uuun 8, Box fr"" the Intestinal tract and al-1 160, Sacramento, Cal.; Curl ln-v the Inflammation which caus 'rown, Ashland, Or.; Clifford e practically all stomach, liver avla, Derby, Or.; Frank Deho,!nd Intestinal ailments. Including alent, Or.; Alford Faltlg, lack- appendicitis. One dose will con inville. Or . or Ruch, Or. ; Charley vinee or money refunded. J. C. attig, Jacksonville. Or , or Kuril. Perry, D. J. Fry and druggists ev- Sainuel Urlason. Kiel Hi-lmaii ervwhere. (advl Merle Laurence i sr It.. Ashland. Or ton.. peter. 1132 Oak St , AshlnnJ r. : Ignatius Marhuet lly, Foiey : titii'kea hhow. golug north. 'nice. Cal ; Thomas Kdward Kcl j. i-aiare noit'i, MNMr, Or., or 'Itlsburg. Cal.; Knslle Laa'er, COS (umliolt Hldg.. San Francisco I. Division 4, Portland John T. letterldgo, 7IS E 15th St . Port nd. Or.; Robert A. Borland, Till 'oeter Road, Portland. Or., or St. tegls hotel. San Franrtoco, Cal.; ack Wesley Day, 4036 ind. 8. L Portland. Or : Elljtli H on, SM 1 5 K. 51th Ave., Portland, r.; Bertie A. Hons, 410 Umatilla vve., raniMM, or.; John ft San 'r. 925 Tacoma Ave., Portland .. or care C. O . Roaeberf. 1,1 n am. Or.; I.Idas Vorpabl, ittS K Tth St.. Portland. Or. Multnomah rountr 'em A. vBderson. Bridal Veil, Or ; KlMei jihwi. hi Ht,th St., 3. ft., port. aM, Or.; Pacentino Calutanl. vrata Wa, Fairview, Or . Fraak U toward, 11T Pike Rt, SeettU. 7ah ; loon Masate, or Masai one. Corbet. P. r Or i - Ht&, Box iJO. Cleona. I .lrvlew.f ram dale. Or. or rare M. EachreB kip Tard Astoria. Or ; Herbert eter Rogers. Capitol Hill. Or ato Karl Siege, KllpMrici Coll aa Tract. Oawewo. Or.; Hoy U rsdaie, or Van Atoaato. r.: Go Teaa. Wanraaaa'.e. Or. Lake county Fred Bllliac afclew. Or.; J oka Braman. i yah. Or.; La Roy Kilball. or imball Lakevtow. Or.; Iwaala an Klpate. Lakartow. Or.: Par- r W. Noaaar. viewaolnt. Or.; OShea. Laktview. Or.; L Ward. Lakavtow. Or. Uaa coaatyJoka Joaaa Rat- May. Or ; Tboaiat )rra- Try "No-Rubbing Laundry Powder. Isk-Ka-Bibble is the most per fect system of cleaning car pets so far developed. Try it. Remember the name its ISH KA BIBBLE CO. 222 No. C ommercial St. Phone 948 SALEM, ORE. The sthe result :"Pns! atrenT Jyu Will , --uer . --am that " a baU; .15 mav h,.,: Story counfon bake doesn day- less fi,. o?y- Don't beri W05 that are s'ed-- GRAND MAT. AND NIGHT WEDNESDAY. NOV. 9 T IHTlVi; Next am w y . T mTm am II? come Son iie sure any ' Pow. yoq 0T MADE BY A CONTENTS Auto Tops to Order Top and Curtain Repairs Auto Painting Upholstering Ford One Man Tops lop JJressing Floor Carpets Auto Linoleum. We guarantee satisfaction as we employ only men experienced in every detail of the work. HULL'S TOP SHOP I, T. C. WOOD, Mgr. 271 Chemeketa Street SALEM, 0BE. Phone 809 ja f Its the flavor and crispness that make jvyuusiyaeucK You'll wish the bowl at your table-seat w i twice as big when it's "Kellogg's for the feutj Great bir. sunn v-hrown mm -n . --- t J " uaivco au oven-trsB flnrl rrnnrhv rrrwrAinrr ..,1. a. . W' j - - m"s Bum 10 spreaa real and true joy! You never tasted such flavor! 1 Pour in some fresh, cold milk or cream-uM start in ! Well, it'll seem you can't get going tiwfl enough to suit your appetite! Was there evers9 a Keen appetite maker; such ktpj ucaiiu-iuaiung IOOQ! TOASTED CORN FLAKES Tomorrow, serve Kelloee's! Wbtl round of appetite-applause you'll J vreat to start the day nghtl Do more than ask your jrna for "corn flakes." Insist optl KELLOGG'S Corn FlakestbeT'nl so ueuciousi CORNFLAKE! AIm maker, of KELLOGG'S KRUMBLES d KELLOGG'S BRAN, coakei REDUCED FARES TO Portland and Return VIA Oregon Electric Railway Account LIVESTOCK SHOW Tickets Novambw 4 to 12. mcloaiv Rturn Unit Novambar 14, 1921 FWfwtiMr kJnatUn caD on or adM i. W. RITCHm. Awt PUBLIC SALE In Polk County, 2mi. west of Salem on the Wallace Road, on MONDAY, NOV. 7, 1921 Commencinglat 1:00 P. M. all the following 1 Mare, wjrt. 1500.-i-l platform spring bugrgy. 1 Single 10-inch plow. 1 Singlfe harrow. 1 single diec. 1 single work harness. 1 Kay stump puller 50ft. cable, 2 blocks. 1 Cream Separator.-.-120 Prune boxes. 20 Straw berry crates. 1 Cultivator. 10 sacks yellow dent corn. 3 Tons Oat Hay. 1 ashing machine. 20 Plymouth Rock broilers. Loganberry wire for 3 acres. 15 Head of Fine Shoats wgt. 60 to 70 pounds each. Range, Beds, H II Furniture and Other Articles. TERMS OF SALE, CASH Geo. Satterlee, Auct. See aim for your sale, Phone 1177 Frank Kron. Owner ANNOTHER OPPORTUOITY TO SECURE ONE OF THOSE DELICIOUS ROUND STEAK ROASTS 18c lb. JUST THE THING FOR SWISS STEAKS PURE LARD No. 5 Pail 65c COMPOUND No. 5 Pail 50c SUGAR CURED HAM 29c lb. PORK HAM ROASTS Center Cuts lb. Choice SIRLOIN STEAK 1 5c lb. 22c Salmon season closes Nov. 20th. If you desire some for canning. Get it now. Fresh SALMON 9c lb. UMECO 25c lb. SIDE PORK Fresh or Salted 20c lb, When better Mftat.c Midget will sell them V MIDGET MARKET ORIGINATORS OF LOW PRICES 351 STATE STREET NOT IN THE COMBINE eaaaaBaljjjj-jjjjjjjjj---jaj